MODULE 5.1-5.5 Coefficients To Tubes

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There are numerous numbers of devices used to measure the flow of fluids. In any of these
devices, the Bernoulli’s Energy Theorem is greatly utilized and additional knowledge of the
characteristics and coefficients of each device is important. In the absence of reliable values and
coefficients, a device should be calibrated for the expected operating conditions.
Topic Outcomes
At the end of the module, the students must learn how to:
• Understand the device coefficients and the relationship between each other
• Apply the Bernoulli’s Energy Equation to different fluid flow measuring devices such as
venturi meter, nozzle, and pitot tubes
• Solve for orifices in constant head and falling head
• Know the different shapes of weirs and solve for their flow rates
Coefficient of Discharge, C or Cd
The coefficient of discharge is the ratio of the actual discharge through the device to the
ideal or theoretical discharge which would occur without losses. This may be expressed as:

The actual discharge may be accomplished by series of observation, usually by measuring

the total amount of fluid passing through the device for a known period. The theoretical value can
be accomplished using the Bernoulli’s Theorem neglecting losses.

Coefficient of Velocity, Cv
The coefficient of velocity is the ratio of the actual mean velocity to the ideal or theoretical
velocity which would occur without any losses.
Coefficient of Contraction, Cc
The coefficient of contraction is the ratio of the actual area of the contracted section of the
stream or jet to the area of the opening through which the fluid flows.

Relationship between the three coefficients

𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒, 𝑄 = 𝐶 × 𝑄T
𝑄 = 𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎, 𝑎 × 𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦, 𝑣
𝑄 = 𝐶C𝐴 × 𝐶v𝑣T

𝐴𝑣T = 𝑄T

𝐶 = 𝐶C × 𝐶v


Venturi meter is an instrument used in measuring the discharge through pipes. It consists
of a converging tube AB which is connected to the main pipe at the inlet A, and ending in a
cylindrical section BC called the throat, and a diverging section CD which is connected again to
the main pipe at the outlet D. The angle of divergence is kept small to reduce the head lost cause
by turbulence as the velocity is reduced.
Consider the two points in the system (1) at the base of the inlet and (2) at the throat, and
writing the energy equation between these two points neglecting head lost:
𝑣1 2 𝑃1 𝑣2 2 𝑃2
+ + 𝑧1 = + + 𝑧2
2𝑔 𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾
𝑣2 2 𝑣1 2 𝑃1 𝑃2
− = ( + 𝑧1 ) − ( + 𝑧2 )
2𝑔 2𝑔 𝛾 𝛾
The left side of the equation is the kinetic energy which shows an increase in value while
the left side of the equation is the potential energy which shows a decrease in value. Therefore,
neglecting head lost, the increase in kinetic energy is equal to the decrease in potential energy.
This statement is known as the Venturi principle.
The difference in pressure between the inlet and the throat is commonly measured by
means of a differential manometer connecting the inlet and the throat. If the elevations and the
difference in pressure between point 1 and 2 are known, the discharge can be solved.
The theoretical or ideal discharge “QT” can be found once v1 and v2 is known. The actual
discharge “Q” is computed by multiplying the theoretical value by the coefficient of discharge or
meter coefficient “C”.

𝑄 = C × QT
Note: If we neglect the head lost in our energy equation, the values we get are known as
theoretical or ideal values (theoretical velocity and theoretical discharge). Considering head lost,
we get the actual values (actual velocity and actual discharge).
A nozzle is a converging tube installed at the end of a pipe or hose for the purpose of
increasing the velocity of the issuing jet.

The discharge through a nozzle can be calculated using the equation:

𝑄 = 𝑪𝑨𝒏 √𝟐𝒈𝑯
H = total head at the base of the nozzle
An = area at the nozzle tip
The following table gives the mean values of coefficients for water discharging through a
nozzle having a base diameter of 40mm and Cc = 1.00.
Tip diameter in mm 19 22 25 29 32 35
C = Cv 0.983 0.982 0.980 0.976 0.971 0.959


Named after the French physicist and engineer Henri Pitot, pitot tube is a bent (L-shaped
or U-shaped) tube with both ends open and is used to measure the velocity of fluid flow or velocity
of air flow as used in airplane speedometer.
When the tube is placed in a moving stream with open end oriented into the direction of
flow, the liquid enters the opening at point 2 until the surface in the tube rises a distance of h above
the stream surface. An equilibrium condition is then established, and the quantity of liquid in the
tube remains unchanged as the flow remains steady. Point 2 at the face of the tube facing the stream
is called the stagnation point.
Consider a particle at point 1 to 2 moving with a velocity of v. As the particle approaches
point 2, its velocity is gradually retarded to 0 at point 2. Writing the energy equation between 1
and 2 neglecting friction:

This equation shows that the velocity head at point 1 is transformed into pressure head at
point 2.
a. Standard Short Tube
A standard short tube is the one with a square-cornered entrance and has a length of about
2.5 times its internal diameter as shown in the figure. It shows a condition when the flow started
suddenly with high heads so that the jet may not touch the walls of the pipe. This condition is very
much the same as that of a sharp-crested orifice. The second figure shows a condition when the jet
touches the walls of the tube. The discharge through this tube is about one-third greater than that
of the standard sharp-edged orifice but the velocity of flow is lesser.

b. Converging Tube
Conical converging tubes has the form of a frustum of a right circular cone with the larger
end adjacent to the tank or reservoir as shown in the figure.
c. Diverging Tubes
A diverging tube has the form of a frustum of a right circular cone with the smaller end
adjacent to the reservoir or tank.

d. Re-entrant Tubes
These are tubes having their ends projecting inside a reservoir or tank.

Borda’s Mouthpiece – This is a special case of a re-entrant tube consisting of a thin tube projecting
into a tank having a length of about one diameter. The coefficient of contraction for this tube is Cc
= 0.5 and Cv = 1.0.
e. Submerged Tubes
An example of submerged tube is a culvert conveying water through embankments. The
discharge through a submerged tube is given by the formula:

𝑄 = 𝑪𝑨√𝟐𝒈𝑯
Where C is the coefficient of discharge, A is the area of the opening, and H is the difference in
elevation of the liquid surfaces.
1. A volumetric tank 1.20 m in diameter and 1.50 m high was filled with oil in 16 minutes
and 32.4 seconds. What is average discharge?

2. A horizontal 150mm diameter pipe gradually reduces its section to 50 mm diameter,

subsequently enlarging 150mm section. The pressure in the 150-mm pipe at a point just
before entering the reducing section is 140 kPa and in the 50mm section at the end of the
reducer, the pressure is 70 kPa. If 600mm of is lost between the points where the pressures
are known, compute the rate of flow of water through the pipe.
3. Derive an equation for the head lost through Venturi meters, orifices, tubes, and nozzles if
the device takes off directly from a tank where A1 is very much greater than A2.
4. A 150-mm diameter horizontal Venturi meter is installed in a 450-mm diameter water
main. The deflection of mercury in the differential manometer connected from the inlet to
the throat is 375 mm. (a) Determine the discharge neglecting head lost. (b) Compute the
discharge if the head lost from the inlet to the throat is 300 mm of water, and (c) what is
the meter coefficient?
5. A vertical venturi meter shown in the figure, 150 mm in diameter is connected to a 300-
mm diameter pipe. The vertical distance from the inlet to the throat being is 750mm. If the
deflection of mercury in the differential manometer connected from the inlet to the throat
is 360mm, determine the flow of water through the meter if the meter coefficient is 0.68.
Determine also the head lost from the inlet to the throat.
6. Neglecting head losses, calculate the discharge through the Venturi meter shown.
7. A 37.5mm Venturi meter (C =0.957) is installed in a 75-mm diameter horizontal pipe
carrying oil having specific gravity of 0.852. If the recorded flow in the meter was 1.5 liters
per second, what could have been the deflection of water in the differential manometer
connected between the inlet and the throat?
8. A fire pump delivers water through a 300-mm diameter main to a hydrant to which is
connected a cotton rubber-lined fire hose 100mm in diameter terminating to a 25-mm
diameter nozzle. The nozzle is 2.5m above the hydrant and 16m above the pump. Assuming
frictional losses of 3m from the pump to the hydrant, 10m from the hydrant to the base of
the nozzle, and the loss in the nozzle is 4% of the velocity head in the jet, to what vertical
height can the jet be thrown if the gage pressure right after the pump is 550 kPa?
9. A Pitot-static tube (C =1.0) is used to measure air speeds. With water in the differential
manometer and a gage difference of 75mm, calculate the air speed using 𝜌air = 1.16 kg/m3.

10. A Pitot tube in the pipe in which air is flowing is connected to a manometer containing
water as shown in the figure. If the difference in water levels in the manometer is 87.5mm,
what is the velocity of flow in the pipe, assuming a tube coefficient, C = 0.99?
11. A standard short tube 100mm in diameter discharges water under a head of 4.95m. A small
hole, tapped in the side of the tube 50mm from the entrance, is connected with the upper
end of the piezometer tube the lower end of which is submerged in a pan of mercury.
Neglecting vapor pressure, to what height will the mercury rise in the tube? Also, determine
the absolute pressure at the end of the piezometer tube.

12. A Borda’s mouthpiece 150mm in diameter discharges water under a head of 3m. Determine
the discharge m3/s and the diameter of the jet at the vena contracta.

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