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Ann Appl Sport Sci 9(2): e925, 2021.; e-ISSN: 2322–4479. 10.52547/aassjournal.925


The Role of Brand Authenticity on Brand Equity of Football

Clubs with the Mediating Role of Brand Personality
1Akbar Mohammadi Argi, 1Mohammad Ehsani*, 1Rasoul Norouzi Seyed Hossini,
1Marjan Saffari

Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

Submitted 01 August 2020; Accepted in final form 06 October 2020.

Background. The brand equity is raised as one key subject in founding the value creation for the brand. Nowadays,
the sports managers are searching for creating a very powerful brand and favorable for their own organizations
obtaining one long term and highlighting the consumers’ athletic experiences and the continuous relationship with
them. Objectives. The purpose of this study was to focus on the role of brand authenticity with the mediating role of
brand personality on the brand equity of Persepolis Club. Methods. In this regard, a descriptive research method of
survey was used. The statistical population of the present study consisted of all spectators of Persepolis team. In this
study, the available sampling method was used and the sample consisted of 410 fans of Persepolis Club. The Instrument
used in the present Research is three questionnaires of brand authenticity, brand personality and brand equity, all of
which have validity and reliability. In order to investigate the direct and indirect effects of brand authenticity on brand
equity, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used. Results. The research findings showed that brand authenticity
affects brand equity (0.67) and brand personality (0.54). Brand personality affects brand equity (0.34) and brand
personality mediates the relationship between brand authenticity and brand equity (0.12). Conclusion. Based on the
results, it can be concluded that the managers of Persepolis Club should increase the brand authenticity by establishing
the club museum as well as the club store and planning on the unique features of the club, such as the number of
champions, the large fan community, etc., and thus increase their brand equity.

KEYWORDS: Brand Authenticity, Brand History, Uniqueness, Brand Personality, Football.

The brand equity is raised as one key subject of fans’ identity into one team and on the brand
in founding the value creation for the brand (1). equity has been taken into consideration well (3).
Nowadays, the sports managers are searching for Accordingly, and based on this matter and
creating a very powerful brand and favorable for identity and the sports team’s fans’ strong
their own organizations obtaining one long term connection with their own team, we see that many
and highlighting the consumers’ athletic teams such as Chicago Bears, Manchester United
experiences and the continuous relationship with and also the sports leagues including the UEFA
them. In this regard, the brand management Champions League (Union of European Football
literature supports this matter that the brand Associations) and the National Basketball League
equity will rest to a large extent on the customer’s in Australia all have applied for re-branding (4).
identity – company (2) and in the sport, the effects In the past, the sports teams and leagues were of

*. Corresponding Author:
Mohammad Ehsani, Professor
E-mail: [email protected]
2 The Role of Brand Authenticity on Brand Equity of Football Clubs

a very exclusive position in attracting the fans and the knowledge, perceived quality, loyalty,
aficionados but the competition for absorbing the association and the total brand equity (9). The
sports consumers has increased after the increase brand knowledge is the ability to detect
of sports institutions and new media. The sports (Recognition) and recalling the potential
teams and leagues are now competing with the purchasers concerning one trade mark as a
other spending leisure time options including member for a special category of products. The
festivals, cinemas, restaurants, camps, travel tours customer-based brand equity is made when the
and so forth on the money which is paid by the consumers keep in their mind a higher level of
customers for entertainment. On the other hand, knowledge and acquaintance with that brand and
the professional sport has accepted a more also some exclusive, favorable and powerful
commercial approach and for this reason, making associations (10). The perceived quality is the
a very powerful brand and then distinguishing and consumer’s overall judgment on the product
differentiating the same from the rivals has superiority or service which is derived from the
changed to a more vital subject matter for the combination of consumers’ expectations and
sports teams and leagues (5). understanding (11). Creating the loyalty among
So, and in terms of expressions, one brand the customers is a concept that has been already
name can be defined as any determined sign for taken into account more than ever in the modern
differentiating the products of one company from businesses because the loyal customers have
the other rivals (6). On the other hand, the concept changed to the main component of organizational
of brand equity from the customer’s view point success (12). Aker has also defined the brand
(CBBE=Customer-Based Brand Equity) is the loyalty as the customer’s dependency and
different effects which the brand knowledge attachment to the brand. The brand association is
leaves on the customers’ reactions towards the the information nodes connected to the brand in
marketing activities and regarding the same the mind which can make the trade mark
brand. Since such expression emerged in the meaningful for the consumer and also the brand
1980s therefore the brand value has drawn more association can present the truth that has been
attention among the marketing specialists and formed regarding the brand in the consumer’s
researchers. The customer –based brand equity is mind (9). Studying the research literature will
a multi-dimensional concept and one interwoven explicitly suggest that the brand equity should be
phenomenon (7). Every brand can be of a higher as an important part of the scope of marketing
equity when the customers show a very research in every company because it summarizes
acceptable and favorable reaction into the the important variables of consumer behavior
products and the entire marketing activities of that such as brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand
brand. Consequently, enjoying a brand with the awareness and brand associations (13). In the
higher equity may cause the customers show a research literature, it has been regularly discussed
better reaction towards the brand expansion (14-16) that the ideal brand equity lead to
strategies, have some less sensitivity and increases the probability of brand selection,
obsession into the prices increase, go and search customer retention (and retailers), profit margins,
for finding their own favorable brand in the willingness to pay high prices, customer search,
distribution networks and department stores and the effectiveness of marketing communications,
or they may regularly keep on buying and using positive word of mouth advertising, brand
the foregoing brand even in case of the licensing opportunities, and brand development.
advertising activities failure. On the other hand, Brand equity also reduces the vulnerability of
those brands with the negative equity will face competitive marketing actions as well as price
with the customer’s unpleasant and unacceptable sensitivity (17).
reaction into the marketing activities (8). The In recent decades, professional sport has
brand equity is a value added that a product makes emerged as a lucrative industry that provides a
it through a brand. The brand equity is considered variety of business opportunities and situations.
like a property for a company which can increase Sports managers are moving towards that
the business cash flow namely one multi- consider their teams as brand and brands which
dimensional concept which can increase by need to be managed. One of the goals of sports
reinforcing its dimensions. These dimensions are teams is to create a strong brand so that such
The Role of Brand Authenticity on Brand Equity of Football Clubs 3

brand can influence the behavior of real and directly and meditatively affect on brand equity
potential customers of that team (18). Branding is and ultimately consumer behavior is brand
known as an influence strategy for sports personality. Aker defines brand personality as a
organizations both domestically and set of human characteristics related to a brand. In
internationally and is one of their most important fact, the concept of brand personality derives
assets. It is fair to say that branding is the newest from the concept of human personality; where the
game in the sports industry. A sports team has people communicate effectively and stably with
such potential to build what is called brand equity, the brand through attributing personality traits to
which is created through investment and attention brands and expressing their ideal and true selves
to the emotional relationship with fans (19). via the brand (26). Consumers use the dimensions
Numerous factors may influence the selection of of brand personality as a determinant of brand
a brand from among different brands and the added value. Today, it is well defined that brands
amount of perceptual value of consumers of the with a distinctive and strong personality are easily
brand and finally cause the brand equity. One of distinguished from competitors or rivals. Brand
these factors is brand authenticity. Brand personality can also be used as a benchmark for
researchers often consider the authenticity as a positioning and can be effective in developing
key source for promoting a brand’s competitive brand equity. The totality of the brand personality
advantage, especially in times of distrust. affects the consumers’ purchase behavior and
Gupta et al. (2010) stated that a positive attitude towards the brand when strongly
attitude towards the brand creates a positive brand activated in their minds (27). Researchers, who
response to the impact of customer’s purchase have studied in the field of consumers, have found
activity (20). Those authentic and original brands that companies having strong brands and positive
define the values or equity that direct brand brand personalities, achieves countless benefits.
behaviors and reactions in the market and have a The brand personality of sports teams from the
strong impact on the customer’s attitude towards viewpoint of Tsiotsou (2012) consists of five
the brand which in turn will increase the trust that dimensions: 1. Competitiveness 2. Prestige 3.
leads firms and companies to commercial Authenticity 4. Moral Orientation 5. Credibility
success. Also, Torabi (2016) stated that brand (28).
authenticity affects the choice of products through An ideal brand personality has many benefits:
four dimensions of brand equity (21). Romiani strengthening consumer preferences, increasing
(2018) also expressed in his research that brand emotions in consumer, increasing the level of
authenticity increases the loyalty of sports trust and loyalty, and providing a basis for
watchers through influencing the brand equity product differentiation. As a result, when brand
(22). The results of research indicate that personality and customer are consistent,
managers shall pay attention to brand authenticity consumers can be expected to be consistent in
because it builds brand trust (23). Brand their purchasing behavior (29).
authenticity is loyalty to the promises and Marilyn Giroux et al. (2017) stated that
commitments of the brand. The personality and consumers consider brand personality while
whatever are related to the destination brand must studying and reacting to the advertising strategies.
be real and have reasonable support. Innovative In fact, the compatibility between brand
branding requires proper marketing and smart personality and the selected marketing strategy
investment in facilities and services. Without positively affects consumer perceptions and brand
investment and development of unique services equity (30). Freling (2011) also stated that a
and features, the core of the brand will not be strong, unique and desirable understanding of
reinforced and brand loyalty and repeat purchases brand personality can lead to a set of unique and
will not be achieved (24)). Kadiro (2010) has appropriate brand images, as a result, it creates the
identified seven key dimensions to brand potential capacity in order to influence the total
authenticity which these seven dimensions brand equity (31). Papadimitriou (2019)
include real-fictitious, scale, extreme declared that brand personality positively and
performance, being commercial, being unique, significantly affects the attitudinal loyalty of fans
rich history, community, and empowerment (25). (32). Shahzad et al. (2018) also stated that brand
On the other hand, one of the variables that can personality mediates the relationship between
4 The Role of Brand Authenticity on Brand Equity of Football Clubs

brand experience and brand equity, which shows having a good understanding of method of its
that brand personality can affects the brand equity formation and the elements affecting the brand
as a mediator (33). Considering the importance and equity of football clubs, it can make desirable plans
stand of the consumer in the market, customer to enjoy this intellectual capital of clubs. On the
acquisition and retention can be accounted as one other hand, creating brand equity has a great
of the most important issues in marketing activities impact on the financial performance of Persepolis
in brand valuation (goods and services). Given the Club. For example, Gladen and Millen (1999)
above-mentioned topics, it can be said that brand stated that a sporting team’s product revenue
authenticity and brand personality are two depends on brand equity and in-house success.
components that can affect the brand equity. An Biscaia (2015) showed that the loyalty of sports
issue that is considered in such research is the team fans is directly related to brand equity and
importance of the brand and its special equity for when fans have more loyalty, they have a more
football clubs in the new era and its optimal positive consumption behavior towards the team.
utilization. As the research literature shows, brand Therefore, considering the effect of brand equity
originality and personality are two components on revenue generation and financial performance
that affect the brand equity. Persepolis Club, given of sports teams, it seems necessary to identify and
its history, as well as having millions of fans in Iran study the factors affecting brand equity of
and some neighboring countries, and ultimately the Persepolis Club as one of the most proud and
ability to compete and its highest level and popular football clubs in Iran. Therefore, the
prestige, it has a brand originality and personality purpose of this study is to answer the question of
which it can enhance the brand equity, but what is the relationship between brand authenticity
unfortunately the brand equity and the components and brand equity with the mediating role of brand
that affect it are less considered by owners and personality in Persepolis Club?
Officials of football clubs in Iran, especially
Persepolis Club, as a club capital and therefore its
Design. The present research is descriptive and
capacities are not used properly. Of course, paying
in terms of purpose, it is an applied kind of studies.
attention to the brand in our country is a long way
Participants. The statistical population of the
from developed countries; Probably because in our
present research was the fans of Persepolis
country, marketers and company’s managers are
Football Club and the statistical sample of 410
less aware of the countless benefits of brand equity,
people (using Cochran’s formula and a sufficient
and still use the traditional advertising methods for
number of samples in structural equations
communicating with fans and establishing their
modeling) who were selected by available
brand, and in fact they do not have a correct
sampling method (Table 1).
understanding of concepts such as Brand, its
Instrument. The method of field data
management and brand equity (34).
collection was used in the present research that was
On the other hand, the clubs existing in the
made through quantitative data collection. A
Iranian Premier League, despite their brilliant
standard questionnaire consisting of four sections
history and records, such as Persepolis, has lower
was used to collect information. The first section
place in the brand finance football site which
was demographic information (4 questions), the
ranked 190 clubs throughout the world compared
second section was questions related to brand
to many clubs in the Asian leagues, including
authenticity which brand authenticity
South Korea, Japan, China and Qatar. (35).
questionnaires (Kadirov, 2010) (14 questions)
Also, the Brand Finance Football site in 2018
were used for this purpose. The next section was
in its annual report has considered 3 indicators to
questions related to brand equity, which the
determine the power of sports brands, which
standard questionnaire (Kim and Kyoum, 2011)
include brand investment, brand equity and brand
(15 questions) was used in this regard and finally
performance, and states that in the field of football
the last section included questions related to brand
branding, the future belongs to Football clubs in
personality, for which the brand personality
China (36). Such report indicates that the clubs in
questionnaire (Tsiotsou, 2012) (24 questions) was
the leagues that compete with Iran are working
applied. The validity of this questionnaire and its
well on its brand equity and will become major
reliability was determined by professors and
powers in football in the near future. In case of
Cronbach’s alpha test (87%), respectively.
The Role of Brand Authenticity on Brand Equity of Football Clubs 5

Table 1. The Demographic Characteristics of Participants in Such Research Are Pointed Out and Listed in
Variables Education Age
Less than High Bachelor’s Master’s Ph.D. Under 20 20-30 31-40 40
High School Degree Degree Degree Years old Years
School Diploma of and
Diploma and Above
Frequency 69 93 135 75 38 94 148 105 63
Percent 16.8 22.6 32.9 18.2 9.2 22.9 09.36 25.6 15.3
Variable Marital Status Watcher’s Record Amount of Income
Single Married Less Than 5-10 10-15 More Less 2-4 More
5 Years Years Years Than 15 Than Millions Than 4
Years 200 Millions
Frequency 283 127 88 196 93 33 230 98 82
Percent 69 30 21.4 47.8 22.6 8.04 09.56 23.9 20.1

Statistical Analysis. In addition, in this existing in the model. As can be seen in the above
research, descriptive statistics were used to figure, the whole relationships (authenticity and
describe the demographic status of the respondents personality on brand equity as well as personality
and in the inferential statistics section, structural on brand equity), in general, indicate a positive
equation modeling was applied. For this purpose, and significant affections.
the SPSS and Amos 23 software were utilized. According to the results of the above (Table 4),
it can be said that among the existing variables,
RESULTS brand authenticity on brand equity holds the most
In this model (Figure 1), the results indicate a
impact (0.67) in the form of total effect and
desirable fitness of the variables involved in the
personality on brand equity has the lowest impact
structural equation model. In other words, it can factor (0.34). Also, the mediating role of brand
be stated that the empirical data supports the personality in the causal relationship between the
theoretical model of the research; Confirmation of authenticity and brand equity of Persepolis Club
this claim refers to the results of Table 2.
was obtained as a partial mediating in a positive
In the following, we will consider and review
and significant direction (0.12).
the causal relationships between the variables

Figure 1. Output of Non- Standard Mode Structural Equations

6 The Role of Brand Authenticity on Brand Equity of Football Clubs

Table 2. Results for Evaluation of Model Fitness Indices

Values 0.041 0.961 0.982 0.986 0.951 0.026 1.649
Threshold 0.08 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.05 5

Table 3. Standard Error and Critical Ratio in a Table

S.E. C.R.
Equity <--- Authenticity 0.181 6.906
Empowerment <--- Authenticity
Community <--- Authenticity 0.181 7.933
Rich history <--- Authenticity 0.2 7.951
Unique <--- Authenticity 0.152 7.19
Commercial <--- Authenticity 0.179 7.92
Performance <--- Authenticity 0.182 8.216
Real <--- Authenticity 0.177 8.019
Awareness <--- Equity
Association <--- Equity 0.05 18.689
P Quality <--- Equity 0.056 11.778
Loyalty <--- Equity 0.064 10.122

Table 4. Consideration of Causal Relationships between Research Variables

Variables Total Effect Direct Effect Indirect Effect Significant
Brand authenticity → brand personality 0.54 0.54 0.001
Brand authenticity →brand equity 0.67 0.45 0.12 0.001
Brand personality →brand equity 0.34 0.34 0.001

deep features. This definition of authenticity

DISCUSSION appears well in Persepolis Football Club; because
The aim of this research was to study the effect
adherence to promises, not pretending and being
of brand authenticity on the brand equity of a favorite of the various groups of watchers and
Persepolis Club with the mediating role of brand fans can be used for assessing and measuring the
personality. Brand experts often promote brand authenticity of this football club. In fact,
authenticity as a key source of competitive Persepolis Club has been able to increase the
advantage and brand remedy, especially in times loyalty to its fans to a high level through the high
of distress and loss of trust. Research findings number of fans and the providing the honest and
showed that the brand authenticity of Persepolis
desirable services (quality competitions) and
Club affects the brand equity. This result of
making the pleasant experiences. It is also a
research corresponds with the results of research feature of the brand authenticity of the club that
made by Sajjadi et al. (2013), Torabi (2016), Julie has succeeded to create a high level of desire and
Napoli et al. (2014), Barrio-García & Prados- willingness among fans and watchers to be aware
Peña (2019) and Chieh Lu (2015). Barrio- of the special features and qualities of the club,
García & Prados-Peña (2019) stated that brand
and thus, have a good knowledge of the club
authenticity affects brand equity (21, 37-40). brand. In fact, according to the results of this
Also, Sajjadi et al. (2013) stated that from the study, in which nearly 83% of Persepolis fans are
viewpoint of officials, experts and fans of Tehran academically educated, the understanding of
Persepolis Football Club, the loyalty of fans, brand authenticity and its impact on the brand
stars, team success, club management, stadium, equity of Persepolis Club is very tangible.
club history, coach, media, supporters and logo In other words, Persepolis Football Club holds
had the greatest impact on brand equity of club, a genuine brand and therefore can keep away the
respectively (37). In explanation of this competitors and rivals away as opportunistic
conclusion, it should be noted that authenticity followers and copyists, and thus creates a
indicates what is real, pure, and without significant barrier for competition, which is the
hypocrisy, and is true in terms of superficial and perceived quality of their brand from the fans and
The Role of Brand Authenticity on Brand Equity of Football Clubs 7

other teams. Therefore, it is recommended that traits to their team brand due to its rich history,
the management of Persepolis Club be honest in being commercial, numerous communities and
informing in all aspects and inform the fans as good performance. In fact, the experience of the
soon as possible. Besides this matter, the history fans and watchers with regard to Persepolis brand
of Persepolis Club is also considered as one of the and their expectations has led them to consider a
important structures of brand authenticity. As human aspect (personality) for their team. This
Kadiro (2010) states, a brand’s history and its brand personality distinguishes their team brand
ability to create communities can promote a from their competitors or rivals. Two factors of
brand’s authenticity (25). Persepolis team is one product-related features and mental features are
of the most rooted teams in Iranian football, and of special importance in distinguishing the brand
therefore the level of loyalty and association of its personality of football clubs. As Aker (1997)
football watchers and fans is high, and this matter states, the product-related features in football
confirms the significant relationship between the teams, including the quality of the game, the
brand authenticity of Persepolis Football Club quality of the players, competitions holding time,
and its brand equity. Therefore, Persepolis Club victory, achievements, etc., and mental features
can collect all its honors and expose its rich and such as the mental image that fans have of their
successful history to its fans. In this regard, it is favorite team, financial supports made from the
noteworthy to note that the greatest impact of the teams, advertising style and financial ability of
components of brand authenticity on brand equity team, famous players and personalities who have
is related to communities. These are the been present in team and the that team brand, etc.
passionate fans who follow the competitions of are considered as the sources of creation and
such team throughout the country and always development of the brand personality (26).
support their team in all fields and help strengthen Bedsides this matter, it should be noted that from
and promote their team brand with synergy and the viewpoint of Tsiotsou (2012), five
empowerment. The results of the descriptive part components such as competitiveness, prestige,
of the research also confirm that 84% of the fans ethics, originality and credit play an important
of Persepolis club are under 40 years old, which role in the brand personality of football clubs.
is a relatively young community, so it creates Such result represents that the more original and
good excitement and communities to support the authentic are the clubs, (rich history, extreme
club. In addition, due to the reputation and rich performance, being commercial, various
history of the club, the quality of the competitions communities, empowerment and good
and the victories of Persepolis Club play a great performance), therefore, the more favorable
role in the perceived quality of their brand. As a human aspects such as competitiveness, prestige,
matter of fact, the more Persepolis team is able to ethics, originality and credit will appear and these
nationally or internationally achieve ranks, affairs will help the club’s brand equity altogether
accordingly, the more awareness into this team and in the form of synergy (28).
and its brand association would increase. In the final model of the research, the
Another result of this research was that the relationship between brand personality and brand
brand authenticity of Persepolis Club affects the equity of football clubs is significant from two
brand personality. This result of research is perspectives. First, the direct relationship that the
consistent with the results of research made by brand personality of football clubs has with its
Hernandez Fernandez and Lewis (2019), Portal brand equity. This research was showed that the (2018), Shirzadi et al. (2015) (23, 41, 42). brand personality of football clubs affects the
Hernandez Fernandez and Lewis (2019) state that brand equity. The results of this section
brand authenticity has a significant relationship correspond with the results of Khandan et al.
with brand trust, which is one of the components (2018), Aghazadeh et al. (2016), Darzian et al.
of the brand personality of sports teams (23). The (2016), Jin Su, & Tong (2015) and Xiao Tong
result of this research shows that the more a (2017). Khandan et al. (2015) (43-46), in
football team brand authenticity is at high level, their research entitled "The relationship between
therefore, the brand of that team will elevate at brand personality and consumer-based brand
high rates and it can allocate to itself some more equity in the most popular teams selected in the
and important aspects. In other words, Persepolis State Premier Football League" showed that there
team could be able to bring desirable personality is a positive and significant relationship between
8 The Role of Brand Authenticity on Brand Equity of Football Clubs

the whole dimensions of brand personality and brand personality can create brand equity for
brand equity. Jin Su, & Tong (2015) also stated football clubs, the most important of which will
that brand personality affects brand equity and be loyalty to football clubs. It should be noted that
can create brand equity. This means that a football the brand personality of a football club is not
club that enjoys the enough personality can create created suddenly and it takes a long time to be
a favorable and desirable awareness and formed due to the accumulation of watchers’
association in the minds of fans and watchers, as experience. In the experience of football club’s
well as strengthen and promote their loyalty (45). watchers, marketing communication, promotion
In fact, the results show that from the viewpoint and social responsibility can be enjoyed to build
of the fans, whereas Persepolis football team the club’s brand personality desirably and
holds one of the five personality traits such as optimally. In addition, the necessity to develop
competitiveness, prestige, ethics, originality or and achieve deep, effective communication
credit, it can strengthen its brand equity. Also, methods and work to create and institutionalize
brand personality can cause the symbolic the brand personality of football clubs is vital.
advantages to be created for fans and watchers of Finally, considering the effect of brand
football clubs and can be used as a tool to show authenticity and brand personality on the brand
off and express the personality related to their equity of Persepolis Club, club managers shall
team brand. pay special attention to the components of brand
Also, the brand personality of football clubs authenticity and invest in them. As the results
can help transfer the club features (players, showed, the direct impact of brand originality on
coaches, stadium, style of play, etc.) to the brand equity is greater than its indirect impact on
watchers and fans, and in this way, it creates brand personality, and this may be due to the fact
functional advantages such as favorable that Persepolis fans have a better understanding of
association with the club brand and more loyalty. brand originality and its components such as
In other words, fans view the dimensions of brand history. They have communities, business
personality as added value of the brand, and as activities and.... And this shows that paying
Aker (1997) stated, brand personality leads to attention to brand originality with the aim of
create a stable image of the brand in the directly increasing brand equity can be more
customers’ minds, which will affect the behavior effective. In this regard, it seems that the brand
of fans and watchers of the football club and their equity of the club can be promoted through the
attitudes towards their club brand (26). Therefore, proper management of the fans and paying
it can be said that creating a top brand personality attention to their demands, attracting valuable
for football clubs may most likely enhance the stars and maintaining the team’s star players,
brand equity of that club. Second; the indirect appropriate planning in order to achieve national
relationship that brand personality plays as a and continental successes, selection of efficient
mediator between the brand authenticity of and expert managers and those who are familiar
football clubs and their brand equity which has with the club’s issues, proper management in
been shown in this study, so brand authenticity order to build a new and modern stadium or
affects the brand personality of football clubs. ownership of one of the existing stadiums,
This means that whereas football clubs enjoy adherence to common principles and standards
from rich history, favorable commercial activity, confirmed by the fans, attempting to make
various communities and high performance, they appropriate and timely changes, trying to increase
can also acquire a good personality and such the team’s competitiveness in different
chain will be completed by promoting their brand competitions, attempting to introduce the
equity. In other words, they can create a high valuable background of the team, implementation
perceived quality in their brand and consequently of cultural programs in accordance with the
create a level of loyalty in the fans and watchers. brilliant history of the club, interaction with mass
media and proper use of modern media, trying to
CONCLUSION attract prominent and reputable domestic and
Therefore, the marketing managers of football foreign sponsors and designing proper logo that
clubs shall do their best to improve the experience reflects the values and background of the club.
of the fans and watchers through providing
Such research, like other researches holds
appropriate and timely information with regards some constraint and limitations. A statistical
the club and its activities. Based on the results, the
The Role of Brand Authenticity on Brand Equity of Football Clubs 9

population of the study was limited to the fans management, technical staff, etc.) at different
of Persepolis Club. Therefore, it is proposed that periods of time.
such research be reviewed in other clubs as well.
Despite the anonymity of the questionnaire,
there were some possible considerations and • The brand equity makes the fans loyal.
orientations by the respondents. Also, the aim of • The components of brand Authenticity are
this research was to review and study the very important in creating brand personality
relationship between brand authenticity and and brand equity, so Persepolis Club can
brand equity under the mediating role of brand improve its brand personality and increase
personality, but in the field of sports, team brand equity by planning on these components
identity acts as one of the main variables such as history, fan communities, etc.
affecting on the watchers’ behavior. Thus, it is • It is recommended that Persepolis Club
offered that the moderating role of team identity establish its own museum. The establishment
shall be examined in this regard. Finally, the of the club museum shows the history and
questionnaire of such research was completed in authenticity of the club brand.
the second half of 2019. It is suggested that the • It is recommended that Persepolis Club, by
questionnaire be done according to the changes strengthening its fan base, control and guide
made in Persepolis club (change of their communities.

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