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ISSN 2421-7115

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April/June 2022

Official Journal of the

International Union of Aesthetic Medicine UIME

Official UIME English Language Journal of:

Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine Society of South Africa
Aesthetics Medical Society of Uruguay
Aesthetic Medicine Society of Venezuela
Algerian Society of Aesthetic Medicine
American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine
Argentine Society of Aesthetic Medicine
Belgian Society of Aesthetic Medicine
Brazilian Association of Aesthetic Dermatology
Canadian Association of Aesthetic Medicine
Chilean Association of Aesthetic Medicine
Colombian Association of Aesthetic Medicine
Croatian Society of Aesthetic Medicine
Ecuadorian Society of Aesthetic Medicine
French Society of Aesthetic Medicine
Georgian Society of Aesthetic Medicine
Indian Society of Aesthetic Medicine
Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine
Kazakhstan Association of Aesthetic Medicine and Plastic Surgery
Mexican Scientific Society of Aesthetic Medicine
Moroccan Society of Aesthetic Medicine
Polish Society of Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine of Polish Medical Society
Portuguese Society of Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine
Scientific Association of Aesthetic Medicine of Peru
Society of Aesthetic Medicine in Turkey
Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine
Swiss Society of Aesthetic Medicine
Ukrainian Society of Aesthetic Medicine
Francesco Romanelli
Rome, Italy

Editors Executive Editors Managing Editor Main Handling Editor

Emanuele Bartoletti, Italy Emanuele Bartoletti, Italy Emanuele Bartoletti, Italy Hernán Pinto, Spain
Annarosa Catizzone, Italy Annarosa Catizzone, Italy
Loredana Cavalieri, Italy Loredana Cavalieri, Italy
Nadia Fraone, Italy Nadia Fraone, Italy
Fernando García Manforte, Spain Francesca Romana Grippaudo, Italy
Mohamed Oughanem, Algeria Giovanni Messina, Italy
Raul Pinto, Argentina Hernán Pinto, Spain
Dorota Wydro, Poland Raffaele Rauso, Italy

Associate Editors
Diana Aguilar, Peru - Kulwant S. Bhangoo, India - Luis Bravo, Peru - Eduardo Miguel Craveiro Matos, Portugal - Patricia Frisari,
Argentina - Tulegenova Gulnur, Kazakhstan - Andrzej Ignaciuk, Poland - Monica Kapoor, India - John Kim, California (USA) - Alexander
Kutubidze, Georgia - Omnia Latif, New Jersey (USA) - Leonor Lemmo, Venezuela - Alp Mamak, Turkey - Xavier Martin, Switzerland
- Gilda Marzullo, Chile - David Melamed, California (USA) - Farid-Salim Oughanem, Algeria - Asja Perovic, Croatia - Isabela Pitta
Rodrigues, Brazil - Susan Roberts, Canada - Pilar Rodrigo Anoro, Spain - Ismael Terzano, Uruguay - Viveka Tinoco Kirby, Ecuador -
Sonia Lamari, Algeria.

Statistical Editor
Patrizio Pasqualetti, Italy

Editorial Board
Gladys Arroyave Estrada, Colombia - Angelo Bellido, Peru - Rohan Bissoondath, Canada - Karim Bourra, Morocco - Elma Bunar, Croatia
- José Cabo Soler, Spain - Julia Carroll, Canada - Alfonso Carvajal Gómez, Colombia - Andrés Eliú Castell Rodriguez, Mexico - Eduardo
Civila, Uruguay - Michel Delune, California (USA) - Fernando Echeverria, Chile - Alberto Elbaum, Uruguay - Romualdo Gama, Brazil -
Victor Garcia-Guevara, Venezuela - Jean Hebrant, Belgium - Daniel H. Hurtado Terrazas, Bolivia - Andrzej Ignaciuk, Poland - Alexander
Katsitadze, Georgia - Serge Lê Huu, Switzerland - Jean-Jacques Legrand, France - Li Shirong, China - Juan Antonio López López-Pitalúa,
Spain - Gilda Marzullo, Chile - Irina Medvedeva, Ukraine - Hans Robert Metelmann, India - Blanca Miller Kobisher, Mexico - Liliana
Mora, Venezuela - Debbie Norval, South Africa - Issa Ogata, Peru - Mohamed Oughanem, Algeria - Violette Parzin, Switzerland - Iván
Pinto, Venezuela - Raul Pinto, Argentina - Isabela Pitta Rodrigues, Brazil - Ajay Rana, India - Aicha Salhi, Algeria - Yasemin Savaş,
Turkey - Vladimir Tsepkolenko, Ukraine - Viveka Tinoco Kirby, Ecuador - Ekaterina Ugrekhelidze, Georgia - Joao P. Vale, Portugal -
Renier Van Aardt, Canada - Petra Vega, Spain - Jerzy Woy-Wojciechowski, Poland - Gulnar Zhumatova, Kazakhstan.

Aesthetic Medicine (registered by the Court of Rome on 28/4/2015 under the number 63/2015) is published 4 times a year (March, June, September,
December) by Salus Internazionale ECM Srl, via Monte Zebio, 28 - 00195 Roma, tel. +39 06 37353333
E-mail: [email protected];
Subscription Information: All subscriptions inquiries, orders, back issues, claims, and renewals should be addressed to Salus Internazionale ECM Srl.
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EPub 15/07/2022

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April/June 2022


Original Article
Forehead contouring with fillers: early experience with 18 consecutive cases
Verega Grigore, Giovanni Francesco Nicoletti, Nicola Zerbinati, Samuel Staglianò, Pierfrancesco Bove,
Romolo Fragola, Raffaele Rauso pag 11

Original Article
The art of aesthetic neuromodulation and facial perception
Meghann M. Reller, Nancy Bredenkamp, Cathy Carrico pag 24

Original Article
Facial aging in patients with schizophrenia
Tal Friedman, Avshalom Shalom, Alex Aviv, Yoram Barak, Yonit Wohl pag 32

Case report
Clinical and histochemical response to an automated microneedling therapy in the
treatment of traumatic scars
Inas Shaker, Hisham Ali Shokeir, Nevien Ahmed Sami, Sara Bahaa Mahmoud, Rana Fathy Hilal, Safinaz Salah EL Din Sayed,
Samia Esmat pag 37

Case report

Evaluation of the beneficial impact of atopic dermatitis treatment with high- and low-
molecular-weight hyaluronic acid hybrid stable cooperative complexes: a case report
Gabriel Siquier-Dameto pag 45

Courses and Congresses pag 49

Guidelines for Authors
Aesthetic Medicine is a multidisciplinary Journal with the aim of informing readers about the most important developments in the
field of Aesthetic Medicine.

Submission of manuscripts
All articles in their final version - completed with name, surname, affiliation, address, phone number and e-mail address of the
author (s) - must be sent in word format to the Editorial Committee at the following e-mail address:
[email protected]. Manuscripts must be written in English, and authors are urged to aim for clarity, brevity, and
accuracy of information and language. All manuscripts must include a structured abstract. Authors whose first language is not
English should have their manuscripts checked for grammar and stylistic accuracy by a native English speaker.

Manuscript specifications
Title page
The title page should include:
• The name(s) of the author(s)
• A concise and informative title
• The affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s)
• The e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author
• Include a short title (not to exceed 30 characters in length, including spaces between words) for use as a running head
• The authors must disclose any commercial interest that they may have in the subject of study and the source of any
financial or material support

The length of the abstract should be no more than 250 words and should include the following headings: Background, Aim, Methods,
Results, Conclusions

Up to six keywords should be listed and separated by a comma (please, verify keywords on MeSH).

Manuscript categories
Original article
The manuscript should be organised in the following sections:
• Structured Abstract. The length of the abstract should be no more than 250 words and should include the following
headings: Background, Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusions
• Introduction
• Materials and Methods
• Results
• Discussion and Conclusions
• Acknowledgments
• Conflict of interest
• Reference list
• Legends (max 10)

The manuscript must not exceed 4000 words and 50 references.

This type of article uses Unstructured Abstract. It must not exceed 4000 words and includes figures and tables (max 15), legends,
and up to 200 references.

This type of article uses Unstructured Abstract. It must not exceed 2000 words and includes figures and tables (max 12), legends,
and up to 100 references.

Case Report
This type of article uses Unstructured Abstract. It must not exceed 1500 words and includes figures and tables (max 6), legends, and
up to 30 references.

• Use a normal, plain font (e.g., 12-point Times Roman) for text
• Double-space the text
• Use italics for emphasis
• Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages
• Do not use field functions
• Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the space bar
• Use the table function, not spreadsheets, to make tables

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
If potential conflicts of interest do exist, the authors should provide details (see below) for each affected author in a note in a
separate DISCLOSURE section of the manuscript document text, before the list of references.

Conflict of interest disclosure

Conflicts of Interest need to be explicitly defined before any manuscript can be considered for publication.

References must be cited consecutively in the text as superscript numerals and listed on a separate sheet in numerical order at the
end of the text. The references must be cited according to the AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (AMA) CITATION STYLE.
For this reason, they must contain author’s surname and name initial, the original title of the article, the title of the journal
(abbreviated and in italic), the year of publication, the number of the volume, the number of the first and last page.

Rev. 11/1/2012

General rules from the 10th edition

• Items are listed numerically in the order they are cited in the text
• Include up to 6 authors
• For more than six, provide the names of the first three authors and then add et al
• If there is no author, start with the title
• Periodicals (journals, magazines, and newspapers) should have abbreviated titles; to check for the proper abbreviation,
search for the Journal Title through LocatorPlus at the National Library of Medicine website

Citation Type Example

Journal article - in print - one author Spencer J. Physician, heal thyself - but not on your own please.
Med Educ. 2005; 89: 548-549.

Journal article - in print - 2-6 authors Salwachter AR, Freischlag JA, Sawyer RG, Sanfey HA. The
training needs and priorities of male and female surgeons and
their trainees. J Am Coll Surg. 2005; 201: 199-205.

Journal article – in print - more than 6 authors Fukushima H, Cureoglu S, Schachern P, et al. Cochlear changes
in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Otolaryngol Head Neck
Surg. 2005; 133: 100-6.

Journal article - online* Coppinger T, Jeanes YM, Hardwick J, Reeves S. Body mass,
*if there is no DOI, provide the URL for the specific frequency of eating and breakfast consumption in 9-13- year-
article olds. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2012; 25(1): 43-49. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-

Journal article - online from a library database* Calhoun D, Trimarco T, Meek R, Locasto D. Distinguishing
*there is no specific way to cite articles found in diabetes: Differentiate between type 1 & type 2 DM. JEMS [serial
library databases according to the AMA so double online]. November 2011; 36(11):32-48. Available from: CINAHL
check with your professor Plus with Full Text, Ipswich, MA. Accessed February 2, 2012.

Newspaper article - in print* Wolf W. State’s mail-order drug plan launched. Minneapolis
*if the city name is not part of the newspaper name, Star Tribune. May 14, 2004:1B.
it may be added to the official name for clarity
* if an article jumps from one page to a later page
write the page numbers like D1, D5

Newspaper article - online Pollack A. FDA approves new cystic fibrosis drug. New York
Times. January 31, 2012.
Accessed February 1, 2012.

Websites Outbreak notice: Cholera in Haiti. Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention Web site.
Published October 22, 2010. Updated January 9, 2012. Accessed
February 1, 2012.

Entire book - in print Modlin J, Jenkins P. Decision Analysis in Planning for a Polio
Outbreak in the United States. San Francisco, CA: Pediatric
Academic Societies; 2004.

Book chapter - in print Solensky R. Drug allergy: desensitization and treatment of

reactions to antibiotics and aspirin. In: Lockey P, ed. Allergens
and Allergen Immunotherapy. 3 ed. New York, NY: Marcel
Dekker; 2004:585-606.

To find more AMA style citations, go checkout the

AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors. 10th ed. Oxford: Oxford UP.

Rev. 11/1/2012

Citing sources within your paper

Unlike APA or MLA, you will not use the author’s last name for the in-text citations. Instead, you will number each
instance when you are referencing an article. The order of numbering will be contingent on the order in which you
use that reference within your paper. In the example below, the first article referenced is given the number one in
superscript. In the References section, you will find the matching article listed as number 1.

Example Article
1. Zoellner J, Krzeski E, Harden S, Cook E, Allen K, Estabrooks PA. Qualitative application of the theory of planned
behavior to understand beverage consumption behaviors among adults. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2012;112(11):1774-1784.
doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2012.06.368.

OF sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) have been
a topic of concern. Between 1977 and 2002, the
intake of “caloric” beverages doubled in the United
States, with most recent data showing that children and
adults in the United States consume about 172 and 175
kcal daily, respectively, from SSB, lt is estimated that SSB
account for about 10% of total energy intake in adults .
High intake of SSB has....

References Section Example 1. Duffey KJ. Popkin BM. Shifts in patterns and consumptions of
beverages between 1965 and 2002. Obesity. 2007:15(11):2739-2747.

2. Nielsen SJ. Popkin BM. Changes in beverage intake between 1977 and
2001. Am J Prev Med. 2004;27(3):205-210.

3. Drewnowski A. Bellisle F. Liquid calories, sugar, and body weight. Am

J Clin Nutr. 2007;85(3):651-661.

Use commas to separate multiple citation numbers in text, like you see between references 2 and 3. Unpublished works
and personal communications should be cited in the text (and not on the reference list).1 Superscript numbers are
placed outside periods and commas, and inside colons and semicolons. When citing the same source more than once,
give the number of the original reference, then include the page number (in parentheses) where the information was
found. See pages 41-44 of the AMA Manual of Style for more information.

Citing AMA guide website Updated April 2011. Accessed October 24,

To find more AMA style citations, go checkout the

AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors. 10th ed. Oxford: Oxford UP.

Images and Tables
All images within the word file must be numbered progressively and accompanied by the corresponding captions,
with precise references in the text. Moreover, the images should be sent separately and in HD (at least 300 Dpi, in TIFF
or JPEG format).
Graphs and charts are progressively numbered and accompanied by the corresponding captions, with precise
references in the text. They must be sent separately, preferably in Excel format.
It is necessary to give the authorization to reproduce already published materials or to use people portraits, in case
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Photographs in which a person is identifiable must either have the face masked out, or be accompanied by written
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Editorial Office

Via Monte Zebio, 28 - 00195 Rome

Phone + 39 06 37353333

Submit your manuscripts at

[email protected]

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Aesthetic Medicine undertakes to defend the rules of ethical behavior in every stage of the process by adopting and promoting the
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Duties of Editors
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The editor of a peer-reviewed journal is responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published.
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An editor should take reasonably responsive measures when ethical complaints have been presented concerning a submitted
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Peer review assists the editor in making editorial decisions and through the editorial communications with the author may also
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have an obligation to do a fair share of reviewing.

Any selected referee who feels unqualified to review the research reported in a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be
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Standards of objectivity
Reviews should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. Referees should express their views
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Acknowledgement of sources
Reviewers should identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. Any statement that an observation,
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Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in a reviewer’s own research without the express
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Duties of Authors
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Authors of reports of original research should present an accurate account of the work performed as well as an objective discussion
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INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF AESTHETIC MEDICINE (UIME) Irakli Abashidze str. 77, Tbilisi 0162 - Georgia
Via Monte Zebio, 28 - 00195 Rome, Italy [email protected]
Honorary President: J. J. LEGRAND (France)
President: B. MILLER KOBISHER (Mexico) E-52/Basement/ Greater Kailash-Il, New Delhi-110048
Vicepresident: H. SUBASI (Turkey) [email protected] -
General Secretary: E. BARTOLETTI (Italy) President: A. RANA
General Secretary in charge
of the American Continent: R. PINTO (Argentina) ITALIAN SOCIETY OF AESTHETIC MEDICINE
General Secretary in charge of Africa Via Monte Zebio 28 - 00195 Rome - Italy
and Middle East: M. OUGHANEM (Algeria) [email protected] -
President: E. BARTOLETTI
[email protected] 139, Tulebaeva Str. – 480091 Almati, Medeouski
President: M. OUGHANEM [email protected]
President: G. ZHUMATOVA
[email protected] - Cincinnati 81-307 - Col. Noche Buena - Mexico D.F. 03720
President: M. DELUNE [email protected]
Avenida Alicia Moreau de Justo 846, piso 2º oficina 21 - (1107) Buenos Aires – MOROCCAN SOCIETY OF AESTHETIC MEDICINE
Argentina 19, place du 16 Novembre - 20250 Casablanca - Morocco
Phone number: (+54-11) 4334-0115 [email protected]
WhatsApp: (0054-911) 6214-1447 President: K. BOURRA
[email protected] -
Av. Jose Pardo 1801, Miraflores Lima - Peru
Chaussée de Marche 390 - 5100 Jambes - Belgium President: I. OGATA
[email protected] -
BOLIVIAN ASSOCIATION OF AESTHETIC MEDICINE Ujazdowskie 22, 00-478 Warszawa - Poland
[email protected] [email protected] -
President: D. H. HURTADO TERRAZAS President: A. IGNACIUK


Rua Tobias de Macedo Junior, nº 246, block B, Santo Inácio neighborhood, Av Dr Dias da Silva num 160, SPME 3000-135 Coimbra - Portugal
Curitiba - Brazil [email protected] - [email protected] -
[email protected] President: J. P. VALE
President: R. GAMA
CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF AESTHETIC MEDICINE PO Box 26716, Monumentpark, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa, 0105
1087 Roosevelt Crescent, North Vancouver, BC Canada V7P 1M4. [email protected] -
[email protected] - President: A. CLARK
Avda President Riesco 2955, apto 1102, Las Condes Santiago - Chile 08006 Barcelona - Spain
[email protected] - [email protected] -


Department of Stomatology, General Hospital of PLA 28 Fuxing road, BEIJING Clinique La Prairie - Rue du lac 142, CH-1815 Clarens
100853 - China [email protected] -
[email protected] President: V. PARZIN
President: LI SHIRONG
COLOMBIAN ASSOCIATION OF AESTHETIC MEDICINE Rumeli Caddesi Durak Apt N° 2, D.7 - Nisantasi, Istanbul
Calle 4 Sur, n. 43 a 195 - Oficina 141 - Bloque B - Medellin - Colombia President: Y. SAVAŞ
[email protected]
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51414 Opatija, Croatia - Phone: 0038 5921707322 President: V. TSEPKOLENKO
[email protected] -
Ave. Sarmiento, 2470 - 11300 Montevideo - Uruguay
Ave de los Shyris 344 y Eloy Alfaro, Edificio Parque Central, Oficina 609 - Quito - Ecuador President: A. ELBAUM
[email protected] -
Av. Sucre de Los Dos Caminos, entre 4ta y 5ta transversal,
FRENCH SOCIETY OF AESTHETIC MEDICINE Res. Centro Parque Boyacà, Edificio Centro, Piso 20, Off. 201 1070 Caracas - Venezuela
154, rue Armand Silvestre - 92400 Courbevoie - France [email protected] -
[email protected] - President: L. MORA
President: J.J. LEGRAND

Original Article

Forehead contouring with fillers: early

experience with 18 consecutive cases
Verega Grigore MD1, Giovanni Francesco Nicoletti MD2, Nicola Zerbinati
MD PhD3, Samuel Staglianò MD4, Pierfrancesco Bove MD MSc5, Romolo
Fragola MD4, Raffaele Rauso MD PhD MSc6

1Head of Plastic and Reconstructive Microsurgery. Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and
Pharmacy, Chisinau, Moldova
2Rector of University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Naples, Italy
3Head of Dermatology. Insubria University, Varese, Italy
4Resident in Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Maxillo-Facial Surgery Complex Unit. “Luigi Vanvitelli” University
Hospital. Naples, Italy
5Aesthetic Surgeon in private practice. Milan, Italy
6Professor in Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Maxillo-Facial Surgery Complex Unit. “Luigi Vanvitelli” University
Hospital, Naples, Italy

Introduction: forehead contouring is a surgical procedure usually performed to reduce frontal bossing in males. Non-
surgical procedures, such as filler injections, in selected cases, could be an alternative to surgical forehead recontouring,
improving the aesthetic of the forehead and achieving a more convex appearance of the upper third. Moreover, by
reducing the perception of supraorbital bossing, it can also be performed as a procedure to camouflage and deal with
the process of forehead aging. Authors describe their early experience in frontal contouring with fillers.
Material and methods: this is a retrospective study that takes into account all the forehead contouring procedures
performed from January 2014 to January 2019. Eighteen patients, ages ranging from 26 to 56 years old, were treated
with hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite-based filler injections.
Results: a VAS and a Pain scale were submitted to all the patients in order to evaluate the result achieved, and the pain
felt in performing the procedure. At the end of every procedure for each case, patients experienced redness and surface
irregularities which resolved themselves within 48 hours. No Ecchymosis was ecorded. During the follow-up period, in
one case, a nodule secondary to the CaHa injections was recognized and surgically excised.
Conclusion: although there are several limitations regarding this study, outcomes of the present case series suggest that
a non-surgical contouring of the forehead with the use of fillers could be another possible indication for these medical
devices, although a filler specifically developed for forehead contouring, has yet to exist. Larger, blinded, and controlled
studies are required to support the effectiveness of this technique.

Forehead, filler, hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite, non-surgical, contouring

Received for publication November 23, 2021; accepted June 14, 2022 - © Salus Internazionale ECM srl - Provider ECM no 763

Corresponding Author

Raffaele Rauso, MD PhD MSc

Address: Maxillo-Facial Surgery Complex Unit, “Luigi Vanvitelli” University Hospital, Piazza Miraglia - 80138, Naples,
Email: [email protected]

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 11

Forehead contouring with fillers: early experience with 18 consecutive cases

Introduction made but dictated by the previously developed clinical

experience. So far, a specific filler for non-surgical
There is a close relationship between female beauty forehead remodeling does not exist. For this reason, and
and femininity of the face, and the prominence of the due to the paucity of literature available when the first
forehead is one of the most significant aspects for the cases were performed, we decided to use a CaHa based
determination of these feminine features1-3. Moreover, filler. This filler was chosen due to the biocompatibility
there is a clear relationship between gender identity, between the bone and the CaHa itself. In the first
youthfulness, and beauty with frontal features. Thus, 6 cases CaHa was used, but the last case presented a
the upper third of the face has a high significance in persisting nodule requiring a surgical removal which
determining attractiveness4-6. In females, forehead was recorded. Due to this issue, all the other patients
contouring is vertically higher, more rounded in the were approached with HA based fillers in order to use
area of the forehead that protrudes creating a smoother hyaluronidase and not surgery in the event of adverse
gentle arc, supraorbital bossing, and brow ridges are reactions. The amount of HA injected per patient ranged
almost inexistent with no special prominence in the between 3 and 8 mL, and the amount of CaHa between
glabellar region7. These child-like features, give a more 3 and 6 mL.
youthful, friendly, soft and innocent appearance of the All the treatments were performed in one session,
female forehead. However, these characteristics in males and after 15 days from the procedure, a touch-up was
differ from this aesthetic ideal: supraorbital ridges are performed if required; 6 patients had a touch-up, 2
prominent, and the forehead is flat with significantly belonging to the CaHa group, 4 to the HA group, and on
longer widths and heights7. average 1 mL of HA or 1.5 mL of CaHa were used.
Nowadays, non-surgical facial treatments performed All the contouring procedures were performed in-office
with fillers are more focused on contouring the face after at least 15 days from a preliminary consultation.
and the body rather than just filling fine lines; several The informed consent document was signed by all the
papers focus on how to restore mid-facial and lower patients; in the document it was clearly specified that
third facial features. On the other hand, very little has the pictures taken during the course of the treatment
been written about forehead contouring with fillers8-11. could have been used for scientific purposes such as
Usually, the aesthetic appearance of the forehead publications or congress talks. Local anesthesia was
is mainly approached with botulinum toxin type A never performed. Not all the HA fillers used contained
(BoNTA) injections to reduce frontal or glabellar lines; lidocaine, whereas when CaHa fillers were used, they
BoNTA can ameliorate the appearance of the facial upper were preliminary mixed with lidocaine 2% (0,5 mL of
third’s wrinkles, achieving a more rested result for the lidocaine each 1.5 mL of CaHa).
patient, but of course, it cannot contour the forehead12. The injections were performed with a cannula or a
Forehead contouring is usually thought of as a procedure- needle; after a full discussion about the differences
related only to male-to-female transitioning in order between the delivery systems, the choice was based on
to reduce frontal bossing1-6. However, filler injections the patient’s preference and past experiences. In fact,
can improve the aesthetic of the forehead achieving a patients were more prone to be injected with a cannula
more convex appearance of the upper third, or it can if they had already undergone procedures using this
also be performed as a camouflage procedure to face delivery system in other facial areas.
the aging of the forehead by reducing the perception of The pain perceived by the patients during this procedure
supraorbital bossing13. was evaluated with a pain scale.
Up to now, a filler tailored to contouring the forehead When a 25G cannula was used, the injecting procedure
does not exist, and in medical literature, only a few was performed using 3 entry points, all located at the
papers have touched on this topic, excluding the temples hairline: one in the midline and two lateral ones at
and brows. the level of the temporal crest. The filler was released
Authors describe their early experience in frontal retrogradely over the periosteum in a “spaghetti-like”
contouring with fillers, presenting 18 consecutive fashion (Figure 1).
patients treated with HA (hyaluronic acid) or CaHa When a needle was used, the injections were performed
(calcium hydroxyapatite) based fillers. perpendicular to the skin, touching the bone and
releasing a small bolus of filler (ranging between 0.1
and 0.2 mL) which was then molded with the thumb as
soon as the injection was performed (Figure 2).
Materials and Methods At the end of each procedure, patients were asked to
fill out a Pain Scale questionnaire to evaluate the pain
This was a retrospective study, all forehead contouring perceived during the procedure: 0 was considered no
procedures performed with fillers by the senior author pain, 1 to 3 mild pain, 4 to 6 moderate pain, 7 to 10
(RR) were considered. From January 2014 to January severe pain.
2019, 18 (16 female and 2 male) patients, ages ranging During the first follow-up which occured 15 days
from 26 to 56 years old (mean 33.8 years old), were after the injections, before performing any touch-ups,
treated. The Exclusion criteria were the following: patients were asked to evaluate the result with a VAS
pregnancy, lactation, unrealistic patient expectation, (Visual Analog Scale) where 100 represented the best
and all those diseases that may contraindicate the possible aesthetic outcome and 0 (was) the worst.
procedure. Follow-ups ranged between 1 and 18 months, with the
Twelve cases were treated with HA and six with CaHa mean being at 3 months. (Figures 3 a-b; 4 a-f; 5 a-c; 6
based fillers. The choice of the filler was not random a-c; 7 a-f ).

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 12

Forehead contouring with fillers: early experience with 18 consecutive cases

Figure 1 - A schematic view of the injective protocol performed with the Figure 2 - A schematic view of the injective protocol performed with the
cannula; the procedure was performed using 3 entry points, all located needle; the injections were performed perpendicular to the skin, touching
at the hairline: one in the midline and two lateral ones at the level of the the bone and releasing a small bolus of filler (ranging between 0.1 and 0.2
temporal crest. The filler was released retrogradely over the periosteum in mL), after molding with the thumb was performed.
a “spaghetti-like” fashion.


Figure 3 a-b - Lateral view of pre (a) and post (b) treatment (1 month apart) of a 27-year-old woman who requested forehead recontouring; the procedure was
performed injecting CaHa with needles.

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 13

Forehead contouring with fillers: early experience with 18 consecutive cases




Figure 4 a-f - Lateral and frontal views of pre (a; d), post at 1 (b; e) and 8 months (c; f) from the treatment of a 44-year-old woman who requested forehead
recontouring; the procedure was performed by injecting HA with needles.

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 14

Forehead contouring with fillers: early experience with 18 consecutive cases


Figure 5 a-c: Frontal view of pre (a), post 1 (b) and 3 months from the treatment of a 57-year-old woman who requested forehead recontouring; the procedure
was performed by injecting CaHa with needles.

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 15

Forehead contouring with fillers: early experience with 18 consecutive cases


Figure 6 a - c: Three quarter view of pre (a), post 1 (b) and 3 months from the treatment of a 27-year-old man who requested forehead recontouring; the
procedure was performed by injecting CaHa with the cannula.

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 16

Forehead contouring with fillers: early experience with 18 consecutive cases




Figure 7 a - f: Bottom, three quarter right and left views of pre (a; c; e) and post (b; d; f) treatment (1 month apart) of a 42-year-old woman who requested
forehead recontouring; the procedure was performed by injecting HA with the cannula.

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 17

Forehead contouring with fillers: early experience with 18 consecutive cases

Results A frontal vein congestion, which also resolved itself

within 48 hours, was also recorded in 10 cases. No
In all the cases, at the end of the injections, patients ecchymosis was recorded. Table 1 summarizes the
experienced redness and irregularities of the surface fillers used, the delivery technique employed, and the
that resolved themselves within 48 hours (Figure 8); adverse events recorded.
The pain scale evaluation demonstrated that the
injective procedure was painful. In fact, no patient
reported a pain score lower than 7 (an evaluation
between 7 to 10 was considered severe pain). It was
also revealed that patients reported more pain when
injected with cannulas. In particular, the needle group
(10 patients) rated the procedure an overall 7.6, while
the cannula group (8 patients) rated it 8.8. Results are
labelled in Table 2. In 4 cases, a touch-up was required
after 15 days from the procedure (in 3 cases, 1 mL of
HA, and in the other one, 1.5 mL of CaHa were injected).
Patient satisfaction was evaluated with a VAS which was
fulfilled by the patients 15 days after the injection; the
mean VAS evaluation rate was of 84.1. Results are labeled
in Table 3. In one case, 3 weeks after the treatment, a
nodule secondary to a CaHa injection was recognized
(needle injections). After 1 month of weekly washings
with saline and lidocaine without seeing any results, it
was decided to excise it surgically (Figure 9).
Figure 8: At the end of all the procedures performed with either cannula or Other complications such as infection or skin necrosis
needle, irregularities were recorded, but they self-resolved within 48 hours. were not observed.

Patient Filler used Technique of injection AE

1 CaHa pre-mixed with lidocaine Needle -Vein congestion

2 HA with lidocaine Needle -Vein congestion

3 HA Needle

4 CaHa pre-mixed with lidocaine Cannula -Vein congestion

5 CaHa pre-mixed with lidocaine Cannula

6 CaHa pre-mixed with lidocaine Needle -Vein congestion

7 HA Cannula -Vein congestion

8 HA with lidocaine Cannula

9 CaHa pre-mixed with lidocaine Needle -Vein congestion -Nodule

10 HA with lidocaine Cannula

11 HA Needle

12 CaHa pre-mixed with lidocaine Needle -Vein congestion

13 HA with lidocaine Needle

14 HA with lidocaine Cannula -Vein congestion

15 HA with lidocaine Needle -Vein congestion

16 HA with lidocaine Needle -Vein congestion

17 HA with lidocaine Cannula

18 HA with lidocaine Cannula

Table 1 - Fillers used, injective protocol and adverse events (AE).

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 18

Forehead contouring with fillers: early experience with 18 consecutive cases

Patient Injection Pain Scale Score Patient VAS

1 Needle 7 1 100
2 Needle 7 2 80
3 Needle 8 3 90
4 Cannula 10 4 90
5 Cannula 10 5 80
6 Needle 7 6 80
7 Cannula 9 7 75
8 Cannula 8 8 80
9 Needle 7 9 80
10 Cannula 8 10 100
11 Needle 8 11 85
12 Needle 7 12 85
13 Needle 9 13 80
14 Cannula 7 14 90
15 Needle 8 15 80
16 Needle 8 16 80
17 Cannula 9 17 80
18 Cannula 10 18 80

Table 2 - Results of the pain scale questionnaire filled out by the patients at Table 3 - Fifteen days following the procedure, patients were asked to
the end of the procedure: 0 was considered no pain, 1 to 3 mild pain, 4 to 6 evaluate the results with a VAS (Visual Analog Scale) where 100 represented
moderate pain, 7 to 10 severe pain. the best possible aesthetic outcome and 0 the worst.


In the last ten years, non-surgical facial aesthetic

treatments have largely replaced surgical procedures.
This is due to the patients’ requests for no downtime
but also due to a better knowledge regarding the
characteristics of the medical devices sold14-16. During
the last twenty years, scientific papers have largely
improved our knowledge regarding facial anatomy,
especially for ligaments, fusion zones, and fat
compartments. This can easily explain why nowadays
fillers are used not only to fill facial lines but also
for several other purposes, such as the correction of
the tear trough deformity, chin deficiency, jawline
reshaping, etc17-22; these are only a few of the plethora
of treatments that can be performed with facial fillers,
although forehead contouring with fillers is a topic that
lacks proper investigation23-27.
In order to maintain or create a harmonious face and
to restore or improve facial attractiveness, facial plastic
surgeons must follow the principles of harmony,
proportion, symmetry, and balance, especially in terms
of angles and lengths28. In females, the forehead curves
mildly from the glabella backward toward the hairline,
making an arc of approximately 7°, slightly less than
in males (10°)29. In the clinical assessment of frontal
bossing, the nasofrontal angle is more acute in males,
measuring approximately 130° degrees compared to a
more oblique angle of 134° in females30. Moreover, the
forehead inclination in the profile view tends to be
Figure 9: A nodule of CaHa excised surgically after forehead recontouring more vertical in women (6°) and has a relatively greater
performed with CaHa injected with the needle. posterior inclination in men (10°).

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 19

Forehead contouring with fillers: early experience with 18 consecutive cases

Regarding the soft tissue evaluation in frontal eminence, than a procedure before achieving an optimal result36.
it has been demonstrated that in males, the subcutaneous The role of forehead contouring has also been
tissue is thicker (425 µm) than in females (350 µm)29. highlighted in some papers focusing on the “lateral
Thus, the characteristics of females’ forehead are in aspect” of the forehead itself, considering forehead
severe contrast to those of males, in whom the forehead contouring as an adjunct to nose and chin remodeling.
protrudes. In fact, women with excessive supraorbital Oguzhan Demirel released a paper with his early
ridge protrusion usually complain about this unpleasant experience treating 15 patients combining forehead fat
characteristic that exerts a negative impact on their grafting and rhinoplasty, recording important benefits
social life. For this reason, they frequently refer to such as higher patient satisfaction and improvement of
plastic surgeons for its resolution31. Moreover, during facial appearance and personal traits; concluding that
the aging process, a female facial appearance becomes forehead contouring with fat graft was an efficient and
more masculine. Regarding the relationship between applicable procedure to be added to rhinoplasty37.
age and attractiveness, Zimm and Kwart respectively Also, Bertossi et al, in 2018, presented their experience
described an improvement in attractiveness score after proposing a medical algorithm in the management of
the frontal rejuvenation associated with a decrease in the profile which focused on the forehead, nose, lips,
their perceived age32,33. Facial manifestations of aging and chin; the authors concluded that the correction
in the forehead area reflect the complex dynamic, of the aforementioned anatomical areas with filler
synergic, and combined effects of gravity, loss of injections could be a viable non-surgical solution in
facial volume, skin textural changes such as decreased order to ameliorate facial aesthetics, avoiding scars and
elasticity, redistribution of subcutaneous fullness, as the cost of general anesthesia, providing the maximal
well as progressive bone resorption with a gradual loss patient satisfaction23.
of underlying support responsible for the descent of the In the present case series, 18 patients consecutively
soft tissue34. The process of forehead aging is related treated for forehead contouring with fillers were
to a progressive loss of subcutaneous fullness and a considered. The main indications were:
consequent accentuation of underlying structures such - to get a more rounded forehead to improve attractiveness
as the supraorbital rims, bony surface and muscles35. In in female patients.
youth, the subcutaneous fullness conceals the muscles - to reduce the perception of supraorbital bossing (male
of facial expression in the forehead region. During the or female patient).
aging process, this fullness between the muscles and - to deal with forehead aging.
the skin disappears and the tone of the corrugator, A VAS evaluation demonstrated a high degree of patient
procerus and frontalis muscles, presents wrinkles or satisfaction with a mean score of 84.1. Based on the pain
folds. A skeletonized supraorbital rim with the relative scale questionnaire filled out by each patient, we can
excess of upper eyelid skin, glabellar frown lines and state that the procedure is to be considered painful as
transverse forehead furrows are considered the main every score given corresponds to severe pain. Moreover,
features of upper facial third aging34,35. a difference in patient discomfort (pain) during the
An emerging interest in forehead contouring has been procedure was recorded based on the type of delivery
raised in the last few years23-27. system employed: needle injections were rated 7.6,
In 2020, Hong et al. evaluated the tomography of forehead while cannula injections were rated 8.8 on the pain
arteries in order to perform safe filler injections in this scale. Stable results were recorded during the follow-up.
area. Sixty-six cadaver heads were dissected, and all This outcome has been largely described in literature:
the superficial temporal arteries were identified and when an HA filler is injected under or just above the
followed; a total of 319 arteries identified in 48 cadavers periosteum, a semi-permanent filling effect lasting
passed through the midline; 292 superficial arteries up to 3 years can be achieved38. This issue has been
and 27 deep ones were found13. hypothesized for the first time by Mashiko et al.; sub-
Outcomes of this study confirmed that deep injections periosteal hyaluronic acid injections seem to be related
over the bones are safe to avoid vascular impairment. to periosteal stem cell activation and long-lasting
Also, Kim, in 2018, stated that deep filler injections results: published clinical experience confirmed it38.
are safe for forehead contouring in Asian patients. The In one case, a complication that required further
author, in a 10 year experience, treated 218 patients with treatment was recorded. The patient was injected,
CaHa injections with a personal technique characterized through a needle, with CaHa based filler; three weeks
by tumescent solution injections, done in order to cause later, a hard and mobile nodule was recognized.
supraperiosteal hydrodissection, thus avoiding all the Despite one month of weekly washings with saline and
vascular structures, followed by subperiosteal filler lidocaine, there was no resolution was appreciated. For
injections with a cannula. Kim recorded 100% patient this reason, surgical removal of the CaHa nodule via
satisfaction with no complications24. tab incision was performed under local anesthesia. The
Some recent papers introduced the role of fat grafting patient complained about the minimal postoperative
in forehead remodeling. Li and their colleagues scar (5 mm) that was visible on the forehead.
evaluated 24 consecutive patients undergoing forehead Paradoxically, 15 days following the procedure, the
fat grafting in an overall period of 6 years; stable and patient rated 80, and the result was achieved.
satisfactory results were recorded, with an average The first case treated in this case series was performed
forehead projection increase of 0.24 U (ratio of in 2014. Forehead contouring with fillers at that time
horizontal distance from mid-forehead plane to corneal was a procedure unknown to most people. Moreover, a
plane/corneal diameter) after one round of fat grafting specific filler for that area, so far, does not exist. The
(p = 0.01); although seven patients (29.2%) required more choice to perform forehead treatments with a CaHa

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 20

Forehead contouring with fillers: early experience with 18 consecutive cases

based filler was due to the large experience collected by as the use of needles instead of cannulas or the use
the senior author (RR) during previous years. Using this of different fillers; nevertheless, due to the paucity of
filler did not cause any adverse events39; moreover, the papers concerning this topic, we think that sharing
idea to inject CaHa over the bone was considered safe due this early experience with physicians involved in
to the presence of CaHa itself in the bones. The adverse facial contouring with injectables could be useful.
event recorded in the sixth patient treated induced the Larger, blinded, and controlled studies are required to
senior author to approach other cases with HA in order standardize this medical procedure.
to treat with hyaluronidase injections, avoiding surgery,
and any potential arising complications.
The use of CaHa filler in a diluted or hyper-diluted
formulation with lidocaine and saline has been Disclosures
proposed during the last years, for both facial and body
treatments, in order to get tightening and no volume The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest
enhancement40,41, although in an off-label fashion. The with respect to the research, authorship, and publication
use of diluted or hyper-diluted CaHa fillers seems to of this article.
be related to a low incidence of nodules42,43; further
studies should be performed to evaluate the safety and
stability of forehead contouring with diluted or hyper-
diluted CaHa fillers. Funding
Kim, among 218 patients treated for forehead contouring,
never recorded such complications when injecting with The authors received no financial support for the
CaHa; this could be probably related to the tumescent research, authorship, and publication of this article.
solution injected before the filler which could work
as a diluent for the CaHa microspheres24. In order to
reduce the incidence of nodules following the CaHa
filler, a potential hypothesis could be, as suggested for
permeant fillers44, to perform small droplet injections
spaced in different sessions.
The current practice in the case of CaHa nodules
consists of washing procedures performed with
lidocaine and saline; surgery is indicated in refractory
cases45. Thanks to the possibility of inducing filler
resorption with hyaluronidase injections, this kind of
complication could be avoided with the use of HA-based
fillers46,47. Some studies are trying to understand if
sodium thiosulfate may act as a reversal agent for CaHa
fillers; however, up to now, the only filler that can be
easily and safely reversed is the HA-one48-51.
Redness and irregularities, which solved themselves
within 48 hours, were always recorded after the
procedure, but they could be easily explained by the
thickness of the soft tissue of the forehead. In 10 out
of 18 cases, frontal vein congestion, which also solved
itslef within 48 hours, was recorded at the end of the
procedure; this can be explained by the thickness of the
frontal flap and by the vascular compression secondary
to filler injections.


In the last years, many clinical indications regarding

facial filler treatments have arisen, especially in terms
of the contouring of facial features. However, due to its
novelty, non-surgical forehead contouring with fillers is
a topic of rising interest. In the present case series, 18
patients consecutively treated for non-surgical forehead
contouring with fillers were evaluated; the procedure
was considered painful by patients, although a high
overall patient satisfaction rate was recorded. Only one
complication using a CaHa filler was recorded, which
required a surgical intervention for its resolution.
The present case series has several limitations, such

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 21

Forehead contouring with fillers: early experience with 18 consecutive cases

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Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 22

Forehead contouring with fillers: early experience with 18 consecutive cases

43. Rovatti PP, Pellacani G, Guida S. Hyperdiluted Calcium

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44. Rauso R, Gherardini G, Parlato V, Amore R, Tartaro G. Polyacrylamide

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47. Rauso R, Zerbinati N, Fragola R, Nicoletti GF, Tartaro G. Transvascular

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Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 23

Original Article

The art of aesthetic neuromodulation and

facial perception
Meghann M. Reller1, Nancy Bredenkamp2, Cathy Carrico3


Running title: Aesthetic Neuromodulation

Background: living in a fast-track world, timely identification of the patient’s goals, expectations, and current state of
self-confidence is imperative, applicable knowledge for the aesthetic injector. The absence of a timely evaluation tool
for neuromodulation in the aesthetic industry may instigate an environment of melancholy related to patient outcomes,
overall satisfaction, and waste management.
Aim: the purpose of this QI project is the development of the Functional Facial Assessment Tool (FAST), a quick tool
that aims to educate providers on the aesthetic patient’s potential product utilization, goals, and current state of self-
Method: a two-phase patient focused quality improvement (QI) project was implemented to quickly extract vital
information on history, product utilization, goals, and confidence level on the pre-survey and gauge goal achievement,
confidence progress, and overall patient outcomes on the post-survey.
Results: the FAST provided vital information about the clientele. One of the most encouraging discoveries within this
project was the improvement seen in self-confidence, rising 44% post-injection.
Conclusion: findings of this QI project’s success has led to significant advances in the evaluation of patient satisfaction,
patient outcomes, and cost efficiency through the utilization of the FAST surveys.

Aesthetic, neuromodulation, botox, quick tool, survey, evaluation

Received for publication November 9, 2021; accepted June 14, 2022 - © Salus Internazionale ECM srl - Provider ECM no 763

Corresponding Author

Meghann M. Reller, DNP

Address: 15904 Mary Street Omaha, NE 68116
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 402-212-9074

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 24

The art of aesthetic neuromodulation and facial perception

Introduction years3. Caucasian females, ages 35 to 50 dominate the

market at a rate of approximately 40%1. The popularity
The beauty industry, fueled by social media standards, of these injectable procedures is fueled by the minimal
is immensely prevalent in the United States today9. The amount of time it takes to complete the procedure, the
concept of being preoccupied with physical perfection non-existent downtime, and the results perceived by
and a youthful appearance permeates the demand the patient1.
for botulinum toxin injections. According to the
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery National Databank, (APSND) Clinical Guidelines
(2019) botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) injections BoNT-A injections are governed by the FDA5. Aesthetic
were the number one non-surgical aesthetic procedure neuromodulators can be injected by a physician,
performed in the United States in 20191. Due to the nurse practitioner (NP), physician’s assistant (PA)
growing popularity of BoNT-A injections and the current or registered nurse (RN) with the proper training.
existence of unrealistic beauty expectations, a need has Regulatory requirements are differentiated by each
materialized for comprehensive tools that can be utilized state11. Familiarization with personal state standards
by aesthetic injection providers to measure expected and regulations is imperative prior to any independent
satisfaction and patient outcomes. A comprehensive aesthetic practices.
tool of this nature could improve the standard of care in
the realm of neuromodulation by creating a plan of care Existing Tools
fostering realistic patient expectations and improving Examining the patient’s goals versus their clinical
perceived patient outcomes. outcome and satisfaction level is crucial information
for the thousands of providers across the United States
that administer neuromodulation and consumers
alike. There are various surveys in existence today
Background both simplistic and comprehensive that evaluate
facial appearance satisfaction in the realm of
History neuromodulation. The Freiburg Questionnaire is a 64-
Historically, botulism cases associated with improperly item survey initially developed for the evaluation of
stored food date back to the 1700s when the physicians of the patient’s satisfaction with liposuction and was later
this period recognized the classic illness symptomology translated into a qualified neuromodulation satisfaction
in several clusters of fatal outbreaks10. The first case survey12. The Facial Lines Treatment Satisfaction
studies regarding botulinum toxicity were published by Questionnaire (FTS) although less lengthy than the
a German physician, Justinus Andreas Christian Kerner others, evaluated patients with neuromodulation alone,
in 1817 and 182010. The term botulism comes from the or with other aesthetic skin wrinkle treatments which
word “botulus”, Latin, for sausage. Kerner completed alludes to some inquisition cognoscente of specificity7.
several experiments connecting “fat poison” from sour The FACE-Q two-part survey, also quite comprehensive
sausages to clinical symptoms such as the drying of with 63 questions noted on each portion, reported a
the palate, diplopia, nerve conduction interruption, and satisfaction facial improvement of 28% in participants
decreased muscle excitability10. involved in the study, receiving a neuromodulation in
Botox Cosmetic (onabotulinumtoxinA) materialized the glabellar lines6. Glabellar lines were the only upper
in 2002 with an FDA approval to treat glabellar lines facial lines (UFL) evaluated utilizing the FACE-Q tool6.
in adult patients8. In 2013 it was approved for the The Facial Lines Outcome questionnaire was distributed
treatment of lateral canthal lines otherwise known as in an interview style to two groups evaluating the
“crow’s feet”8. Botox is now a colloquial term used to “psychological impacts” associated with UFLs and crow’s
represent cosmetic neuromodulators in the aesthetic feet14. This questionnaire is not lengthy and evaluates
industry4. There are three additional neuromodulators the patient’s feelings regarding their facial lines before
that are FDA approved for aesthetic use in the United and after neuromodulation14. The Functional Facial
States in addition to the classic Botox Cosmetic Assessment Tool (FAST) was created utilizing these
product4. Dysport (abobotulinumtoxinA) was approved pro-tools already in existence in development of a more
in 2009, Xeomin (incobotulinumtoxinA) was approved time conscious model with focus on improving patient
in 2011, and Jeuveau (PrabotulinumtoxinA-xvfs) is the outcomes, patient satisfaction, and cost effectiveness.
most recently approved product gaining sanction in
20194. All four of these products utilize the same active
ingredient BoNT-A with minimal differences in their
effects4. Materials and Methods

Demographics and Costs The promotion of beauty as it exists in the world today
Americans spend upwards of 15 billion dollars annually in conjunction with mental health considerations such
on aesthetic procedures both surgical and non-surgical as confidence, reduction of depression, and overall well-
to improve their perceived appearance3. According being is a pertinent relationship2. Aesthetic providers of
to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, neuromodulation treatments have opportune access and
(ASAPS) (2016) neuromodulation with botulinum toxin ability to screen patients both pre and post neuromodulation
products has held the number one and number two gaining an invaluable comprehension of vital information
spots for the largest amount of non-surgical aesthetic as it relates to the patient’s satisfaction, costs, and overall
procedures completed in the nation for the last eight outcomes. The purpose of this quality improvement

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 25

The art of aesthetic neuromodulation and facial perception

(QI) project was to develop and implement the FAST Measurement Methods/Data Collection Procedures
survey into an aesthetic practice bi-modally improving
the overall neuromodulation experience and enhancing The FAST surveys development stemmed from the
the patient-provider relationship. By incorporating the PRO tools already in existence and examined in
FAST survey into practice, the QI project provided a the available knowledge. The survey was created
comprehensive, patient-centered approach to quickly taking different concept attributes from PRO tools
delineate the patient’s product needs, specific goals and combining them for the common purpose of
for the procedure, current confidence status, and post- improving patient satisfaction and cost effectiveness
evaluation patient outcomes facilitating the shared of the business. The FAST survey, as illustrated in
decision-making process between the patient and Appendices A and B, quickly extracts vital information
provider. on history, product utilization, goals, and confidence
level on the pre-survey and gauge’s goal achievement,
confidence progress, and overall patient outcomes on
the post-survey. Once received, the FAST pre-survey was
Design assessed examining what area the patient would like to
have injected allowing the project lead to estimate the
The QI project was implemented in an upper class amount of product that would be utilized during that
privately-owned metropolitan spa. Analysis of the FAST appointment. This was done with each patient, allowing
survey data occurred in two phases pre-neuromodulation for ordering of the proper product amount, eliminating
survey and post-neuromodulation survey. This privately- waste and optimizing cost effectiveness.
owned clinic manages approximately 50 patients per The subject’s names were associated with their phone
month. number and kept identifiable, so the FAST surveys
were able to be compared, and the outcomes analyzed
properly. The dates were also tracked by phone number
to verify that the two-week time constraints were
Population Sample followed. The practice offered participation in the
project to any clients that met the inclusion criteria
The sample population included female patients during the two-month window of implementation.
ages 25-65 years old that were seen by the privately-
owned practice for new and routine neuromodulation
appointments. Both new and existing patients receiving
neuromodulation were included as well as novice and Data Analysis
those with prior injection history. All patients received
neuromodulation with either Botox or Dysport. Patients Data from both survey phases was collected and
were included in the project despite which area(s) of the analyzed using descriptive statistics. Continuous
face were injected. During a two-month time period, variables are expressed as ranges while discrete
patients were asked to fill out the FAST surveys prior to variables are quantified in percentages. The pre-
their appointment. The pre-neuromodulation surveys injection screen and post-injection surveys were
were sent to the patients via text message one week analyzed and compared for validity, patient satisfaction
prior to their injection appointment. The post surveys data, and waste management purposes.
were sent via text message two weeks post injection.
A $25 coupon incentive to be used by the patient for
their next injection appointment for taking the time to
complete and return the post neuromodulation survey Results
and participating in the study was included.
FAST Pre-injection Screen
Each client was screened for inclusion and given the
opportunity to participate. Thirty-three clients met the
Ethical Considerations inclusion criteria for participation during the 30-day
implementation phase. The FAST pre-injection screen
The QI project was reviewed by Creighton University had a total of 33 responses with a 100% completion rate.
Institutional Review Board and deemed to be a Quality Typically, it took each client 45 seconds to complete the
Improvement Project. Once permission to proceed survey.
was granted the Health Insurance Portability and The first question in the FAST pre-injection screen was,
Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule was strictly “Have you ever had neurotoxin injections before?” 87%
followed. Participation in this project was voluntary percent responded, “yes” to this question while 12.5%
for all selected patients. Collected data was stored in a responded “no”. One person “skipped” or did not
private and secure location protected from unauthorized complete this question. The second question asked,
personnel. Any patient participating in the project could “What areas of the face would you like to have injected?”
request education regarding the project’s purpose, The top answer was forehead at 54.55% followed by
intents, and results. crow’s feet at 21.21%. Injection of glabellar lines came in
at 18.18% followed by a lip flip at 6.06%. Spa lift, gummy
smile, and “other” areas did not generate a need with
this client group with zero response reflected. The third

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 26

The art of aesthetic neuromodulation and facial perception

question on the pre-injection screen was “What are your FAST Post-Injection Evaluation
goals for the procedure?” The response options included The FAST pre-injection screen had 33 respondents
smoothness, with greater than a 50% margin totaling complete the survey. The FAST post injection evaluation
22 respondents at 66.67%. Lift/refreshed appearance is the second half of this study’s assessment and had
followed at 30.30% with 10 respondents. One client 32 respondents to complete the survey, achieving a 99%
responded “other”, and no one chose symmetry as a completion rate. The first question in the post injection
primary goal. This question had a 100% completion rate evaluation was, “Were you happy with the injection
with no skips. process?” The feedback was positive with 100% of
The fourth and fifth questions in the FAST pre-injection the respondents replying “yes.” The second question
screen encompass the concepts of eyebrow movement asked if the respondent’s goals they depicted in the
with neurotoxin injections and overall self-confidence. pre-injection screen were met. Thirty-one out of 32
Question four states, “What is more important to you, respondents (96.88%) answered “yes” to this question,
elimination of all wrinkles or eyebrow movement?” The one respondent answered “no” (3.13%). Question three
dominant answer was exactly parallel with “wrinkles of the post-injection evaluation asked, “How would
be gone” with 16 respondents at 48.48% and “both you rate your current self-confidence as it relates to
if possible” also with 16 respondents at 48.48%. One your outward appearance?” “Excellent” and “good” ran
respondent chose the third answer option “I need my parallel as the highest rated answers, both at 43.75%.
eyebrows to move” making up 3% of the population. “Average” followed at 12.5% with the answer option
There was a 100% completion rate on this question. “poor” with zero respondents. All 32 respondents
The final question of the pre-injection screen asked, completed this question.
“How would you rate your current self-confidence?” The Question four of the post injection evaluation asked the
response options were displayed as “excellent, good, respondents to give a “star rating” for their service. Five
average, and poor”. “Good” was the most prevalent stars being the highest rating one could give and one
answer at 63.64%, with 21 respondents choosing star being the lowest potential rating. All 32 respondents
this option. Seven respondents (21.21%) reported an completed this question with approximately 88% of the
“average” confidence level while five (15.15%) of the respondents awarding a five-star review. Three people
respondents reported an “excellent” confidence level. (9.38%) gave a four-star review, and one respondent
None of the respondents reported a poor confidence (3.13%) gave one star. None of the respondents gave a
level. There was 100% compliance with zero skips on two or three-star review.
question five. Figure 1 reflects the star rating scale results.

88 %

1% 0 0 9%


33 Respondents

Figure 1 - Star Rating Scale Results.

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 27

The art of aesthetic neuromodulation and facial perception

Question five asked the respondents to leave a comment skipped this question. The comments left emulated
or suggestion to illustrate any feedback they may have. positivity and satisfaction. See table 1 for a list of
Twenty-two respondents left comments while ten comments.

Question Five on the post-injection evaluation -comments/feedback

“I’m always very, very happy with the results I get!”

“Amazing experience and flawless results! THANK YOU!”

“Love love love my injections! Thank you!!”

“I didn’t mean to rate that last one for worst!!! It was the best!!!”

“Always a pleasant experience and great results”

“Haven’t been anywhere else so I don’t have anything to compare to”

“I love it!! definitely recommend”

“I am loving how awake my eyes are after getting my injections. My eyebrows have more definition and Ive
received a few compliments on how nice my eyebrows look.”

“I always love my look!”

“Always enjoy conversation! And how quick she is!”

“Thank you for being amazing!”

“Great service – thank you!”

Table 1 - The table illustrates illustrates various patient comments articulated in Question 5 of the FAST post injection evaluation.

Discussion and Conclusion most minimal side effects. This gains the provider
knowledge on how much product they could anticipate
The absence of a timely evaluation tool surrounding ordering and addresses the aims of waste management
aesthetic neuromodulation patients was identified in and cost efficiency. The second question on the pre-
a metropolitan aesthetic med spa. Therefore, a two- injection screen asks what areas of the face the patient
phase patient focused quality-improvement project would like injected. Each area of the face that can be
was implemented to develop a timely evaluation tool injected with neurotoxin has an approximate maximum
that would distinguish patient’s goals, expectations, and minimum amount that can be injected. Providing
and current state of self-confidence as it relates to this information to the aesthetic injector allows them
neuromodulation injections. The primary purpose of to know the ratio of product that should be ordered
this QI project was to utilize the knowledge gained based on which areas of the face are being considered.
to foster a basis for patient-provider communication, Question two aligns with the first question’s aims of
improve overall patient satisfaction/outcomes, and waste management and cost efficacy.
optimize waste management. The two-phase survey Questions three and four on the pre-injection screen
served this purpose based on the illustrated results. discussing procedural goals, correlate with question
The first question on the FAST pre-injection screen asked two on the post-injection evaluation determining if
patients if they had ever been injected with neurotoxin those pre-procedural goals were met. The most sought-
before. This question informs the injector whether the after goals by the clients surveyed was smoothness
patient is neurotoxin naïve. In which case the provider (question 3) (67%), lift (question 3) (30%), and elimination
could potentially anticipate a conservative amount of of wrinkles (49%) with the option to still be able to move
product to be injected due to the unknown metabolism their eyebrows (49%) (question 4). In the post-injection
of the product in the new patient. Not unlike many evaluation, an astonishing 97% of respondents reported
medication regimens, when administering neurotoxins, their goals were met. The common aims of patient
the smallest dose is often utilized first as best practice satisfaction and improved patient outcomes resonates
for a maximal response of the medication with the with this evaluation.

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 28

The art of aesthetic neuromodulation and facial perception

The FAST pre-screen evaluated the respondent’s self Questions one, four, and five on the FAST post-injection
confidence in question five. Self-confidence was then evaluation aim to evaluate patient satisfaction and
re-evaluated in question three on the post evaluation. patient outcomes. The results also revealed a hidden
Perhaps one of the most encouraging discoveries within goal and satisfaction piece from the clientele regarding
this project is the improvement seen in self-confidence time management and efficiency. In question one 100%
illustrated from the pre-injection screen to the post- of the respondents reported “yes” they were happy with
injection evaluation. “Excellent” rated self-confidence the injection process. Question four asked respondents
started at 15% in the pre-screen phase and elevated to to give a “star rating” regarding their entire experience
44% in the post injection survey with an approximate 30% with 88% giving a five-star rating and 9% giving a four-
self-confidence improvement rate! With the “excellent” star rating.
rating rising the “good” and “average” ratings fell, One respondent gave a one-star rating in question four
“good” fell by 20%, the “average” rating declined by 8%. but made a comment in question five stating, “I didn’t
The “poor” self-confidence rating had zero responses in mean to rate that last one for worst!!! It was the best!!!”.
both the pre and post evaluations. The aim of improved Question five illustrated any comments or suggestions
patient outcomes is defined in this assessment. These the respondents shared this feedback is listed in table
results are illustrated below in figures 2 and 3. 1. Two of the respondents wrote in the comments they
were pleased with the efficiency of the process. This
brings about a new goal for Faces by Meghann to ensure
a quality yet timely injection process.
The aim of this portion focuses on patient satisfaction.
The target survey participation rate of 80% during the 30
days of implementation was surpassed demonstrating
support for future endeavors.
As implicated in the evidence summary a culmination
of the literature supports the ideation that is also
demonstrated in the results of this QI project that
injection therapy with BoNT-A produces favorable
aesthetic outcomes emulating positivity and patient
The literature also reinforces the clinical practice
recommendation highlighting the importance of a
regular evaluation with PRO based tools as a best practice
method in aesthetics to emphasize quality of care13.
The research surrounding mental health supports
the notion of findings in this QI project illustrating
improvement in self-confidence post neuromodulation
which relates to an overall improvement in mental
health capacity.
This concept is also perpetrated in the literature
Figure 2 - Self Confidence Rating Results from the FAST Pre-Injection Screen. review with various studies showing improvement
in depression scores, mood, confidence, and overall
psychological state. Further research is required to fully
delineate clinical practice guidelines and fulfill further
knowledge deficits based in mental health. Findings of
this QI projects success has led to significant advances
in evaluation of patient satisfaction, patient outcomes,
and cost efficiency through utilization of the FAST two
phase pre and post neuromodulation evaluation tool for
this independent practice.
Policy change requiring bi-annual evaluations will be
implemented using the FAST.
Initial application of the FAST bi-annually instead of
creating a daily policy utilization requirement will
likely increase the sustainability of the tool eliminating
overwhelming “busy-work” for staff and “survey-
fatigue” for clients thus preserving the authenticity
of the responses rendered. Allowing for intermittent
application when obstacles arise will potentiate problem-
solving strategies and reinforce the cornerstone of
any flourishing medical practice, the patient provider

Figure 3 - Self Confidence Rating Results from the FAST Post-Injection


Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 29

The art of aesthetic neuromodulation and facial perception


I would like to take this opportunity to express

significant gratitude to my project chair Dr. Nancy
Bredenkamp and my committee member Dr. Cathy
Carrico for offering their expertise and guidance as I
navigated this project. I would also like to extend my
gratitude to Lavish Salon and Spa for supporting the
environment in which my project was implemented.


There are no financial disclosures for this project.

Conflict of Interest

I have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 30

The art of aesthetic neuromodulation and facial perception

1. Aesthetic-Society Stats2019Book FINAL. Scribd.
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2. Alam M, Barrett KC, Hodapp RM, Arndt KA. Botulinum toxin and
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Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 31

Original Article

Facial aging in patients with schizophrenia

Tal Friedman, MD, MHA1, Avshalom Shalom, MD, MHA2, Alex Aviv, MD3,
Yoram Barak, MD, MHA3, Yonit Wohl, MD, MHA4

1Department of Plastic Surgery, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, Israel, affiliated with the Sackler
Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
2Department of Plastic Surgery, Meir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, Israel, affiliated with the Sackler Faculty
of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
3Abarbanel Mental Health Center, Bat Yam, Israel, affiliated with the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv
University, Tel Aviv, Israel
4Macabbi Health Services, Tel Aviv, Israel, affiliated with the Faculty of Health Sciences Ben Gurion of the
Negev University, Beer Sheva, Israel

Running head: Facial aging in schizophrenia

Background: schizophrenia has long been associated with accelerated physical aging, along with increased and premature
medical comorbidities and mortality. Several anatomical and functional abnormalities have a higher prevalence among
people with schizophrenia.
Aim: to assess facial aging of patients with schizophrenia compared to an age-matched control group, without
Methods: wrinkle depth using Lemperle’s classification and a subjective age estimation were independently evaluated by
two investigators and the two groups were compared. Data regarding BMI, sun exposure habits, the use of sunscreens,
and current medications were recorded.
Results: seventy-four participants were enrolled, including 37 patients in each group. Age, sex, BMI and smoking status
did not differ significantly between the groups. Patients with schizophrenia took significantly more medications, had
more sun exposure and used less sunscreen than the controls did. They had significantly deeper periorbital, nasolabial,
chin, and cheek wrinkles and their ages were estimated to be older than the controls’.
Conclusions: patients with schizophrenia had increased facial aging, evidenced by deeper facial wrinkles and were
estimated to be significantly older than the controls. Probable causes include an unhealthy lifestyle, an increased facial
muscle tone due to the chronic use of antipsychotic drugs and a genetic diathesis related to the aging process.

Wrinkle assessment, schizophrenia, aging, sunlight

Received for publication March 8, 2022; accepted June 13, 2022 - © Salus Internazionale ECM srl - Provider ECM no 763

Corresponding Author

Avshalom Shalom
Address: Department of Plastic Surgery, Meir Medical Center , 59 Tchernichovsky St. Kfar Saba 4428164 Israel
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +972-9-7471823
Fax: +972-9-7471319

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 32

Facial aging in patients with schizophrenia

Introduction includes 12 anatomic landmarks. Horizontal forehead

lines were evaluated at their intersection with the vertical
Although descriptions of people who might have had pupillary line. Glabellar frown lines were estimated at
a schizophrenia-like illness can be found throughout the level of the upper border of the eyebrows. Periorbital
history, the first comprehensive descriptions date from lines were estimated 1.5 cm lateral to the lateral
the beginning of the 19th century1. These historical canthus. Preauricular lines were evaluated at the level
descriptions and the modern concept of schizophrenia of the lower groove of the tragus. Nasolabial folds were
formalized by Emil Kraepelin2 emphasize the evaluated midway between the alar rim and the corner
accelerated aging that accompanies the disease, naming of the mouth. Cheek lines were also measured at the
it dementia praecox. Schizophrenic patients have a level of the corner of the mouth. The marionette lines
higher risk of aging associated with their significantly were measured 5 mm below the oral commissure of
higher somatic morbidity, especially cardiovascular the mouth. Radial lip lines were measured 2 mm above
disease, diabetes, stroke, obesity and hyperlipidemia3-5. or below the vermilion border. Marionette lines were
In addition, medications taken and lifestyle behaviors, measured midway between the corner of the mouth and
particularly smoking, dietary habits and decreased sun the border of the lower jaw. The labiomental crease and
safety6,7 might be factors contributing to this tendency. neck folds were measured in the midline.
The increased oxidative stress-induced cellular damage The facial wrinkle depth was independently evaluated
of macromolecules, chronic inflammation and altered by two of the investigators, one board certified in
gene expression might play a role in common pathways dermatology (YW) and the other in plastic surgery (TF).
of accelerated aging in schizophrenia8,9. In addition, each investigator independently estimated
This study evaluated and compared the facial wrinkles the subjects’ ages. The investigators were blinded to the
of schizophrenic patients to those of healthy, age subjects’ demographic and clinical parameters, as well
matched controls using Lemperle’s classification10. as to each other’s ratings.
All the data was stored on an Excel electronic data base.
The relevant statistical analyses were performed. A Chi-
square test was used to compare categorical variables.

Material and methods

The study was approved by the local Institutional Results

Review Board. All participants gave voluntary informed
consent in writing after receiving a detailed explanation Overall, 74 subjects were enrolled, including 37 patients
of the study from the primary investigators. We could with schizophrenia (24 men and 13 women, with a mean
not use photographic documentation due to the mental age of 42.7 ± 9.7 years and mean BMI of 22.2 ± 6.1). They
state and the vulnerability of the patients. were compared to the control group, which consisted of
Patients with schizophrenia in a hospital-based setting 20 men and 17 women, mean age 42.4 ± 9.2 years and
who met the inclusion criteria of: A) 25 to 55 years of BMI 22.2 ± 4.6.
age; B) schizophrenia diagnosed according to DSM-IV Patients with schizophrenia had significantly more
criteria; C) stable body weight and BMI in the normal sun exposure and used significantly less sunscreen
range in the last year; and D) the ability to sign an protection compared to the control group (Table 1).
informed consent form, were enrolled in the study In addition, they took significantly more types of
group. Exclusion criteria were: A) known skin disease; medications (excluding psychotropics) and significantly
B) previous facial rejuvenation procedures such as more photosensitizing medications.
resurfacing (peeling, laser), botulinum toxin injections, Nasolabial, chin, cheek and periorbital wrinkles were
filler injections or rhytidectomy; C) pregnancy; and D) significantly more noticeable in the patients with
known malignancy. A matched control group of people schizophrenia, as compared to the control group (Table
without schizophrenia, with similar age, sex, body 2). There was no significant difference in forehead
mass index, smoking habits and Fitzpatrick’s skin type wrinkles.
was recruited, as described above11. The calculated correlation ratios (r2) for the estimated
Data collected for each participant included and true ages of the schizophrenic patients and
demographics, height, weight, physical co-morbidity, the controls were 0.76 and 0.91, respectively. Age
concurrent medications, sun exposure habits and assessments in the control group were significantly
the use of sunscreen. Physical co-morbidities were closer to actual ages, as compared to the schizophrenic
categorized into the following groups: metabolic patient group (P = 0.0001).
disorders, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, neurologic,
and others. Medications were classified into the
following groups: anti-hypertensives and anti-
aggregates, anti-hyperlipidemics, anticonvulsants and
mood-stabilizers, hormones, antipsychotics, and others.
Sun exposure was graded as 0 = no exposure, 1 = little
exposure (mainly during weekends and holidays) and 2
= daily exposure.
For the clinical evaluation of facial wrinkles, we used the
Lemperle wrinkle assessment scale10. This classification

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 33

Facial aging in patients with schizophrenia

Variable Patients (n = 37) Controls (n = 37) P-value

Sun exposure 0.0001
None 1 7
Little 6 23
Daily 30 7

Sunscreen use 0.0001

Yes 2 20
No 35 17

Medications (excluding psychotropics) 7 0 0.02

Photosensitizing medications 37 2 0.02
Table 1 - Variables differentiating schizophrenic patients and controls regarding sun exposure behavior and medications.

Wrinkle Depth (percent of patients)

Type of Wrinkle 0 1 2 3 4 5 P-value

Chin – 0 5.88 29.41 20.59 20.59 17.65 5.88
Chin – 1 36.84 52.63 10.53 0 0 0
Neck – 0 2.70 35.14 21.62 13.51 27.03 0
Neck – 1 11.76 35.29 35.29 11.76 2.94 2.94
Cheek – 0 40.00 45.71 5.71 8.57 0 0
Cheek – 1 78.95 15.79 5.26 0 0 0
Forehead – 0 10.81 43.24 13.51 13.51 16.22 2.70
Forehead – 1 11.11 55.56 22.22 11.11 0 0
Glabella – 0 29.73 29.73 18.92 8.11 10.81 2.70
Glabella – 1 33.33 24.24 30.30 9.09 3.03 0
Mouth corner – 0 8.70 39.13 30.43 17.39 0 4.35
Mouth corner – 1 42.86 28.57 28.57 0 0 0
Perioral – 0 41.18 47.06 8.82 2.94 0 0
Perioral – 1 36.36 36.36 13.64 13.64 0 0
Periorbital – 0 13.89 47.22 22.22 0 16.67 0
Periorbital – 1 15.15 30.30 30.30 21.21 3.03 0
Preauricular – 0 29.73 35.14 18.92 10.81 2.70 2.70
Preauricular – 1 44.44 38.89 16.67 0 0 0
Nasolabial fold – 0 5.41 29.73 24.32 18.92 13.51 8.11
Nasolabial fold – 1 17.65 20.59 58.82 2.94 0 0

Table 2 - Wrinkle assessment scores of schizophrenic patients (0) and controls (1).

Discussion internal aging process of tissues, which is determined

genetically. Important as well, are extrinsic factors, such
Schizophrenia has been historically termed dementia as ultraviolet radiation exposure, smoking, significant
praecox, reflecting the disease’s accelerated aging of weight loss, and an unhealthy lifestyle.
the nervous system12. Several dental and hair changes The Lemperle wrinkle assessment scale is a simple
have been anecdotally reported to reflect an aged clinical tool for assessing changes resulting from the
appearance among patients with schizophrenia13,14. injection of filler materials. By correlating the grade
The common embryonic origin of the cutaneous and of the wrinkle in the reference photographs with
nervous epithelium may lend itself to parallel aging the wrinkle in a patient’s face, a classification of 0
processes. to 5 is assigned. The scale was found to have robust
Many extrinsic and intrinsic factors influence the psychometric properties. Mimetic wrinkles, commonly
facial aging process. Intrinsic factors include the referred to as lines or furrows, are the visible effects

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 34

Facial aging in patients with schizophrenia

of a deep dermal creasing caused by repeated facial patients. The deepening of these facial creases and
movements and expressions. They are perpendicular to furrows might be a consequence of higher facial
the direction of the underlying facial muscles. In the mimetic muscle tonus over a long period.
nasolabial fold, the dermis is attached to the muscles Cigarette smoking is another potentially exacerbating
along the nasolabial crease, with the bulge of the factor in skin aging, with a direct correlation between the
fold created mostly by fat15. The nasolabial folds are number of packs smoked a year and aged appearance.
exaggerated by smiling, which is a repeated contraction Also not investigated in our study, previous studies
of the upper lip elevators, mainly the zygomaticus have shown that schizophrenic patients have a higher
muscles. Radial lip and marionette lines are caused rate of smoking than the general population and more
by the concomitant movement of mimetic muscles difficulty with smoking cessation22,23.
during chewing and lip tightening. It is well-known that
mimetic wrinkles respond to the decreased muscle tone
induced by therapeutic measures, such as the injection
of botulinum toxin to the muscle or a direct muscle Conclusion
resection. In contrast, patients with long-standing
unilateral facial nerve paralysis will develop a descent In summary, we found deeper facial wrinkles and
of the hemifacial cheek soft tissues and flattening of the increased facial aging in patients with schizophrenia
nasolabial crease, as compared with the contralateral compared to controls, as evidenced by the subjectively
healthy cheek. older facial appearance.
Based on the subjective clinical observation of the The accelerated aging presumed to be associated with
“older appearance” of the schizophrenic patients, the schizophrenia may have a multifactorial pathogenesis.
present study was designed to assess facial aging. Factors such as antipsychotic drugs, which increase
We evaluated wrinkle depth using a dependable and facial muscle tonus and photosensitizing drugs, which
reproducible technique, but found it unreliable for increase damage from sun exposure, as well as lifestyle
precisely evaluating other facial anatomical changes factors such as increased cigarette smoking and sun
that occur with aging, such as progressive fat atrophy exposure are contributing factors.
and folds. Therefore, we added subjective general age Further studies that assess additional features
estimations by a plastic surgeon and a dermatologist. associated with accelerated aging might contribute to
Our results showed an overall significant deepening a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in
of facial wrinkles in the schizophrenia group in both aging and schizophrenia. Patients with schizophrenia
sexes, as compared to the control group. The correlation should be made aware of the negative consequences of
ratio between the estimated and true ages was lower for sun exposure and smoking to help minimize the effects
the patients with schizophrenia than for the healthy of accelerated aging associated with their condition.
individuals, with the patient group considered older
than they were.
Deeper facial wrinkles can be explained by accelerated
photo-aging. Ultraviolet radiation from sun exposure is Acknowledgments
another factor that can influence aging. We previously
reported that hospitalized schizophrenic patients have Conflict of interest
higher ultraviolet radiation exposure and use less sun
protection16. This increased sun exposure contributes None to declare.
to changes involving all skin layers, including actinic
keratosis (damage to the epidermis), solar elastosis
(damage to the dermal connective tissue, wrinkles
(damage to the dermis), telangiectasia (damage to Funding
the blood vessels), solar comedones (damage to the
sebaceous glands), as well as lentigines and other This study was not funded.
pigmentary changes, which contribute to the older
appearance of these patients.
In addition, periorbital wrinkles are believed to stem
partially from the repeated mimetic contraction of
the orbital muscles, primarily the orbicularis oculi, as
a defense from solar radiation, when the eyes are not
protected by sunglasses.
Schizophrenic patients used more psychotropic
drugs than the healthy controls did. Because of
an increased physical co-morbidity, patients with
schizophrenia are treated with a myriad of systemic
drugs. Many of these agents from different classes,
such as anti-hypertensives and anti-hyperlipidemics,
are potentially photosensitizing17-21. It is also well-
recognized that higher facial muscle tonus is a side-
effect of antipsychotic drugs. This might be a possible
pathogenesis of the deeper nasolabial crease in these

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 35

Facial aging in patients with schizophrenia

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Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 36

Case report

Clinical and histochemical response to an

automated microneedling therapy in the
treatment of traumatic scars
Inas Shaker1, Hisham Ali Shokeir1, Nevien Ahmed Sami1, Sara Bahaa
Mahmoud2, Rana Fathy Hilal2, Safinaz Salah EL Din Sayed3, Samia Esmat2

1National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

2Department of dermatology, Kasr Al Ainy Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
3Department of Histology, Kasr Al Ainy faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

Running short title: Microneedling for Scars

Background: post traumatic skin injuries tend to pose as a challenge. Patients may have erythematous, hypertrophic,
or atrophic scars. Microneedling therapy is minimally invasive non-surgical and non-ablative procedure used for skin
rejuvenation that relies on the principle of neocollagenesis.
Aim: our aim was to assess the clinical and histochemical response to an automated microneedling therapy in the
treatment of traumatic scars.
Methods: this prospective study included twenty patients with traumatic scars. All patients received 4 monthly sessions
of said automated microneedling therapy. The outcome assessment included a modified Vancouver Scar Scale, digital
photographic documentation and a representation of the patient’s satisfaction. A Histochemical evaluation was obtained
by a quantitative morphometric assessment for collagen and elastic fibers using an image analyzer performed before
and 3 months after treatment for Masson’s trichrome and Orcein stained sections respectively.
Results: there was a statistically significant improvement in scar vascularity (p= 0.018), scar pigmentation (p= 0.008),
and scar pliability (p= 0.002) and the sum of mVSS (P=0.000002). Histochemically, there was a significant increase in the
the amount of collagen, (p= 0.023), and elastin (p= 0.003) as quantified by an image analyzer. There was no significant
correlation (r: 0.158 and -0.259; p-values: 0.55 and 0.34) between the micro-needling therapy and the scar type (atrophic
versus hypertrophic). The Treatment was associated with a satisfactory outcome and, except for a temporary erythema,
no adverse effects were noted in any patient.
Conclusions: the Microneedling therapy for post traumatic scars showed clinical improvement associated with a
significant increase in the amount of collagen and elastin. Microneedling seems to be a promising form of treatment,
and is a safe, effective and affordable treatment option for the patient.

Key words
Automated Microneedling, histochemical, traumatic scars

Received for publication January 6, 2022; accepted June 14, 2022 - © Salus Internazionale ECM srl - Provider ECM no 763

Corresponding Author

Inas Shaker Taha

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +2 01067828960

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 37

Clinical and histochemical response to an automated microneedling therapy
in the treatment of traumatic scars

Introduction improvements in scars were assessed independently

by comparing clinical photographs obtained before
Post traumatic skin injuries are challenging to deal and at the follow up visit (3 months) after the treatment
with. Patients may seek care either immediately after under identical conditions of lighting and positioning.
their injury or up to many months later. Patients who • The Patient’s satisfaction after 3 months of
seek expert care long after the acute phases of wound microneedling therapy was graded into slightly
healing may have erythematous, hypertrophic, or better, fair, good, and excellent corresponding
atrophic scars1. numerically to less than 25%, 25% to 50%, 51% to 75%,
The Microneedling therapy is a minimally invasive 76% to 100% improvement respectively.
non-surgical and non-ablative procedure used for
skin rejuvenation. This procedure involves the use of Histochemical Evaluation
a microneedling device to create a more controlled Two skin biopsies were taken from each patient; one
skin “injury”. There are various skin needling devices was taken from the scar before the treatment and the
including the Dermaroller and automated microneedling 2nd at 3 months after the treatment. Sections of the
devices (Dermapen). Microneedling relies on the skin were prepared for the histochemical staining of
principle of neocollagenesis and neovascularization collagen fibers using the Masson’s trichrome stain and
which occur as a result of the release of growth factors elastic fibers using the Orcein stain4.
following the needle piercing of the stratum corneum.
These growth factors are believed to be responsible for Image analysis (quantitative morphometric study)
the beneficial effects of the procedure in the treatment This was performed at the histology department,
of scars2. In this prospective study we aimed at faculty of medicine, using the Leica Qwin 500 Image
evaluating the clinical and histochemical response to Analyzer (Leica Imaging Systems Ltd, Cambridge, UK).
the automated microneedling therapy in the treatment It consists of a Leica DM-LB microscope with a JVC color
of traumatic scars. video camera attached to a computer system (Leica Q
500IW). A Morphometric analysis was carried out on
both the Masson-stained and Orcein-stained slides. The
positioning of the illumination was adjusted in respect
Patients and methods to what was visible on the video monitor. Morphometric
measurements were performed on a real-time image
Twenty patients with post traumatic scars were from the microscope that was visualized on the video
prospectively recruited in this study. Patients with monitor. Then the area stained with Masson/Orcein
Fitzpatrick skin types V and VI, unrealistic expectations, was measured in five fields using a x400 magnification.
isotretinoin therapy or cosmetic interventions in the Results automatically appeared on the monitor in the
treatment area up to 12 months prior were excluded form of the mean ± the SD5.
from the study.
All patients were provided an informed signed consent Statistical analysis
and the study was approved by the Dermatology All analyses were done using IBM, SPSS version 24.
Research Ethics Committee.

Treatment procedure
All patients received 4 automated microneedling Results
sessions (4 weeks apart), using an electric Derma
stamp pen, Ostar Beauty -OB-DG 01-12 pins-0.25: 2.00 The age of the patients in the study group ranged
mm depth of penetration. It was adjusted at a 1.5 mm between 17 and 43 years old (mean ± SD 27.27± 9.65).
depth and speed level 4. It contains 12 stainless steel Males represented 65% (13 patients) and females
needles, where each needle has a 33-gauge diameter, represented 35% (7 patients). Fourteen patients (70%) had
with a 250 μm diameter at entry point. A 25% Lidocaine Fitzpatrick skin type III and the remaining 6 patients
cream was applied under occlusion 60 minutes before (30%) had Fitzpatrick skin type IV. The duration of their
and wiped off just before the session. Sterile saline was Scars ranged between 1 and 5 years (mean ± SD: 3.13±
used to help the gliding action of the tip of the pen 1.4 years). Thirteen patients (65%) had atrophic scars
over the skin. All patients were recommended a topical and 7 patients (35%) had hypertrophic scars. The length
antibiotic cream and a broad-spectrum sunscreen after of their Scars ranged between 15 and 154 mm (mean ±
each micro needling session. All patients were followed SD: 54.13±42.7 mm) and the scar width ranged between
up for 3 months after last treatment session. 1 and 5 mm (mean ± SD: 2.73±1.1mm).

Assessment of outcome Modified Vancouver Scar Scale (mVSS)

Assessment of outcome was done at baseline and three As shown in table 1, there was a statistically significant
months after the last treatment session by two blinded improvement in scar vascularity (p= 0.018), scar
investigators. The criteria were: pigmentation (p= 0.008), and scar pliability (p= 0.002)
• The Functional outcomes for scar vascularity, after each treatment.
pigmentation and pliability according the modified This was reflected as a significant improvement in
Vancouver Scar Scale3. the sum of mVSS after the treatment with automated
•A Digital photographic documentation using Sony microneedling (mean ± SD: 1.2± 1.5 compared to 5± 1.5
Cyber, shot on a digital still camera (DSC-W300, Japan); before treatment, P=0.000002).

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 38

Clinical and histochemical response to an automated microneedling therapy
in the treatment of traumatic scars

Modified VSS (before) and (3 months) after the microneedling therapy

Vascularity Pigmentation Pliability

Scale Pre Post P value Pre Post P value Pre Post P value
0 6 14 0.018 7 14 0.008 0 7 0.002
1 11 5 3 2 0 12
2 3 1 10 4 7 1
3 0 0 0 0 9 0
4 0 0 0 0 4 0
Table 1 - Modified VSS (before) and (3 months) after the microneedling therapy.

Histochemical Analysis 2). There was also a statistically significant increase

There was a statistically significant increase in the in the amount of elastin as assessed by the Orcein
amount of collagen as assessed by the Masson stain, stain, (Figure 3) and quantified as area percentage by
(Figure 1) and quantified as the area percentage by the the image analyzer after the treatment with automated
image analyzer after the treatment with automated microneedling (3.8±2.7 versus 5±3.1, p: 0.0003, figure 4).
microneedling (13.6± 8 versus 15± 7.3, p: 0.024, figure

Figure 1 - Collagen content before and after 4 monthly microneedling therapy, Masson stain, x 400.

As the study population included atrophic and

hypertrophic scars with different histopathogical 40

features, and aimed to study the effect of automated o


microneedling on histopathological changes, we chose

to consider the correlation between scar type (atrophic/ 30
hypertrophic) and stained areas.
There was no statistically significant correlation (r:
0.158 and -0.259; p-values: 0.55 and 0.34) between
atrophic versus hypertrophic scars treated with the
microneedling therapy regarding a change in Masson
or Orcein stained areas respectively.

Photographic Assessment
There was an improvement in the clinical appearance of
scars as shown in table 2, figures 5 and 6. 0

Masson -before (mm2) Masson -after (mm2)

Patient Satisfaction
The Automated micro-needling therapy was associated Figure 2 - Collagen content (Masson stain area) before and after 4 monthly
with a satisfactory outcome as assessed after 3 months microneedling therapy.
of treatment, (Table 2). All patients tolerated the
procedure well, and except for a temporary erythema,
no adverse effects were noted in any patient.

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 39

Clinical and histochemical response to an automated microneedling therapy
in the treatment of traumatic scars

Figure 3 - Elastin content before and after 4 monthly microneedling therapy, Orcein stain, x 400.


Orcein -before (mm2) Orcein -after (mm2)

Figure 4 - Collagen content (Masson stain area) before and after 4 monthly
microneedling therapy.

Photographic outcome
SB Fair Good Excellent

Count (%) 3 (15%) 2 (10%) 9 (45%) 6 (30%) 20 (100%)

Patient satisfaction

Count (%) 2 (10%) 2 (10%) 8 (40%) 8 (40%) 20 (100%)

SB: Slightly better

Table 2 - Photographic outcome and patient satisfaction after the microneedling therapy.

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 40

Clinical and histochemical response to an automated microneedling therapy
in the treatment of traumatic scars

Figure 5 - Atrophic scar, before and 3 months after treatment with microneedling.

Figure 6 - Atrophic scar, before and 3 months after treatment with microneedling.

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 41

Clinical and histochemical response to an automated microneedling therapy
in the treatment of traumatic scars

Discussion a fractional CO2 laser-treated side concluding that, the

fractional CO2 laser is more effective in treating striae,
In the current prospective study, twenty patients with acceptable side effects, however microneedling can
with traumatic scars were subjected to an automated be considered an effective, safe and cheap method15.
microneedling therapy using a dermapen device. There In a split-face study, Osman et al., reported a significantly
was a statistically significant improvement in scar higher efficacy with the ablative fractional Er:YAG laser
vascularity, pigmentation, pliability and the sum of than with microneedling in the treatment of atrophic
modified VSS post treatment. This was associated with acne scars, with a significantly shorted total downtime
a significant improvement in the photographic outcome in the microneedling-treated sides16. On the other hand,
and patient satisfaction. Cachafeiro et al., reported no statistically significant
Compared with ablative procedures, microneedling difference between the efficacy of a 1,340 nm non-
keeps the epidermis partially intact, and the retained ablative fractional erbium laser and microneedling in
skin barrier hastens its recovery and limits the risks the treatment of post acne scars17.
of infection and scarring6. In addition, microneedling Previous articles suggest that microneedling improves
does not target specific chromophores in the skin or the appearance of scars. However, a noticeable
use thermal energy, and therefore has a minimal effect difference in treatment regimen was observed in a
on its pigmentation7. recently published systematic review. A Microneedling
Few previous studies evaluated the role of microneedling procedure was performed between 3 and 8 times with
therapy in treatment of traumatic scars. Vijaya Y et al., intervals ranging from 2 to 4 weeks, highlighting the
evaluated microneedling therapy using dermaroller lack of standard treatment protocol18.
for 14 patient with facial scars mostly of traumatic During the 3-month follow-up in our study, there
and postoperative origin and reported a satisfactory were no reported cases of hypopigmentation or
clinical improvement in the scar level and color with permanent hyperpigmentation. Moreover, treatment
an added advantage of minimal downtime8. Bandral sessions were well tolerated by the patients. A
et al., evaluated the role of microneedling using a Treatment with microneedling may reduce the risk
dermaroller in the treatment of 50 patients with facial of hyperpigmentation through the downregulation
scars of different etiologies, including 27 patients with of a melanocyte-stimulating hormone during the
traumatic scars and reported a 64% clinical success postinflammatory response19.
rate9. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first prospective
In a large prospective study, Alster et a., evaluated 120 study assessing an automatic microneedling therapy for
patients with facial and non-facial scars from a variety post traumatic scars with a clinical and histopathological
of etiologic sources (acne, trauma, surgery) treated analysis of all the study population. The Current
using a mechanical microneedling device, with which studies clearly demonstrated that the microneedling
a clinical improvement was achieved in most patients. therapy is a safe, efficacious more affordable alternative
Moreover, no significant clinical differences were treatment option for these patients. Microneedling
observed in the treatment responses of facial versus seem to be a promising treatment modality for post
non-facial scars nor between responses of atrophic acne traumatic scars. Multiple adjunctive therapies are
scars and traumatic or surgical scars10. In a recently available and scar treatment should be individualized
published systematic review involving 1845 patients based on the patient and scar characteristics. The best
from 58 studies, the microneedling therapy proved to results will likely be achieved through a multi-specialty
be a well-tolerated, minimally invasive procedure with collaboration, the use of innovative technology, and a
a high level of patient satisfaction for the treatment of combination of therapeutic modalities. Finally, further
different types of scars11. studies need to be carried out on a larger sample size
Histochemically, this study revealed a statistically with the consideration of scar subtypes and the skin
significant increase in collagen and elastin contents, types of individuals for more conclusive results.
as quantified by an image analyzer. In a pilot study,
El-Domyati et al., reported a 51%–60% improvement
in scar appearance, 40%–50% improvement in skin
texture, 80%–85% overall satisfaction, and a significant Conclusions
increase in the production of collagen types I, III,
and VII following six treatment sessions using The Microneedling therapy for post traumatic scars
microneedling in 10 patients with atrophic post acne showed clinical improvements associated with a
facial scars12. In post burn scars, Zayed et al., reported significant increase in collagen and elastin content.
a significant increase in the deposition of elastin, but Microneedling seems to be a promising treatment
an insignificant increase in the deposition of collagen modality being a safe, efficacious and an affordable
after the microneedling therapy13. On the other hand, treatment option for these patients.
Aust et al., reported a considerable increase in collagen
deposition in atrophic burn scars 6 months following
the microneedling treatment sessions14.
A Few studies in literature compared the efficacy of Funding
microneedling versus other modalities like lasers,
resurfacing in different clinical subsets. Soliman et This research did not receive any specific grant from
al., reported a 55% moderate-excellent improvement of funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-
striae in the dermaroller-treated side versus 76% with profit sectors.

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 42

Clinical and histochemical response to an automated microneedling therapy
in the treatment of traumatic scars

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Author’s contributions

HAS and SE were the principal investigators and carried

out the study design, supervision and data auditing.
NAS and SBM were involved in patient assessment,
performing microneedling sessions. ES and RFH were
responsible for the recruitment of patients, database
entry, and follow-up of patients. SSES performed the
histochemical and quantitative morphometric analysis.
NAS and ES wrote the manuscript.
All authors have read and approved the manuscript.

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 43

Clinical and histochemical response to an automated microneedling therapy
in the treatment of traumatic scars

1. Tripathi BP, Nelson JS and Wong BJ. Posttraumatic Laser Treatment
of Soft Tissue Injury. Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2017;

2. Majid I. Microneedling and its applications in dermatology.

International Journal of Aesthetic and Anti-Ageing Medicine. 2014.

3. Bowes LE, Nouri K, Berman B, et al. Treatment of pigmented

hypertrophic scars with the 585 nm pulsed dye laser and the
532 nm frequency–doubled Nd:YAG laser in the Q– switched and
variable pulse modes: a comparative study. Dermatol Surg. 2002;
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4. Jones ML, Bancroft JD, Gamble M. Connective Tissues and Stains.

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5. Mahfouz SM, El-Sharkawy SL, Sharaf WM, Hussein HE, El-Nemr RS.
Image cytometry of fine needle aspiration of thyroid epithelial
lesions. image cytometry of fine needle aspiration of thyroid
epithelial lesions. Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol. 2012;

6. Cohen BE, Elbuluk N. Microneedling in skin of color: A review of

uses and efficacy. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016; 74(2):348-55.

7. Seo KY, Kim DH, Lee SE, Yoon MS, Lee HJ. Skin rejuvenation by
microneedle fractional radiofrequency and a human stem cell
conditioned medium in Asian skin: a randomized controlled
investigator blinded split-face study. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2013;

8. Vijaya Lakshmi Y, Swetha Reddy L, Naga Neelima Devi K, et al.

Evaluation of Microneedling Therapy in Management of Facial Scars.
J Craniofac Surg. 2020; 31(2):e214-e217.

9. Bandral MR, Padgavankar PH, Japatti SR, Gir PJ, Siddegowda CY, Gir
RJ. Clinical Evaluation of Microneedling Therapy in the Management
of Facial Scar: A Prospective Randomized Study. J Maxillofac Oral
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10. Alster TS, Li MKY. Microneedling of Scars: A Large Prospective Study

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11. Juhasz MLW, Cohen JL. Microneedling for the Treatment of Scars:
An Update for Clinicians. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2020;

12. El-Domyati M, Barakat M, Awad S, Medhat W, El-Fakahany H, Farag

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14. Aust MC, Reimers K, Vogt PM. Medical needling: improving the
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15. Soliman M, Mohsen Soliman M, El-Tawdy A, Shorbagy HS. Efficacy

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16. Osman MA, Shokeir HA, Fawzy MM. Fractional Erbium-Doped

Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Laser Versus Microneedling in Treatment
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17. Cachafeiro T, Escobar G, Maldonado G, Cestari T, Corleta O.

Comparison of nonablative fractional erbium laser 1,340 nm
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19. Cohen B, Elbuluk N. Microneedling in skin of color:a review of uses

and efficacy. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2015; 74(2):348-355.

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 44

Case report

Evaluation of the beneficial impact of atopic

dermatitis treatment with high- and low-
molecular-weight hyaluronic acid hybrid
stable cooperative complexes: a case report
Gabriel Siquier-Dameto

Dameto Clinics International, Badhoevedorp, The Netherlands

Department of Medical Sciences, Research Group of Clinical Anatomy, Embryology and Neuroscience
(NEOMA), Universitat de Girona (UdG), Girona, Spain

Background: in the general population up to 10% of adults and 20% of children are affected by atopic dermatitis (AD).
This is presented as an inflammatory skin alteration that can chronify with a pattern of skin lesions with pruritus. The
primary pathogenic mechanism of AD is thought to be an immune malfunction. The mainstream therapy is composed of
steroids applied topically and an oral immunosuppressant: both treatments may generate side effects in the long-term.
High and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid hybrid stable cooperative complexes (HCC) are considered different
ways to cure, prevent and manage AD.
Purpose: to report a two year follow up assessment of a therapy where an injection of HCC in a female person with AD
was performed.
Materials and methods: product treatment sessions have been done according to the HCC protocol of injection, i.e.
0,2mL per point on 10 points for the full face following the technique described as Bio Aesthetic Points (Figure 1).
The suggested protocol included 2 treatments that were performed one month apart from each other, then there were
programmed follow-up sessions every 2 months. The follow-up sessions, as well as assessing the patient skin status,
were performed as a maintenance treatment.
Results: the injection of HCC created a steady beneficial impact with a visible improvement in two aspects: curing the
inflammatory lesions and keeping the skin barrier in the adult affected by AD. There were not observed adverse events.
Conclusions: even though these results need to be corroborated, there is strong evidence that the HCC treatment may
be used as an additional therapy for the treatment of AD.

Atopic dermatitis, hyaluronic acid, stable hybrid cooperative complexes

Received for publication February 10, 2022; accepted June 14, 2022 - © Salus Internazionale ECM srl - Provider ECM no 763

Corresponding Author

Gabriel Siquier-Dameto, MD
Email: [email protected]

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 45

Evaluation of the beneficial impact of atopic dermatitis treatment with high- and low-molecular-weight
hyaluronic acid hybrid stable cooperative complexes: a case report

Introduction Regarding high molecular weight HA, it provides lift,

scaffold action and it is the main extra cellular matrix
In the general population up to 10% of adults and 20% of component, playing a crucial role in the structural
children are affected by atopic dermatitis (AD). This is maintenance thanks to the interaction within collagen,
presented as an inflammatory skin alteration that can elastin, glycoproteins and proteoglycans. Low
chronify with a pattern of skin lesions with pruritus. Is molecular weight HA: induces a deep cellular trophic
well known that the quality of life of patients affected and hydrating action23,24.
by inflammatory skin alterations is lowered1,2. Research The combination of high molecular weight HA together
on this field has shown that AD is manifested with a with low molecular weight HA re-establishes an optimal
complexity of different factors combining specific extracellular microenvironment. Hyaluronic acid stable
genes and the environment. Both contributing to the hybrid cooperative complexes (HCC) induce wound-
manifestation of this disease3,4. healing activity25. The slow long-lasting release of HA
Traditionally, the primary pathogenic mechanism does not cause any further stress to the tissue and helps
of AD is thought to be caused by an alteration of the to prolong the action of HA. Higher biological activity
immune system due to a malfunction of Th1/Th2, of HCC than natural H-HA and L-HA was reported in
synthesis of IgE and others, provoking pruritus and fibroblasts (HDF cells). In addition, HCC showed a much
skin dermatitis but also an alteration of the epidermal lower activation of the TGF-β expression and therefore
barrier5-7. An Epidermal barrier dysfunction is the key less inflammation. The mix of these properties can
abnormality in the pathophysiology of atopic dermatitis result into the down regulation of the skin inflammatory
not a consequence of the atopic dermatitis. reaction in AD25.
During childhood the environment and its factors have The evaluation of the beneficial impact of the treatment
a primary relevance on the pathogenesis of AD8. Some of AD with HCC in an adult patient is described in this
of them such as food allergies9 or infections generated case report.
by microorganisms can aggravate the disease10.
The diagnosis is clinical even though other checks,
including the biopsy of the skin, can be done to discard
different illnesses11,12. Case description
Several sets of criteria have been proposed for the
diagnosis of AD, including recently also new simplified A 42 year old female affected by AD since youth, mostly
models, in order to further define and update current present on the facial area, creating a psychosocial
diagnostic criteria13,14. impairment, not properly managed with systemic
The most commonly used drugs for this treatment immunosuppressant or topical corticosteroids and
are systemic immunosuppressants and steroids and without other illness, was selected for a HCC skin
are applied topically. Unfortunately, however, they can tightening procedure in our clinic.
become toxic in the long run. Nowadays systemic drugs Three treatment sessions were suggested in the first
(azathioprine, cyclosporine) and phototherapy have year, with the first two programmed monthly, while the
been used as therapeutic procedures for refractory follow-up sessions were programmed bimonthly. Two
and severe AD4,15. Alternative therapies are gamma- milliliters HCC were used per session. The injectable
interferon and mycophenolate16. method used was the Bio Aesthetic Points (BAP)
Recently we can find a focus increase on the use of technique (Figure 1)26 with a 29G needle, 5 boluses
different biological agents even though these treatments subdermal per hemiface with 0,2ml per bolus.
are linked to an increase in the number of paradoxical
adverse events, including the acceleration of AD17.
Hyaluronic acid’s (HA) antioxidant capacity and anti-
inflammatory properties have been described recently
linked to its specific molecular weight18.
Low and medium molecular weight HA boosts hydration
and activates CD44 receptors. The normal functions
of HA binding with CD44 induce wound healing,
angiogenesis and immune modulation19.
These activities are linked depending on the specific HA
molecular weight. From 1800 kDa down to 50 kDa, CD44
was the recognized receptor and pro-inflammatory
biomarkers were only slightly up-regulated during
wound healing in the presence of HA, the lower the
fragment size (<50kDa), the higher is the up-regulation
of the inflammatory cytokines20.
However, CD44 is found to be highly expressed in
pathologic skin processes. The concentration is found
to be negatively correlated with the distribution of HA21.
The synthesis of HA is regulated by hyaluronan
synthases (HAS). Regarding AD during inflammation,
changes on the regulation of HAS can also be observed: Figure 1 - Schematic representation of the Bio Aesthetic Points technique
HAS1 is downregulated while HAS3 is upregulated22. injections. Adapted from26.

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 46

Evaluation of the beneficial impact of atopic dermatitis treatment with high- and low-molecular-weight
hyaluronic acid hybrid stable cooperative complexes: a case report

Figure 2 - Representative images of AD before HCC injection (A) (baseline), one month after 2nd treatment (B), one year after 1st treatment (C) and two years
after 1st treatment (D), a progressive reduction on eritema and scaling with an improvement of skin texture have been observed (B, C and D).

The BAP technique was used to avoid danger zones and Conclusion
to promote a better diffusion of the product into the
tissue26. Contraindications, such as an active infection This report demonstrates that an injectable treatment
of the skin, pregnancy and anyone younger than 18 with HCC is beneficial to conserve the skin barrier and
years old, were not present. reduce inflammation. This outcome suggests that the
No adverse events occurred, except for a visible bruise wound healing and reduction on inflammation capacity
on the lower malar mound region that healed within 2 of HCC, as recently published evidence support23,24,28,
days. may help to reduce the symptoms of AD. This data
The treatment was able to produce a significant needs to be corroborated, but suggests that HCC has
improvement of both the pruritus and eczema, in a a therapeutic and preventive benefit in the handling
time-dependent manner already observable after 1 of AD. The molecular mechanisms underlying the
month of therapy (Figure 2). In addition, a progressive observed effect need to be investigated further.
reduction on the erythema with an improvement of skin
texture have been observed (B, C and D). Two years after
the first treatment, the patient was very satisfied with
the overall outcome and with no evidence of relapse. Ethics and consent

The patient gave signed informed consent for the

publication of her case and images. No Approval from
Discussion the institutional review board is needed.

AD is the most frequent inflammatory skin disease,

associated with a significant morbidity, including dry Disclosure
skin, eczematous lesions, chronic itching and generally
a relapsing clinical history, that greatly impacts The author declares no conflicts of interest.
the patient’s quality of life4. Knowing the different
features of AD, finding a therapeutic option whilst
avoiding complications like sleep loss, skin infections,
psychosocial problems or hospitalization, can be
This case report suggests that subcutaneous injections
of HCC ameliorate the signs and symptoms of AD and
that possibly their immunomodulatory effects can
alleviate the inflammatory/allergic response. In fact,
the treatment produced a long-standing therapeutic
effect with significant improvements of the AD
clinical signs and reduction in pruritus. In addition,
treatment compliance was very good with a high level
of satisfaction from the patient.

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 47

Evaluation of the beneficial impact of atopic dermatitis treatment with high- and low-molecular-weight
hyaluronic acid hybrid stable cooperative complexes: a case report

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Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 2 / April - June 2022 48

Courses and Congresses 2022
22 - 23 April - Brussels (Belgium) 29 September - 1 October - Lima (Peru)
National Congress of the Belgian Society of Aesthetic 3rd Scientific Congress of Aesthetic Medicine
Medicine Scientific Association of Aesthetic Medicine of Peru -
Hotel Du Congres - Radisson Collection Hotel ASOCIME
President: J. Hebrant Hotel Sol de Oro
Web: President: I. Ogata
Email: [email protected]
13 - 15 May - Rome (Italy) Web:
43rd SIME Congress
Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine 21 - 22 October - Toronto (Canada)
Rome Cavalieri Congress Center CAAM 19th Annual Conference
President: E. Bartoletti Canadian Academy Aesthetic Medicine
E-mail: [email protected] The Westin Harbour Castle
Web: President: J. Carroll
Email: [email protected]
3 - 5 June - Paris (France) Web:
IMCAS World Congress 2022
Palais des Congrès 11 - 12 November - Long Beach (California - USA)
President: B. Ascher 18th AAAMC
Web: American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine Congress
congress-2022 Hilton Long Beach Hotel
President: M. Delune
17 - 18 June - Opatija (Croatia) Email: [email protected]
3rd Croatian Congress of Aesthetic and Antiaging Web:
Croatian Association of Aesthetic Medicine - HUEM 25-27 November - Warsaw (Poland)
Hotel Milenij 20th International Congress of Aesthetic and Anti-
President: E. Bunar Aging Medicine
Web: Polish Society of Aesthetic and Anti-aging Medicine -
23 - 25 June - Mexico City (Mexico) Hotel Hilton Warsaw
23rd World Congress of Aesthetic Medicine - UIME President: A. Ignaciuk
Mexican Scientific Society of Aesthetic Medicine Web:
Pepsi Center, WTC Mexico City
President: B. Miller
Email: [email protected]

8 - 10 September - Pretoria (South Africa)

17th Aesthetic Medicine Congress of South Africa
AMCSA 2022
CSIR International Convention Centre
President: A. Clark
Email: [email protected]

9 - 10 September - Paris (France)

42nd Congress of Aesthetic Medicine and
Dermatological Surgery
French Society of Aesthetic Medicine
Palais des Congrès de Paris
President: JJ. Legrand
Email: [email protected]

Aesthetic Medicine / Volume 8 / Nº 1 / January - March 2022 49

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