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Department of Education
Region IV-A Calabarzon
City Schools Division of Antipolo
3rd Quarterly Examination in TLE 7

Name______________________________________ Gr.&Sec.______________ Date____________ Score _______

Directions: Write the letter on the space provided before the number.
______1. This is pressed firmly into the cup to remove air.
a. sugar b. lard c. milk d. water
______2. For accuracy in measuring liquid ingredients, read at __________
a. above eye level b. below eye level c. eye level d. mid level
______3. When measuring dry ingredients, sift the dry ingredients _______.
a. once b. twice c. Thrice d. four time
______4. To prevent slips and falss in the kitchen area wear _______.
a. high heeled shoes b. non-slip footwear c. slippers d. open toe footwear
______5. One pound cheese is equal to __________.
a. 2 cups shredded chesse b. 3 cups shredded cheese

c. 4 cups shredded cheese d. one cup shredded cheese

______6. Which of the following will you do to prevent fire injury?
a. Always use appropriate ladder.
b. Always use proper lifting techniques and good body mechanics.
c. Know the location and operation of the fire extinguisher.
d. Any outlets near water sources should be ground fault circuit interrupter type outlet.
______7. Which of the following statement shows INCORRECT practice?
a. All baking tools should be washed every after use.
b. Wooden utensils should be scoured with scouring powder.
c. Baking tools should be grouped according to size.
d. Frequently used utensils should be stored within easy reach.
______8. What is the equivalent measurement in cups of 1 kilo white sugar?
a. 3 cups b. 4 cups c. 5 cups d. 6 cups
______9. What is loaf pan used for?
a. used for baking pies and cheese cakes c. used to bake chiffon cake
b. used in baking butter type cakes d. used for baking jolly roll
______10. What is the equivalent measurement of 3 teaspoons in tablespoon?
a. 1 tablespoon b. 2 tablespoons c. 3 tablespoons d. 4 tablespoons
______11. . What is tube pan used for?
a. used for baking pies and cheese cakes c. used to bake chiffon cake
b. used in baking butter type cakes d. used for baking jolly roll
______12. Which of the following is a Preparation Equipment?
a. Thermometer b. Oven c. Spatula d. Sauce pot
______13. What is the equivalent measurement of 1 cup egg to medium eggs?
a. 2 medium eggs b. 3 medium eggs c. 4 medium eggs d. 5 medium eggs
______14. What is the equivalent measurement of 1 kilo sugar to cups?
a. 2 cups b.3 cups c. 4 cups d. 5 cups
______15. Which of the following is a measuring tools?
a. weighing scale b. revolving oven c. rubber scrapper d. muffin pan
______16. Food are harmful to health if they are contaminated by __________.
a. bacteria found on raw food c. bacteria found in dust and dirt
b. bacteria carried by people d. all of the choices
______17. Which of the following are NOT considered as common injuries/accidents in the kitchen?
a. cuts, abrasions, and burns c. slips and falls
b. use of safe tools and equipment d. fire and electrical shock injuries
______18. Wearing non-slip, closed toe footwear prevents one from ________.
a. electrical shock injuries c. cuts and burns
b. back injury d. slips and falls
______19. Knowing how to locate and operate the fire extinguisher is one way of preventing ________.
a. cuts b. falls c. fire injury d. electrical shock injuries
______20. Bakers and cooks can contaminate food. To avoid this, he/she must ________.
a. observe proper hygiene c. work with colds, boils or sores
b. sneeze on food d. touch nose or any parts of the body
______21. It is used to remove foreign materials and lumps in dry ingredients.
a. wire whip b. oven c. strainer d. spatula
______22. What will you use if you are about to flatten the dough?
a. pastry wheel b. pastry brush c. rolling pin d. pastry brush
______23. It is a culinary discipline which is both science and art.
a. Carpentry b. Hnadicraft c. Baking d. Dress making
______24. Which of the following describes electric mixer?
a. it us used to cut breads and cakes
b. a motor powered device used to blend mixture in baking
c. it is used to cut-in shortening and flour
d. used for lifting pie wedges from pan
______25. Which of the following will you do to prevent back injury?
a. Always use appropriate ladder.
b. Always use proper lifting techniques and good body mechanics.
c. Know the location and operation of the fire extinguisher.
d. Any outlets near water sources should be ground fault circuit interrupter type outlet.
______26. What tool is used for shaping and decorating cake icing?
a. strainer b. spatula c. pastry bag d. bread knife
______27. What tool is used to test the accuracy of oven temperature?
a. measuring spoon b. oven thermometer c. pastry wheel d. thermometer
______28. What tool is used to cut and slice breads and cakes?
a. bread knife b. spatula c. pastry bag d. pastry blender
______29. It isd used to cook food in deep hot oil.
a. pastry wheel b. tube pan c. deep fryer d. oven
______30. What tool is used to cut-in shortening and flour?
a. bread knife b. muffin pan c. pastry wheel d. pastry blender
______31. It is used for measuring small quantities of ingredients.
a. measuring spoon b. thermometer c. strainer d. oven thermometer
______32 Which of the following will you do to prevent electrical shock injury?
a. Always use appropriate ladder.
b. Always use proper lifting techniques and good body mechanics.
c. Know the location and operation of the fire extinguisher.
d. Any outlets near water sources should be ground fault circuit interrupter type outlet.
______33. Which of the following shows good hygiene?
a. Know the location of the fire extinguisher
b, Workers in the kitchen should always wear clean clothes and aprons.
c. Do not wear wool clothing in the kitchen area.
d. Keep knife sharp so that excessive pressure is not required to cut.
______34. Which of the following is the low temperature of oven?
a. 150oC – 160oC b. 180oC – 190oC c. 200oC – 220oCd. 230oC – 240oC
______35. What is the equivalent measurement of 1 kilogram in grams?
a. 10 grams b. 100 grams c. 1000 grams d. 10000 grams
______36. The following are the pointers in measuring liquid ingredients, EXCEPT.
a. Use clean measuring cup
b. Never press ingredients into the cup
c. Check the measurement and read at eye level for accuracy
d. Never dip the cup into syrup

______37. Which of the following will you do to prevent falls from high places?
a. Always use appropriate ladder.
b. Always use proper lifting techniques and good body mechanics.
c. Know the location and operation of the fire extinguisher.
d. Any outlets near water sources should be ground fault circuit interrupter type outlet.
______38. Which of the following spread when someone sneezes over the food?
a. Bacteria found on raw food c. Bacteria carried by people
b. Bacteria found in dust d. Dirt, dust, pieces of broken glass
______39. Which of the following spread when using the same knife for for the two type of food?
a. Bacteria found on raw food c. Bacteria carried by people
b. Bacteria found in dust d. Dirt, dust, pieces of broken glass
______40. It is the largest member of the grass family.
a. buri b. abaca c. bamboo d. coconut
______41. It is sometimes called Manila Hemp.
a. buri b. abaca c. bamboo d. coconut
______42. It is termed to be the “Tree of Life”.
a. buri leaves b. abaca fiber c. bamboo shot d. coconut tree
______43. What tools is used in mixing ingredients?
a. spatula b. wooden spoon c. rolling pin d. bread knife
______44. What tool is used to aerate egg whites and stiffen double cream?
a. rotary whisk b. rubber scraper c. strainer d. pastry blender
______45. Which of the following is cooking equipment?
a. electric mixer b. measuring spoon c. sauce pan d. burners
______46. It is usually washed by waves and the tides.
a. buri b. seashell c. bamboo d. coconut
______47. It is a palm tree used as weaving materials for basket.
a. buri b. abaca c. bamboo d. coconut
______48. It is the outside hard part of a marine and non-marine mollusks.
a. buri b. seashell c. bamboo d. coconut
______49. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?
a. spokeshave b. claw hammer c. buri d. backsaw
______50. What handi craft tool is used for cutting irregular curves on thin pieces of wood?
a. crosscut saw b. knives c. keyhole saw d. coping saw
______51. What are the equipment used to hold pieces of stock while working on it?
a. vises b. plane c. workbench d. oilstone
______52. What tool is used to sharpen edge-cutting tools?
a. vises b. plane c. workbench d. oilstone
______53. What tool is used for cutting pieces of wood across the grain?
a. crosscut saw b. knives c. keyhole saw d. coping saw
______54. This tool has a elongated tapered jaw with side cutter.?
a. long-nose pliers b. knives c. spokeshave d. claw hammer
______55. This tool is classified as a holding tool, used for holding drill bits for boring from ¼ diameter
to the smallest bit.
a. Hand drill b. knives c. zigzag ruler d. crosscut saw
______56. What is the equivalent measurement of 1 pound butter to cups?
a. 2 cups b.3 cups c. 4 cups d. 5 cups
______57. These are containers where ingredients are mixed.
a. Bread knife b. Mixing bowls c. Wooden spoon d. Cake pans
______58. It used for sautéing and frying of meat, fish, vegetables, and eggs.
a. sauce pan b. sauté pan c. sauce pot d. pie pan
______59. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?
a. plane b. vises c. backsaw d. bread knife
______60. It is a tool used for driving or pulling out nails.
a. long-nose pliers b. knives c. spokeshave d. claw hammer

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