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Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 1 of 49




v. ) CASE NO.
) 3:23-cv-374-DPJ-FKB
Individually, and in his official capacity )
Individually, and in his official capacity )
Individually, and in his official capacity )
Individually, and in his official capacity )
Individually, and in their official capacity )


Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 2 of 49



RANKIN COUNTY, Mississippi, by way of counsel, and hereby formally file suit against


ELWARD, CHRISTIAN DEDMON, BRETT MC’ALPINE and others for their tortious

violations of Mississippi civil statutes, and under the color of law, multiple violations of the

United States Constitution. The nearly two-hour ordeal described in this Complaint is one of the

worst and most bizarre incidents of police misconduct in United States history. The egregious

conduct described in this Complaint is torturous and hateful. The acts described herein,

committed under the color of law, set the standard of what is wrong with policing today in



1. This Court has concurrent jurisdiction over the federal constitutional claims and the

Mississippi civil claims in this matter pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983; 42 U.S.C. § 1981; 28

U.S.C. § 1331; and 28 U.S.C. § 1367.


2. In correspondence dated February 16, 2023, the Plaintiffs caused to be filed and delivered

on the date of February 22, 2023, via registered mail to RANKIN COUNTY, Mississippi,

c/o RANKIN COUNTY Chancery Clerk Larry Swales, 211 East Government Street, Suite

Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 3 of 49

D, Brandon, MS 39042. Plaintiff’s Notice of Claim letter contained the acts and claims set

forth herein, pursuant to Miss. Code Ann.§11-46-11, 42 U.S.C.§1983, 42 U.S.C.§1981, and

any and all other applicable state or federal statute(s) or constitutional provision(s), or any

applicable state or federal common law cause(s) of action. The Plaintiffs delivered a 2nd

Notice of Claim to RANKIN COUNTY on April 19, 2023, to Sheriff Bryan Bailey and the

Rankin County Attorney, via certified mail. Plaintiffs submit that Defendants have been on

formal notice for at least 116 days prior to filing the instant. Defendants have also received

constructive notice of this high-profile public incident since the date of its occurrence on

January 24, 2023.


3. MICHAEL COREY JENKINS, at all times relevant herein, was a 32-year old African -

American resident of RANKIN COUNTY, Mississippi. MICHAEL JENKINS, at the time

of this occurrence, was of slight build, weighed approximately 155 pounds, and stood 5 foot

9 inches tall. Eddie Parker stood 5 foot 10 inches and weighed about 170 pounds.

4. EDDIE TERRELL PARKER, at all times relevant herein, was a 35-year-old African

American resident of RANKIN COUNTY, Mississippi.

5. Defendant HUNTER ELWARD, upon information and belief, is an adult resident citizen of

RANKIN COUNTY, Mississippi, who may be served with process where found and is

hereby sued in individual and his official capacity.

6. Defendant CHRISTIAN DEDMON, upon information and belief, is an adult resident citizen

of RANKIN COUNTY, Mississippi, who may be served with process where found and is

hereby sued in individual and his official capacity.

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7. Defendant BRETT MC’ALPIN, upon information and belief, is an adult resident citizen of

RANKIN COUNTY, Mississippi, who may be served with process where found is hereby

sued in individual and his official capacity.

8. Defendant RANKIN COUNTY is a governmental entity organized and existing under and

by virtue of the laws of the State of Mississippi. RANKIN COUNTY, Mississippi, is subject

to suit pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. § 11-46-5 and 11-46-7.

9. Defendant SHERIFF BRYAN BAILEY, at all times relevant herein, was the Sheriff of the

RANKIN COUNTY Sheriff's Department with supervisory control over RANKIN

COUNTY deputies. SHERIFF BAILEY is hereby sued in individual capacity as supervisor

of RANKIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT., and in his official capacity.

10. Defendant RANKIN COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI, is a governmental entity organized and existing under

and by virtue of the laws of the State of Mississippi. RANKIN COUNTY, Mississippi, is subject to suit

pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. § 11-46-5 and 11-46-7 and may be served with process through the

president or clerk of the board of supervisors at 211 E Government St A, Brandon, MS 39042.

RANKIN CO. is vicariously liable for the acts its employees committed in the course and scope of their


11. DEPUTIES, JOHN DOE DEFENDANTS 1-3 are RANKIN COUNTY Deputies who directly

participated in the acts described herein but whose identities are unknown to the Plaintiffs at the filing

of this Complaint but who are liable for the acts or omissions committed resulting in the subject incident

herein and against whom Plaintiffs will seek recovery of damages.


12. All events described herein, in reference to Plaintiffs, occurred in Braxton, Mississippi,

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which is in Rankin County, Mississippi.

13.On the night of January 24, 2023, between 9:30 and 10:00 p.m., six White RANKIN

COUNTY Sheriff’s deputies illegally raided the private residence where EDDIE TERRELL

PARKER and MICHAEL COREY JENKINS were lawfully residing . The deputies forcibly

entered the residence, and they did not possess a valid search warrant.

14.According to eyewitnesses, the identity of these six officers included; RANKIN CO. Miss.



15.RANKIN COUNTY, Mississippi, is 73.5% White, 21% Black, according to 2019 data.

MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER were allegedly the only two Black males

residing within a two-mile area of the location of this occurrence.

16. The Rankin County Deputies would intentionally de-activate their body camera equipment

prior to this ordeal, and upon its conclusion, the six Rankin County Deputies involved would

steal from the property in question video computer equipment that recorded a critical portion

of this ordeal. Rankin County has possession of such stolen equipment.

Warrantless Entry, Kidnapping, and Racial Bias

17.Defendants ELWARD, MC’ALPIN, DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE’S 1-3 forced

their entry into the premises from several entry points without a warrant. The six deputies

promptly subdued and handcuffed both JENKINS and PARKER.

18.No reasonable suspicion or probable cause existed for the Defendants actions. No cause for

warrantless entry into the premises existed.

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19. At this point, nor at any point, did either victim ever resist, run away from, or oppose the

deputies in any way. Throughout this nearly two-hour occurrence, MICHAEL JENKINS and

EDDIE PARKER would completely comply with law enforcement.

20.While under the Defendants' custody, MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER were

repeatedly and directly called “niggers” and “monkeys” and other specific racial slurs by

these White officers.

21.Upon entry, RANKIN COUNTY deputies, including deputies ELWARD, MC’ALPIN,

DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE’S 1-3, also accused the African-American men of

“dating White women” and having committed other racial violations. Deputies intentionally

and freely used random racial epithets during all actions described herein over the course of

nearly two hours.

22.All six RANKIN COUNTY deputies maintained complete control of both victims for the

entirety of this nearly two-hour occurrence.

23.Without lawful cause or justification, in this severe event of police brutality, RANKIN

COUNTY deputies, including deputies ELWARD, MC’ALPIN, DEDMON, and

DEPUTIES JOHN DOE’S 1-3, began punching and slapping their handcuffed African-

American victims.

24.Throughout the nearly two-hour ordeal, the six deputies would punch and beat two

handcuffed men at will, hurting and humiliating both Jenkins and Parker. Deputies also

repeatedly and gratuitously kicked the men as if they were animals while they lay subdued

and handcuffed.

25.At all times relevant, these acts occurred under the supervision of SHERIFF BRYAN


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Taser use while Handcuffed.

26.In an escalation of their use of excessive force, deputies ELWARD, MC’ALPIN, DEDMON,

and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE’S 1-3 began firing tasers on the handcuffed Michael Jenkins

Eddie Parker. The tasing included multiple drive-stuns into the bodies of both PARKER and


27.Throughout the course of this nearly two-hour use of force event, deputies from Defendant

RANKIN COUNTY, deputies under the supervision of SHERIFF BRYAN BAILEY, would

engage in a sadistic contest with each other as to which Taser would be most effective when

fired against these two victims. Deputies are believed to have fired their Tasers 20-30 times

on both victims. No cause existed for using this unconstitutional force against the victims by

the deputies.

28.JENKINS and PARKER never offered any resistance whatsoever that would justify initially,

or at any point, being repeatedly tased while handcuffed by RANKIN COUNTY deputies.

Heavily redacted Taser reports received from Defendant RANKIN COUNTY verify the

timeline of this incident and support these allegations.

29.At all times relevant, Defendant's acts of tasing JENKINS and PARKER, while handcuffed,

occurred under the supervision of SHERIFF BRYAN BAILEY and RANKIN CO. During

these acts, deputies used vicious racial slurs such as "nigger" and "monkey" against


Waterboarding Acts

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30.During this prolonged, nearly two-hour torture session, with both men in complete custody

and control, MICHAEL C. JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER were also subject to

waterboarding techniques by Defendants ELWARD, MC’ALPIN, DEDMON, and

DEPUTIES JOHN DOE’S 1-3. Deputies tried to coerce the JENKINS and PARKER,

ostensibly to illicit a confession from the men in their custody.

31.Waterboarding, or "water torture," is a brutal practice whereby an interrogator uses

techniques to convince the person in his custody to believe they are drowning. It is a

paradigmatic torture technique that has long been considered a war crime, and the United

States has prosecuted enemy soldiers — and even U.S. troops — for engaging in the practice.

32.Although this barbaric practice has been uniformly renounced by the United States and other

nations committed to human dignity and the rule of law, the technique has reportedly been

used against terror suspects in C.I.A. custody in so-called "black site" prisons. (Source:

American Civil Liberties Union).

33.The items used to conduct the deputies’ waterboarding acts were a variety of liquids obtained

from the premises.

34.Rankin deputies waterboaded JENKINS and PARKER by continuously pouring the liquids

on their faces while both men were handcuffed men and forced on their backs.

35.At all times relevant, these acts of torture and humiliation occurred while deputies were under

the supervision of SHERIFF BRYAN BAILEY, RANKIN COUNTY. During these acts,

deputies used vicious racial slurs such as "nigger" and "monkey" against JENKINS and


Sexual Assault and Humiliation

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DOE’S 1-3, or a combination thereof, attempted to use a dildo or sexual device against Mr.

Jenkins and Mr. Parker in the course of this torture session on January 24, 2023.

37.Photographic evidence confirms that a dildo or sexual device was used by deputies at the

crime scene.

38.Both victims, JENKINS and PARKER, allege and have informed the Mississippi Bureau of

Investigation M.B.I. that RANKIN COUNTY deputies possessed the dildo and they were

attempting to use the sexual device on both of them.

39.JENKINS and PARKER were sitting on the couch with their hands cuffed behind their backs

and surrounded by Defendants ELWARD, MC’ALPIN, DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN

DOE’S 1-3.

40.Deputies attempted to put the dildo (sexual device) in the mouths of both JENKINS and

PARKER, but they were unsuccessful.

41.Deputies then turned MICHAEL JENKINS on his stomach in an attempt to use the sexual

device (dildo) on JENKINS from the rear but discovered that JENKINS had defecated on

himself. Deputies laughed and mocked JENKINS at this point.

42.JENKINS and PARKER allege that but for JENKINS defecating on himself, the sexual

device (dildo) would have been inserted in his anal cavities by the Rankin deputies.

43.These shocking, sick, and sadistic attempted sexual assaults were designed to harm and

humiliate JENKINS and PARKER.

44.On top of this outrage, in this period, the six Rankin Defendants ELWARD, MC’ALPIN,

DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE’S 1-3, in a very juvenile and bizarre manner, hurled

eggs at the handcuffed men. The eggs hurled by Defendants at JENKINS and PARKER left

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residue and visible markings all over the walls and eggshells on the floor of the house

deputies had illegally raided.

45.In an effort to sanitize their acts, in the middle of this torture ordeal, RANKIN COUNTY

deputies, including those individually named deputies, ELWARD, MC’ALPIN, DEDMON,

and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE’S 1-3, ordered both African-American men to strip naked and

shower together.

46.Incredibly, both African-American citizens, JENKINS and PARKER, were forced by

deputies to shower naked together in the same shower stall.

47. JENKINS and PARKER were forced to shower together naked by Defendants ELWARD,

MC’ALPIN, DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3, or they would face violent

punishment by the six White deputies.

48. RANKIN COUNTY deputies Forcing JENKINS and PARKER to shower together was

designed to humiliate and intimidate them and also to conceal evidence of the eggs being

hurled and the Plaintiff’s defecating on themselves after the attempted sexual assault against


49.At all times relevant, these acts of sexual assault occurred while deputies were under the

supervision of SHERIFF BRYAN BAILEY and RANKIN COUNTY. During these acts,

deputies used vicious racial slurs such as "nigger" and "monkey” against JENKINS and


Threats to Kill

50.During this prolonged kidnapping of JENKINS and PARKER, RANKIN COUNTY

Deputies ELWARD, MC’ALPIN, DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE’S 1-3 repeatedly

placed their guns to the heads of both handcuffed men and threatened to kill them.

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51.JENKINS and PARKER never committed any act of resistance to justify Defendant's

pointing guns at their heads, assaulting them, and threatening to kill them.

52.At all times relevant, these acts of assaults, pointing guns at their head and threatening to kill

JENKINS and PARKER, occurred while deputies were under the supervision of SHERIFF

BRYAN BAILEY and RANKIN COUNTY. During these acts, deputies used vicious racial

slurs such as "nigger" and "monkey" against JENKINS and PARKER.

Attempt to Kill Michael Corey Jenkins:

53.At the crescendo of this nearly two-hour torture session, on January 24, 2023, at around 11:40

p.m., Plaintiffs allege that RANKIN COUNTY deputy Hunter Elward shoved his service

weapon inside Michael Jenkins's mouth while he was handcuffed.

54.Rankin deputy HUNTER ELWARD spoke angrily to MICHAEL JENKINS, and then

ELWARD shot JENKINS inside his mouth.

55.ELWARD, under the color of law, intentionally shot handcuffed MICHAEL COREY

JENKINS in the mouth, almost killing him.


conspired, aided, and abetted ELWARD in shooting MICHAEL JENKINS inside his mouth.

57.ELWARD’s gunshot inside JENKINS mouth shattered JENKINS’ jaw and severely

lacerated his tongue. Several of Michael's arteries were severely damaged, and he almost


58.ELWARD fired his shot with malice aforethought, and he intended to kill MICHAEL


59.At no point in this occurrence did JENKINS commit any act to warrant such cruel, physical,

and deadly force to be used against him by RANKIN COUNTY, Mississippi deputies.

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60.The attempt to kill JENKINS occurred while Defendant Deputies ELWARD, MC’ALPIN,

DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE’S 1-3 were under the supervision of SHERIFF

BRYAN BAILEY and RANKIN COUNTY. In the course of this act, deputies used vicious

racial slurs such as "nigger" and "monkey” against JENKINS and PARKER.

61.JENKINS was not armed at any point, and he was completely compliant with, and in fear of

deputies under the supervision and control of Defendant BRYAN BAILEY and RANKIN


Failure to Intervene/ Failure to aid JENKINS

62.JENKINS and PARKER, in interviews with agents from the Mississippi Bureau of

Investigation (M.B.I.), confirmed both victims' accounts that Deputies ELWARD,

MC’ALPIN, DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE’S 1-3 jointly participated and

encouraged each other in these outrageous, hateful and violent acts.

63.None of the six deputies intervened [in word or action] to stop any of the aforementioned

acts in the course of this ordeal, including the shooting of JENKINS.

64. Not a single deputy, at any point, objected or took any affirmative action to stop any of their

fellow deputies from inflicting the pain and punishment that was inflicted on JENKINS and

PARKER for nearly two hours.

65.During this violent, twisted, tragic melee, no Rankin deputy chose to withdraw from this

prolonged, twisted, and sick ordeal. In fact, the contrary is true; each deputy, including


knowingly, and willingly participated in the terrible acts described in this Complaint.

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66.Once JENKINS was shot inside the mouth, he was severely injured, left alone to care for and

treat himself as he stumbled out the door and fell. RANKIN COUNTY deputies ELWARD,

MC’ALPIN, DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE’S 1-3 would not assist him in any

way. For twenty or more minutes, each deputy consciously and deliberately disregarded their

specific duty to render medical attention to JENKINS.

67.JENKINS would receive medical attention only when emergency medical personnel arrived.

At the University of Mississippi Medical Center, Michael Jenkins finally received adequate

medical care, which included multiple life-saving surgeries.

68.Unfortunately, JENKINS has suffered permanent physical injuries, permanent cognitive

damage, long-term psychological damage, permanent disfigurement, and impairment. One

side of JENKINS face suffers permanent nerve damage and numbness. PARKER has

suffered. Eddie Parker suffered injuries from his mistreatment and sought prompt medical


69. ON JANUARY 25, 2023, Deputy Hunter ELWARD would file and notarize a false and

fictitious affidavit of criminal charges against Michael Jenkins, claiming Jenkins had a

firearm and pointed it in the direction of ELWARD.

70. At no point ever, during the facts stipulated herein, did Michael Corey Jenkins or Eddie

Terrell Parker ever possess or display any type of weapon.

Supervisory Liability by BAILEY and MONELL violations by RANKIN COUNTY

71.Sheriff BRYAN BAILEY directly participates in acts of excessive force with the deputies

he supervises and has been denied qualified immunity by this court. In U.S. District Court

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Civil Action No. 3:21-CV-124-HTW-LGI 31-year-old Pierre Woods died of multiple

gunshot wounds. (WLBT) – A federal judge has issued a ruling saying Rankin County

Sheriff Bryan Bailey is not exempt from a wrongful death lawsuit. Judge Henry Wingate

stated: "Sheriff BRYAN BAILEY is individually liable because: he was present at the scene;

he was actively involved in the negotiations; and he played an important role in the use of

the alleged excessive force which led to Woods’ death.” Based on the record before it, this

court cannot state that SHERIFF BAILEY’S actions were reasonable under the


72.The Court, in Civil Action No. 3:21-CV-124-HTW-LGI further stated Defendant Rankin

County Deputy HUNTER ELWARD, the officer, allegedly to have been struck by Wood’s

weapon, states that he discharged his rifle approximately 8 times in Woods’s direction after

Woods exited the residence. Deputy ELWARD claims that Woods threw his pistol at Deputy

ELWARD as Woods fell to the ground after taking fire. [Docket no. 47-4 p.5]. This court

notes, too, that the Video shows is that once Woods was shot, he immediately fell to the

ground and did not move. The officers continued to shoot for at least seven (7) more seconds

after Woods hit the ground. Yet, the Affidavits submitted by Rankin County Deputies

[Dockets. No 75-1 and 75-2] state that all RANKIN COUNTY. Deputies fired only at the

residence's bedroom window when Woods was inside the residence and that none of them

shot at Woods as he exited the front door. This testimony does not comport with the Video

presented, which depicts officers firing their weapons at a face-down Woods for at least 7

seconds after he exited the front door. This court also notes that SHERIFF BAILEY held the

authority to order a "ceasefire," which would have immediately stopped the officers'

shooting. Based on the record before it, this court cannot state that Sherriff Bailey's actions

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were reasonable under the circumstances. This court finds that the record evidence is

sufficient to overcome SHERIFF BAILEY'S qualified immunity defense.

73.Despite actual notice of SHERIFF BAILEY'S denial of qualified immunity actions for his

supervisory actions, and despite HUNTER ELWARD'S denial of qualified immunity by this

Court for his deadly use of force on Woods, BAILEY, and ELWARD, both remained

employed and unsanctioned by RANKIN COUNTY. Such continued employment, without

the sanction of ELWARD and BAILEY by RANKIN COUNTY, constituted a custom of

tolerance and acceptance of constitutional violations.

74.SHERIFF BAILEY failed to reprimand, monitor, or re-train Deputy MC’ALPIN. Such

failures and deliberate indifference to MCALPIN’S acts are the proximate cause as to why

Defendant has repeated such acts against JENKINS and PARKER.

75.At the time of the attack on JENKINs and PARKER on 1/24/2023, Deputy BRETT

MC'ALPIN has remained an active deputy for Rankin County despite this Court denying his

qualified immunity for committing the same type of violations that the Plaintiffs allege in

the instant case. MC'ALPIN'S previously similar conduct was

• Breaking into premises without a warrant:

• Holding guns to the heads of the person he held in captivity

• Using racial slurs in the commission of the use of force

• Refusing to identify themselves after committing rogue acts

76.In the United States Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, Case No. 17-60287, Appellant

BRETT MC'ALPIN lost his appeal of the U.S. District Court's order denying him qualified

immunity in a case involving similar circumstances to the instant case with JENKINS and


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77. The Complaint Stated: Without warning, notice, or provocation, officers from the City of

Pearl Police Department and Rankin County Sheriff's Department in a joint venture to

make a profit, immediately drew their weapons and without authority or provocation, broke

into the Plaintiffs' home, slammed certain Plaintiffs to the floor, held guns to the temple of

some Plaintiffs and the backs of other Plaintiffs. Even after the other officers informed

Officer MC'ALPIN that he was at the wrong house, the officers had to physically pull

MC'ALPIN off of Brett (Plaintiff). The officers refused to identify themselves and then

promptly left. Brett suffered injuries solely because of the physical assault by Officer

MC'ALPIN following the illegal entry by the Rankin County Sheriff's Department and the

Pearl Police Department into his home. None of the officers ever identified themselves as

police officers before, during, or even after the illegal entry into the Plaintiffs' home.

78. Despite actual notice of Deputy MC'ALPIN'S denial of qualified immunity for his rogue

actions, he remained a deputy employed by RANKIN COUNTY and under the supervision

of SHERIFF BRYAN BAILEY. Such continued employment of MC'ALPIN, without

sufficient monitoring, re-training, or reprimand, by RANKIN COUNTY created a custom

of tolerance and acceptance of constitutional violations by RANKIN COUNTY.

79.SHERIFF BAILEY failed to reprimand, monitor, or re-train Deputy MC’ALPIN. Such

failures and deliberate indifference to MCALPIN’S acts are the proximate cause as to why

Defendant has repeated such acts against JENKINS and PARKER.

80.On July 26, 2021, Defendant Hunter ELWARD was involved in the subduing of unarmed

Damien Cameron. Cameron died after being harshly restrained by Rankin Deputies Luke

Stickman and ELWARD.


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81.In her affidavit dated April 13, 2023, Monica Lee, Cameron’s mother and a witness to the

occurrence, affirms that Rankin Deputy Luke Stickman, with the assistance of Hunter

ELWARD, in the manner of Derek Chauvin, who killed George Floyd, choked Cameron to

death by placing a knee across the back of his neck, long after Cameron was completely

immobilized. Cameron's last words to ELWARD and Stickman were that he could not

breathe (Lee v. RANKIN COUNTY Circuit Court for Rankin County, Cause No. 2022-


82.SHERIFF BAILEY failed to reprimand HUNTER ELWARD for failing to activate his

body camera; failed to train ELWARD in the use of body cameras, and thereby BAILEY

created a custom that Rankin Deputies were permitted to turn off body-worn cameras to

cover up their misdeeds.

83.BAILEY'S failure to supervise and reprimand his v Rankin County Deputies in the Lee

case and other cases cited herein amounted to ratification of their action. Such deliberate

indifference to how customs created under his command were the proximate cause of

JENKINS and PARKER'S constitutional rights being violated on January 24, 2023.

84.In the instant raid against JENKINS and PARKER, Defendant deputies intentionally turned

off their body cameras to escape video recording of the incident. Body camera logs reveal

that Rankin Deputy Napoleon Valino last activated his camera at 9:41 p.m., two hours

before another deputy shot Michael Corey Jenkins in the mouth. The next recording took

place at 1:25 a.m., with Deputy Hunter Lewis activating his camera for nearly 20 minutes.

85.Despite actual and constructive notice of the above facts, Defendant RANKIN COUNTY

failed to create new policies to correct such deficiencies; failed to create a police review

board; failed to make the use of body-worn cameras, and failed to take any meaningful

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action to stop the abuse of citizens taking place by the Sheriff’s Department under

RANKIN COUNTY’s authority.

86.RANKIN COUNTY, under its budgetary authority, continued to finance SHERIFF

BAILEY without implementing any policy reforms or controls. All the failures of

Defendant RANKIN COUNTY created an environment where both SHERIFF BAILEY

and ELWARD, MC'ALPIN, DEADMAN, and JOHN DOE'S 1-3 operated with impunity,

which is the proximate cause of the atrocities committed upon JENKINS and PARKER in

this case.

87.Attached to this Complaint are Exhibits 1-10, which give greater clarity and support to all

allegations contained herein.




(Attempting to kill Michael C. Jenkins)

88.Plaintiffs hereby incorporate paragraphs 1-87 as if fully set forth herein.

89.Plaintiffs further allege that the defendants' HUNTER ELWARD, along with

MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and DEPUTY JOHN DOE’S 1-3, with deliberate indifference

to, and in reckless disregard for the safety and well-being of MICHAEL COREY

JENKINS and in violation of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution, did on January 24,

2023, commit acts which deprived Plaintiff MICHAEL JENKINS of his constitutional

right to be free from excessive force.

90.Plaintiffs allege Defendant DEPUTY ELWARD, under the color of law, without

justification of cause, did place his service weapon inside JENKINS’ mouth while he

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was handcuffed. Did intentionally shoot MICHAEL JENKINS in his mouth, shattering

his jaw, nearly mortally wounding him.

91.Plaintiffs allege ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-

3 all conspired, aided or abetted, to attempt to kill MICHAEL JENKINS by way of

deadly excessive force.

92.Clearly, no force was warranted against Plaintiff’s person under these circumstances as


JOHN DOE'S 1-3, or any RANKIN COUNTY Deputy on 1/24/2023.

93.As a direct and proximate result of the actions of Defendants ELWARD

MC’ALPIN, DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3, Plaintiff was deprived

of his liberty and almost killed by DEPUTY ELWARD, acting well outside the

parameters of law and decency.

94.As a result of the excessive use of force by Defendants, JENKINS has suffered

permanent physical injuries, permanent cognitive damage, long-term psychological

damage, permanent disfigurement, and impairment. One side of JENKINS face

suffers permanent nerve damage and numbness. Eddie Parker suffered injuries from

his mistreatment, sought prompt medical attention, and also suffered long-term

psychological damage from the trauma of the ordeal.

Punitive Damages

95.All Defendants acted with actual malice towards MICHAEL C. JENKINS and EDDIE

PARKER and intended to cause injury to Plaintiffs with their despicable, violent conduct.

96.Prior to JENKINS being shot inside the mouth, Defendants ELWARD, MC’ALPIN,

DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3 consciously and deliberately illegally seized

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MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER without cause for nearly two hours. Defendants

possessed a willful and conscious disregard for the right of Plaintiff's JENKINS and the

public at-large to be free from the use of dangerous, excessive force.

97.Furthermore, ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE’S 1-3, in

their repeated use of racial slurs in the course of their violent acts, were oppressive and

hateful against their African- American victims. Defendants were motivated on the basis of

race and the color of the skin of the persons they assaulted. Such despicable conduct by these

six White deputies subjected JENKINS amounts to cruel and unjust hardship in conscious

disregard of not only Plaintiff's rights but exhibited a reckless disregard for Plaintiff’s, as

well as the public at-large’s constitutional rights of equal protection under the law as afforded

by the 14th Amendment.

98.Punitive damages are required to punish all Defendants and to deter similar misconduct in

the future by all Defendants, lest such egregious human rights violations repeat themselves.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff MICHAEL JENKINS demands judgment against Defendants, in

the full and fair amount of Four Hundred Million Dollars ($400,000,000), in compensatory

damages and punitive damages plus interest and costs.




(Unconstitutional Search and Seizure)

99.Plaintiffs hereby incorporate paragraphs 1-87 as if fully set forth herein.

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100.Plaintiff further alleges that the defendant deputies ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON,

and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE’S 1-3, under the color of law, with deliberate indifference to

and in reckless disregard for the safety and well-being of the Plaintiffs and in violation of the

4th Amendment to the Constitution, did on January 24, 2023, commit many acts which

deprived Plaintiffs MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE T. PARKER of their constitutional

rights to be free from unreasonable seizure of their persons.

101.Plaintiffs allege Defendant's ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and JOHN DOE'S 1-3,

without reasonable suspicion or probable cause, forcibly entered the address in Braxton,

Mississippi, where Plaintiff’s PARKER was living, AND JENKINS was visiting. Both men

were not outside, and they were resting in separate rooms.

102. ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and JOHN DOE'S 1-3 did not possess a search

warrant. No circumstances for warrantless entry into the premises existed.

103. JENKINS and PARKER were immediately subdued and handcuffed by Defendants


104.All Defendant deputies wrongfully entered the premises, wrongfully seized, and falsely

imprisoned Plaintiffs when clearly no seizure was warranted and no force warranted against

their persons.

105.As a direct and proximate result of the actions of the Defendant officer, Plaintiff was

deprived of his liberty and injured by Defendant RANKIN COUNTY deputies, acting far

outside the parameters of law and decency.

106.As a result of this violation of the 4th Amendment violation by ELWARD MC’ALPIN,


107.As a result of the excessive use of force by Defendants, JENKINS has suffered

Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 22 of 49

permanent physical injuries, permanent cognitive damage, long-term psychological

damage, permanent disfigurement, and impairment. One side of JENKINS face

suffers permanent nerve damage and numbness. Eddie Parker suffered injuries from

his mistreatment, sought prompt medical attention, and also suffered long-term

psychological damage from the trauma of the ordeal.

Punitive Damages

108.All Defendants acted with actual malice towards MICHAEL C. JENKINS and EDDIE

PARKER and intended to cause injury to Plaintiffs with their despicable, violent conduct.


consciously and deliberately seized MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER for nearly

two hours, and they possessed a willful and conscious disregard for the rights and the right

of Plaintiffs JENKINS, PARKER, and the public at-large to be free from the use of

unconstitutional searches, seizures, and excessive force.

110.Furthermore, ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3, in

their repeated use of racial slurs while breaking the laws of the 4th Amendment, were

oppressive and hateful against their African- American victims. Defendants were motivated

upon the basis of race and the color of the skin of the persons they wrongfully seized and

used force upon. Such despicable conduct by these six White deputies subjected JENKINS

and PARKER amounts to cruel and unjust hardship in conscious disregard of not only

Plaintiff's rights but exhibited a reckless disregard for Plaintiff's, as well as the public at-

large's 4th Amendment rights and their constitutional rights of equal protection under the law

as afforded by the 14th Amendment.

Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 23 of 49

111.Punitive damages are required to punish these Defendants, ELWARD, MC’ALPIN,

DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3 in order to deter similar misconduct in the

future by all Defendants, lest such egregious human rights violations repeat themselves.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER demand judgment

against Defendants, in the full and fair amount of Four Hundred Million Dollars

($400,000,000), in compensatory damages and punitive damages plus interest and costs.




(Excessive Force- Taser Use)

112.Plaintiffs hereby incorporate paragraphs 1-87 as if fully set forth herein.

113.Plaintiff further alleges that Defendant's ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and

DEPUTIES JOHN DOE’S 1-3, under the color of law, with deliberate indifference to, and

in reckless disregard for the safety and well-being of the Plaintiffs and in violation of their

constitutional rights, did on January 24, 2023, commit many acts which deprived Plaintiffs

MICHAEL C. JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER of their constitutional rights to be free from

excessive force.

114.Plaintiffs allege Defendants ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and JOHN DOE'S 1-3

deployed their taser devices and used them repeatedly and gratuitously against both

JENKINS and PARKER while they were subdued and handcuffed.

Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 24 of 49

115.ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and JOHN DOE'S 1-3 did not have justification or

cause for using force by way of tasering JENKINS and PARKER while they were

defenseless, incapable of harm, and handcuffed.

116.At no point did JENKINS or PARKER give any justification or cause for the use of force

by Defendants. Clearly, no force at all was warranted against their person under the


117.As a direct and proximate result of the actions of the Defendants, Plaintiffs were deprived

of their constitutional right to be free from the use of force, by way of tasering, by the

Defendant RANKIN COUNTY Defendants, acting far outside the parameters of law and


118.As a result of the excessive use of force by Defendants, JENKINS has suffered

permanent physical injuries, permanent cognitive damage, long-term psychological

damage, permanent disfigurement, and impairment. One side of JENKINS face

suffers permanent nerve damage and numbness. Eddie Parker suffered injuries from

his mistreatment, sought prompt medical attention, and has also suffered long-term

psychological damage from the trauma of the ordeal.

Punitive Damages

119.All Defendants acted with actual malice towards MICHAEL C. JENKINS and EDDIE

PARKER and intended to cause injury to Plaintiffs with their despicable, violent conduct.

120.Defendant’s ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and JOHN DOE'S 1-3 consciously and

deliberately assaulted MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER for nearly two hours, and

they possessed a willful and conscious disregard for the rights and the right of Plaintiff's

Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 25 of 49

JENKINS, PARKER, and the public at-large to be free from the use of dangerous, excessive


121.Furthermore, ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3, in

their repeated use of racial slurs in the course of their use of excessive force, were oppressive

and hateful against their African- American victims. Defendants were motivated upon the

basis of race and the color of the skin of the persons they wrongfully seized and used force

upon. Such despicable conduct by these six White deputies subjected JENKINS and

PARKER amounts to cruel and unjust hardship in conscious disregard of not only Plaintiff's

rights but exhibited a reckless disregard for Plaintiff's, as well as the public at-larges’ right

to be free from the unconstitutional use of force, and violations of their constitutional rights

to equal protection under the 14th Amendment.

122.Punitive damages are required to punish these Defendants, ELWARD MC’ALPIN,

DEDMON and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3. in order to deter similar misconduct in the

future by all Defendants, lest such egregious human rights violations repeat themselves.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER demand judgment

against Defendant, in the full and fair amount of Four Hundred Million Dollars

($400,000,000), in compensatory damages and punitive damages plus interest and costs.


Deprivation of Civil Rights, 42 U.S.C. § 1983


(Excessive Force- Physical Assaults)

123.Plaintiffs hereby incorporate paragraphs 1-87 as if fully set forth herein.

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124.Plaintiff further alleges that Defendants ELWARD, MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and

DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3, under the color of law, with deliberate indifference to, and in

reckless disregard for the safety and well-being of the Plaintiffs and in violation of their

constitutional rights, did on January 24, 2023, commit specific acts which deprived Plaintiffs

MICHAEL C. JENKINS and EDDIE T. PARKER of their constitutional rights to be free

from excessive force.

125.Plaintiffs allege Defendants ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and JOHN DOE'S 1-3

repeatedly punched, kicked and beat, and otherwise gratuitously used unwarranted force

against both JENKINS and PARKER while they were subdued, handcuffed, and not


126.Plaintiffs allege Defendants ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and JOHN DOE'S 1- 3

repeatedly hurled eggs at JENKINS and PARKER, striking and humiliating them.

Defendants used this type of unwarranted force against both JENKINS and PARKER while

they were subdued, handcuffed, and not resisting.

127.ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and JOHN DOE'S 1-3 did not have justification or

cause for using force by way of kicking, punching, beating, hurling eggs at, and knocking to

the floor JENKINS and PARKER, who were handcuffed, defenseless, and incapable of harm.

128.At no point did JENKINS or PARKER give any justification or cause for such use of violent

force by Defendants. Clearly, no force was warranted against their person under the


129.As a direct and proximate result of the actions of the Defendants, Plaintiffs were deprived

of their constitutional right to be free from the use of force by way of being repeatedly


Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 27 of 49

punched, kicked, and beaten, and being pelted with eggs at both JENKINS and PARKER by

RANKIN COUNTY Defendants, acting far outside the parameters of law and decency.

130.As a result of the excessive use of force by Defendants, JENKINS has suffered

permanent physical injuries, permanent cognitive damage, long-term psychological

damage, permanent disfigurement, and impairment. One side of JENKINS face

suffers permanent nerve damage and numbness. Eddie Parker suffered injuries from

his mistreatment, sought prompt medical attention, and has also suffered long-term

psychological damage from the trauma of the ordeal.

Punitive Damages

131.All Defendants acted with actual malice towards MICHAEL C. JENKINS and EDDIE

PARKER and intended to cause injury to Plaintiffs with their despicable, violent conduct.

132.Defendant’s ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and JOHN DOE'S 1-3 consciously and

deliberately assaulted MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER for nearly two hours, and

they possessed a willful and conscious disregard for the rights and the right of Plaintiff's

JENKINS, PARKER, and the public at-large to be free from the use of dangerous, excessive


133.Furthermore, ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3, in

their repeated use of racial slurs in the course of their beating, punching, kicking, and hurling

eggs at Plaintiff, were oppressive and hateful against their African- American victims.

Defendants were motivated upon the basis of race and the color of the skin of the persons

they attacked and used force upon. Such despicable conduct by these six White deputies

subjected JENKINS and PARKER amounts to cruel and unjust hardship in conscious

disregard of not only Plaintiff's rights but exhibited a reckless disregard for Plaintiff's, as well

Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 28 of 49

as the public at-larges’ right to be free from the unconstitutional use of force, and violations

of their constitutional rights to equal protection under the 14th Amendment.

134.Punitive damages are required to punish these Defendants, ELWARD, MC’ALPIN,

DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3 in order to deter similar misconduct in the

future by all Defendants, lest such egregious human rights violations repeat themselves.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER demand judgment

against Defendant, in the full and fair amount of Four Hundred Million Dollars

($400,000,000), in compensatory damages and punitive damages plus interest and costs.


Deprivation of Civil Rights, 42 U.S.C. § 1983


(Unreasonable Seizure, Excessive force -Waterboarding)

135.Plaintiffs hereby incorporate paragraphs 1-87 as if fully set forth herein.

136.Plaintiff further alleges that the Defendants ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and JOHN

DOE'S 1-3, under the color of law, with deliberate indifference to, and in reckless disregard

for the safety and well-being of the Plaintiffs and in violation of their constitutional rights,

did on January 24, 2023, commit specific acts which deprived Plaintiffs MICHAEL C.

JENKINS and EDDIE T. PARKER of their constitutional rights to be free from excessive

force and unreasonable seizure.

137.Plaintiffs allege Defendants ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and DEPUTIES JOHN

DOE’S 1-3 used waterboarding techniques against both JENKINS and PARKER while they

Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 29 of 49

were handcuffed, bound, and on their back. These acts amounted to a form of torturing their



justification or cause for using force in the form of the use of waterboarding techniques

against JENKINS and PARKER under any circumstances.

139.At no point did JENKINS or PARKER give any justification or cause for such use of

waterboarding techniques by Defendants because there is never a justification for the use of

illegal waterboarding techniques by law enforcement.

140.As a direct and proximate result of the actions of the Defendants, Plaintiffs were deprived

of their constitutional right to be free from excessive force and unreasonable seizure by way

of waterboarding tactics against both JENKINS and PARKER by RANKIN COUNTY

Defendants, acting far outside the parameters of law and decency.

141.As a result of the excessive use of force by Defendants, JENKINS has suffered

permanent physical injuries, permanent cognitive damage, long-term psychological

damage, permanent disfigurement, and impairment. One side of JENKINS face

suffers permanent nerve damage and numbness. Eddie Parker suffered injuries from

his mistreatment, sought prompt medical attention, and also suffered long-term

psychological damage from the trauma of the ordeal.

Punitive Damages

142.All Defendants acted with actual malice towards MICHAEL C. JENKINS and EDDIE

PARKER and intended to cause injury to Plaintiffs with their despicable, outrageous,

torturous conduct.

Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 30 of 49


consciously and deliberately assaulted MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER for

nearly two hours, and they possessed a willful and conscious disregard for the rights and the

right of Plaintiffs JENKINS, PARKER, and the public at-large to be free from the use of

excessive force and torture in the form of waterboarding.

144.Furthermore, ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3, in

their repeated use of racial slurs in the course of their use of excessive force, were oppressive

and hateful against their African- American victims. Defendants were motivated upon the

basis of race and the color of the skin of the persons they wrongfully seized and used force

upon. Such despicable conduct by these six White deputies subjected JENKINS and

PARKER amounts to cruel and unjust hardship in conscious disregard of not only Plaintiff's

rights but exhibited a reckless disregard for Plaintiff's, as well as the public at-larges' right to

be free from the unconstitutional use of force, and violations of their constitutional rights to

equal protection under the 14th Amendment.

145.Punitive damages are required to punish these Defendants, ELWARD, MC’ALPIN,

DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3 in order to deter similar misconduct in the

future by all Defendants, lest such egregious human rights violations repeat themselves.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER demand judgment

against Defendant, in the full and fair amount of Four Hundred Million Dollars

($400,000,000), in compensatory damages and punitive damages plus interest and costs.


Deprivation of Civil Rights, 42 U.S.C. § 1983


Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 31 of 49

(Sexual assault, Excessive force, Unreasonable seizure)

146.Plaintiffs hereby incorporate paragraphs 1-87 as if fully set forth herein.

147.Plaintiff further alleges that the Defendants ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and

DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3, under the color of law, with deliberate indifference to, and in

reckless disregard for the safety and well-being of the Plaintiffs and in violation of their

constitutional rights, did on January 24, 2023, commit specific acts which deprived Plaintiffs

MICHAEL C. JENKINS and EDDIE T. PARKER of their constitutional rights to be free

from excessive force

148.Plaintiffs allege Defendants ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and DEPUTIES JOHN

DOE’S 1-3, or a combination thereof, attempted to use a sexual device, a dildo, against both

JENKINS and PARKER in their mouths, and towards Jenkins’ anal cavity while they were

handcuffed and bound.

149.Furthermore, the Plaintiffs allege Defendants ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and

JOHN DOE'S 1-3 forced both JENKINS and PARKER to strip naked and take a shower

together. Allegedly, JENKINS and PARKER were forced to strip naked and shower

together in order to clean up the mess that was made by the deputies hurling eggs at them,

the mess from the liquids poured in their mouths and on their faces used in the course of their

waterboarding, and the deification of the victims whom they attempted to assault sexually.

150.In committing both acts of attempting to assault the Plaintiffs with a sexual device (dildo)

sexually and then forcing both African-American men to strip naked and shower together,

Defendants committed a form of torture against the Plaintiffs.

151.ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE’S 1-3, or a combination

thereof, did not have justification or cause for attempting to use a sexual device, a dildo,

Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 32 of 49

against both JENKINS and PARKER while they were handcuffed, bound and surrounded by

Defendants. No such justification exists for such shocking and outrageous acts under any


152.ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE’S 1-3, or a combination

thereof, did not have justification or cause for forcing both JENKINS and PARKER to strip

naked and to take a shower together. Because there is never, under any circumstances, lawful

justification for the above-described sexual assaults and sex acts committed against


153.As a direct and proximate result of the actions of the Defendants, Plaintiffs were deprived

of their constitutional rights to be free from excessive force and unreasonable seizure, by

way of sick and perverted sexual assaults and sex acts, against both JENKINS and PARKER

by RANKIN COUNTY Defendants, acting far, far outside the parameters of law and


154.As a result of the acts by Defendants, JENKINS has suffered permanent physical

injuries, permanent cognitive damage, long-term psychological damage, permanent

disfigurement, and impairment. One side of JENKINS face suffers permanent nerve

damage and numbness. Eddie Parker suffered injuries from his mistreatment, sought

prompt medical attention, and also suffered long-term psychological damage from

the trauma of the ordeal.

Punitive Damages

155.All Defendants acted with actual malice towards MICHAEL C. JENKINS and EDDIE

PARKER and intended to cause injury to Plaintiffs with their despicable, twisted, and sick


Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 33 of 49

156.Defendant’s ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and JOHN DOE'S 1-3 consciously and

deliberately sexually assaulted MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER in the course of

torturing them for nearly two hours, and they possessed a willful and conscious disregard for

the rights and the right of Plaintiff's JENKINS, PARKER and the public at-large to be free

from the use of dangerous, excessive force. Defendants humiliated Plaintiffs by forcing them

to strip naked and shower together.


in their repeated use of racial slurs, in the course of their sexual assaults, use of sexual

devices on Plaintiffs, and forcing their captives to strip naked and shower together, were

oppressive and hateful against their African- American victims. Defendants were motivated

on the basis of race and the color of the skin of the persons they sexually assaulted and

humiliated. Such despicable conduct by these six White deputies subjected JENKINS and

PARKER to cruel and unjust hardship and a conscious disregard of not only Plaintiff's rights

but exhibited a reckless disregard for Plaintiff's, as well as the public at-larges’ right to be

free from the unconstitutional use of excessive force and unreasonable seizure, and violations

of their constitutional rights to equal protection under the 14th Amendment.

158.Punitive damages are required to punish these Defendants, ELWARD, MC’ALPIN,

DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3 in order to deter similar misconduct in the

future by all Defendants, lest such egregious human rights violations repeat themselves.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER demand judgment

against Defendant, in the full and fair amount of Four Hundred Million Dollars

($400,000,000), in compensatory damages and punitive damages plus interest and costs.

Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 34 of 49




(Excessive Force- Threats To Kill )

159.Plaintiffs hereby incorporate paragraphs 1-87 as if fully set forth herein.

160.Plaintiff further alleges that Defendants ELWARD, MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and JOHN

DOE'S 1-3, under the color of law, with deliberate indifference to, and in reckless disregard

for the safety and well-being of the Plaintiffs and in violation of their constitutional rights,

did on January 24, 2023, commit specific acts which deprived Plaintiffs MICHAEL C.

JENKINS and EDDIE T. PARKER of their constitutional rights to be free from excessive


161.Plaintiffs allege Defendants ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and DEPUTIES JOHN

DOE’S 1-3, or a combination thereof, repeatedly pointed their guns to their heads and in the

faces and threatened to kill both JENKINS and PARKER. Defendants assaulted both

JENKINS and PARKER with their service weapons while Plaintiffs were subdued and

handcuffed and not resisting.


justification or cause for using force by way of repeatedly pointing guns in the face of

JENKINS and PARKER and threatening to kill them.

163.At no point did JENKINS or PARKER give any justification or cause for such use of violent

force by Defendants. Clearly, no force was warranted against their person under the


Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 35 of 49

164.As a direct and proximate result of the actions of the Defendants, the Plaintiffs were

deprived of their constitutional right to be free from the use of excessive force, acting far

outside the parameters of law and decency.

165.As a result of the acts by Defendants, JENKINS has suffered permanent physical

injuries, permanent cognitive damage, long-term psychological damage, permanent

disfigurement, and impairment. One side of JENKINS face suffers permanent nerve

damage and numbness. Eddie Parker suffered injuries from his mistreatment, sought

prompt medical attention, and has also suffered long-term psychological damage

from the trauma of the ordeal.

Punitive Damages

166.All Defendants acted with actual malice towards MICHAEL C. JENKINS and EDDIE

PARKER and intended to cause injury to Plaintiffs with their despicable, violent conduct.

167.Defendant’s ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and JOHN DOE'S 1-3 consciously and

deliberately assaulted MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER for nearly two hours, and

they possessed a willful and conscious disregard for the rights of Plaintiffs JENKINS,

PARKER, and the public at-large to be free from the use of dangerous, excessive force.

168.Furthermore, ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3, in

their repeated use of racial slurs during their use of excessive force, were oppressive and

hateful against their African- American victims. Defendants were motivated upon the basis

of race and the color of the skin of the persons they wrongfully seized and used force upon.

Such despicable conduct by these six White deputies subjected JENKINS and PARKER

amounts to cruel and unjust hardship in conscious disregard of not only Plaintiff's rights but

Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 36 of 49

exhibited a reckless disregard for Plaintiff's, as well as the public at-larges’ right to be free

from the unconstitutional use of force, and violations of their constitutional rights to equal

protection under the 14th Amendment.

169.Punitive damages are required to punish these Defendants, ELWARD, MC’ALPIN,

DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3 in order to deter similar misconduct in the

future by all Defendants, lest such egregious human rights violations repeat themselves.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER demand judgment

against Defendant, in the full and fair amount of Four Hundred Million Dollars

($400,000,000), in compensatory damages and punitive damages plus interest and costs.




(14th Amendment Equal Protection Violation on the Basis of Race)

170.Plaintiffs hereby incorporate paragraphs 1-87 as if fully set forth herein.

171.Plaintiff further alleges that Defendants ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and

DEPUTIES JOHN DOE’S 1-3, under the color of law, with deliberate indifference to, and

in reckless disregard for the safety and well-being of the Plaintiffs and in violation of their

constitutional rights, did on January 24, 2023, commit specific acts which deprived Plaintiffs

MICHAEL C. JENKINS and EDDIE T. PARKER of their constitutional rights to be free

from deprivation of their rights of equal protection guaranteed under the 14th Amendment.

172.Defendants deprived both JENKINS and PARKER of their 14th Amendment Rights to be

free from police harassment and misconduct on the basis of race.

173.The Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution directs that persons similarly situated


Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 37 of 49

should be treated alike. The elimination of racial discrimination remains at the heart of the

Fourteenth Amendment. The Constitution does not tolerate intentional police harassment of

racial minorities.

174.Plaintiffs allege that Defendants ELWARD, MC’ALPIN, DEDMON, and DEPUTIES

JOHN DOE'S 1-3 repeatedly used racial epithets, i.e., calling JENKINS and PARKER

"niggers' and "monkeys' and questioning them about "dating White women," and coupled

their use of their offensive words with physical harassment and numerous of acts of violence

described in this Complaint.

175.Such words, coupled with the violent actions of RANKIN COUNTY deputies, deprived

Plaintiffs of equal protection of the laws guaranteed under the United States Constitution.

176.As a direct and proximate result of the actions of the Defendants, Plaintiffs JENKINS and

PARKER were deprived of their constitutional rights of equal protection and to be free from

racially motivated violence at the hands of law enforcement, acting far outside the

parameters of law and decency.

177.As a result of the acts by Defendants, JENKINS has suffered permanent physical

injuries, permanent cognitive damage, long-term psychological damage, permanent

disfigurement, and impairment. One side of JENKINS face suffers permanent nerve

damage and numbness. Eddie Parker suffered injuries from his mistreatment, sought

prompt medical attention, and also suffered long-term psychological damage from

the trauma of the ordeal.

Punitive Damages

178.All Defendants acted with actual malice towards MICHAEL C. JENKINS and EDDIE

PARKER and intended to cause injury to Plaintiffs with their despicable, violent conduct.

Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 38 of 49

179.Defendant’s ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and JOHN DOE'S 1-3 consciously and

deliberately assaulted MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER for nearly two hours, and

they possessed a willful and conscious disregard for the rights and the right of Plaintiff's

JENKINS, PARKER, and the public at-large to be free from violations of the equal

protection clause of the United States Constitution.

180.Furthermore, ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3, in

their repeated use of racial slurs in the course of their use of excessive force, were oppressive

and hateful against their African- American victims. Defendants were motivated upon the

basis of race and the color of the skin of the persons they wrongfully seized and used force

upon. Such despicable conduct by these six White deputies subjected JENKINS and

PARKER amounts to cruel and unjust hardship in conscious disregard of not only Plaintiff's

rights but exhibited a reckless disregard for Plaintiff's, as well as the public at-larges right to

be free from violations of their constitutional rights to equal protection under the 14th


181.Punitive damages are required to punish these Defendants, ELWARD, MC’ALPIN,

DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3 in order to deter similar misconduct in the

future by all Defendants, lest such egregious human rights violations repeat themselves.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER demand judgment

against Defendant, in the full and fair amount of Four Hundred Million Dollars

($400,000,000), in compensatory damages and punitive damages plus interest and costs.




Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 39 of 49

(Failure to Intervene)

182.Defendant Deputies consciously deprived JENKINS and PARKER of their constitutional


183.Each law enforcement officer, ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON AND DEPUTIES

JOHN DOE'S 1-3 had a realistic opportunity to intervene and prevent the harm, (2) the

officers knew the victim's constitutional rights were being violated, and (3) the officers did

not take reasonable steps to intervene.

184.At all times relevant herein, when any one of Defendant Deputies was not actively

participating in any specific tort described in this Complaint, the Deputy was, in-fact, failing

to take action to prevent another Rankin County deputy from violating the law.


criminally responsible for all the acts described herein, including the attempt to kill Michael


186.Defendants' actions are pursuant to a purposeful ongoing, concerted policy, practice, or

custom undertaken with the intent to violate the Plaintiffs' constitutional rights.

187.As a direct and proximate result of the actions or omissions of the Defendants, the Plaintiffs

were deprived of their constitutional right to be free from the use of excessive force,

violations of their 4th Amendment Rights and human rights, and acting far outside the

parameters of law and decency.

188.As a result of the acts by Defendants, JENKINS has suffered permanent physical

injuries, permanent cognitive damage, long-term psychological damage, permanent

disfigurement, and impairment. One side of JENKINS face suffers permanent nerve

damage and numbness. Eddie Parker suffered injuries from his mistreatment, sought

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prompt medical attention, and has also suffered long-term psychological damage

from the trauma of the ordeal.

Punitive Damages

189.All Defendants acted with actual malice towards MICHAEL C. JENKINS and

EDDIE PARKER when they failed to intervene to prohibit fellow deputies'


190.When Defendant’s ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and JOHN DOE'S 1-3

consciously and deliberately failed to stop or even withdraw from the attacks on

MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER for nearly two hours, and they

possessed a willful and conscious disregard for the rights of Plaintiffs JENKINS,

PARKER, and the public at-large to be free from the use of dangerous, excessive



1-3 used racial slurs while failing to intervene to stop the violations against their

African- American victims. The Defendants' failure to intervene was motivated upon

the basis of race and the color of the skin of the persons they failed to assist.

192.Such despicable conduct by these six White deputies subjected JENKINS and PARKER

amounts to cruel and unjust hardship in conscious disregard of not only Plaintiff's rights but

exhibited a reckless disregard for Plaintiff's, as well as the public at-larges’ right to be free

from the unconstitutional acts and failure and deputies have offended the public’s

constitutional rights to equal protection under the 14th Amendment.

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193.Punitive damages are required to punish these Defendants, ELWARD, MC’ALPIN,

DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3 in order to deter similar misconduct in the

future by all Defendants, lest such egregious human rights violations repeat themselves.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER demand judgment

against Defendant, in the full and fair amount of Four Hundred Million Dollars

($400,000,000), in compensatory damages and punitive damages plus interest and costs.




194.Plaintiffs hereby incorporate paragraphs 1-87 as if fully set forth herein.

195.Defendant SHERIFF BRYAN BAILEY acted negligently, carelessly, recklessly, and with

deliberate indifference to the safety and constitutional rights of the Plaintiffs and the citizens

of the State of Mississippi by failing to properly train, supervise, control, direct, monitor, and

discipline its officers in their duties and responsibilities.

196.Citizen complaints, lawsuits, public news, and public records verify that SHERIFF

BAILEY is specifically aware that its deputies have committed and are likely to commit

constitutional violations of the type that Plaintiff suffered described herein in this lawsuit.

197.As a direct and proximate result of the acts and omissions and deliberate indifference of


wrongfully imprisoned, unlawfully seized, assaulted, sexually assaulted, waterboarded,

otherwise tortured, and had their constitutional rights violated by RANKIN COUNTY

deputies who also attempted to kill JENKINS by shooting Plaintiff inside of his mouth.

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198.Defendant SHERIFF BAILEY had actual and/or constructive knowledge before this

ordeal that its officer /employees were imprisoning persons without probable cause,

seizing citizens without justification and using excessive force, and using torture tactics

while violating the U.S. Constitution.


199.SHERIFF BAILEY, in this specific case, failed to discipline and reprimand Defendants

ELWARD MC'ALPIN. DEDMON and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3, who were under their

direct supervision and control

200.Rather, SHERIFF BRYAN BAILEY, once again, has failed to act, failed to discipline or

reprimand ELWARD MC'ALPIN. DEDMON and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3, despite

public pledges by Sheriff Bailey to hold his officers accountable if there was wrongdoing by

his deputies found in this ordeal.

201.SHERIFF BAILEY, as in several other adverse incidents, failed to discipline and reprimand

his deputies in this incident, despite such blatant wrongdoing as the events on January 24,

2023, which occurred against JENKINS and PARKER

202.Therefore, SHERIFF BRYAN BAILEY has authorized and ratified Defendant Deputies'

conduct. SHERRIF BAILEY encourages such conduct through his lack of action.

203.As a result of the acts or omission by Defendant, JENKINS has suffered permanent

physical injuries, permanent cognitive damage, long-term psychological damage,

permanent disfigurement, and impairment. One side of JENKINS face suffers

permanent nerve damage and numbness. Eddie Parker suffered injuries from his

mistreatment, sought prompt medical attention, and also suffered long-term

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psychological damage from the trauma of the ordeal.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER demand judgment

against Defendant, in the full and fair amount of Four Hundred Million Dollars

($400,000,000), in compensatory damages plus interest and costs.





204.Plaintiffs hereby incorporate paragraphs 1-87 as if fully set forth herein.

205. Based upon the principles set forth in Monell v. New York City Department of Social

Services, 436 U.S. 658 (1978), on and for some time prior to January 24, 2023, and

continuing to the present date, defendant RANKIN CO., acting with reckless and deliberate

indifference to the rights and liberties of the public in general, and of PLAINTIFF’s

JENKINS and PARKER, and of persons in their class, situation, and comparable position in

particular, knowingly maintained, enforced and applied an official recognized custom,

policy, and practice of:

• The use of excessive force on African American citizens

• The use of excessive force on the citizenry at large

• 4th Amendment violations, unlawful searches, and seizures

• 14th Amendment equal protection violations

• Using torture tactics in the course of interrogation.

• Failing to ensure officers were adequately trained and supervised

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206.By reason of the aforementioned policies and practices by RANKIN CO., Plaintiffs were

subjected to constitutional violations, beatings, torture, humiliation, excessive force, other

torts, attempts to kill JENKINS, and other crimes described herein.

207.Defendant RANKIN CO., together with various other officials, whether named or unnamed,

had either actual or constructive knowledge of the deficient policies, practices, and customs

alleged in the paragraphs above. Despite having knowledge as stated above, these defendants

condoned, tolerated, and through actions and inactions, thereby ratified such policies. Said

Defendants also acted with deliberate indifference to the foreseeable effects and

consequences of these policies concerning the constitutional rights of JENKINS, PARKER,

Plaintiff, and other individuals similarly situated

208.As a result of the acts or omissions by Defendant, JENKINS has suffered permanent

physical injuries, permanent cognitive damage, long-term psychological damage, permanent

disfigurement, and impairment. One side of JENKINS face suffers permanent nerve damage

and numbness. Eddie Parker suffered injuries from his mistreatment, sought prompt medical

attention, andalso suffered long-term psychological damage from the trauma of the ordeal.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER demand judgment

against DEFENDANT RANKIN CO., in the full and fair amount of Four Hundred Million

Dollars ($400,000,000), in compensatory damages plus interest and costs.




209.Plaintiffs hereby incorporate paragraphs 1-87 as if fully set forth herein.


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into the residence where JENKINS and PARKER resided and unlawfully imprisoned

JENKINS and PARKER for nearly two hours.

211.Defendants ELWARD MC'ALPIN, DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE’S 1-3, upon

unlawful entry into the premises, immediately handcuffed JENKINS and PARKER FOR

nearly two hours, committing false imprisonment upon Plaintiff.

212.The Defendants' actions were not objectively reasonable.

213.As a result of the acts or omissions by Defendants, JENKINS has suffered permanent

physical injuries, permanent cognitive damage, long-term psychological damage, permanent

disfigurement, and impairment. One side of JENKINS face suffers permanent nerve damage

and numbness. Eddie Parker suffered injuries from his mistreatment, sought prompt medical

attention, and has also suffered long-term psychological damage from the trauma of the


214.At the time that the above-referenced false imprisonment was committed upon Plaintiff,

the defendant officer was acting within the scope of their employment for and at the

direction of Defendant.

215.WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER demand judgment

against DEFENDANT'S RANKIN CO., SHERIFF BRYAN BAILEY, in the full and fair

amount of Four Hundred Million Dollars ($400,000,000), in compensatory damages plus

interest and costs.




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216.Plaintiff’s JENKINS and PARKER hereby incorporate Paragraphs 1-87 as if fully set forth


217.The defendant deputies, without proper grounds, willfully and maliciously, repeatedly

assaulted Plaintiffs by:

• Beating them, kicking and punching Plaintiffs,

• Placing guns to their heads and faces threatening to kill JENKINS and
• Waterboarding Plainitff’s
• Sexually Assaulting Plaintiffs
• Shooting Michael Corey Jenkins


intended to cause a harmful or offensive contact with JENKINS and PARKER and

committed battery upon Plaintiffs through numerous physical attacks and acts described


219.Each of the injuries suffered by Plaintiff was inflicted without provocation from

the Plaintiffs, and while they were subdued and handcuffed and not presenting no

immediate threat to anyone.

220.As a result of the acts by Defendants, JENKINS has suffered permanent physical injuries,

permanent cognitive damage, long-term psychological damage, permanent disfigurement,

and impairment. One side of JENKINS face suffers permanent nerve damage and

numbness. Eddie Parker suffered injuries from his mistreatment, sought prompt medical

attention, andalso suffered long-term psychological damage from the trauma of the ordeal.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER demand judgment

against ELWARD, MC’ALPIN, DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3 in the full


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and fair amount of Four Hundred Million Dollars ($400,000,000), in compensatory damages

and punitive damages plus interest and costs.)




221.Plaintiffs hereby incorporate paragraphs 1-87 as if fully set forth herein.

222.Plaintiffs JENKINS and PARKER allege that Defendants ELWARD MC’ALPIN,

DEDMON and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3, through extreme and outrageous conduct,

intentionally and recklessly caused severe emotional distress to MICHAEL JENKINS and


223.Defendants intentionally committed the aforementioned extreme acts described in this

Complaint against the handcuffed Plaintiffs, including acts of torture, waterboarding sexual

assault, forcing Plaintiffs to shower naked, sexual assault with sexual devices (dildos),

pointing guns to Plaintiff's heads and threatening to kill them, kidnapping them nearly two

hours, pelting them with eggs and attempting to kill MICHAEL JENKINS BY WAY of

placing a gun inside JENKINS' mouth and attempting to kill him.

224.Defendant ELWARD MC'ALPIN, DEDMON, and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S actions, as

set forth above, were rooted in an abuse of power or authority.

225.Defendant Officers' conduct, as set forth above, was undertaken with the intent to cause or

with reckless disregard for the high probability that the conduct would cause severe

emotional distress to JENKINS and PARKER.

226.As a result of the acts or omissions by Defendants, JENKINS has suffered permanent

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physical injuries, permanent cognitive damage, long-term psychological damage, permanent

disfigurement, and impairment. One side of JENKINS face suffers permanent nerve damage

and numbness. Eddie Parker suffered injuries from his mistreatment, sought prompt medical

attention, andsuffered long-term psychological damage from the trauma of the ordeal.

227.The acts of Defendants ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S

individually, jointly, and severally were a proximate cause as to the injuries and damages

sustained by Plaintiffs.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs MICHAEL JENKINS and EDDIE PARKER demand judgment

against ELWARD MC’ALPIN, DEDMON and DEPUTIES JOHN DOE'S 1-3 in the full and

fair amount of Four Hundred Million Dollars ($400,000,000), in compensatory damages and

punitive damages plus interest and costs.)


228.Plaintiff hereby demands a trial by jury pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 38(b)

on all issues so triable.

Respectfully submitted on 6/12/ 2023 by:




The Law Office of Malik Shabazz, Esq.
[Pro Hac Vice Motion Pending]
D.C. Bar # 458434
6305 Ivy Lane,
Suite 608
Greenbelt, MD 20770

Case 3:23-cv-00374-DPJ-FKB Document 1 Filed 06/12/23 Page 49 of 49

Email:[email protected]
Tel: (301) 513-5445
Fax: (301) 513-5447
(Lead counsel for Plaintiff)


The Law Offices of Trent Walker
M.S.B. #10475
5245 Keele Street
Suite A
Jackson, Mississippi
Email:[email protected]
(Mississippi Local Counsel)
(601) 321-9540


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