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UNIT 3 – ONLINE 6 – Speaking

Topic a radio program that you have listened to.

We know the world has become faster and everyone is busy in their own circumstances.
Nobody has time to relax or thinking about own. So, it becomes stressful for everyone. I
was also too much busy with my schedule and had not much time to relax.
But a couple of months ago, I heard about a program from my friend which is telecast-ed
on the radio station. She said to me that this program is about daily facts like they discuss
a general topic relate to the common man’s life and also play songs in between the
program. The program is named as ‘Shaam Suhani’ and telecast on ‘Dhol radio’ from 6
p.m. to 7 p.m., daily.
Furthermore, my friend praised this program a lot. So, I started to hear it. Soon, it
becomes my favorite program. Actually, now I’m thinking I become addicted to it. Now,
I make it possible daily that I can hear it. They discuss basic issues; people make calls to
them and also ask questions to the experts who are present on the radio at that time.
After starting to hear this program, I realized that it is not hard to find time for yourself
until you don’t have the right and satisfying thing to do. Moreover, It makes me refresh
after all day work and make me energetic to do some other works. I must say, it also
increases my knowledge and I enjoy a lot it. I am and will always be thankful to my
friend who told me about this.

I have always loved taking long-distance journeys since my high school days. These
journeys have allowed me to visit many of my friends – friends whom I met before - in
different parts of my country. So, I would just go ahead and talk about one of those
journeys which I undertook about a month ago.
But, before anything else, it is worth mentioning the reasons here as to why or how I
could have possibly met so many friends in different parts of my country. Well, the
answer is, my father was a government serviceman, and he needed to be stationed in
different places all over my country. And, whenever I lived in a new place, it offered me
an opportunity to make new friends there before moving to a new place again. Anyway,
this had continued for years, but it had to end at a certain point, and it indeed did when
my father was eventually retired. On the other hands, of course, my friendship, I already
had managed to build with others over the years, didn’t go to retirement. In fact, it
remained very much alive and well, as I and my friends kept frequently visiting each
other, just as I visited one of them in one of the port cities of my country by train on that
It was a good 15-hours long journey, but it certainly didn’t feel that long as it was a very
comfortable journey. The services inside the train were great and the seats were of top
class, but the best thing about that train journey was that I could fall asleep easily inside it
because of its rhythmic motion and movement.
Anyway, on this journey, I managed to spend my time rather well by reading a couple of
books, which I always wanted to read. Besides, I also listened to some of my favourite
songs on my smartphone in addition to also listening to classical songs, which were being
played by the train audio service. Finally, I also enjoyed a few small but great snacks
which were offered by the designated catering service there.
1.  I think pollution is a serious problem nowadays. Because it causes the air quality
to decrease, the water environment is altered, aquatic species do not have a safe
habitat leading to mass death, the land becomes barren, the plants are not viable
and cannot be used for agricultural activities.
2. Reduce the number of trips you take in your car. Reduce or eliminate fireplace and
wood stove use. Avoid burning leaves, trash, and other materials. Avoid using gas-
powered lawn and garden equipment.
3. Yes, of course! Last year I participated in an event in my hometown, which was
all about preserving nature... We were taught about the greenhouse effect. and I
learned about many endangered species.

"Connected" is a Netflix TV documentary series that explores the surprising and
often unseen ways that our world is connected. The show premiered on August 2, 2020,
and consists of six episodes. As soon as it was released, I watched it and I was awe-struck
with the information that TV documentaries presented. It is one of the best documentaries
that I have ever watched.
What the documentary is about: 
Each episode of "Connected" focuses on a different topic, such as the history of
surveillance, the world of bacteria, or the science of dust. The show explores the
fascinating connections between seemingly disparate things, weaving together different
stories to create a compelling narrative about the world around us.
Why you decided to watch it:
As someone who has always been interested in science and the natural world,
"Connected" immediately caught my attention. I was excited to learn about the many
surprising ways that our world is interconnected, and I was intrigued by the show's
unique approach to storytelling.
What you learnt during the documentary: 
Through watching "Connected," I learned a lot about the complex and often hidden
connections that shape our world. For example, I was fascinated to learn about the
surprising connections between dust storms in Africa and hurricanes in the United States,
and I was intrigued by the ways that our bodies are connected to the bacteria that live
within us. In fact, each episode of the series has something new for me to learn. 
And explain why the TV documentary was particularly interesting: 
I found "Connected" to be an incredibly interesting and thought-provoking series. The
show's unique approach to storytelling, which weaves together different stories and
themes to create a cohesive whole, kept me engaged and entertained throughout.
Additionally, the show's exploration of the surprising and often unseen ways that our
world is interconnected left me with a newfound appreciation for the complexity and
beauty of the world around us.
Part 3
1. In my opinion, it’s entertainment that drives people to turn on the TV. There are
so many programs to satisfy that demand, from TV films to reality shows. Over
half of all TV channels these days are made for entertainment, while only a very
few are truly informative. I think if somebody needed education, TV would be
the last place to look for it.
2. I think TV should play a role in broadening children’s horizons. Children have a
lot of free time so they will inevitably spend some of it watching TV. The role
might be tiny, but it’s still a role. Parents can make TV into a tool that helps
their kids by restricting children’s daily watching habits to informative
channels, besides the made-for-kids ones.
3. The first thing I can think of is that people tend to watch news reports more as
they become older. With age comes a need to learn about the state of the world,
so many people will tune into news channels more. Reality shows are also
popular with the older demographic because they’ve been marketed as “real
people doing real things”.

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