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Home Industry

September 2006

With the compliments of Huletts Sugar

With the compliments of Huletts Sugar
Met komplimente van Huletts Suiker

Dear Home Industry Member,

In this issue we are featuring many favourites from abroad. With South
Africa being the host to many countries quite soon, we thought it
would be a good idea to introduce you to favourites in baking
from other countries. Did you for instance know that lamingtons
(to whom plenty of you do not need any introduction) is as much
a favourite of the Australians as melktert is to the South Africans?
That chocolate chip cookies is an American staple cookie and that
Kourabiedes is of Greek origin?
We also feature a beautiful little Home Industry in Greenside,
Johannesburg which has had a complete make-over recently. We
bring you an in-depth article about the health attributes of Huletts
SUGAlite, written by a registered dietician. Huletts SUGAlite is the
ideal product for all bakers specialising in health, diabetic and
slimmers products.
If you feel that you want to share anything about your Home
Industry Shop with us, please feel free to do so. Drop us an e-mail
at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you. Pictures
are also welcome.
Mathilda Pansegrouw
Indien u enige inligting benodig oor resepte in hierdie boekie,
skakel Graham Gowar by (021) 761 2037 of [email protected]
Kourabiedes Cover
Hertzoggies 3 & 4
Italian Lemon (or Lime) Biscuits 5&6
French Fruit Flan 7&8
American Chocolate Chip Cookies 9 & 10
Speculaas 11 & 12
Italian Walnut Slice 13 & 14
Take up the challenge for special needs 15 & 16
Lemon Meringue Pie (SUGAlite) 17 & 18
Banana Loaf (SUGAlite) 19
Kourabiedes (recipe) 20

pretty packaging
Hundreds & Thousands Biscuits 21 & 22
Melting Moments 23 & 24
Lamingtons 25 & 26
Creamy Almond Chocolate Treats 27 & 28
We Visit Village Fair Home Industry 29 & 30
Black Forest Cake 31 & 32
Fruit Tartlets 33 & 34
Cucumber Mint Sandwiches 35 & 36
Biltong Bites / Cheese Puffs 37 & 38
Biltong Tartlets 39 & 40
Chouriço Bread 41 & 42
Tropical Frangelico Custard Moulds 43 & 44
Conversion Charts 45
Huletts 2

These typical South African sweet treats were named after the late
Prime Minister J.B.M. Hertzog of the previous National government.
Some people call them Jan Smuts cookies, named after the then
leader of the opposition, the United Party!
120 g butter Preheat oven to 180ºC. In a mixing
30 ml Huletts Castor Sugar bowl, cream together the butter
3 eggs, separated and Huletts Castor Sugar. Add the
500 ml (280 g) flour egg yolks and beat well. Sift in the
5 ml baking powder dry ingredients, add the cold water
40 ml cold water and mix until a dough forms. Place
150 ml (180 g) smooth apricot jam the dough in the refrigerator for 30
250 ml (200 g) Huletts White Sugar minutes until firm. Roll out dough
375 ml (120 g) coconut on a floured surface and cut
pinch of salt into rounds. Press the rounds into
greased patty pans and fill each
with a teaspoon of smooth apricot
jam. Beat the egg whites until stiff.
Slowly add the Huletts White Sugar
and lastly the coconut. Spoon this
mixture over the apricot jam. Bake
for 15-20 minutes.

Makes 24 cookies

A selection of small cakes

and biscuits packaged in
pretty boxes with bows is
the ideal Christmas gift for
school teachers, colleagues
and friends. Make sure to
advertise this to your clients.

Do you know about SUGAlite?

SUGAlite is a powdered blend that replaces sugar
on 1:1 gram ratio. You merely use SUGAlite in place
of your sugar in any given recipe to make diabetic
and weight-friendly goods.

Huletts 3 Huletts 4
Italian Lemon (or Lime) Biscuits

500 ml (280 g) self-raising flour Sift flour into large bowl and rub in
60 g butter butter until the mixture resembles fine
25 ml milk breadcrumbs. Put milk and Huletts
80 ml (65 g) Huletts White Sugar White Sugar into a small saucepan
2,5 ml vanilla essence and stir over low heat until sugar has
1 egg, lightly beaten dissolved. Add vanilla essence. Add
Lemon or Lime Icing: lightly beaten egg and milk mixture
200 ml (105 g) Huletts Icing Sugar gradually to flour mixture; mix well.
30 ml lemon or lime juice Turn out onto lightly floured surface
2,5 ml grated lemon or lime rind and knead until dough is smooth.
Take teaspoonfuls of the dough
and roll each portion into a thin roll:
measuring 13 cm long. Twist two rolls
together; form into a circle, press ends
together. Place on lightly greased
oven trays. Bake in moderate oven for
15-20 minutes or until the biscuits are
light golden. While still warm, dip tops
of biscuits into the icing (see recipe
About lemons & limes: below). Leave the biscuits to cool on
Lemons are bigger and wire rack.
more acidic than limes. Lemon or Lime Icing: Combine sifted
They also are yellow icing sugar, lemon or lime juice and
when ripe, whereas rind. Beat until the mixture is smooth.
limes remain green. Makes 16 biscuits

Huletts 5 Huletts 6
French Fruit Flan
Ooh la la!
so French
This open French tart weds the fruits of all regions and seasons
Pastry: Pastry: Sift flour and sugar into large bowl,
250 ml (140 g) cake flour rub in butter. Add egg yolk and enough
15 ml Huletts Icing Sugar lemon juice to mix to a firm dough. Press
90 g butter ingredients together into a smooth ball,
1 egg yolk cover, refrigerate 30 minutes. Roll pastry
15 ml lemon juice on lightly floured surface large enough
Crème pâtissière: to line 23 cm flan tin. Ease pastry gently
315 ml milk into side of tin with fingers. Roll rolling pin
1 egg over top of tin to cut off excess pastry.
2 egg yolks Refrigerate for 20 minutes. Cover pastry
15 ml cake flour case with greaseproof paper, fill with
15 ml cornflour dried beans or rice. Bake in moderately
60 ml (50 g) Huletts Castor Sugar hot oven for 7 minutes. Remove paper
5 ml vanilla essence and rice and bake for a further 7 minutes
Topping: or until lightly browned. Cool to room
425 g can apricot halves temperature.
black cherries Crème pâtissière: Combine 60 ml of
250 g punnet strawberries the milk, egg, egg yolks, flour, cornflour
4 kiwi fruit, sliced and sugar, mix until smooth paste. Place
melted apricot jam for glazing remaining milk in saucepan, bring to the
boil. Add paste to milk and stir constantly
over heat until mixture boils and thickens.
Remove from heat, stir in essence, and
cool to room temperature. Spread
crème pâtissière into pastry case.
Topping: Arrange fruit decoratively over
crème pâtissière. Brush apricot glaze
over fruit and refrigerate flan several
hours before serving.
Vary this recipe by putting different fruits
onto the crème pâtissière filling.

These fine, quick-dissolving

crystals are ideal for use in
baking and making ice-
cream, meringues and
desserts. Huletts Castor
Sugar may also be sprin-
kled over fresh fruit.
Huletts 7 Huletts 8
American Chocolate Chip Cookies

Adding small chunks of chocolate to your basic cookie dough

made this biscuit to be the favourite American cookie

125 g butter Preheat oven to 180ºC.

125 ml (100 g) Huletts White Sugar Cream together butter, sugars and
125 ml (100 g) Huletts Caramel Sugar vanilla essence. Add lightly beaten
5 ml vanilla essence egg gradually, beating well. Mix in
1 egg, lightly beaten sifted flour, cocoa powder and salt.
440 ml (245 g) self-raising flour Add chocolate chips and chopped
2,5 teaspoon salt walnuts, mix well. Shape teaspoonfuls
50 ml cocoa powder of mixture into small balls. Place on
125 g chocolate chips lightly greased oven trays allowing
60 g walnuts, chopped room for spreading.
Bake for 10-12 minutes.

Makes about 45 biscuits

Decorative option:

Mix Huletts Icing Sugar with

a few drops of warm water
to make a runny, but not too
watery consistency. Fill an
icing bag, fitted with a plain
nozzle, with this mixture.
Make zig-zag squiggles on
the biscuits. Leave to dry
on a wire rack.

Huletts 9 Huletts 10
This classic Dutch recipe is also
known as St. Nicholas Cookies, or in
northern Germany, Spekulatius
230 g unsalted butter, softened
10 ml vanilla essence
250 ml (200 g) Huletts White Sugar
250 ml (200 g) Huletts Treacle Sugar
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
875 ml (490 g) cake flour
10 ml baking powder
10 ml cinnamon
5 ml nutmeg
5 ml ground cloves
2,5 ml ground ginger
2 ml salt
125 ml almonds, chopped

In a large mixing bowl combine butter

and vanilla with both sugars and beat
until light and fluffy. Add beaten eggs
and blend well. Sift the flour and all
remaining dry ingredients together
and beat into the butter mixture. Mix
in the chopped almonds. Divide the
dough into four equal portions and chill
overnight. Preheat oven to 180ºC. Roll
the cooled dough out into 5 mm thick
portions and cut with cookie cutters or
shape with a special Speculaas mold.
Bake for 10-15 minutes and store in an
airtight container.
Makes 36 biscuits

Brown sugar must be

stored in polythene plas-
tic bags to retain mois-
ture, and microwaved
for 6 minutes to remove
lumps, whilst granulated
sugar and icing sugar
should be stored in air-
tight containers.

Huletts 11 Huletts 12
Italian Walnut Slice

Base: Preheat oven to 180ºC.

125 ml (70 g) self-raising flour Base: Sift flour into a bowl, add sugar
60 ml (50 g) Huletts White Sugar and coconut, mix well. Melt butter over
125 ml cup coconut low heat, add to dry ingredients and
60 g butter mix well. Press mixture into greased
Topping: 28 cm x 18 cm lamington tin, bake in
2 eggs moderate oven for 15 minutes.
2,5 ml vanilla essence Topping: Lightly beat eggs and vanilla
250 ml coconut essence with a fork, add coconut,
100 g walnuts, chopped chopped walnuts, Huletts Treacle
375 ml (270 g) Huletts Treacle Sugar Sugar and baking powder. Mix well.
2,5 ml baking powder Spread mixture over partly cooked
base. Return to moderate oven and
bake for a further 25-30 minutes or
until topping is cooked. Cool in tin.
Cut into squares or slices.

Makes 28 slices

Does SUGAlite offer a

reduction in kilojoules?
Yes SUGAlite only
contains 6.42 kJ/g as
apposed to normal
carbohydrates of 17 kJ/g.

What is Huletts White Sugar?

White Sugar is produced by dissolving raw

sugar crystals (obtained from clarified sugar
cane juice) and crystallising the purified syrup,
thus making white sugar 99,9% pure - the
purest food known to man.

Huletts 13 Huletts 14
Take up the challenge for special needs Sugar, SUGAlite and the GI
In the past, many diabetics ignored all dietary advice and simply cut sugar
out of their diets - with disastrous results. Sugar is actually an intermediate
“Home industries should now take up the challenge to provide products to GI food and research has shown that when sugar is included in place of
meet the demands of people with special dietary needs. There is a huge some other carbohydrates, it does not necessarily lead to poorer blood
market waiting to be explored and low GI, low GL, low fat products is seen sugar control. This does not mean, however, that sugar can be used freely.
to be the key to unlock the door to this market.” It means that people with well-controlled diabetes can include limited
Madeleine de Villiers Registered Dietitian amounts of sugar in a mixed low GI meal or dish. It is most important that
they consult a dietician to advise them in planning how and when they can
have sugar.
Understanding the Glycaemic Index (GI) and Glycaemic Load (GL)
The big challenge for the food industry is to develop tasty, low GI, low GL,
The Glycaemic Index (GI) low fat, high fibre foods to combat the pending epidemic of diabetes and
Research over the past two decades has proved that it is not only the other lifestyle diseases. Huletts took up this challenge when they developed
amount of carbohydrate, but rather its rate of digestion and absorption Huletts SUGAlite - a product that replaces the sweetness and functionality
that determine its effect on blood glucose and insulin levels. When we of sugar, reduces the kilojoule content (6,4 kJ/g versus 17 kJ/g for sugar) and
eat carbohydrate-containing foods such as bread, cereals, milk products, acts as a semi-fat replacer. In addition to this, it has a very low GI (9) and GL
fruit, legumes, sweets etc. they are digested and then absorbed into the and acts as a prebiotic, thereby increasing the friendly bacteria in the gut.
bloodstream in the form of glucose. This means that Huletts SUGAlite and products containing Huletts SUGAlite
will be the number one choice for slimmers, diabetics and all people with
Glucose is absorbed almost immediately and is assigned a value of 100 and lifestyle diseases.
all other foods are rated in comparison to glucose. This means the GI is a
measure of the change in blood glucose following ingestion of carbohydrate- Home industries should now take up the challenge to provide products to
containing foods. High GI foods result in a marked rise followed by a rapid fall meet the demands of those people with special dietary needs. There is a
in blood glucose, whereas low GI foods release glucose slowly and steadily huge market waiting to be explored and low GI, low GL, low fat products is
into the bloodstream and do not over-stimulate the pancreas to produce seen to be the key to unlock the door to this market.
too much insulin. This is useful in preventing and controlling diabetes, obesity, This article was compiled by:
insulin insensitivity and coronary heart disease. Madeleine de Villiers
Registered dietitian
To know the actual GI value (number) of each food is not important, BSc (Hons.) Dietetics (Stell.)
but whether it is ranked low, intermediate or high GI. The golden rule Dipl. Hosp. Dietetics (Stell.)
for incorporating GI in the daily meal plan is to substitute, using lower GI
alternatives in place of high GI foods. Low GI foods and meals should also
If you would like to receive a Huletts SUGAlite® recipe
be low in fat, because fat prevents insulin from doing its job of moving
book packed with mouth-watering recipes, send an
glucose from the blood stream into the body cells.
empty SUGAlite® sachet along with your name, ad-
dress and telephone number to SUGAlite® Recipes,
The Glycaemic Load (GL)
Private Bag X14, Gallo Manor, 2052.
A common problem when eating according to the GI method is that one
The delicious Lemon Meringue (page 17) and Banana
has to keep to the amount of food allowed. If one changes to low GI foods,
Loaf (page 19) recipes feature in this book.
but does not understand portion control, it will not help to improve blood
sugar control or weight loss. The GL of a food portion is the product of both
the GI and the amount of carbohydrate in a serving and shows us how
important it is to watch portion sizes.

Huletts 15 Huletts 16
Lemon Meringue Pie

Base: Base: Crush the Provitas until very fine in

250 g (½ packet) Provitas a food processor. Combine the crushed
30 ml (20 g) Huletts SUGAlite biscuits, SUGAlite and margarine. Press
60 g low fat margarine, melted into a pie dish. Brush with egg white.
Filling: Chill for 30 minutes.
rind and juice of 2 large lemons Filling: Put the lemon rind and 600 ml
65 g cornflour water in a saucepan. Bring to the boil,
75-110 ml (50-75 g) Huletts SUGAlite then remove from the heat, cover and
(depending on your taste) leave to stand for 30 minutes. Remove
2 egg yolks the rind from the pan, then stir in the
Meringue: lemon juice. Blend the cornflour with a
3 egg whites little of the lemon liquid to form a smooth
257 ml (175 g) Huletts SUGAlite paste. Pour it into the pan and stir well.
Bring the lemon mixture to the boil and
stir continuously. Reduce the heat and
continue to heat until thickened. Stir
in the SUGAlite, then beat in the egg
yolks. Pour the lemon filling into the
pastry case.
Meringue: Whisk the egg whites in a
bowl until stiff. Gradually whisk in the
SUGAlite a little at a time, whisking
well after each addition. Spoon the
Recommend: 1 Slice per serving
meringue filling on top of the lemon
Nutrition Facts (per serving) filling and shape it in swirls with a
dessert spoon. Bake in a preheated
Kilojoules 740 oven at 180ºC for 5-10 minutes until
Total fat 5.4 g the meringue is very lightly browned.
Saturated Fat 0g Remove the pie from the oven, leave
Cholesterol 0 mg to cool, then refrigerate until cool.
Sodium 45 mg
Total Carbohydrate 28.8 g Serves 12
Dietary Fibre 0.5 g
Sugars 1g
Protein 4.5 g
GI 39
GL 11

Classification: Reduced fat

Huletts 17 Huletts 18
Banana Loaf Kourabiedes
This Greek cookie also known as Almond Crescents is a
50 g low fat margarine Cream the margarine and SUGAlite traditionally sweet treat served with coffee or after a meal
300 ml (204 g) Huletts SUGAlite together. Add the egg yolk and beat
1 large egg, separated well. Beat the egg whites until just stiff 60 g ground almonds Preheat oven to 180ºC.
1 large egg white and fold into mixture. Peel and mash 230 g butter, softened In large bowl of an electric mixer, beat
3 bananas the bananas and add the lemon 1 egg yolk butter until creamy. Add egg yolk and
5 ml lemon juice juice. Combine mashed bananas 30 ml (26 g) Huletts Castor Sugar the 2 tablespoons Huletts Castor Sugar,
300 ml cake flour with creamed margarine mixture. 15 ml brandy, optional mixing well. Stir in brandy and almonds.
10 ml baking powder Sift the flour, baking powder and 500 ml (280 g) cake flour Add the flour, baking powder and
10 ml bicarbonate of soda bicarbonate of soda together and 2,5 ml baking powder ground cloves, mix well. Pinch off dough
250 ml bran add the bran. Fold the dry ingredients 2 ml ground cloves in 1-inch balls and roll each into a 3-inch
125 ml low fat buttermilk; into the banana mixture alternating 500 ml (260 g) Huletts Icing Sugar rope. Place ropes about 2 inches apart
or low fat maas with the buttermilk, mix well. Pour the on lightly greased baking trays. Shape
mixture into a greased loaf tin and into crescents. (If you prefer a more
bake in a preheated oven at 180ºC prominent clove taste you can place a
for 45-60 minutes, or until a skewer whole clove in each dough crescent).
comes out clean. Bake for 20-30 minutes or until lightly
golden. Let cookies cool for 5 minutes.
Serves 14 Roll cookies in Huletts Icing Sugar and
leave to cool completely. Dust cookies
with Huletts Icing Sugar once more.

Makes 30

Recommend: 1 Slice per serving

Nutrition Facts (per serving)

Kilojoules 450
Total fat 2.6 g Can you use SUGAlite in tea
Saturated Fat 1g and coffee?
Cholesterol 20 mg SUGAlite will sweeten tea and
Sodium 410 mg coffee, however this may not
Total Carbohydrate 18,1 g be the ideal as some lumping
Dietary Fibre 1,9 g may occur.
Sugars 5g
Protein 2.5 g
GI 45 Nutritionists consider carbohydrates to be the primary
GL 8 source of energy, which is why sugar is fundamental in
any diet, because it forms part of the nutrients needed
Classification: Reduced fat by the body to supply the energy required.

Huletts 19 Huletts 12
Hundreds & Thousands Biscuits

60 g butter Cream butter, gradually add sugar

80 ml (65 g) Huletts White Sugar and beat until light and fluffy. Beat
1 egg in egg, vanilla essence and milk.
5 ml Moir’s Vanilla Essence Gradually add sifted flour and baking
5 ml milk powder until dough is firm enough to
300 ml (170 g) cake flour handle. Refrigerate at least one hour.
5 ml Moir’s Baking Powder Roll out dough to 5 mm thickness
200 g Moir’s 100’s and 1000’s on lightly floured surface. Cut with
extra milk floured 5 cm round cutter. Put on
lightly greased oven trays, brush
with milk and sprinkle with hundreds
and thousands. (This can be done
evenly by using cutter as a guide
around edge of biscuit and spooning
hundreds and thousands into centre.)
Bake at a 180ºC for 8-10 minutes. Allow
to cool on trays before removing.

Makes about 30 biscuits

Huletts 21 Huletts 22
Melting Moments

250 g butter Preheat oven to 180ºC. Cream butter

80 ml (40 g) Huletts Icing Sugar and sugar until light and fluffy. Add
375 ml cake flour sifted flour and Maizena, mix well.
125 ml Maizena Put mixture into piping bag fitted with
Lemon cream: fluted tube. Pipe rosettes onto lightly
60 g butter greased oven trays, bake for 10-12
125 ml (65 g) Huletts Icing Sugar minutes until pale golden brown. Cool
5 ml grated lemon rind on wire rack. Join biscuits with Lemon
15 ml lemon juice Cream.
Lemon cream: Beat butter until smooth.
Gradually add sifted icing sugar and
beat until mixture is light and creamy.
Beat in lemon rind and juice.

Makes about 30 sandwiched biscuits

Huletts 23 Huletts 24
These cookies are named after Lord Lamington, Governor of
Queensland in Australia 1895 - 1901

250 g butter Preheat oven to 180ºC.

500 ml (400 g) Huletts White Sugar Beat butter and sugar together.
4 eggs Add eggs one at a time, and beat
125 ml milk well after each addition. Beat until
5 ml Moir’s Vanilla Essence light and fluffy. Add milk and vanilla
750 ml (420 g) cake flour essence and mix well. Sift flour, baking
10 ml Moir’s Baking Powder powder and salt together. Add to egg
2 ml salt mixture and mix well. Spoon dough
Chocolate syrup: into a greased oven pan of about 25
750 ml (600 g) Huletts White Sugar cm x 30 cm or into two 23 cm square
200 ml cocoa powder cake tins. Bake for 35-40 minutes or
375 ml water until done. Cut into squares and leave
15 ml butter to cool.
500 ml Moir’s Desiccated Coconut Chocolate syrup: Mix sugar, cocoa
and water and bring to boil whilst
stirring constantly. Add butter. While
still warm, dip the cake squares in
syrup, but do not soak. Roll squares in
a thick layer of coconut spread on a
large sheet of greaseproof paper.
Place on a wire rack to set.
Makes 42

Huletts 25 Huletts 26
Creamy Almond
Chocolate Treats

200 g cooking chocolate

250 ml cream
2,5 ml - 5 ml Moir’s Almond Essence
37,5 ml Huletts Castor Sugar
Moir’s Whole Glacé Cherries
fresh mint leaves
20 mini paper cups

Place chocolate into a mixing bowl and melt

over a pot of steam. Use a brush and coat the
inside of a paper cup completely with the melted
chocolate. Leave to dry. When dry, carefully peel
the paper cup from the chocolate. Place in a dry
area until required. To fill: Beat the cream, almond
essence and castor sugar together until stiff. Pipe
cream rosettes into the chocolate cups. Garnish
with a cherry segment or whole cherries and a
mint sprig.
Makes 20

Huletts 27 Huletts 28
We Visit Village Fair Home Industry

Jan Simms, owner of Village Fair in Greenside, Johannesburg started her

Home Industry Shop because of her love of things beautiful and tasty. Jan
enjoys interacting with people and the idea of having a shop appealed to
her. The success of her shop, she believes, is about reading your market, per-
sonal attention to the minutest detail (especially sell-by dates!) and being
close to an anchor tenant such as a supermarket or other big outlet.

Huletts 29 Huletts 30
Black Forest Cake
Originally known as the Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte.
It’s name comes from cherry brandy, known as Kirsch,
made in the Black Forest region of Germany.

4 eggs, separated Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease two 20

210 ml (170 g) sugar cm baking pans. Beat the egg yolks and
60 ml cocoa the 210 ml (170 g) sugar until thick and
60 ml warm water smooth. Mix the cocoa with the water
75 g Clover Butter, melted and add the butter and vanilla essence.
2 ml vanilla essence Pour into the egg mixture and continue
330 ml (160 g) flour beating until well blended. Fold in sifted
10 ml baking powder flour and baking powder. Separately
25 ml (30 g) sugar whisk the egg whites and add the 25 ml
Filling: (30 g) sugar and beat until soft peaks
2 x 400 g cans black cherries, pitted form. Fold into the cake mixture. Pour
sugar to taste into baking pans. Bake for approximately
60 ml corn flour 35 minutes. Turn out on cooling rack.
3 x 250 ml Clover Fresh Cream Filling: Drain the cherries and reserve the
cherry liqueur or Kirschwasser, to taste juice. Cut ¾ of the cherries in half leaving
Chocolate shavings: the remaining whole for decoration.
100 g chocolate slab Bring the cherry juice to boil and add
sugar to taste. Mix the corn flour with
a little water and stir into boiling juice.
Remove from heat and add halved
cherries. Leave to cool. Whip the Clover
Fresh Cream until thick, adding a few
drops of cherry liqueur or Kirschwasser.
Slice each cake layer horizontally in half.
Sprinkle each layer with a few drops of
cherry liqueur or Kirschwasser. Spread
a ⅓ of the cherry mixture on first cake
layer. Spread a thin layer of whipped
cream on cherries. Repeat this process
twice more and place the fourth cake
layer on top. Cover with whipped cream.
Pipe cream rosettes on top of cake and
decorate with remaining whole cherries.
Garnish with chocolate curls or shavings.
Chocolate shavings: Spread a thin layer
of melted chocolate over a marble
slab. Allow the chocolate to set firmly at
room temperature. Push a decorators
scraper, at a slight angle, across the
surface of the chocolate. Lift the curls
from the board. Repeat the process.
Huletts 31 Huletts 32
Fruit Tartlets
This is another version of the French “Open” Tart

Puff pastry: Puff pastry: Mix water with lemon juice,

125 ml iced water pour over flour, and cut in with a knife. Mix
5 ml lemon juice until smooth, forming a stiff dough. Flour
500 ml (280 g) cake flour surface and roll pastry to a thickness of 5
250 g Clover MooiRiver Butter, cold mm, keeping it rectangular. Place butter
2 ml salt on centre of dough and fold corners to the
Filling: middle to make an envelope, enclosing
1 tin pear halves butter. Roll out pastry on a floured surface.
Fold into three by turning bottom third
200 g frozen berries
up and top third down. Seal edges and
60 ml Clover MooiRiver Butter
chill. Repeat rolling and folding in three.
icing sugar
Chill for 30 minutes. Repeat rolling and
250 ml Clover Dairy folding pastry seven times, chilling when
Whipped Cream necessary. Roll out and refrigerate for at
least 30 minutes.
Filling: Preheat oven to 200°C.
Roll the dough out thinly. Cut into even-
sized squares. Place half the squares on
a baking sheet. Cut the middle section
from the remaining squares leaving a 1.5
cm square border. Brush the edges of the
squares on the baking sheet with beaten
egg white. Place the square “frame” on
top of the squares on the baking sheet.
Prick the inside of the square with a fork
to prevent the centre from rising. (The
edge of the pastry will rise with the fruit in
the middle.)
Slice the pear halves in thin slices. Overlap
thinly sliced pears, and berries in the inner
square. Dot each tartlet with small pieces
of butter and sprinkle with sugar. Cool in
refrigerator for 30 minutes and then bake
for 15-20 minutes. Remove from oven
and leave to cool. Decorate with more
fruit and dust with icing sugar. Serve with
whipped cream.

Huletts 33 Huletts 34
Cucumber Mint Sandwiches

1 white or brown bread Slice the bread thinly and butter one
100 g Clover Butro Butter Spread side of the slices with Butro Butter
2 x 200 g Clover Plain spread. Chop the mint leaves and mix
Cream Cheese in with the cream cheese. Spread the
90 ml fresh mint leaves buttered slices with the cream cheese
salt and pepper and mint mixture. Slice the cucumber
Smoked salmon rosettes: very thinly and place on top of cream
200 g thinly sliced smoked cheese on half of the slices. Sprinkle
salmon (optional) lightly with salt and pepper. Top with
Cucumber spirals: the rest of the bread slices (the cream
2 English cucumbers (optional) cheese should be in the middle).
Wrap up in foil or plastic and leave in
fridge until just before serving.
Smoked salmon rosettes: Cut the
smoked salmon in 3 cm wide x 8 cm
long “ribbons”. Roll salmon in a rosette
shape as seen below in the pictures.
Cucumber spirals: Use a vegetable
peeler and cut long ribbons from the
cucumber. Twist into spirals.
To assemble platter: Remove the
crusts from the sandwiches and cut
into triangles or fingers. Place on a
serving platter with the cucumber
spirals and the salmon rosettes. Serve
immediately as a snack.

Serves 12

Huletts 35 Huletts 36
Flavours from South Africa

Biltong Bites

1 brown or white bread, sliced Remove the crust from the bread slices.
250 g MooiRiver Butter, softened Mix the butter and marmite (if used)
Marmite to taste (optional) together. Spread a bread slice with
200 g grated biltong butter mixture and place another slice
on top, followed by one more slice.
Cut into bite-size squares, spread all
round with butter mixture. Roll in grated
biltong until well coated. Repeat until
all the ingredients are used.
Makes 30

Cheese Puffs

250 ml (140 g) cake flour Preheat oven to 180°C.

10 ml baking powder Sift dry ingredients to combine. Rub
pinch of salt, in the butter. Add the cheese, then
cayenne pepper the milk and mix to a firm consistency.
50 g Clover MooiRiver Butter Do not over-mix. Bake in small, well-
250 ml Clover Cheddar, grated greased patty pans for 10 minutes.
130 ml Clover Fresh Milk Remove from oven and leave to cool.
200 g Clover Plain Cream Cheese Fill with cream cheese and decorate
Peppadews for garnishing with a slice of Peppadew.
Makes 24

Huletts 37 Huletts 38
Biltong Tartlets

250 ml (140 g) cake flour Sift the dry ingredients together and
2 ml salt rub in the butter. Add the grated
3 ml baking powder cheese and egg yolk to the mixture.
5 ml mustard powder Gently mix to form a pastry. Leave
125 g butter to rest for 30 minutes in refrigerator.
150 g cheddar cheese, grated Roll out to 4 mm thickness, press out
1 egg yolk rounds with a cookie cutter and place
200 g cream cheese in tartlet or patty pans. Press the pastry
sliced biltong into the crease of the tin with the back
of your finger. Prick the pastry with a
fork (this prevents the pastry from rising
too much in the middle. Bake for 12-
15 minutes until light brown. Leave to
cool completely. Fill with a spoonful of
cream cheese. Decorate with sliced

Makes 12 tartlets depending on size

This raw sugar is a product of the milling process

and is used primarily in the confectionery, bakery
and canning industries.

Huletts 39 Huletts 40
Bola de Chouriço Taking
Chouriço Bread a

Chouriço is a spicy Portuguese lover long
smoked sausage. It is made with life milk now
pork meat and fat, wine, annatto (a comes in the
red food colouring) and salt, stuffed convenient Twist Top
into tripe (natural or artificial) and pack with a reseal-
slowly dried over smoke. It’s used to able tamper-evident
enhance the flavour of dishes. cap. The new pack
ensures easy opening,
controlled pouring,
tight resealing and
800 ml (450 g) flour convenient storing.
25 ml baking powder The variants include
5 ml salt Clover UHT full cream
4 eggs milk, Clover UHT 2%
250 ml cooking oil low fat milk and Clo-
250 ml Clover Long Life Milk ver UHT fat free milk
250 ml Chouriço, finely chopped - all available in the
125 ml fried bacon, finely chopped convenient 1L pack
125 ml Clover Cheddar cheese, size and a case of six.
25 ml chopped fresh herbs
1 egg yolk, beaten
chouriço slices for garnishing

Preheat oven to 200ºC.

Sift the flour, baking powder and
salt. Add the eggs, oil and milk and
beat well to form a batter. Fold in the
Chouriço, bacon, cheese and herbs.
Place in a loaf pan. Brush with beaten
egg yolk and garnish with slices of
chouriço. Bake for approximately 1
hour or until done.

Huletts 41 Huletts 42
Tropical Frangelico Custard Moulds

250 ml Clover Fresh Cream Beat the cream until stiff. Fold the
500 ml Ultra Mel Vanilla Custard beaten cream and the Frangelico
30 ml Frangelico liqueur liqueur into the custard. Spray 4
individual moulds or one large mould
with Spray and Cook. Rinse out with
cold water. Pour the mixture into the
moulds and leave to set in freezer. Turn
out and fill the cavity with chopped
tropical fruit such as mango, pawpaw,
banana and granadilla pulp.

Serves 4

Hint: This dessert can also be served

in tall glasses. Follow the recipe as
given above but do not freeze in
moulds. Spoon the mixture into
tall glasses and garnish with a

Huletts 43 Huletts 44
Handy Conversion Charts
Sugar Equivalents 5ml 12,5ml 60ml 80ml 100ml 125ml 200ml 250ml

White & SunSweet Sugars 4g 10g 50g 65g 80g 100g 160g 200g

Treacle & Caramel Sugars 4g 10g 45g 60g 70g 90g 140g 180g

Castor Sugar 4g 10g 50g 70g 85g 105g 170g 210g

Icing Sugar 3g 7g 30g 40g 50g 65g 105g 130g

Spoons Cups Oven Temperatures

60 ml = ¼ cup
1 ml = ¼ teaspoon Very cool : 140ºC / 275ºF
80 ml = 1/3 cup
3 ml = ½ teaspoon Cool : 150ºC / 300ºF
125 ml = ½ cup
5 ml = 1 teaspoon Warm : 160ºC / 325ºF
160 ml = 2/3 cup
15 ml = 1 tablespoon Medium : 180ºC / 350ºF
180 ml = ¾ cup
30 ml = 6 tsps or 2 tbsp Fairly hot : 190ºC / 375ºF
250 ml = 1 cup
60 ml = 4 tbsp or ¼ cup Hot : 200ºC / 400ºF
500 ml = 2 cups
Very Hot : 230ºC / 450ºF
1 litre = 4 cups

Pounds Ounces Liquids

½ oz = 15g 9 oz = 250g 1 fl oz = 15g

¾ oz = 20g 10 oz = 275g 2 fl oz = 20g
1 oz = 25g
1½ oz = 40g
11 oz
12 oz
= 300g
= 350g
3 fl oz
3½ fl oz
= 25g
= 40g
We wish you a Happy Christmas
2 oz = 50g
2½ oz = 60g
13 oz
14 oz
= 375g
= 400g
4 fl oz
5 fl oz (¼ pt)
= 50g
= 60g
and a bubbly New Year
3½ oz = 90g 15 oz = 425g 10 fl oz (½ pt) = 90g
4 oz = 100g 1 lb = 450g 20 fl oz (1 pt) = 100g
5 oz = 150g 2 lb = 900g 1¼ pt = 150g
6 oz = 175g 2¼ lb = 1kg 1½ pt = 175g
7 oz = 200g 3 lb 5 oz = 1,5kg 7 oz = 200g
8 oz = 225g 4¼ lb = 2kg 8 oz = 225g

Huletts 45 Huletts 46
White Sugar Description Uses
White sugar crystals. General sweetener used in all prime
foods and beverages. Also used as a
general household sweetener.

SunSweet Sugar Description Uses

This is raw sugar that has a unique pale This raw sugar is a product of the
brown colour – the colour varies milling process and is used primarily
slightly depending on seasonal factors. in the confectionery, bakery and
canning industries.

Icing Sugar Description Uses

Finely milled white sugar with a The only icing sugar that gives a
permitted anti-caking agent added. smooth finish to all types of
confectionery and cake icing.

Castor Sugar Description Uses

Specially screened fine white sugar. These fine, quick-dissolving crystals
are ideal for use in baking and
making ice-cream, meringues and
desserts. Castor sugar may also be
sprinkled over fresh fruit.

Rainbow Sugar Description Uses

Extra-large sugar crystals with an The visual appeal of these coloured
attractive array of colours added, with sugar crystals can be used to great
permitted colouring agent. effect when decorating cakes, biscuits
and desserts. They also add a touch of
glamour when added to sugar bowls.

Cube Sugar Description Uses

White sugar specially compressed Cubes are suitable for use in tea,
into small cube shapes. coffee and cocktails.

Treacle Sugar Description Uses

Treacle sugar (previously known as This dark brown sugar, with its familiar
soft brown sugar) is SunSweet Sugar sticky appearance, is best used in
(raw sugar) with added molasses. microwave baking, meat marinades, fruit
Molasses is a by-product of sugar. breads and dark cakes.

Caramel Sugar Description Uses

This medium brown sugar is Caramel sugar is superb in coffee. It is
SunSweet Sugar (raw sugar) coated also perfect for biscuits, cakes and
with caramel colourant. loaves, as well as any recipe calling for
fruit in the mixture.

Yellow Sugar Description Uses

SunSweet Sugar (raw sugar) with Yellow sugar is used in preserves such
permitted colouring added. as jams, pickles, chutney and
home-brewed beer.

Head Office - Marketing Sales and Distribution:

444 South Coast Road, Rossburgh, 4094, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. P.O. Box 1501, Durban, 4000. Tel (031)
460 0111 Fax (031) 460 0366; Gauteng: Tel (011) 616 3385 Cell 082 441 3400/083 274 1347;
Western Cape: Tel (021) 551 7866 Cell 083 274 1342;

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