Madhubani Art A Reflection of An Artisti

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© IJARW | ISSN (O) - 2582-1008

April 2020 | Vol. 1 Issue. 10


Chinmoyee Das
M.Phil Research Scholar, Department of Media Studies, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari, India

Communication is the display of thoughts, feelings, and emotions going from one substance to another
and gathers from one substance to another, and uses the signals and images usually received. It is a
medium that connects all of us in one family, society, country, and the world. There are various modes
of communication that are classified under verbal and non-verbal. "1,000 Words worth an Image" is a
famous axiom, focused on passing on ideas and thinking through folk arts, another most effective
method. From the beginning, individuals have used traditional art. It can communicate difficult
feelings, personal feelings, and political views through images or moral stories in which each figure
represents a theoretical idea. The focus of the examination is to grasp the communicative aspects of
“Madhubani or the Mithila art”. The focus of the examination is to grasp the communicative aspects of
“Madhubani or the Mithila art”. Observations and interviews were used for the collection of data for
the study. This study is an examination of Madhubani painting as a method of communication, where
it states that every component of the painting attributes the characteristics of communication.
Keyword: Art, Painting, traditional Art, Madhubani, Mithila, Culture, Symbolic Communication
1. INTRODUCTION during the time of Ramayana, when Janak
requested the experts in his own domain to make
Every society has its own way of living, its own lovely artistic creations for the wedding of
way of convention, heritage and expression. princess Sita and Lord Rama. It is said that Mithila
Painting is one of the ways of expression of Art was conceived when King Janak authorized to
thoughts, feelings, and acceptance. Madhubani or make artworks at the time of the marriage of his
Mithila painting is a popular painting of Bihar girl, Sita and god Lord Ram. Most Madhubani
known for its magnificent tone, special style, and compositions are made during celebrations
imagination, and outright magnificence, praising relationships and births, strict and get-
Madhubani art in the Madhubani region of eastern togethers, and functions of the Maithil people. The
Bihar in India. It started as a customary family “kohabar” is packed with compositions dependent
type of artwork where it is given over from one on legendary, society subjects, and tantric
age to another for quite a long time. The canvas is imagery. This art is custom continuing to the
principally portrayed on dividers, paper, fabric, hundreds of years, is today a selective
strict and beautiful clay pots, and at times on infrastructure of ladies artists. They paint figures
wood. from nature and legend on family and town
Madhubani painting reflects stylish taste, love for dividers or walls to stamp the occasional
common marvel, and all encompassing celebrations of the year, for unique occasions of
perspective on the everyday existence of life and birth, and weddings. The ladies in
individuals. Ladies in the “Mithila” district of Madhubani began creation the compositions on
Bihar in north India have painted bright the dividers of their rooms. With time, the artist
auspicious pictures on the inside dividers of their started making Madhubani work on paper,
homes on the point of homegrown ceremonies material and furthermore material.
since at any rate the fourteenth century, it's called 2. AIM & OBJECTIVES
Madhubani Art. It is a popular and customary fine
art of Bihar. The exact reason or season of the The aim and the objective to conduct this study
beginning of Madhubani art is unidentified. In this are to understand the background of the famous
case, the legend has it that it became famous “Madhubani” or “Mithila” art and how it is can

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© IJARW | ISSN (O) - 2582-1008
April 2020 | Vol. 1 Issue. 10

process communication. The focus of the art and social structures created by the ancestral
examination is to grasp the communicative people of India have kept on demonstrating their
aspects of “Madhubani or the Mithila art”. innovative quality. Mithila, otherwise called
“Videha” or “Tirhut”, alludes to a more extensive
3. METHODOLOGY social area than a particular geographic entity.
Observations and interviews were used for the However, in the current time, it incorporates the
collection of data for the study; non-structured locale of Darbhanga, Madhubani, Bhagalpur,
interview methods, were implemented. Apart Saharsa, and Purnea in North Bihar and a few
from collecting fresh data of tradition, religious areas in the Terai district of Nepal. From the
beliefs of the culture, the emphasis was laid on the ancient period, ladies of this area rehearsed their
qualitative assessment of the data and comparing own ceremonies and customs and had built up a
them. And, Secondary data had been collected convention of making floor and divider artistic
from library search, Journals, Books, and web sites creations referred to locally as “Aipanas” and
pages. “Bhittichitras” separately. There were various
events on which these artworks were executed.
4. FINDINGS Like, the Vedic ceremonies of “Yagyopavita”
(sacrosanct string function) and “Vivah”
India is unmistakable from its rich conventional
(marriage) where expand floor and divider artistic
legacy of Folk Arts and Culture. The differentiated
creations were made.

(A traditional Mithila painting on a wall in Eastern Bihar, India. PC: Deepa Karmakar)
The painting tradition began to change. The artists curd, jackfruit, trees of organic products, mango
began to incorporate changes in traditional and pomegranate, peacock flows etc.
ritualistic imagery and introduced themes such as
day-to-day village life, popular episodes from 3) Paintings on mobile articles: It designed for
epics, and local legends. In Mithila, this Madhubani mud models of pots, elephants, flying creatures,
painting is three forms – bamboo structure, tangled, fan and articles made
of “Sikhi” (slender wood).
1) Painting on Floor: Painting is made on the floor
with the glue of unrefined (Arva) rice; this glue is Specifically, Madhubani artworks are
classified as "Pithar" in the nearby language. Aside fundamentally founded on religion and folklore. In
from the floor, it is likewise made on banana the works of art of slight custom, divine beings like
leaves and “Pidhi” (wooden seats). Raja Salesh, Buddheshwar, Jutki Malini, Reshma
and the preferences occur in bounty. An incredible
2) Paintings on dividers: Wall artworks are convention is an honor to the Hindu Gods like
diverse. Three to four tones are generally used to Shiva-Parvati, Krishna-Radha, Maa Durga,
portray the canvases. Pictures are designed as fish, Ganesha, and the preferences.

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© IJARW | ISSN (O) - 2582-1008
April 2020 | Vol. 1 Issue. 10

Mithila art required knowledge to know the glossy silk material, texture fabric, cotton, material
particular tools, materials and techniques of this and so forth for painting on paper, regular tones
unique style of picture writing. Later on, the art and normal colors are utilized, which are privately
began painting on textures like decorative liners, preoccupied. Texture tones are utilized for
sarees, and different bases at the point when painting on the dividers.
Madhubani art was made more commercial
because of public and worldwide endeavors. The
crude materials utilized for this canvas are papers,

(Mythological stories as an art form, A Madhubani art by artist Deepa Karmakar)

Painting is one of the significant pieces of visual and painting is the outside indication of those
culture, is communication itself, and this feelings that is the reason it binds to all creatures
correspondence are shading, lighting, size, of any time or spot. Through symbolic
profundity, beat, and printed slopes talk in a communication, autonomous creative identity,
creative way. This paper has effectively settled these paintings empowered women by providing
Madhubani painting as a method of them tools of communication, and documenting
communication between the artist or the painter their lives has remained central to its narrative.
and the people. The paper indicates how with
various images utilized in the work of art, the 6. MITHILA OR MADHUBANI AS A
artist passes on his thoughts and emotions. The COMMUNICATION PROCESS
more one dives deep into the artwork, the more ➢ Mythological Characters: Mythological
people unravel the art. Madhubani artworks are characters of Goddess Radha, Kali, Sita,
currently able to do passing on messages that are Durga, and God Ram and Krishna are
socially and naturally more concerned. Further portrayed in those artworks. Ram-Sita's
examination in this field can make communication marriage, Birth of Lord Krishna, Krishna
significantly more proficient, dependable, and Raas-Leela, Ram's flight to the woodland,
engaging. are finely attracted the type of Madhubani
5. ANALYSIS Painting.
➢ Story Telling: The absolute initial
The art represents and organizes the proposed introduction of any composition is to
messages and subsequently allows the viewer to recount a story, thought, or occurrence.
understand the message covered. There are ➢ Bhava – Actual articulation: “Bhava” i.e
numerous fundamental feeling that is all-inclusive Expression is one of the open the part of

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© IJARW | ISSN (O) - 2582-1008
April 2020 | Vol. 1 Issue. 10

the painting and is addressed through mode of communication. From the beginning of
outward appearance, stance, scene, or time, individuals have utilized art to convey
activity, Images and their significance. The without depending on words. It can communicate
cautious course of action of shadings, political thoughts, strengthen religion, or pass on
shades, and scenes gives prompt appeal to profoundly close. Art always imparts in an
the eyes what's more, soul. unexpected way, including through images or
➢ Sun: Sun in all human advancements has purposeful anecdotes, in which a figure represents
had a significant spot in the armies of God a theoretical thought.
and nature lovers. Madhubani locals are
reliant on the sun for decent reaps. The 7. CONCLUSION
sun painted with huge eyes and smooth Art offers fun, nonverbal, emblematic methods for
eyes demonstrates either sunrise or day. conveying. At the point when the limit with
➢ Revealing the Rhythm: Just as music is the regards to verbal articulation isn't completely
verse of sound, the artwork is the verse of evolved or a person might be not able or reluctant
sight. A piece of paint fills the eyes and to express their emotions, art rouses
heart in musical pleasure. communication.
➢ Swastika: The swastika is a very important
and auspicious symbol in Indian tradition. This may incorporate sound with or without
It signifies happiness, joy, and good luck. visual work. Visual communication is a visual
The four sides of the insignia address four guide and the transport of thoughts and data in
arms of Lord Vishnu of Hindu mythology. structures that can be perused or viewed. Visual
➢ Lotus: The vacant space in the artistic expressions in fine arts are works that are
creation is filled by drawing leaves, primarily visual in nature.
blossoms, creatures, and fowls. Blossoms
Expressionism is a method of painting, music, or
like Lotus are the most ordinarily utilized
theatricality in which the artist or essayist reacts
bloom in artistic creation which
to an inner enthusiasm. A purposely modified
represents females. Leaves are planned in
version of reality permits the depiction of abstract
an exceptionally fascinating manner.
inward emotions. Examples of some
➢ Bamboo Tree: A bamboo tree is an image
communication through Madhubani painting are
of a male figure.
expressing their wishes, dreams, hopes, hopes and
➢ Snake: Snakes in Indian culture are loved
aspirations (through painting) to people writing
as gods. This conviction is communicated
through their drawings and communicating
in the work of art by drawing snakes.
detailed information to outsiders through writing
Snakes additionally represent richness.
on the phone. They were more valuable than they
➢ Birds: In Madhubani painting winged
used to be.
creatures seeming a vivid and classy way.
Fowls like a parrot, peacock, and swan are 8. ACHKNOWLEGDMENT
generally portrayed in the composition.
Parrot is an image of love and is drawn I would like to express my special thanks of
with trees meaning life brimming with gratitude to Madhubani artist Deepa Karmakar of
affection and satisfaction. Madhubani district of Bihar for the support in
➢ Fish: Fish is an image of the promising completing the study. I would also like to extend
subject of Madhubani painting. It my gratitude to dear Professors of the Department
represents the best of luck and of Media Studies.
blessedness and fruitfulness. Artist uses BIBLIOGRAPHY
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April 2020 | Vol. 1 Issue. 10

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