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Designation: D8003 − 15

Standard Test Method for

Determination of Light Hydrocarbons and Cut Point
Intervals in Live Crude Oils and Condensates by Gas
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D8003; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope D1265 Practice for Sampling Liquefied Petroleum (LP)

1.1 This test method covers the determination of light Gases, Manual Method
hydrocarbons and cut point intervals by gas chromatography in D3700 Practice for Obtaining LPG Samples Using a Float-
live crude oils and condensates with VPCR4 (see Note 1) up to ing Piston Cylinder
500 kPa at 37.8 °C. D4307 Practice for Preparation of Liquid Blends for Use as
Analytical Standards
NOTE 1—As described in Test Method D6377. D5002 Test Method for Density and Relative Density of
1.2 Methane (C1) to hexane (nC6) and benzene are speciated Crude Oils by Digital Density Analyzer
and quantitated. Samples containing mass fractions of up to 0.5 D6299 Practice for Applying Statistical Quality Assurance
% methane, 2.0 % ethane, 10 % propane, or 15 % isobutane and Control Charting Techniques to Evaluate Analytical
may be analyzed. A mass fraction with a lower limit of 0.001 Measurement System Performance
% exists for these compounds. D6377 Test Method for Determination of Vapor Pressure of
1.3 This test method may be used for the determination of Crude Oil: VPCRx (Expansion Method)
cut point carbon fraction intervals (see 3.1.2) of live crude oils D6792 Practice for Quality System in Petroleum Products
and condensates from initial boiling point (IBP) to 391 °C and Lubricants Testing Laboratories
(nC24). The nC24 plus fraction is reported. E1510 Practice for Installing Fused Silica Open Tubular
Capillary Columns in Gas Chromatographs
1.4 Dead oils or condensates sampled in accordance with 2.2 Other Regulations:
12.1 may also be analyzed. CAN/CGSB-3.0 No. 14.3-99 Standard Test Method for the
1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as Identification of Hydrocarbon Components in Automotive
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this Gasoline using Gas Chromatography3
1.5.1 Exception—Where there is no direct SI equivalent 3. Terminology
such as tubing size. 3.1 Definitions:
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the 3.1.1 D1265 cylinder, n—a container used for storage and
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the transportation of a sample obtained at pressures above atmo-
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- spheric pressure as described in Practice D1265.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 3.1.2 cut point carbon fraction interval, n—the percent mass
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. obtained between two selected n-paraffins of the interval. The
cut point carbon fraction interval as used in this test method is
2. Referenced Documents defined as the percent mass obtained between the end of one
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 n-paraffin peak to the end of the next n-paraffin peak, thus a
temperature interval is not used to determine the cut points but
rather the end points sequential of a n-paraffin peak pair.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on 3.1.3 dead crude oil, n—a term usually employed for crude
Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of
Subcommittee D02.04.0L on Gas Chromatography Methods. oils that, when exposed to normal atmospheric pressure at
Current edition approved June 1, 2015. Published July 2015. DOI: 10.1520/ room temperature, will not result in actual boiling of the
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from Standards Council of Canada (SCC), 600–55 Metcalfe St.,
the ASTM website. Ottowa, ON K1P 6L5,

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D8003 − 15 Discussion—These crudes will have vapor pressures 6. Apparatus
below atmospheric pressure at room temperature. 6.1 Gas Chromatograph—The recommended conditions of
3.1.4 floating piston cylinder, n—a high pressure sample the gas chromatograph are listed in Table 1. The gas chromato-
container, with a free floating internal piston that effectively graph shall be equipped with an electronic pressure control
divides the container into two separate compartments, as (EPC) or manual split/splitless inlet system. A 4-way 24 VDC
described in Practice D3700. solenoid valve controlled from the gas chromatograph key-
3.1.5 live crude oil, n—crude oil with sufficiently high vapor board for actuator air pressure control to accommodate the
pressure that it would boil if exposed to normal atmospheric HPLIS is also required. Important features of instrument
pressure at room temperature. components are listed in section 6.2 to 6.4. Discussion—Sampling and handling of live crude 6.2 Data System—A data system capable of measuring the
oils requires a pressurized sample system and pressurized retention time and areas of eluting peaks accurately and
sample containers to ensure sample integrity and prevent loss repeatedly as well as possess a data rate to achieve 10 points to
of volatile components. 20 points per peak.
3.1.6 residue, n—the percent mass of the sample that either 6.3 Flame Ionization Detector (FID)—A FID system shall
does not elute from the column or elutes after the end of the be connected to the column to avoid any cold spots and have
nC24 peak. the ability to operate at a temperature equivalent to the
3.1.7 vapor pressure of crude oil (VPCRx), n—the pressure maximum column temperature used. The detector shall have
exerted in an evacuated chamber at a vapor-liquid ratio of X:1 sufficient sensitivity to detect n-heptane at a mass fraction of
by conditioned or unconditioned crude oil, which may contain 0.01 % with a signal-to-noise greater than 5.
gas, air, or water, or a combination thereof, where X may vary 6.4 High Pressure Liquid Injection System (HPLIS)—A
from 4 to 0.02. HPLIS system that is compatible with a split/splitless inlet and
4. Summary of Test Method capable of linearly introducing C1 to C24 components should
be used. The unit should possess an internal dead volume of
4.1 This is a gas chromatographic method using a Heated
≤80 µL in sample transfer zone and a 0.5 uL stem volume to
Pressurized Liquid Injection System (HPLIS) (trademarked)4,
contain the pressurized liquid sample. The sample pressure
split/splitless inlet, capillary column, and flame ionization
rating for the unit should be ≥8300 kPa (1200 psig) at 30 °C
detector. A calibration mixture which fully elutes from the
using helium as the test media. Other injection systems may be
capillary column, consisting of a full range of hydrocarbons
employed provided the performance criteria in Section 7 are
including methane, ethane, and normal paraffins up to C24 is
used to ensure system performance (Section 7). This calibra-
tion mixture serves as an external response standard to deter- 7. Column and Performance Criteria
mine sample recovery. Samples are introduced to the GC
7.1 A 100 % polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) phase column
system by loading the HPLIS valve under pressure followed by
of a 15 m length with an inside diameter of 0.28 mm and 3 µm
the pneumatic piston action of the HPLIS injection system
film thickness is recommended. The column shall possess
introducing the sample into the gas chromatographic injection
TABLE 1 Gas Chromatograph Parameters
5. Significance and Use Initial Oven Temperature 35 °C
Initial Oven Time 2 min
5.1 This test method determines methane (nC1) to hexane Oven Temperature Program 20 °C/min
(nC6), cut point carbon fraction intervals to nC24 and recovery Final Oven Temperature 310 °C
(nC24+) of live crude oils and condensates without Final Hold Time 10 min
depressurizing, thereby avoiding the loss of highly volatile HPLIS Collar Heater Temperature 200 °C
components and maintaining sample integrity. This test method
provides a highly resolved light end profile which can aid in Inlet Temperature 400 °C
determining and improving appropriate safety measures and Column 15 m × 0.28 mm × 3 µm PDMS
product custody transport procedures. Decisions in regards to Column Flow (Hydrogen) 2 mL/min
marketing, scheduling and processing of crude oils may rely on Carrier Control Constant Flow
light end compositional results. Detector FID
5.2 Equation of state calculations can be applied to variables Detector Temperature 425 °C
Detector Gases:
provided by this method to allow for additional sample Hydrogen 40 mL/min
characterization. Air 450 mL/min
Make-Up (N2) 25 mL/min
HPLIS (trademarked) has been found to be a suitable injector. The sole source Volume Injected 0.5 µL
of supply of the HPLIS known to the committee at this time is Transcendent Split Ratio 30:1
Enterprises Inc., #33: 17715 - 96 Ave Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5T 6W9, Data Acquisition Rate 10 Hz If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this HPLIS Valve Timing On 0 min
information to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive HPLIS Valve Timing Off 0.3 min
careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1 which Total Acquisition Time 25.75 min
you may attend.

D8003 − 15
stability at 380 °C. Metal columns have been successfully used 8.1.2 Detector Gases—Air, hydrogen and make-up gas
for this test method. The column should be installed according (helium or nitrogen) are used for Flame Ionization Detector
to Practice E1510. To prevent column overloading, the skew- operation (Warning—Compressed gas under high pressure.
ness is measured for nC6. The value shall not be less than 1 or Hydrogen is extremely flammable under high pressure.)
more than 4. Skewness is determined drawing a straight line 8.1.3 Injection system wash—Methylene chloride, with a
down the apex, as well as one across the length of the nC6 peak purity of 99 %, used to remove any residual components from
at 5 % height. The width of the right section of the peak at 5 % HPLIS sample injection. (Warning—Toxic material. May be
height (B) is divided by that of the left section (A) (see Fig. 1). combustible at high temperatures.) Toluene, with a purity of
7.2 Baseline resolution for C1, C2, C3, isobutane and butane 99 %, or other suitable solvents may be used as an alternative
shall be achieved (R ≥ 1.0). The resolution is calculated as to methylene chloride but caution shall be taken to eliminate
follows: residual sample and solvent in the HPLIS sample lines.
8.1.4 Calibration Standard—The calibration standard may
R 5 2 3 ~ t 2 2 t 1 ! ⁄1.699~ w 1 1 w 2 ! (1) serve three purposes. A retention time calibration for
where: n-paraffins covering the range of C1 to nC24, the determination
t2 = retention time of peak 1, of the detector response to enable the sample recovery calcu-
t1 = retention time of peak 2, lation and a linearity check sample. A hydrocarbon mixture
w1 = peak width at half height for peak 1, and such as a gasoline mid-distillate (diesel or jet fuel) containing
w2 = peak width at half height for peak 2. a known amount of C1, C2, C3, nC5, and n-paraffins in the
range of nC17 through nC24 is required. All n-paraffins present
7.3 Splitter Linearity Verification—Using the calibration
up to nC24 shall be identifiable. The calibration standard shall
standard (see 8.1.4), inject this sample according to the
completely elute from the column by peak end of nC24 under
parameters listed in Table 1. Identify and quantify the normal
the conditions of the method. A commercially prepared cali-
paraffins C1 to C24. Compare the calculated mass % concen-
bration standard or one prepared as described in the Appendix
trations to the known standard concentrations after calculating
of this method has been found to be successful.
the corrected area normalization using the response factors
from Table 2 procedures in Section 13. Verify that for each 9. Preparation of Apparatus
component selected, its concentration does not vary by more 9.1 Install the HPLIS system according to supplier proce-
than 3 % relative error. dures. The unit should have one of the sample chamber tubes
percent relative error5 connected to an isolation (needle) valve to allow control and
~ concentration determined 2 concentration known! (2) termination of sample flow during the ‘inject’ cycle. Attach 1⁄16
100 3
concentration known in. SS tubing to the remaining sample chamber tube. This will
7.4 The sensitivity of the system shall be determined by be attached to the sample cylinder. Install the appropriate
analyzing a 10 mg ⁄kg pentane standard (Practice D4307). The column and check for leaks. Set the gas chromatograph to the
signal to noise ratio shall be greater than 5. conditions stated in Table 1.
9.2 Baseline—Obtain a suitable blank baseline prior to any
8. Reagents and Materials analysis or after any system change (Fig. A1.2). A blank run
8.1 Gas Chromatograph Gases—The purity of the volume requires actuation of the HPLIS without a sample injection. It
fraction for all gases used in this system should be ≥99.995 %. may take several blanks to show a stable plateau at the highest
8.1.1 Carrier Gas—Hydrogen. Follow proper safety proce- temperature of the oven with no indication of residual elution
dures. (Warning—Extremely flammable under high pressure; or of carryover. It should also not contain any ‘ghost’ peaks.
use of a safety hydrogen sensor in GC oven containing the Overlay the baseline signal with the sample signal as shown in
column is highly recommended.) Fig. A1.2. Use only those sample signals that asymptotically

FIG. 1 Calculation of Peak Skewness

D8003 − 15
TABLE 2 Component Properties and Theoretical Response FactorsA
Generalized Molecular Generalized Density of
Generalized Boiling
Molecular Weight of Density of Compound Weight of Cut Point Cut Point Fraction Theoretical Mass
Component Point of Cut Point
Compound (g/mol) @ 20 °C (g/mL) Fraction Interval Interval @ 20 °C Response Factor
Fraction Interval °C
(g/mol) (g/mL)
C1 16.04 0.26 1.00
C2 30.08 0.34 0.937
C3 44.10 0.505 0.916
iC4 58.12 0.557 0.906
n-C4 58.12 0.5788 0.906
iC5 72.15 0.6201 0.899
n-C5 72.15 0.6262 0.899
n-C6 86.18 0.6603 63.9 84 0.685 0.895
Benzene 78.12 0.8765 0.812
n-C7 100.21 0.6837 91.9 96 0.722 0.892
n-C8 114.22 0.7025 116.7 107 0.745 0.890
n-C9 128.26 0.7176 142.2 121 0.764 0.888
n-C10 142.28 0.73 165.8 134 0.778 0.887
n-C11 156.32 0.7402 187.2 147 0.789 0.886
n-C12 170.34 0.7487 208.3 161 0.800 0.885
n-C13 184.37 0.7564 227.2 175 0.811 0.884
n-C14 198.39 0.7628 246.4 190 0.822 0.883
n-C15 212.41 0.7685 266 206 0.832 0.883
n-C16 226.45 0.7733 283 222 0.839 0.882
n-C17 240.48 0.778 300 237 0.847 0.882
n-C18 254.51 0.782 313 251 0.852 0.881
n-C19 268.53 0.7855 325 263 0.857 0.881
n-C20 282.56 0.7886 338 275 0.862 0.881
n-C21 296.59 0.7919 351 291 0.867 0.880
n-C22 310.61 0.7944 363 305 0.872 0.880
n-C23 324.67 0.7969 375 318 0.877 0.880
n-C24 338.67 0.7991 386 331 0.881 0.880
Residue 540 500 0.925 0.88
Density and molecular weight values for C1 to benzene obtained from CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 61st ed, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1981.
Theoretical Mass response factors up to nC15 obtained from Test Method: CAN/CGSB-3.0 No. 14.3-99.
Generalized component properties of boiling point, molecular weight and density are averages and best estimates obtained from Katz, D. L., Firoozabadi, A., “Predicting
Phase Behavior of Condensate/Crude-Oil Systems Using Methane Interaction Coefficients, Society of Petroleum Engineers,” (SPE 6721), 1978.
Residue properties are estimates only and will vary for sample type.

approach the baseline signals. Reject any sample run where the 11. Quality Control
baseline signal at the end of the run exceeds in value the 11.1 Quality Control (QC) Testing—Conduct a regular sta-
sample run. tistical quality assurance (quality control) program in accor-
dance with Practice D6792 and the techniques of Practice
10. Calibration D6299 or equivalent.
10.1 Calibration and performance criteria (Section 7) shall 11.2 This test method requires quality control testing at the
be performed whenever HPLIS valve or gas chromatograph beginning of each operating period using a single determina-
maintenance is performed. tion. An interval of once per week or after every 10 samples is
10.1.1 HPLIS valve maintenance includes seal replacement. recommended.
10.1.2 Gas chromatograph maintenance includes column 11.3 The QC sample is a live crude oil containing light ends
replacement, injection port or detector cleaning. (C1 to C6) in concentrations typical to those of analytical
10.1.3 Calibration shall include verification of total area samples. The QC sample should be contained in cylinders
reproducibility. The calibration standard (8.1.4) shall be run at described in section 12.1. Store the QC sample under pressure
a minimum interval of every five samples. All sample runs and temperature conditions that maintain a single liquid phase.
shall be bracketed by a preceding and following calibration 11.4 Results from the analysis of the quality control sample
standard run. The total area of the calibration runs shall not shall be in statistical control in accordance with Practice
vary more than 63 % absolute from run to run. If it does not D6299, or other equivalent practice. Otherwise, if agreement
meet this requirement ensure all hardware is operating properly with the expected value is not attained, corrective action shall
and all instrument settings are as stated above or recommended be taken, verified by successful analysis of the quality control
by the manufacturer. sample.
10.1.4 Apply statistical quality control techniques (Practice
D6299) to the area percent of the calibration standard peaks C1, 12. Procedure
C2, C3, iC4, C4, nC20, nC21, nC22, nC23, and nC24 to monitor 12.1 Samples should be collected with the utmost care to
split linearity (see 7.3). maintain a single liquid phase and to eliminate losses through

D8003 − 15
evaporation with resulting changes in composition. Collect floating piston cylinder is represented in Fig. 2. Refer to section
samples in a floating piston cylinder or similar high pressure 12.2 if using a floating piston cylinder. If a D1265 cylinder is
sample cylinder adhering to principles of Practice D3700 or being used refer to 12.3.
D1265. Follow manufacturer or site specific protocols. A

NOTE 1—Image from Practice D3700.

FIG. 2 Typical Floating Piston Cylinder Designs with Valving

D8003 − 15
12.2 Floating Piston Cylinder Procedure—Connect the ready for injection state. Ensure the HPLIS is in the load
floating piston cylinder to the pre-charge gas tank equipped position (deactivated). Ensure the isolation (needle) valve is
with a pressure regulator to that of the closed pre-charge valve closed and the vent/vacuum valve is in the Vent position (Fig.
of the floating piston cylinder. Connect 1⁄16 in. tubing from the 3B). Slowly open the product inlet.
sample chamber of the HPLIS to the product inlet valve of the 12.2.3 Open and close the isolation (needle) valve six times
floating piston cylinder. Fig. 3A represents the completed (Fig. 3C) then initiate the run using the GC software (Fig. 3D).
set-up. Close the product inlet valve and shut off the pressure of the
12.2.1 Charge the floating piston cylinder with 2000 kPa 6 pre-charge gas. Turn on a vacuum pump (30 mm 6 5 mm Hg)
175 kPa of pressure with the precharge valve open. and switch the vent/vacuum valve to the vacuum position.
12.2.2 The pre-charge gas should be an inert gas such as Open the isolation (needle) valve. Allow the sample chamber
helium, nitrogen, or argon. The use of air is not recommended. to evacuate for at least one minute. Remove the sample
Oxygen shall not be used. The pre-charge gas is one that is not cylinder from the sample chamber connection. Flush the
normally present in the sample or one that will not be detected sample lines with a suitable solvent to remove any residual
should it leak into the sample. The measurement of dissolved material (recommend dichloromethane, but toluene or other
nitrogen (N2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) by a different or suitable solvent is acceptable). Leave the line in vacuum to
adjunct met hod may be of interest. The use of these gases may remove any traces of solvent from the line. All residual solvent
impact the subsequent gas analysis. Place the GC system in a shall be removed before the next injection.

FIG. 3 Schematic of Sample Introduction for Floating Piston Cylinder

D8003 − 15

FIG. 3 Schematic of Sample Introduction for Floating Piston Cylinder (continued)

12.3 D1265 Cylinder Procedure (Fig. 4)—Place the water pH of the water should be maintained so as to not scrub out
containing gas cylinder into a suitable weighted holder such as CO2, which will dissolve, affecting determination of dissolved
a steel ring stand equipped with appropriately sized clamps. CO2 in the sample. Open both bottom nozzles of the water and
Repeat this step with the D1265 sample gas cylinder. Connect sample cylinder. Place the GC system in a ready for injection
the top nozzle of the water cylinder to a tank of pre-charge gas state. Ensure the HPLIS is in the load position (deactivated).
equipped with pressure regulator. Connect the bottom nozzle of Ensure the isolation (needle) valve is closed and the vent/
the water containing cylinder to the bottom nozzle of the vacuum valve is in the Vent position (Fig. 4B). Slowly open the
sample cylinder. The top nozzle of the sample cylinder should sample cylinder valve. Open and close the isolation (needle)
then be connected to the 1⁄16 in. SS tubing leading to the sample valve six times (Fig. 4C) then initiate the run using the GC
chamber of the HPLIS. Fig. 4A represents the completed software (Fig. 4D). Close the sample cylinder valve and shut
set-up. off the pressure of the pre-charge tank. Turn on the vacuum
12.3.1 Charge the water cylinder with 2000 kPa 6 175 kPa pump and switch the vent/vacuum valve to the vacuum
of pre-charge gas. The measurement of dissolved nitrogen (N2) position. Open the isolation (needle) valve. Allow sample
and carbon dioxide (CO2) by a different or adjunct method may chamber to evacuate for at least one minute. Remove the
be of interest. The use of these gases may impact the sample cylinder from the sample chamber connection. Flush
subsequent gas analysis. When using a water displacement, the the sample lines with a suitable solvent to remove any residual

D8003 − 15

FIG. 4 Schematic of Sample Introduction for D1265 Cylinder

material (recommend dichloromethane, but toluene or other end of n-C24 or to the end of sample elution. The peak
suitable solvent is acceptable). Leave the line in vacuum to integration needs to be done using horizontal hold baseline
remove any traces of solvent from the line. All residual solvent treatment in order to account for the ‘envelope’ of unresolved
shall be removed before the next injection. components in the C9+ range. Refer to Fig. A1.3.
13. Calculation or Interpretation of Results 13.2 Multiply the corresponding theoretical mass response
13.1 Integration of the Chromatogram—Subtract a blank factor (rf) found in Table 2 by the component area to obtain the
baseline chromatogram (see 9.2) from the calibration standard corrected area. The total normalized area is equal to the sum of
and sample(s). Determine the elution time for the end of the the response factor multiplied by the area for each peak or cut
n-C24 peak. This is used to determine the recovery and residue point carbon fraction interval Methane is considered to have a
(n-C24+). Integrate and identify individual peaks from methane unity (1.00) response factor. The response factors in Table 2 are
up to and including benzene. Determine the n-C7 cut point for the corresponding individual compound or n-paraffin and
carbon fraction interval by calculating the total area from the do not take into account the carbon:hydrogen ratio due to the
end point of n-C6 to the end point of n-C7 and subtracting the presence of aromatics or other compound classes. Quantitation
area of benzene. Calculate the n-C8 cut point carbon fraction of individual cut point carbon fraction intervals may be
interval by summing the area from end of the n-C7 peak to the improved with theoretical mass response factors based on
end of the n-C8 peak. Continue to calculate cut point carbon estimates or measurements of other hydrocarbon types in the
fraction intervals for sequential carbon numbers up to the peak cut point carbon fraction interval. The application of equation

D8003 − 15

FIG. 4 Schematic of Sample Introduction for D1265 Cylinder (continued)

of state calculations may also be improved by physical carbon fraction. The density corrected calibration standard area
measurements of individual fractions or by using the general- = total area of the calibration standard x (density of sample/
ized properties in Table 2 for each cut point carbon fraction. density of calibration standard). Density may be determined by
13.3 Normalized component mass percent for species and Test Method D5002, preferably modified for measurement at
cut point carbon fraction intervals below n-C25 is calculated cylinder precharge pressure.
using Eq 3. 13.3.2 The area (residue) of the calibration standard and of
samples completely eluting before n-C24 will be zero. A
Area~ i ! *rf ~ i ! *100 recovery threshold for the area (residue) may be applied.
Component ~ i ! mass % 5 (3)
Σ i Area~ i ! *rf ~ i !
13.4 Calculate the normalized volume percentage of indi-
where: vidual components using Eq 4 (Practice D4307). Determine the
Area(i) = area of compound or cut point carbon fraction or estimated density of the residue (see 13.4.1).
residue, and M ~ i ! ⁄D ~ i ! *100
rf(i) = mass relative response factor for compounds or cut Component ~ i ! vol % 5 (4)
Σ i M ~ i ! ⁄D ~ i !
point carbon fraction or residue from Table 2, or
determined experimentally for the cut point carbon where:
fraction of interest. M(i) = % by mass of component, and
13.3.1 Area (residue) = total area of the density corrected D(i) = density of component all determined at the same
calibration standard minus total area of C1 to nC24+ cut point temperature, g/mL.

D8003 − 15
13.4.1 Densities of each compound and generalized densi- TABLE 3 Typical Crude Oil Results
ties of cut point carbon fraction intervals can be found in Table Component/
2. The denominator in Eq 4 for D(res) is a density estimation Cut Point
Boiling Point Mass Mole Volume
of the residue. The density of the residue can be estimated Fraction
Data, °C Fraction, % Fraction, % Fraction, %
using Eq 5: Interval
C1 –161 0.004 0.049 0.009
M ~ res!
D ~ res! 5 (5) C2 –89 0.017 0.110 0.029
100 C3 –42.2 0.264 1.15 0.391
2 Σ i M ~ i ! ⁄D ~ i ! iC4 -–11.7 0.609 2.01 0.855
D ~ res!
n-C4 –0.6 1.82 6.01 2.42
where: iC5 27.8 0.96 2.56 1.20
n-C5 36.1 1.32 3.51 1.62
M(res) = % by mass residue, C6 36.1 – 68.9 2.29 5.11 2.68
M(i) = % by mass of component (up to C24), and Mcyclo-C5 72.2 0.600 1.37 0.618
D(i) = density of component, all determined at the same Benzene 80 0.153 0.376 0.134
C7 68.9 – 98.3 2.68 5.15 3.03
temperature (up to C24), g/mL. C8 98.3 – 125.6 4.13 6.96 4.53
C9 125.6 – 3.52 5.28 3.78
13.5 Determination of Normalized Molarity and Mole Per- 150.6
cent of Components—Calculate the normalized mole percent- C10 150.6 – 3.33 4.50 3.52
age of individual components using Eq 6. 173.9
C11 173.9 – 3.19 3.92 3.32
M ~ i ! ⁄Mol ~ i ! *100 196.1
Component ~ i ! Mol % 5 (6) C12 196.1 – 215 3.54 3.99 3.64
Σ i M ~ i ! ⁄Mol ~ i !
C13 215 – 235 3.70 3.86 3.77
where: C14 235 – 252.2 3.99 3.87 4.03
C15 252.2 – 4.47 4.03 4.47
M(i) = percent by mass of component, and 270.6
Mol(i) = relative molecular mass of component g/mol. C16 270.6 – 4.26 3.62 4.24
13.5.1 Molecular weights (Mol) of components and gener- C17 287.8 – 4.26 3.40 4.22
alized molecular weights of cut point carbon fraction intervals 302.8
C18 302.8 – 4.55 3.44 4.48
are listed in Table 2. 317.2
C19 317.2 – 330 4.38 3.13 4.29
14. Report C20 330 – 344.4 4.24 2.89 4.15
C21 344.4 – 3.87 2.51 3.77
14.1 For speciated light hydrocarbons and cut point carbon 357.2
fraction intervals report the percent by mass, percent by C22 357.2 – 3.98 2.46 3.86
volume, and percent by mol for each component as seen in C23 369.4 – 380 4.32 2.56 4.17
Table 3, and reference this test method. Report values greater C24 380 – 391.1 4.37 2.48 4.22
than 1 % by mass to three significant figures, and any values C25+ 391+ 21.20 9.70 18.56
below 1 % by mass to three decimal places (0.001). Totals 100.0 100.0 100.0
14.1.1 The component/cut point carbon fraction interval
boiling point data listed is presented for information only.
15. Precision and Bias
15.1 The precision of this test method (Table 4) was
determined by statistical examination of limited single labora-
tory results. The precision data are provisional, and further data
are to be developed in an interlaboratory cooperative test
program before the five-year reapproval required by the
15.2 No information can be presented on the bias of this test
method at present, since no reference material is available.
16. Keywords
16.1 condensates; cut point interval; floating piston cylin-
ders; light ends; light hydrocarbons; light hydrocarbon com-
position; live crude oil

D8003 − 15
TABLE 4 Repeatability Standard Deviation
NOTE 1—Repeatability estimates are based on six runs of one crude oil.
The repeatability standard deviation is calculated as standard deviation
times 2.77.
Repeatability Standard
Component Percent by Mass Deviation, Percent by
Methane 0.35 0.03
Ethane 0.14 0.01
Propane 10.06 0.96
Isobutane 0.84 0.08
Butane 2.40 0.23
Isopentane 0.56 0.05
n-Pentane 0.71 0.07
n-Hexane 0.89 0.06
Eicosane (nC20) 0.48 0.04
C7 plus 78.86 2.04


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 See Figs. A1.1-A1.3.

D8003 − 15

FIG. A1.1 Chromatogram of Calibration Standard (with Corresponding Blank)

D8003 − 15

FIG. A1.2 Chromatogram of a Live Crude Oil (with Corresponding Blank)

D8003 − 15

FIG. A1.3 Baseline Subtracted Chromatogram of a Live Crude Oil (with Corresponding Integration of Individual Components and Cut
Point Carbon Fraction Intervals)

D8003 − 15


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 A gasoline free of oxygenates is selected for the cylinder, charge with the selected mid-distillate mixture. Re-
standard mixture. Add 450 mL of the selected gasoline to a cord the mass of mid-distillate mixture.
tared 500 mL cylinder described in Practice D1265 and bring
the pressure to 2000 kPa 6 175 kPa by charging it with water. X1.3 The gasoline and spiked mid-distillate are then mixed
Record the mass of gasoline. in a 500 mL cylinder described in Practice D1265 in equal
portions to provide an approximate 50 % by mass mixture.
X1.2 A mid-distillate such as diesel or jet fuel that does not
contain hydrocarbons with boiling point greater than hexade- X1.4 Calculate the individual mass % of each component of
cane is selected and spiked with known amounts of C1, C2 and interest (n-paraffins from C1 to nC24).
individual n-paraffins from nC17 to nC24. In a separate tared

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