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Tran Lam Truong

Name:……………………………………………………………..Class: A2


In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand
spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 10 minutes.
There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark
your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the
test book.

PART 1 (6 points)
Listen to the man calling a training center and fill in the missing information

Bikewise Ltd
MD John Cokes
over 20 years
John started the first bike company (1)………………….…ago
Bikewise started (2)………………………………………………….
in 1991
No. of employees today (3) ……………………………………….
5 years
Opened present factor (4) ……………..……………ago
Makes (5) …………………………..…bikes a year
made 3 scores
Profits last year (6)………………………………..

PART 2 (6 points)

PART 3 (8 points)
Listen to the manager of Total Tour holiday company telling her staff about
their new website and complete the notes below

New website
a lot of sales
The site was developed as a result of (1)……………………
It’s expected that about (2)………………customers will use site in first year. Many customers
help line
will also use the (3)………………provided.
Remember to check the (4)……………… bookings carefully


PART 1 (15 points)
Directions: Read the article about people who have done MBAs. For each question 1-3,
circle the correct answer, (A), (B), or (C).

To do an MBA or not to do an MBA?

Doing an MBA takes a lot of sure you find the right course their MBA. Thomas Müller is
time and money. But do you for your interests.’ very pleased with his career
get a great job at the end of it? Next I talked to some of since finishing at Rushton
I talked to some business Rushton’s students. One very three years ago. ‘I’m now a
people to find out. satisfied student was Laura line manager and have much
I started by asking Marina. ‘Yes, I love it,’ she more responsibility. And I
Professor Trevelyan, from smiles. ‘The staff give us learnt so much. When
Rushton School of Business, lectures; afterwards we something happens, I have
what she thought. ‘You have students talk over what we’ve lots of ways of thinking about
to be sure that this is what you heard. That’s when I get the it, and so I can always find a
want to do. Some people do most interesting ideas. Next good solution to problems. I
an MBA simply because their year, we have to do a big hope the same has been true
company pay for them to do it. project – I’m quite nervous for my fellow students.’
But you have to be interested about it!’ So, it seems that if you’re
in the course itself. You’ll I also went to visit some the right kind of person with
often find the theory very former students of Rushton to the right attitude, an MBA will
difficult and want to go back to see how they have be good for your career.
your practical job. So make progressed since they did

1. What advice does Professor Trevelyan give?

(A) Get your employer to pay for you to do an MBA.
(B) Choose which course you do very carefully.
(C) Concentrate on the practical parts of your course.
2. What does Laura find most helpful about her MBA course?
(A) Discussions with her fellow students.

(B) Lectures from the staff.
(C) Project-based coursework.
3. Why does Thomas say his MBA course was effective?
(A) He now has many different ideas for every situation.
(B) His line manager respects his opinions.
(C) He has remained friends with many students.

PART 2 (15 points)

Directions: Read the email that Kate sends to the visitors about arrangements for their
social program. For each gap 1-5, choose the correct answer, (A), (B), or (C). Gap (0) has
been done for you as an example.

To Ivan

From Kate
Dear Ivan

We are looking forward to receiving you and your colleagues from TRW here next
week. As well as the inspection of the production line and the planning meetings, Paul
and I (0) have arranged a social programme for you. However, I want to check (1)
our suggestions seem suitable to you.

Firstly, on the evening you (2) …………………………, would you like to have dinner in a
restaurant in the city centre? We think this would be more enjoyable (3)
eating in the hotel. Secondly, we could take you to the University Museum, (4)
………………………… is very interesting.

Finally, what about visiting the shops in the city centre? I know you all enjoy (5)
………………………… shopping. Let me know if these suggestions seem suitable.

All the best


1. (A) so (B) how (C) that

2. (A) arrive (B) arrived (C) arriving
3. (A) than (B) rather (C) to
4. (A) what (B) which (C) where
5. (A) go (B) going (C) to go

PART 3 (10 points)
Directions: Read the following article. For each question 1- 5, circle the correct answer,
(A), (B), or (C).

NEWSPAPER sales fell in most countries last year, especially in the developed world, according
to an annual survey released by the International Federation of Newspaper Publishers.

Daily circulation fell in 23 of the 40 countries surveyed, slipping 1.2% in the United
States, 1.87% in the European Union countries, and 0.17% in Japan.

But among less developed nations, Peru had a dramatic rise of 90% and India showed an
increase of 28.5%.

The survey showed that Japan continued to lead the world in daily sales with 71.9
million, followed by the United States with 50.9 million and Germany with 25.7

1. What is the author’s main purpose in writing?

(A) To announce an increase in the number of newspapers worldwide
(B) To contrast the way newspapers are operated in different nations
(C) To report on a survey regarding newspaper sales
2. In how many of the countries surveyed did sales NOT decline?
(A) 13
(B) 17
(C) 23
3. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the word ‘dramatic’
in paragraph 3, line 1?
(A) slight
(B) spectacular
(C) estimated
4. In which of these countries was there the greatest increase in sales?
(A) Peru
(B) The United States
(C) India
5. Which of these conclusions can be made about the sale of newspapers
in Japan?
(A) Although there was a modest rise in sales, Japan still trails the United States
and Germany.
(B) Sales dropped slightly, but Japan continues to lead the world in daily sales.
(C) The sharp rise in sales was higher than that of any other country.


Recently, you have received many complaints from your customers

saying that they are not satisfied with your products. Think about
your products (something needs to be improved) and write a letter to
your boss and tell him about the situation and suggest solutions for
Dear Mr John,

Hope you are doing well.

I am Truong………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
from Business Development team who mainly in charge of customer service of our company.
I am writing this email to inform you issues related to our new product launched external the market last week.
This is a type of bread made from dragon fruit - one of innovation aimed to variety of products and push the revenue
of company ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
in this year. However, during this week, as I observed on the review page as well as received
some unhappy feedbacks via call and email, I think we need to spend time to make some adjustment on this product.
The customer commented that this new bread is quite tasteless, the combination with dragon fruit made bread top
not maintaining the crispy. The buyers also do complaints about the size, the smaller one is prefered than current.
Our delivery………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
process is also having problems, I saw some mentioned about delayed distribution, they had to wait longer
than usual to get the item, some times the package boxes were distorted and the shape was not unsured as well.
About the solution, I draft hereby some feasible suggestion you might be consider. For remaining products, I suggest
we should recall and recycle them. For sold items, we need send a kind message to customers for apologizing
about these ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
mistakes, giving them a 70% discount coupon for next purchasing, commiting them we will fix this issue
as soon as possible and hoping to receive their sympathy.
Regarding future solution, for the taste and size, we will need re-discuss to the Production team by adjusting more
suitable material and make the smaller size, we can also consult advice from industry experts if any.
For delivery ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
issue, I suggest we need double increase the amount of shippers in peak hour, in case of traffic jam,
we will have back up crew not delaying the shipping time anymore, then the package box shape will be improved
as well. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Please advise me if we need to set a meeting to discuss further, I will be free whole day tomorrow so you can set
anytime work for you.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thanks and Best regards,
Truong ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


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