4th Quarter Exam English MG

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Republic of the Philippines

Cebu Normal University

Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City, 6000, Philippines

Integrated Laboratory School

Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 1452 loc. 128
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.cnu.edu.ph

Fourth Quarterly Exam in English 1


I. Multiple Choice

A. Cause and Effect

Direction: Identify the cause and effect based on the picture.

1. Ayesha is happy 2. Emma felt sick

a. because she won the a. so mom took her to

marathon. the doctor.
b. because she lost the key. b. so they went to the
c. because she failed the exam. zoo.
d. because she lose the game. c. so she played in the
d. so she swims
in the pool.

1. 3. Andrew’s t-shirt is dirty 2.

3. 4. It’s Rob’s birthday
a. because he ate chocolate candies. a. so mom baked a cake.
b. because he watched too much TV. b. so mom scolded him.
c. because he sleep all day. c. so mom sleep all day.
d. because he study for his exam. d. so mom ignore him.

4. 5. The kids are on a fieldtrip at the zoo

a. so they took a Math test.

b. so they saw a giraffe.
c. so they clean the zoo.
d. so they watch movies.
B. WH Questions

Direction: Choose the correct answer.

6. Paul is my father 7. Banana is his favorite fruit.

a. Who a. Who
b. What b. What
c. When c. When
d. Where d. Where

8. Our school is in Cebu City. 9. The store opens early in the morning.

a. Who a. Who
b. What b. What
c. When c. When
d. Where d. Where

10. Jessie is my bestfriend.

a. Who
b. What
c. When
d. Where

C. Prepositions (Time and Place)

Direction: Choose the correct answer.

11. My birthday is ___ July 11. 12. There is a book ____ your bed.

a. at a. under
b. in b. on
c. on c. in
d. below d. over
13. Tomorrow, the class will start ___ 7:30 am. 14. He plays computer games ___ night.

a. on a. on
b. at b. in
c. in c. under
d. under d. at

15. Don’t forget the test is ___ Monday.

a. in
b. at
c. on
d. over

D. Consonant Digraphs
Direction: Choose the correct consonant digraphs in the sentence.

16. Fa _ _ er loves playing chess with his son. 17. On a _ _ ip we sailed across the ocean and
saw a whale.

a. th
b. ch a. th
c. ph b. ch
d. sh c. ph
d. sh

18. Mother use a knife to _ _ op the onion. 19. The third month of the year is Mar_ _.
a. th
a. th b. ch
b. ch c. ph
c. ph d. sh
d. sh

20. My favorite farm animal is _ _eep.

a. th
b. ch
c. ph
d. sh

E. Fact or Opinion
Direction: Choose the correct answer. Identify if it is a fact or opinion.
21. The third month of the year is March.
a. fact b. opinion c. myth d. idea
22. People use their legs to walk.
a. fact b. opinion c. myth d. idea
23. The heart pumps blood throughout our body.
a. myth b. fact c. idea d. opinion

F. Drawing Conclusions
Direction: Identify what happens next.


a. The vase broke and the boy cried.

b. The vase broke and the boy fix it and taped in back again.
c. The vase broke and the boy laugh.
d. The vase broke and the boy didn’t do anything.


a. The girl’s car is muddy and she just let it become dirty.
b. The girl’s car is muddy and she cleaned it and she is now happy.
c. The girl’s car is muddy and she’s angry.
d. The girl’s car is muddy and she just let it be.


a. The boy hit the ball hard and the window glass is broken.
b. The boy hit the ball hard and the window glass is just fine.
c. The boy hit the ball lightly that it doesn’t affect the window.
d. The boy hit the ball and run away.

G. Types of Sentences (Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative, Exclamatory)

Direction: Identify what type of sentences given.

27. I like fantasy novels.
a. Declarative b. Interrogative c. Imperative d. Exclamatory
28. Do you like to drink milk every morning?
a. Exclamatory b. Declarative c. Interrogative d. Imperative
29. Wow, your hair is so beautiful!
a. Exclamatory b. Imperative c. Declarative d. Interrogative
30. Please help me find my lost dog.
a. Interrogative b. Exclamatory c. Declarative d. Imperative

Republic of the Philippines

Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City, 6000, Philippines

Integrated Laboratory School

Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 1452 loc. 128
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.cnu.edu.ph

Fourth Quarterly Exam in English 2 and 3


I. Multiple Choice

A. Cause and Effect

Directions: Identify the cause and effect of the story.

1. Janna and I were playing catch in front of our gate. Janna threw the ball too far. We heard a crash. The ball
broke the neighbor’s light at the garage.

a. The ball broke the neighbor’s light at the garage because Janna threw the ball too far.

b. Janna threw the ball too far.

c. Janna and I were playing catch in front of our gate. Janna threw the ball too far.

d. We heard a crash. The ball broke the neighbor’s light at the garage.

2. Jason was in a hurry. He wanted to get outside to meet his friends. He wore his house shorts as fast as he
could. He tried to run, but he fell down. Jason had inserted both legs unto the left leg of his shorts.

a. He tried to run but he fell down.

b. He wanted to get outside to meet his friends. He wore his house shorts as fast as he could.

c. Jason fell down because he inserted both legs unto the left leg of his shorts.

d. Jason inserted both legs unto the left leg of his shorts.

3. Roberto worked hard on his Math project that he got an A+ grade.

a. Roberto got an A+ grade because he worked hard on his Math project.

b. Roberto got an A+ grade.

c. Roberto worked hard on his Math project.

d. Roberto failed on his Math project and study hard.

B. WH Questions

Direction: Choose the correct answer.

4. Paul is my father.

a. Who b. What c. When d. Where

5. Banana is her favorite fruit.

a. Who b. What c. When d. Where

6. Our classroom is on the second floor.

a. Who b. What c. When d. Where

7. The store opens early in the morning.

a. Who b. What c. When d. Where

8. I failed in the exam because I didn’t study well.

a. Who b. Why c. Where d. How

C. Prepositions (Time and Place)

Direction: Choose the correct answer.

9. My birthday is ____ July 11.

a. at b. in c. on d. below.

10. There is a book ____ your bed.

a. under b. on c. in d. over
11. Tomorrow, the class will start ____ 7:30 am.

a. on b. at c. in d. under

12. He plays computer games ____ night.

a. on b. in c. under d. at

13. Don’t forget the test is ____ Monday.

a. in b. at c. on d. over

D. Consonant Digraphs

Direction: Choose the correct consonant digraphs in the sentence.

14. Fa _ _ er loves playing chess with his son.

a. th b. ch c. ts d. sh

15. On a _ _ ip we sailed across the ocean and saw a whale.

a. th b. ch c. ts d. sh

16. Mother use a knife to _ _ op the onions.

a. th b. ch c. ts d. sh

17. The third month of the year is Mar_ _.

a. th b. ch c. ts d. sh

18. My favorite farm animal is _ _ eep.

a. th b. ch c. ts d. sh

E. Fact or Opinion

Direction: Choose the correct answer. Identify if it is a fact or opinion.

19. The third month of the year is March.

a. fact b. opinion c. myth d. idea

20. People use their legs to walk.

a. fact b. opinion c. myth d. idea

21. The heart pumps blood throughout our body.

a. myth b. fact c. idea d. opinion

22. According to Alec, soft-drink is better than juice

a. idea b. myth c. fact d. opinion

23. One hour is composed of 60 minutes.

a. myth b. opinion c. fact d. idea

F. Drawing Conclusions
Direction: Identify what happens next.


a. The vase broke and the boy cried.

b. The vase broke and the boy fix it and taped in back again.
c. The vase broke and the boy laugh.
d. The vase broke and the boy didn’t do anything.


a. The girl’s car is muddy and she just let it become dirty.
b. The girl’s car is muddy and she cleaned it and she is now happy.
c. The girl’s car is muddy and she’s angry.
d. The girl’s car is muddy and she just let it be.


a. The boy hit the ball hard and the window glass is broken.
b. The boy hit the ball hard and the window glass is just fine.
c. The boy hit the ball lightly that it doesn’t affect the window.
d. The boy hit the ball and run away.

G. Types of Sentences (Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative, Exclamatory)

Direction: Identify what type of sentences given.

27. I like fantasy novels.

a. Declarative b. Interrogative c. Imperative d. Exclamatory

28. Do you like to drink milk every morning?

a. Exclamatory b. Declarative c. Interrogative d. Imperative

29. Wow, your hair is so beautiful!

a. Exclamatory b. Imperative c. Declarative d. Interrogative

30. Please help me find my lost dog.

a. Interrogative b. Exclamatory c. Declarative d. Imperative

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