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Commercial Law Review | Divina | 2nd Sem AY 2014-2015 |Page 1

Phil. Virginia Tobacco v. De Los The contract entered into between PVTA and Sevilla was for the
importation of 85 million kilos of Virginia tobacco, with a counterpart

Angeles obligation to export 7.63 million kilos of PVAT and/or farmer’s tobacco. In
accordance with this contract, Sevilla bought and exported 2,101 kilos of
Aug. 19, 1988 tobacco. However, before he could import the Virginia tobacco to be used for
Paras, J. blending, RA 4155 took effect, authorizing the PVTA to grant import
Gabe Ruaro privileges at 4:1 instead of 9:1 and to dispose of all of its tobacco stock at the
best price available.
SUMMARY: As a result, the contract was amended, first because of prevailing
PVTA and Sevilla came to an agreement regarding the importation and market prices, and then to give Sevilla the benefits under RA 4155, subject to
exportation of tobacco, secured by an irrevocable letter of credit. After the condiditions that the purchase price be P3.00, that he liquidiate his
a new law was passed, the lower court ordered funds under the letter unpaid balance, and, pertinently, that he open an irrevocable letter of
of credit to be released. The SC held that this was an alteration of the credit with the Prudential Bank and Trust Company to secure the payment of
terms of the irrevocable letter of credit, which cannot be done. the balance, drawable upon release of the imported tobacco of the Virginia
DOCTRINE: While Sevilla was negotiating the reduction of procurement costs,
An order of the court releasing the proceeds of an irrevocable letter of PVTA prepared 2 drafts to be drawn against the LOC.
credit to the applicant, which was issued to pay for tobacco purchased This led Sevilla to file a complaint for damages for P5,000,000. The
from the beneficiary of the letter of credit, violates the irrevocable complaint was dismissed by the lower court. However, while on MR, the LC,
nature of the letter of credit. An irrevocable letter of credit cannot, through Judge De los Angeles, issued an order directing Prudential Bank to
during its lifetime, be cancelled or modified without the express release the funds under the letter of credit. Before PVTA could file an MR to
permission of the beneficiary. challenge the order, Sevilla was able to secure the release of P300,000.
Hence this petition for certiorari, prohibition, and mandamus.

FACTS: 1. WON there was GAD in the LC order, because the letter of credit is
Timoteo Sevilla, as owner and GM of Philippine Associated Resources, irrevocable. (Yes)
together with the Nationwide Agro-Industrial Development Corp. and the RATIO:
Consolidated Agro-Producers, Inc., were, after public bidding, awarded the In issuing the order, Judge De Los Angeles violated the irrevocability of letters
right to import Virginia Leaf Tobacco in a public bidding. Afterwards, of credit. An irrevocable letter of credit cannot be cancelled or modified
Nationwide and Consolidated assigned their rights to the Philippine Virginia during its lifetime without the express permission of the beneficiary.
Tobacco Administration (PVTA). This left Sevilla’s Philippine Associated Petition given due course. RTC orders set aside.
Resources as the only private firm allowed to export 1 kilo of PVTA and
farmer’s low-grade tobacco for every 9 kilos of leaf tobacco actually

1 Virginia leaf tobacco is of a higher grade and is more expensive than low-grade
tobacco. The concession here is that Sevilla can mix some of the cheap tobacco with the higher grade tobacco when he exports.

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