A Project Report On MS Access With Database

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…………………………………… (Institute name)




I Hearby , want to submit my ITT Project work to the

………………………………………………..of so faculty called. I will like to thank
Staff members and other faculties , without them this cannot be possible to be
happen. I also like to thank all the co-ordinators to manage and create a
educational environment in the study premises and all around.
I would also like to thank my friend ……………………… for guiding me so to
preapare a better presentation views.

1. History of Database
2. The Evolution of The Database
3. Why Database?
4. Advantages of DBMS
5. Parts of a DBMS System
6. Introduction to Microsoft Access 2010
7. How to get Started in MS-Access in current Windows.
8. Create a Database using a Template
9. Create a Database without using a Template
10. Introduction to Tables
a. What is a Table?
i. Table and Field Properties
ii. Data Types
iii. Table Relationships
11. Create a New Table
a. Create a New table in a new Database
b. Create a new table in a existing Database
c. Create a Table based on a Table Template
12. Create a New Table by Importing or Linking to external
13. Add Field to a Table in datasheet view
14. Save a Table
15. Switch to Design View
Set of change the Primary Key
Removee the primary Key
16. Set Table Properties
17. Deleting a Table
18. Renaming a Table
19. Sorting a Table , Query , or Form
20. Hide/ Unhide Column
21. Freeze / Unfreze Column
22. Format a Table
23. Find and Replace
24. Create a Relationship
25. Delete a Relationship
26. Query – Definition, Types,
27. General Steps to Create a Query
28. Create select query using query wizard
29. Create,select query using design view
30. Display all records and all fields
31. Sorting a query
32.Forms- Definition and tupes
33. General steps to create a form
34. Create a Form using Form wizard
35. Create form using form view
36. Controls- Properties
37. Inserting controls on a form
38. Report- Definition and types
39. General Steps in creating a Report
40. Creating Report in Report Design view
41. Saving and printing a report
42. Macros
History of Database

From a normal life standard to Industrialisation , there was a vast and a major
shift in the life style of people. They required and got more information needed
for their sustenance. And the industrialization also pave way for the advent of
Information technology. A lot of problems arose with the gathering, organizing,
retrieval , storage and security of data due to growth of industrialization. Hence,
there was need for organization of data and its management in an effective and
efficient manner.
The Evolution of the Database

The conversion from a manual file system to a matching computer file system could be
technically was done initially by Data Processing Specialists. They created the necessary
computer file structures (a file structure is the description of file layouts and location of a
file or group of files), wrote the software that managed the data within those structures,
and designed the application programs that produced reports based on the file data.
Thus, numerous "organization evolved" computerized file systems were born.
Later on many Extensive programming in a (3GL) were inaugurated like Common
Business-Oriented Language (COBOL), Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction
Code (BASIC), and FORmula TRANslation (FORTRAN). Programming in a 3GL was
time-consuming, high-skill activity.
So in late 1980s and the 1990s, advances have been made in many areas of database
Most Significantly, DBMSs have entered the Internet Age. While the earlier
generation of Web sites stored their data exclusively in operating systems files, the use of
a DBMS to store data that is accessed through a Web browser is the order of the day.
Queries are generated through Web-accessible forms and answers are formatted using a
markup language such as HTML, in order to be easily displayed in a browser.
Why Database?

In today's market existence, the success of an organization depends on its

ability to acquire accurate and timely data about its operations, to manage this
data effectively, and to use it to analyze and guide its activities.
A Database is a collection of data, typically describing the activities of one or
more related organizations. For example, a university database might contain
information about the following:
Entitites such as students, faculty, courses and classrooms.
Relationships between entities, such as students enrolment in courses, faculty
teaching courses, and the use of rooms for courses.
A DBMS is a software designed to assist in maintaining and utilizing large
collections of data, and the need for such systems, as well as their use, is
growing rapidly.
Advantages of a DBMS:

  Data independence
 Efficient data access
 Data integrity and security
 Data administration
 Concurrent access and crash recovery
 Reduced application development time
Parts of a DBMS System

 Data: Data are raw facts( raw means, the facts that have not yet
been processed to reveal their meaning). The Word "data" covers
the collection of facts stored in the database.
 Hardware: The physical components of computer systems are
referred to as the Hardware. The hardware comprises of : a)
Computer b) Computer peripherals
 Software: Software means the collection of programs, instructions
that make the hardware work.
 People: People would include all users of the database system.
 Procedure: Procedure is instructions and rules that govern the
design and use of the database system.
Introduction to Microsoft Access 2010

Microsoft Access 2010 for windows is a Database Management

System, or DBMS, which helps us manage data stored in a computer
An access database stores its tables in a single file, along with other
objects, such as forms, reports, macros and modules. Databases
created in the Access 2010 format have the file extension .accdb, and
databases created in earlier Access formats have the file
extension .mdb.
Using Access, We can do the following:
 Add new data to a database, such as a new item in an inventory,
 Edit existing data in the database, such as changing the current
location of an item,
 Delete information, perhaps if an item is sold or discarded,
 Organize and view the data in different ways,
 Share the data with others via reports, e-mails messages, an
intranet, or the Internet.
Microsoft Access 2010 can be started in Windows 95 or later versions
of windows operating system in the following way:

Click on the Start button on the Windows Taskbar and then choose Program
>> Microsoft Access 2010.
After a short delay, the Microsoft Access 2010 main window displays a
dialogue box offering the user a choice of creating a new database or opening
one of the existing database as shown in Fig. 1.1. The lower panel contains the
names of the databases that have been opened recently.
Creating a Database using a Template
 If we have a database open, See the available templates behind the blank database icon.
 Several featured templates are displayed in the Office. Com Templates Getting started
with Ms-Office Access page, and more become available when we click the links in the
Template Categories pane as shown in Fig.
 Click the template we want to use. For example- Let us choose Sample Template.
 Click the template eg. Events.
 Access suggests a file name for our database in the File Name box- we change the file
name, if we want. To save the database in a different folder from the one displayed below
the file name box, click Browse to the folder in which we want to save it, and then click
 Click Create( or Download, for an office Online Template). Access creates or downloads
the database and then opens it. A form isdisplayed in which we can begin entering data.
If our templatecontain sampledata, we can delete each record by clicking the record
selector (the shaded box or bar just to the left of the record), and then click Home>>
Record>> Delete
 To begin entering data, click in the first empty cell on the form and begin typing. Use the
Navigation Pane to browse for other forms we might want to use.
Create a Database without using a Template
If we are not interested in using a template, we can create a database by building our
own tables, forms, reports, and other database objects. In most cases, this usually
involves one or both of the following:
 Create a blank database
 In the Getting Started with MS Office Access page, under New Blank
Database, click Blank Database, as shown in fig.
 In the Blank Database pane, type a file name in the File Name box.
we do not supply a file name extension, Access adds it for us. To
change the location of the file from the default, click Browse for a
location to put for our database, (next to the File name box), browse
to the new location, and then click OK.
 Click Create, Access creates the database with an empty table named
Table 1, and then opens Table1 in Datasheet view. The cursor is Paces
in the first empty cell in the Add New Field column.
 eing typing to add data, or data can be pasted from another source.
Introduction to Tables

What is a Table?
 A table is a database object used to contain data about a particular
subject, such as employees or products. Each records in a table contains
information about one item, such as particular employee. A record is
made up of fields, such as name, address and telephone number. A record
is also commonly called a Row, and a field is referred as a Column.

Categories of Information

1) Table and Field Properties

 i) table Property: In an Access database, table properties are attributes

of a table these affect the appearance or behavior of the table as a whole.
A table opens in Design view and its properties are set in the table's
property sheet.
 ii) Field Property: A field property defines one of the field's
characteristics or an aspects of the field's behavior and applies to a
particular field in a table through Datasheet view. One can also set any
field property in Design view by using the Field Properties Pane.
2) Data Types:
The Data Type property can be set only in the upper portion of table Design view.
The data types and their explanation is highlighted in Table
Setting Types of Data Size
Text Text or combinations of text and numbers, as well as numbers Upto 255 characters
that don't require calculations, such as phone numbers

Memo Lengthy text or combinations of text and numbers Upto 63999 characters.

Number Numeric data used in mathematical calculations 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes.

Date/ Time Date and time values for the years 100-9999 8 bytes

Currency Currency values and numeric data used in mathematical 8 bytes

calculations involving data with one to four decimal places

Auto Number A unique sequential (incremented by 1) number or random 4 bytes

number assigned whenever a new record is added to a table.

Yes / No Yest and NO values and fields that contain only one of two values 1 bit
(Yes/ No, True/ False, or On/ Off )

OLE Object An object (such as a Microsoft Excel document, graphics, sounds Up to 1 gigabyte
or other binary data)

Hyperlink Text or combinations of text and numbers stored as text and used Upto 2048 character
as a hyperlink address.

Attachment Any supported type of file To attach images, documents etc.

Lookup Wizard Creates a field that allows the user to choose a value from another The same size as the primary key field use to perform the lookup,
table or from a list of values by using a list box or combo box. typically 4 bytes.
3) Table Relationships

A relationship is a logical connection between two tables that specifies

fields that the tables have in common.
 Keys: Fields that are part of a table relationship are called keys.
 Primary Key: Unique identification number, such as an ID number, or
a code, that serves as a primary key.
 Foreign Key: A foreign key contains values that correspond to values in
the primary key of another table.

Benefits of using relationship

 Consistency
 Efficiency
 Comprehensibility
Create a New table

i) Create a new Table in a New Database:

 Click the, a and then click New.

File Button
 In the File Name box, type a file name. To change the location, click the folder icon the Browse.
 Click Create.
 The new database is opened, and a new table named Table 1 is created and opened in Datasheet

ii) Create a new table in an existing Database

 Click the File Button, and then click Open

 In the Open dialog box, select and open the database.

1 2 3
 On the Create tab, in the Tables group, click Table. (as depicted in point 1, fig ). Anew table
gets inserted in the database and the table is opened in Datasheet view as shown in Fig….
iii) Create a table base on a Table Templates

 i) Click the File Button, and then click Open

 ii) In the Open dialog box, select and open the database.
 iii) On the Create tab, in the Templates group, click Application parts and
then select one of the available templates from the list as in the figure…… A
new table is inserted, based on the table template (shown in fig… we
iv) Create a new table by importing or linking to External Data

 On the External Data tab, in the Import group, click one of the available
data sources as shown in the fig….

 Follow the instructions in the dialog boxes. Access creates the new table and
displays it in the Navigation Pane.
v) Create a table based on a sharepoint list

 On the Create tab, in the Tables group, click SharePoint Lists. ( point 3,
 The fig gets opened showing predefined templates in Office Access 2010-
Contacts, Tasks, Issues and Events.
 Then do one of the following
Add fields to a Table in Datasheet View

a) Add a new field to an existing table

b) Add a new field to a new table
i) On the Create tab, in the Table group, click Table and choose
any one of the following.

Explicitly set the Data type/ Format

 a) On existing Table , Under Table tools tab, Click on Fields and

 b) Choose the data type / Format of our choice.
1 3

1) Set or change the primary Key

 On Design table in Tools group, click Primary Key as shown in fig. . point 1.
A key indicator is added to the left of the filed that we specify as the
primary key.
Set Table Properties
 i) On the Design tab, in the Tools group, click Property Sheet. The
table's property sheet is displayed.
 ii) Click the box for the property we want to set and type a setting for it
as shown in fig…..

Deleting a Table
 i) In the Navigation Pane, right click the table and click Delete
 ii) In the Navigation Pane, click the table to select it. Then, on the Ribbon, Click Home. In the Records
group, click Delete.
 iii) In the Navigation Pane, click the table to select it and press Delete.
Save A table

i) Click the File Button, and then click Save.

ii) Right- click the table's document tab, and then click Save on the
shortcut menu.
iii) Click Save on the Quick Access Toolbar.

Switch to Design View

To Switch to Design View, do any of the following

i) Right click the document tab, and then click Design view.
ii) Right – click the table name in the Navigation Pane, and then click
Design View.
iii) Click Design View in the Access status bar.
Renaming a Table

 If for some reason, the name of the table is to be changed, it can be done
by right- clicking the table in the Navigation Pane and clicking Rename

Sorting a table, query or form

 Identify the fields on which we want to sort. To sort on two or more fields,
identify the fields that will act as the innermost and outermost sort fields.
 Right-click anywhere in the column or control corresponding to the
innermost field, and click one of the sort commands. The commands vary
with the type of data that is in the selected field.
Hiding a column

 i) Right click on the active sheet and click on hide or

 ii) Click on Home Tab and click on Record group click Hide.

Unhide a column
 Right click on the active sheet and click on unhide
 ii) Click on Home Tab and click on Record group click Unhide.

Freeze columns
 i) Click on Home Tab and click on Record group click Freeze.

UNFreeze columns
 ii) Click on Home Tab and click on Record group click
Formats of Table


1. Activate the find Tab.

2. Type what we want to find in the Find What field.
3. Same work to be done with Replace and Go to Sections.
Create Relationship
 Activate the Table tools Tab and Click on table tab.

 Click the Relationships button in the Show/ Hide group. The Relationship window
 If anything appears in the relationships window, click the Clear Layout button in
the Tools group. If we are prompted, click Yes.
 Click the Show table button in the Relationships group. The Show Table dialog box

 Activate the Tables tab if our relationships will be based on tables, activate the
Queries tab if our relationships will be based on queries, or activate the Both tab if
our relationships will be based on both.
 Double-click each table or query we want to use to build a relationship. The tables
appear in the Relationships window.
 Click the close button to close the show Table dialog box.
 Drag the Primary table's primary key over the related table's foreign key. After we drag the
primary key to the related table's box, the cursor changes to an arrow. Make sure the arrow
points to the foreign key. The Edit Relationships Dialog box appears.
 Click the enforce Referential Integrity checkbox.
 Click Create. Access creates a one-to-many relationship between the tables.

 Click the Save button on the Quick Access toolbar to save the relationship

To delete a relationship:

 Click the line that connects the tables.

 Press the Delete key.
 Query can be defined as an operation that extracts record(s) from a
database based on a given codition. A query consists of serach criteria
expressed in a database language called SQL.

Query and its types

 Choose the Query Wizard provided by Microsoft Access for the ease of
user to build a query.
 Create own queries from scratch using query design.
General Types:

a) Select Query
b) Crosstab Query
c) Action Query
i) Append Query
ii) Delete Query
iii) Make Table Query
iv) Update Query
Aggregate Query:
The SQL aggregate functions available to Microsoft Access are:
a) Sum b) Avg c) Min d) Max e) First f) Last
g) Group by h) Count i) StDev j) Var k) Expression l) Where

General Steps to Create a Query:

 The general steps to create a query in Ms-Access are as follows:
 Choose the tables or queries as sources of data.
 Specify the fields that the user wishes to include from the data sources.
 Optionally, specify criteria to limit the records that the query returns.
 Run the query to see the results.

Create Select Query Using Query Wizard:

a) On the Create tab, in the Other group, click Query Wizard, as shown in fig.
b) In the New Query dialog box, click Simple query wizard, and then click OK, as
shown in fig.

c) After selecting the desired field(s) from the table, the result is as shown in Fig.
d) When the user has added all the desired fields, he / she may click Next and may see

e) The user may click Finish to complete the query wizard and may see the results of
the query as shown in fig.
Create Select Query Using Design View

1) On the Create tab, in the Other group, click Query Design, as shown in fig.

2) Following Fig. containing the details of tables and queries available under Show
Table dialog box will be shown to the user:
3) Choose any table / query from the list provided in the Show Table dialog box and click
Add. The following Fig. will be shown to the user.
4) If the user wants to add more table(s) or query (s), he/ she may do so as per
requirement. Further, the user has to click Close to see fig.
5) To choose field(s), the user will be required to click the down- arrow available
with the Field option as shown in Fig. The table name appears on the table
option. The user may choose as may fields as required for the query by
repeating this step.
6) On the Design tab, in the Results group, click Run, as shown in Fig.

7) The user will be shown as a screen similar to Fig. as follows:

a) Right click Query tab as shown in Fig. as follows:
b) Choose Save option from the drop down box available. The user will be shown the
following Fig.
c) Provide a meaningful name to the query and click OK to complete the save process.
Display All records and all Fields
 Change from Datasheet view to Query Design View:
 Click View, under results group in Design tab option and choosing Design
view as shown in fig.

Sorting A query
 Sorting may be done as per requirement.
 A form is a database object that the user can use to enter, edit,
display data from a table or a query. The user can use the forms
to control access of data in a database.

Forms and its types:

a) Simple Form b) Split Form c) Multiple Items d) Blank Form
e) Pivot Chart f) Form Wizard g) Datasheeth) Modal Dialog
i) Pivot Table j) Form Design

General Steps to Create a Form

 Choose the table or query for creating the form
 Specify the type of form by selecting from Forms option under Create menu tab.
 The user may need to provide necessary details for successful creation of form.
 For activities adding records, editing records etc. the user may switch to form view. And, for
customization of form, the user may go to design view.
 After the creation, the newly created form should be saved under a meaningful and valid
Create a Form Using Form Wizard:
1) On the Create tab, in the Forms group, click More Forms, and choose Form Wizard as shown
2) Now, specify the table or query for which the user wants to create the form as shown in fig.

3) After choosing the table or query, the user will see a screen similar to Fig. as shown
4) After specifying the form layout, the user may specify the form style as shown in fig.
5) The user may then specify the title of the form and may further specify whether they
want to open the newly created form in form view to carry out form related acctivties like
addition of records, editing, existing records, etc, or to modify the form in form design
view for further customization as shown in fig
Create Form using form view
1) Select the desired table or query for the form to be created.
Click the Form view option available under Forms group of Create tab as shown in Fig.
The user will be shown a screen similar to fig.
The user may further go to design view to customize the form as per the requirement.
 Format: These properties determine how a label or value looks: font, size etc
 Data: These properties affect how a value is displayed and the data source it is bound to :
control source, input mask, validation
 Event: Event properties are named events, such as clicking a mouse button, adding a
 Other: Other properties show additional characteristics of the control, such as the name of
the control or the description that displays in the status bar.
 All: It lets the user see all the properties for a control.

Insert Controls on a Form

1) Insert Logo
a) Click Logo option under controls group. The user will be prompted to
specify image or picture as shown in Fig.
b) After choosing an image or picture, the user will be required to click
c) When the user will click Open, Picture will be inserted in the Form
Header section as shown in fig.
2) Insert Title

a) Click Title option under Controls group. The user will be prompted to specify a
title on the Form Header section as shown in Fig.
3) Insert Date & Time:

a) Click Insert Date & Time option under Controls group. The user will be prompted to specify some additional
information as shown in Fig.
b) After providing additional information as per requirement, the user will be shown a screen similar to Fig. . in
form design view. The output will be shown in form view as shown in Fig.

4) Insert Label

a) Click Label option under Controls Group

b) Draw a label in Detail section as shown in Fig. a) Form Design View and Fig.
 5) Insert Text Box:
a) Click Text Box option under Controls group.
b) Draw a text box in Details section as shown in Fig.

6) Insert Button
Insert Unbound Button

 a) Click Button option under Controls group

 b) Draw a button in the Details section as shown in Fig.
 c) Provide a meaningful name to the newly created button as shown in
Insert Bound Button

a) Before clicking the Button option under Group control, the user must ensure
that the Use Control Wizard option under Group control is activated. Use
control wizard is a toggle button, once clicking it wick activate it and another
time clicking with deactivate it.
b) Click the Button option under Group control
c) Draw the Button in the Details section of the form. The user will see a screen
similar to
 Creating Reports
A database report presents information retrieved from a table or query in
a preformatted, attractive manner.
Reports and its types:
a) Tabular Reports
b) Columnar Report
c) Labels

General Steps in Creating a Report

 Defining the report layout
 Assembling the data
 Creating the report design using the
Access Report Design window
 Printing or viewing the report
Creating Report In Report Design View:

a) Click the Report Design button of Report Section under Create tab as shown in Fig.

b) Click Add Existing Fields button on Tools section and select the desired table(s) /
query(s) as shown in fig
c) The user may specify the Report Title as shown in fig
d) Right Click on the Report design view to select Sorting and Grouping as shown in fig.
e) Click the Add a group button shown. In fig
f) Either select from the list of available fields in the select field drop down box of Gorup on as
shown in Fig. or Click the expression option as shown in Fig.
g) For grouping , specify the table to be used and select the field from the list of available fields as
shown Fig.
h) Click Ok to return to the report design. A separate section as Group Header section will appear
as shown in fig
i) Now, from the field list pane select the table and put the fields as shown in fig.
j) Further, as per Fig. the user can attach totals
k) the resultant output that will generated as a report will be similar to the one shown in fig.

Saving and printing a Report

 The process of saving and printing a report is similar to that of a
normal document under windows environment.


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