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Las Piñas City National

School Senior High School - Doña Grade level 11

Josefa Campus
Bread & Pastry Production
Teacher HEZIL O. VILLAFUERTE Learning area
Daily Lesson Semester 2nd SEM.
Plan Date
June 09, 2023 Quarter 4TH Quarter
Charity 1:40-3:20 Week 16
Day 1-5

The learner demonstrates understanding of the core concept and
underlying theories in preparing and presenting gateaux, tortes and
A. Content standards

The learner demonstrate competencies in preparing and

B. Performance standards
presenting gateaux, tortes and cakes
LO 3: Stores Cakes
At the end of the session , the learners will be able to:
5.1.Store cakes in accordance with establishment’s standards and
C. Learning 5.2.Identify storage methods in accordance with product specifications
Competencies/Objectives and established standards and procedures
Storing your Cake
1. identify storage methods in accordance with the product specifications and
D. Content established standards and procedures;

2. tells the storage methods in accordance with the products specifications.


A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages
2.Learner’s Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages Bread and Pastry Production Manual,
Module, Learning Activity Worksheets
4.Additional Materials
Powerpoint Presentation, PPE modules and laws, laptop, whiteboard
marker and Videos.
B. Other learning resources Bread and Pastry Productions Learning Module RecipeTips. (n.d.). Cake
Storage Requirements. Retrieved January 8, 2019, from
Preliminary Activities:
 Opening Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
A. Reviewing yesterday’s  Environment Check
lesson or presenting the  Laboratory Rules
new lesson (5mins)  Review the past lesson.
 The teacher will ask the learners about their past lesson.
1. What is the effect of presenting and plating in cakes?
2. What are the important tips to learn in presenting and plating
ACTIVITY 1: Mechanics: The teacher will provide some situations
related to temperature (ex. body temperature). Then, the students
B. Establishing a purpose for will provide the equivalent temperature of it.
the lesson
Developmental Activities 1. Introduction It is important
to know how to store cakes properly whether it is decorated
or not. A decorated cake will require care in how it is
C. Presenting examples/ stored so that the frosting design is not disturbed;
instances of the new lesson whereas, an undercoated cake must be stored properly to
maintain freshness. If the cake is frozen for storing, it is
important to thaw it properly
Activity 2 : Group 4 -Discuss Storing Your Cake
Factors which can affect the appearance of your decorated cake:
1. Sunlight and florescent lightning – will alter icing colors. Keep your cake
stored in a covered box and out of direct sunlight and florescent
2. Humidity – can soften royal icing and gum paste decorations.If you live
in a climate with high humidity, prepare your royal icing using only pure
cane confectioner’s sugar.
3. Heat – can melt icing cause decorations to droop. Keep your decorated
cake as cool as possible and stabilize butter cream icing by adding
teaspoons Meringue Powder per recipe.

D. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills #1

Activity 3:
Your mother Anne will be celebrating her 50 th birthday. You will bake a special
cake for him using a chosen flavor of your choice. Applying what you have learned
E. Discussing new concepts in your baking class. Consider this cake your very own recipe and your very ownn
and practicing new skills #2 design. You will think a name for your cake. Your sister Jhie who is an expert in
baking will be observing you all along to know if you are using the right tools and
are doing the right procedures.

F. Developing mastery The teacher will give example of cake then the students will tell the
storage method.

Enhance your learning!

G. Finding practical applications Collect Pictures or videos showing different styles of plating and
of concepts and skills in daily presenting a dessert. Note Down the characteristics / styles that
living attracts you most and apply it on your own presentation.
Cake storage is the method to keep the cake fresh as long as
H. Making generalizations and possible. It is also need a few strategies to protect it from humidity
abstractions about the lesson and heat
I. Evaluating learning

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation
A. No. Of learners who earned
Number of learners: ________
80% on the formative assessment
B. No. Of learners who require
additional activities for Number of learners: ________
C. Did the remedial lessons Yes ________ No ________
work? No. Of learners who Number of learners: ________
have caught up with the lesson.
Number of learners: ________
D. No. Of learners who continue to
________ Experiment ________ Role play
require remediation
________ Collaborative Learning ________ Lecture
E. Which of my teaching ________ Differentiated Instruction ________ Discovery
strategies worked well? Why did Why? _______________________ ________ Complete IMs
these work? Others _______________________________
________ Bullying among pupils ________ Equipment Unavailable
F. What difficulties did i
________ Students’ behavior/ attitude ________ Colorful Ims
encounter which my principal or
________ Science/ Computer/ Internet Lab
supervisor can help me solve? Others _______________________________
________ Localized videos
G. What innovation or localized
________ Making big books from views of the locality
materials did i use/discover which
________ Recycling plastics for contemporary arts
i wish to share with other
________ Local music composition
teachers? Others _______________________________
Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I MTI/SHS Coordinator

Reviewed by:


Assistant School Principal II

Approved by:


Principal I

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