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CPGE – MY ISMAIL MEKNES Teacher: Hanane Ouachlale Class: 1st Year ECT 1/2 Term: 1

Academic Year: 2022/2023 Unit 3 Lesson 1: Is Technology always the Solution?

Look at the poster and discuss these

questions in pairs:

1.What does this poster represent?


2. In your opinion, how much people rely

on technology?


3. Do you think this reliance will cause

some problems, how?


Listening :

Vocabulary& Listening

A. In pairs, Match these words with their definitions

Proxy set of instructions that a computers use to perform their tasks

Algorithms a person or a thing that carries out your wishes and your instructions

Nuanced problem someone who believes his country, sex or race is the better than others

Chauvinist not simple, hard to spot and need to be considered

B. Before you listen to the audio, in pairs, try to define these words:


Artificial intelligence:………….………………………………………………………………………………………………...............

C. Listen to the first part of the audio (00:01-02:58) and answer the questions.
1. What is Meridith Broussah’s definition of technochauvinism?
2. What does Meridith Broussah think about artificial intelligence?
3. What problems can AI create?


D. Listen to the last part of the audio (03:34-06:10), answer this question:
A. Do you think that technology can do things better than humans?
B. In what decade was the term AI coined?

IV. Discussion & writing

A. In pairs, Compare between life in the past and how technology has changed the
world today. Illustrate with examples:

Past Present

B. Complete this paragraph

Since the beginning of its rise in the late 20th century, digital and computer technology
promised to improve many ways in which society operates. Personal computers, mobile
phones, and the internet are some of the most ubiquitous examples of technology that have
demonstrable capabilities to make lives easier to a certain extent. However, the belief that
technology is always the solution…………………………………………………………………………………………….

Follow-up activity: Consider this link to learn more about Technochauvism
In pairs, answer these questions

 Are robots or Machines biased? Illustrate with an example Stephanie Symington

provided in the video.
 What question she raised at the end of the video? What do you think about it?
 Do you have another question to ask ?
III. Grammar: Identifying/Defining relative clauses
A. Watch the video and in pairs choose the right answer:

1. Relative clauses describe or give extra information about something. True False
2. We use relative pronouns like which, that, who and where at the beginning
of relative clauses. True False
3. The information in relative clauses is always essential for understanding
the sentence. True False
4. Some relative clauses give additional information which is not essential for
understanding. True False
5. Relative clauses that give additional information are called 'defining'. True False
6. Relative clauses are always in the middle of a sentence. True False
7. We can use exactly the same relative pronouns in defining and nondefining relative
clauses. True False
8. The punctuation is different for defining and non-defining clauses. True False
1. In pairs, circle the correct relative pronoun

 The bike (which / that) I loved was stolen.

 The university (which / that) she likes is famous.
 The woman (who / that) my brother loves is from Mexico.
 The doctor (who / that) my grandmother liked lives in New York.
 She loves the chocolate (which / that) I bought.
 We went to the village (which / that) Lucy recommended.
 John met a woman (who / that) I had been to school with.
 The police arrested a man (who / that) Jill worked with.

2. Write a relative pronoun (that, which, who, where, when or whose) to fill each gap.
1. That's the house _______________ I was born.
2. My Auntie Ella, _______________ is a journalist, is coming to visit next week.
3. People _______________ like outdoor activities will love our holidays.
4. The early 1960s, _______________ the Beatles first started, was a very exciting time in
5. My essay on Shakespeare, _______________ I found quite difficult, got a really good mark
in the end.
6. The Mayans, _______________ lived in Central America, built many stunning temples.
7. That's the girl _______________ brother is in your class.
8. The snake _______________ was in the garden last week belongs to our next-door
3. Correct the mistakes with relative clauses or punctuation and write the sentences on the
line below.
1. The Glastonbury Festival, which is held every June is the largest music festival in the world.
2. I always get on well with people, who love animals.
3. Let’s go to the café which they sell pizza.
4. Queensland and Victoria, that are Australian states, are named after Queen Victoria.
5. I've got to text that boy which I was telling you about.
6. That's the restaurant that my father met my mother.
7. I've got a message from Thomas, who skis I’m going to borrow.

8. At midnight when the fireworks start, the band is going to start playing.

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