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Versatile Wireless Solution

ACM360 Bluetooth Adaptor

Fast and Flexible Peripheral Connectivity
Low Power Consumption
• These industrial Bluetooth adaptors (Version
4.1) feature very low power consumption
and are powered directly via the terminal's
RS232 interface. The user is independent of

4.1 any additional power supply.

• Arrange your working space however
you wish via a stable data transmission
distance of up to 10 meters.

Easy Installation and Pairing

• The ACM360 Bluetooth adaptor allows
for simple installation – just press the
adaptors multifunction key sequentially
and you are ready to go.
• The additional available bracket allows
mounting the adaptor at any convenient ACM360 Bluetooth Adaptor
position. This makes the ACM360 a truly
versatile wireless solution.
Fast and Convenient Wireless
Flexible Label Printing
• The adaptor stores up to 10 different label The ACM360 is an industrial solution to connect
terminal templates. This is a perfect enhancement
peripherals such as printers or other Bluetooth 4.x
especially for our economic weighing
terminals. Android smart devices to any METTLER TOLEDO
• The "multi to one" mode connects several terminal in a fast and convenient way. In addition
terminals to one printer, reducing the to establishing terminal-to-terminal communication,
amount of cabling and total number of
the ACM360 is designed to provide an undisturbed
print printers needed.
wireless connection in rough environments.
Intelligent LED Interfacing
• The LED indicator changes colors Thanks to its low power consumption, the ACM360
depending on the status of the device.
can be directly powered over the terminal's RS232
• Get current status immediately by pressing
the multi-function key. interface, which makes an additional power supply
obsolete. It also offers several multi-function
• Adaptor grants stable Bluetooth communication,
but also handles your print templates
• Fast cable-free communication between
METTLER TOLEDO terminals and a broad range
of peripherals
• Suitable for harsh industrial environments (IP65)
ACM360 Bluetooth Adaptor

Technical Data
Item Parameter
Bluetooth Version Bluetooth version 4.1(only compatible with Bluetooth version 4.x device)
Average power consumption 10mA; ~50mW
Standard communication distance ~10m (powered via RS232 signal)
Baud rate 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200bps
Work mode SSP or Label print
Housing ABS
IP54 (DB9 version)
Ingress Protection
IP65 (M12 version)
Output power 0 dBm
Inner antenna
Sensitivity -96 dBm
Power supply RS232 signal or 5 ~ 9 VDC from RS232 Pin 9
Key One multi-function key
Indicator Three color LED indicator (red, yellow, green)
Accessory Bracket (ABS)


38.1 38.1
23.7 23.7


ACM360-M1 ACM360-D1
M12 version (for ICS4&6 Series) 9 D-Sub female version (general application)
For more information
Mettler-Toledo (Changzhou)
111 West Taihu Road Changzhou
Jiangsu 213125 China
Tel. +86-519-8664-2040
Fax +86-519-8664-1991

Subject to technical changes.

© 2017 Mettler-Toledo (Changzhou)
Printed in P. R. China 2017/03

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