Roles&functions of Lgu

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Philippine Politics and Governance

Content Standard: Demonstrate an understanding of the historical background of Philippine democratic

politics, the executive, the legislative, the judiciary, and decentralization and local
Performance Standard: Explain the roles of different political institutions.

Most Essential Learning Competency:
 Explain the roles and functions of Local Government Unit (LGU).

A. Topic: Decentralization and Local Governance
B. Reference: Department of Education Modules for Senior High School
C. Materials: projector, laptop, strips, pictures



A. Preparation

Everybody stand up. Kindly lead the prayer Jane. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit,

Good morning! Good morning ma’am.

Who’s absent today? None ma’am.

Very good! Because no one was absent, let’s give
yourselves a “Wow Clap” 1,2,3,1,2,3 WOW!

Class, be reminded on the different classroom rules

every time we are having a lesson. What are those? Classroom Rules:
1. Be prepared for every class.
2. Raise you hand before asking or speaking.
3. Respect and listen to your classmate.
4. Be confident to share your ideas.
Participate in class actively.
B. Review
You learned in the previous lesson the the Judicial
Branch of Government- The Philippine Judiciary.  What is the primary role of the Judicial Branch
Let’s answer these two questions before we proceed of Philippine government?
to our next lesson. a. Execution of laws c. Interpretation of laws
b. Implementation of laws d. Making of laws
 According to the 1987 Philippine Constitution,
what is the minimum age requirement (at the
time of appointment) to become a justice of the
Philippine Supreme Court?
a. 20 years c. 40 years
b. 30 years d. 50 years

C. Motivation
At this point, I will divide the class into four groups.
The first group to arrange the puzzled picture and
paste it on the board will be declared as winner.
After completing the picture, can you say something
about the picture?

(Students have varied answers)

D. Presentation
At this point, kindly get your mobile phones, go to
your browser and search . Enter the
pin that I’m going to provide. Then write three words
that you think is connected to our topic today.

Our topic this morning is about “Decentralization and

Local Governance”. Wherein at the end of the lesson
you are expected to Explain the roles and functions of
Local Government Unit (LGU).
E. Discussion
The President of the Philippines exercises supervision
over the whole country.But for purposes of
administrative control, the Philippines is divided into
units of different sizes - known as political
subdivisions; these are provinces, municipalities,
cities,and barangays.
To fully understand our lesson today, I will divide the
class into four groups.Count off from one to four.
Choose a leader for each group. The leaders of each (Started counting off)
group will pick an envelope. Each envelope has a
corresponding task. Group 1: Explain the roles and functions of
I will be giving you 8 minutes to prepare for your Group 2: Explain the roles and functions of
task. Municipality
Group 3: Explain the roles and functions of City
Group 4: Explain the roles and functions of

F. Generalization
On the board is a chart, provide the needed Local Government Position Functions
information. Unit (LGU)
But before we proceed, count off first. Don’t forget
your number because we will be having a “Duck Barangay
Race”. Each duck has a number. That means, if the
duck with the same number as you wins, you will Municipality
answer. Did you understand?


G. Application
In the same group, identify the programs and activities
in health, education and environment that are being
implemented by your government officials in your
respective barangay, city and province.



Based from your answers on the diagram, what

programs of your local government units that you
have experienced and enjoyed. Explain it briefly.

Read the following items carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. How many are the units of local government in the Philippines as stated in Article X Section 1 of the 1987
a. 4 b. 3 c. 2 d. 1
2. In 1991, the Congress enacted the Local Government Code of the Philippines also known as Republic Act
a. R.A 7160 b. R.A 7610 c. R.A. 10533 d. R.A. 11469
3. It is the basic local government unit in the Philippine government.
a. Barangay b. City c. Municipality d. Province
4. In order to create or form a barangay, how many inhabitants are required?
a. 1,000 b. 2,000 c. 3,000 d. 4,000
5. Which of the following is NOT a function of a barangay?
a. Adopt measures to prevent child abuse
b. Ensure the delivery of basic services
c. Issue permits and licenses for local businesses.
d. Serves as a place for settling neighborhood disputes or conflicts.
6. Which is TRUE about the role of a barangay according to Section 384 of the Local Government Code of
the Philippines?
a. Ensure the delivery of basic services
b. Ensure the Public Moral of the inhabitants
c. Issue permits and licenses for local businesses.
d. Serves as the primary planning and implementing unit of government policies.
7. It is a unit of government consisting of a group of barangays.
a. Barangay b. Municipality c. Province d. Region
8. In order to create a municipality, there should be at least _______________ inhabitants certified by
Philippine Statistics Authority.
a. 15,000 b. 20,000 c. 25,000 d. 30,000
9. Which of the following is NOT a function of a municipality?
a. Enact policies and laws, enforce them, and govern their jurisdiction.
b. Ensure the delivery of basic services.
c. Exercise regulatory powers within their jurisdictional areas to ensure that private enterprise does
not impede the good and welfare of the public.
d. Serves as a place for settling neighborhood disputes or conflicts.
10.The local government in the Philippines enjoy local autonomy, but they are also under the supervision of
the President through the Secretary of _______________.
a. Department of Budget and Management b. Department of Foreign Affairs
c. Department of Finance d. Department of Interior and Local Government

V. Assignment
Answer the following questions.

1. Why is it important to have a decentralization of power or local autonomy in the local government units in
the Philippines?
2. 2. For you, what is the most essential function of local government units in barangay, city/municipality
and province. Explain your answer concisely: a. Barangay , b. City/Municipality , c. Province

Prepared by:


Teacher I Applicant

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