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ANGELA DUSKO, on behalf of herself and all

others similarly situated,

Plaintiff, CIVIL ACTION: 1:20-CV-01664-ELR





dated as of May


Parties hereby agree to the following terms in full settlement of the Action, subject to Final

Approval, as defined below, by the United States District Court for the Northern District of


I. Recitals

1. On April 22, 2020, Plaintiff filed this putative class action alleging that Delta

breached its contracts with thousands of passengers by offering credits for future travel on the

airline instead of providing refunds for flights Delta failed to operate on schedule in the wake of

the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. On July 9, 2020, the Court consolidated the Action with two related putative class

actions. See Dkt. No. 20. The Court then appointed lead counsel and ordered Plaintiffs to file a

All capitalized terms herein have the meanings ascribed to them in Section II or various places
in the Agreement.
Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 3 of 79

consolidated amended complaint.

3. On December 3, 2020, Kevin Polk filed a Notice of Voluntary Dismissal of his


4. On December 17, 2020, Plaintiff filed a Consolidated Amended Complaint,

asserting three claims against Delta for breach of contract, breach of the implied covenant of good

faith and fair dealing, and declaratory and injunctive relief. Elliott Daniels was not a named

plaintiff in the Consolidated Amended Complaint, leaving Plaintiff as the sole named plaintiff in

this Action.


Amended Complaint.

6. On July 23, 2021, Plaintiff filed a Second Amended Consolidated Class Action

the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing.

7. On August 23, 2021, Delta

and for which Delta filed its reply on October 12, 2021. After the Motion to Dismiss was fully

briefed, Plaintiff filed a Notice of Supplemental Authority to which Delta responded.

8. On March 2, 2022, the Court entered an Order granting in part and denying in part

claim for breach of contract based on the allegation that when Plaintiff requested a refund for her

flight, a Delta customer service representative told her that Plaintiff was only eligible for a travel


and her claim for breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing. The Settlement

order on the Motion to Dismiss.

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10. On April 15, 2022, the Parties filed their Joint Preliminary Planning Report and

Discovery Plan.

11. On April 15, 2022, Plaintiff and Delta exchanged their Initial Disclosures.

12. On May 9, 2022, Plaintiff served Delta with her First Set of Interrogatories and

First Request for Production of Documents, to which Delta served its written responses on June

15, 2022.

13. On August 10, 2022, the Parties filed their Joint Motion to Stay Proceedings

Pending Mediation & Extension of Current Deadlines. The Court granted that motion on August

order also required the Parties to provide a status report following mediation.

14. On September 21, 2022, the Parties filed their Joint Motion to Request Reset of

17, 2022, to provide additional time for Delta to collect information to facilitate a productive

mediation. The Court granted that motion on September 27, 2022, and ordered a status report to

be filed following the mediation.

15. On October 17, 2022, the Parties mediated the Action with experienced class action

litigation mediator Hunter R. Hughes III, Esq. Prior to mediation, the Parties exchanged informal

discovery in order to prepare for mediation, with Delta providing information pertaining to the

estimated size of the putative class and related financial information. Although a resolution was

not reached, the Parties agreed to conduct another mediation with Mr. Hughes on November 14,

2022, with Delta to provide additional mediation discovery to Plaintiff to aid the negotiations.

16. On October 19, 2022, the Parties filed a Status Report and requested that all

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deadlines be stayed until November 21, 2022, to accommodate the second mediation.

17. Following the November 14, 2022 mediation session, during which the Parties

made some progress towards agreement on proposed settlement terms, on November 21, 2022, the

Parties filed a Joint Status Report and Motion for Entry of Order informing the Court of their

agreement to attend a third mediation session with Mr. Hughes on January 9, 2023. On December

1, 2022, the Court entered an Order staying the Action and directing that a status report be filed

following the third mediation session.

18. To prepare for the third mediation session, the Parties exchanged additional

mediation discovery. On January 9, 2023, the Parties attended a third mediation session with Mr.

Hughes. Though the Parties did not agree to all the material settlement terms that day, they

continued to work together to draft a confidential term sheet and to confer with the mediator to

finalize agreed settlement terms. Those efforts resulted in the Parties executing a confidential term

sheet memorializing the material settlement terms effective January 13, 2023.

19. On January 17, 2023, the Parties filed their Joint Status Report and Motion for Entry

of Order Staying Case Deadlines, noting that the Parties had executed a confidential term sheet

and would negotiate a settlement agreement, following which Plaintiff would move for

Preliminary Approval of the Settlement.

20. Class Counsel have made a thorough investigation of the facts and circumstances

surrounding the allegations asserted in the Second Amended Complaint, and have engaged in, and

continue to engage in, investigation and discovery of the claims asserted therein, including

confirmatory discovery.

21. Plaintiff and Class Counsel have examined the benefits to be obtained under the

terms of this Agreement, have considered the substantial risks associated with the continued

prosecution of the Action and the likelihood of success on the merits and believe that it is in the

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best interests of the Settlement Class as a whole that the claims asserted in the Action be resolved

on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Class Counsel reached that conclusion

ion to Dismiss, the factual and legal issues

presented in the Action, the substantial benefits that Settlement Class Members will receive as a

result of the Settlement, the substantial risks and uncertainties of continued litigation, the

expense that would be necessary to prosecute the Action through trial and any appeals that might

be taken, and the likelihood of success at trial.

22. Delta has denied, and continues to deny, each and every allegation of liability,

wrongdoing, and damage. Delta further denies that the Action, including any separate action, may

properly be maintained as a class action except for settlement purposes. Nonetheless, without

admitting or conceding any liability or damages whatsoever, without admitting any wrongdoing,

and without conceding the appropriateness of class treatment for claims asserted in any current or

future complaint (except for settlement purposes in the Action), Delta has agreed to settle the

Action on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement to avoid the substantial expense,

inconvenience, burden, and disruption of continued litigation.

23. The Parties agree and understand that neither this Agreement nor the Settlement it

represents shall be construed as an admission by Delta of any wrongdoing whatsoever, including,

without limitation, any admission of any violation of any statute or law or any admission of liability

based on any of the claims or allegations asserted in the Action.

24. The Parties agree and understand that neither this Agreement nor the Settlement it

represents shall be construed or admissible as an admission by Delta in the Action or any other

s or any other similar claims are or would be suitable for class

treatment if the Action proceeded through both litigation and trial.

25. The Parties desire to compromise and settle all issues and claims that have been

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brought or could have been brought arising out of or related to the claims asserted in the Action.

26. The Parties now agree to settle the Action in its entirety, without any admission of

liability, with respect to the Released Claims. The Parties intend this Agreement to bind Plaintiff,

Delta, and all Settlement Class Members.

NOW, THEREFORE, in light of the foregoing, for good and valuable consideration, the

receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby mutually acknowledged, the Parties agree, subject to

approval by the Court, as follows.

II. Definitions

In addition to the terms defined at various points within this Agreement, the following

defined terms apply throughout this Agreement:

27. Dusko v. Delta Air Lines, Inc., No. 1:20-cv-01664-ELR (N.D.


28. otice of this Settlement to be served or caused to be

served by Delta upon State and Federal regulatory authorities as required by the Class Action

Fairness Act of 2005, 28 U.S.C. § 1715.


Settlement Class Member who validly and timely submits a Claim Form that is approved by the

Settlement Administrator and elects the Ticket Cash and Interest Cash option for an Unused Credit

or Partial Unused Credit.

30. -approved claim form, which may be electronic or

physical paper, that a Settlement Class member must complete, sign, and submit to the Settlement

Administrator by the Claims Deadline to be considered for payment under the Settlement.


members will submit the Claim Form either by mail or electronically via the Settlement Website,

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 8 of 79

which will then be reviewed for timeliness and completeness by the Settlement Administrator.


(if electronic) or postmarked (if by mail) for purposes of being considered timely, which is 60 days

after the Notice Deadline.


The Claims Period shall run for 60 days after the Notice Deadline.

34. means:


Jeff Ostrow Melissa S. Weiner
1 West Las Olas Blvd., Suite 500 328 Barry Avenue S., Suite 200
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Wayzata, MN 55391


Annick M. Persinger, Esq. Roy E. Barnes, Esq.
1970 Broadway, Suite 1070 31 Atlanta Street
Oakland, CA 94612 Marietta, GA 30060


or Partial Unused Credit as of January 13, 2023. Delta shall prepare and provide the Class List to

Care or Refund

Databases. The Class List shall include the name, postal address (if available), email

address (if available), phone number (if available), ticket number, original ticket value, Unused

Credit amount or Partial Unused Credit amount as of January 13, 2023, and 7% interest amount

associated with the original ticket value. If Delta has a record of another postal address or email

address associated with the name, Delta shall include that information in the Class




the time she filed her Complaint against Delta, Plaintiff satisfied each of the criteria in the

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 9 of 79

Settlement Class definition, and that the date of the Complaint determines her membership in the

Settlement Class.


39. to each Settlement

Class Member who validly and timely submits a Claim Form that is approved by the Settlement

Administrator and elects the Ticket Credit and Interest Credit option for an Unused Credit or

Partial Unused Credit.


the ordinary course of its business containing the data reasonably necessary for Delta to confirm

the ticketholders who requested a refund for a non-refundable ticket, did not receive the refund,

and have an Unused Credit or Partial Unused Credit, making those ticketholders eligible for

inclusion in the Settlement Class.


prescribed or allowed by this Agreement, the day of the act, event, or default from which the

designated period of time begins to run shall not be included. Further, when computing any period

of time prescribed or allowed by this Agreement, the last day of the period so computed shall be

included, unless it is a Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal holiday, in which event the period runs until

the end of the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday in the State of Georgia.


43. unsel means:


David L. Balser Julia C. Barrett
Charles Spalding, Jr. 500 W. Second Street
1180 Peachtree Street, NE Suite 1800
Suite 1600 Austin, Texas 78701
Atlanta, GA 30309

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 10 of 79

44. means one business day following the latest of: (i) the date upon

which the time expires for filing or noticing any appeal of the Final Approval Order and judgment;

(ii) entry of the Final Approval Order and judgment if no parties have standing to appeal; or (iii)

if any appeal, petition, request for rehearing, or other review has been filed, the Final Approval

Order and judgment is affirmed without material change or the appeal is dismissed or otherwise

disposed of, no other appeal, petition, rehearing, or other review is pending, and the time for further

appeals, petitions, requests for rehearing, or other review has expired.


Administrator by email pursuant to the terms of the Notice Program in the form attached as Exhibit

1. Each Email Notice shall include a click through process to submit a Claim Form electronically,

which is pre-populated with information necessary to make the claim.

46. the Final Approval Order

awarded to Class Counsel and the amount of any Service Award to the Class Representative.


will consider granting Final Approval to the Settlement and further determine the amount of

y Service Award to the

Class Representative.


granting Final Approval to the Settlement. The proposed Final Approval Order shall be in a form

agreed upon by the Parties and substantially in the form attached as an exhibit to the motion for

Final Approval. Final Approval Order also includes the orders, which may be entered separately,

any Service Award to the Class Representative.

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 11 of 79


Settlement Class Members.


ticket amount which will be made to certain Settlement Class Members who selected the Ticket

Cash and Interest Cash option.


amount, valid for one year from issuance, which will be given to certain Settlement Class Members

who selected the Ticket Credit and Interest Credit option.


Website and shall be available to members of the Settlement Class by mail on request made to the

Settlement Administrator in the form attached as Exhibit 3.


and Long Form Notice) that the Parties will ask the Court to approve in connection with the motion

for Preliminary Approval of the Settlement.


Settlement Class is to be accomplished, which shall be 45 days after the entry of the Preliminary

Approval Order.

55. ns the methods provided for in this Agreement for giving the

Notice and consists of Postcard Notice, Email Notice, Long Form Notice, and the Settlement

Website (all defined herein), which shall be substantially in the forms as the exhibits attached to

this Agreement.

56. - means the date by which a request to opt-out of

the Settlement must be sent to the Settlement Administrator to be excluded from the Settlement

Class, and the date by which Settlement Class Members must file objections with the Court, if any,

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to the Settlement. The Opt-Out and Objection Date shall be 35 days before the date originally set

for the Final Approval Hearing.


Settlement Class members for a non-refundable ticket purchased with dollars on a flight scheduled

to depart between March 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021 (a) that Delta cancelled; (b) who requested

Databases; and (c) was not

refunded as of January 13, 2023.


Delta collectively.

59. Angela Dusko.

60. shall be sent by the

Settlement Administrator by U.S. mail pursuant to the terms of the Notice Program, substantially

in the form attached as Exhibit 2. The Postcard Notice will have a pre-filled, postage prepaid tear

off postcard to send back the Claim Form as an option for submitting a claim.

61. the Preliminary

Approval Order that grants preliminary approval to the Settlement, conditionally certifies the

Settlement Class, approves the Notice Program, Notices, and Claim Form, approves the procedures

to opt-out from or object to the Settlement, and sets the Final Approval Hearing.


this Settlement, substantially in the form of the exhibit attached to the motion for Preliminary



damages, including but not limited to consequential damages, losses or costs, punitive damages,

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description whether known or Unknown Claims (as defined herein), suspected or unsuspected,

asserted or unasserted, liquidated or unliquidated, legal, administrative, statutory, or equitable

2020 and April 30, 2021 and subsequent failure to issue refunds requested by the ticketholders

holding non-refundable tickets on those flights.

64. XI of this Agreement.

65. -ordered payment to Plaintiff for serving as Class

Representative, which is in addition to any Settlement Benefit due Plaintiff as a Settlement Class

Member. The Parties recognize that Service Awards are currently prohibited by Eleventh Circuit

law. Plaintiff intends to seek a Service Award pursuant to Georgia substantive law, absent a change

in Eleventh Circuit law. This Settlement Agreement does not obligate Delta to pay any Service

Award and will pay a Service Award only if ordered to do so by the Court.


Administrator to be paid by Delta for the Notice Program and administration of the Settlement.

67. .

Class Counsel and Delta may, by agreement, substitute a different organization as Settlement

Administrator, subject to approval by the Court if the Court has previously approved the Settlement

preliminarily or finally. In the absence of agreement, either Class Counsel or Delta may move the

Court to substitute a different organization as Settlement Administrator, upon a showing that the

responsibilities of Settlement Administrator have not been adequately executed by the incumbent.

68. Interest Cash, and/or

Interest Credit that a Settlement Class Member will receive under the Settlement.

69. ticketholders who are citizens of the United States

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who received a credit for a non-refundable ticket purchased with dollars on a flight scheduled to

depart between March 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021 (a) that Delta cancelled; (b) who requested

or Refund Databases; (c) did not

receive a refund; and (d) who had an Unused Credit or Partial Unused Credit as of January 13,

2023. Specifically excluded from the Settlement Class are the following: Delta and its respective

subsidiaries and affiliates, members, employees, officers, directors, agents, and representatives and

their family members; Class Counsel; the judges who have presided over the Action and their

immediate family members; local, municipal, state, and federal governmental agencies; and all

persons who have timely opted-



not opted-out of the Settlement and is entitled to receive a Settlement Benefit.

71. means the website dedicated to the Settlement to be created

and maintained by the Settlement Administrator in accordance with the Notice Program


Settlement Class Members.




75. r of the

Settlement Class does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor related to the claims brought

in the Action as of the Effective Date and which, if known by him or her, might have affected his

or her decision(s) with respect to the Settlement.

76. credit issued by Delta to Settlement

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Class members for a non-refundable ticket purchased with dollars on a flight scheduled to depart

between March 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021 (a) that Delta cancelled; (b) who requested a refund

as of January 13, 2023.

III. Certification of the Settlement Class

77. For Settlement purposes only, Plaintiff and Delta agree to ask the Court to certify

the Settlement Class and to appoint the Class Representative and Class Counsel under Federal

Rule of Civil Procedure 23.

IV. Settlement Benefits

78. Subject to Court approval, Delta has agreed to the following consideration:

a. pay Cash Settlement Payments, as specified below, to certain Settlement

Class Members;

b. provide Credit Settlement Payments, as specified below, to certain

Settlement Class Members;

c. pay all Settlement Administration Costs, separate and apart from the Cash

Settlement Payments and Credit Settlement Payments made directly to Settlement Class


d. pay the Class Representative any Court-approved Service Award of up to

$3,000.00, which will be separate and apart from the Cash Settlement Payments and Credit

Settlement Payments made directly to Settlement Class Members. Delta reserves its right

to oppose any request for a service award and agrees to pay such award only to the extent

ordered by the Court; and


for litigation costs, subject to Court approval, which will be separate and apart from the

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Cash Settlement Payments and Credit Settlement Payments made directly to Settlement

Class Members.

V. Settlement Approval

79. After execution of this Agreement, Class Counsel shall promptly move the Court

to enter the Preliminary Approval Order, which:

a. preliminarily approves this Settlement, conditionally certifying the

Settlement Class, finding that the proposed Settlement is likely to be approved as

sufficiently fair, reasonable, and adequate to warrant Notice to the Settlement Class;

b. directs that Notice be provided in a reasonable manner, as set forth herein,

to all members of the Settlement Class who would be bound by the Settlement;

c. schedules a Final Approval Hearing to consider the fairness,

reasonableness, and adequacy of the proposed Settlement and Agreement and whether the

Court should finally approve it;

d. appoints the Settlement Administrator;

e. approves the Notices, the content of which is without material alteration

from Exhibits 1-3 hereto, and directs the Settlement Administrator to publish the Notices

in accordance with the Notice Program;

f. approves the Claim Form, the content of which is without material alteration

from Exhibit 4 hereto, and sets a Claims Deadline;

g. approves the creation of the Settlement Website;

h. finds that the Notice Program to be implemented pursuant to this Agreement:

(i) is the best practicable notice, (ii) is reasonably calculated, under the circumstances, to

apprise the Settlement Class of the pendency of the Action and of their right to opt-out of

or object to the proposed Settlement, (iii) is reasonable and constitutes due, adequate, and

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sufficient notice to all persons entitled to receive notice, and (iv) meets all requirements of

applicable law;

i. requires each member of Settlement Class who wishes to opt-out from the

Settlement Class to submit an appropriate, timely request for exclusion, postmarked no

later than 35 days before the date originally set for the Final Approval Hearing to the

Settlement Administrator at the address on the Notice;

j. requires each Settlement Class Member who wishes to object to the fairness,

reasonableness or adequacy of the Settlement or

Award to file or mail to the Clerk of the Court and mail to the Settlement Administrator no

later than 35 days before the date originally set for the Final Approval Hearing, or as the

Court may otherwise direct, a statement of the objection signed by the Settlement Class

Member meeting the requirements set forth in the Preliminary Approval Order.

k. provides that any response to an objection shall be filed with the Court no

later than 14 days before the Final Approval Hearing.

l. specifies that any Settlement Class Member who does not file a timely

written objection to the Settlement or who fails to otherwise comply with the objection

requirements set forth in the Preliminary Approval Order shall be foreclosed from seeking

any adjudication or review of this Settlement by appeal or otherwise.

m. requires that any attorney hired by a Settlement Class Member will be at the

, the

proposed Settlement,

n. requires that any attorney hired by a Settlement Class Member for the

Service Award who intends to appear at the Final Approval Hearing to provide to the

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to file with the Clerk of the Court a notice of intention to appear (that may be included in

the objection) no later than the Opt-Out and Objection Date or as the Court may otherwise


o. requires any Settlement Class Member not represented by an attorney who

files and serves a written objection and who intends to appear at the Final Approval Hearing

to provide a notice of intention to appear (that may be included in the objection) to the

to file with the Clerk of the Court a notice of intention to appear (that may be included in

the objection) no later than the Opt-Out and Objection Date or as the Court otherwise may


p. directs the Settlement Administrator to establish a post office box in the

name of the Settlement Administrator to be used for receiving opt-out requests, objections,

notices of intention to appear, and any other communications, and providing that only the

the Court and their designated agents shall have access to this post office box, except as

otherwise provided in this Agreement;

q. directs the Settlement Administrator to promptly furnish Class Counsel and

intention to appear or other communications that come into its possession, except as

expressly provided in this Agreement;


and costs and Service Award for the Class Representative no later than 70 days before the

date originally set for the Final Approval Hearing and in no event after the Objection

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s. orders the Settlement Administrator to provide the list of those who have

opted- 10 days before the date

originally set for the Final Approval Hearing, and then Class Counsel to file with the Court

the list of opt-outs with a declaration from the Settlement Administrator attesting to the

completeness and accuracy thereof no later than three days before the Final Approval


t. preliminarily enjoins all members of the Settlement Class unless and until

they have timely opted-out from the Settlement Class from: (1) filing, commencing,

prosecuting, intervening in or participating as plaintiff, claimant or class member in any

other lawsuit or administrative, regulatory, arbitration or other proceeding in any

jurisdiction based on, relating to or arising out of the claims and causes of action or the

facts and circumstances giving rise to the Action and/or the Released Claims arising on or

before the Preliminary Approval Date; and (2) attempting to effect opt-outs of a class of

individuals in any lawsuit or administrative, regulatory, arbitration or other proceeding

based on, relating to or arising out of the claims and causes of action or the facts and

circumstances giving rise to the Action and/or the Released Claims. This Agreement is not

intended to prevent members of the Settlement Class from participating in any action or

investigation initiated by a state or federal agency.

u. orders that any Settlement Class Member who does not timely opt-out from

the Settlement Class will be bound by all proceedings, orders and judgments in the Action,

even if such Settlement Class Member has previously initiated or subsequently initiates

individual litigation or other proceedings encompassed by the Releases; and

v. contains any additional provisions agreeable to the Parties that might be

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necessary or advisable to implement the terms of this Agreement and the proposed


VI. Confirmatory Discovery

80. Class Counsel and Delta already have engaged in significant informal discovery

related to liability and damages. Delta will also provide a declaration of a corporate representative

describing the manner in which members of the Settlement Class and their Unused Credits or

Partial Unused Credits were identified using


VII. Settlement Administrator

81. The Parties have agreed to have Epiq Class Action & Claims Solutions, Inc. serve

as the Settlement Administrator, and will request that the Court appoint the Settlement

Administrator. The Settlement Administrator was selected following a competitive bidding

process that involved solicitation of two notice and claims administration proposals. The

Exhibit 5.

82. The Settlement Administrator shall, under the joint supervision of Class Counsel

and Delta, administer various aspects of the Settlement as described in the next paragraph and

perform such other functions as are specified for the Settlement Administrator elsewhere in this

Agreement, including, but not limited to, effectuating the Notice Program and distributing the Cash

Settlement Payments as provided herein.

83. The duties of the Settlement Administrator, in addition to other responsibilities that

are described in the preceding paragraph and elsewhere in this Agreement, are as follows:

a. use the name and address information for members of the Settlement Class

provided by Delta in the Class List in connection with the Notice Program approved by the

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Court, for the purpose of mailing the Postcard Notice and sending the Email Notice, and

reminder Notices. The Settlement Administrator may request the assistance of Class

Counsel and Delta, which reasonable cooperation will be given, to identify members of the

Settlement Class; to facilitate providing direct notice to the Settlement Class; and to

accomplish such other purposes as may be approved by Delta and Class Counsel.

b. retain a record of the implementation of the Notice Program procedures and

provide periodic updates to the Parties during the Notice period and Claims Period;


with CAFA;

d. process Claim Forms and oversee the Claim Form Submission Process as

described more fully below;

e. establish and maintain a post office box to receive opt-out requests or

objections from the Settlement Class;

f. respond to any mailed or emailed Settlement Class member inquiries;

g. process all opt-out requests from the Settlement Class and determine their


h. provide weekly reports to Class Counsel and Delta that summarize the

number of opt-out requests received that week, the total number of opt-out requests

received to date, the number of objections received that week, the total number of

objections received to date, the number of Claim Forms submitted that week, the number

of Claim Forms submitted to date, the number of Claim Forms approved and denied, the

number of Claim Form deficiency notices sent out, and other pertinent information;

i. in advance of the Final Approval Hearing, prepare a declaration or affidavit

to submit to the Court confirming that the Notice Program was completed, describing how

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the Notice Program was completed, providing the names of each member in the Settlement

Class who timely and properly opted-out from the Settlement Class and each Settlement

Class Member who served an objection, detailing the number of Claim Forms that were

timely and validly submitted and the number that were denied, and other information as

may be necessary to allow the Parties to seek and obtain Final Approval;

j. distribute Cash Settlement Payments by check or electronic payment to

certain Settlement Class Members;

k. provide to Delta a detailed list of Settlement Class Members who submitted

timely and valid Claim Forms that have been approved, along with the type(s) and

amount(s) of the Settlement Benefit due each Settlement Class Member, if any, and instruct

Delta to send the Settlement Administrator the funds necessary to pay certain Settlement

Class Members their Cash Settlement Payments.

l. invoice Delta for payment of Settlement Administration Costs, as provided

in the Agreement; and

m. any other Settlement-administration-related function at the instruction of

Class Counsel and Delta, including, but not limited to, verifying that the Cash Settlement

Payments have been distributed, cashed, or remain uncashed.

84. All costs for the Notice Program shall be paid by Delta as par

to pay all Settlement Administration Costs.

VIII. Notice to Settlement Class

85. Delta will make available to Class Counsel and the Settlement Administrator the

Class List no later than 10 days after entry of the Preliminary Approval Order for the Notice

Program. To the extent necessary, Delta will cooperate with updating the Class List to accomplish

the Notice Program and otherwise administer the Settlement.

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86. As soon as practicable after entry of the Preliminary Approval Order, at the

Notice Program provided herein, using the forms of Notice approved by the Court. The Notice

shall include, among other information: a description of the material terms of the Settlement; the

Opt-Out and Objection Deadline; the means by which Settlement Class Members may submit

Claim Forms and the Claims Deadline; the date on which the Final Approval Hearing is scheduled

to occur; and the Settlement Website address at which Settlement Class members may access this

Agreement, the electronic Claim Form, and other related documents and information. The

Settlement Administrator shall insert the correct dates and deadlines in the Notice before the

Notice Program commences, based upon the dates and deadlines set by the Court in the Preliminary

Approval Order. Notices provided under or as part of the Notice Program shall not bear or include

the Delta logo or trademarks or the return address of Delta, or otherwise be styled to appear to

originate from Delta. The Notices shall include the opt-out and objection procedures as detailed in

this Section.

87. The initial Email Notice or Postcard Notice shall be sent to each member of the

Settlement Class no later than 45 days after entry of the Preliminary Approval Order. This is the

Notice Deadline.

88. Each member of the Settlement Class shall receive direct Notice as follows:

a. For members of the Settlement Class for which Delta has both an email

address and postal address, the Settlement Administrator shall send a Postcard Notice via

U.S. Mail and up to two reminder Email Notices to those of these members who have not

submitted a Claim Form as of the date reminder Email Notices are scheduled to be sent, as

specified herein. If the same postal address is provided in the Class List for more than one

member of the Settlement Class, separate Postcard Notices identifying the ticketholder

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name shall be sent so that each such member of the Settlement Class receives separate

Notice. If the Postcard Notice is returned undeliverable, and the Settlement Administrator

is unable to obtain an alternative postal address to send the initial Postcard Notice, then

initial and reminder Email Notices shall be sent in the manner described in subpart b. of

this paragraph.

b. For members of the Settlement Class for which Delta has only an email

address, the Settlement Administrator shall send an Email Notice and up to two reminder

Email Notices to those of these members who have not submitted a Claim Form as of the

date reminder Email Notices are scheduled to be sent. If the same email address is provided

in the Class List for more than one member of the Settlement Class, separate Email Notices

identifying the ticketholder name shall be sent so that each such member of the Settlement

Class receives separate Notice. Where required, the first reminder Email Notice shall be

sent 21 days after the initial notice, and the second reminder notice shall be sent 21 days

after the first reminder notice.

c. For members of the Settlement Class for which Delta has only a postal

address, the Settlement Administrator shall send a Postcard Notice via U.S. Mail and one

reminder Postcard Notice to those of these members who have not submitted a Claim Form

as of the date reminder Postcard Notices are scheduled to be sent. Where required, the

reminder Postcard Notice shall be sent 21 days after the initial Postcard Notice.

89. The Email Notices and Postcard Notices, including any required first and second

reminder Notices, shall be completed 87 days after the Preliminary Approval Order.

90. The Long Form Notice shall be available on the Settlement Website or at the

request of a Settlement Class member.

91. To account for the possibility that Delta does not have an email address, postal

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address, or both, for some members of the Settlement Class, the Parties agree to work with the

Settlement Administrator to obtain contact information.

92. The Notice Program requires that the Settlement Administrator ensure that Claim

Forms are de-duplicated in advance of sending any reminder Email Notices or Postcard Notices,

and to ensure that more than one claim is not approved for a single ticket.

93. Notices shall advise Settlement Class members that they must update their mailing

and email addresses with the Settlement Administrator in the event that they change addresses

between the date they submit a Claim Form and 60 days following the Effective Date.

94. The Settlement Administrator shall perform reasonable address traces for Postcard

Notices that are returned as undeliverable. By way of example, a reasonable tracing procedure

would be to run addresses of returned postcards through the Lexis/Nexis database that can be

utilized for such purpose.

95. The Email Notice, Postcard Notice, and Long Form Notice shall be in forms

approved by the Court, and substantially similar to the notice forms attached hereto as Exhibits 1-

3. The Parties may by mutual written consent make non-substantive changes to the Notices without

Court approval. A Spanish language translation of the Long Form Notice shall be available on the

Settlement Website and be provided to members of the Settlement Class who request it from the

Settlement Administrator.

96. The Settlement Administrator shall maintain a database showing mail and email

addresses to which each Notice was sent and any Notices that were not delivered by mail or email.

In addition to weekly updates to the Parties regarding the progress of the Notice Program and the

declaration or affidavit by the Settlement Administrator in advance of the Final Approval Hearing

and in support of the motion for Final Approval, a summary report of the Notice Program shall be

provided to the Parties three days prior to the Final Approval Hearing. Upon request of the Parties,

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the Settlement Administrator shall provide a supplemental declaration or affidavit before the Final

Approval Hearing to update any Notice Program statistics after the motion for Final Approval is

filed. The database maintained by the Settlement Administrator regarding the Notices shall be

available to the Parties and the Court upon request. It shall otherwise be confidential and shall not

be disclosed to any third party. To the extent the database is provided to Class Counsel, it shall be

kept confidential, not be shared with any third party and used only for purposes of implementing

the terms of this Agreement, and shall not be used for any other purposes.

97. The Settlement Administrator shall ensure that the information that it receives from

Delta, Class Counsel, and/or Settlement Class members is secured and managed in such a way as

to protect the security and confidentiality of the information, consistent with applicable law.

Except as specifically provided in this Agreement, the Settlement Administrator shall not disclose

or disseminate any information that it receives from Delta, Class Counsel, and/or the Settlement

Class members without prior written consent of the Parties or by order of the Court.

98. Settlement Website. No later than 44 days after entry of the Preliminary Approval

Order, the Settlement Administrator shall establish and make live the Settlement Website, which

shall be an Internet website concerning the settlement utilizing an easily recognized domain name.

The URL of the Settlement Website shall be, or such other URL as

Class Counsel and Delta agree upon in writing. The Settlement Website shall be maintained by the

Settlement Administrator until 300 days after the Effective Date. The domain name of the

Settlement Website shall be included in all Notices. The Settlement Website shall provide, at a

minimum: (i) information concerning deadlines for opting out of or objecting to the Settlement or

for submitting a Claim Form, and the dates and locations of relevant Court proceedings, including

the Final Approval Hearing; (ii) the toll-free phone number applicable to the Settlement; (iii)

copies of the Settlement Agreement, the Notices, the Claim Form, Court orders regarding this

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Settlement, and other relevant Court documents which the Parties agree or the Court orders be

and costs and a Service Award; and (iv) information concerning the procedure to submit Claim

Forms, including the ability to submit Claim Forms electronically.

99. Toll-Free Telephone Number. No later than 44 days after entry of the Preliminary

Approval Order, the Settlement Administrator shall establish a toll-free telephone number and

facility that will provide members of the Settlement Class with information and direct them to the

Settlement Website. Prior to initial Notice being sent to members of the Settlement Class, Delta

shall train its customer service representatives to direct Settlement-related questions to the

Settlement Website address and the toll-free phone number that the Settlement Administrator will

establish. Delta will maintain this procedure through the distribution of Settlement Benefits

following the Effective Date of the Settlement. The toll-free telephone number shall be included

on the Settlement Website and in the Notices. The telephone facility shall be capable of providing

answers to frequently asked questions including general information concerning the deadline to

submit a Claim Form, opting out of or objecting to the Settlement, and the dates and locations of

relevant Court proceedings, including the Final Approval Hearing. The toll-free number shall be

maintained by the Settlement Administrator during the time period that the Settlement Website is


100. Opt-Outs. A member of the Settlement Class who wishes to opt-out of the

Settlement must do so on or before the Opt-Out and Objection Deadline. To opt-out, a Settlement

Class member must inform the Settlement Administrator in writing that he or she wishes to be

excluded from the Settlement Class, sending that request by U.S. Mail, post-marked no later than

the Opt-Out and Objection Deadline, or by private courier (e.g., Federal Express), shipped no later

than the Opt-Out and Objection Deadline. The opt-out request must be personally signed by the

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member of the Settlement Class and contain the name, postal address, telephone number, a brief

statement identifying membership in the Settlement Class, and a statement that indicates a desire

to be excluded from the Settlement Class. A member of the Settlement Class may opt out on an

individual and personal basis only; so- -outs shall not be allowed.

a. Except for those members of the Settlement Class who timely and properly

submit an opt-out request, all other members of the Settlement Class will be deemed to be

Settlement Class Members for all purposes under the Agreement, and upon the Effective

Date, will be bound by its terms, regardless of whether they file a Claim Form or receive

any Settlement Benefit.

b. Any member of the Settlement Class who properly opts-out of the

Settlement Class shall not: (i) be bound by any orders or judgments entered in the Action

or relating to the Settlement; (ii) be entitled to relief under, or be affected by, the

Agreement; (iii) gain any rights by virtue of the Agreement; or (iv) be entitled to object to

any aspect of the Settlement. Any statement or submission purporting or appearing to be

both an objection and an opt-out shall be treated as a request for exclusion.

101. Objections.

costs, and/or the Service Award must be filed or mailed to the Clerk of the Court and mailed to the

Settlement Administrator. For an objection to be considered by the Court, the objection must be

submitted no later than the Opt-Out and Objection Deadline, as specified in the Notice. If

submitted by mail, an objection shall be deemed to have been submitted when posted if received

with a postmark date on or before the Opt-Out and Objection Deadline indicated on the envelope

if mailed first class, postage prepaid and addressed in accordance with the instructions. If

submitted by private courier (e.g., Federal Express), an objection shall be deemed to have been

submitted on the shipping date reflected on the shipping label.

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a. For an objection to be considered by the Court, the objection must also set forth:

i. dress, email address (if

any), and telephone number;

ii. whether the Settlement Class Member is represented by counsel and, if so,

contact information for his or her counsel;

iii. evidence showing that the objector is a Settlement Class Member;

iv. whether the objection applies to that Settlement Class Member or to a

specific subset of the Settlement Class, or to the entire Settlement Class,

and state with specificity the grounds for the objection;

v. any other supporting papers, materials, or brief that the Settlement Class

Member wishes the Court to consider when reviewing the objection;

vi. the actual written or electronic signature of the Settlement Class Member

vii. if that Settlement Class Member and/or his or her counsel intends to appear

at the Final Approval Hearing, a statement notifying the Parties and the

Court of that intention to appear (this may be filed separately).

b. Any Settlement Class Member who fails to file and timely serve a written objection

as detailed in the Notice shall not be permitted to object to the approval of the

Settlement and shall be foreclosed from seeking any review of the Settlement or

the terms of the Agreement by appeal or other means.

c. Any Settlement Class Member who fails to file and timely serve a notice of

intention to appear (which may be included in the written objection) as detailed in

the Notice shall not be permitted to appear at the Final Approval Hearing.

102. The Settlement Administrator shall provide

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with copies of all opt-out requests and objections to counsel for the Parties on a weekly basis by


IX. Claim Form Submission Process and Calculation and Payment of Settlement Benefits

103. Settlement Class Members will receive Settlement Benefits on a claims-made basis.

Databases, the identities of members of the Settlement Class who had an Unused Credit or Partial

Unused Credit as of January 13, 2023, to create a Class List for Notice. The Parties agree that a

ticketholder who receives Notice of the Settlement based on the records provided by Delta for the

Class List shall be irrebuttably deemed a member of the Settlement Class and eligible to submit a

Claim Form requesting Settlement Benefits.

104. To receive a Settlement Benefit, Settlement Class Members must submit Claim

Forms by the Claims Deadline. In their Claim Forms, Settlement Class Members must attest that

they are U.S. residents, and that the covered flight(s) identified in the Claim Form was cancelled

by Delta, that a cash refund was requested, and that the refund was not received. The Claim Form

shall be in the form attached as Exhibits 4.

105. Settlement Class Members who submit a valid Claim Form will have options for

each eligible ticket for which Delta issued a credit and for 7% interest as follows:

a. Ticket Benefits. For the remaining credit amount as of the Claims Deadline

for each eligible ticket, Settlement Class Members who submit Claim Forms shall select

either a Ticket Cash option or a Ticket Credit option as follows:

i. Ticket Cash Option.

1. Settlement Class Members with an Unused Credit shall receive a

cash refund of the Unused Credit amount as of the Claims Deadline to be paid at

election after the Effective Date.

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2. Settlement Class Members with a Partial Unused Credit shall

receive the remaining Partial Unused Credit amount as of the Claims Deadline to

be paid at the after the Effective Date.

3. Settlement Class Members who elect the Ticket Cash option will

have their Unused or Partial Unused Credits frozen by Delta within 14 days after

the Claims Deadline. Within 45 days following the Claims Deadline, Delta and the

Settlement Administrator shall work together to update the Class List to reflect

which Unused Credits and Partial Unused Credits are frozen based on which

Settlement Class Members elected Ticket Cash. If the Settlement does not become

effective, any Unused Credit or Partial Unused Credit for which Ticket Cash was

elected will be maintained by the Settlement Class Member for one year from the

date of any final order in which the Settlement was rejected. Within 30 days after

the Settlement is rejected, Delta shall unfreeze the Unused Credits and Partial

Unused Credits. The Settlement Administrator shall provide notice via email to

those Settlement Class Members of the new deadline to use the Unused Credit or

Partial Unused Credits.

ii. Ticket Credit Option.

1. Settlement Class Members with an Unused Credit shall retain the

December 31, 2023 for travel no later than December 31, 2024. Any future

extension of for expiration of credits shall also apply to

Settlement Class Members.

2. Settlement Class Members with a Partial Unused Credit shall retain

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must be used by December 31, 2023 for travel no later than December 31, 2024.

apply to Settlement Class Members.

3. Unused Credits and Partial Unused Credits will not be frozen

pending Preliminary Approval or Final Approval, allowing those Settlement Class

Members to continue to use them. If the Settlement does not become effective, any

Unused Credit or Partial Unused Credit for which a Ticket Credit was elected will

not be extended past December 31, 2023 for travel no later than December 31, 2024

unless in the future extends its current policy with respect to the expiration

of credits.

iii. Settlement Class Members with No Unused Credit Amount. Settlement

Class Members who no longer have an Unused Credit or Partial Unused Credit as of

the Claims Deadline will be eligible to receive either Interest Cash or Interest Credit

based on the election made on the Claim Form, but they will no longer be eligible for

Ticket Cash or Ticket Credit.

b. Interest Benefits: Settlement Class Members who elect the Ticket Cash

option shall receive Interest Cash and who elect the Ticket Credit option shall receive

Interest Credit as follows:

i. Interest Cash Option. For both Unused Credits and Partial Unused Credits,

Settlement Class Members shall receive a cash payment in an amount equal to 7% of

the original ticket amount to be paid after

the Effective Date.

ii. Interest Credit Option. For both Unused Credits and Partial Unused

Credits, Settlement Class Members shall receive a credit in an amount equal to 7% of

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the original ticket amount valid for one year from the date of issuance.

c. Settlement Class Members With Multiple Credits. When making a

claim, a Settlement Class Member with more than one eligible Unused Credit and/or Partial

Unused Credit shall have the right to elect the Ticket Cash option or Ticket Credit option

as to each eligible credit, and that election will mean that Interest Cash or Interest Credit is

selected, respectively.

d. Non-Claimants. Any member of the Settlement Class that does not make a

claim by the Claims Deadline shall be entitled to redeem the Unused Credit or Partial

then current policy, including the credit expiration date

(currently passengers have until December 31, 2023 to book travel through December 31,

2024), but the failure to timely submit a Claim Form means there is no entitlement to

Interest Cash or Interest Credit.

106. A blank Claim Form shall also be available for members of the Settlement Class to

fill in and submit themselves electronically or by mail. Use of the blank Claim Form must meet

all of th requirements for the Claim Submission Process.

107. The Settlement Administrator shall make the final determination as to whether a

Claim form is timely and complete and should be approved consistent with the terms of this

Agreement. Delta will not audit the validity of claims that are timely filed, except to advise the

Settlement Administrator of the amount of the Unused Credit or Partial Unused Credit. The

Settlement Administrator shall establish a reasonable procedure to determine whether any

duplicate Claim Forms are submitted. In the event any Settlement Class Members submit duplicate

Claim Forms, provided that at least one of those Claim Forms is timely submitted and completed

within the requirements of this Agreement, then the Settlement Administrator shall approve the

claim. Issues regarding the validity of Claim Forms that cannot be resolved by the Settlement

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resolution is reached, to the Court.

108. The Settlement Administrator shall review and evaluate each Claim Form for

timeliness and completeness. If the Settlement Administrator determines a timely Claim Form is

incomplete, the Settlement Administrator will take reasonable and customary steps to notify the

member of the Settlement Class one time of the deficiency by written email notification when

possible or otherwise by mail to the postal address provided, requesting the additional information

necessary to cure the deficiency. Notification of the deficiency shall occur within 30 days after the

Claims Deadline or within 30 days of receipt of a timely postmarked response, whichever is

later. To cure the deficiency, the Claim Form deficiency response must be submitted via the online

claim portal on the Settlement Website or postmarked within 20 days after the date of the emailed

or mailed deficiency notice, failing which the claim will be denied. If the member of the

Settlement Class acts to cure the deficiency, and the Settlement Administrator thereafter

determines that the Claim Form is complete, the Settlement Administrator shall accept the Claim

Form. Claim Forms shall be reviewed and evaluated for deficiencies in the order in which they are

the Claim Forms received by the Settlement Administrator at any time. The Settlement

to any Claim Form.

109. Fraudulent or Misleading Claims. If the Settlement Administrator suspects fraud

or misleading conduct with respect to any Claim Form, the Settlement Administrator will

and confer with the Settlement Administrator concerning the claim, including whether the claim

should be denied. Cl

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attention of the Court.

110. The calculation and implementation of the Settlement Benefits contemplated by

this section shall be done by Class Counsel and Delta, with the assistance of the Settlement

Administrator, for the purpose of compensating Settlement Class Members whose Claim Forms

are approved. The methodology provided for herein will be applied to the data as consistently,

sensibly, and conscientiously, as reasonably possible, recognizing and taking into consideration

the nature and completeness of the data and the purpose of the computations.


Plaintiff, Class Counsel, and/or the Settlement Administrator based on any determinations,

distributions, or awards made with respect to any claim. For the avoidance of doubt, in no event

wrongful conduct (whether intentional, reckless, or negligent) on the part of the Settlement

Administrator or its agents.

112. As soon as practicable but no later than 90 days after the Effective Date, Delta shall

provide Interest Credit to eligible Settlement Class Members. Delta shall serve Class Counsel with

a declaration certifying its compliance with this obligation no later than 90 days after the Effective

Date. Notice of the issuance and expiration date for the Interest Credit shall then be sent by the

Settlement Administrator via an email sent to each Settlement Class Member receiving the Interest

Credit with instructions on how to use the Interest Credit. The instructions should be consistent

within one year of issuance.

113. As soon as practicable but no later than 15 days after the Effective Date, Delta shall

send the funds necessary for the Settlement Administrator to pay the full amount of the Cash

Settlement Payments to Settlement Class Members whose approved Claim Forms require such

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114. As soon as practicable but no later than 60 days after the Effective Date, the

Settlement Administrator shall pay the Cash Settlement Payments to all Settlement Class Members

entitled to Ticket Cash and/or Interest Cash. Cash Settlement Payments will be made by electronic

payment or check, with the request as to the form of payment being made when the Settlement

Administrator sends each Settlement Class Member who elected Cash Settlement Payment(s) an

email confirming the Effective Date of the Settlement has occurred and the dollar amount to be

paid. The parties anticipate that the email will provide Settlement Class Members with more than

one option for the receipt of an electronic payment. Settlement Class Members will be sent an

email confirming the completion of an electronic payment. When requested, checks will be issued

and mailed by the Settlement Administrator with an appropriate legend, in a form approved by

the address submitted by the Settlement Class Member when requesting a check form of payment

following the Effective Date. Checks shall be valid for 180 days.

115. In the event of any complications arising in connection with the issuance or cashing

of a check, other than the Settlement Class Memb timely deposit or cash the check,

or if electronic payments cannot be delivered using the information supplied on the Claim Form,

the Settlement Administrator shall proceed to resolve the dispute using its best practices and

procedures to ensure that the funds are fairly and properly distributed to the Settlement Class

Member entitled to the Cash Settlement Payments. In the event the Settlement Administrator is

unable to resolve the dispute, it shall provide written notice to Class Counsel a

If an electronic payment cannot be completed to the Settlement Class Member, the Settlement

Administrator shall issue a check for the Cash Settlement Payment using the address supplied by

the Settlement Class Member and notify the Settlement Class Member via email that the check

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was mailed.

116. For any returned checks, the Settlement Administrator shall make a reasonable

effort to locate a current mailing address for the Settlement Class Members whose checks were

returned (such as by running addresses of returned check through the NCOA database to effectuate

delivery of such checks). For any such check recipients for whom updated addresses are found,

the Settlement Administrator shall make only one additional attempt to re-mail or re-issue a Cash

Settlement Payment to the updated address. Notwithstanding the above, should a Settlement Class

Member change his or her address or electronic payment information from that provided on the

Claim Form after the date the Claim Form was submitted and before 60 days after the Effective

Date without also updating his or her address with the Settlement Administrator, such Settlement

Class Member may not receive payment.

117. Any uncashed or undeliverable checks remaining 210 days after final issuance, and

any electronic payments that are not successfully delivered, shall be paid to a cy pres recipient

subject to agreement of the Parties and approval of the Court. The Parties shall each propose a cy

pres recipient to receive 50% of the residual funds.

X. Final Approval Order and Judgment


to the Court for a scheduled Final Approval Hearing date. Pursuant to the schedule set by the Court

in its Preliminary Approval Order and no later than 70 days before the original date set for the

Final Approval Hearing, Class Counsel shall file a motion requesting that the Court grant Final

Approval of the Settlement and for entry of the Final Approval Order and a final judgment. That


Award for the Class Representative. At the Final Approval Hearing, the Court will hear argument

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Class Representative

discretion, the Court also will hear argument at the Final Approval Hearing from any Settlement

Class Members (or their counsel

objection(s) that meets all of the requirements listed in the Notice and requested to appear at the

not mean that the Court will not consider the timely objection.

119. At or following the Final Approval Hearing, the Court will determine whether to

enter the Final Approval Order granting Final Approval of the Settlement and the final judgment


Award. Such proposed Final Approval Order shall, among other things:

a. determine that the Settlement is fair, adequate, and reasonable;

b. finally certify the Settlement Class for Settlement purposes only;

c. determine that the Notice Program satisfies due process requirements;

d. bar and enjoin the Settlement Class Members from asserting any of the

Released Claims; bar and enjoin Settlement Class Members from pursuing any Released

Claims against Delta or its affiliates at any time, including during any appeal from the Final

Approval Order; bar and enjoin Delta from pursuing any of the claims Delta released

against Settlement Class Members; and retain jurisdiction over the enforcement of the

e. release the Parties from the claims specified in Section XI of this

Agreement; and

f. diction over the Parties to

this Agreement, including Delta, all Settlement Class Members, and all objectors, to

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administer, supervise, construe, and enforce this Agreement in accordance with its terms.

XI. Releases

120. As of the Effective Date, all Settlement Class Members and the Class

Representative, on behalf of themselves, their heirs, assigns, executors, administrators,

predecessors, and successors, and any other person purporting to claim on their behalf, hereby

expressly, generally, absolutely, and unconditionally release and discharge any and all Released

Claims against Delta and its current, former, and future affiliates, parents, subsidiaries,

representatives, officers, agents, directors, partners, principals, employees, insurers, successors,

assigns, and attorneys, except for claims relating to the enforcement of the Settlement.

121. As of the Effective Date, Delta and its representatives, officers, agents, directors,

partners, affiliates, successors, subsidiaries, parents, employees, insurers, and attorneys hereby

expressly, generally, absolutely, and unconditionally release and discharge Settlement Class

Members, the Class Representative, and Class Counsel from any claims arising out of or relating

in any way to the institution, prosecution, or settlement of the claims against Delta as set forth in

the operative complaint, except for claims relating to the enforcement of the Settlement.

122. With respect to any and all Released Claims, the Parties stipulate and agree that

upon the Effective Date, all Settlement Class Members shall have waived any and all provisions,

rights, and benefits conferred by any law of any state or territory of the United States, the District

of Columbia, or principle of common law or otherwise, which is similar, comparable, or equivalent

to Cal. Civ. Code § 1542. Class Representative and Class Counsel acknowledge, and each

Settlement Class Member by operation of law shall be deemed to have acknowledged, that the

inclusion of Unknown Claims in the definition of Released Claims was separately bargained for

and was a key element of the Agreement.

123. The Parties understand that if the facts upon which this Agreement is based are

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found hereafter to be different from the facts now believed to be true, each Party expressly assumes

the risk of such possible difference in facts, and agrees that this Agreement, including the releases

contained herein, shall remain effective notwithstanding such difference in facts. The Parties agree

that in entering this Agreement, it is understood and agreed that each Party relies wholly upon its

own judgment, belief, and knowledge and that each Party does not rely on inducements, promises,

or representations made by anyone other than those embodied herein.

124. Each Settlement Class Member is barred and permanently enjoined from bringing

on behalf of themselves, or through any person purporting to act on their behalf or purporting to

assert a claim under or through them, any of the Released Claims against Delta in any forum,

action, or proceeding of any kind.

125. The Parties agree that it is in the best interests of the Settlement Class Members

that the above releases will be effective before Settlement Benefits are received because the

releases are limited to the Released Claims and payments will be automatic and made within 60

days of the Effective Date.



Award no later than 70 days before the date originally set for the Final Approval Hearing, which

Delta has agreed to pay separately to Class Counsel. That application shall be posted on the

Settlement Website.


Counsel $80,000.00 for costs, subject to Court approval, shall be payable separate and apart from

the direct Settlement Benefits (i.e. Cash Settlement Payments and Credit Settlement Payments)

available to Settlement Class Members, thereby ensuring that the Settlement Class Members

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to approve, in whole or in part, any award for a

Agreement from becoming effective, nor shall it be grounds for termination.

128. The procedure for and the allowance or disallowance by the Court of any

erm of the Settlement or Agreement and

shall provide W-9 Forms to the Settlement Administrator prior to such payment.


they deem appropriate. Under no circumstances will Delta be liable to Class Counsel, or any other

attorney or law firm, for, because of, relating to, concerning, or as a result of any payment or

reement; and Class Counsel,

and each of them, release Delta from any and all disputes or claims because of, relating to,

to this Agreement.

130. Plaintiff may seek a Service Award of up to $3,000.00 to be paid separately by

Delta, subject to Court approval of the amount. Within 7 days of the Effective Date, Delta shall

pay the Service Award to the Class Representative. The Service Award shall be paid to the Class

from becoming Effective, nor shall it be grounds for termination.


and Service Award, or any appeal from any order relating thereto or reversal or modification

thereof, will not operate to terminate or cancel this Agreement, or affect or delay the finality of

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Judgment approving the Agreement and the Settlement.


and the Service Award only after reaching agreement on all other material terms of this Settlement.

XIII. Termination of Settlement

133. This Settlement may be terminated by either Class Counsel or Delta by serving on

counsel for the opposing Party and filing with the Court a written notice of termination within 15

days (or such longer time as may be agreed in writing between Class Counsel and Delta) after any

of the following occurrences:

a. Plaintiff and Delta agree to termination;

b. the Court rejects, materially modifies, materially amends or changes, or

declines to grant preliminarily or finally approve the Settlement;

c. an appellate court vacates or reverses the Final Approval Order, and the

Settlement is not reinstated and finally approved without material change by the Court on

remand within 360 days after such reversal;

d. any court incorporates into, or deletes or strikes from, or modifies, amends,

or changes, the Preliminary Approval Order, Final Approval Order, or the Settlement in a

way that Class Counsel or Delta seeking to terminate the Settlement reasonably considers

material. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the reasoning or authority relied upon

by any court in entering the Preliminary Approval Order or Final Approval Order shall not

be considered material for termination of the Settlement;

e. the Effective Date does not occur; or

f. any other ground for termination provided for elsewhere in this Agreement.

134. If the Settlement does not receive final and non-appealable Court approval, Delta

shall not be obligated to make any payments or provide any other monetary or non-monetary relief

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 43 of 79

Class Counsel, or a

Service Award to the Class Representative.

XIV. Effect of a Termination

135. In the event of a termination, this Agreement shall be considered null and void; all

ll cease to be of

any force and effect; and the Parties shall return to the status quo ante in the Action as if the Parties

had not entered into this Agreement. In addition, in the event of such a termination, all of the

-Settlement rights, claims, and defenses will be retained and preserved.

136. In the event of termination, Delta shall have no right to seek reimbursement from

Plaintiff, Class Counsel, or the Settlement Administrator, for Settlement Administration Costs paid

by Delta. Delta shall however remain responsible for any Settlement Administrator invoices that

were outstanding at the time of the termination.

137. The Settlement shall become effective on the Effective Date unless earlier

terminated in accordance with the provisions hereof.

138. In the event the Settlement is terminated in accordance with the provisions of this

Agreement, any discussions, offers, or negotiations associated with this Settlement shall not be

discoverable or offered into evidence or used in the Action or any other action or proceeding for

any purpose. In such event, all Parties to the Action shall stand in the same position as if this

Agreement had not been negotiated, made, or filed with the Court.

XV. No Admission of Liability

139. Delta denies any fault, wrongdoing, or liability to Plaintiff or the Settlement Class

Members for monetary damages or other relief, but Delta believes that the proposed Settlement is

desirable in order to avoid the further significant burden, expense, risk, and inconvenience of

protracted litigation, and the distraction and diversion of its personnel and resources.

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 44 of 79

140. Class Counsel believe that the claims asserted in the Action have merit, and they

have examined and considered the benefits to be obtained under the proposed Settlement set forth

in this Agreement, the risks associated with the continued prosecution of this complex, costly, and

time-consuming litigation, and the likelihood of success on the merits of the Action. Class Counsel

fully investigated the facts and law relevant to the merits of the claims, conducted significant

informal discovery, and conducted independent investigation of the challenged practices. Class

Counsel concluded that the proposed Settlement set forth in this Agreement is fair, adequate,

reasonable, and in the best interests of the Settlement Class members.

141. The Parties understand and acknowledge that this Agreement constitutes a

compromise and settlement of disputed claims. No action taken by the Parties either previously or

in connection with the negotiations or proceedings connected with this Agreement shall be deemed

or construed to be an admission of the truth or falsity of any claims or defenses heretofore made,

or an acknowledgment or admission by any party of any fault, liability, or wrongdoing of any kind


142. Neither the Settlement, nor any act performed or document executed pursuant to or

in furtherance of the Settlement: (a) is or may be deemed to be, or may be used as, an admission

of, or evidence of, the validity of any claim made by the Plaintiff or Settlement Class Members,

or of any wrongdoing or liability of Delta; or (b) is or may be deemed to be, or may be used as, an

admission of, or evidence of, any fault or omission of Delta, in the Action or in any proceeding in

any court, administrative agency, or other tribunal.

143. In addition to any other defenses Delta may have at law, in equity, or otherwise, to

the extent permitted by law, this Agreement may be pleaded as a full and complete defense to, and

it may be used as the basis for an injunction against, any action, suit or other proceeding that may

be instituted, prosecuted, or attempted in breach of this Agreement or the Releases contained

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 45 of 79


XIX. Miscellaneous Provisions

144. Gender and Plurals. As used in this Agreement, the masculine, feminine or neuter

gender, and the singular or plural number, shall each be deemed to include the others whenever

the context so indicates.

145. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to for the benefit

of, the successors and assigns of the releasing parties and the released parties as set forth in the

Releases herein.

146. Cooperation of Parties. The Parties to this Agreement agree to cooperate in good

faith to prepare and execute all documents, to seek Court approval, uphold Court approval, and do

all things reasonably necessary to complete and effectuate the Settlement described in this


147. Obligation to Meet and Confer. Before filing any motion in the Court raising a

dispute arising out of or related to this Agreement, the Parties shall consult with each other and

certify to the Court that they have met and conferred in good faith to resolve the dispute.

148. Integration. This Agreement constitutes a single, integrated written contract

expressing the entire agreement of the Parties relative to the subject matter hereof. No covenants,

agreements, representations, or warranties of any kind whatsoever have been made by any Party

hereto, except as provided for herein.

149. No Conflict Intended. Any inconsistency between the headings used in this

Agreement and the text of the paragraphs of this Agreement shall be resolved in favor of the text.

150. Governing Law. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Agreement shall be

construed in accordance with, and be governed by, the laws of the State of Georgia, without regard

to the principles thereof regarding choice of law.

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 46 of 79

151. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts,

each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the

same instrument, even though all Parties do not sign the same counterparts. Original signatures are

not required. Any ink or electronic signature submitted by facsimile or through email of an Adobe

PDF shall be deemed an original.

152. Jurisdiction. The Court shall retain jurisdiction over the implementation,

enforcement, and performance of this Agreement, and shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any

suit, action, proceeding, or dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement that cannot be

resolved by negotiation and agreement by counsel for the Parties. The Court shall retain

jurisdiction with respect to the administration, consummation, and enforcement of the Agreement

and shall retain jurisdiction for the purpose of enforcing all terms of the Agreement. The Court

shall also retain jurisdiction over all questions and/or disputes related to the Notice Program and

the Settlement Administrator. As part of its agreement to render services in connection with this

Settlement, the Settlement Administrator shall consent to the jurisdiction of the Court for this


and enjoining all Settlement Class Members from asserting any of the Released Claims and from

pursuing any Released Claims against Delta at any time, including during any appeal from the

Final Approval Order and judgment.

153. Notices. All notices to counsel provided for herein, shall be sent by email with a

hard copy sent by overnight mail to:

Notices to Plaintiff:


Jeff Ostrow Melissa S. Weiner
1 West Las Olas Blvd., Suite 500 328 Barry Avenue S., Suite 200
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Wayzata, MN 55391

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 47 of 79


Annick M. Persinger, Esq. Roy E. Barnes, Esq.
1970 Broadway, Suite 1070 31 Atlanta Street
Oakland, CA 94612 Marietta, GA 30060

Notices to Delta:


David L. Balser Julia C. Barrett
Charles Spalding, Jr. 500 W. Second Street
1180 Peachtree Street, NE Suite 1800
Suite 1600 Austin, Texas 78701
Atlanta, GA 30309

The notice recipients and addresses designated above may be changed by written notice. Upon the

request of any of the Parties, the Parties agree to promptly provide each other with copies of

objections, opt-out requests, or other filings received as a result of the Notice Program.

154. Modification and Amendment. This Agreement may not be amended or

modified, except by a written instrument signed by Class Counsel and and, if the

Settlement has been approved preliminarily by the Court, approved by the Court.

155. No Waiver. The waiver by any Party of any breach of this Agreement by another

Party shall not be deemed or construed as a waiver of any other breach, whether prior, subsequent,

or contemporaneous, of this Agreement.

156. Authority. Class Counsel (for the Plaintiff and the Settlement Class Members),

Agreement on

their behalf have full power and authority to bind every person, partnership, corporation, or entity

included within the definitions of Plaintiff and Delta to all terms of this Agreement. Any person

executing this Agreement in a representative capacity represents and warrants that he or she is

fully authorized to do so and to bind the Party on whose behalf he or she signs this Agreement to

all of the terms and provisions of this Agreement.

157. Agreement Mutually Prepared. Neither Plaintiff nor Delta, nor any of them, shall

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 48 of 79

be considered to be the drafter of this Agreement or any of its provisions for the purpose of any

statute, case law, or rule of interpretation or construction that would or might cause any provision

to be construed against the drafter of this Agreement.

158. Independent Investigation and Decision to Settle. The Parties understand and

acknowledge that they: (a) have performed an independent investigation of the allegations of fact

and law made in connection with this Action; and (b) that even if they may hereafter discover facts

in addition to, or different from, those that they now know or believe to be true with respect to the

subject matter of the Action as reflected in this Agreement, that will not affect or in any respect

limit the binding nature of this Agreement. Delta has provided and is providing information that

Plaintiff reasonably requests to identify the members of the Settlement Class and the Settlement

to resolve their disputes in

connection with this Action pursuant to the terms of this Agreement now and thus, in furtherance

of their intentions, the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding the

discovery of any additional facts or law, or changes in law, and this Agreement shall not be subject

to rescission or modification by reason of any changes or differences in facts or law, subsequently

occurring or otherwise.

159. Receipt of Advice of Counsel. Each Party acknowledges, agrees, and specifically

warrants that he, she, or it has fully read this Agreement and the Releases contained herein,

received independent legal advice with respect to the advisability of entering into this Agreement

and the Releases, and the legal effects of this Agreement and the Releases, and fully understands

the effect of this Agreement and the Releases.

Signature Page Follows

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 49 of 79

Dated: _________________________ _________________________________


Dated: _________________________ __________________________________

Jeff Ostrow, Esq.
Class Counsel

Dated:_________________________ ____________________________________
Melissa S. Weiner, Esq.
Class Counsel

Date: __________________________ __________________________________

Annick M. Persinger, Esq.
Class Counsel

Dated:_________________________ __________________________________
Roy E. Barnes, Esq.
Class Counsel

Dated:_________________________ __________________________________

By: _________________________
Its: _________________________

Dated:_________________________ ________________________________________
David L. Balser, Esq.
Counsel for Defendant

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 50 of 79

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 51 of 79

Exhibit 1
Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 52 of 79

Email Notice

To: <<Class Member Email>>

From: Settlement Administrator <[email protected]>
Subject: Dusko v. Delta Air Lines Class Action and Settlement Notice

Court-Approved Legal Notice

If you are a Delta Air Lines, Inc. ticketholder who requested a refund but instead
received a credit for a non-refundable ticket, purchased for a flight scheduled to
depart between March 1, 2020, through April 30, 2021, that was cancelled by
Delta, you may be eligible to receive benefits from a class action settlement.
Si desea recibir esta notificación en español, llámenos 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX o visite nuestra
página web
A Settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit filed against Delta Air Lines, Inc. (“Delta”).
The lawsuit alleges that Delta breached its contracts of carriage with ticketholders by refusing
requests for refunds and instead providing credits for future travel on the airline for flights Delta
cancelled in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Delta denies all allegations and has agreed to
settle this lawsuit to avoid further litigation. The Court has not decided who is right.

You are Receiving this Notice Because Delta’s Records Indicate You may be a Settlement
Class Member. You are a Settlement Class member if you are a ticketholder who is a citizen of
the United States who received a credit for a non-refundable ticket purchased with dollars on a
flight scheduled to depart between March 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021 (a) that Delta cancelled;
(b) who requested a refund for the ticket as reflected in Delta’s Customer Care or Refund
Databases; (c) did not receive a refund; and (d) who had an Unused Credit and/or Partial Unused
Credit as of January 13, 2023.

What Does the Settlement Provide? If you are a Settlement Class member, you can submit a
Claim Form to receive:

1) Cash Settlement Payment: Ticket Cash - a cash refund of the remaining Unused Credit and/or
Partial Unused Credit as of Month DD, 20YY, and Interest Cash - a cash payment in an amount
equal to 7% of the original ticket amount; or

2) Credit Settlement Payment: Ticket Credit – the amount of the Unused Credit and/or Partial
Unused Credit that will remain as a credit and must be used by December 31, 2023, for travel no
later than December 31, 2024; and Interest Credit - a credit in an amount equal to 7% of the original
ticket amount, valid for one year from issuance.
Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 53 of 79

Your Options. If you are a Settlement Class member, you can submit a Claim Form here or by
mail. Your Claim Form must be filed online or mailed and postmarked by Month DD, 20YY. You
will need to enter your Unique ID <<UniqueID>> on your Claim Form. After you enter your
Unique ID, details from Delta’s records regarding your ticket(s) that are eligible for a Settlement
Benefit will be displayed for your ease of filing your electronic Claim Form online or printable
Claim Form to be mailed.

If you do not want a Settlement Benefit, and you want to keep the right to sue or continue to sue
Delta on your own about the legal issues in this case, you must “exclude yourself” by filing an opt-
out request postmarked or shipped by Month DD, 20YY. If you do not exclude yourself, you will
remain in the Settlement Class and will give up the right to sue Delta about the legal issues in this
case. It also means the Court’s orders will apply to you and legally bind you. If you do not exclude
yourself, you may object to the Settlement. The deadline to object is Month DD, 20YY.

The Court will hold a Final Approval Hearing on Month DD, 20YY, at x:00 x.m., to hear
objections and arguments concerning the fairness of the proposed Settlement, including the amount
requested by Class Counsel for attorneys’ fees and costs. If there are objections, the Court will
consider them. You do not need to attend this hearing. If you file an objection that includes a notice
of intention to appear, you may attend the Final Approval Hearing, and you may ask to speak, but
you do not have to speak. After the hearing, the Court will decide whether to approve the
Settlement. This notice summarizes the Settlement and your rights.

More information is available at the Settlement Website or by calling toll-free 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx.

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 54 of 79

Exhibit 2
Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 55 of 79

Court-Approved Legal Notice

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 56 of 79
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Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 58 of 79
Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 59 of 79

Exhibit 3
Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 60 of 79

If you are a Delta Air Lines, Inc. ticketholder who requested a refund but
instead received a credit for a non-refundable ticket, purchased for a
flight scheduled to depart between March 1, 2020, through April 30,
2021, that was cancelled by Delta, you may be eligible to receive
benefits from a class action settlement.
A federal court has authorized this Notice. This is not a solicitation from a lawyer. Your legal rights
are affected whether you act or do not act. Please read this Notice carefully.
A Settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit filed against Delta Air Lines, Inc.
(“Delta”). The lawsuit alleges that Delta breached its contracts of carriage with ticketholders by
refusing requests for refunds and instead providing credits for future travel on the airline for flights
Delta cancelled in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Delta denies all allegations and has
agreed to settle this lawsuit to avoid further litigation. The Court has not decided who is right.
You are a Settlement Class member if you are a ticketholder who is a citizen of the United States
who received a credit for a non-refundable ticket purchased with dollars on a flight scheduled to
depart between March 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021 (a) that Delta cancelled; (b) who requested a
refund for the ticket as reflected in Delta’s Customer Care or Refund Databases; (c) did not receive
a refund; and (d) who had an Unused Credit and/or Partial Unused Credit as of January 13, 2023.
If you are a Settlement Class member, you can submit a Claim Form to receive Settlement Benefits in
the form of a Cash Settlement Payment or Credit Settlement Payment. If you have more than one
eligible Unused Credit and/or Partial Unused Credit, you can select a Cash Settlement Payment or
Credit Settlement Payment for each such credit:
1. Cash Settlement Payment.
Ticket Cash: This is a cash refund of the remaining Unused Credit and/or Partial Unused
Credit as of Month DD, 20YY, [Claims Deadline]; and
Interest Cash: This is a cash payment in an amount equal to 7% of the original ticket amount.
2. Credit Settlement Payment.
Ticket Credit: This is the amount of the Unused Credit and/or Partial Unused Credit that
will remain as a credit and must be used by December 31, 2023, for travel no later than
December 31, 2024; and
Interest Credit: This is a credit in an amount equal to 7% of the original ticket amount,
valid for one year from issuance.
Submit a Claim The only way to get a Settlement Benefit is to Submit a Claim Form by:
Form submit a timely and valid Claim Form. Month DD, 20YY
Get no Settlement Benefit but keep any right to
Exclude Yourself Submit an Opt-Out Request
file your own lawsuit against Delta about the legal
(Opt-Out) by: Month DD, 20YY
claims in this case.
Tell the Court why you do not like the Settlement. You File an Objection by:
may still file a Claim Form for a Settlement Benefit. Month DD, 20YY
If you object, you can ask to speak in Court about File Notice of Intention
Attend A
why you do not support the proposed Settlement. to Appear by:
You must file a notice of intention to appear. Month DD, 20YY
Do Nothing Get no Settlement Benefit. Give up legal rights.
These rights and options—and the deadlines to exercise them—are explained in this Notice.
The Court in charge of this case still has to decide whether to approve the Settlement. Settlement Benefits
will be issued to those Settlement Class Members who submitted timely and valid Claim Forms if the
Court approves the Settlement and after appeals are resolved. Please be patient.
Questions? Call 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx, or Visit
Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 61 of 79


BASIC INFORMATION .................................................................................................... PAGE x

1. Why should I read this Notice?
2. What is this lawsuit about?
3. What is a class action?
4. Why is there a Settlement?

WHO IS IN THE SETTLEMENT ......................................................................................... PAGE x

5. Am I part of the Settlement?
6. What if I am still not sure whether I am part of the Settlement?

THE SETTLEMENT BENEFITS — WHAT YOU GET ........................................................... PAGE x

7. What does the Settlement provide?
8. What can I get from the Settlement?

HOW TO GET BENEFITS FROM THE SETTLEMENT ........................................................ PAGE x

9. How can I get my Settlement Benefit?
10. When will I receive my Settlement Benefit?
11. What am I giving up to receive a Settlement Benefit?

THE LAWYERS REPRESENTING YOU ............................................................................. PAGE x

12. Do I have lawyers in this case?
13. How will the lawyers be paid?


14. How do I get out of the Settlement?
15. If I exclude myself, can I get anything from this Settlement?

YOUR RIGHTS — OBJECTING TO THE SETTLEMENT ...................................................... PAGE x

16. How do I tell the Court that I do not like the Settlement?
17. What is the difference between objecting and asking to be excluded?


18. When and where will the Court decide whether to approve the Settlement?
19. Do I have to attend the Final Approval Hearing?
20. May I speak at the Final Approval Hearing?

YOUR RIGHTS — DO NOTHING ........................................................................................ PAGE x

21. What happens if I do nothing at all?

GETTING MORE INFORMATION...................................................................................... PAGE x

22. Are there more details about the Settlement?
23. How do I get more information?

Questions? Call 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx, or Visit

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 62 of 79

1. Why should I read this Notice?

A Court has preliminarily established, or “certified,” this case as a class action lawsuit for purposes
of settlement. This Notice explains the class action lawsuit, the proposed Settlement, your legal rights,
what benefits are available, who is eligible for the benefits, and how to get the benefits. If you are a
Settlement Class member, you have legal rights and options before the Court decides whether to give
final approval to the proposed Settlement. This Notice explains all of these things. For the precise
terms and conditions of the Settlement, please review the Settlement Agreement, available at
The Court in charge of this case is the United States District Court for the Northern District of
Georgia. The lawsuit is known as Dusko v. Delta Air Lines, Inc., No. 1:20-cv-01664-ELR.

2. What is this lawsuit about?

The lawsuit alleges that Delta breached its contracts of carriage with ticketholders by refusing
requests for refunds and instead providing credits for future travel on the airline for flights Delta
cancelled in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Delta denies all allegations and has agreed to
settle this lawsuit to avoid further litigation. The Court has not decided who is right.

3. What is a class action?

In a class action lawsuit, one or more person called the named plaintiff sues on behalf of other persons
and entities that have similar claims. The people and entities together are a “Settlement Class.” In this
lawsuit, the person who sued is called the “named plaintiff” or the “Class Representative,” which
means Plaintiff, Angela Dusko. The company being sued, Delta Air Lines, Inc. (“Delta”) is called
the “Defendant.” One court resolves the issues for everyone in the Settlement Class, except for those
people who choose to exclude themselves (opt-out) from the Settlement Class.

4. Why is there a Settlement?

The Court has not decided in favor of the Class Representative or Delta. Instead, both sides agreed to
a Settlement. By agreeing to settle, both sides avoid the cost and risk of a trial, and Settlement Class
Members who submit a timely and valid Claim Form will get Settlement Benefits. The Class
Representative and Class Counsel believe the Settlement is best for the Settlement Class and
represents a fair, reasonable, and adequate resolution of the lawsuit.
Delta has denied, and continues to deny, all allegations of liability, wrongdoing, and damage. Without
admitting or conceding any liability or damages, and without admitting any wrongdoing, Delta has
agreed to settle the lawsuit and agrees to the terms and conditions of the Settlement Agreement to avoid
the substantial expense, inconvenience, burden, and disruption of continued litigation.
To see if you are eligible for benefits, you first have to determine if you are a Settlement Class member.

5. Am I part of the Settlement?

You are a Settlement Class member if you are a ticketholder who is a citizen of the United States who
received a credit for a non-refundable ticket purchased with dollars on a flight scheduled to depart
between March 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021 (a) that Delta cancelled; (b) who requested a refund
Questions? Call 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx, or Visit
Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 63 of 79

for the ticket as reflected in Delta’s Customer Care or Refund Databases; (c) did not receive a refund;
and (d) who had an Unused Credit or Partial Unused Credit as of January 13, 2023.
Specifically excluded from the Settlement Class are the following: Delta and its respective
subsidiaries and affiliates, members, employees, officers, directors, agents, and representatives and
their family members; Class Counsel; the judges who have presided over the Action and their
immediate family members; local, municipal, state, and federal governmental agencies; and all
persons who have timely opted-out from the Settlement Class in accordance with the Court’s orders.

6. What if I am still not sure whether I am part of the Settlement?

If you are still not sure whether you are a Settlement Class member, you may go to the Settlement
Website at or call the Settlement Administrator’s toll-free telephone number
at 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx.
7. What does the Settlement provide?

Delta will provide Settlement Benefits to eligible Settlement Class Members who file a timely and
valid Claim Form with a Cash Settlement Payment (Ticket Cash and Interest Cash) or a Credit
Settlement Payment (Ticket Credit and Interest Credit). Delta will also pay for all Settlement
Administrative Costs, attorneys’ fees and costs, and any Service Award, which are all separate and
apart from the Cash Settlement Payments and Credit Settlement Payment to Settlement Class

8. What can I get from the Settlement?

Settlement Class Members who submit a timely and valid Claim Form will have the following
Settlement Benefit options for each eligible ticket. You may request a Cash Settlement Payment or
Credit Settlement Payment for each eligible ticket. A Cash Settlement Payment includes Ticket Cash
and Interest Cash. A Credit Settlement Payment includes keeping the Ticket Credit and receiving an
Interest Credit.
1. Cash Settlement Payment: You may receive a cash payment if you select the Ticket Cash
and Interest Cash option for an Unused Credit and/or Partial Unused Credit.
Ticket Cash: This is a cash refund of the remaining Unused Credit and/or Partial Unused
Credit. The amount of the cash refund will be the remaining Unused Credit amount and/or
Partial Unused Credit amount as of Month DD, 20YY, [Claims Deadline].
If you select the Ticket Cash option, your Unused and/or Partial Unused Credits will be
frozen by Delta within 14 days after the Claim Deadline.
If you no longer have any Unused Credit and/or Partial Unused Credit as of Month DD,
20YY, [Claims Deadline], you will only be eligible to receive Interest Cash, not Ticket
Interest Cash: If you select to receive Ticket Cash, you will also receive Interest Cash in
the form of a cash payment in an amount equal to 7% of the original ticket amount for
both Unused Credits and Partial Unused Credits.
2. Credit Settlement Payment: You may receive a credit if you submit a timely and valid Claim
Form, and you select the Ticket Credit and Interest Credit option for both an Unused Credit
or Partial Unused Credit.
Questions? Call 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx, or Visit
Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 64 of 79

Ticket Credit: This is the amount of the Unused Credit and/or Partial Unused Credit which
you will keep as a credit, which must be used by December 31, 2023, for travel no later than
December 31, 2024.
NOTE: If the Effective Date of the Settlement does not occur, that deadline will not be
extended unless in the future Delta’s extends its current policy with respect to the expiration
of credits.
Interest Credit: If you select to maintain your Ticket Credit, you will receive an Interest
Credit in a credit in an amount equal to 7% of the original ticket amount for both Unused
Credits and Partial Unused Credits, valid for one year from issuance.
Multiple Credits
If you have more than one eligible Unused Credit and/or Partial Unused Credit, you can select a Cash
Settlement Payment or Credit Settlement Payment for each credit.
Please note: If you are a member of the Settlement Class and you do not file a Claim Form by the
deadline, you can still redeem any Unused Credit or Partial Unused Credit pursuant to Delta’s policy,
which allows until December 31, 2023, to book travel through December 31, 2024. However, if you
do not file a Claim Form by the deadline, you are not entitled to Interest Cash or Interest Credit.
Per the terms of the Settlement, if any funds remain after all Cash Settlement Payments are made from
uncashed or undeliverable checks or electronic payments not successfully delivered to Settlement Class
Members, the remaining funds will be donated to a recipient(s) approved by the Court.
9. How can I get my Settlement Benefit?

If you are a Settlement Class Member, you must fill out and submit a Claim Form to qualify for a
Settlement Benefit. You can file your electronic Claim Form at If you
received a notice of this Settlement via email, there is a link on that email to access the Claim Form.
You will need to enter the Unique ID assigned to you on the electronic Claim Form. You can also
return the paper Claim Form, postage prepaid if you received a postcard notice for the Settlement.
You can also receive a paper Claim Form from the Settlement Website or get one by calling the
Settlement Administrator at xxx-xxx-xxxx. The completed Claim Form must be submitted online by
Month DD, 20YY, or mailed to the following address, postmarked by Month DD, 20YY.
Dusko v. Delta Air Lines Settlement Administrator
PO Box xxxx
Portland, OR 97xxx-xxxx

10. When will I receive my Settlement Benefit?

The Court will hold a hearing on Month DD, 20YY, at x:00 x.m. (which is subject to change), to
decide whether to finally approve the Settlement. Even if the Court finally approves the Settlement,
there may be appeals. The appeal process can take time, perhaps more than a year. If you file a timely
and valid Claim Form, you will not receive a Settlement Benefit until any appeals are resolved. Please
be patient.

11. What am I giving up to receive a Settlement Benefit?

Unless you exclude yourself (“opt-out”) from the Settlement Class by timely submitting an opt-out
request, you will remain in the Settlement Class, and that means you cannot sue, continue to sue or
Questions? Call 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx, or Visit
Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 65 of 79

be part of any other lawsuit against Delta about the legal issues in this case, including the Releases
that are defined and described in legal terms in Section XI of the Settlement Agreement, which is
available at It also means that all of the Court’s orders will apply to you and
legally bind you.
12. Do I have lawyers in this case?

The Court has appointed attorneys from the law firms of Kopelowitz Ostrow P.A.; Pearson Warshaw,
LLP; Tycko & Zavareei, LLP; and Barnes Law Group, LLC to represent you and the other Settlement
Class Members. The lawyers are called Class Counsel. They are experienced in handling similar class
action cases. You will not be charged for these lawyers. If you want to be represented by your own
lawyer, you may hire one at your own expense.
You may contact Class Counsel if you have any questions about this Notice or the Settlement. Please
do not contact the Court.


Jeff Ostrow Melissa S. Weiner
1 West Las Olas Blvd., Suite 500 328 Barry Avenue S., Suite 200
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Wayzata, MN 55391
(954) 525-4100 (612) 389-0600
[email protected] [email protected]


Annick M. Persinger, Esq. Roy E. Barnes, Esq.
1970 Broadway, Suite 1070 31 Atlanta Street
Oakland, CA 94612 Marietta, GA 30060
(510) 250-3316 (770) 227-6375
[email protected] [email protected]

13. How will the lawyers be paid?

Class Counsel will ask the Court for an award of attorneys’ fees of $2,285,000 and costs of $80,000.
Attorneys’ fees and costs approved by the Court will be paid by Delta, separate from the Settlement
Benefits available to Settlement Class Members. Class Counsel may also ask the Court for a Service
Award of up to $3,000 for the Plaintiff. The purpose of the Service Award is to compensate the
Plaintiff for serving as Class Representative. Any Service Award payment to the Plaintiff will be paid
by Delta, separate from the Settlement Benefits available to Settlement Class Members. The Court
may deny or award less than these amounts. Class Counsel’s Motion for Attorneys’ Fees and Costs
and Service Award for the Class Representative will be available at once it
has been filed.
If you do not want a Settlement Benefit and want to keep the right to sue or continue to sue Delta on
your own about the legal issues in this case, then you must take steps to exclude yourself from the
Settlement (get out of the Settlement). This is called “excluding yourself” or “opting out” of the
Settlement Class.

Questions? Call 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx, or Visit

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 66 of 79

14. How do I get out of the Settlement?

To exclude yourself from the Settlement, you must send a written “opt-out request” that must include
the following:
Your name;
Your postal address;
Your telephone number;
A brief statement identifying membership in the Settlement Class;
A statement that indicates a desire to exclude yourself from the Settlement Class; and
Your personal signature as a member of the Settlement Class
Your opt-out must be mailed via U.S. Mail, postmarked or if by private courier (such a Federal
Express), shipped no later than Month DD, 20YY, to:
Dusko v. Delta Air Lines Settlement Administrator
Opt-Out Requests
PO Box xxxx
Portland, OR 97xxx-xxxx
Only individual requests to opt-out by a member of the Settlement Class on a personal basis are
allowed. “Mass” or “class” opt-outs are not allowed according to the terms of the Settlement.
If you do not follow these procedures and the deadline, you will be a Settlement Class Member and
lose any opportunity to exclude yourself from the Settlement. This means that your rights will be
determined in this lawsuit by the Settlement Agreement if it receives final approval from the Court,
even if you do not submit a Claim Form.

15. If I exclude myself, can I get anything from this Settlement?

No. If you opt-out of the Settlement, you cannot receive a Settlement Benefit. However, you may sue,
continue to sue, or be part of a different lawsuit against Delta.
16. How do I tell the Court that I do not like the Settlement?

If you are a Settlement Class Member, you can object to the Settlement or to the application for
attorneys’ fees and costs, and/or the Service Award. You can give reasons why you think the Court
should not approve it. The Court will consider your views. You cannot ask the Court for a different
Settlement; the Court can only approve or reject the Settlement. If the Court denies approval of the
Settlement, no Settlement Benefits will be provided, and the lawsuit will continue. If that is what you
want to happen, you must object.
To object, you must file a written objection, which includes the following information:
Your printed name, address, email address (if any), and telephone number;
A statement of whether you are represented by counsel and if so, contact information for your counsel;
Evidence showing you as an objector are a Settlement Class Member;

Questions? Call 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx, or Visit

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 67 of 79

A statement as to whether your objection applies to you as a Settlement Class Member or if it

applies to a specific subset of the Settlement Class, or to the entire Settlement Class, and state
with specificity the grounds for the objection;
Any other supporting papers, materials, or brief that you wish the Court to consider when
reviewing your objection;
Your actual written or electronic signature as the objector (counsel’s signature is not
sufficient); and
A statement regarding whether you and/or your counsel intend to appear at the Final Approval
Your objection must be filed with or mailed to the Clerk of the Court by Month DD, 20YY, and a
copy mailed to the Settlement Administrator at the following addresses:
Clerk of the Court Settlement Administrator
Clerk of Court Dusko v. Delta Air Lines Settlement Administrator
United States District Court Objections
Northern District of Georgia PO Box xxxx
1788 Richard B. Russell Federal Building and Portland, OR 97xxx-xxx
United States Courthouse
75 Ted Turner Drive, SW
Atlanta, GA 30303-3309

If your objection is mailed via U.S. Mail, your objection will be deemed to have been submitted when
posted if received with a postmark date on or before Month DD, 20YY, indicated on the envelope
if mailed first class, postage prepaid, and addressed in accordance with the instructions. If your
objection is submitted by private courier (such as Federal Express), your objection will be deemed to
have been submitted on the shipping date reflected on the shipping label.
If you file a timely objection, it will be considered by the Court at the Final Approval Hearing. You
do not need to attend the Final Approval Hearing for the Court to consider your objection.

17. What is the difference between objecting and asking to be excluded?

Objecting is simply telling the Court that you do not like something about the Settlement. You can
object only if you stay in the Settlement Class. Excluding yourself (opting out) is telling the Court
that you do not want to be part of the Settlement Class. If you exclude yourself, you have no basis to
object because you are no longer part of the case.
The Court will hold a “Final Approval Hearing” to decide whether to approve the Settlement. If you
file an objection that includes a notice of intention to appear, you may attend the Final Approval
Hearing, and you may ask to speak, but you do not have to speak at the Final Approval Hearing.

18. When and where will the Court decide whether to approve the Settlement?

The Court will hold a Final Approval Hearing on Month DD, 20YY, at x:00 x.m., at the United States
District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, 1788 Richard B. Russell Federal Building and
United States Courthouse, 75 Ted Turner Drive, SW Atlanta, GA 30303-3309, in Courtroom 1708.

Questions? Call 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx, or Visit

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At the hearing, the Court will hear objections and arguments concerning the fairness of the proposed
Settlement, including the amount requested by Class Counsel for attorneys’ fees and costs. If there
are objections, the Court will consider them. You do not need to attend this hearing. You also do not
need to attend to have your objection considered by the Court. After the hearing, the Court will decide
whether to approve the Settlement. We do not know how long these decisions will take.
Note: The date and time of the Final Approval Hearing are subject to change by Court Order. Any
change will be posted You should check the Settlement Website to confirm
that the date and/or time have not changed. The Settlement Website will also identify if the Court
determines to hold a virtual, remote hearing, and the link to participate will be on that website.

19. Do I have to attend the Final Approval Hearing?

No. Class Counsel will answer all questions the Judge may have. However, you are welcome to attend
the hearing at your own expense if you file an objection and your notice of intention to appear. If you
submit an objection, you do not have to attend the hearing to talk about your objection. As long as
you postmarked, shipped, or filed your written objection by the deadline, the Judge will consider it.
You may also pay your own lawyer to attend, but it is not necessary.

20. May I speak at the Final Approval Hearing?

If you wish to appear at the Final Approval Hearing to present your objection to the Court, your
written objection must include your statement of intent to appear at the Final Approval Hearing.
21. What happens if I do nothing at all?

If you are a Settlement Class Member as described above and do nothing, you will be part of the
Settlement Class, and you will only get a Settlement Benefit if you submit a timely and valid Claim
Form for one or more of your eligible tickets. Unless you opt-out of the Settlement, you will not be
permitted to continue to assert claims about the issues in this case or subject to the Release in any
other lawsuit against Delta ever again.
22. Are there more details about the Settlement?

This notice summarizes the proposed Settlement. More details are in the Settlement Agreement. You
can get a copy of the Settlement Agreement at, or by contacting Class
Counsel (see contact information in Question 12).

23. How do I get more information?

You can call toll-free xxx-xxx-xxxx, write to Dusko v. Delta Air Lines Settlement Administrator, PO
Box xxxx, Portland, OR 97xxx-xxxx; or go to, where you will find answers
to common questions about the Settlement and important documents, including the Settlement
Agreement and Claim Form. You may also contact Class Counsel (see contact information in
Question 12).



Questions? Call 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx, or Visit

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 69 of 79

Exhibit 4
Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 70 of 79
<<UniqueID>> <<MailID>>

Provide your complete contact information in Step 2. Please print legibly. Then review the information and sign the
attestation. A Settlement Benefit, if any, will be issued to the Settlement Class member listed below, for valid claims

First Name MI Last Name

Current Mailing Address:

City State ZIP Code

Email Address (REQUIRED):

Telephone number:


In the space provided below for each listed ticket, select either Cash Settlement Payment (“Cash Benefit”) OR Credit
Settlement Payment (“Credit Benefit”). A Cash Settlement Payment includes Ticket Cash and Interest Cash. A Credit
Settlement Payment includes keeping the Ticket Credit and receiving an Interest Credit.
Ticket Cash: This is a cash refund of the remaining Unused Credit and/or Partial Unused Credit. The cash refund
amount will equal the Unused Credit and/or Partial Unused Credit as of Month DD, 20YY, [Claims Deadline]. If you
select this option, your Unused Credit and/or Partial Unused Credit will be frozen by Delta within 14 days after the
Claim Deadline. If you no longer have any Unused Credit and/or Partial Unused Credit as of Month DD, 20YY,
[Claims Deadline], you will only be eligible to receive Interest Cash, not Ticket Cash.
Interest Cash: If you select Ticket Cash, you will also receive Interest Cash, which is a cash payment in an amount
equal to 7% of the original ticket amount for both Unused Credits and Partial Unused Credits.
Ticket Credit: If you select this option, you will keep your Unused Credit and/or Partial Unused Credit, which must
be used by December 31, 2023, for travel no later than December 31, 2024. NOTE: If the Effective Date of the
Settlement does not occur, that deadline will not be extended unless in the future Delta’s extends its current policy
with respect to the expiration of credits.
Interest Credit: If you select to keep your Ticket Credit, you will receive an Interest Credit in an amount equal to 7%
of the original ticket amount for both Unused Credits and Partial Unused Credits, valid for one year from its issuance.
Multiple Credits: If you have more than one eligible Unused Credit and/or Partial Unused Credit, you can select a
Cash Settlement Payment or Credit Settlement Payment for each credit.
You must select either a Cash Benefit OR a Credit Benefit for each your ticket(s) listed below, not both for each ticket.
Total No. of Tickets Purchased: <<TicketCount>> Total Cost of Purchased Tickets: <<$XXXX>>
Ticket No. Flight Date Ticket Amount Remaining Credit Cash Benefit Credit Benefit
<<Ticket1t>> <<FlightDt1t>> <<$Cost1t>> <<$Credit1t>>
<<Ticket2t>> <<FlightDt2t>> <<$Cost2t>> <<$Credit2t>>
<<Ticket3t>> <<FlightDt3t>> <<$Cost3t>> <<$Credit3t>>
<<Ticket4t>> <<FlightDt4t>> <<$Cost4t>> <<$Credit4t>>
Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 71 of 79
<<UniqueID>> <<MailID>>

If you select a Cash Benefit (not a Credit Benefit), you will receive an email at <<EMAIL ADDRESS>> after the
Court grants final approval prompting you to select whether you want to receive digital payment or a paper check.
By submitting this Claim Form, I hereby attest that:
I am a U.S. resident, and the covered flight(s) identified above was cancelled by Delta; a cash refund was requested
from Delta previously, and a refund was not received.

Signature: Date:


You must submit your claim via U.S. Mail by sending this completed and signed form to the Settlement
Administrator at the below address:
Dusko v. Delta Air Lines, Inc., Settlement Administrator
Portland, OR 972XX-XXXX

Your submission must be postmarked no later than Month DD, 20YY.

Questions? Visit or call

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 72 of 79

Exhibit 5
Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 73 of 79

Notice Program
Dusko v. Delta Air Lines, Inc., No. 1:20-cv-01664-ELR (N.D. Ga.)


1. The Notice Program is designed to provide notice to the following “Settlement

Class” as defined in the Settlement Agreement and Releases:

[A]ll ticketholders who are citizens of the United States who received
a credit for a non-refundable ticket purchased with dollars on a flight
scheduled to depart between March 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021 (a)
that Delta cancelled; (b) who requested a refund for the ticket as
reflected in Delta’s Customer Care or Refund Databases; (c) did not
receive a refund; and (d) who had an Unused Credit or Partial Unused
Credit as of January 13, 2023.

Specifically excluded from the Settlement Class are the following:

Delta and its respective subsidiaries and affiliates, members,
employees, officers, directors, agents, and representatives and their
family members; Class Counsel; the judges who have presided over
the Action and their immediate family members; local, municipal,
state, and federal governmental agencies; and all persons who have
timely opted-out from the Settlement Class in accordance with the
Court’s orders.

Individual Notice

2. The Defendant will provide data to Epiq for identified Settlement Class members

(to the extent physical and/or email addresses are available to Defendant). For any Settlement

Class member records without an available physical mailing address or email address, address
reach will be conducting using a third-party lookup service to identify physical mailing and/or

email addresses for these Settlement Class members. The Settlement Class member data will be

used to provide individual notice. An Email Notice will be sent to all identified Settlement Class

members for whom a valid email address is available, and a Postcard Notice will be sent via United

States Postal Service (“USPS”) first class mail to all identified Settlement Class members for

whom a mailing address is available.

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 74 of 79

Individual Notice - Email

3. Epiq will send an initial Email Notice to all identified Settlement Class members

for whom a valid email address is available but no valid postal address is available. The following

industry standard best practices will be followed for the Email Notice efforts. The Email Notice

will be drafted in such a way that the subject line, the sender, and the body of the message

overcome SPAM filters and ensure readership to the fullest extent reasonably practicable. For

instance, the Email Notice will use an embedded html text format. This format will provide easy

to read text without graphics, tables, images, attachments, and other elements that would increase

the likelihood that the message could be blocked by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and/or

SPAM filters. The Email Notices will be sent from an IP address known to major email providers

as one not used to send bulk “SPAM” or “junk” email blasts. Each Email Notice will be

transmitted with a digital signature to the header and content of the Email Notice, which will allow

ISPs to programmatically authenticate that the Email Notices are from our authorized mail servers.

Each Email Notice will also be transmitted with a unique message identifier. The Email Notice

will include an embedded link to the Settlement Website. By clicking the link, recipients will be

able to easily file an online claim, access the Long Form Notice, Settlement Agreement, and other

information about the Settlement.

4. If the receiving email server cannot deliver the message, a “bounce code” will be

returned along with the unique message identifier. For any Email Notice for which a bounce code

is received indicating that the message was undeliverable for reasons such as an inactive or

disabled account, the recipient’s mailbox was full, technical autoreplies, etc., at least two

additional attempts will be made to deliver the Notice by email.

Individual Notice - Direct Mail

5. Epiq will send a double Postcard Notice with Claim Form and prepaid return

postage to all identified Settlement Class members for whom a postal mailing address is available.

The Postcard Notice will be sent via USPS first class mail. The Postcard Notice will clearly and

concisely summarize the case and the legal rights of the Settlement Class members. The Postcard
Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 75 of 79

Notice will also direct the recipients to the Settlement Website where they can access additional


6. Prior to sending the Postcard Notices, all mailing addresses will be checked against

the National Change of Address (“NCOA”) database maintained by the USPS to ensure Settlement

Class member address information is up-to-date and accurately formatted for mailing. 1 In

addition, the addresses will be certified via the Coding Accuracy Support System (“CASS”) to

ensure the quality of the zip code, and will be verified through Delivery Point Validation (“DPV”)

to verify the accuracy of the addresses. This address updating process is standard for the industry

and for the majority of promotional mailings that occur today.

7. Postcard Notices returned as undeliverable will be re-mailed to any new address

available through USPS information, for example, to the address provided by the USPS on

returned pieces for which the automatic forwarding order has expired, but which is still during the

period in which the USPS returns the piece with the address indicated, or to better addresses that

may be found using a third-party lookup service. Upon successfully locating better addresses,

Postcard Notices will be promptly remailed. If the initial Postcard Notice is returned

undeliverable, and Epiq is unable to obtain an alternative postal address to send the initial Postcard

Notice, then an initial Email Notice will be sent.

Settlement Website

8. Epiq will create and maintain a dedicated website for the Settlement with an easy

to remember domain name. The Settlement Website will contain relevant documents and

information including: (i) information concerning deadlines for filing a Claim Form, and the dates

and locations of relevant Court proceedings, including the Final Approval Hearing; (ii) the toll-

The NCOA database is maintained by the USPS and consists of approximately 160 million permanent
change-of-address (COA) records consisting of names and addresses of individuals, families, and
businesses who have filed a change-of-address with the Postal Service™. The address information is
maintained on the database for 48 months and reduces undeliverable mail by providing the most current
address information, including standardized and delivery point coded addresses, for matches made to the
NCOA file for individual, family, and business moves.

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 76 of 79

free telephone number applicable to the Settlement; (iii) documents, including the Settlement

Agreement, the Long Form Notice, the Claim Form, Court Orders regarding this Settlement, and

other relevant Court documents, including the Motion for Approval of Attorneys’ Fees and Costs;

and (iv) information concerning the submission of Claim Forms, including the ability to submit

Claim Forms electronically. In addition, the Settlement Website will include answers to frequently

asked questions (“FAQs”), instructions for how Settlement Class members may opt-out (request

exclusion) from or object to the Settlement, contact information for the Settlement Administrator,

and how to obtain other case-related information. The Settlement Website address will be

prominently displayed in all notice documents.

Toll-Free Telephone Number

9. A toll-free telephone number will be established for the Settlement. Callers will be

able to hear an introductory message. Callers will also have the option to learn more about the

Settlement in the form of recorded answers to FAQs. The toll-free telephone number will be

prominently displayed in all notice documents. The automated phone system will be available

24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

10. A postal mailing address will be provided, allowing Settlement Class members the

opportunity to request additional information or ask questions.

Claim Stimulation Reminder Notice

11. In an effort to ensure the highest reasonable claim filing participation rate and to

maximize participation in the Settlement, Epiq will send claim stimulation reminder notices after

the completion of individual notice efforts described above, as detailed in the Settlement


12. For Settlement Class members for which Delta has both an email address and postal

address, and Epiq successfully sends an initial Postcard Notice via USPS first-class mail, up to

two reminder Email Notices will be sent to these Settlement Class members who have not

submitted a Claim Form as of the date reminder Email Notices are scheduled to be sent.

Case 1:20-cv-01664-ELR Document 99-2 Filed 05/26/23 Page 77 of 79

13. For Settlement Class members for which Delta has only an email address, and Epiq

successfully sends an Email Notice, up to two reminder Email Notices will be sent to these

Settlement Class members who have not submitted a Claim Form as of the date reminder Email

Notices are scheduled to be sent.

14. For Settlement Class members for which Delta has only a postal address, and Epiq

successfully sends a Postcard Notice via USPS first-class mail, one reminder Postcard Notice will

be sent to these Settlement Class members who have not submitted a Claim Form as of the date

reminder Postcard Notices are scheduled to be sent.

15. The Reminder Notices will use concise text (stressing the impending Claim filing

deadline) and include links to the Claim filing page on the Settlement Website.

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