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The connected yarn quality assurance system
What is Think Quality™?

What is Think Quality?

It is ‘managing your textile mill with quality in mind’
Today’s textile markets are highly-competitive, throughout the entire value
chain from fiber to fabric. Customers expect unique products, at the
right quality and free from unacceptable defects, every time. Mills need
to manufacture economically, with best-possible use of resources –
especially raw materials and labor. These are major challenges, requiring
comprehensive mill management strategies.

Take control of your quality – Think Quality

Uster’s unique Think Quality approach is the way to ‘manage your textile
mill with quality in mind’. It integrates world-class Uster products and
services to ensure you always produce optimum quality, enhancing your
reputation – as well as achieving predictable profits.

Think Quality means:

– Working to clear quality specifications from customers
– Controlling raw material sourcing, costs and yields
– Applying the best measurement and information systems
– Continuous production monitoring, for rapid response
– Understanding improvement options, through automated
application know-how
– Benchmarking with Uster Statistics
– Improve yield and assure quality of the final product
Control Think Quality™ Measure Specify Sustain Control
Improve Measure
Think Quality™ Specify Improve Specify Measure Sustain

Specify Measure Control Improve Sustain Think Quality™

Sustain Improve Think Quality™ Measure Think Quality™ Control
Improve Sustain Specify
Measure Control Sustain Think Quality™ Specify Improve

1. Specify 2. Measure 3. Control 4. Improve 5. Sustain

Uster Quantum 4.0 – the connected yarn quality assurance system

The yarn quality is secured in a flexible and efficient manner, cutting only
what is necessary. With the preventive yarn clearing, defects can even be
eliminated at the source, avoiding poor quality being produced.

In-line monitoring has developed, with intelligent connections which open

optimization potential for textile mills in many ways.

Security, prevention and flexibility drive consistent quality and productivity.

Security, prevention and flexibility

A new era of yarn clearing begins – embodying Security, Prevention and

Flexibility. The ensemble of powerful new features, intelligent instrument
connections and a simple user interface is built on well-established expertise
in yarn clearing technology.

The Smart Duo technology gives spinning mills all the flexibility they need, in
one yarn clearer, to protect their yarn quality in the best possible way. The
connected yarn clearers – with 100% in-line monitoring – provide the link to
enhanced optimization potential and insightful analytics. Smart processes,
paired with trusted and reliable technology that simply works.

Uster Quantum 4.0 is cut out perfectly for spinning mills to achieve consistent
quality at optimum performance – an easy and rewarding choice.

The new combined clearing and the enhanced
detection modes protect yarn quality, while reducing
cuts at the same time.

Disturbing defects cannot pass and issues in
downstream processes are prevented. Upstream,
connectivity to Uster’s quality management
platform contributes to ‘preventive yarn clearing’.

One yarn clearer comprises both capacitive
and optical sensors, applicable to different
yarns and changing conditions.
The most advanced Smart Duo clearing

With intuitive and fully-functional yarn clearers, spinners hold all the cards.
Optimal clearing identifies off-quality and prevents issues at source. A flexible,
all-in-one route to quality and productivity goals. Uster Quantum 4.0 with its
new Smart Duo technology serves all purposes – user-friendly and reliable.

– Meet spinners’ needs

– A safeguard for yarn quality – Cross clearing
– Full flexibility for any yarn or ambient conditions

Meet spinners’ needs

The combination of both capacitive and optical

Smart Duo


signals opens opportunities for new detection


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channels. Crucial problems for spinning mills, such

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as twist differences or blend mix-ups, are now
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Cross clearing
The strength of both signals is an asset for the value
of yarn quality and smooth operations in
downstream processes. With the so-called Cross
clearing mode, the main signal is double checked by
the assistance sensor in a smart and easy-to-set way.
defects are uncovered and eliminated before
passing through.

Full flexibility with one yarn clearer

Spinning mills profit by deciding upon capacitive
sensors with foreign matter detection. The all-in-one
solution comes with a simple switch. Whether
capacitive or optical basic measurement is selected,
the clearer continues to apply all options, such as
polypropylene, core yarn clearing etc.

For delicate materials, an extra conductive mode is

available, in which the capacitive signal is disabled,
for utmost security.
No issues go unnoticed

What keeps spinners awake at night? Spinning mills use intensive

maintenance plans in their efforts to avoid outlier cops. But some still pass
unnoticed and emerge as complaints in the fabric. Uster has an answer
to this: Uster Quantum 4.0 adds security while reducing cuts at the same
time, and thus addresses specific customer needs:

– Density detection reveals different twist levels or malfunctioning compacting devices

– Reduction of clearing cuts with Swarm clearing
– Bobbin mix-ups of different raw material compositions (optional)

Density detection
A powerful remedy to another spinners’ headache.
Identifying a single off-standard cop from an
endless number of ring spindles remains difficult. For
instance, issues with compacting or twist can have
an impact on the compactness of the yarn. The
density function detects these issues after every
splice, and continuously as standard channels of the
new capacitive clearers with foreign matter

Swarm clearing
One more standard is offered detecting accumulations
of small faults, that are only disturbing due to their
frequency. Consequently, this channel focuses on an
area below the clearing curve and cuts only when
defects occur in a bunch. The initial settings can be
kept open with a positive effect on the efficiency, yet
taking out all disturbing faults.

Blend mix-up (optional)

The blend mix-up function is designed to detect
bobbin mix-ups of different raw materials in greige
and white yarns. This is a typical error source in mills
which produce similar yarn counts of different
compositions. Hardly visible to the human eye, such
issues show up as fabric barré, resulting from
irregular dyestuff absorption. Blend mix-up clearing
with Uster Quantum 4.0 prevents mix-ups from
further processing and avoids scaling up on costs.
Ready to tackle the major challenges in yarn production

Uster Quantum 4.0 is the efficient yarn quality

assurance system with Smart Clearing Technology
for standard and special applications. Ease of use
is paired with the unique visualization of YARN
BODY™ and Dense area. The new trend display
reveals exceptions while detailed analysis is
offered in the included Quantum Expert system.
Basic clearing – Real time control
– Central article management
– Ultimate data analysis
– Thick & thin places
– Connection to Uster Quality Expert
– Count variation
– Periodic faults
– Swarm NSL, T
– Quality data
– Splice

Smart Duo clearing applications
– Cross clearing Contamination
– Shade variation
– Density
– Switch capacitive/optical – Core yarn
– Conductive mode after splice and
– Foreign matter continuous
– Multicolored light sources – Blend mix-up
– Swarm FD/FL
– Vegetable matter
– Polypropylene
– Advanced classification
Automated data handling for insightful analysis

Spinning mills without monitoring systems are likely to be at a disadvantage

when dealing with key productivity and quality data. Chances to improve
profitability are missed, as it is difficult to make sense of the mass of information.
To simplify things for the mills, and make the most of the valuable yarn clearing
information, Uster Quantum Expert is included as part of the product.

– Stay in control
– Profit from simplified data handling
– Access insightful analytics for sustainable quality and productivity improvement

Stay in control
Every winding room parameter is covered while
multiple users can work concurrently – management,
quality, production, maintenance – benefiting from
improved communication between departments and
fast decision-making based on reliable data. Even
remote control of the central clearer unit is available
via Uster Quantum Expert.

Simplified data handling

Central article management optimizes clearing limits
across all production places and not only one
machine. This gives a clear overview of all article
settings for each article and allows the Quality
Manager to ensure clearing limits comply with the
mill’s specific standards.

Automated data handling improves the information

flow. Pre-defined reports ensure fast and efficient
access to key data for the lowest effort and cost.

Insightful analytics
Detailed analysis of winding data is made simple,
helping spinners pinpoint any issue with production
or raw material.

Additionally, the system builds the link to Uster Quality

Expert and the total mill view, with alerting and
traceability of exceptions. The combination of data
from the yarn clearers with all processes makes it
possible, and even allows a prediction of yarn
performance in weaving.
USTER® QUALITY EXPERT Prevention with the connected yarn clearer

Optimization Troubleshooting with expensive clearer cuts is outdated, thanks to preventive
yarn clearing. The intelligent connections open up enhanced optimization
potential for spinning mills.

– Total Contamination Control

– Ring Spinning Optimization
Total Yarn – Uster RSO 3D for quality mapping and prevention at source
Contamination Prognosis
Total Contamination Control
Uster is the only single-source provider of this
integrated solution. The combined technology of
Uster Jossi Vision Shield and Uster Quantum 4.0
precisely controls contamination levels in yarns, with
minimum waste.
Total – Targeted blowroom alerts for early reaction
Control – Balanced efficiency and quality
for managing
remaining contaminants
– Preventive actions with direct impact on
in yarns at minimum
possible cost

Alarm Mill
Center Analysis
Ring Spinning Optimization
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Maximize ring spinning productivity by focusing on

the costliest stage in yarn manufacturing.

Spinning mills can set correct machine settings for

higher production yields and maintain quality at the
Ring required levels by intelligent correlations.
Optimization – In-line assistance with related alerting
the link to productivity
and quality
– Comprehensive speed curve analysis
– Optimization with cross-process analysis

Uster Quality Expert is the Quality Management Platform for advanced process optimization across yarn manufacturing
processes. A single system provides control, securing fiber, yarn and fabric quality. A combination of 100% in-line monitoring,
precise laboratory testing and integrated intelligence delivers the power to predict potential faults and prevent claims. 1835-ceprt-USTER_Modul_visual_quer_297x210_FuturaNow.indd 4 18.04.23 20:39

Uster RSO 3D: quality mapping of individual spindles

Uster Quality Expert is available in two versions: either as a standalone solution via a dedicated client-server – or integrated With the third dimension of quality, individual quality
within Uster Tester 6. data for each spindle position enables quality
mapping across the ring spinning machine. This helps
Uster’s Application Intelligence is the foundation for merging textile application know-how with insightful analytics and to identify outlier sides, sections or spindles, in
connected products. Smart algorithms guide data-based decisions, extending the analytical possibilities as each additional addition to supporting maintenance decisions.
instrument is connected.
The intelligent combination of Uster Sentinel, Uster
Uster Quality Expert and its Value Modules: Quantum 4.0, and a linked winding machine with
– Alarm center – creates awareness and triggers action a spindle identification system reveals a unique
– Mill analysis – insightful analytics for data-based decisions preventive system in quality control for textile mills.
– Yarn prognosis – increases credibility between spinners and yarn users
– Total Contamination Control – for managing remaining contaminants in yarns at minimum possible cost
– Ring Spinning Optimization – the link to productivity and quality
Tried and trusted Smart Clearing in changing times

Uster Quantum 4.0 progresses to the next level of Smart Clearing Technology
and supports spinners in changing times when there is a lack of experienced
personnel. Everything is designed and implemented by specialists with years
of industry know-how and experience. The perfect yarn clearer solution for
mills striving for constant quality and high performance.

– Easy-to-use Smart Duo technology

– Optimum user experience with new Central Clearing Unit
– Reliable measuring heads designed for the future

Easy to use
With the new central smart limit button, applying
limits for new products has never been easier.
Initial settings are input at a single click and can
be fine-tuned as required.

User-friendly operation is the essence of Smart Duo

clearing. The Uster solution simply works and can be
set intuitively.

Optimum user experience

The Uster Quantum 4.0 has a significantly impressive
central clearing unit – the seventh generation –
controlled via a state-of-the art 16:9 touchscreen.
– Improved operation in widescreen with
capacitive touch
– New CPU for faster reaction
– Processors with higher computing power,
enabling new ways of clearing

Reliable and designed for the future

Measuring heads were built on the excellent basis of
previous Quantum generations proven to be reliable.
The new design and components stand up to the
most demanding mill environments and provide a
long service life through:
– A new capacitive reset button
– Improved housing with better sealing
– New eyelets that further stabilize the yarn path
Product configuration

Well accepted standards of YARN BODY™, Dense area and Smart limits are
now enhanced by the new Smart Duo technology, providing maximum flexibility,
security and prevention for today's market challenges in spinning mills.

Basic Smart Duo

Uster Quantum Expert new


Blend mix up new

Core yarn with new continouns


Shade variation

Polypropylene with new


Vegetable matter

Swarm FD, FL new

Foreign matter with new advanced



Density new

Cross clearing new

All-in-one capacitive & optical new

Splice Clearing



Periodic faults

Swarm NSL, T new

Count Variation

Thick & thin places

Standard   Option   Data management system

The standard from fiber to fabric Uster Statistics – the textile industry standards

240843-19020/05.23/© Copyright 2023 by Uster Technologies AG

Uster is the world’s leading supplier of total quality We set the standards for quality control in the global textile
solutions from fiber to fabric. Uster standards and industry. With Uster Statistics, we provide the benchmarks
precise measurement provide unparalleled advantages that are the basis for the trading of textile products at
for producing best quality at minimum cost. assured levels of quality across global markets.

Think Quality Usterized – brand your products with quality

Our commitment to state - of - the - art technology ensures the Usterized stands for ‘defined quality assured’ within
comfort and feel of the finished product – satisfying the the textile chain. We invite selected customers to join
demands of a sophisticated market. We help our customers the Usterized Member Program. More information at
to benefit from our applied knowledge and experience –
to think quality, think Uster.
Uster worldwide
Broad range of products With four technology centers, four regional service centers
Uster occupies a unique position in the textile industry. and 50 representative offices around the world, Uster is
With our broad range of products, we have a wide reach always sure of delivering only the best to its customers.
across the textile chain that is unmatched by any other Uster – committed to excellence, committed to quality. And
supplier in the market. that will never change.

Optimal service
Know - how transfer and instant help – we are where our
customers are. A total of 215 certified service engineers
worldwide grants fast and reliable technical support.
Benefit from local know - how transfer in your specific
markets and enjoy our service à la carte.

Uster, Switzerland

Knoxville, USA Osaka, Japan

Adana, Türkiye Suzhou, China
Greenville, USA Shanghai, China
Caesarea, Israel

Coimbatore, India

Uster Technologies AG
Sonnenbergstrasse 10
8610 Uster
T. + 41 43 366 36 36
F. + 41 43 366 36 37
[email protected]

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