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Department of Education


4th Quarter Semi-Final Examination in Physical Science 12

I. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the BEST correct answer before the number.

1. The celestial sphere spins around two points in the sky known as the _______.
a. Arctic and Antarctic Points b. Celestial North and Celestial South Poles
c. East and West points of Lights d. North and South Poles
2. How long does it take a star to get back to the same position in the sky it was the night
a. 24 hours exactly b. 23 hours and 30 minutes
c. 23 hours and 56 minutes d. 24 hours and 4 minutes
3. It is a type of celestial motion that describes the revolution of the earth and the sun.
a. Annual motion b. Diurnal motion
c. Precession of Equinoxes d. Terrestrial motion
4. Which realm pertain to the motion of objects that imperfect and unstable?
a. Celestial Motion b. Natural Motion
c. Terrestrial Motion d. Violent Motion
5. The following are the types of terrestrial motion according to Aristotle EXCEPT:
a. Natural Motion b. Unnatural Motion
c. Violent Motion d. Voluntary Motion
6. Which of the following is the characteristic motion of plants and minerals?
a. Involuntary Motion b. Natural Motion
c. Terrestrial Motion d. Voluntary Motion
7. Daily activities of humans are considered as voluntary motion. This type of motion is
categorized under what realm?
a. Celestial Motion b. Natural Motion
c. Terrestrial Motion d. Voluntary Motion
8. What is the spinning motion of the Earth called?
a. Axis b. Orbit c. Revolution d. Rotation
9. What causes day and night?
a. The tilt of the Earth b. The rotation of the Earth
b. The rotation of the Sun d. The revolution of the Earth around the Sun
10. The motion where the Earth’s axis tilt traces a cone pattern once every 26,000 years is
called _______.
a. nutation b. precession c. revolution d. rotation
11. Sun rises in the east because _____________.
a. Earth is tilted on its axis b. Earth’s rotation takes 24 hours
c. Earth rotates from east to west d. Earth rotates from west to east

12. What causes the change of seasons?

a. annual motion b. diurnal motion
c. earth’s motion d. precession of the equinoxes
13. What causes the change of the timing of seasons and length of the year?
a. annual motion b. diurnal motion
c. earth’s motion d. precession of the equinoxes
14. The Earth’s actual shape is most correctly described as ________.
a. an oblate sphere b. a perfect sphere c. a flat disk d. a circle
15. What sphere contains all the water on earth in all phases?
a. atmosphere b. biosphere c. hydrosphere d. lithosphere
16. What sphere contains all the gases that envelope the earth?
a. atmosphere b. biosphere c. hydrosphere d. lithosphere
17. Who provided the most accurate size of the Earth during their time?
a. Aristarchus b. Aristotle c. Eratosthenes d. Pythagoras
18. The above answer calculated the circumference of the Earth to be approximately
a. 150,000 stadia b. 200, 000 stadia c. 205, 000 stadia d. 250,000 stadia
19. Which of the following describes the position of the North star if you go nearer the
a. closer to the horizon b. farther away from the horizon
c. It disappears completely c. It is fixed wherever you are in the earth
20. In which of the following events can be circular shadow of the Earth be observed most
a. lunar eclipse b. solar eclipse c. summer solstice d. winter
21. Which of the following is an example of violent motion?
a. a water falling b. an air moving upward
c. a laptop pushed along the table d. a vase dropped from the window
22. Who was the person who popularized the geocentric model of the universe?
a. Aristotle b. Copernicus c. Galileo d. Plato
23. What is the biggest difference between the geocentric and heliocentric theory?
a. the shape of the planet’s orbit b. the movement of the moon
c. the center of the solar system d. the planet’s motion
24. Who supported Copernicus’ heliocentric model?
a. Aristarchus b. Aristotle c. Galileo d. Plato
25. What does “geo” mean?
a. Earth b. Soil c. Sun d. Universe
26. What is at the middle of the heliocentric model?
a. Earth b. Sun c. Supernova d. Universe
27. Who proposed the first idea that the sun was in the center of the universe, and the
planet and celestial bodies revolved around the sun, in a circular path?
a. Aristarchus b. Aristotle c. Galileo d. Ptolemy
28. How many spheres were used by Eudoxus to model the universe?
a. 25 b. 26 c. 27 d. 28
29. _______ is a circle on which a planet moves.
a. Deferent b. Epicycles c. Equant d. Planets
30. _______ refers to the movement of an object within the Earth.
a. Celestial b. Natural c. Terrestrial d. Voluntary
31. What is the motion that drives the movement of planets in a geocentric model of the
universe according to Aristotle?
a. axis mover b. orbital motion c. prime mover d. retrograde motion
32. These dark spots are called _______ which represent mountains and valleys on the
surface of the moon just like Earth.
a. craters b. life c. lunar craters d. sunspots
33. The celestial bodies found around Jupiter are once called as ________.
a. Callisto b. Cosmica Sidera c. Europa d. Lovers of Zeus
34. The dark spots found in the sun are called _________.
a. craters b. lunar craters c. sunspots d. supernova
35. Who identified the supernova as a twinkling star instead of a comet?
a. Aristotle b. Brahe c. Galileo d. Hipparchus
36. The following are the astronomical phenomena according to Galileo’s observation
a. Apparent identical size of the stars b. Moons of Jupiter
c. Phases of Venus d. The shape of the moon ad sun
37. In determining the angle the sun made with the vertical direction by measuring the
shadow that a vertical stick cast, Eratosthenes found that the angle the sun made in
Alexandria is ______ and ______ in Syene.
a. 0° ; 32° b. 32° ; 0° c. 72° ; 0° d. 0° ; 72°
For items 38-40: Give the three models of the universe under the geocentric theory.

Prepared By:
Subject Teacher

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