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Title Page


Francisco P. Tolentino Integrated High School


[email protected] 
Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Company Overview
Product and Service Offerings
Competitive and Market Analysis
Sales and Marketing Plan
Ownership Structure and Management Plan
Operating Plan
Financial Plan
Executive Summary
Company Background and Purpose

The purpose of our business is to share the unique product we made, and we are going to sell this
in our school, Francisco P. Tolentino Integrated High School, and we are going to be a good
businessman someday. We would also like to share the knowledge that we have and what our
mission is in doing this business.


As they started as a young entrepreneurs, they can improve their skill by doing this type of
activity some skills or knowledge will be added to them. So if the aspiring young entrepreneurs
also wants to know about entrepreneurship they can use this as their basis.


We dream that this small business we will build is to be successful and to be like by others and
we make this because of them, to satisfy their cravings. As a young entrepreneurs we would like
to be an inspiration to them not just by our product but also a good entrepreneurs.

Management Team   

   General Manager - Jean Julian Lei M. Garcia

A general manager (GM) is in charge of all or some aspects of a department's or an

organization's operations, position because he is capable of it and can handle any problems he
encountered. including raising money and keeping expenditures under control. I know that Mr.
Garcia is able to handle this

   Finance Manager - Emil Gielord D. Sarmiento

A finance manager is in charge of overseeing an organization's financial stability in order to

foster success and expansion while upholding ethical financial standards. Mr. Sarmiento have a
good attitude to help our business gow and he can handle to increase of our profit. 

 Operational Manager - Sophia Mae Callos

Operations supervisors make certain that a business or organization's operations are efficient and
timely. Ms. Callos is capable to this possession because she is responsible and can handle us
members and can operate our business well.
 Market Manager - Anthony D. Besa

A marketing manager is a specialist in charge of directing and organizing the marketing

initiatives of a business or organization. They are in charge of coming up with and putting into
action marketing plans that are meant to boost revenue, brand recognition, and consumer
engagement. Mr. Besa can manage this position because he has a good communication skills and
can sale a product in a creative way. 

Core Product and Service Offerings

The main product the we made is a wrap banana with special flavor inside of it. We the
entrepreneurs will sale this product in a affordable price to the students of Francisco P. Tolentino
Integrated High School.

Target Customers 

The customer that we would like to target are the junior high and senior high students and
teachers in Francisco P. Tolentino Integrated High School. 
Describe the competition and how you will gain market share

This is a event in our school that us senior high student from Francisco P. Tolentino Integrated
High School have a Entrepreneur program that all the Humss student will sale a unique product
that they think and can sale it on affordable price. We us the seller or the business man can gain
our share if we properly compute how we cost and how we will sale it in a good price to gain
some profit. 

 Define your unique value proposition

The product we are going to sale is a good quality product and we know that this product will
have a good outcome and we are going to sale a Turon with a unique taste. The students of the
Francisco P. Tolentino Integrated High School will benefit our product and we are going to sale
it in affordable price. 

Summarize financial projections for the first few years of business operation

The product we will looking forward is to be successful and also help the stakeholders provide
comprehensive estimates of chosen item we made in the seven days that we are going to sale. We
the entrepreneurs what this to have a good result and can sale it to others what we would like to

 Describe your financing requirements, if applicable

The product we would made is filled with added ingredients to make a unique twist to our old
time favorite Turon. The product we would make has 4 different flavors such as purple yam
(ube), cheese, jackfruit (langka) and strawberry turon. The ingredients are ube per tub cost 230
and langka 50 pesos per pack and the cheese 50 per piece and the strawberry that cost 100 per
bottle and the most important to our turon is the wrapper that cost 10 pesos per wrapper pack
and the 1.5liter of cooking oil cost of 180, condense milk 40 pesos per can, sugar is 50 pesos half
kilo, and lastly the tank(gasol) we would use is small tank and it cost ranging to 250 pesos and
we can’t forget the main ingredients which is the banana (saba) that cost 10 pesos per 3 pieces.
An entrepreneurs estimated it in total and how many pieces they will buy and the total of it is
1,300 but still this is the estimated price.
Company Overview
Describe your business and how it operates in the industry
The business the we are going to make is all about food and we decided that we are going to sell
a snack that the students would like it. We will operate our business this coming May 2023 and
we are going to sale at the lobby in our school at Francisco P. Tolentino Integrated High School
and we will have our on both made from bamboo and we will just decorate it to look presentable.

Explain the nature of the industry

The nature of the business is a food industry and we are going to sale a merienda (snack) that our
target customer would like it and it has filled ingredients inside we can say that this snack has a
twist and it taste so good.

Historical timeline of your business

Some history or facts about why we come up to make a business is we are just students in our
school in Francisco P. Tolentino Integrated High School and Humss is the strand we are taking
and we have this subject called “entrepreneurship” this 2nd semester and we have a performance
task that we need to sell a unique product of our choice to sell it in our school. We also group
into four so we need to sell a product by group. This product what we would made is inspired to
a Filipino old time favorite merienda(snack) and we just put some twist to taste a lot better.

Product and Service Offerings

Describe your product or service and the problem it is solving

The product we choose is so common in a Filipino snack and we just filled it with some flavor to
be unique. The problem that we may encounter is the design of our own booth but if we make it
some design to it we can get the attention of our target customer so they can buy to us because
many of us will sell in this competition so the problem I think is the booth that we may have but
we will make it clean and presentable to get the target customers attention.
List current alternatives
 Use canva to make designs for business
 Buy in a market to get lower price of product
 Partnership
 Maintaining the product quality
Describe the competitive advantage
The advantage we may have in this business we will make it that our product is well known
snack here in our country but we will just put some new flavors so the product they usually
known will not be classic but they can taste the uniqueness of it. We will also make sure to have
a good booth or make it more presentable and clean so we can have the customers attention also
will serve with a big smile. The cleanliness and the smile in our face can get the their attention
and can try our product.

Competitive and Market Analysis

Define the estimated size of the market
The estimated size or number of customer we can get is around 80-100 person per day and can
increase more to the following day we will sell because they will like our product and the
uniqueness of it.

Describe your target market segment(s)

Our target is the students in Francisco P. Tolentino Integrated High School starting from the
junior high up to senior high. The students can buy our product to the use of their income that
there parents is giving and will sale it to them to a affordable price.

Outline how your offering provides a solution to your segment(s)

1. Identify your customer
2. Free food tasting
3. Create customer personas
4. Articulate customer needs
5. Evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies

Estimate the number of units of your product or service that target buyers might purchase,
and estimate how the market might be affected by external changes
The estimated customer will can make is 80-100 students per day this is just our estimated target
customer that we would buy to us. The customer that can affect to us that are giving their opinion
to improve our business I think most of the senior high students and we will make a quick action
to it to have a good quality product.
Describe your projected volume and value of sales compared to competitors
Volume sales focus on how much a brand we sold so every product we will make we will list it
to know how much we get and if we are lack of ingredients so we can buy. Then we also sale it
to affordable price so they can buy it and I think we also have the lowest price product compared
to our competitors and the value we can get to it we will share equally to get their investment and
also make some profit.

Discuss how you will differentiate yourself from competitors

The different that we may have to other is that the product we make is known already we just put
some twist on it and they ingredients we have is so simple and can buy it at a lowest price to the
supermarket. Also we will make out stall or booth presentable unlike to others and put some
design on it to look presentable.

Sales and Marketing Plan

Describe your pricing strategy for your offerings
The strategy the we are going to use is depends on how we bought the item and we will calculate
all the expenses we have and we are going to sell the Turon our product to a affordable price per
pieces they will buy to us. The estimated ranging price that we are thinking base on our
estimated price would be around 12-15 pesos only.

List the various methods (marketing channels) you will use to get your message to

 Print advertising
 Gmail
 Event

Detail the market materials you will use to promote your product, including an
approximate budget.
The product we are going to use is banana, wrapper, cheese, ube, strawberry, jackfruit, oil and
sugar that’s the common ingredients to make our delicious turon. Of course we can’t make a
product without a gas so we need one of it and also some condense milk but this is just optional
if our customer like sweets. The ingredients are ube per tub cost 230 and langka 50 pesos per
pack and the cheese 50 per piece and the strawberry that cost 100 per bottle and the most
important to our turon is the wrapper that cost 10 pesos per wrapper pack and the 1.5liter of
cooking oil cost of 180, condense milk 40 pesos per can, sugar is 50 pesos half kilo, and lastly
the tank(gasol) we would use is small tank and it cost ranging to 250 pesos and we can’t forget
the main ingredients which is the banana (saba) that cost 10 pesos per 3 pieces. An entrepreneurs
estimated it in total and how many pieces they will buy and the total of it is 1,300 but still this is
the estimated price.

Describe what distribution methods you will use to deliver your offerings to customers

The method that we are going to use is direct distribution strategy because we are only going to
small area in our school so we just need to them this by directing and also we have a marketing
manager that will help us to sell our unique product.

Ownership Structure and Management Plan

Describe the legal structure of your business
The structure that we have I think is the paper works because we need this for us to graduate and
also we have corporation and cooperatives in each member. Also we have sole proprietorship it
means one person is responsible for all a company’s profits and debts.

List the names of group and its role

    General Manager - Jean Julian Lei M. Garcia

 Finance Manager - Emil Gielord D. Sarmiento

 Operational Manager - Sophia Mae Callos

 Market Manager - Anthony D. Besa

Detail the management team’s roles, relevant experience, and compensation plan

A general manager (GM) is in charge of all or some aspects of a department's or an

organization's operations, including raising money and keeping expenditures under control. I
know that Mr. Garcia is able to handle this position because he is capable of it and can handle
any problems he encountered.
A finance manager is in charge of overseeing an organization's financial stability in order to
foster success and expansion while upholding ethical financial standards. Mr. Sarmiento have a
good attitude to help our business gow and he can handle to increase of our profit. 

Operations supervisors make certain that a business or organization's operations are efficient and
timely. Ms. Callos is capable to this possession because she is responsible and can handle us
members and can operate our business well.

A marketing manager is a specialist in charge of directing and organizing the marketing

initiatives of a business or organization. They are in charge of coming up with and putting into
action marketing plans that are meant to boost revenue, brand recognition, and consumer
engagement. Mr. Besa can manage this position because he has a good communication skills and
can sale a product in a creative way. 

Detail any training plans you will put in place for employees and management
The training we may have is how proper we make the wrapper to our turon and how equal we
put the filling inside. Also part of our training to is to get customer so we are going to have a free
taste to our target customer so they knew what the taste of our unique product.

Operating Plan 
Describe the physical location(s) of your business
The location of our business is in our school its just near to the city market of the Tagaytay and
the school name is Francisco P. Tolentino Integrated High School.

List any additional physical requirements

 Gas
 Gas tank
 Frying pan
 Tong
 Table
 Apron
Describe the production workflow
We divided our work equally Mr. Besa will handle the customer in how he can get some market
and Mr. Sarmiento will manage the money that we have and how we will spend it and earn profit
to our business and Ms. Callos will operate the business when the event started and Mr. Garcia
will check if we are lack of ingredients and how the business going and how we are going to sell
our product.

Describe the materials you need to produce your product or service, and explain how you
plan to source them

We have brainstormed to determine how to make this product and where we will buy it, and we
have decided that we are going to buy it at the city market in Tagaytay, where all the products we
need are there, like bananas, oil, strawberry jam, ube, cheese, jackfruit, wrappers, etc.
Jean Julian Lei M. Garcia
Emil Gielord D. Sarmiento
Anthony D. Besa
Sophia Mae Callos

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