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No : AIL/COR/QC / OIL-01
Rev. No : 00
SOP for Refractive index Date : 23.12.2020
Page |1

The ratio of velocity of light in vacuum to the velocity of light in the oil or fat; more generally,
expresses the ratio between the sine of angle of incidence to the sine of angle of refraction when a ray
of light of known wave length (usually 589.3 nm, the mean of D lines of Sodium) passes from air into the
oil or fat. Refractive index varies with temperature and wavelength.

Measurement of the refractive index of the sample is done by means of a suitable

Apparatus: Butyro Refractometer

By Butryo Refractometer: - Open double prism with the help of the screw head and place a drop
of oil on the prism. Close prisms firmly by tightening screw heads.

As refractive index is greatly affected by temperature, the temperature of the refractometer should be
controlled to within ± 0.1°C and for this purpose it should be provided with a thermostatically controlled
water bath and a motor driven pump to circulate water through the instrument.

When a Butyro refractometer is used its reading can be converted to refractive index with the help of
the table.

Calibration of the Instrument:

The instrument is calibrated with a glass prism of known refractive index (an optical contact with
the prism being made by a drop of a bromonaphthalene) or by using distilled water which has refractive
index of 1.3330 at 20.0°C and 1.3306 at 40.0°C, the usual temperature of taking readings.

Light Source:

If the refractometer is equipped with a compensator, a tungsten lamp or day light may be used.
Otherwise a monochoursomatic light such as sodium vapour lamp (589.3 nm) may be used.


Melt the sample if it is not already liquid and filter through a filter paper to remove impurities
and traces of moisture. Make sure sample is completely dry.

Circulate stream of water through the instrument. Adjust the temperature of the refractometer to the
desired temperature. Ensure that the prisms are clean and dry.

Prepared by Approved by
Doc. No : AIL/COR/QC / OIL-01
Rev. No : 00
SOP for Refractive index Date : 23.12.2020
Page |2

Place a few drops of the sample on the prism.

Close the prisms and allow standing for 1-2 minutes Adjust the instrument and lighting to obtain the
most distinct reading possible and determining the refractive index or butyrorefractometer number as
the case may be.

Temperature correction:

Determine refractive index at the specified temperature. If temperature correction is necessary

use following formula:

R = R 1 + K (T 1 – T)


R = Reading of the refractomter reduced to the specified temperature T°C

R1 = Reading at T1C

K = constant 0.000365 for fats and 0.000385 for oils (If Abbe Refractometer is used) or

= 0.55 for fats and 0.58 for oils (if Butyro-refractometer is used)

T1 = temperature at which the reading R1 is taken and

T = specified temperature (generally 40°C.)


Refractive index of oils increases with the increase in unsaturation and also chain length of fatty
acids. Butyro refractometer reading and indices of refraction (nD) a are given in FSSAI oils and fats
manual 2016.

(Ref: - AOAC 17th edn, 2000, Official method 921.08 – Index of refraction of oils and fats / ISI
Handbook of Food analysis (Part XIII) – 1984, page 70) Table for conversion of B.R. readings to Refractive

Prepared by Approved by

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