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Name of Farm :

Name of Owner :

Location of the Farm :

Age of Owner :

Sex :

Civil Status :

Number of Children :

Educational Attainment :


 What inspired you to become a farmer?

 Who were the original owners of the farm and when was it established?

 How long have you been farming?

 Has there been any significant changes in ownership or management of the farm
throughout the years?

 How did your farm start?

 What is the total size of your farm? What is the size designated for each farm

 What kinds of crops have been grown on the farm from the start up to the

 In what ways has the farm changed over time, particularly with regards to
technology and farming methods?

 Has the farm been linked to any renowned or significant personalities, such as
notable farmers, professors, engineers, or scientists?

 What influence has the farm’s past had on the local community or the industry as
a whole?

 Are there any distinct or remarkable aspects of the farm’s history that have been
passed down through generations of proprietors or laborers??


 What is the mission statement of your farm?

 What is the vision of your farm business?

 What are the primary goals of your farm?

 In what way do your farm's goals align with its mission and vision?
 What are the main actions your farm takes to reach its objectives?
 Have you encountered any challenges while you worked toward your farm's
goals? If so, how did you overcome them?
 How do you gauge whether the mission, vision, and objectives of your farm have
been successful?
 How do you envision your farm's outlook in the next 5-10 years?


 Who is the overall leader of the farm?

 Who is the key decision-makers on the farm, and what is their role?

 How are tasks and responsibilities delegated within the farm structure?

 Who are the frontline workers responsible for crops or livestock on the farm?

 Is there a board of directors or a governing body for the farm operation?

 What are the reporting relationships between distinct roles within the farm

 Are any specific skills or qualifications required for certain roles within the farm

 How do safety protocols, risk management, and emergency response processes

fit into a farm's organizational structure?

 Is there a formal procedure established at the farm for providing employees input
or evaluating their performance?

 How does the farm’s organizational structure support its overall goals and

 How are decisions made within the farm’s organizational structure, and who has
the final say?

 How is communication managed and facilitated within the farm’s organizational


 How does the farm handle conflicts or disagreements within its organizational

 How does the farm ensure that its organizational structure is efficient and effective
in achieving its objectives?

 What are the farm's existing organizational structure's advantages and

disadvantages, and how may it be strengthened?


 What strategic farming methods do you use for managing a farm?

 Do you advocate using modern practices?

 For each crop you have here, is there assigned personnel in managing each area
of the farm?

 Do you use modern or organic practices?

 What things did you do to make your farm and crops grow even more?

 What are some effective ways to control pests and diseases without harming the
crops or the environment?

 What are some ways to improve the efficiency of farm operations, such as
reducing waste and optimizing resource use?

 How can you prevent soil degradation, and what are the measures you can take
to reverse it?

 What are some strategies farmers employ to manage and mitigate the risks
associated with weather variability and climate change?

 How do you make decisions about the timing of planting, harvesting, and other
critical activities on the farm?

 How many tools do you employ to run your farm's projects and operations?

 What types of crops are grown on the farm and why were they chosen?

 How is irrigation managed on the farm?

 What type of soil management practices are used to maintain soil health?

 What types of fertilizers are used on the farm and how are they applied?

 How are livestock managed on the farm? (If there is)

 How are the farm workers trained and managed?

 What are the farm's plans for sustainable growth and development?

 Do you have a seminar to attend to learn all the practices you have here? Or are
those own-made practices?


 How do you manage the storage, handling, and distribution of their agricultural

 How do you ensure that your farm's production processes are efficient and
sustainable, and what technologies do you use to achieve this?

 What strategies do you use to maintain the quality of your farm's products during

 What channels do you use to market your farm's products, and how do you
determine the most effective channels?

 How do you adapt your production and marketing strategies to changes in the
market, such as shifts in consumer demand or changes in regulations?

 How do you differentiate your farm's products from those of your competitors, and
what unique value proposition do you offer to consumers?

 What strategies do you use to build and maintain relationships with your
customers, and how do you incorporate their feedback into your production and
marketing decisions?

 How do you ensure that your farm's production and marketing strategies align with
your overall business goals?

 How did different farming techniques and technologies impact crop yields and
overall productivity on the farm?

 Do you use social media to market your farm's goods in addition to their primary

 What are the biggest challenges you face in production and marketing, and how
do you overcome them?

 What are your long-term goals for your farm, and how do production and
marketing fit into those goals?

 What kind of packaging do you use for your crops?


 What typical issues do you have with crops, and how did you resolve them?

 What are some key challenges that you face today and how do they compare to
challenges you faced in the past? What lessons do you learn in that challenges to
improve your farm?

 How can you work together in community-supported agriculture models to share

knowledge, resources, and farming equipment for more efficient, sustainable

 How has the produce from your farm improved your life?

 How do you deal with pesticides and disease outbreaks on your farm?

 Do you have an issue with how you manage water? If so, what did you do to fix it?

 What issues did you have with communication, transportation, and marketing

 Do you encounter issues with your tillage?

 What was the best course of action for all the issues your farm faced?


 Have you attended a seminar or training about agriculture?

 How frequently do you attend trainings?

 In your own perspective, how do the trainings differ from other forms of education
or learning experiences?

 Are these trainings mandatory for all farm workers, or only certain employees?
 What kind of farm training have you attended and how has it helped you in your
work as a farmer/ farm owner?

 Are there any training and development programs in place to enhance the skills
and knowledge of employees within the farm's organizational structure?

 What was the purpose of the training you attended in the farm?

 Did the training provide hands-on experience in farming techniques?

 Were there any follow-up sessions or resources provided after the training or

 Was the training geared towards beginner or experienced farmers?

 Did the training involve any certification or accreditation?

 For those trainings you attended, do you apply them on your farm?

 How do these trainings help achieve the objective of sustainable agriculture?


 What types of crops do you grow on your farm and what products do you offer for

 Do you offer organic produce?

 Do you offer tours or tastings on your farm?

 Do you offer any value-added product from your farm?

 How do you ensure the quality of your farm products, before they are sold to

 Have you ever collaborated with other farms or businesses to offer joint products
or services?

 Are your farm products available for purchase online or for shipping?

 Do you offer some training to your farm that wants to gain more knowledge about
agriculture, especially to the students?


• Are you a member of agricultural-related organizations? If yes, what is the name of

the organization?
• How long have you been a member of the organization?
• What is your reason for joining the said organization?
• What are the benefits you get from the organization?
• Do you see yourself being part of the organization 5-10 years from now?


• What is the perspective of farmers regarding the research conducted by

academia? Do they believe that these research efforts provide tangible benefits to
their farming practices and overall agricultural industry?
• What valuable advice can experience farmers offer to the younger generation
looking to embark on a journey in the field of agribusiness?
• As an agri entrepreneur, how can you effectively inspire and encourage the
younger generation to embrace and pursue opportunities in the field of

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