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Test Bank for Purchasing and Supply Chain

Management, 5th Edition

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Chapter 1--Introduction to Purchasing and Supply Chain


Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. The development of progressive purchasing approaches and strategies can only help a company maintain its
competitive position.
True False

2. Global sourcing is no longer a requirement and is a luxury for most firms.

True False

3. Sophisticated customers, both industrial and consumer, no longer talk about price increases; they demand
price reductions.
True False

4. An abundance of competitors and choices have conditioned customers to want higher quality, faster delivery,
and products and services tailored to their individual needs albeit at a higher total cost.
True False
5. The availability of low-cost domestic supplier alternatives has led to the shift away from outsourcing and
True False

6. Competition today is no longer between firms; it is between the supply chains of those firms.
True False

7. In the manufacturing sector, the percentage of purchases to sales averages 55%.

True False

8. The traditional approach to purchasing and supply management is to build relations with suppliers to jointly
pull costs out of the product or service and expect suppliers to contribute innovate ideas that continually add
value to a firm's products and services.
True False

9. Virtually all of the features that make their way into final products originate with suppliers.
True False

10. Purchasing and supply management has minimal impact on product and service quality.
True False

11. Supply management is a broader concept than purchasing.

True False

12. The routine ordering and follow-up of basic operational supplies is a strategic responsibility.
True False

13. Processes usually move across functional boundaries.

True False
14. According to Porter, a value chain is a subset of the supply chain.
True False

15. Purchasing is becoming less responsible for sourcing indirect goods and services required by internal
True False

16. Distribution management involves the management of packaging, storing, and handling of materials at
receiving docks, warehouses, and retail outlets.
True False

17. In quality control, the emphasis has shifted from detecting defects at the time of receipt or use to prevention
early in the materials-sourcing process.
True False

18. The key to the success of any company is the quality of its employees.
True False

19. The knowledge and skills demanded of today's supply chain professional has not changed and is the same as
True False

20. Organizational design is much more than a series of lines and boxes across a chart.
True False

21. There is a definitive and prescriptive set of supply chain measures that results in one best way to measure
supply chain performance and applies to all supply chains.
True False

22. The overall importance of the purchasing function is increasing, particularly for firms that compete in
industries characterized by worldwide competition and rapid change.
True False
23. Which of the following is not one of the features of the new model of progressive purchasing?
A. Developing closer relationships with important suppliers.
B. Performing due diligence on suppliers before awarding longer-term contracts.
C. Focusing primarily on price analysis and short term contracts.
D. Conducting worldwide Internet searches for the best sources of supply.
E. Inviting key suppliers to participate in product and process development.

24. Which of the following is not one of the factors driving an emphasis on supply chain management?
A. An increasing emphasis on domestic sourcing due to the longer lead times and higher levels of pipeline
inventories associated with global sourcing.
B. The cost and availability of information resources among entities in the supply chain that allow easy linkages
that eliminate time delays in the network.
C. The level of competition in both domestic and international markets that requires organizations to be fast,
agile, and flexible.
D. Customer expectations and requirements that are becoming more demanding.
E. The ability of an organization's supply chain to react rapidly by managing risk disruptions in both supply
and downstream product or services to mitigate the impact on lost sales.

25. ____ is a functional group (i.e., a formal entity on the organizational chart as well as a functional activity
(i.e., buying goods and services).
A. Engineering
B. Purchasing
C. Quality assurance
D. Logistics
E. Treasury operations

26. The ____ is a change index, and generally a rating over 50 indicates that the economy is expanding.
A. Consumer Price Index
B. Producer Price Index
C. ISM Report on Business
D. rate of inflation
E. None of these choices.

27. According to the Institute for Supply Management, ____ is the identification, acquisition, access,
positioning, and management of resources and related capabilities an organization needs or potentially needs in
the attainment of its strategic objectives.
A. supply chain management
B. procurement
C. logistics
D. supply management
E. purchasing
28. Instead of adversarial relationships which characterize ____, ____ features a long-term win-win relationship
between a buying company and specially selected suppliers.
A. traditional management
B. traditional purchasing....logistics management
C. supply management....traditional purchasing
D. strategic management
E. supply chain management....strategic sourcing

29. A ____ is a set of three or more organizations linked directly by one or more of the upstream or downstream
flows of products, services, finances, and information from a source to a customer.
A. process
B. cost savings chain
C. value chain
D. social media chain
E. supply chain

30. All of the following are typical processes involved in supply chain management except ____.
A. new product development
B. customer-order fulfillment
C. supplier evaluation and selection
D. demand and supply planning
E. cash flow management

31. According to Michael Porter, a firm's ____ is composed of primary and secondary support activities that can
lead to competitive advantage when configured properly.
A. supply chain
B. process
C. value chain
D. marketing channel
E. core competency

32. The ____ states that success is a function of effectively managing a linked group of firms past first-level
suppliers or customers.
A. supply chain orientation
B. value chain concept
C. traditional purchasing perspective
D. extended enterprise concept
E. process orientation
33. ____ are those items provided by suppliers and used directly during production or service delivery.
A. Direct materials
B. Indirect materials
C. Indirect services
D. Internal materials
E. Vendor managed inventories

34. Which of the following is an example of a purchased direct item for a manufacturing firm?
A. Parts and components.
B. Executive travel.
C. Office and janitorial supplies.
D. Advertising.
E. Personal computers.

35. Within the downstream portion of a supply chain, ____ are responsible for the actual movement of materials
between locations.
A. buyers
B. trucking firms
C. logistics managers
D. accountants
E. purchasing managers

36. Which of the following is not an example of a typical resource shared between a buyer and supplier?
A. Dedicated capacity.
B. Specific information.
C. Technological capabilities.
D. Direct financial support.
E. Exchange of managers.

37. All of the following are examples of demand planning activities except ____.
A. forecasts of anticipated demand
B. accounts payable
C. inventory adjustments
D. orders taken but not filled
E. spare parts and aftermarket requirements
38. ____ identifies all claims on output; while ____ is the process of taking demand data and developing a
supply, production, and logistics network capable of satisfying demand requirements.
A. Inventory control....quality control
B. Quality planning
C. Order processing....material control
D. Demand planning....customer service
E. Demand planning

39. ____ involves generating the materials release, contacting a supplier directly concerning changes, and
monitoring the status of inbound shipments.
A. Order processing
B. Material control
C. Warehousing
D. Customer service
E. Quality control

40. ____ helps ensure that customers receive material when and where they require it.
A. Order processing
B. Inbound transportation
C. Customer service
D. Scheduling
E. Inventory control

41. The ____ function involves physically getting a product ready for distribution to the customer.
A. customer service
B. material control
C. materials handling
D. quality control
E. shipping

42. Which of the following is not one of the four enablers of purchasing and supply chain management?
A. Sufficient cash flow and large on-hand cash deposits.
B. Capable human resources.
C. Proper organizational design.
D. Real-time and shared information technology capabilities.
E. Right measures and measurement system.
43. Research indicates that all of the following are top knowledge areas for purchasers in 2010 except ____.
A. supplier relationship management
B. total cost analysis
C. supplier analysis
D. consumer behavior
E. competitive market analysis

44. ____ refers to the process of assessing and selecting the structure and formal system of communication,
division of labor, coordination, control, authority, and responsibility required to achieve organizational goals
and objectives, including supply chain objectives.
A. Supply chain orientation
B. Human resource management
C. Demand planning
D. Organizational design
E. Extended value chain

45. ____ seeks to improve forecast accuracy, optimize production scheduling, reduce working capital costs,
shorten cycle times, cut transportation costs, and improve customer service; while ____ helps obtain materials
and manage physical flows from suppliers through downstream distribution to ensure that customers receive the
right products at the right location, time, and cost.
B. Execution software....planning software
C. Customer service....inbound transportation
D. The process approach....cost management
E. Planning software....execution software

46. All of the following are roadblocks between measurement and improved performance except ____.
A. information technology
B. too many metrics
C. debate over correct metrics
D. constantly changing metrics
E. old data
Chapter 1--Introduction to Purchasing and Supply Chain
Management Key

1. The development of progressive purchasing approaches and strategies can only help a company maintain its
competitive position.

2. Global sourcing is no longer a requirement and is a luxury for most firms.


3. Sophisticated customers, both industrial and consumer, no longer talk about price increases; they demand
price reductions.

4. An abundance of competitors and choices have conditioned customers to want higher quality, faster delivery,
and products and services tailored to their individual needs albeit at a higher total cost.

5. The availability of low-cost domestic supplier alternatives has led to the shift away from outsourcing and

6. Competition today is no longer between firms; it is between the supply chains of those firms.

7. In the manufacturing sector, the percentage of purchases to sales averages 55%.

8. The traditional approach to purchasing and supply management is to build relations with suppliers to jointly
pull costs out of the product or service and expect suppliers to contribute innovate ideas that continually add
value to a firm's products and services.

9. Virtually all of the features that make their way into final products originate with suppliers.

10. Purchasing and supply management has minimal impact on product and service quality.

11. Supply management is a broader concept than purchasing.


12. The routine ordering and follow-up of basic operational supplies is a strategic responsibility.

13. Processes usually move across functional boundaries.


14. According to Porter, a value chain is a subset of the supply chain.


15. Purchasing is becoming less responsible for sourcing indirect goods and services required by internal

16. Distribution management involves the management of packaging, storing, and handling of materials at
receiving docks, warehouses, and retail outlets.
17. In quality control, the emphasis has shifted from detecting defects at the time of receipt or use to prevention
early in the materials-sourcing process.

18. The key to the success of any company is the quality of its employees.

19. The knowledge and skills demanded of today's supply chain professional has not changed and is the same as

20. Organizational design is much more than a series of lines and boxes across a chart.

21. There is a definitive and prescriptive set of supply chain measures that results in one best way to measure
supply chain performance and applies to all supply chains.

22. The overall importance of the purchasing function is increasing, particularly for firms that compete in
industries characterized by worldwide competition and rapid change.

23. Which of the following is not one of the features of the new model of progressive purchasing?
A. Developing closer relationships with important suppliers.
B. Performing due diligence on suppliers before awarding longer-term contracts.
C. Focusing primarily on price analysis and short term contracts.
D. Conducting worldwide Internet searches for the best sources of supply.
E. Inviting key suppliers to participate in product and process development.
24. Which of the following is not one of the factors driving an emphasis on supply chain management?
A. An increasing emphasis on domestic sourcing due to the longer lead times and higher levels of pipeline
inventories associated with global sourcing.
B. The cost and availability of information resources among entities in the supply chain that allow easy linkages
that eliminate time delays in the network.
C. The level of competition in both domestic and international markets that requires organizations to be fast,
agile, and flexible.
D. Customer expectations and requirements that are becoming more demanding.
E. The ability of an organization's supply chain to react rapidly by managing risk disruptions in both supply
and downstream product or services to mitigate the impact on lost sales.

25. ____ is a functional group (i.e., a formal entity on the organizational chart as well as a functional activity
(i.e., buying goods and services).
A. Engineering
B. Purchasing
C. Quality assurance
D. Logistics
E. Treasury operations

26. The ____ is a change index, and generally a rating over 50 indicates that the economy is expanding.
A. Consumer Price Index
B. Producer Price Index
C. ISM Report on Business
D. rate of inflation
E. None of these choices.

27. According to the Institute for Supply Management, ____ is the identification, acquisition, access,
positioning, and management of resources and related capabilities an organization needs or potentially needs in
the attainment of its strategic objectives.
A. supply chain management
B. procurement
C. logistics
D. supply management
E. purchasing

28. Instead of adversarial relationships which characterize ____, ____ features a long-term win-win relationship
between a buying company and specially selected suppliers.
A. traditional management
B. traditional purchasing....logistics management
C. supply management....traditional purchasing
D. strategic management
E. supply chain management....strategic sourcing
29. A ____ is a set of three or more organizations linked directly by one or more of the upstream or downstream
flows of products, services, finances, and information from a source to a customer.
A. process
B. cost savings chain
C. value chain
D. social media chain
E. supply chain

30. All of the following are typical processes involved in supply chain management except ____.
A. new product development
B. customer-order fulfillment
C. supplier evaluation and selection
D. demand and supply planning
E. cash flow management

31. According to Michael Porter, a firm's ____ is composed of primary and secondary support activities that can
lead to competitive advantage when configured properly.
A. supply chain
B. process
C. value chain
D. marketing channel
E. core competency

32. The ____ states that success is a function of effectively managing a linked group of firms past first-level
suppliers or customers.
A. supply chain orientation
B. value chain concept
C. traditional purchasing perspective
D. extended enterprise concept
E. process orientation

33. ____ are those items provided by suppliers and used directly during production or service delivery.
A. Direct materials
B. Indirect materials
C. Indirect services
D. Internal materials
E. Vendor managed inventories
34. Which of the following is an example of a purchased direct item for a manufacturing firm?
A. Parts and components.
B. Executive travel.
C. Office and janitorial supplies.
D. Advertising.
E. Personal computers.

35. Within the downstream portion of a supply chain, ____ are responsible for the actual movement of materials
between locations.
A. buyers
B. trucking firms
C. logistics managers
D. accountants
E. purchasing managers

36. Which of the following is not an example of a typical resource shared between a buyer and supplier?
A. Dedicated capacity.
B. Specific information.
C. Technological capabilities.
D. Direct financial support.
E. Exchange of managers.

37. All of the following are examples of demand planning activities except ____.
A. forecasts of anticipated demand
B. accounts payable
C. inventory adjustments
D. orders taken but not filled
E. spare parts and aftermarket requirements

38. ____ identifies all claims on output; while ____ is the process of taking demand data and developing a
supply, production, and logistics network capable of satisfying demand requirements.
A. Inventory control....quality control
B. Quality planning
C. Order processing....material control
D. Demand planning....customer service
E. Demand planning
39. ____ involves generating the materials release, contacting a supplier directly concerning changes, and
monitoring the status of inbound shipments.
A. Order processing
B. Material control
C. Warehousing
D. Customer service
E. Quality control

40. ____ helps ensure that customers receive material when and where they require it.
A. Order processing
B. Inbound transportation
C. Customer service
D. Scheduling
E. Inventory control

41. The ____ function involves physically getting a product ready for distribution to the customer.
A. customer service
B. material control
C. materials handling
D. quality control
E. shipping

42. Which of the following is not one of the four enablers of purchasing and supply chain management?
A. Sufficient cash flow and large on-hand cash deposits.
B. Capable human resources.
C. Proper organizational design.
D. Real-time and shared information technology capabilities.
E. Right measures and measurement system.

43. Research indicates that all of the following are top knowledge areas for purchasers in 2010 except ____.
A. supplier relationship management
B. total cost analysis
C. supplier analysis
D. consumer behavior
E. competitive market analysis
44. ____ refers to the process of assessing and selecting the structure and formal system of communication,
division of labor, coordination, control, authority, and responsibility required to achieve organizational goals
and objectives, including supply chain objectives.
A. Supply chain orientation
B. Human resource management
C. Demand planning
D. Organizational design
E. Extended value chain

45. ____ seeks to improve forecast accuracy, optimize production scheduling, reduce working capital costs,
shorten cycle times, cut transportation costs, and improve customer service; while ____ helps obtain materials
and manage physical flows from suppliers through downstream distribution to ensure that customers receive the
right products at the right location, time, and cost.
B. Execution software....planning software
C. Customer service....inbound transportation
D. The process approach....cost management
E. Planning software....execution software

46. All of the following are roadblocks between measurement and improved performance except ____.
A. information technology
B. too many metrics
C. debate over correct metrics
D. constantly changing metrics
E. old data

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