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1) IAF means a) international Association of Football b) International Athletics Federation
c) International African d) International African federation
2) There are ______ types of athletics a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
3) IAF was formed in what year? a) July 1712 b) October 1927 c) October 1712 d) January
4) International Congress meeting for first technical rules where held in _____ a) Beijing
London b) England c) Marseille France d) Lyon France 1914
5) Track events involves ..........a)throws jumps and vault b) sprints, middle and long
distance races c) throws and jumps d) sprints, throws and races
6) There are _______ types o f races. a) 3 b) 2 c) 4 d) 5
7) _________ is an example of long distance race a) 1500M b) half lap c) 200M d) 5000M
8) Which of the following is not an example of throwing events? a) canning b) tripple c)
high jump d) Hammer
9) ______ should be circular in shape. a) soccer ball b) javelin c) shot-put d) discuss
10)Which of the following is not a shot put rule? a)Uniform b) Preparation c) Shot d) Kick
11)Which of the following is not a throwing technique? a) Grip b) the stance c) the
Delivery d) the run.
12)Which of the following is not a safety measure throw? a) Missile should be handling
with care. b) Throwing can be crowded c) throwing sector must not be crowded d)
throws should be in are direction.
13)_________ is a team game. a)bowling b) discuss c) soccer d) jumping
14)William Morgan invented _______ a)basketball b) baseball c) hockey d) volley ball
15)Volley ball was first played as an Olympic game in which city? a) Tokyo b) Japan c)
Beijing d) all of the above
16)Volley ball association was formed in______ a) 1937 b) 1947 c) 1987 d) 1954
17)Which of the following is a basic skill in volley ball? a) launching b) passing
c)throwing d) digging
18)All matches in volley ball consist of ___ out of ___ games. a) 3 & 7 b) 1 &4 c) 2 & 7 d)
19)______ is not an official of volley ball. a) umpire b) referee c) linesmen d) judge
20)_______ is traced to Greeks and Romans a) Volleyball b) Soccer c) Baseball d) Discuss
21)Which of the following was established in 1863 a) American FA b) British FA c)
Association Football d) FIFA
22)N.F.A now called N.F.F was established in ____ a) 1955 b) 1947 c) 1987 d) 1945
23)_____ is not a contact sport. a) Football b) Judo c) karate d) shot-put
24)Which of the following is not an injury of Soccer? a) strain b) bruises c) dislocation d)
25)_____ boosts mental accuracy and coordination. a) plain b) CNS c) Judo d) Soccer
26)Sport brings about ____. a) War b) unity c) Dispute d) enmity.
27)Soccer is against which of the following? a) Racism b) mental alertness c) Training d)
28)Total no of players on the pitch for a football completion to take place must a) 11 players
b) 22 players c) 36 players d). 12 players
29)____ Signal to referee in a soccer game. a) Assistant Referee b) match commissioner c)
reserve referee d) VAR.
30)Total minutes of a game to finish including interval is __. a) 90 minutes b) 105 minutes
c) 45 minutes d) 1 hour.
1. A)State 5 common injuries of soccer. 5mks
b)State basic skills of volley ball. 5mks
2. A) State 5 values of soccer. 5mks
b) Write 5 rules and regulations of volleyball. 5mks
3. Write short notes on field events. 10mks

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