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• To provide an introduction to the basic quantities and idealizations of mechanics.
• To give a statement of Newton’s Laws of Motion and Gravitation.
• To review the principles for applying the SI system of units.


Introduction to Engineering Mechanics-Types of forces Coplanar, Concurrent and parallel forces –

Resultant – Composition and resolution of forces, method of projections–Types o supports, Free
Body Diagrams, Equations of Equilibrium of Coplanar Systems. Lami’s Theorem - Equilibrium of
Coplanar forces in plane– condition of equilibrium Moment of Force systems in plane and its
Application – Couples-Equilibrium of Coplanar forces in plane– condition of equilibrium.

Learning Outcomes:
• Distinguish Scalar and Vector quantities.
• Define various types of forces
• Determine the magnitude & direction of the resultant of concurrent force systems.
• Draw the Free Body diagram
• Calculate Moment of a force in a plane.

Suggested reading materials:

1. "Engineering Mechanics - Volume I - Statics", J. L. Merian and L.G. Kraige, Wiley Publishers
2. "Engineering Mechanics - Volume II - Dynamics", J. L. Merian and L.G. Kraige, Wiley Publishers
3. "Engineering Mechanics - Statics", R. C. Hibbeler, Prentice Hall Publishers
4. "Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics", R. C. Hibbeler, Prentice Hall Publishers

Engineering is an activity concerned with the creation of new systems for benefit of mankind.

Creation of new systems is thus basic to all engineering disciplines. Engineering is also application
of science. Science is concerned with a systematic understanding and gathering the facts, laws and
principles governing natural phenomena as shown in fig. 1.

Nature Engineering


Material Sciences, Design Engineering,

Transport Phenomena, Mechanics,
Manufacturing processes, Energy
Physics Maths Chemistry

Facts Laws Principles Engineering Sciences

Fig.1. Principles governing nature

Historical Development:

The subject of statics developed very early in history because its principles can be formulated simply
from measurements of geometry and force. For example, the writings of Archimedes (287–212
B.C.) deal with the principle of the lever. Studies of the pulley, inclined plane, and wrench are also
recorded in ancient writings—at times when the requirements for engineering were limited primarily
to building construction. Since the principles of dynamics depend on an accurate measurement of
time, this subject developed much later. Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) was one of the first major
contributors to this field. His work consisted of experiments using pendulums and falling bodies.
The most significant contributions in dynamics, however, were made by Isaac Newton (1642–1727),
who is noted for his formulation of the three fundamental laws of motion and the law of universal
gravitational attraction. Shortly after these laws were postulated, important techniques for their
application were developed by such notables as Euler, D’Alembert, Lagrange, and others.
Mechanics: It a branch of physical sciences concerned with the state of rest or motion of bodies
that are subjected to the action of forces. In general, this subject can be subdivided into three
branches: rigid-body mechanics, deformable-body mechanics, and fluid mechanics as shown fig.2.


Rigid Body Mechanics Deformable Body Mechanics Fluid Mechanics

Strength of Materials or i) Ideal Fluid

Statics Dynamics
Solid Mechanics ii) Viscous Fluid
iii) Incompressible Fluid
Kinematics Kinetics
Theory of Elasticity Theory of Plasticity

Fig. 2. Schemaic Diagram of classification of Mechanics

Statics: Deals with the equilibrium of bodies that are either at rest or in motion with constant

Dynamics is concerned with the accelerated motion of bodies. It is further divided into

(i) Kinematics deals the study of motion of bodies without reference to force. It deals only with
displacement, velocity, acceleration as a function of time and their relations.

(ii) Kinetics deals with the study of motion of bodies and the forces which are responsible for the

Fundamental Concepts :

Basic quantities:

(i) Force: It is an agency which changes or tends to change the state of rest or of uniform motion
of a body. A force is completely characterized by its magnitude, direction and point of application.

Idealizations: Idealizations are the models that are used in Mechanics in order to simplify the
application of the theory.

Particle: A particle has a mass but its shape and size can be neglected.

Ex: Size of earth is insignificant compared to the size of its orbit and here earth can be modeled as
a particle when studying its orbital motion.

Rigid Body: Rigid body is that which does not deform under the action of applied forces. Though
the physical bodies deform slightly under the action of loads on external forces, this deformation is
neglected while studying mechanics of rigid bodies.
Continuum: Whether they may be solids are fluids are always idealized to be in continuum i.e they
have a continues distribution of mass with no voids, empty spaces .

Weight: In case of a particle located at or near the surface of earth the only gravitational force
having any sizable magnitude is that between the earth and the particle. This force is termed as
𝑚 𝑚2 𝑚2
W=G let g = G
𝑟2 𝑟2

 W = m.g

Inertia: It is the property of matter causing resistance to change in the state of rest or motion of a

Scalar: Scalar quantities are those with which a magnitude is only associated

Ex: Time, Volume, Density, Speed, Energy, Mass.

Vector: Vector quantities are those with which both magnitude as well as direction are associated.

Ex: Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration, Force, Moment, Momentum, Weight.

Basic laws of Mechanics:

Newton’s first law:

Each body remains in its state of rest or motion uniform in direction until it is made to change this
state by imposed forces.

Newton’s second law:

The change of motion is proportional to the imposed driving force and occurs along a straight line
in which the force acts.
Newton’s third law:

To every action there is always an equal reaction: or the mutual interactions of two bodies are
always equal but directed contrary.

Newton’s Law of Gravitational Attraction:

This law governs the gravitational attraction between any two particles and stated
𝑚1 𝑚2

Where, F – Force of gravitation between two partials

G – Gravitational constant = 66.73 (10-12) m3 / (kg-s2)

m1, m2 – Mass of each particle

r - Distance between the two particles.

Multiples Sub multiples

Tera T - 1012 Pico - p- 10-12

Giga G - 109 Nano - n- 10-9

Mega M - 106 Micro- µ- 10-6

Kilo K - 103 Milli - m- 10-3

Hecto A - 102 Centi- c- 10-2

Deca C - 101 Deci - d- 10-1

SI Unit: The international system of units, abbreviated SI after the French “Systeme International
d’ ‘unites’.

In SI units: Length in metres (m)

Time in seconds (s)

Mass in kilograms (kg)

Unit of force is called a Newton (N) which is a derived from F = ma

Thus one Newton is equal to a force required to give 1 kg of mass producing an acceleration of

(N = kg-m/s2)

If weight of a body located at the standard location, is to be determined in Newton’s, then W=mg
Here g = 9.81 m /s2

Therefore a body of mass 1 kg has a weight of 9.81 Newton

Similarly, 2kg mass has a weight of (2x9.81) = 19.62 N

Fundamental (Base) units:

Physical quantity Base unit Unit symbol Dimension

1. Length metre m L

2. Mass kilogram kg M

3. Time second s T

4. Temperature Kelvin k t

5. Current Ampere A I

6. Luminous Intensity Candela Cd

7. Amount of substance mole mol

Supplementary units:

8. Plane angle radian rad

9. Solid angle steradian sr

1 Pascal (Pa) = 1 N/m2

106 x N N
MPa = Mega pascal = 106 Pa = or MPa =
m2 mm2

Derived Units:

Force Newton = kg-m/s2

Energy, work or heat Joule = Nm = kg-m2/s2

J Nm kg−m2
Power watt = Joules / second = = =
s s s3
N kg
Pressure or stress Pascal = =
m2 m s2

Frequency hertz = HZ = s-1

Some derived units:

Acceleration m/s2

Angular Acceleration rad/s2

Angular displacement rad

Angular Momentum kg m2/s

Angular Velocity rad /s

Area m2

Couple, moment N- m

Density kg/m3

Discharge m3/s

Energy J (N-m)

Force N (kg-m/s2)
Frequency HZ ( )

Modulus of Elasticity N/m2 (Pa)

Momentum Kg m/s (Ns)

Moment of Inertia kg-m2 or m4

Power watt (N-m/s)

Pressure, Stress Pa (N/m2)

Specific Energy J /kg

Specific Volume kg/m3

Speed, Velocity m/s

Torque N-m

Viscosity Ns/m2
Volume m3

Weight Newton (kg-m/s2)

Work Joule (N-m)

Forces And Examples:

Force: It is defined as an agency which changes or tends to change the position of body at rest or
motion of a body. It has the capacity to produce motion to a body.

EX.01: Push, pull, shear, torque, accelerating force, gravitational force, frictional force, magnetic
force etc.

Force is completely defined only when the following four characteristics are specified as shown in
fig. 3.

(i) Magnitude (ii) Point of application (iii) Line of action (iv) direction

Line of action

Magnitude A

θ Direction

Point of application

Fig.3. Representation of a Force

Types of forces:

External forces: Applied forces are external forces acting on a body and also weight of the body as
shown in fig.3 (a).

Internal forces: These are the forces induced in the members due to external forces as shown in
fig.3 (b).

Reactions: When a body is subjected to external forces, the body resists by its reactions known as
reactive forces as shown in fig.3 (b).
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 4. Types of forces

Classification of Forces

1. Coplanar Forces: When all the forces in a system lie in the same plane, they are co planar forces
and such a system is known as coplanar force system as shown fig. 4.(b).
2. Non-Coplanar forces: When forces of a force system do not lie in the same plane, they are
known as Non-Coplanar forces as shown fig. 4.(e).
3. Concurrent forces: When line of action of all forces pass through a single point that force system
is known as concurrent force system as shown fig. 4.(b).
4. Non-concurrent force system: When the lines of forces of a system do not pass through a single
point, the force system is known as Non-Concurrent force system as shown fig. 4.(f).
Other combinations are
5. Coplanar – Concurrent : When all the forces in a system lie in the same plane, they are passes
through same point such a system of forces is known as coplanar-Concurrent force system as
shown fig. 4.(b)
6. Coplanar – Non concurrent : When all the forces in a system lie in the same plane, they are not
passes through same point such a system of forces is known as coplanar-Concurrent force system
as shown fig. 4.(d)
7. Non-coplanar – Concurrent : When all the forces in a system not lie in the same plane, they are
passes through same point such a system of forces is known as Non-coplanar-Concurrent force
system as shown fig. 4.(f)
8. Non-coplanar – Non concurrent : When all the forces in a system not lie in the same plane, they
are not passes through same point such a system of forces is known as Non-coplanar-Concurrent
force system as shown fig. 4.(h)
9. Parallel force systems: When the forces in a system lie parallel to each other, that system is
known as parallel force system as shown fig. 4.(c).
10. Collinear force system: If the line of action of all the forces in a system lies along a single line,
then it is called a collinear force system as shown fig. 4.(a).
(g) (h)

(i) (j)

Fig. 5. System of forces

Basic Principles of a force:

 Principle of physical independence of force:

Action of force on bodies are independent, in other words the action of forces on a body is not
influenced by the action of any other force on the body.
 Principle of transmissibility of forces:
The point of application of force on a rigid body can be changed along the same line of action
maintaining same magnitude and direction without affecting the effect of the force on the body .
According to the principle of Transmissibility of a force, the state of rest or motion of body is
unaltered, if a force acting on a body is replaced by another force of same magnitude and direction
but acting at any point on the body along the line of the replaced force as shown in fig.5.
Force at A = Force at B


Fig. 6. Diagram shows that transmissibility of force

Addition of Forces:

Addition of (Forces) by Head to Tail Rule

To add two or more than two vectors (forces), join the head of the first vector with the tail of
second vector, and join the head of the second vector with the tail of the third vector and so on.
Then the resultant vector is obtained by joining the tail of the first vector with the head of the last
vector. The magnitude and the direction of the resultant vector (Force) are found graphically and

Resultant Force:
A resultant force is a single equivalent force, which produce same affect on the body as that of all
the given forces.

Composition of Forces:
The process of finding out the resultant Force of given forces (components vector) is called
composition of forces. A resultant force may be determined by following methods
1. Parallelogram laws of forces or method
2. Triangle law of forces or triangular method
3. Polygon law of forces or polygon method.
4. Resolving Method or Method of Projections
Parallelogram Law of forces:

If two forces acting simultaneously on a body at a point are represented in magnitude and direction
by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram their resultant is represented in magnitude and direction
by the diagonal of the parallelogram which passes through the intersection of two sides representing
the forces.


P θ

Let AB = force, P, AC = force, Q, AD = Resultant, R

Angle between P and Q forces = θ

AD2 = AE2 + DE2

AD2 =( AB + BE)2 + DE2 = AB2 + BE2 + 2 AB.BE + DE2

AD2 = AB2 + BE2 + DE2 + 2 AB.BE

= AB2 + BD2 + 2 AB.BD cosθ

= AB2 + AC2 + 2 AB.AC cosθ (since BD = AC)

 R2 = P2 + Q2 + 2PQ cosθ

𝐷𝐸 𝐵𝐷 𝑠𝑖𝑛θ 𝐵𝐷 𝑠𝑖𝑛θ
tan α = = = (since BD = AC)

𝐴𝐶 𝑠𝑖𝑛θ
tan α =

𝑄 𝑠𝑖𝑛θ
 tan α =

Special cases:
Case-I If   00

R  P 2  Q 2  PQ cos 00 = R  P 2  Q 2  2 PQ = ( P  Q) 2 = P  Q

Case-II If   1800 P Q R

R  P 2  Q 2  PQ cos1800 = R  P 2  Q 2  2 PQ = ( P  Q) 2 = P  Q
Case-III If   900

R  P 2  Q 2  2 PQ cos 900 = R  P 2  Q 2  0 = P 2  Q 2

Triangle Law of forces:

This Law states that “If two forces acting at a point are represented both in magnitude and direction
by the two sides of a triangle, taken in order, the third side of the triangle, taken in opposite order
represents the resultant of the two forces in magnitude and direction”.

R Q a


A B P c

P b
(a) Space Diagram (b) Vector Diagram
Polygon Law of forces:

This law states that “If a number of concurrent forces acting simultaneously on a body and are
represented in magnitude and direction by the sides of a polygon taken in order, then the resultant
is represented in magnitude and direction by the closing side of polygon, taken in opposite order”.

R e
a S
E C d
T Q b R

(b) Vector Diagram
(a) Space Diagram

Ex.02: Two forces 80N and 60N act at an angle of 600. Determine the magnitude and direction of
the resultant.

Sol: R= √𝑃2 + 𝑄 2 + 2𝑃𝑄 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃

R= √802 + 602 + 2 (80) (60) 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃
P = 60
R= √6400 + 3600 + 4800 R
R= √148000 = 121.66 N α

𝜃 sin 𝜃 60 𝑥 sin 600 A B

tan α = = Q = 80
𝑃+𝑄𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 80+60 𝑐𝑜𝑠 600

tan α = = 0.4723  α = 25o-17’

Ex.03: Two coplanar concurrent forces act towards a point with an angle of 450 between there. If
their resultant is 100kN, and one of the forces is 20kN, calculate the other force.

Sol: Given ,

P=20 kN, R=100kN and θ = 450 C

2 2 2
R = P + Q + 2PQ cos 𝜃

1002 = 202 + Q2 + 2 × 20 × Q cos450 R = 100 kN

Q 450
1002 = 202 + Q2 + 28.284 Q

Q2 + 28.284Q = 10000 - 400 = 9600

A P =20 kN B
(Q+14.142)2 = 9600 + 14.142 = 9800

Q+14.142 = 98.995

Q=98.995 – 14.142 = 84.853kN

Lami’s theorem:

Statement: “If a body is in equilibrium under the action of three forces, each force is proportional
to the sine of angle between the other two forces”.


β α 𝑷 𝑸 𝑹
= =
𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜶 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜷 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜸

Ex.04: A body of weight 1000N is suspended by two strings of 4m and 3m lengths attached at the
same horizontal level 5m apart. Calculate the forces in the strings.
P β
β α

1000 N

Since the triangle is with 3, 4, 5 m sides, angle at B = 900

α + β = 900
4 3
sinα = = 0.8 ; sinβ = = 0.6
5 5

Applying Lami’s theorem,

1000 𝑃 𝑄
= =
𝑠𝑖𝑛90 sin(180 − 𝛽) sin(180 − 𝛼)

1000 𝑃 𝑄
= =
1 sin𝛽 sin𝛼

 P = 1000 x 0.6 = 600 N

 Q = 1000 x 0.8 = 800 N

Ex.05: Calculate the forces in members PQ and PR for the frame shown in fig. using Lami’s


Sol :
1500 1𝑆 𝑆2
= 𝑠𝑖𝑛1200 =
𝑠𝑖𝑛900 𝑠𝑖𝑛1500

1500 𝑆1 𝑆2
= 𝑠𝑖𝑛600 =
1 𝑠𝑖𝑛300

 S1 = 1500 x 0.866 = 1299N

 S2 = 1500 x 0.5 = 750N

Free Body Diagram

The diagram of a body isolated from all other supports and considering only the forces like weight,
reactions, applied forces etc, acting on the body it known as “Free Body Diagram” (F.B.D).
The FBD makes it easy to apply the laws of equilibrium to the set of forces acting on a body and it
helps in solving complicated problems.
Procedure of drawing Free Body Diagram

To construct a free-body diagram, the following steps are necessary:

 Draw Outline Shape

Imagine that the particle is cut free from its surroundings or isolated by drawing the outline
shape of the particle or body only

 Show All known Forces

Show on this sketch all the forces acting on the particle. There are two classes of forces that act on
the particle. They can be active forces, which tend to set the particle in motion, or they can be
reactive forces which are the results of the constraints or supports that tend to prevent motion.

 Identify Each unknown Force

The forces that are known should be labelled complete with their magnitudes and directions.
Letters are used to represent the magnitudes and directions of forces that are not known.



. RB
B w


ɵ P

Fig.7. Free Body Diagrams of rigid bodies

Ex.06: Determine the required length of rod AC as in figure. So, that the 8kg lamp is suspended in
the position shown. The undeformed length of spring AB is L = 0.4 m and the spring has a stiffen
KAB = 300N/m.
Sol: In spring,
F = k .s C B’
W = 8 x 9.81 k = 300 N/m
C’ 30o
W = 78.5 N B
K = 300 N/m
Making ƩFx = 0; TAB - TAC.cos300 = 0
Making ƩFy = 0; TAC.Sin300 – 78.5 = 0
 TAC = = 157.0 N
TAB = 157 x 0.866 = 136.0 N
The stretch in spring = Stretched length - Un Stretched length
SAB = lAB – l’AB
TAB = k . SAB
 SAB = = 0.453 m

lAB = 0.453 + 0.4 = 0.853 m

CB’ = 2 m
 AC’ = 2 - 0.853 = 1.147 m
lAC cos300 = 1.147
1.147 1.147
lAC = = = 1.324 m
𝑐𝑜𝑠300 0.866

Support Conditions :

Roller B Hinge Fixed

Displacement: x =  x=0 x=0
Displacement: y = 0 y=0 y=0
Rotation: ɵ =  ɵ= ɵ=0
Forces in X-Direction: X = 0 X= X=
Forces in Y-Direction: Y =  Y= Y=
Moment: M = 0 M=0 M=
Resolution of forces:
As a number of coplanar and concurrent forces can be combined into a single force;
similarly, a single force can be split into a number of forces in the required directions. This
process is called “Resolution of forces”.

y y y y

θ1 θ4
x x x x x
θ2 θ3

y y P y

x1 = + P1cosθ1 x2 = + P2cosθ2 x3 = - P3cosθ3 x4 = - P4cosθ4

y1 = + P1sinθ1 y2 = - P2sinθ2 y3 = - P3sinθ3 y4 = + P4sinθ4

Fig. 8. Resolution of forces along X & Y axes

The replacement of a single force by several components, which will be equivalent in
action to the given force, is called the problem of “Resolution of a force”.

F1, F2 – Two forces, R – Resultant, α1, α2 – Angles of F1and F2 w.r.t x-x axis.

x1= F1cosα1, x2= F2cosα2

y1= F1sinα1, y2= F2sinα2

x= Rcosα, y= Rsinα F1
x2+y2 = R2(cos2α+sin2α) = R2 y1 α1 α F2
But x= x1+,x2= ∑x

y= y1+ y2 = ∑y x2 x1

R = √𝑋 2 + 𝑌 2 = √∑𝑋 2 + ∑𝑌 2
∑Y Y
tanα = ∑X = X

When ∑x = 0, ∑y =Q, its resultant is a vertical force.

When ∑y = 0, ∑x = P, its resultant is a horizontal force.

When ∑x = 0, ∑y = 0, its resultant is zero. The system is in equilibrium condition.

∑x = 0, ∑y = 0 are equations of equilibrium.

Ex.07: The following are the four forces acting at a point on a body. Find the resultant and its
400 N 300 N
i. 300N at N 30o E
ii. 200N at N 70o E
iii. 500N at S 45o E 30o 30o 200 N
iv. 400N at N 30o W
Sol: 45o

∑x = +300 cos60o + 200cos20o + 500 cos45o - 400cos60o 500 N

= +150.00 + 187.50 + 353.55 -200

= +491.5 N

∑y = +300 sin60o + 200sin20o - 500 sin45o + 400sin60o

= +259.81 + 68.40 - 353.55 + 346.41

= +321.07 N

R = √∑𝑋 2 + ∑𝑌 2 = √491.52 + 321.072 R

R = 587.08 N α
α = tan-1( ) = 33015’

Ex: Determine the resultant of the four forces tangent to the circle of radius 3 m as shown in fig.
Sol: ∑x = +150 – 100 cos 45o
∑x = +150 – 70.7 = +79.3 N
∑y = +50 – 80 – 100 sin 45 o

= -30 – 70.7 = -100.7 N

R = √79.32 + 100.72 = 128.17 N
ɵ = tan-1( ) = 51078’

Moment of a force:

Moment of a force is the turning effect of a force about a point. It is also a measure of rotational

Moment of a force is defined as the product of the magnitude of the force and the perpendicular
distance of the point from the line of action of the force.

M = F. d where d is perpendicular distance of point from the line of action of the force.

Taking moments about O1 O3

M1 = F.d1 (clock wise) d3= 0
Taking moments about O2
M2 = F.d2 (Anti clock wise)
Taking moments about O3

M3 = F.d3, M3 = 0 (Since d3 = 0)

The points about which the moments are considered is the moment center (O1, O2 etc).

If the moment center is on the line of force then the moment of force about that force is zero.

Varignon Theorem:

It states that the algebraic sum of the moments of a system of coplanar forces about a moment center
in their plane is equal to the moment of their resultant about the same moment center.

Let P, Q be the two forces acting at A, R be the resultant and O be the moment center.

In the plane of force, take any line mn perpendicular to the line OA, joining the moment center with
the concurrent point of forces P & Q.

Construct perpendicular Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd as shown in the figure.

Area of triangle OAB = .OA. ab
Area of triangle OAC = .OA. ac

Area of triangle OAD = .OA. ad

Since ad = ab + bd (bd = ac)

ad = ab + ac

Therefore we conclude that

Area of triangle OAD = Area of triangle OAB + Area of triangle OAC

1 1 1
.OA. ad = .OA. ab + 2 .OA. ac
2 2

Multiply with 2 on both sides

2 × Area of triangle OAD = 2 × Area of triangle OAB + 2 × Area of triangle OAC
OA. ad = OA. ab + OA. Ac
Moment of resultant about O = moment of P about O + moment of Q about O
Hence the theorem is proved.
Graphical representation of a force Let AB be the vector of force P

C A P Consider OAB in which AB as base

and O (moment centre) be apex of the
Area of the triangle OAB=2AB(d)

O O be the moment center

But, Moment of force =AB(d)

Therefore moment of force = Twice the area of triangle formed with force vector
as base and moment center as vertex.

Ex.08: A horizontal beam AB is hinged to a vertical wall at A and supported at its midpoint C by a
tie rod CD as shown in figure. Find the tension S in the tie rod and reaction at A due to a vertical
load applied at B.

P 450

60 cm 60 cm RA
450 C θ

Sol: S

Tan θ = = 0.50 θ = 260.565
= = 26.56 = θ
𝑆𝑖𝑛 165.5650 𝑆𝑖𝑛 63.4350 𝑆𝑖𝑛 1350
= = A
𝑆𝑖𝑛 18.4350 𝑆𝑖𝑛 63.4350 𝑆𝑖𝑛 450
𝑆𝑖𝑛 63.4350 0.8944
S=P× = P = 2.83P
𝑆𝑖𝑛 18.4350 0.3162

𝑃 𝑆𝑖𝑛 450 0.7071 P

RA = 0
= P = 2.236 P 60
𝑆𝑖𝑛 18.435 0.3162

450 450

Applying moment equation, Taking moments about A 60 60

P × 120 = S ×
120 × √2 S
S= = 2√2 P = 2.83 P E
60 P

(Or) 450 450

Using method of moments, Taking moments about A, 60 60
S × 60 × 0.707 = 120 × P
S = 0.707 P = 2.83 P

Ex.09: A rigid bar AB is supported in a vertical plane and carries a load Q at its free end as shown
in figure. Neglecting the weight of the bar itself, compute the magnitude of the tensile force S
induced in the horizontal string CD.

Sol: Taking moments about A

Sum of clockwise moments = sum of anti clockwise moments E

S × AD = Q × BE
S L/2
S × 2cos α = Q × L sin α
S = 2 Q tan α
Parallel Forces:

A system of forces, which are parallel to each other irrespective of their magnitude and direction, is
known as a parallel force system.

3 kg 10 kg 5 kg
2 kg

3 kg
5 kg 2 kg 4 kg

(a) Like forces (b) Unlike forces

Like parallel force system: A system with two parallel forces acting in the same direction is known
as like parallel force system.

x d-x

Equilibrant force = R

Resultant of a like two parallel force system


The position of resultant from any force is proportional to its distance from other force. R lies
between two forces and nearer to the larger force.

Taking moments about A, Taking moments about B

x×R=Q×d (d - x) R = P . d

𝑥 𝑄 𝑑−𝑥 𝑃
= =
𝑑 𝑅 𝑑 𝑅

Taking moments about O,

(a+x)R = a.P+(a+d)Q

(a+x)(P+Q) = P . a + Q . a + Q .d
Pa+Px+Qa+Qx = Pa+Qa+Qd

(P+Q)x = Q.d

x Q
d R

Unlike parallel forces:

A system of two forces with different magnitude but opposite in direction is known as an unlike
parallel force system.


a d

The position of resultant from any force is proportional to its distance from other force. It lies outside
the force system and nearer to the larger force.

Taking moments about A, Taking moments about B

Q×d=R×x P . d = R (d + x)

𝑥 𝑄 𝑑+𝑥 𝑃
= =
𝑑 𝑅 𝑑 𝑅


Two equal parallel forces acting in opposite direction, non collinear constitute a ‘couple’. The plane
in which they act is called ‘plane of couple’. The distance between their lines of action is the ‘arm
of couple’. P
Moment of couple M = P.a (anti clock wise)
Moment of couple remains same irrespective A B
of moment center.
O x C D
Let O be the orbitary moment center

Taking moments about O and considering clockwise moments are +ve P

M = - P. OC + P. (OC + CD) = - P. x + P. x + P. a = P.a


Action of couple on a body doesn’t change if we change both magnitude and direction of forces and
arm of the couple in such a way that the moment of the couple remains unchanged.
P M = P. a

Resolve P at B into two parallel components

B C Q at C and Q 1 at A
A 𝑎
Q = P. and Q 1 = P – Q
a 𝑏
Q1 When you substitute Q 1 = P – Q
Q Therefore moment of this couple

b M = Q. b

A M = P. a = Q. b


A force at a point on a body can be replaced by an equal parallel force at other point on the same
body together with a couple.
M = P.a

Ex.11: Find the resultant and its position for following figures.
R = 80 N
50 N
50 N
30 N R = 20N
x 6-x
A 6m B
30 N
Fig A Fig B

R = 50 + 30 = 80 N R = 50 + 30 = 80 N

x 30 Q x 30 Q
= = = =
6 80 R 6 20 R
180 180
x= = 2.25 m x= =9m
80 20
x+6 P 50
6 – x = 3.75 m = =
6 R 20

x + 6 = 15 →→ x = 9 m

Ex.12: Determine the reactions at supports for the beam shown in fig.

16 KN
10 KN
4 KN/m
2m C 3m D 2m E 3m

16 KN
8.66 KN

5.0 KN


Sol: Taking moment about A ,

RB × 10 = (2×16) + (5 × 8.66) + 8.5 (3×4)

10 RB = 32 + 43.33 + 102

10 RB = 177.33

RB = 17.73 KN

Σ x = 0 →→ XA = 5 KN
Σy = 0 →→ YA = 16 + 8.66 +12 – 17.73
= 18.93 KN

RA = √52 + 18.932 = 19.58 KN

Ɵ = tan-1( ) = 75.20.
5 F3
Force systems in space:

Let us consider a three force systems F1, F2 and F3 O F1 A

acting in space acting at a point “O” and represented F2
by vectors OA, OB and OD respectively as shown R1
Fig.10. Force system in Space
Applying parallelogram law to forces F1 and F2 we
obtain resultant OC acting in plane AOB as shown in
figure. Again applying parallelogram to this resultant
OC and force F3 vector OD, we obtain resultant R of
the all three forces, represented by diagonal OE of
parallelogram ODEC.

The resultant of three concurrent forces in space is given by the diagonal of the parallelepiped
constructed on the vectors OA, OB and OD as in figure.

Method of projections:
Statement: the projection on any axis of Fi
the resultant of several concurrent Fn
forces in space is equal to the algebraic
sum of the projections of the
components on the same axis. γi βi F1
Let Xi, Yi and Zi be the projections of X
any force Fi on rectangular coordinate
axis x, y and z.

X, Y and Z be the corresponding

projections of the resultant ‘R’.
X = Σ Xi

Y = Σ Yi αi, βi and γi are the angles of Fi from

x, y and z axis respectively.
Z = Σ Zi

For calculating the projection of force Fi

Xi = Fi cos αi

Yi = Fi cos βi

Zi = Fi cos γi

Then R = √X 2 + Y 2 + Z 2

Let α, β, γ be the angles of ‘R’ from x, y and z axis respectively.

Cos α = ; Cos β = ; Cos γ =
Equilibrium equations of space force system:

Σ Xi = 0; Σ Yi = 0 and Σ Zi = 0

Ex.13: A force of magnitude 150 N passes through the origin and a point A which has the coordinates (40,
60, -80). Determine its x, y, z components.

Sol: Coordinates of origin (0, 0, 0)

Coordinates of A (40, 60, -80)

Length of OA = √(40 − 0)2 + (60 − 0)2 + (−80 + 0)2 = 107.7m

Cos Ɵx = = 0.371
Cos Ɵy = = 0.577
Cos Ɵz = = - 0.743

 Px = 150 Cos Ɵx = 150 × 0.371 = 55.65 N

Py = 150 Cos Ɵy = 150 × 0.577 = 83.55 N

Pz = 150 Cos Ɵz = 150 × -0.743 = -111.42 N

Ex.14: Forces P1, P2, P3 and P4 of magnitudes 10 KN, 25 KN and 40 KN are concurrent in space
and are directed through the points A (3, 2, 5), B (1, 7, 4), C (4, -2, 4) and D (-2, 4, -3) respectively.
Determine the resultant of the system of forces. Assume the concurrent point as origin.

Sol: OA = √32 + 22 + 52 = 6.164 m

OB = √12 + 72 + 42 = 8.124m

OC = √42 + (−2)2 + 42 = 6.000m

OD = √(−2)2 + 42 + (−3)2 = 5.385m

S. Force Px Py Pz
Cos Ɵx Cos Ɵy Cos Ɵz
no. (KN) P × Cos Ɵx P × Cos Ɵy P × Cos Ɵz
3−0 2−0 5−0
1 10 6.164 6.164 6.164 4.867 3.245 8.112
= 0.4867 = 0.3245 = 0.8112
2 20 0.1231 0.8616 0.4924 2.462 17.232 9.848
6 2 −4 −1 4 2
3 25 = = = 16.667 -8.333 16.667
4 3 6 4 6 4
4 40 -0.3714 0.7428 -0.5571 -14.856 29.712 -22.284
Total = +9.140 +41.856 +12.343

Resultant R = √(Σ𝑃𝑥 )2 + (Σ𝑃𝑦 )2 + (Σ𝑃𝑧 )2

= √(9.14)2 + (41.856)2 + (12.343)2

= 44.585 KN

Directions of resultant are Ɵx = cos-1 = 78.17o
Ɵy = cos-1 = 20.15o
Ɵz = cos-1 = 73.93o

----------------------------------------------THE END--------------------------------------------------

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