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Earth-Science Reviews 188 (2019) 240–248

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Emissions from dry inland waters are a blind spot in the global carbon cycle T
a b c a d
Rafael Marcé , Biel Obrador , Lluís Gómez-Gener , Núria Catalán , Matthias Koschorreck ,
María Isabel Arcee, Gabriel Singere, Daniel von Schillerf,

Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA), Emili Grahit 101, Girona 17003, Spain
Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, University of Barcelona, Av. Diagonal 643, Barcelona 08028, Spain
Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University, Umeå 90187, Sweden
Helmholz-Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Brückstraße 3a, Magdeburg 39114, Germany
Leibniz-Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Müggelseedamm 310, Berlin 12587, Germany
Department of Plant Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Apdo. 644, Bilbao 48080, Spain


Keywords: A large part of the world's inland waters, including streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and reservoirs is subject to
Carbon dioxide occasional, recurrent or even permanent drying. Moreover, the occurrence and intensity of drying events are
Methane increasing in many areas of the world because of climate change, water abstraction, and land use alteration. Yet,
Intermittent information on the gaseous carbon (C) fluxes from dry inland waters is scarce, thus precluding a comprehensive
assessment of C emissions including all, also intermittently dry, inland waters. Here, we review current
knowledge on gaseous C fluxes from lotic (streams and rivers) and lentic (ponds, lakes, and reservoirs) inland
waters during dry phases and the response to rewetting, considering controls and sources as well as implications
of including ‘dry’ fluxes for local and global scale estimates. Moreover, knowledge gaps and research needs are
discussed. Our conservative estimates indicate that adding emissions from dry inland waters to current global
estimates of CO2 emissions from inland waters could result in an increase of 0.22 Pg C year−1, or ~10% of total
fluxes. We outline the necessary conceptual understanding to successfully include dry phases in a more complete
picture of inland water C emissions and identify potential implications for global C cycle feedbacks.

1. Introduction form of CH4 (4.85 Pg C-CO2e year−1; CO2e = CO2-equivalents; 1 g

CH4 = 28 g CO2e), of which 0.02 Pg C year−1 (0.75 Pg C-CO2e year−1)
The role of inland waters as active and significant players in the are emitted from streams and rivers (Stanley et al., 2016) and 0.11 Pg C
global carbon (C) cycle is now indisputable (Regnier et al., 2013). After year−1 (4.10 Pg C-CO2e year−1) from lakes and reservoirs (Delsontro
decades of research, the current paradigm defines inland waters as a et al., 2018). These flux estimates are of impressively high magnitude,
reactive Earth compartment, which strongly regulates how much con- yet several studies highlighted fundamental knowledge gaps that still
tinental C finally reaches the oceans (Tranvik et al., 2009). Inland preclude a reasonably precise, spatially and temporally unbiased esti-
waters fix inorganic C by photosynthesis, but overall, they have mation of global gaseous C fluxes from inland waters (Wehrli, 2013).
emerged as net mineralizers of organic C, most of which originates from Recently, von Schiller et al. (2014) identified a new potential
terrestrial or wetland sources in their catchments (Tranvik et al., 2009; knowledge gap: CO2 emissions from dry streams and rivers. Although
Abril et al., 2014). Inland waters also accumulate large quantities of C this work could not offer a robust global estimation of C emissions from
in their sediments (Heathcote et al., 2015), and emit carbon dioxide these dry watercourses due to data scarcity, it clearly showed the po-
(CO2) and methane (CH4) to the atmosphere (Raymond et al., 2013; tential relevance considering the high CO2 emission rates measured in
Stanley et al., 2016). these systems and the large area they cover globally. High CO2 (and low
Recent estimates indicate that inland waters outgas over 2 Pg C CH4) emission rates have been measured in the dry sediments of other
year−1 in the form of CO2, of which 1.8 Pg C year−1 are emitted from types of inland waters, including ponds (Catalán et al., 2014; Fromin
streams and rivers (Raymond et al., 2013) and from 0.32 to 0.50 Pg C et al., 2010; Obrador et al., 2018), reservoirs (Gómez-Gener et al.,
year−1 from lakes and reservoirs (Raymond et al., 2013; Delsontro 2015; Jin et al., 2016) and lakes (Koschorreck, 2000).
et al., 2018). In addition, inland waters outgas 0.13 Pg C year−1 in the Here, we define dry inland waters as the sections of lotic (streams

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (D. von Schiller).
Received 25 March 2018; Received in revised form 5 October 2018; Accepted 20 November 2018
Available online 22 November 2018
0012-8252/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
R. Marcé et al. Earth-Science Reviews 188 (2019) 240–248

Fig. 1. Photographs of representative dry inland

waters. (a) Fuirosos stream (Catalonia, Spain)
showing its dry stream bed; (b) Collada pond
(Catalonia, Spain); (c) Königshütte reservoir
(Saxony-Anhalt, Germany); (d) Lake Waiau (Hawaii,
USA). All photographs by the authors, except (d) by
Rebecca Rossi (U.S. Geological Survey).

and rivers) and lentic (ponds, lakes, and reservoirs) ecosystems in Emissions of C from some seasonally dry, semi-aquatic habitats have
which surface water is absent, and sediments become temporarily or been traditionally studied by soil and wetland scientists; these include
even permanently exposed to the atmosphere (see some examples in river floodplains (Batson et al., 2015), rice paddy fields (Lagomarsino
Fig. 1). A large part of the global river and stream network shows et al., 2016) and peatlands (Moore and Knowles, 1989). In contrast, the
ephemeral or intermittent flow regimes, i.e. their flow ceases with dry phases (and sections) of streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, and reservoirs
varying frequency and duration, exposing the sediments of the riverbed represent spatiotemporal discontinuities in aquatic networks that have
to direct contact with the atmosphere (Fig. 1A). Most small ponds been largely overlooked in terms of C emissions. This is probably be-
seasonally dry at least partially (Fig. 1B), and man-made reservoirs cause (i) they are conceptually located in a scientific “no man's land”,
experience recurrent water level fluctuations that expose large areas of perceived to be outside the domain of aquatic as well as terrestrial
sediments to the atmosphere, particularly in the inflow sections ecology (Steward et al., 2012); (ii) despite recent advances, mapping
(Fig. 1C). Finally, lakes can also totally or partially dry due to changes the dry phases of inland waters is a complex issue, especially for small
in climate and water diversion, exposing bottom sediments (Fig. 1D). features such as headwater streams and small ponds (Pekel et al., 2016;
The dry sections of inland waters tend to be highly dynamic and con- Schneider et al., 2017); and (iii) the measurement of gas fluxes from
tract and expand over space and time, thereby occupying a varying these heterogeneous and dynamic habitats is still challenging
fraction of the aquatic network (Stanley et al., 1997). In addition, ex- (Lesmeister and Koschorreck, 2017). Collectively, this hinders an ac-
posed sediments of inland waters may be subject to different drying curate assessment of the role of dry inland waters in the C cycle. There
intensities due to groundwater influence and rainfall, thus maintaining is, however, a growing interest in understanding the effects of drying on
different levels of moisture after surface water loss (Steward et al., biogeochemical processing in inland waters (Datry et al., 2014; Datry
2012). et al., 2018).
The mapping of inland waters remains very challenging and is in its Here, we put the spotlight on gaseous C fluxes from exposed sedi-
infancy (Lehner et al., 2011; Verpoorter et al., 2014; Allen and ments in dry inland waters, considering magnitude and patterns,
Pavelsky, 2018). Available estimates indicate that a large part of the sources and controls, as well as implications for C cycling at multiple
world's inland waters is subject to occasional or seasonal drying. scales. We provide a review of the current data situation and conceptual
Raymond et al. (2013) estimated that about two thirds of first-order understanding and suggest a research agenda to constrain the currently
streams below 60° latitude flow only temporarily, as do one third of large uncertainties and to cover knowledge gaps. We restrict our ana-
larger, fifth-order rivers. In a more recent estimation, Schneider et al. lysis to lotic (streams and rivers) and lentic (ponds, lakes and re-
(2017) indicate that 30% of the global river network below 60° latitude servoirs) inland waters. We deliberately omitted those systems for
is intermittent, with much higher proportions in arid and semiarid re- which dry phases are already well covered in the literature, particularly
gions. Similarly, some studies suggest that a large proportion of the peatlands, rice paddy fields, and river floodplains. However, we use
world's small ponds and lakes may fall dry seasonally (Holgerson and knowledge from these systems as a convenient reference in some sec-
Raymond, 2016), as do the shorelines and shallow parts of many lakes tions.
and reservoirs during periods of water drawdown (Jin et al., 2016). In
addition, occurrence and intensity of drying events are increasing in
many regions due to the combined effect of climate change, water ab- 2. CO2 and CH4 emissions from dry inland waters
straction, and land use alteration (Pekel et al., 2016). In extreme cases,
inland waters dry out permanently, as has been reported for many 2.1. Magnitude and patterns
endorheic lakes during the last decades (Wurtsbaugh et al., 2017). The
Aral Sea in Central Asia constitutes a remarkable example (Micklin, Measurements of CO2 and CH4 fluxes from dry inland waters are
2016). scarce in the literature. Reported CO2 fluxes from exposed sediments
are generally high and frequently above 100 mmol m−2 day−1 (range

R. Marcé et al. Earth-Science Reviews 188 (2019) 240–248

Table 1
Gaseous C fluxes from dry inland waters reported from the literature. The mean ± standard deviation and the range (in brackets) is shown for those studies reporting
directly measured fluxes in the field.
System, condition and location CO2 flux (mmol m−2 day−1) CH4 flux (mmol m−2 day−1) Reference

Reservoirs, lakes and ponds

Dry areas of Soyang reservoir, extreme drought, South 515 ± 377 (208;1000) N.D. Jin et al. (2016)
Dry areas of Boadella reservoir, summer, Spain 216 ± 177 (19–517) 1.2 ± 2.3 (0–5.8) Gómez-Gener et al. (2015)
Intermittent ponds, annual cycle, Spain 48 ± 36 (4–131)bare N.D. Catalán et al. (2014); Obrador et al. (2018)
149 ± 111 (23–492)veg
Intermittent pond, summer, France (10–600) N.D. Fromin et al. (2010)
Intermittent kettle holes, dry phase, Germany 89 ± 20 (66–102) 0.03 ± 0.02 (0.006–0.05) Reverey et al. (2018)
Supralittoral zone of lake Taihu, annual cycle, China N.D. 0.15 ± 0.75 Wang et al. (2006)
Drawdown areas of Three Gorges reservoir, China N.D. 0.6 ± 1.9 (−0.1–5.9) Yang et al. (2013a)
Drawdown area of Miyun reservoir, China N.D. 0.013 ± 0.013veg Yang et al. (2014)
Drawdown area of Nam Theun 2 reservoir, Laos 279 ± 27 (34–699) 1.67 ± 2.23 Deshmukh et al. (2018); Serça et al. (2016)
Amazon floodplain lake, dry phase, Brazil 272 ± 113 (72–360) < 0.1 Koschorreck (2000); Koschorreck and Darwich

Streams and rivers

Intermittent streams, summer, USA 44 ± 23 (20–65) < 0.1 Gallo et al. (2013)
Intermittent streams, after rain event, USA 569 ± 530 (91–1532) < 0.1 Gallo et al. (2013)
Intermittent streams, summer, Spain 205 ± 21 (190–220) < 0.1 Gómez-Gener et al. (2015)
Intermittent streams, summer, Spain 781 ± 390 (342–1533) N.D. Gómez-Gener et al. (2016)
Intermittent stream, summer dry-wet cycles, Australia 72 ± 27 (27–115) N.D. Looman et al. (2017)

bare veg
N.D.: not determined; : flux from bare sediments; : includes flux from areas covered by microphytobenthos.

4–1533 mmol m−2 day−1; Table 1). These fluxes are typically higher geology, microbial communities and available organic substrates, and
than average literature values for ponds, lakes and reservoirs environmental controls such as moisture and nutrient availability. In
(18–55 mmol m−2 day−1; Raymond et al., 2013; Deemer et al., 2016; contrast to headwater streams, where a substantial part of CO2 emis-
Holgerson and Raymond, 2016), and similar to fluxes reported from sions is a legacy of respiration in soils (Marx et al., 2017), C emissions
flowing streams and rivers (up to 600 mmol m−2 day−1; Raymond from dry inland waters are more likely to originate from in-situ pro-
et al., 2013), dry peatlands (150–213.6 mmol m−2 day−1; Moore and cesses (a potential exception being CO2 from underground water flow).
Knowles, 1989), and soils (−45.6–5262 mmol m−2 day−1; Bond- Changes in sediment moisture are widely recognized to modulate
Lamberty and Thomson, 2012). Similarly, results from the few studies microbial activity in water-stressed ecosystems (Sponseller, 2007). Any
that have compared C fluxes over dry and wet phases within the same change in moisture is expected to be translated to changes in C emis-
ecosystems (i.e., seasonal assessments) highlight the importance of dry- sions from microbial compartments and in their relative contribution of
phase fluxes (Gómez-Gener et al., 2016; Looman et al., 2017; Obrador CO2 vs. CH4. To mechanistically understand how these microbial gas-
et al., 2018). For instance, Gómez-Gener et al. (2016) found that the eous C fluxes are shaped, it is key to consider effects of drying on the
CO2 flux from intermittent streams during dry conditions viability and activity of the microbial communities, including selection
(781 ± 390 mmol m−2 day−1) was twice the rate than during flowing effects imposed by drought at various time scales.
conditions (306 ± 206 mmol m−2 day−1). Experiments in soils and Sediment desiccation impacts microbial viability and activity
reservoir sediments suggest that CO2 emissions tend to be higher at (Sabater et al., 2016), induces microbial dormancy or mortality, and
intermediate stages of drying (Sponseller, 2007; Kosten et al., 2018), reduces the activity of extracellular enzymes, the latter a critical com-
but more studies with sediments of dry inland waters are needed. ponent in organic matter degradation (Zoppini and Marxsen, 2011). It
Contrary to CO2, CH4 fluxes from exposed sediments of dry inland can be a long way from wet to dry, however, and at the onset of drying
waters are low, typically falling below 0.1–1 mmol m−2 day−1 the increased oxygen availability can stimulate enzymatic activities
(Table 1). This contrasts with the generally higher CH4 fluxes measured (e.g. phenol oxidase) and overall microbial growth. This leads to an
in flowing streams and rivers (4.2 ± 8.4 mmol m−2 day−1, Stanley increased breakdown of organic matter and the subsequent release of
et al., 2016) as well as in lakes and reservoirs (3–10 mmol m−2 day−1, CO2, as seen in desiccated ponds (Fromin et al., 2010) and peatlands
Deemer et al., 2016), suggesting a negative effect of drying on CH4 (Fenner and Freeman, 2011; Moore and Knowles, 1989). With con-
emissions. Dry systems lack ebullition as a pathway of CH4 emission, tinued drying, the various grades of desiccation differentially affect
and most of the CH4 produced in the exposed sediments is actually microbial species and ultimately select for a viable microbial commu-
oxidized prior to evasion to the atmosphere (Koschorreck, 2000; Wang nity that can maintain activity down to low moisture levels (Sabater
et al., 2006). CH4 fluxes from exposed sediments are therefore only et al., 2016). In exposed sediments of dry streams, bacterial commu-
likely to be relevant during the first hours or days after surface water nities are mostly subsets of the community inhabiting the stream under
loss (Jin et al., 2016; Koschorreck, 2000; Kosten et al., 2018). established water flow, containing generally more stress-tolerant spe-
cies but also immigrants from the terrestrial surrounding (Timoner
et al., 2014). Light-dependent algae that grow on exposed surfaces
2.2. Microbial and geological sources
suffer more from drying than bacteria, which can find refuges in in-
terstitial microhabitats (Timoner et al., 2012).
Identification of the ultimate sources of and the relevant processes
Accordingly, at ecosystem scale, respiration has been reported to be
behind the C emitted from inland waters is a complex, albeit necessary
more resistant to flow intermittence than primary production (Acuña
step for a complete understanding of the role of inland waters in the
et al., 2015). There may be concomitant shifts of multiple heterotrophic
global C cycle. This is also critical for modeling, predicting and up-
processes. For instance, restricted diffusion of oxygen in water supports
scaling, and it serves to identify which share of the emitted C corre-
the formation of anoxic sites, where methanogenesis can become im-
sponds to a global anthropogenic perturbation (Regnier et al., 2013). As
portant, while aerobic respiration and methanotrophy benefit from oxic
in any ecosystem, C emissions derive from a set of abiotic and biotic
conditions when a system falls dry. Anoxic rice paddy fields typically
sources, whose relative importance is tied to intrinsic features such as

R. Marcé et al. Earth-Science Reviews 188 (2019) 240–248

produce CH4, while this greenhouse gas is prone to oxidation during the the presence or absence of vegetation or microphytobenthos in the
drainage phases (Jäckel et al., 2001). Strongly increased oxygen dif- exposed sediments (Bolpagni et al., 2017; Catalán et al., 2014; Obrador
fusion in desiccated areas of rivers and floodplains (Baldwin and et al., 2018), sediment texture (Gallo et al., 2013; Gómez-Gener et al.,
Mitchell, 2000), seasonal ponds (Fromin et al., 2010) and reservoirs 2016), sediment temperature (Gómez-Gener et al., 2016) and sediment
(Mitchell and Baldwin, 1999) supports little methanogenesis but high organic matter (Bolpagni et al., 2017; Gallo et al., 2013; Gómez-Gener
aerobic respiration and thus production of CO2. et al., 2016; Deshmukh et al., 2018). Studies in intermittent streams
Besides microbial respiration, geologic C can be a relevant source indicate that organic matter quantity may be more important than
for C emissions, particularly in carbonate-rich regions. This is because quality in controlling the magnitude of CO2 fluxes from exposed sedi-
carbonate precipitation/dissolution reactions may continue upon ments (Gallo et al., 2013; Gómez-Gener et al., 2016); however, the few
drying, with potential implications for CO2 emissions (Marcé et al., data available preclude reaching a solid conclusion. It has been shown
2015). In this line, recent research has shown that abiotic CO2 emis- that processes creating heterogeneous redox conditions in exposed se-
sions in arid soils can be a relevant share of total C emissions (Rey, diments (e.g., bioturbation by small invertebrates) accelerate N2O
2015). In addition, photodegradation of organic matter on dry light- emissions (Koschorreck, 2005), but nothing is known about the effect of
exposed sediments could also lead to increased CO2 losses (Rutledge bioturbation on CO2 and CH4 emissions. In soils, other abiotic factors
et al., 2010), whereas CO2 uptake in some desert soils has been related like pressure-pumping due to diurnal changes in temperature or sy-
to dissolution of CO2 in the soil solution and carbonate weathering (Ma noptic weather patterns have been identified as controls of CO2 emis-
et al., 2013). Currently, however, there is no direct evidence from dry sions (Rey, 2015), but there is no direct evidence for such processes
inland waters supporting these mechanisms described for soils. from dry inland waters.
As in soils (Lorenz and Lal, 2009), human activities altering
2.3. Environmental controls emerged sediments are expected to directly alter the gaseous C fluxes
from dry inland waters. For instance, in water-scarce regions, surface
Several environmental factors have been identified as drivers of impermeabilization of intermittent streams is common in some sections
gaseous C fluxes from dry inland waters. As already pointed out above, along their course to optimize water resource use or to use streambeds
sediment moisture is one of the main drivers (Gallo et al., 2013; Gómez- as roads (Steward et al., 2012). The surface compaction and coverage
Gener et al., 2015; Jin et al., 2016; Muñoz et al., 2018), both in the form by impervious materials will likely prevent gas diffusion and most of
of residual water during the drying process or of water delivered in the microbial functions producing these gases. In the same line, si-
short rewetting episodes by rain or episodic flows. multaneous changes in nutrient status and sediment texture because of
The mechanism by which moisture controls gaseous C fluxes is altered land use in the catchment can directly and indirectly impact
complex, as it results from a trade-off between stimulation of microbial sediment biogeochemistry and C emissions, as has been highlighted in
respiration and limitation of gas diffusivity (Gómez-Gener et al., 2015). ephemeral urban streams (Gallo et al., 2013).
Noteworthy, exposed sediments may maintain certain levels of
moisture after surface water loss. Moisture levels are maximized in 3. Implications at the local, regional, and global scales
rainy regions and in fine textured sediments covered with decaying
vegetation, where even reduced redox conditions suitable for anaerobic 3.1. Drawdown areas in reservoirs: consequences for C balances and the
metabolism and CH4 production may be maintained (Koschorreck and hydropower footprint
Darwich, 2003).
Short rewetting episodes can trigger microbial respiration and CO2 Water level fluctuations are a typical feature of reservoirs. The dry
release from exposed sediments, a phenomenon well described in soils area during low water level (i.e. the drawdown area) can cover a sig-
and known as the Birch effect (Birch, 1958; Jenerette et al., 2008). nificant part of the total reservoir area. The drawdown area shows two
Although the Birch effect has not been assessed as such in exposed characteristic habitats: (i) the banks of the main body of the reservoir,
sediments of dry inland waters, increased CO2 fluxes in response to which are often steep and stony, and (ii) inflow areas, which are typi-
rewetting have been reported from exposed sediments of intermittent cally shallow with vegetation growing on exposed organic-rich mud-
streams (Gallo et al., 2013), ponds (Fromin et al., 2010), and river and flats (Fig. 1C).
reservoir mesocosms (Muñoz et al., 2018; Kosten et al., 2018). There- Reservoirs are a relevant source of greenhouse gases on a global
fore, marked punctual increases in the CO2 flux from dry sediments are scale (Deemer et al., 2016; Delsontro et al., 2018). However, C emis-
to be expected during rewetting after a dry period (e.g., rainfall event). sions from drawdown areas are typically not considered in reservoir
Immediately after rewetting, gases in the pore-spaces are displaced by studies and only few data are available. Recent measurements suggest
water potentially causing a significant efflux of CO2 (Kim et al., 2012). that the drawdown area, despite typically covering < 30% of the re-
In soils increases in the CO2 flux of up to 5-fold during several days have servoir surface, has the potential to dominate CO2 emissions from re-
been reported (Kim et al., 2012), significantly impacting the overall servoirs (Table 2, Deshmukh et al., 2018). Ignoring CO2 emissions from
annual CO2 flux. the drawdown area can result in a > 200% underestimation of CO2
Rewetting events can also cause the remobilization of organic emissions. Thus, considering CO2 emissions from drawdown areas has
matter and nutrients (Wilson and Baldwin, 2008). At the micro-scale, the potential to significantly increase our current estimate of global C
pore-filling will increase the dissemination of water-soluble substrates emissions from reservoirs. Notably, not considering these C emissions
and mobilize labile substances from dead biomass. Aggregate disrup- could also considerably affect estimations of the hydropower footprint
tion and the destabilization of organo-mineral complexes will also lib- (Hertwich, 2013). CH4 emissions from the drawdown area, on the other
erate C otherwise protected from microbial action (Borken and hand, seem to be low (Table 2). For instance, a study in the Chinese
Matzner, 2009; Kim et al., 2012). Although the first and most direct Miyun Reservoir showed that CH4 emission from flooded sites was
impact of rewetting on the dry sediment community is an osmotic about 1000 times higher than from non-flooded sites (Yang et al.,
shock, the concomitantly lysing cells provide labile substrates for the 2014).
community of survivors. Also, as a response to rewetting, organisms in There is little information about the effect of terrestrial vegetation
dormant states are rapidly activated (Kim et al., 2012). In dry inland in the drawdown area on gas emissions. By applying flux rates obtained
waters, there are often poor correlations between cell numbers and in rice paddies, marshes, and temperate wetlands forming the draw-
activities (Koschorreck and Darwich, 2003), pinpointing dormancy as a down area of the Three Gorges Reservoir (China), it was estimated that
potentially relevant mechanism. these drawdown zones contribute 17% and 74% to the annual emis-
Other major drivers of CO2 fluxes from dry inland waters include sions of CO2 and CH4, respectively (Yang et al., 2012). The high

R. Marcé et al. Earth-Science Reviews 188 (2019) 240–248

Table 2
Gaseous C fluxes in drawdown areas of reservoirs. Areas are long term means calculated from water level recordings. Fluxes were integrated from transect mea-
surements. Unpublished data from the authors. The methods used to obtain these data are explained in detail in the Supplemental Material.
Reservoir Date (day/month/year) Drawdown area (% of reservoir) CO2 flux (mmol m−2 day−1) Flux from drawdown area (% of total flux)


Sau (Spain) 14/10/2015 17 ± 14 13.9 0 3 0

Boadella (Spain) 28/8/2013 28 ± 15 170 0.26 78 14
Rappbode (Germany) 20/6/2017 11 ± 10 232 0.26 30 1
Königshütte (Germany) 29/5/2015 14 ± 7 193 0.45 27 3
Undurraga (Spain) 15/6/2016 10 ± 7 134 0.02 30 <1

contribution of CH4 originates from extremely high emissions by rice dry lake and reservoir sediments from Table 2 (320 mmol C
fields. CO2 uptake by terrestrial vegetation also has the potential to m−2 day−1), as well as the maximum and minimum average estimates
lower net CO2 emissions during low water level (Yang et al., 2013b). available (216 and 515 mmol C m−2 day−1, respectively) to give a first
In the drawdown area of the shallow tropical Nam Theun 2 assessment of the uncertainty of the global estimate. We calculated the
Reservoir, the CO2 flux was not correlated with moisture, temperature, area of permanent and seasonally dry lakes and reservoirs from the
soil type, or topography, but weakly correlated with sediment C content water area vanished during the last 30 years (89,597 km2) and the
(Deshmukh et al., 2018). The observed high variability calls for more current extension of seasonal water area (806,321 km2) as reported in
data covering different reservoirs, climate zones, land uses, and sea- Pekel et al. (2016). However, this analysis did not differentiate between
sons. Typically, there are spatial gradients with highest emissions of lakes, reservoirs and the rest of inland waters, including wetlands. To
CH4 found near the water line (Wang et al., 2006; Yang et al., 2014), obtain the percent of the above areas that correspond exclusively to
while CO2 emissions can show different patterns along this gradient lakes and reservoirs, we used the fraction of inland water bodies that
(Gómez-Gener et al., 2015; Jin et al., 2016). These spatial gradients are correspond to lakes and reservoirs (i.e., excluding rivers and other in-
probably the result of temporal changes, with higher areas being dry for land wetlands) in the GLWD database (Lehner and Döll, 2004). Only
longer periods. Thus, the temporal pattern of water level fluctuations, 21% of the inland water area in this database is attributed to lakes and
which results both from runoff dynamics and reservoir management, reservoirs, and consequently we revised our estimates for permanently
can strongly affect the annual C budget. Extreme drawdown events can dried systems to 18,755 km2, and the area of seasonally dry lakes to
lead to very high CO2 emissions and have the potential to offset long 168,787 km2. To calculate annual emissions from seasonally dry lakes
term C accumulation in reservoir sediments (Jin et al., 2016; Kosten we multiplied the aforementioned C emissions rates from dry systems
et al., 2018). times the area occupied by seasonally dry lakes, considering that those
lakes will be dry only 3 months a year. For permanently dry lakes, we
assumed 1) that the area of dry lakes linearly increased during the last
3.2. Permanent drying, increased seasonality, and the fate of lacustrine C
30 years from zero to the current 18,755 km2; and 2) that the C emis-
sions from permanently dry systems is a transient phenomenon, due to
an eventual limitation by the available amount and quality of organic C
Lake sediments have accumulated large quantities of organic C
in the dry sediments. We applied a conservative criterion and assumed
derived from terrestrial ecosystems and internal production during the
that C emissions will decrease to zero in 30 years, declining ex-
Holocene (Tranvik et al., 2009). The total mass of stored C is estimated
ponentially at annual steps from the emission rates detailed above, al-
at ~820 Pg C (Einsele et al., 2001), an amount comparable to C stored
though circumstantial evidence is not conclusive at this respect (we
in other Earth compartments, like the atmosphere (~829 Pg C), the
have non-published data showing zero emissions in sediments exposed
surface ocean (~900 Pg C), terrestrial vegetation (~550 Pg C), non-
~35 years ago in an endorheic lake in Spain, but exposed sediments
frozen soils (~2000 Pg C), and permafrost (~1300 Pg C) (IPCC, 2013).
from an Alaskan lake drained ~30 years ago emitted ~150 mmol C
The current paradigm defines lake sediments as C sinks (Heathcote
m−2 day−1 (Wickland et al., 2009)). These exponentially decaying
et al., 2015), burying 0.15 Pg C every year globally (Mendonça et al.,
emissions during 30 years imply that the remobilization of C to the
atmosphere upon lake drying would account for ~65% of the total
Many lakes and reservoirs are currently shrinking and falling dry
organic C pool in the dry lake sediments, assuming a conservative es-
due to diversion of water for human uses and recent changes in climate.
timate of the average C stock in surface lake sediments (20 kg C m−2,
Up to ~90,000 km2 of water surface have already vanished in the last
Kortelainen et al., 2004). Therefore, the calculated emissions are
30 years, whereas ~800,000 km2 of inland water area are currently
plausible from a mass balance perspective.
seasonally drying (Pekel et al., 2016). Exposure of lake sediments to
Results from this exercise show that 0.080 Pg C year−1 of formerly
atmospheric oxygen and higher air temperatures reactivates decom-
buried C are released to the atmosphere, with uncertainty bounds going
position of buried organic C of different ages (Tesi et al., 2016), which
from 0.054 to 0.128 Pg C year−1. This overlooked flux represents
is eventually released to the atmosphere, compromising this millennial
~53% of the global C burial in lakes and reservoirs (0.15 (range
C sink. Remobilization of C stocks previously locked in lake sediments
0.06–0.25) Pg C year−1; Mendonça et al., 2017), and ~20% of the
constitutes a C redistribution process potentially relevant as a climate
current estimates of the global annual CO2 emissions from lakes and
change feedback. However, current global C budgets ignore this process
reservoirs (0.41 (range 0.06–0.84) Pg C year−1; Raymond et al., 2013;
by considering sediments as mere C traps (Regnier et al., 2013). Much is
Delsontro et al., 2018). These numbers are of the same order of mag-
at stake, because appropriate mitigation and adaptation measures
nitude than the global CH4 emissions from inland waters which are now
against climate change must be based on accurate accounting of current
in the spotlight (0.13 (range 0.09–0.22) Pg C year−1; Deemer et al.,
and future C redistribution between land and atmosphere.
2016). This annual C flux would imply between 1.87 and 4.50 Pg C
To approach this question, we produced a first rough, conservative
released to the atmosphere between 2015 and 2050, which is not
estimate of C released from dry lake sediments globally, including both
negligible considering that the upper soil horizons will emit ~30 Pg C
systems that dried out permanently during the last 30 years and the dry
during the same period (Crowther et al., 2016). Unfortunately, we do
sediments that emerge in current seasonally dry systems (Pekel et al.,
not have estimates of the share of new permanent and seasonal dry lake
2016). For this, we considered the average CO2 emission estimate from

R. Marcé et al. Earth-Science Reviews 188 (2019) 240–248

in intermittent streams and rivers was provided by von Schiller et al.

(2014). Here, we revise this estimate, including new emission data from
streams and rivers as well as C emissions from other dry inland waters.
We would like to stress that the global estimates included in this section
are far from being the robust, spatially and temporally unbiased cal-
culations needed to incorporate C emissions from dry inland waters into
global C balances. However, a back-of-the-envelope calculation using
the best data available may help to understand the potential relevance
of this flux for the inland water C cycle, and prompt further research on
the topic. Global estimates in this paper should not be used in any other
For ephemeral and intermittent rivers and streams (up to 5th order),
Fig. 2. Potential C redistribution from permanent and seasonally dry lakes we considered the total area of seasonally exposed sediments during a
(orange) compared with C burial in sediments (blue; Mendonça et al., 2017) year reported in Raymond et al. (2013). The seasonally dry area of
and emissions from flooded lakes (blue arrow; Raymond et al., 2013; Delsontro
small ponds was calculated considering the last estimate of the global
et al., 2018). The potential impacts (red) on current estimates of anthropogenic
area of small ponds (334,366 km2, Holgerson and Raymond, 2016))
fluxes between land and atmosphere (Le Quéré et al., 2018) are also depicted.
Values for dry lakes are first estimates produced for this work (see text). (For assuming that the accumulated dry area along a year will cover 5.5% of
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is this area (i.e. the percent area of 1st order streams considered as dry in
referred to the web version of this article.) Raymond et al., 2013). For lakes and reservoirs, we used the estimates
presented in the preceding section. We combined these area estimates
with CO2 emission rates available in the literature for the different in-
area that must be attributed to anthropogenic influences on climate and
land waters considered, using the average, minimum, and maximum
land use change (e.g., water diversion). However, the potential flux
mean emissions reported in the different studies (Table 3). We did not
from permanent and seasonally dry lakes and reservoirs suggests a
consider CH4 emissions nor CO2 emissions during rewetting episodes
sizeable impact of lake drying and increased seasonality on the global
due to the severe scarcity of data. The final estimate of global CO2
anthropogenic C cycle (Fig. 2).
emission from dry inland waters (0.22 (range 0.07–0.46) Pg C year−1)
It is worth mentioning that the fluxes calculated here cannot be
would represent 10% (range 2.4–29.8) of the global CO2 emissions from
directly translated into a net anthropogenic perturbation of the C cycle
inland waters (2.1 (range 1.56–2.94) Pg C year−1, Raymond et al.,
due to lake drying. The drying of a lake also implies the modification of
2013), suggesting that emissions from dry inland waters play a sub-
fluxes present in the watershed-lake system before drying out, which
stantial role in the inland water C cycle.
must be taken into account for an overall assessment of the net per-
turbation of the C cycle. For such a calculation, it is not sufficient to
4. A research agenda
subtract the CO2 and CH4 emissions and add the C burial present in the
flooded lake to the emissions upon drying: most C emissions and burial
Emissions of C from exposed sediments in dry streams, rivers,
in lakes originate from C imported from upstream ecosystems (terres-
ponds, lakes, and reservoirs to the atmosphere can be considered a
trial or aquatic), and for a complete assessment of the net impact of
recent topic in C biogeochemistry research. Although several lines of
drying on the C cycle we must also track the fate of this C once the lake
evidence suggest that they cannot be disregarded to draw an accurate
dries out. Clearly, this is a very complex exercise out of the scope of this
picture of the role of inland waters in the global C cycle, the scarcity of
review. Finally, these numbers must be put in context of the changes in
available data precludes precise estimates of its magnitude and relative
water surface occurring on Earth, that also include an increasing water
relevance. As a wrap-up, we suggest a research agenda to constrain the
surface in many areas of the globe during the last decades (Pekel et al.,
main sources of uncertainty involved in C emissions from dry inland
2016) despite others prone to desiccation. However, while we have a
waters, not only to produce precise regional or global estimates of C
considerable amount of works supporting an increasing burial due to
emissions, but also to understand the physical and biological mechan-
the creation of new water bodies (Clow et al., 2015; Mendonça et al.,
isms behind this flux. These are the main points we have identified:
2017), there are no published studies on the effect of drying on locked C
stocks, and thus, no evaluation of the potential of these fluxes to
1) There is a paucity of C emission data from dry inland waters. This
counterbalance an increased burial in new water bodies.
contrasts with the abundance of data for C emissions from surface
waters (Deemer et al., 2016; Raymond et al., 2013) and terrestrial
3.3. Potential significance of C emissions from dry inland waters for the
soils (Bond-Lamberty and Thomson, 2012). Collecting data from dry
global C cycle
inland waters should be a research priority over the next years.
However, relying on the collection of data by individual teams
A first rough global estimate of C emissions from exposed sediments

Table 3
Global estimate of CO2 fluxes from dry inland waters.
Dry inland waters Accumulated dry area during a year (including seasonal and CO2 emission rate (mmol m−2 day−1)a Global C emission (Pg C year−1)
permanent drying) (km2)

Streams and rivers (up to 5th order) 84,461b 334 (44–781) 0.124 (0.016–0.289)
Lakes, reservoirs (> 900 m2) 187,542c 320 (216–515) 0.080 (0.054–0.128)
Small ponds (< 900 m2) 18,390d 148 (10–600) 0.012 (0.001–0.048)
TOTAL 290,393 0.216 (0.071–0.465)

This study. Average, minimum, and maximum of the mean values reported in Table 1. For permanently dry lakes, emissions decrease exponentially to zero after
30 years of drying (see text for details).
Raymond et al., 2013. Sum of the area of exposed sediments across intermittent and ephemeral streams and rivers during a year.
This study. Current permanent and seasonally dry area modified from Pekel et al. (2016), see text for details.
This study. Sum of the area of exposed sediments of small ponds modified from Holgerson and Raymond (2016), see text for details.

R. Marcé et al. Earth-Science Reviews 188 (2019) 240–248

would imply that we would need several years, or even decades, to In conclusion, we provided evidence aimed to persuade the Earth-sci-
gather enough data to produce robust global and regional C emis- ence community that dry phases in streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and
sion estimates. To speed up this process, we suggest the establish- reservoirs must be considered to draw a complete picture of the inland
ment of global collaborative sampling initiatives, such as the GLEON water C cycle. Dry inland waters will be increasingly frequent in our
initiative DryFlux ( and the 1000 In- landscapes, and considering the C fluxes associated with them will
termittent Rivers Project ( surely improve our understanding of the role of inland waters in the; Datry et al., 2018). These initiatives engage a high current, past, and future global C cycle.
number of research teams in a common research objective, covering
hundreds of sampling locations in very short time periods. Data availability
2) Estimation of the current and future extension of permanent and
seasonally dry inland waters is one of the main challenges we face, We show all data used in this manuscript in text, figures and tables.
particularly for small systems (i.e. low order streams, small ponds)
that are not easily captured by remote sensing. Although several Competing interests statement
global estimates exist on the spatial and temporal extent of inter-
mittent streams (Raymond et al., 2013; Schneider et al., 2017), they The authors have no competing interests to declare.
can only be considered as a first rough estimate. This is because the
statistical models used to extrapolate to continental scales lead to Funding
poor results outside the climatic regions for which the models were
calibrated, grossly underestimating the extent of intermittent This study is based upon work from COST Action CA15113
streams. Probably, the best alternative for estimating the extension (SMIRES, Science and Management of Intermittent Rivers and
of small to medium dry streams in most of the river network (e.g., Ephemeral Streams,, supported by COST (European
under canopy covers that hide streams from direct view from space Cooperation in Science and Technology). The participation of RM and
or airborne imagery) is hydrological modeling, although modeling BO was supported by the project C-HYDROCHANGE (CGL2017-86788-
intermittence at large scales has not been a research priority until C3-2-P and CGL2017-86788-C3-3-P), funded by the Spanish Ministry of
very recently (Datry et al., 2017). To our knowledge, there is no Science, Innovation and Universities. The participation of DvS was
available database on the extension and temporal dynamics of dry supported by the project DIVERSION (CGL2016-77487-R), funded by
phases in small ponds, although their role on global C emissions the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and a Grant for
should not be disregarded (Holgerson and Raymond, 2016). Finally, Research Groups of the Basque University System (IT-951-16), funded
the situation for lakes, reservoirs, and large rivers is better because by the Basque Government. NC was supported by a Juan de la Cierva
they can be reasonably well captured by recorded information on (FJCI-660 2014-23064) and a Beatriu de Pinós (2016-00215) post-
water level fluctuations and remote sensing (Keys and Scott, 2017). doctoral grants. MIA was supported by a postdoctoral grant (1162886)
In addition, we already have estimations of the extension of dry from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. MK was supported by
inland waters (Pekel et al., 2016) that can potentially be combined the German Research Foundation (KO 1911/6-1).
with lake and reservoir databases (Verpoorter et al., 2014) to deliver
more accurate estimates of the extension of permanent and sea- Acknowledgements
sonally dry lakes. All in all, mapping dry inland waters is a major
bottleneck for assessing their role in the global C cycle. We thank Philipp Keller for providing data from Rappbode
3) Soil science already considers some semi-aquatic habitats that re- Reservoir.
currently fall dry, particularly peatlands, rice paddy fields, river
floodplains, and tidal wetlands. Research on C emissions from dry Appendix A. Supplementary data
inland waters should take advantage of all technical and theoretical
developments available from soil science (Arce et al., 2018). This Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
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