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Topic: Human Figure Drawing test

Submitted To: Dr. Qaisar Abbas

Submitted By: Minha Fazal
Semester: 6 Replica
Department: Applied Psychology

Government College University Faisalabad

Human Figure Drawing Test (HFD)

Human Figure Drawing Test (HFD) is a projective test. This test was developed with the aim to
evaluate; Various psychological states Especially emotional disturbance. The original test was
created by Florence good enough. Later it was modified by Dale, B. Harris. The administration
time of (HFD) is about 10 to 15 minutes.
Historical Background:
Florence L. Goodenough developed the Draw-a-Man test for preschoolers and older children in
1926. The production was scored according to strict criteria that dictated a score of 1 or 0 for
body parts Goodenough used it to study the intellectual status of young children (Goodenough,
The purpose of the human figure drawing test is to provide insight into an individual's
psychological and emotional state by interpreting their drawings of human figures. The test is
based on the hypothesis that the drawings reflect the individual's unconscious thoughts, feelings,
and attitudes towards themselves and others. By examining the content, style, and details of the
drawings, the evaluator can make inferences about the individual's self-concept, self-esteem,
personality traits, emotional state, cognitive abilities, and developmental level. The test is widely
used in clinical and educational settings to assess mental health issues, diagnose developmental
and cognitive delays in children, and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. The human figure
drawing test can also be used in research studies to investigate the relationships between
personality, culture, and art. Overall, the purpose of the test is to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the individual's psychological and emotional makeup by analyzing their artistic
expression. There was no specific time limit, but participants usually finished within 10 min.
Material Required:

· A4 size blank pages

· Lead Pencil
· Eraser
· Sharpener
· Comfortable table and chair
· Suitable environment one of one sitting
· Sitting arrangement
· Stop watch
· Client or therapist

Test administration involves the administrator requesting children to complete three individual
drawings on separate pieces of paper. Children are asked to draw a man, a woman, and
themselves. No further instructions are given and the child is free to make the drawing in
whichever way he/she would like. There is no right or wrong type of drawing, although the child
must make a drawing of a whole person each time—i.e., head to feet, not just the face. The test
has no time limit; however, children rarely take longer than about 10 or 15 minutes to complete
all three drawings. Harris's book (1963) provides scoring scales which are used to examine and
score the child's drawings. The test is completely non-invasive and non-threatening to children,
which is part of its appeal.
‫بناتے ہو ہے اپ نے اس بات کا خاص خیال رکھنا ہے کے وہ تصویر کوئی کارٹون‬
‫ یا اس سے ملتی جلتی کوئی تصویر نہ ہو‬-

‫اپ‬ -‫اپ نے ایک مکمل انسان کو ذہن میں رکھ کر ایک مکمل انسان کی تصویر بنانے کی کوشش کرنی ہے‬
‫ ہے‬i‫ الئن لگانی ہے سکیچ الئن نہیں لگانی کیونکہ یہ کوئی ڈرائنگ ٹیسٹ نہیں‬i‫نے فری ہینڈ‬-

‫میں ریزر کا استعمال کر سکتے ہیں۔‬ ‫اپ اس کو حسب ضرورت خراب ہونے کی صورت‬

‫تصویر بناتے وقت اپ اپنی مرضی کا وقت لے سکتے ہیں اور بغیر کسی خوف کے تصور بنا سکتے ہیں اس میں کوئی‬
‫ اگر آپ کی تصویر ایک صفحہ سے زیادہ ہے‬-‫غلط یا صحیح نہیں ہیں ۔جو بھی آپ تصویر بنائے گے وہ قابل قبول ہو گی‬
‫تو آپ دوسرے صفحات کا بھی استعمال کر سکتے ہیں۔‬

‫ بچے کی یا بوڑھے کی۔‬، ‫ کس کی تصویر بنانی ہے ؟ مرد کی عورت کی‬:‫سوال‬

‫ آپ نے ایک مکمل انسان کی تصویر بنانی ہے‬:‫جواب‬

‫ آپ کو دیکھ کے تصویر بنا لو؟‬:‫سوال‬

‫یہ آپ پر منحصر ہے آپ کو ایک مکمل انسان کو ذہن میں رکھتے ہوئے مکمل انسان کی تصویر بنانی ہے۔‬

‫اگر وہ آپ کو دیکھ کر تصویر بنائے تو کیا کرنا چاہیے؟‬ ‫سوال‬

‫ آپ کے لئے زیادہ مناسب ہو گا کہ آپ ایک انسان کو ذہن میں سوچیں اور پھر تصویر بنائیں ۔‬:‫جواب‬

‫ جس انسان کی آپ نے یہ تصویر بنائی ہے اس کے متعلق ایک مناسب مختصر سی‬:‫جب تصویر مکمل ہو جا ہے تو‬
‫کہانی لکھ دئیے‬

The scoring of a human figure drawing test can vary depending on the specific test being used
and the purpose of the assessment. However, here are some general guidelines for scoring a
human figure drawing test:
●Identify the key features of the drawing, such as the proportion, size, placement, and details of
the different body parts (head, arms, legs, etc.).
●Score the drawing based on a predetermined scoring system or set of criteria, which may
include categories such as accuracy, complexity, organization, emotional content, or cognitive
development. ●Consider any additional information provided by the participant, such as verbal
descriptions or explanations of the drawing, which may provide insight into the participant's
thinking and motivation. ●Compare the results of the drawing to normative data or other relevant
comparison groups, if applicable.
●Interpret the results of the drawing in the context of the overall assessment and any other
information gathered about the participant's background, history, and symptoms.
Scoring Forms

Scoring forms and pictures attached by the name of;

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
On next page
Interpreting a human figure drawing (HFD) involves analyzing the drawing in terms of the
person's artistic skills, as well as interpreting the meaning behind the drawing. Here are some
general steps that can be taken when interpreting an HFD:
1. Evaluate artistic skills: Assess the quality of the drawing in terms of the person's ability to
accurately represent human anatomy, proportion, and perspective. This can provide insights into
the individual's artistic ability and cognitive development.
2. Identify the indicators: Look for indicators such as body posture, facial expressions,
clothing, and background details to gain insights into the individual's emotional state, personality
traits, and environmental factors.
3. Consider the context: Take into account the person's age, gender, cultural background, and
the reason for the assessment. This can help provide a broader understanding of the meaning
behind the drawing.
4. Interpret the meaning: Based on the indicators and context, interpret the meaning behind the
drawing. For example, a drawing of a person with closed eyes and slumped shoulders may
indicate sadness or depression, while a drawing of a person standing tall with a broad smile may
indicate confidence and optimism.
5. Report findings: Compile a report of the findings, which may include a summary of the
person's artistic skills, a description of the indicators observed, and an interpretation of the
meaning behind the drawing. The report should be presented clearly and concisely and be
tailored to the purpose of the assessment.
●It is important to note that HFDs are just one tool that can be used to assess a person's cognitive
or emotional functioning, and the results should always be considered in conjunction with other
information, such as clinical interviews or behavioral observations. HFDs are best interpreted by
trained professionals, such as psychologists or art therapists, who have experience interpreting
the meaning behind human figure drawings.
Qualitative Analysis:
Interpretation of Figure1:
A 21-year-old girl HFD with the emotional indicators of tiny figure, left side drawing, single line
mouth, eyes as circle, excessive detailing, nose cut off, Hair give much attention, narrow neck
indicate that she has extreme insecurity, castration fear and wishes, self-display, exhibition,
depressed state, egocentric and show aggressive behavior.
Interpretation of Figure 2:
23-year-old girl of HFD with the emotional indicators of poor integration of parts, nose cut off,
big head, arm pressed to one side shows that she has instability, regression due to severe
emotional disturbance, difficulty in social contact, fear of aggressive impulses and shows
Interpretation of Figure 3:
21-year-old girl HFD with the emotional indication of poor integration of body parts long and
short arms, omission of eyes and sketchy lines indicates instability, impulsivity, poor integrated
personality, immaturity, developmental delay, neurological impairment, regression due to severe
emotional disturbance, need for achievement, love and affection, social isolation, denial of
problems and scape into fantasy.


Emotional Interpretation of EMOTIONAL INDICATORS of HFD

Poor integration Poor integration appears to be associated with any
Of parts of figure or several of the following:
(B-9 G-6) ¨Instability
¨A poorly integrated personality
¨Poor coordination or impulsivity
¨Poor Integration seems to indicate immaturity on the
part of the child which may be the result of a
developmental lag, neurological impairment,
regression due to serious emotional disturbance or
all of these

Shading of the Shading is a manifestation of anxiety

face: ¨The degree of shading is related to the intensity of
anxiety within the person.
¨Overtly aggressive/ stealing
¨Poor self-concept
Shading is a manifestation of anxiety
¨The degree of shading is related to the intensity of
anxiety within the person.
¨Overtly aggressive/ stealing
¨Poor self-concept

Shading of the ¨Body anxiety

body or limbs (B- ¨Psychosomatic complaints
9, G-8): ¨Guilt feeling

Shading of the Anxiety related to the activities done by hands

body or limbs like guilt related to masturbatory activities, or
(hand or neck) (B-
stealing specifically shading of arms reflects guilt
9, G-8): for aggressive impulses.
Shading of the hand:
Anxiety related to the activities done by hands
like guilt related to masturbatory activities, or
stealing specifically shading of arms reflects guilt
for aggressive impulses.
Shading of the neck:
● Anxiety related to handling of stress
● Try to control anxious impulse
● Acting out behavior
Gross asymmetry · Aggressive
of limbs: · impulsivity,
· poor students,
· neurological malfunctioning,
· physics awkwardness,
· physical inadequacy or confusion of lateral dominance,
· pot muscle control.
Slanting figure · Sense of instability
title by 15’ or · Lack of balance
more: · Psychosomatic complains
· Poor Student
· Shyness
· Brain injured
Tiny figure 2 high · Extreme insecurity,
or less · with drawl,
· depression,
· feeling of inadequacy,
· shrunken
· Ego
Big figure 9 or · Aggression,
more in high · stealing,
· expensiveness,
· immaturity,
· poor inner control.
· narcissism,
· paranoid delusions of grandiosity,
· psychopathic tendency.
· immaturity,
· organicity,
· cortical malfunctioning
Transparencies · Psychosomatic complaints,
· immaturity,
· impulsivity,
· acting-out behavior,
· pathological aggression,
· cortical malfunctioning,
· acute anxiety,
· conflict, fear,
· (Specific area transparencies) anxiety usually in the area.
Tiny head less · inadequacy,
than 1/10 of total · obsessive intellectual student,
figure · poor Maladjusted compulsive.
Grossed eyes both · Hostility,
eyes turned in or · rebellion,
out · anger,
· does not view the world in the same manner as other do.
Teeth · Poorly adjusted pupil,
· overtly aggressive,
· emotional disturbance,
· sadistic tendencies schizophrenic,
· hysteric.
Short arms not · Psychosomatic complaints,
long enough to · tendency to withdrawn,
reach wrist line · try to inhibitions impulses,
· timidity.
Long arms long · Well-adjusted pupil,
enough to reach · overtly aggressive,
knee line · ambition for achievement,
· striving for love & affection.
Arms clinging to · Rigid inner control,
side of the body · lacking flexibility,
· poor interpersonal relations,
· passive very defensive,
· deep seated conflict,
· (Arms press to the body) paranoid & schizophrenic to protect
themselves from blows of environment.
Big hands as large · Physical weakness,
as face · overtly aggressive,
· stealing,
· acting-out behavior,
· compensatory behavior for feeling of inadequacy,
· insufficiency or difficulty in making contact with others.
Hand cut off arm · Big head Brain injured,
without hand or · special class pupil, shyness,
figure · stealing, psychosomatic complaints.
· feelings of inadequacy,
· guilt over failure,
· inability to act at all, poor school achievement,
· possibility of castration anxiety,
· Helplessness
Legs pressed · Psychosomatic complaints,
together · to control his own sexual impulses or concern over sexual
attacks by others,
· rigidity.
Genital · Extreme disturbance,
· overtly aggressive,
· acute body anxiety,
· poor impulse control
Monster or · Immaturity, hostility, poor student, intense feeling of
grotesque figure inadequacy,
· very poor self-concept,
· (robot) perceive themselves as not being human, (clown) think
themselves rather ridiculous individual who are laughed at and
who are not fully accepted by others, feel as though they are
outsider, who are not fully belong to society they live in
Three or more · Poor student,
figure · poor school achievement,
· brain injured.
· limited ability,
· lack of feeling of identity, never learned to function
Cloud, Rain or · Poorly adjusted pupil, very anxious,
snow · psychosomatic complaints,
· (clouds) children who do not dare to strike out at others, turn
their aggression inward toward themselves,
· feel threatened by adults & world,
· under pressure of parents.
No eyes · Socially isolated,
· tend to deny problems,
· refuse to face the world,
· escaped into fantasy
No nose · Shyness,
· psychosomatic complaints,
· withdrawn behavior,
· masturbation guilt or castration anxiety,
· helplessness,
· inability of self-assurance
No Mouth · Poor student,
· psychosomatic complaints,
· anxiety, insecurity, with others,
· fear, and depression
No Body · Brain injured,
· poor student,
· stealing, slow maturation,
· sign of retardation,
· neurological impairment,
· acute body anxiety and castration fear
No arms · Poor student, stealing,
· anxiety,
· guilt over socially unacceptable behavior or sexuality,
· hostility, depression,
· withdrawn,
· shyness,
· they show behavioral problems in different times & situations at
home or at school.
No legs Insecurity
—Intense Anxiety
· Insecurity
· Intense Anxiety
No feet Feeling of Insecurity
—Hopeless attitude towards others
Feeling of Insecurity
—Hopeless attitude towards others
· Feeling of Insecurity
· Helplessness, Hopeless attitude towards others
No neck Psychosomatic complaints
—Poor inner control
· Psychosomatic complaints
· Immaturity, Poor inner control

Supporting Material

Note: Other Supporting Material attached on next Page

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