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BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION 58, 379-384 (1998)

Sperm Mobility: A Quantitative Trait of the Domestic Fowl (Gallus domesticus)

David P. Froman 2 and Allen J. Feltmann

Department of Animal Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331

ABSTRACT phology, percentage of motile cells, straight-line velocity,

and sperm penetration of Accudenz were 5%, 6%, 27%,
Sperm from each rooster within a base population (n = 271) 31%, and 65%, respectively (n = 27 roosters). Therefore,
were evaluated with a mobility assay validated in previous work. the objectives of the present research were as follows: 1)
Frequency analysis confirmed a normal distribution for the vari- to confirm that sperm mobility is a normally distributed
able of sperm mobility. Repeated-measure analysis of males cat-
egorized by phenotype demonstrated that average and high variable using a larger base population than that used in

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sperm mobility phenotypes were distinct and independent of initial research, 2) to conduct a time-course study with in-
time. Sperm morphology, fertilizing ability, and ATP content dividual males to determine whether the trait was indepen-
were compared between phenotypes. Fertility and sperm ATP dent of time, and 3) provided that the trait was independent
content differed (p < 0.001) between phenotypes, whereas of time, to identify a cellular attribute that could account
sperm morphology did not (p > 0.05). Experimentation with for the trait.
washed sperm demonstrated that phenotype was fully expressed
when mitochondrial respiration was the only source of ATP. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Sperm mobility increased (p < 0.001) when sperm from average
males were exposed to calyculin A, a protein phosphatase in- Evaluation of Base Population
hibitor. Correlation analyses were performed with data from a Individually caged 25-wk-old New Hampshire roosters
subpopulation (n = 46) whose range, mean, and variance were (n = 271) were assigned randomly to be ejaculated on one
equivalent to those of the base population. Neither body weight of 6 consecutive days. Each ejaculate was evaluated with
nor the combined weight of the testes was correlated with the sperm penetration assay [1] modified as follows. Sperm
sperm mobility (r = -0.02 and 0.01, respectively). In contrast,
sperm ATP content was correlated with sperm mobility (r = concentration was determined by diluting 10 l of semen
0.80). We attribute phenotypic differences in sperm mobility to with 2 ml of 3% (w:v) NaCl in a disposable cuvet, mea-
differential rates of mitochondrial ATP synthesis. suring absorbance at 550 nm with a Turner Model 340
spectrophotometer (VWR Scientific, Seattle, WA), and then
INTRODUCTION calculating the unknown concentration from a standard
curve (r = 0.999). Thereafter, a 50-pl volume of semen
As reviewed by Froman and McLean [1], spectropho- was diluted to 5 x 108 sperm per milliliter with 50 mM N-
tometry has been one of four principal methods used to tris[hydroxymethyl]methyl-2-amino-ethanesulfonic acid
objectively measure the motility of poultry sperm. Whereas (TES), pH 7.4, containing 120 mM NaCl, 10 mM glucose,
prior applications were based upon the rheotactic properties and 2 mM CaC1 2 (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO). A
of sperm [2-4], Froman and McLean [1] used spectropho- 60-iil volume of this sperm suspension was overlaid upon
tometry to quantify the net movement of fowl sperm into 600 1Al of prewarmed 6% (w:v) Accudenz (Accurate Chem-
6% (w:v) Accudenz. Thus, sperm penetration of an Accu- ical & Scientific Corporation, Westbury, NY) in a semi-
denz solution affords a means of measuring sperm mobility. micro polystyrene cuvet and incubated at 41°C for 5 min,
Accudenz is a nonionic, biologically inert compound typi- after which the absorbance of the Accudenz layer was mea-
cally used as a medium for density gradient centrifugation. sured at 550 nm.
While Accudenz can be used to wash fowl sperm [5], it Data were analyzed by single-classification analysis of
has been proven useful for other purposes. For example, variance (ANOVA) [8] in order to test for a time effect.
sperm penetration into Accudenz was used as a diagnostic Pooled data were assigned to frequencies on the basis of
tool in an investigation of heritable subfertility in the roost- increments of 0.090 absorbance units. The Kolmogorov-
er [6]. Likewise, selection of semen donors based upon Smirnov test for goodness of fit [9] was used to determine
sperm penetration of Accudenz increased the number of whether observed frequencies approximated a normal dis-
progeny obtained from hens over the course of a long-term tribution.
fertility trial [7].
We hypothesized that the sperm penetration test could Selection of Experimental Animals
be used as an investigative tool because sperm mobility
appeared to be a normally distributed variable [1]. Like- Estimates of the mean and standard deviation were used
wise, the assay detected extreme variability among normal, to calculate the normal probability density function [10],
fertile males in preliminary experimentation. For example, which was used for selection as follows. Roosters (n = 271)
coefficients of variation for sperm viability, sperm mor- were ranked by initial estimates of sperm mobility. Those
males whose values were at either extreme of the distri-
Accepted September 16, 1997. bution or in proximity to the mean were retained for sub-
Received August 5, 1997. sequent experimentation (n = 49). At 28 wk of age, each
'Oregon State University Technical Paper Number 11,212. This re- male was ejaculated 3 times on an every-other-day basis.
search was supported by the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station pro- Order of ejaculation was randomized daily. Sperm mobility
ject entitled "Factors Affecting the Reproductive Efficiency of Male Poul-
try." was measured with the sperm penetration assay described
Correspondence: D.P. Froman, Department of Animal Sciences, 112 above. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA [11]. Av-
Withycombe Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-6702. erage values were used to assign a subset of roosters to one
FAX: (541) 737-4174; e-mail: [email protected] of two phenotypes. Any male whose average value was >

1.5 standard deviations above the population mean was cat- containing glucose and Ca 2+ as the suspending medium.
egorized as having high sperm mobility. Likewise, any Single-classification ANOVA [8] was used to test for phe-
male whose average value was between 1 standard devia- notypic differences in sperm mobility when ATP synthesis
tion below the mean and the mean was categorized as hav- was limited to either oxidative phosphorylation or glycol-
ing average sperm mobility. ysis.
Sperm ATP content was determined immediately after
ejaculation with a bioluminescence assay kit and lumino-
Evaluation of Sperm Mobility Phenotypes meter (FireZyme Diagnostic Technologies, Ltd., Halifax,
Males categorized by phenotype were evaluated with the Nova Scotia, Canada). In each case, measurements were
sperm penetration assay described above at 45, 53, 58, and based upon a sample of 12.5 106 sperm cells. Single-
62 wk of age (n = 10 males per phenotype). These data classification ANOVA [8] was used to test for phenotypic
were combined with data obtained when roosters were 28 differences in sperm ATP content. The effect of protein
wk of age. Data were analyzed with a split-plot design [12]. phosphatase inhibition on sperm mobility was determined
In addition, males categorized by phenotype were used for as follows. A paired comparison [11] was performed with
sperm from the average phenotype. Sperm were diluted to

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the following analyses: sperm morphology, fertility, sperm
metabolism, ATP content, and the effect of protein phos- 5 x 108 sperm/ml either with TES-buffered saline contain-
phatase inhibition on sperm mobility. Morphology of sperm ing 2 mM CaC12 or the same buffer containing 500 nM
from average and high sperm mobility phenotypes (n = 10 calyculin A (Sigma Chemical Co.). Each suspension was
males per phenotype) was evaluated as follows. A 50-pl overlaid, in random order, upon 6% (w:v) Accudenz pre-
volume of semen was diluted to 5 X 108 sperm/ml with 50 pared with the same buffer, and the sperm penetration assay
mM TES, pH 7.4, containing 136 mM NaCl (TES-buffered was performed as described above.
saline). A 50-x1 volume of this sperm suspension was di-
luted to 2 x 10 7 sperm/ml with TES-buffered saline in a Correlations
1.5-ml microcentrifuge tube. Sperm were immobilized by
heat denaturation at 56C by incubating tubes in an Eppen- At 65 wk of age, sperm mobility and sperm ATP content
dorf Model 5320 Constant Temperature Heater (Brinkman were measured from subsamples of a single ejaculate from
Instruments Co., Westbury, NY) for 10 min. Thereafter, each surviving rooster selected from the base population (n
sperm were viewed at x400 by phase contrast microscopy, = 46). Thereafter, each rooster was weighed and killed by
and percentages of abnormal sperm were estimated from cervical dislocation. Testes were excised and weighed.
samples of 500 sperm per male. Arcsine transformations of Sperm mobility was correlated to sperm ATP content, body
percentages were analyzed by single-classification ANOVA weight, and total testicular mass [14].
Fertility of average and high sperm mobility phenotypes RESULTS
(n = 10 males per phenotype) was determined as follows.
Phenotype was confirmed before insemination with the Evaluation of Base Population
sperm penetration assay described above. Thereafter, each
ejaculate was diluted to 1 10 9 sperm/ml with TES-buf- Sperm mobility data gathered from 271 roosters over the
fered saline containing 10 mM glucose and 2 mM CaCI 2, course of six consecutive days did not differ among days
i.e., the same buffer as used for the assay. Then, each of (p > 0.05). Therefore, data were pooled, and values were
12 Single Comb White Leghorn hens was inseminated with assigned to frequencies (Fig. 1). The hypothesis that ob-
5 x 10 7 sperm. Egg collection commenced on the second served frequencies approximated a normal distribution was
day after insemination and continued for 7 consecutive not rejected (p > 0.05).
days. Eggs identified by hen and date were stored daily at
18°C. Eggs were set en masse, and fertility was determined
by examining the contents of each egg after 4 days of in- 60 -
cubation. Percentages of fertilized eggs were calculated on
the basis of the total number of eggs laid per group of hens
during the 7-day egg collection interval. Percentages were
transformed to logits, and logits were analyzed with a log 45
odds model [13].
The relationship between sperm mobility and ATP syn- Ir
thesis was evaluated as follows. Sperm mobility was mea- o
30 -
sured as described above. Then sperm were washed by cen- 0
trifugation through 12% (w:v) Accudenz prepared with
TES-buffered saline according to McLean et al. [5].

Washed sperm were resuspended to a concentration of 5 x
108 sperm/ml in each one of the following media: TES-
buffered saline, TES-buffered saline containing 10 mM glu-
cose, TES-buffered saline containing 10 mM glucose and
1 mM KCN, and TES-buffered saline containing 1 mM
n · · · L L--
- -
- -- L- - -
-- --


- f
· · ·· _

KCN. Each of the 4 media contained 2 mM CaC12. Each

FIG. 1. Frequency distribution derived from categorization of sperm mo-
suspension was overlaid, in random order, upon 6% (w:v) bility data obtained from a single measurement from each of 271 New
Accudenz prepared with the same respective buffer, and the Hampshire roosters. Sperm mobility was quantified as described in Ma-
sperm penetration assay was performed as described above. terials and Methods. The category with the maximal number of roosters
A paired comparison (n = 20) was performed [11] using represented those males whose values ranged from 0.361 to 0.450 ab-
pre- and post-wash data obtained with TES-buffered saline sorbance units.


2.19- E a
& 1& M

O, 0.8

m o o
1.19 - 0 8o_ 8 8Q 0 _
Z5 --
30 40 50 60
AGE (wk)

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FIG. 3. Sperm mobility data from average (circles) and high (triangles)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sperm mobility phenotypes plotted as functions of time (n = 10 males
ABSORBANCE UNITS per phenotype). Sperm mobility was measured as described in Materials
and Methods. Solid lines represent the functions: y(x) = 0.729 +
FIG. 2. Normal probability density function based upon estimates of 0.0006(x) and y(x) = 0.296 - 0.0005(x). Slopes and y-intercepts were
0.401 and 0.1819 for the mean and standard deviation, respectively. The estimated by the method of least squares. Neither slope differed from zero
function depicts the distribution of fowl sperm mobility as measured by (p > 0.05). Therefore, phenotypes were independent of time.
sperm penetration into 6% (w:v) Accudenz at body temperature using a
base population of 271 roosters. Absorbance indicates the extent to which
sperm penetrated the Accudenz layer after a 5-min incubation. Areas un-
der the curve denoted by dashed lines represent two sperm mobility phe- 0.0001) after repeated sampling of individual males over
notypes used for a long-term study of individual roosters. the course of 34 wk. In contrast, neither a time effect nor
a phenotype by time interaction were observed (p > 0.05).
These relationships are illustrated in Figure 3. Phenotypic
Selection of Experimental Animals differences in sperm mobility were not explicable in terms
Sperm mobility differed among males (p < 0.0001), but of varying sperm morphology: percentages of abnormally
no time effect was observed (p > 0.05) when repeated mea- shaped sperm averaged 3.5% and 3.6% for average and
surements from 49 males were analyzed by two-way ANO- high sperm mobility phenotypes, respectively. As shown in
VA. The range, mean, and standard deviation of averaged Table 1, there was a difference in fertility (p < 0.0001)
values (n = 3 observations per male) were 0.019 to 0.854, between phenotypes.
0.415, and 0.2329 absorbance units, respectively. The Washing sperm by centrifugation through 12% (w:v) Ac-
range, mean, and standard deviation of the base population cudenz did not affect sperm mobility (p > 0.05). Further-
were 0.010 to 0.898, 0.401, and 0.1819. On the basis of the more, resuspension of sperm in a glucose-free medium had
similarity of these statistics, we deemed the sample of 49 no effect (p > 0.05) upon the mobility of washed sperm
males to be representative of the base population. Before when the sperm penetration assay was performed under aer-
repeated-measure analysis, any male whose initial value obic conditions. When washed sperm were forced to use an
was less than a standard deviation below the population unknown endogenous substrate and mitochondrial respira-
mean or greater than a standard deviation above the mean tion for ATP synthesis, the phenotypic difference in sperm
was deemed a low or high sperm mobility male, respec- mobility was evident (Table 2). Mean values were equiva-
tively. Likewise, any male whose initial value was within lent to the y-intercepts of the functions shown in Figure 3.
a standard deviation of the mean was deemed as having In contrast, washed sperm were immobilized in the pres-
average sperm mobility. Using these criteria, phenotypic ence of cyanide if glucose was not provided. Even though
fidelity was 84% after repeated-measure analysis. All mis- glucose enabled sperm to be motile in the presence of cy-
matched males were categorized as average. Phenotypes anide, sperm mobility was reduced substantially for either
selected for long-term study of sperm mobility are illus-
trated in Figure 2 relative to the predicted normal proba-
TABLE 2. Effect of mitochondrial respiration and anaerobic glycolysis
bility density function. on sperm mobility.*

Evaluation of Sperm Mobility Phenotypes A Absorbance according to metabolic constraints

imposed upon washed sperm
Differences in sperm mobility were observed between
phenotypes and among males within a phenotype (p < ATP synthesis ATP synthesis
Sperm limited to Respiration limited to
mobility Males mitochondrial blocked by anaerobic
TABLE 1. Fertility of roosters categorized by sperm mobility phenotype. phenotype (n) respiration cyanide' glycolysis*

Hens Total eggs Average 10 0.380 0.0555A None 0.223 0.0474 a

Sires per sire laid* Fertility t High 10 0.743 0.0365B None 0.433 0.0 6 2 5 b
Phenotype (n) (n) (n) (%) * Measured by sperm penetration of 6% (w:v) Accudenz at 410 C from
Average 10 12 734 64 _ 6.8A an overlay of extended semen; sperm penetration induced a change in
High 10 12 734 94 + 1.0B absorbance at 550 nm.
t Sperm suspended in a glucose-free medium containing 1 mM KCN.
* Eggs per group of 120 hens collected over the course of 7-days follow- *Sperm suspended in medium containing 10 mM glucose and 1 mM
ing a single intravaginal insemination of 5 x 107 sperm per hen. KCN.
t Each value is a mean SEM. AtBMeans within a column differ (p < 0.001).
A,B Means within a column differ (p < 0.0001). o,b Means within a column differ (p < 0.05).

TABLE 3. Sperm ATP content according to sperm mobility phenotype. TABLE 4. Effect of protein phosphatase inhibition on the mobility of
sperm from males categorized as having average sperm mobility.*
Males ATP*
Phenotype (n) (nmol/109 sperm) Males Absorbance
Treatment (n) units'
Average 10 95 + 19.2A
High 10 220 t 22.2B Control 10 0.226 ± 0.0301A
Calyculin A (500 nM) 10 0.456 + 0.03288
* Each value is a mean ± SEM; measurements were made immediately
after ejaculation. * Measured by sperm penetration of 6% (w:v) Accudenz at 41° C from
A,B Means within a column differ (p < 0.001). an overlay of extended semen; sperm penetration induced a change in
absorbance at 550 nm.
t Each value is a mean SEM.
phenotype relative to observations made under aerobic con- AB Means within a column differ (p < 0.001).

ditions (Table 2). The phenotypic difference in sperm mo-

bility observed under aerobic conditions was explicable in
terms of sperm ATP content (Table 3). In the case of av- would be independent of time. This hypothesis was based

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erage males, phenotypic expression was modulated by the upon our observation that sperm mobility was independent
inhibition of protein phosphatase activity (Table 4) in ad- of time over 20 wk when measurements were based upon
dition to the ATP biosynthetic pathway (Table 3). ejaculates pooled by phenotype [7]. As shown in Figure 3,
sperm mobility was independent of time over the course of
Correlations 34 wk. This interval represents the preponderance of time
during which the roosters under study were at their peak
The range, mean, and standard deviation for the sperm
reproductive performance. Our third objective was to iden-
mobility of 65-wk-old roosters (n = 46), as measured by
tify a cellular attribute that could account for the trait, pro-
absorbance with the sperm penetration assay, was 0.017 to
vided that the trait was independent of time. We attributed
1.007, 0.398, and 0.2696 absorbance units, respectively.
the existence of sperm mobility phenotypes to variable rates
These statistics were comparable to those derived from the of sperm ATP synthesis (Table 3, Fig. 4). Furthermore, mi-
same individuals on any day (n = 3), when sperm mobility
tochondrial function was identified as being fundamental to
was measured at 28 wk of age. Mean ATP content was 154 the expression of phenotype (Table 2). We inferred from
nmol ATP/10 9 sperm. Mean body weight, right testis protein phosphatase inhibition (Table 4) that axonemal
weight, and left testis weight were 3.6 kg, 19.6 g, and 19.9 function was not the principal limitation on maximal sperm
g, respectively. Estimates of product-moment correlation
coefficients for sperm mobility versus sperm ATP content,
Our experimental outcomes have three implications.
body weight, and total testicular mass were 0.80, -0.02, First, in vitro measurements of fowl sperm mobility are
and 0.01, respectively. A plot of sperm mobility versus relevant to reproductive efficiency. The data in Table 1
sperm ATP content is shown in Figure 4. corroborate previous research [7] in which a 10% differ-
ence in hatchability was realized by selecting semen do-
DISCUSSION nors based upon sperm mobility. In this case, semen was
The first objective of the present research was to confirm collected weekly for 14 wk, pooled by phenotype, and
an initial report [1] that fowl sperm mobility, as measured then used to artificially inseminate hens. The difference
by sperm penetration of 6% (w:v) Accudenz, is a normally in progeny was attributable to a difference in fertility.
distributed variable. This objective was accomplished by For many years sperm evaluation tests have been sought
studying a base population of 271 roosters (Fig. 1). The that use only a few semen samples per male to identify
second objective was to study the sperm mobility of indi- males with the potential to be highly fertile. Amann and
vidual males through time. We hypothesized that phenotype Hammerstedt [15] predicted that achieving this goal was
highly unlikely. To date, this seems to be true for mam-
mals. However, this is no longer true for the domestic
1.000 o
fowl. We attribute the predictive value of the sperm pen-
etration assay to the following facts. First, immotile tes-
C o o
ticular sperm can fertilize oocytes if placed in the hen's
0 o
oviduct above the vaginal sphincter [16]. This sphincter
o 00
0.600 o is located between the shell gland and vagina. Second,
z 0 0
fowl sperm must be motile in order to ascend the vagina
0.400 and enter the sperm storage tubules [17]. These tubules
0 are located distal to the vaginal sphincter and provide the
0.200 oviduct with a resident population of sperm when the
oviduct becomes patent at oviposition. Third, fowl sperm
0.000 do not undergo capacitation before fertilization as mam-
0 100 200 300 400 malian sperm do [18]. Therefore, the sperm penetration
assay simulates a critical step for internal fertilization in
nmol ATP / 109 SPERM the hen: the net movement of a population of motile
FIG. 4. Correlation of sperm mobility to sperm ATP content. Each data sperm cells, presumably against a resistance.
point (circles) represents data collected from a single ejaculate immedi- The second implication of our experimental results
ately after ejaculation (n = 46 roosters). Sperm mobility was measured pertains to the inheritance of sperm mobility. As evi-
as described in Materials and Methods. Sperm ATP content was measured denced by frequency analysis (Fig. 1) and subsequent
with a bioluminescence assay kit and luminometer (FireZyme Diagnostic
Technologies, Ltd.). The solid line denotes the regression equation: ab- performance of individuals (Table 1) selected by pheno-
sorbance = 0.1793 + (0.0025)(ATP). The product-moment correlation co- type (Fig. 2), sperm mobility may be a polygenic trait
efficient was 0.80. that affects fitness. Repeatability was estimated to be

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS fowl spermatozoa. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1992; 185:740-
Accudenz was provided as a gift from Rudi Rosenberg Sr. of Ac- 745.
curate Chemical & Scientific Corporation. Derek McLean assisted with 26. Ashizawa K, Katayama S, Wishart GJ, Shiraishi A, Tsuzuki Y. Acti-
the evaluation of sperm cell morphology. ATP measurements were vation of temperature-dependent flagellar movement of demembran-
made with reagents and equipment provided by Paul Wegener of ated fowl spermatozoa: involvement of an endogenous serine protease.
FireZyme Diagnostic Technologies, Ltd. The senior author thanks Paul J Reprod Fertil 1993; 99:415-419.
Bernier, Oregon State University (OSU) Emeritus Professor of Genet- 27. Ashizawa K, Wishart GJ, Tomonaga H, Nishinakama K, Tsuzuki Y.
ics, for his mentoring over the course of a decade and Walther Ott, Presence of protein phosphatase type 1 and its involvement in tem-
OSU alumnus, for his endowment promoting research within OSU's perature-dependent flagellar movement of fowl spermatozoa. FEBS
Department of Animal Sciences. Lett 1994; 350:130-134.
28. Ashizawa K, Wishart GJ, Nishinakama K, Sakamoto T, Tsuzuki Y.
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