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right Mean

Sovereignty 30%>𝜇>40%

Here is the problem to answer the questions:

Supposed the school newspaper conducts an SSG election survey and reports
that the independent candidate will receive 35% of the vote. The school newspaper
stated that the survey had a 5% margin of error and a confidence level of 95%. These
findings resulted in the following confidence interval: a 95% confidence that the
independent candidate will receive between 30% and 40% of the vote.
1. What is the margin of error in the given problem? ____________
2. Based on the given problem, the difference of 35% and 30% is the ____________.
3. If 30% is the lower limit, 40% is the ________.
4. If 35% of the vote is the average vote that an independent candidate will
receive, and a limit of 30% and 40% where does the average (also known as
mean) lies? ______
5. What would be the formula in finding the upper limit? ____________
6. What would be the formula in finding the lower limit? ____________
7. If a problem has 95% confidence level and an average of 45 with a lower limit
of 40 and upper limit of 50 and margin of error of 5, the confidence interval is
(40,50) or 40<𝑋̅<50. Following this premise, what would be the confidence
interval of the given problem above?
Questions to ponder:
1. Are you able to complete the preamble?
2. What do you think is the symbol for the margin of error?

3. What do you think is the symbol for mean?

4. What is the impact of identifying the confidence interval on SSG election?
5. If you are one of the independent candidates, what will be your reaction to the
result of the survey?
What is It
What is the difference between the Confidence Level and Confidence interval?

The Confidence level of an interval estimate of a parameter is the probability

that the interval estimate contains a parameter, it describes what percentage of
intervals from many different samples contains the unknown population parameter.

The confidence level has its corresponding coefficient which is called
confidence coefficients. These coefficients are used to find the margin of error, for
instance, the table below shows the corresponding coefficient confidence level
Confidence 99% 98% 96% 95% 92% 90% 85% 80% 70%
Level 0.99 0.98 0.96 0.95 0.92 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.70
Zc 2.58 2.33 2.05 1.96 1.75 1.645 1.44 1.28 1.04

Confidence interval or interval estimate is a range of values that is used to estimate

a parameter. This estimate may or may not contain the true parameter value.
For instance, we write it in this form
Lower limit < 𝜇< Upper limit
(Lower limit, Upper Limit)
The Lower limit is obtained by using the formula LL= 𝑿 ̅ − 𝑬, while the Upper limit
is obtained by using the formula UL= 𝑿 ̅ + 𝑬, where E is the Margin of Error and 𝑿 ̅
is the sample mean.
As mentioned earlier, the confidence coefficient is used on finding the margin of
error, which is the range of values above and below the sample statistic. For
instance, Margin of error is obtained using the formula:
𝑬 = 𝒁𝜶/𝟐 •
where, n = sample size
𝑧𝛼/2 = confidence coefficient
𝜎 = population standard deviation
E = margin of error
But with this lesson, the margin of error will be given as well as the sample
A random sample of 46 scores from the examination of ABM learners is
taken and it gives a sample mean of 78 with the interval scores between 77.18 and
78.82 having a 90% level of confidence.
Let’s answer the questions!
 Which of the following is the 𝑥̅ in the given statement?
Since it is given in the statement above, the sample mean is 78.
 What is the upper limit? What is the lower limit?
The upper limit is 78.82 while the lower limit is 77.18
 What is the margin of error in the given statement?
As we can see, the Margin of error is not directly mentioned, but the
lower limit and upper limit is there. As mentioned earlier the formula of
the upper limit and the lower limit includes the Margin of error.
LL= 𝑿̅–E
The Lower limit and mean are given so…
77.18 = 78 – E
E = 78-77.18
E = 0.82
Let’s see if we can get the same value of E if we use the formula for the
upper limit.
78.82 = 𝑿 ̅+E
The Lower limit and mean are given. So, we have
78.82 = 78 + E
E = 78.82-78
E = 0.82

Therefore, the margin of error is 0.82
 What is the confidence interval in the given statement? To find the
confidence interval, we have to use Lower limit < 𝝁< Upper limit and
substitute the given data. We have,
77.18 < 𝝁< 78.82 or (77.18, 78.82)
So, the Confidence interval is between 77.18 and 78.82.
 What is the confidence level? How will you conclude?
The confidence level is 90%. So, we are 90% confident that the mean score
lies between 77.18 and 78.82.
Note: Sometimes, you just need to convert the formula to find what is missing.
What’s More
In the following activities, read each situation carefully to solve each problem. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Practice Activity 1

Online selling

An online seller of yema cake, which is very popular in Tayabas Quezon surveyed
several customers. Fifty-two percent (52) of the customers were satisfied with the
services that were offered with a 3.98% margin of error. Determine the confidence
interval using this information.

The average percentage of people who are satisfied with the product is
The lower limit of confidence interval is _________________.
The upper limit of confidence interval is _________________.
The confidence interval is _______________________.

Independent Assessment 1

Online Schooling
You are planning to buy a cellphone with a good quality in order to attend
the online class. The average price of 50 cellphones is Php13,500 with a margin of
error of Php 273.65 and a confidence level of 99%.

What is the lower limit? _______________________

What is the upper limit? _______________________
What is the confidence interval? ________________
If you have ₱13,100.00, is the amount lies within the confidence interval? _________

Independent Assessment 2

Colored Wheel
A survey on 200 Senior High School learners on how much time they read per
week has a confidence interval of (13.5, 17.9) in hours at 95% confidence level.

What is the margin of error? _________________________

What is the average time they read per week? __________________


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