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From: Sent: To: Subject:

Horn, Rebecca (GRDHD) <[email protected]> Tuesday, December 14, 2010 11:30 AM Hahn, Ellen J RE: Electronic Cigarrettes

We are waiting for the new commission to come in to meet, and I plan on putting in a plug during the meeting. I have talked to the group that received the DFC grant in our county about partnering on an effort to strengthen the current ordinance, and they said that it is in their plans. However, sometimes this group has a little trouble with follow through. We would have a good shot with the Oboro commission based on what I already know about the commissioners coming in this year. The county will need some assessment. From: Hahn, Ellen J [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 10:25 AM To: Horn, Rebecca (GRDHD); Mundy, Monica E Cc: Centers, Irene (CHFS HPB-Health Promotions); Christian, Ryan; Horton, Clayton (GRDHD); Riker, Carol A Subject: RE: Electronic Cigarrettes

Becky, Here is our latest fact sheet on e-cigarettes. We are working closely with Madison County. They voted on first reading to include e-cigarettes in their regulation. I am cc: Carol since she is working closely with them. Plus, just this week, a federal court in Virginia ruled that e-cigarettes are tobacco products. So my take is that smoke-free laws/regulations should include e-cigarettes. Happy to help. Monica will send along other key documents. Would be great if Daviess could strengthen their law at the same time to include all workplacesJ Ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Horn, Rebecca (GRDHD) [mailto:[email protected]]

file:///C|/.../Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Electronic%20Cigarrettes%202.html[8/19/2011 2:31:33 AM]

Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 10:22 AM To: Hahn, Ellen J; Mundy, Monica E Cc: Centers, Irene (CHFS HPB-Health Promotions); Christian, Ryan; Horton, Clayton (GRDHD) Subject: Electronic Cigarrettes I know you have given me UKs stance on electronic cigarettes in the past, but I need any official statements by the FDA, medical authorities etc on electronic cigarettes. I am going to meet with the county attorney in Daviess after the first of the year. We have had several instances of complaints on electronic cigarettes in Owensboro. Our ordinance does not state that they are prohibited. Based on our information, he may make an amendment to the ordinance to include electronic cigarettes. We need to make a definitive decision on a county level and send it to the businesses, because they are unclear on how to handle this issue. Thanks for your help.

Rebecca Horn Tobacco Control Coordinator Green River District Health 1501 Breckenridge Street

Owensboro, KY 42303
Phone: 270-852-5486 Fax: 270-926-9862

Click here to check us out on

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments:

Hahn, Ellen J Tuesday, December 14, 2010 11:25 AM Horn, Rebecca (GRDHD); Mundy, Monica E Centers, Irene (CHFS HPB-Health Promotions); Christian, Ryan; Horton, Clayton (GRDHD); Riker, Carol A RE: Electronic Cigarrettes One-pager e-cigarettes and Secondhand Smoke EH 112110.pdf

Becky, Here is our latest fact sheet on e-cigarettes. We are working closely with Madison County. They voted on first reading to include e-cigarettes in their regulation. I am cc: Carol since she is working closely with them. Plus, just this week, a federal court in Virginia ruled that e-cigarettes are tobacco products. So my take is that smoke-free laws/regulations should include e-cigarettes. Happy to help. Monica will send along other key documents. Would be great if Daviess could strengthen their law at the same time to include all workplacesJ Ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Horn, Rebecca (GRDHD) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 10:22 AM To: Hahn, Ellen J; Mundy, Monica E Cc: Centers, Irene (CHFS HPB-Health Promotions); Christian, Ryan; Horton, Clayton (GRDHD) Subject: Electronic Cigarrettes I know you have given me UKs stance on electronic cigarettes in the past, but I need any official statements by the FDA, medical authorities etc on electronic cigarettes. I am going to meet with the county attorney in Daviess after the first of the year. We have had several instances of complaints on electronic cigarettes in Owensboro. Our ordinance does not state that they are prohibited. Based on our information, he may make an amendment to the ordinance to include electronic cigarettes. We need to

file:///C|/.../Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Electronic%20Cigarrettes%203.html[8/19/2011 2:31:34 AM]

make a definitive decision on a county level and send it to the businesses, because they are unclear on how to handle this issue. Thanks for your help.

Rebecca Horn Tobacco Control Coordinator Green River District Health 1501 Breckenridge Street

Owensboro, KY 42303
Phone: 270-852-5486 Fax: 270-926-9862

Click here to check us out on

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Hahn, Ellen J Thursday, December 16, 2010 9:54 AM Horn, Rebecca (GRDHD) Mundy, Monica E; Ricks, Janelle; Wagner, Kristian K RE: Electronic Cigarrettes

Thanks for the update. We stand ready to help. Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Horn, Rebecca (GRDHD) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 11:30 AM To: Hahn, Ellen J Subject: RE: Electronic Cigarrettes We are waiting for the new commission to come in to meet, and I plan on putting in a plug during the meeting. I have talked to the group that received the DFC grant in our county about partnering on an effort to strengthen the current ordinance, and they said that it is in their plans. However, sometimes this group has a little trouble with follow through. We would have a good shot with the Oboro commission based on what I already know about the commissioners coming in this year. The county will need some assessment. From: Hahn, Ellen J [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 10:25 AM To: Horn, Rebecca (GRDHD); Mundy, Monica E Cc: Centers, Irene (CHFS HPB-Health Promotions); Christian, Ryan; Horton, Clayton (GRDHD); Riker, Carol A Subject: RE: Electronic Cigarrettes

Becky, Here is our latest fact sheet on e-cigarettes. We are working closely with Madison County. They voted on first reading to include e-cigarettes in their regulation. I am cc: Carol since she is working closely with them. Plus, just this week, a federal court in Virginia ruled that e-cigarettes are tobacco products. So my take is that smoke-free laws/regulations should include e-cigarettes.
file:///C|/...onley/Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Electronic%20Cigarrettes.html[8/19/2011 2:31:35 AM]

Happy to help. Monica will send along other key documents. Would be great if Daviess could strengthen their law at the same time to include all workplacesJ Ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Horn, Rebecca (GRDHD) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 10:22 AM To: Hahn, Ellen J; Mundy, Monica E Cc: Centers, Irene (CHFS HPB-Health Promotions); Christian, Ryan; Horton, Clayton (GRDHD) Subject: Electronic Cigarrettes I know you have given me UKs stance on electronic cigarettes in the past, but I need any official statements by the FDA, medical authorities etc on electronic cigarettes. I am going to meet with the county attorney in Daviess after the first of the year. We have had several instances of complaints on electronic cigarettes in Owensboro. Our ordinance does not state that they are prohibited. Based on our information, he may make an amendment to the ordinance to include electronic cigarettes. We need to make a definitive decision on a county level and send it to the businesses, because they are unclear on how to handle this issue. Thanks for your help.

Rebecca Horn Tobacco Control Coordinator Green River District Health 1501 Breckenridge Street

Owensboro, KY 42303
Phone: 270-852-5486 Fax: 270-926-9862

file:///C|/...onley/Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Electronic%20Cigarrettes.html[8/19/2011 2:31:35 AM]

Click here to check us out on

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Hahn, Ellen J Wednesday, March 10, 2010 7:59 PM Robertson, Heather E; Curtis Rowe Bossick, Michael J RE: Follow-up from CIAP Advisory Board meeting

Curt, So glad you joined us and I look forward to working with you again! Sorry we didnt have time to catch up. Good news is that the TWO ordinances that passed this week BOTH cover e-cigarettes (Bardstown and GlasgowJ). This is a new emerging product and we will be sure to recommend inclusion as communities pass state of the art ordinances. Take care, Ellen p.s. I hope you will come to our March 25 conference at the Doubletree! Ellen J. Hahn, DNS, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Follow us on Twitter! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Robertson, Heather E Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 9:02 AM To: Curtis Rowe Cc: Hahn, Ellen J Subject: RE: Follow-up from CIAP Advisory Board meeting

Hi Curt, I totally agree with you on the e-cig issue. Bardstown is the first one going through that includes e-cigs. I also agree with you that opening the existing policies up to add that would be too risky at this time. Better to work on including it on those moving forward. Thanks for coming. Always good to see you.

file:///C|/...20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Follow-up%20from%20CIAP%20Advisory%20Board%20meeting html[8/19/2011 2:31:36 AM]

Heather Robertson, MPA

Clean Indoor Air Partnership, Manager and Program Administrator Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Kentucky Radon Awareness Program Northern Kentucky Clean Indoor Air Collaborative University of Kentucky College of Nursing 520 CON Building 751 Rose Street Lexington KY 40536-0232 859-323-1730 Fax: 859-323-1057 [email protected] Follow us on Twitter!


From: Curtis Rowe [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 2:32 PM To: Robertson, Heather E Subject: Re: Follow-up from CIAP Advisory Board meeting

Well, since you asked.... -My objective for the meeting was to listen and learn. So, from that perspective, it was good. -There's obviously ALOT of talent around that table and I look forward to hearing more from them. -The one issue that really caught my attention was the e-cigarette and the clean indoor air activity around the state. Admittedly, there is much I don't know about all the community indoor air ordinances and should probably re-visit some of them. But, I wonder if those ordinances are broad enough to include e-cigarettes (and I am hoping that is the case). And if they don't, can/should e-cigarettes be included in future ordinances. My personal take it that it might be risky to open up all the already passed ordinances to include e-cigarettes because, as you know, every time they are discussed and opened to votes, the ordinances in their present form are put at risk. Looking forward to learning more about this issue. -Otherwise, an obviously well-prepared for meeting and I thank you for including me. Have worked most of the day, but looking forward to seeing some "outside" time soon. Thanks.

----- Original Message ----From: Robertson, Heather E To: Curtis Rowe Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 12:44 PM Subject: Follow-up from CIAP Advisory Board meeting

Hi Curt, I enjoyed having you at the CIAP Advisory Board meeting. They are always fast and furious. I was just wondering what you
file:///C|/...20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Follow-up%20from%20CIAP%20Advisory%20Board%20meeting html[8/19/2011 2:31:36 AM]

thought. Hope you are having a great Tuesday (with sunshine again!).

Heather Robertson, MPA

Clean Indoor Air Partnership, Manager and Program Administrator Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Kentucky Radon Awareness Program Northern Kentucky Clean Indoor Air Collaborative University of Kentucky College of Nursing 520 CON Building 751 Rose Street Lexington KY 40536-0232 859-323-1730 Fax: 859-323-1057 [email protected] Follow us on Twitter!


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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi Again Vanessa, I hope you are doing well.

Wagner, Kristian K Tuesday, May 11, 2010 8:41 AM Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) Riker, Carol A; Warren, Monica E; Hahn, Ellen J RE: Franklin HD signs?

Do you by any chance have the Health Department signage examples you sent in another form? Rowan county asked if we could get them in EPS. I just wanted to check. Thank you so much! Kristian Kristian Wagner, MS, RD, LD Technical Assistance Coordinator Clean Indoor Air Partnership University of Kentucky College of Nursing 509 CON Building Lexington, KY 40536-1057 859.323.4572 [email protected]

Follow us on Twitter!

cid:[email protected]

Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business

From: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 4:28 PM To: Wagner, Kristian K Cc: Riker, Carol A; Warren, Monica E; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: RE: Franklin HD signs?

Kristian, When our health dept. went completely tobacco-free we decided to ban all tobacco products rather than just cigarettes. The first attachment is the signage we have on our grounds. The second attachment is what we put up around our building and in the newspaper paper prior to becoming 100% Tobacco-Free to prepare our customers and staff. The third attachment is of window clings that we had ordered prior to going completely tobacco-free that includes the city ordinance number.

file:///C|/...Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Franklin%20HD%20signs%202 html[8/19/2011 2:31:37 AM]

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Thanks,

Vanessa Brewer Health Educator II Franklin County Health Department Community Health Education 851 East West Connector Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 564-5559, ext. 277 * Fax: (502) 564-5672 [email protected]
Laughter is like jogging on the inside. Exercise your 'innards' every day. "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)

NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This email, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is stictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Riker, Carol A [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:44 PM To: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) Cc: Wagner, Kristian K; Warren, Monica E; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: FW: Franklin HD signs?

Hi Vanessa, Would you be able to help Kristian and Rowan county with this request? Thanks, Carol
From: Wagner, Kristian K Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:41 PM To: Riker, Carol A Subject: Franklin HD signs?

Hi Carol, I hope you are well. Do you happen to have or would you mind asking Vanessa if they have an electronic version of the Franklin County HD Smoke-free campus signs? If they dont have an electronic version just the wording would help (Rowan is looking for samples).

file:///C|/...Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Franklin%20HD%20signs%202 html[8/19/2011 2:31:37 AM]

Thanks, Kristian Kristian Wagner, MS, RD, LD Technical Assistance Coordinator Clean Indoor Air Partnership University of Kentucky College of Nursing 509 CON Building Lexington, KY 40536-1057 859.323.4572 [email protected]

Follow us on Twitter!

cid:[email protected]

Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Riker, Carol A Tuesday, April 20, 2010 3:46 PM Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) Hahn, Ellen J; Warren, Monica E; Wagner, Kristian K RE: Franklin HD signs?

Thanks, Vanessa. Looks like a good agenda. We can talk a little on the phone about the subaward and how it might fit in with MAPP. Im glad to see the idea of packets for the fiscal court candidates on the agenda. Do you know if the paper or any group is conducting a candidate survey or a candidate forum where we could submit a question or two? We can talk briefly about that, too. If anyone would be willing to assess candidate views we have a more conversational form than what we used before, so Ill attach that fyi. Ill call you tomorrow! Carol

From: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 11:54 AM To: Riker, Carol A Cc: Hahn, Ellen J; Warren, Monica E; Wagner, Kristian K Subject: RE: Franklin HD signs?

Carol, You are more than welcome to attend the first hour of MAPP. Please come if you can. The goal of merging is to have our coalition become part of the MAPP group so were all working as one team towards a healthier community. Wednesday at 10:00 am would probably work best for me. We can talk then about what to expect at MAPP. The only items that I currently have on the agenda include: UK subaward 24/7 Tobacco-Free Schools Cooper Clayton Facilitator Training (Aug/Sept) World No Tobacco Day Expo Informational packets to those running for magistrate Thanks so much,

Vanessa Brewer Health Educator II Franklin County Health Department Community Health Education 851 East West Connector Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 564-5559, ext. 277 * Fax: (502) 564-5672

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[email protected]
Laughter is like jogging on the inside. Exercise your 'innards' every day. "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)

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From: Riker, Carol A [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 6:39 PM To: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) Cc: Hahn, Ellen J; Warren, Monica E; Wagner, Kristian K Subject: RE: Franklin HD signs?

Vanessa, Thanks so much for sending all the details!! Is it Ok for me to attend the first hour of the MAPP meeting to get a feel for the whole on Thursday? Anytime you can talk for a few minutes before Thursday? I can call: Tomorrow (Tues) late afternoon Wed between 10 and 1:30 or at 4. Thursday at 8 I just want to hear what you think will happen on Thursday and know whether there is anything you need for me to bring to the meeting. Thanks, Vanessa. Carol

From: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 4:28 PM To: Wagner, Kristian K Cc: Riker, Carol A; Warren, Monica E; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: RE: Franklin HD signs?

Kristian, When our health dept. went completely tobacco-free we decided to ban all tobacco products rather than just cigarettes. The first attachment is the signage we have on our grounds. The second attachment is what we put up around our building and in the newspaper paper prior to becoming 100% Tobacco-Free to prepare our customers and staff. The third attachment is of window clings that we had ordered prior to going completely tobacco-free that includes the city ordinance number. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Thanks,
file:///C|/...Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Franklin%20HD%20signs%203 html[8/19/2011 2:31:38 AM]

Vanessa Brewer Health Educator II Franklin County Health Department Community Health Education 851 East West Connector Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 564-5559, ext. 277 * Fax: (502) 564-5672 [email protected]
Laughter is like jogging on the inside. Exercise your 'innards' every day. "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)

NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This email, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is stictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Riker, Carol A [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:44 PM To: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) Cc: Wagner, Kristian K; Warren, Monica E; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: FW: Franklin HD signs?

Hi Vanessa, Would you be able to help Kristian and Rowan county with this request? Thanks, Carol
From: Wagner, Kristian K Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:41 PM To: Riker, Carol A Subject: Franklin HD signs?

Hi Carol, I hope you are well. Do you happen to have or would you mind asking Vanessa if they have an electronic version of the Franklin County HD Smoke-free campus signs? If they dont have an electronic version just the wording would help (Rowan is looking for samples). Thanks, Kristian Kristian Wagner, MS, RD, LD

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Technical Assistance Coordinator Clean Indoor Air Partnership University of Kentucky College of Nursing 509 CON Building Lexington, KY 40536-1057 859.323.4572 [email protected]

Follow us on Twitter!

cid:[email protected]

Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Carol,

Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) <[email protected]> Tuesday, April 20, 2010 11:54 AM Riker, Carol A Hahn, Ellen J; Warren, Monica E; Wagner, Kristian K RE: Franklin HD signs?

You are more than welcome to attend the first hour of MAPP. Please come if you can. The goal of merging is to have our coalition become part of the MAPP group so were all working as one team towards a healthier community. Wednesday at 10:00 am would probably work best for me. We can talk then about what to expect at MAPP. The only items that I currently have on the agenda include: UK subaward 24/7 Tobacco-Free Schools Cooper Clayton Facilitator Training (Aug/Sept) World No Tobacco Day Expo Informational packets to those running for magistrate Thanks so much,

Vanessa Brewer Health Educator II Franklin County Health Department Community Health Education 851 East West Connector Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 564-5559, ext. 277 * Fax: (502) 564-5672 [email protected]
Laughter is like jogging on the inside. Exercise your 'innards' every day. "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)

NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This email, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is stictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Riker, Carol A [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 6:39 PM To: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) Cc: Hahn, Ellen J; Warren, Monica E; Wagner, Kristian K Subject: RE: Franklin HD signs?

Vanessa, Thanks so much for sending all the details!!

file:///C|/...Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Franklin%20HD%20signs%204 html[8/19/2011 2:31:39 AM]

Is it Ok for me to attend the first hour of the MAPP meeting to get a feel for the whole on Thursday? Anytime you can talk for a few minutes before Thursday? I can call: Tomorrow (Tues) late afternoon Wed between 10 and 1:30 or at 4. Thursday at 8 I just want to hear what you think will happen on Thursday and know whether there is anything you need for me to bring to the meeting. Thanks, Vanessa. Carol

From: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 4:28 PM To: Wagner, Kristian K Cc: Riker, Carol A; Warren, Monica E; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: RE: Franklin HD signs?

Kristian, When our health dept. went completely tobacco-free we decided to ban all tobacco products rather than just cigarettes. The first attachment is the signage we have on our grounds. The second attachment is what we put up around our building and in the newspaper paper prior to becoming 100% Tobacco-Free to prepare our customers and staff. The third attachment is of window clings that we had ordered prior to going completely tobacco-free that includes the city ordinance number. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Thanks,

Vanessa Brewer Health Educator II Franklin County Health Department Community Health Education 851 East West Connector Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 564-5559, ext. 277 * Fax: (502) 564-5672 [email protected]
Laughter is like jogging on the inside. Exercise your 'innards' every day. "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)

NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This email, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is stictly prohibited. If you have

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received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Riker, Carol A [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:44 PM To: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) Cc: Wagner, Kristian K; Warren, Monica E; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: FW: Franklin HD signs?

Hi Vanessa, Would you be able to help Kristian and Rowan county with this request? Thanks, Carol
From: Wagner, Kristian K Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:41 PM To: Riker, Carol A Subject: Franklin HD signs?

Hi Carol, I hope you are well. Do you happen to have or would you mind asking Vanessa if they have an electronic version of the Franklin County HD Smoke-free campus signs? If they dont have an electronic version just the wording would help (Rowan is looking for samples). Thanks, Kristian Kristian Wagner, MS, RD, LD Technical Assistance Coordinator Clean Indoor Air Partnership University of Kentucky College of Nursing 509 CON Building Lexington, KY 40536-1057 859.323.4572 [email protected]

Follow us on Twitter!

cid:[email protected]

Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Vanessa,

Riker, Carol A Monday, April 19, 2010 6:39 PM Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) Hahn, Ellen J; Warren, Monica E; Wagner, Kristian K RE: Franklin HD signs?

Thanks so much for sending all the details!! Is it Ok for me to attend the first hour of the MAPP meeting to get a feel for the whole on Thursday? Anytime you can talk for a few minutes before Thursday? I can call: Tomorrow (Tues) late afternoon Wed between 10 and 1:30 or at 4. Thursday at 8 I just want to hear what you think will happen on Thursday and know whether there is anything you need for me to bring to the meeting. Thanks, Vanessa. Carol

From: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 4:28 PM To: Wagner, Kristian K Cc: Riker, Carol A; Warren, Monica E; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: RE: Franklin HD signs?

Kristian, When our health dept. went completely tobacco-free we decided to ban all tobacco products rather than just cigarettes. The first attachment is the signage we have on our grounds. The second attachment is what we put up around our building and in the newspaper paper prior to becoming 100% Tobacco-Free to prepare our customers and staff. The third attachment is of window clings that we had ordered prior to going completely tobacco-free that includes the city ordinance number. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Thanks,

Vanessa Brewer Health Educator II Franklin County Health Department Community Health Education 851 East West Connector Frankfort, KY 40601

file:///C|/...Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Franklin%20HD%20signs%205 html[8/19/2011 2:31:39 AM]

(502) 564-5559, ext. 277 * Fax: (502) 564-5672 [email protected]

Laughter is like jogging on the inside. Exercise your 'innards' every day. "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)

NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This email, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is stictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Riker, Carol A [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:44 PM To: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) Cc: Wagner, Kristian K; Warren, Monica E; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: FW: Franklin HD signs?

Hi Vanessa, Would you be able to help Kristian and Rowan county with this request? Thanks, Carol
From: Wagner, Kristian K Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:41 PM To: Riker, Carol A Subject: Franklin HD signs?

Hi Carol, I hope you are well. Do you happen to have or would you mind asking Vanessa if they have an electronic version of the Franklin County HD Smoke-free campus signs? If they dont have an electronic version just the wording would help (Rowan is looking for samples). Thanks, Kristian Kristian Wagner, MS, RD, LD Technical Assistance Coordinator Clean Indoor Air Partnership University of Kentucky College of Nursing 509 CON Building Lexington, KY 40536-1057 859.323.4572 [email protected]

file:///C|/...Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Franklin%20HD%20signs%205 html[8/19/2011 2:31:39 AM]

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Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi Vanessa,

Wagner, Kristian K Wednesday, April 14, 2010 4:36 PM Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) Riker, Carol A; Warren, Monica E; Hahn, Ellen J RE: Franklin HD signs?

Thank you so much for sending all of this material! I very much appreciate it. It is very helpful! Thank You, Kristian Kristian Wagner, MS, RD, LD Technical Assistance Coordinator Clean Indoor Air Partnership University of Kentucky College of Nursing 509 CON Building Lexington, KY 40536-1057 859.323.4572 [email protected]

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cid:[email protected]

Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business

From: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 4:28 PM To: Wagner, Kristian K Cc: Riker, Carol A; Warren, Monica E; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: RE: Franklin HD signs?

Kristian, When our health dept. went completely tobacco-free we decided to ban all tobacco products rather than just cigarettes. The first attachment is the signage we have on our grounds. The second attachment is what we put up around our building and in the newspaper paper prior to becoming 100% Tobacco-Free to prepare our customers and staff. The third attachment is of window clings that we had ordered prior to going completely tobacco-free that includes the city ordinance number. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

file:///C|/...Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Franklin%20HD%20signs%206 html[8/19/2011 2:31:40 AM]


Vanessa Brewer Health Educator II Franklin County Health Department Community Health Education 851 East West Connector Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 564-5559, ext. 277 * Fax: (502) 564-5672 [email protected]
Laughter is like jogging on the inside. Exercise your 'innards' every day. "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)

NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This email, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is stictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Riker, Carol A [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:44 PM To: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) Cc: Wagner, Kristian K; Warren, Monica E; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: FW: Franklin HD signs?

Hi Vanessa, Would you be able to help Kristian and Rowan county with this request? Thanks, Carol
From: Wagner, Kristian K Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:41 PM To: Riker, Carol A Subject: Franklin HD signs?

Hi Carol, I hope you are well. Do you happen to have or would you mind asking Vanessa if they have an electronic version of the Franklin County HD Smoke-free campus signs? If they dont have an electronic version just the wording would help (Rowan is looking for samples). Thanks, Kristian

file:///C|/...Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Franklin%20HD%20signs%206 html[8/19/2011 2:31:40 AM]

Kristian Wagner, MS, RD, LD Technical Assistance Coordinator Clean Indoor Air Partnership University of Kentucky College of Nursing 509 CON Building Lexington, KY 40536-1057 859.323.4572 [email protected]

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cid:[email protected]

Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Kristen,

Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) <[email protected]> Friday, May 14, 2010 4:23 PM Wagner, Kristian K Riker, Carol A; Warren, Monica E; Hahn, Ellen J RE: Franklin HD signs?

Im not sure what EPS is, but would JPEG work?

Vanessa Brewer Health Educator II Franklin County Health Department Community Health Education 851 East West Connector Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 564-5559, ext. 277 * Fax: (502) 564-5672 [email protected]
Laughter is like jogging on the inside. Exercise your 'innards' every day. "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)

NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This email, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is stictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Wagner, Kristian K [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 8:41 AM To: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) Cc: Riker, Carol A; Warren, Monica E; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: RE: Franklin HD signs?

Hi Again Vanessa, I hope you are doing well. Do you by any chance have the Health Department signage examples you sent in another form? Rowan county asked if we could get them in EPS. I just wanted to check. Thank you so much! Kristian Kristian Wagner, MS, RD, LD Technical Assistance Coordinator Clean Indoor Air Partnership University of Kentucky College of Nursing

file:///C|/...onley/Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Franklin%20HD%20signs html[8/19/2011 2:31:41 AM]

509 CON Building Lexington, KY 40536-1057 859.323.4572 [email protected]

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cid:[email protected]

Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business

From: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 4:28 PM To: Wagner, Kristian K Cc: Riker, Carol A; Warren, Monica E; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: RE: Franklin HD signs?

Kristian, When our health dept. went completely tobacco-free we decided to ban all tobacco products rather than just cigarettes. The first attachment is the signage we have on our grounds. The second attachment is what we put up around our building and in the newspaper paper prior to becoming 100% Tobacco-Free to prepare our customers and staff. The third attachment is of window clings that we had ordered prior to going completely tobacco-free that includes the city ordinance number. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Thanks,

Vanessa Brewer Health Educator II Franklin County Health Department Community Health Education 851 East West Connector Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 564-5559, ext. 277 * Fax: (502) 564-5672 [email protected]
Laughter is like jogging on the inside. Exercise your 'innards' every day. "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)

NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This email, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and

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may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is stictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Riker, Carol A [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:44 PM To: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) Cc: Wagner, Kristian K; Warren, Monica E; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: FW: Franklin HD signs?

Hi Vanessa, Would you be able to help Kristian and Rowan county with this request? Thanks, Carol
From: Wagner, Kristian K Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:41 PM To: Riker, Carol A Subject: Franklin HD signs?

Hi Carol, I hope you are well. Do you happen to have or would you mind asking Vanessa if they have an electronic version of the Franklin County HD Smoke-free campus signs? If they dont have an electronic version just the wording would help (Rowan is looking for samples). Thanks, Kristian Kristian Wagner, MS, RD, LD Technical Assistance Coordinator Clean Indoor Air Partnership University of Kentucky College of Nursing 509 CON Building Lexington, KY 40536-1057 859.323.4572 [email protected]

Follow us on Twitter!

cid:[email protected]

Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business

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From: Sent: To: Subject:

Hahn, Ellen J Thursday, May 05, 2011 6:34 AM 'Whitney Neal' RE: Google Alert - Smoke-free Kentucky

Hi, Whitney, Due to copyright laws, I cannot give you the .pdf to load onto the website (unfortunately). I cannot even put it on our website without either paying or getting permission. So you could contact Sage and request permission to put on your website (or just put the citation like we do and link to the abstract on the website). Sorry! Ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected]

Find kysmokefree on 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email


From: Whitney Neal [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 1:56 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J Subject: FW: Google Alert - Smoke-free Kentucky

Hi Ellen, I just got an alert about your new smoke-free article! Would you be interested in posting this to the resource page? If so, can you share a pdf with us? Best regards, Whitney Neal Communications Associate Kentucky Youth Advocates
file:///C|/...lts/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Google%20Alert%20-%20Smoke-free%20Kentucky html[8/19/2011 2:31:45 AM]

11001 Bluegrass Pkwy, Suite 100 Jeffersontown, KY 40299 (502) 895-8167 x 121

"the independent voice for Kentucky's children"

From: Google Alerts [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 5:15 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Google Alert - Smoke-free Kentucky Web 2 new results for Smoke-free Kentucky

Do Smoke-Free Laws in Rural, Distressed Counties Encourage Cessation?

Do Smoke-Free Laws in Rural, Distressed Counties Encourage Cessation? Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN. University of Kentucky College of Nursing, Tobacco Policy ...

Louisville e cigarettes

Louisville's and Lexington's smoke-free ordinances do not include e-cigarettes. Louisville News Kentucky Indiana News Weather SportsKentucky city ...

This once a day Google Alert is brought to you by Google. Remove this alert. Create another alert. Manage your alerts.

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Thanks, Ellen.

Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co) <[email protected]> Thursday, February 04, 2010 10:13 AM Hahn, Ellen J; Riker, Carol A; Davis, Ruth R (LHD-Madison Co) Bossick, Michael J; Wagner, Kristian K RE: Hookah Indoor Air Quality & legal info

Kelly S. Owens, MPH, CHES

Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Specialist/Health Educator II Madison County Health Department 1001 Ace Drive Berea, KY 40403 (859) 228-2043
Web Address:

Kentucky QUITLINE: 1-800-QUIT-NOW

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: Hahn, Ellen J [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 9:54 AM To: Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co); Riker, Carol A; Davis, Ruth R (LHD-Madison Co) Cc: Bossick, Michael J; Wagner, Kristian K Subject: Re: Hookah Indoor Air Quality & legal info Thanks for the update. Glad it went well. Let us know how we can help as you go forward. We can send any amendments to TCLC for review. Ellen J. Hahn, DNS Professor, UK CON

From: Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co) <[email protected]> To: Hahn, Ellen J; Riker, Carol A; Davis, Ruth R (LHD-Madison Co) <[email protected]> Cc: Bossick, Michael J; Wagner, Kristian K Sent: Thu Feb 04 08:44:30 2010 Subject: RE: Hookah Indoor Air Quality & legal info

The Madison County Board of Health listened to the proposal for the opening of a Hookah Caf in Richmond. The proposal was denied. There was some discussion of the language of the regulation. One Board member suggested there needed to be a change in the language regarding the definition of RETAIL TOBACCO STORE to make it more clear. No action was taken on this. My hopes are that the BOH considers making some amendments and/or changing the language according to some of the suggestions from TCLC. Thank you all for your assistance! We will certainly keep you posted.

file:///C|/...20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Hookah%20Indoor%20Air%20Quality%20%20legal%20info%202 html[8/19/2011 2:31:46 AM]

Kelly S. Owens, MPH, CHES

Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Specialist/Health Educator II Madison County Health Department 1001 Ace Drive Berea, KY 40403 (859) 228-2043
Web Address:

Kentucky QUITLINE: 1-800-QUIT-NOW

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: Hahn, Ellen J [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 9:23 AM To: Riker, Carol A; Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co); Davis, Ruth R (LHD-Madison Co) Cc: Bossick, Michael J; Wagner, Kristian K; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: RE: Hookah Indoor Air Quality & legal info

Hi, Kelly and Ruth, I have reviewed the TCLC review of our request related to the hookah situation in Madison County. Here are the take-away messages that I would emphasize: 1. In addition to the hookah health effects fact sheets that we sent, they emphasized the many young hookah users also smoke cigarettes. This fits with the tobacco industrys recent focus on dual use products (in response to the wave of smoke-free regulations). They have dramatically changed the way they market and promote tobacco since the explosion of smoke-free laws. The attempt to circumvent Madisons clean air regulation by allowing a hookah lounge is clearly a way to say to young people that they can maintain their addiction to tobacco even in a smoke-free environment (by the way, they are also doing this in their marketing of the newer spitless snus products). 2. I concur with TCLC that Madison BOH has several options to strengthen its clean air regulation to discourage the hookah lounge. One relates to amending the definition of smoking (see top of p. 3 for the ANR model ordinance definition of smoking that includes heating of tobacco products). Second, addressing the retail tobacco store exemption. Below are your choices from most effective to least effective in protecting public health: a. The cleanest (and the most defensible from a health standpoint) solution would be to remove the tobacco store exemption altogether (and revise the definition of smoking as above), but I understand that this may be problematic in your situation. i. I like their point that many successful businesses that deal in consumable items, such as hard liquor, do not allow customers to sample products before purchasing them. Could be a great argument to removing the retail tobacco store exemption altogether (coupled with the health effects and emerging dual use trendsas a BOH you could do that more easily than could an elected body in my opinion, given your mission to protect the public health. And since passing the regulation, the industry has found loopholes like this one and they are focusing on dual use). b. Include hookah in the list of definition of public place or place of employment AND make the above changes to the definition of smoking AND make the below changes to the retail tobacco store definition and exemption

file:///C|/...20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Hookah%20Indoor%20Air%20Quality%20%20legal%20info%202 html[8/19/2011 2:31:46 AM]

(see Other Options p. 5). c. Amend the definition of retail tobacco store to not allow the sale of alcohol or food AND to require tobacco products to make up a certain percentage of total sales AND to require the store be in a freestanding building AND to require the store to provide documentation quarterly that demonstrates the percentage requirements in the definition (see p. 4 suggested language re 700.025, 700.022, and 700.425 exemption language). I do not agree with their recommendation to add to the exemption language to not allow individuals under the age of 18 to enter the premises. Given the health effects to all ages, I see no reason to even talk about youth (could be an equal protections issue and your regulation is already comprehensive in including all ages). d. Last option, in my opinion, is to do some version of #c, meaning that you could decide only to change the percentage of sales in the definition of retail tobacco store exemption (like Lexington did; I caution you, however, since the Lexington fix has not changed the situationthe hookah lounge is still in business and we hear that cigarette smokers primarily go there and that there may not be a lot of hookah smoking going on). Or you could decide only to require the store to be in a freestanding building, for example. I hope it goes well tonight. Feel free to share my thoughts with BOH members, as well as the materials Carol has shared over the past several days. I am happy to follow up on any of these suggestions via phone or in person if needed. Again, feel free to call me at 859-421-6948. I will have email access this week but it may be spotty. We will be interested to hear the outcome of the meeting. Ellen

Ellen J. Hahn, DNS, RN Professor, University of Kentucky College of Nursing Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program and Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management 751 Rose Street, College of Nursing 519 Lexington, Kentucky 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Follow us on Twitter! Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business

UK See Blue

From: Riker, Carol A Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 4:49 PM To: Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co); Davis, Ruth R (LHD-Madison Co) Cc: Hahn, Ellen J; Bossick, Michael J; Wagner, Kristian K Subject: Hookah Indoor Air Quality & legal info

Hi Kelly and Ruth,

file:///C|/...20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Hookah%20Indoor%20Air%20Quality%20%20legal%20info%202 html[8/19/2011 2:31:46 AM]

We thought you needed info on secondhand smoke (or Exhaled Main Stream Smoke, EMSS, as one author calls it) to argue against a Hookah coming in. Obviously the effects on the user are huge, as noted in the last one-pager we sent. However the literature is scarce on Hookah SHS info and there is a lot of misinformation out there. Thankfully Maziak has done a recent study to augment the one Kiyoung Lee conducted on our Hookah. I have replaced only the What the Science Says section on the one-pager, so this one will look exactly like the one we sent last week except for that section. Bottom line is that when a waterpipe smoker is smoking, the PM2.5 levels in the establishment can rise to 908 and the PM10 particles even higher (1052). Kiyoung found PM2.6 levels ranging from 116-199 in our Hookah (with no one smoking regular cigarettes). As always, we only have the outdoor air standard (35) as a comparison, but even Kiyoung lowest finding is over 3X the outdoor standard and Maziaks highest PM2.5 level was almost 26X the outdoor standard. We found a review article that presents incomplete and biased info. Chaouachi (2009) claims that the hookah device generates almost no Side Stream Smoke. When I went to the Maziak article that he cites, it turns out that may only be true if no one is smoking the waterpipe. As Kiyoung Lee points out, there can also be air pollution from the heat source. I wanted you to be aware of this in case someone cites this study. Obviously there is no need to expose workers to even 3X the outdoor standard. We just got TCLCs comments and havent read them yet. Were out in a community tonight, but Ellen says that she can develop some talking points tomorrow AM Thanks so much for your patience as we chart this new ground. Carol

Carol Riker, RN, MSN Associate Professor Provost's Distinguished Service Professor Community Advisor, Rural Smoke-free Communities 555 College of Nursing University of Kentucky 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 Phone: 859-323-6615 Fax: 859-323-1057 Cell: 859-619-3776
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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Hahn, Ellen J Thursday, February 04, 2010 9:54 AM '[email protected]'; Riker, Carol A; '[email protected]' Bossick, Michael J; Wagner, Kristian K Re: Hookah Indoor Air Quality & legal info

Thanks for the update. Glad it went well. Let us know how we can help as you go forward. We can send any amendments to TCLC for review. Ellen J. Hahn, DNS Professor, UK CON

From: Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co) <[email protected]> To: Hahn, Ellen J; Riker, Carol A; Davis, Ruth R (LHD-Madison Co) <[email protected]> Cc: Bossick, Michael J; Wagner, Kristian K Sent: Thu Feb 04 08:44:30 2010 Subject: RE: Hookah Indoor Air Quality & legal info

The Madison County Board of Health listened to the proposal for the opening of a Hookah Caf in Richmond. The proposal was denied. There was some discussion of the language of the regulation. One Board member suggested there needed to be a change in the language regarding the definition of RETAIL TOBACCO STORE to make it more clear. No action was taken on this. My hopes are that the BOH considers making some amendments and/or changing the language according to some of the suggestions from TCLC. Thank you all for your assistance! We will certainly keep you posted.

Kelly S. Owens, MPH, CHES

Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Specialist/Health Educator II Madison County Health Department 1001 Ace Drive Berea, KY 40403 (859) 228-2043
Web Address:

Kentucky QUITLINE: 1-800-QUIT-NOW

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: Hahn, Ellen J [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 9:23 AM To: Riker, Carol A; Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co); Davis, Ruth R (LHD-Madison Co) Cc: Bossick, Michael J; Wagner, Kristian K; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: RE: Hookah Indoor Air Quality & legal info

Hi, Kelly and Ruth, I have reviewed the TCLC review of our request related to the hookah situation in Madison County. Here are the take-away

file:///C|/...20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/Re%20Hookah%20Indoor%20Air%20Quality%20%20legal%20info%203.html[8/19/2011 2:31:48 AM]

messages that I would emphasize: 1. In addition to the hookah health effects fact sheets that we sent, they emphasized the many young hookah users also smoke cigarettes. This fits with the tobacco industrys recent focus on dual use products (in response to the wave of smoke-free regulations). They have dramatically changed the way they market and promote tobacco since the explosion of smoke-free laws. The attempt to circumvent Madisons clean air regulation by allowing a hookah lounge is clearly a way to say to young people that they can maintain their addiction to tobacco even in a smoke-free environment (by the way, they are also doing this in their marketing of the newer spitless snus products). 2. I concur with TCLC that Madison BOH has several options to strengthen its clean air regulation to discourage the hookah lounge. One relates to amending the definition of smoking (see top of p. 3 for the ANR model ordinance definition of smoking that includes heating of tobacco products). Second, addressing the retail tobacco store exemption. Below are your choices from most effective to least effective in protecting public health: a. The cleanest (and the most defensible from a health standpoint) solution would be to remove the tobacco store exemption altogether (and revise the definition of smoking as above), but I understand that this may be problematic in your situation. i. I like their point that many successful businesses that deal in consumable items, such as hard liquor, do not allow customers to sample products before purchasing them. Could be a great argument to removing the retail tobacco store exemption altogether (coupled with the health effects and emerging dual use trendsas a BOH you could do that more easily than could an elected body in my opinion, given your mission to protect the public health. And since passing the regulation, the industry has found loopholes like this one and they are focusing on dual use). b. Include hookah in the list of definition of public place or place of employment AND make the above changes to the definition of smoking AND make the below changes to the retail tobacco store definition and exemption (see Other Options p. 5). c. Amend the definition of retail tobacco store to not allow the sale of alcohol or food AND to require tobacco products to make up a certain percentage of total sales AND to require the store be in a freestanding building AND to require the store to provide documentation quarterly that demonstrates the percentage requirements in the definition (see p. 4 suggested language re 700.025, 700.022, and 700.425 exemption language). I do not agree with their recommendation to add to the exemption language to not allow individuals under the age of 18 to enter the premises. Given the health effects to all ages, I see no reason to even talk about youth (could be an equal protections issue and your regulation is already comprehensive in including all ages). d. Last option, in my opinion, is to do some version of #c, meaning that you could decide only to change the percentage of sales in the definition of retail tobacco store exemption (like Lexington did; I caution you, however, since the Lexington fix has not changed the situationthe hookah lounge is still in business and we hear that cigarette smokers primarily go there and that there may not be a lot of hookah smoking going on). Or you could decide only to require the store to be in a freestanding building, for example. I hope it goes well tonight. Feel free to share my thoughts with BOH members, as well as the materials Carol has shared over the past several days. I am happy to follow up on any of these suggestions via phone or in person if needed. Again, feel free to call me at 859-421-6948. I will have email access this week but it may be spotty. We will be interested to hear the outcome of the meeting. Ellen

file:///C|/...20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/Re%20Hookah%20Indoor%20Air%20Quality%20%20legal%20info%203.html[8/19/2011 2:31:48 AM]

Ellen J. Hahn, DNS, RN Professor, University of Kentucky College of Nursing Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program and Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management 751 Rose Street, College of Nursing 519 Lexington, Kentucky 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Follow us on Twitter! Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business

UK See Blue

From: Riker, Carol A Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 4:49 PM To: Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co); Davis, Ruth R (LHD-Madison Co) Cc: Hahn, Ellen J; Bossick, Michael J; Wagner, Kristian K Subject: Hookah Indoor Air Quality & legal info

Hi Kelly and Ruth, We thought you needed info on secondhand smoke (or Exhaled Main Stream Smoke, EMSS, as one author calls it) to argue against a Hookah coming in. Obviously the effects on the user are huge, as noted in the last one-pager we sent. However the literature is scarce on Hookah SHS info and there is a lot of misinformation out there. Thankfully Maziak has done a recent study to augment the one Kiyoung Lee conducted on our Hookah. I have replaced only the What the Science Says section on the one-pager, so this one will look exactly like the one we sent last week except for that section. Bottom line is that when a waterpipe smoker is smoking, the PM2.5 levels in the establishment can rise to 908 and the PM10 particles even higher (1052). Kiyoung found PM2.6 levels ranging from 116-199 in our Hookah (with no one smoking regular cigarettes). As always, we only have the outdoor air standard (35) as a comparison, but even Kiyoung lowest finding is over 3X the outdoor standard and Maziaks highest PM2.5 level was almost 26X the outdoor standard. We found a review article that presents incomplete and biased info. Chaouachi (2009) claims that the hookah device generates almost no Side Stream Smoke. When I went to the Maziak article that he cites, it turns out that may only be true if no one is smoking the waterpipe. As Kiyoung Lee points out, there can also be air pollution from the heat source. I wanted you to be aware of this in case someone cites this study. Obviously there is no need to expose workers to even 3X the outdoor standard. We just got TCLCs comments and havent read them yet. Were out in a community tonight, but Ellen says that she can develop some talking points tomorrow AM

file:///C|/...20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/Re%20Hookah%20Indoor%20Air%20Quality%20%20legal%20info%203.html[8/19/2011 2:31:48 AM]

Thanks so much for your patience as we chart this new ground. Carol

Carol Riker, RN, MSN Associate Professor Provost's Distinguished Service Professor Community Advisor, Rural Smoke-free Communities 555 College of Nursing University of Kentucky 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 Phone: 859-323-6615 Fax: 859-323-1057 Cell: 859-619-3776
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Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co) <[email protected]> Thursday, February 04, 2010 8:45 AM Hahn, Ellen J; Riker, Carol A; Davis, Ruth R (LHD-Madison Co) Bossick, Michael J; Wagner, Kristian K RE: Hookah Indoor Air Quality & legal info Follow up Flagged

The Madison County Board of Health listened to the proposal for the opening of a Hookah Caf in Richmond. The proposal was denied. There was some discussion of the language of the regulation. One Board member suggested there needed to be a change in the language regarding the definition of RETAIL TOBACCO STORE to make it more clear. No action was taken on this. My hopes are that the BOH considers making some amendments and/or changing the language according to some of the suggestions from TCLC. Thank you all for your assistance! We will certainly keep you posted.

Kelly S. Owens, MPH, CHES

Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Specialist/Health Educator II Madison County Health Department 1001 Ace Drive Berea, KY 40403 (859) 228-2043
Web Address:

Kentucky QUITLINE: 1-800-QUIT-NOW

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: Hahn, Ellen J [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 9:23 AM To: Riker, Carol A; Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co); Davis, Ruth R (LHD-Madison Co) Cc: Bossick, Michael J; Wagner, Kristian K; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: RE: Hookah Indoor Air Quality & legal info

Hi, Kelly and Ruth, I have reviewed the TCLC review of our request related to the hookah situation in Madison County. Here are the take-away messages that I would emphasize: 1. In addition to the hookah health effects fact sheets that we sent, they emphasized the many young hookah users also smoke cigarettes. This fits with the tobacco industrys recent focus on dual use products (in response to the wave of smoke-free regulations). They have dramatically changed the way they market and promote tobacco since the explosion of smoke-free laws. The attempt to circumvent Madisons clean air regulation by allowing a hookah lounge is clearly a way to say to young people that they can maintain their addiction to tobacco even in a smoke-free

file:///C|/...20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Hookah%20Indoor%20Air%20Quality%20%20legal%20info%204 html[8/19/2011 2:31:50 AM]

environment (by the way, they are also doing this in their marketing of the newer spitless snus products). 2. I concur with TCLC that Madison BOH has several options to strengthen its clean air regulation to discourage the hookah lounge. One relates to amending the definition of smoking (see top of p. 3 for the ANR model ordinance definition of smoking that includes heating of tobacco products). Second, addressing the retail tobacco store exemption. Below are your choices from most effective to least effective in protecting public health: a. The cleanest (and the most defensible from a health standpoint) solution would be to remove the tobacco store exemption altogether (and revise the definition of smoking as above), but I understand that this may be problematic in your situation. i. I like their point that many successful businesses that deal in consumable items, such as hard liquor, do not allow customers to sample products before purchasing them. Could be a great argument to removing the retail tobacco store exemption altogether (coupled with the health effects and emerging dual use trendsas a BOH you could do that more easily than could an elected body in my opinion, given your mission to protect the public health. And since passing the regulation, the industry has found loopholes like this one and they are focusing on dual use). b. Include hookah in the list of definition of public place or place of employment AND make the above changes to the definition of smoking AND make the below changes to the retail tobacco store definition and exemption (see Other Options p. 5). c. Amend the definition of retail tobacco store to not allow the sale of alcohol or food AND to require tobacco products to make up a certain percentage of total sales AND to require the store be in a freestanding building AND to require the store to provide documentation quarterly that demonstrates the percentage requirements in the definition (see p. 4 suggested language re 700.025, 700.022, and 700.425 exemption language). I do not agree with their recommendation to add to the exemption language to not allow individuals under the age of 18 to enter the premises. Given the health effects to all ages, I see no reason to even talk about youth (could be an equal protections issue and your regulation is already comprehensive in including all ages). d. Last option, in my opinion, is to do some version of #c, meaning that you could decide only to change the percentage of sales in the definition of retail tobacco store exemption (like Lexington did; I caution you, however, since the Lexington fix has not changed the situationthe hookah lounge is still in business and we hear that cigarette smokers primarily go there and that there may not be a lot of hookah smoking going on). Or you could decide only to require the store to be in a freestanding building, for example. I hope it goes well tonight. Feel free to share my thoughts with BOH members, as well as the materials Carol has shared over the past several days. I am happy to follow up on any of these suggestions via phone or in person if needed. Again, feel free to call me at 859-421-6948. I will have email access this week but it may be spotty. We will be interested to hear the outcome of the meeting. Ellen

Ellen J. Hahn, DNS, RN Professor, University of Kentucky College of Nursing Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program and Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management 751 Rose Street, College of Nursing 519 Lexington, Kentucky 40536-0232 859-257-2358
file:///C|/...20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Hookah%20Indoor%20Air%20Quality%20%20legal%20info%204 html[8/19/2011 2:31:50 AM]

859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Follow us on Twitter! Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business

UK See Blue

From: Riker, Carol A Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 4:49 PM To: Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co); Davis, Ruth R (LHD-Madison Co) Cc: Hahn, Ellen J; Bossick, Michael J; Wagner, Kristian K Subject: Hookah Indoor Air Quality & legal info

Hi Kelly and Ruth, We thought you needed info on secondhand smoke (or Exhaled Main Stream Smoke, EMSS, as one author calls it) to argue against a Hookah coming in. Obviously the effects on the user are huge, as noted in the last one-pager we sent. However the literature is scarce on Hookah SHS info and there is a lot of misinformation out there. Thankfully Maziak has done a recent study to augment the one Kiyoung Lee conducted on our Hookah. I have replaced only the What the Science Says section on the one-pager, so this one will look exactly like the one we sent last week except for that section. Bottom line is that when a waterpipe smoker is smoking, the PM2.5 levels in the establishment can rise to 908 and the PM10 particles even higher (1052). Kiyoung found PM2.6 levels ranging from 116-199 in our Hookah (with no one smoking regular cigarettes). As always, we only have the outdoor air standard (35) as a comparison, but even Kiyoung lowest finding is over 3X the outdoor standard and Maziaks highest PM2.5 level was almost 26X the outdoor standard. We found a review article that presents incomplete and biased info. Chaouachi (2009) claims that the hookah device generates almost no Side Stream Smoke. When I went to the Maziak article that he cites, it turns out that may only be true if no one is smoking the waterpipe. As Kiyoung Lee points out, there can also be air pollution from the heat source. I wanted you to be aware of this in case someone cites this study. Obviously there is no need to expose workers to even 3X the outdoor standard. We just got TCLCs comments and havent read them yet. Were out in a community tonight, but Ellen says that she can develop some talking points tomorrow AM Thanks so much for your patience as we chart this new ground. Carol

file:///C|/...20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Hookah%20Indoor%20Air%20Quality%20%20legal%20info%204 html[8/19/2011 2:31:50 AM]

Carol Riker, RN, MSN Associate Professor Provost's Distinguished Service Professor Community Advisor, Rural Smoke-free Communities 555 College of Nursing University of Kentucky 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 Phone: 859-323-6615 Fax: 859-323-1057 Cell: 859-619-3776
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Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business

file:///C|/...20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Hookah%20Indoor%20Air%20Quality%20%20legal%20info%204 html[8/19/2011 2:31:50 AM]

From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Hahn, Ellen J Wednesday, February 03, 2010 9:23 AM Riker, Carol A; Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co); Davis, Ruth R (LHD-Madison Co) Bossick, Michael J; Wagner, Kristian K; Hahn, Ellen J RE: Hookah Indoor Air Quality & legal info

Hi, Kelly and Ruth, I have reviewed the TCLC review of our request related to the hookah situation in Madison County. Here are the take-away messages that I would emphasize: 1. In addition to the hookah health effects fact sheets that we sent, they emphasized the many young hookah users also smoke cigarettes. This fits with the tobacco industrys recent focus on dual use products (in response to the wave of smoke-free regulations). They have dramatically changed the way they market and promote tobacco since the explosion of smoke-free laws. The attempt to circumvent Madisons clean air regulation by allowing a hookah lounge is clearly a way to say to young people that they can maintain their addiction to tobacco even in a smoke-free environment (by the way, they are also doing this in their marketing of the newer spitless snus products). 2. I concur with TCLC that Madison BOH has several options to strengthen its clean air regulation to discourage the hookah lounge. One relates to amending the definition of smoking (see top of p. 3 for the ANR model ordinance definition of smoking that includes heating of tobacco products). Second, addressing the retail tobacco store exemption. Below are your choices from most effective to least effective in protecting public health: a. The cleanest (and the most defensible from a health standpoint) solution would be to remove the tobacco store exemption altogether (and revise the definition of smoking as above), but I understand that this may be problematic in your situation. i. I like their point that many successful businesses that deal in consumable items, such as hard liquor, do not allow customers to sample products before purchasing them. Could be a great argument to removing the retail tobacco store exemption altogether (coupled with the health effects and emerging dual use trendsas a BOH you could do that more easily than could an elected body in my opinion, given your mission to protect the public health. And since passing the regulation, the industry has found loopholes like this one and they are focusing on dual use). b. Include hookah in the list of definition of public place or place of employment AND make the above changes to the definition of smoking AND make the below changes to the retail tobacco store definition and exemption (see Other Options p. 5). c. Amend the definition of retail tobacco store to not allow the sale of alcohol or food AND to require tobacco products to make up a certain percentage of total sales AND to require the store be in a freestanding building AND to require the store to provide documentation quarterly that demonstrates the percentage requirements in the definition (see p. 4 suggested language re 700.025, 700.022, and 700.425 exemption language). I do not agree with their recommendation to add to the exemption language to not allow individuals under the age of 18 to enter the premises. Given the health effects to all ages, I see no reason to even talk about youth (could be an equal protections issue and your regulation is already comprehensive in including all ages). d. Last option, in my opinion, is to do some version of #c, meaning that you could decide only to change the percentage of sales in the definition of retail tobacco store exemption (like Lexington did; I caution you, however, since the Lexington fix has not changed the situationthe hookah lounge is still in business and we hear that cigarette smokers primarily go there and that there may not be a lot of hookah smoking going on).
file:///C|/...20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Hookah%20Indoor%20Air%20Quality%20%20legal%20info%205 html[8/19/2011 2:31:51 AM]

Or you could decide only to require the store to be in a freestanding building, for example. I hope it goes well tonight. Feel free to share my thoughts with BOH members, as well as the materials Carol has shared over the past several days. I am happy to follow up on any of these suggestions via phone or in person if needed. Again, feel free to call me at 859-421-6948. I will have email access this week but it may be spotty. We will be interested to hear the outcome of the meeting. Ellen

Ellen J. Hahn, DNS, RN Professor, University of Kentucky College of Nursing Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program and Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management 751 Rose Street, College of Nursing 519 Lexington, Kentucky 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Follow us on Twitter! Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business

UK See Blue

From: Riker, Carol A Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 4:49 PM To: Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co); Davis, Ruth R (LHD-Madison Co) Cc: Hahn, Ellen J; Bossick, Michael J; Wagner, Kristian K Subject: Hookah Indoor Air Quality & legal info

Hi Kelly and Ruth, We thought you needed info on secondhand smoke (or Exhaled Main Stream Smoke, EMSS, as one author calls it) to argue against a Hookah coming in. Obviously the effects on the user are huge, as noted in the last one-pager we sent. However the literature is scarce on Hookah SHS info and there is a lot of misinformation out there. Thankfully Maziak has done a recent study to augment the one Kiyoung Lee conducted on our Hookah. I have replaced only the What the Science Says section on the one-pager, so this one will look exactly like the one we sent last week except for that section. Bottom line is that when a waterpipe smoker is smoking, the PM2.5 levels in the establishment can rise to 908 and the PM10 particles even higher (1052). Kiyoung found PM2.6 levels ranging from 116-199 in our Hookah (with no one smoking regular cigarettes). As always, we only have the outdoor air standard (35) as a comparison, but even Kiyoung lowest finding is over 3X the outdoor standard and Maziaks highest PM2.5 level was almost 26X the outdoor standard. We found a review article that presents incomplete and biased info. Chaouachi (2009) claims that the hookah device generates almost no Side Stream Smoke. When I went to the Maziak article that he cites, it turns out that may only be true
file:///C|/...20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Hookah%20Indoor%20Air%20Quality%20%20legal%20info%205 html[8/19/2011 2:31:51 AM]

if no one is smoking the waterpipe. As Kiyoung Lee points out, there can also be air pollution from the heat source. I wanted you to be aware of this in case someone cites this study. Obviously there is no need to expose workers to even 3X the outdoor standard. We just got TCLCs comments and havent read them yet. Were out in a community tonight, but Ellen says that she can develop some talking points tomorrow AM Thanks so much for your patience as we chart this new ground. Carol

Carol Riker, RN, MSN Associate Professor Provost's Distinguished Service Professor Community Advisor, Rural Smoke-free Communities 555 College of Nursing University of Kentucky 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 Phone: 859-323-6615 Fax: 859-323-1057 Cell: 859-619-3776
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Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business

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From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments:

Hahn, Ellen J Thursday, December 16, 2010 1:33 PM Fallin, Amanda T RE: Information for Fiscal Court Meeting Talking Points MartinCountyFiscalCourtMeeting121610.doc

Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Fallin, Amanda T Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 12:58 PM To: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co) Cc: Hahn, Ellen J; Wagner, Kristian K; Alice Gillespie Subject: Information for Fiscal Court Meeting

Hello, Mike, Good to talk to you this afternoon. I have attached the Executive Summary of the new surgeon generals report, as we discussed. I hope it is helpful. Also, I have attached a one pager on e-cigarettes, in case that issue comes up. I will forward on to you some suggested talking points on the health effects of secondhand smoke later this afternoon. Please let me know if you hear any more details, as well as how the meeting goes! If anything comes up and you need assistance or have a question, please feel free to call my cell at 859-317-3621. Thanks, Amanda Amanda Fallin, MSN, RN PhD Candidate Community Advisor
file:///C|/...lts/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Information%20for%20Fiscal%20Court%20Meeting html[8/19/2011 2:31:52 AM]

Clean Indoor Air Partnership University of Kentucky College of Nursing 509 CON Building Lexington, KY 40536-1057 859.323.3550 [email protected]

cid:[email protected]

Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business

Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook

file:///C|/...lts/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Information%20for%20Fiscal%20Court%20Meeting html[8/19/2011 2:31:52 AM]

From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi Joyce,

Johnson, John D Friday, May 06, 2011 10:54 AM Adkins, Joyce N (LHD-Barren River Dist) Hahn, Ellen J; Kercsmar, Sarah RE: KCSP Community Partner Newsletter

I m actually not familiar with that report. You could contact Rebecca Horn or one of the conference organizers and I m sure they could help you with that. If they are unable to help you, please let me know and I d be happy to do some digging for you. John
From: Adkins, Joyce N (LHD-Barren River Dist) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 10:49 AM To: Johnson, John D Subject: RE: KCSP Community Partner Newsletter

Hi; Could you send a link to the UN Report that states the US has the largest gap between the rich and the rest of us, and the worst health? That is on the Owensboro training flyer. I went to the UN Development website, but could not find it. Thanks, Joyce
From: Johnson, John D [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 8:04 AM To: Johnson, John D Subject: KCSP Community Partner Newsletter


Community Partner Newsletter

April-May 2011 Derby Edition
Smoke-free Communities Good for People, Good for Business
Find kysmokefree on and

This Special Derby Edition of the Newsletter contains: 1. Smoke-free Policy Updates Bullitt County Board of Health Faces Lawsuits Kenton County and Bowling Green Smoke-free Ordinances go into Effect Madison County Board of Health Strengthens Smoke-free Regulation Americans for Nonsmokers Rights (ANR) Releases Quarterly Update Kentuckys Smoke-free Ordinance Listings and Map Updated, May 2011 2. Smoke-free Research Updates Summary of the Article, Secondhand Smoke and Adverse Fetal Outcomes in Nonsmoking Pregnant Women: A Meta-analysis Summary of the Article, Impact of Smoking on In-vehicle Fine Particle Exposure During Driving Summary of the Article, The Economic Impact of State Cigarette Taxes and Smoke-free Air Policies on Convenience Stores 3. Bowling Green City Commission Honored With the 2011 Smoke-free Indoor Air Excellence Award 4. Upcoming Conferences 2011 Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program, Lexington, KY Breathing Clean Air Summit, Owensboro, KY 5. Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy: Spring Conference 2011 Highlights 6. Opposition Watch Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA)
Please scroll down for more information on each topic!

file ///C|/Users/Gregory%20Conley/Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20KCSP%20Community%20Partner%20Newsletter.html[8/19/2011 2 31 53 AM]

Smoke-free Policy Updates

Bullitt County Board of Health Faces Lawsuits On March 22, 2011, the Bullitt County Board of Health adopted a comprehensive smoke-free regulation (including e-cigarettes) by a vote of 7 to 2 Subsequently, the Bullitt County Attorney on behalf of the Fiscal Court and several cities in Bullitt County filed a lawsuit in Circuit Court against the Bullitt County Board of Health challenging the Boards legal authority to adopt a smoke-free regulation A second lawsuit has been filed in Federal Court by Bullitt County Choice (local opposition group) and a few local businesses This lawsuit also questions the legal authority of the Board of Health to adopt a smoke-free regulation Also challenged in the federal suit is the inclusion of e-cigarettes, consistent with the aggressive opposition by Big E-Cig (e-cigarette industry and their trade groups; see below) in Madison County in recent months Kenton County and Bowling Green Smoke-free Ordinances go into Effect Two new ordinances were implemented in April Kenton Countys weak ordinance was implemented on April 15, 2011 To date, 70 businesses have applied for exemptions and 62 have been granted according to the Kentucky Enquirer. There is also a provision for a split-shift operation in which businesses can be smoke-free for part of the day and allow smoking during other times This provision was not written into the original ordinance, but added by the County Attorney before implementation Multiple exemptions create confusion for patrons, businesses, and enforcement agencies Bowling Greens (Warren County) comprehensive ordinance went into effect April 28, 2011 The Bowling Green ordinance covers all workplaces and public places, and exempts private clubs and tobacco retailers Two lawsuits were filed in Bowling Green in an attempt to derail implementation, one related to property rights and the other on constitutional rights Both of those lawsuits sought temporary injunctions to stop implementation and both were dismissed in court With the Bowling Green and Kenton County ordinance, 31 Kentucky communities currently have some form of smoke-free law (see below) Madison County Board of Health Strengthens Smoke-free Regulation On April 6, 2011, the Madison County Board Health voted 8 to 1 to strengthen their regulation to restrict the use of electronic cigarettes in public places and workplaces The Board of Health also rescinded a previously standing exemption for tobacco retailers The revised regulation implementation date is scheduled for June 5, 2011 Americans for Nonsmokers Rights (ANR) Releases Quarterly Update According to ANR, as of April 1, 2011: 47.9% of the U S population is protected by smoke-free laws or regulations covering all workplaces, restaurants, and bars There are 3,270 municipalities with some kind of local smoke-free ordinance in effect Of the 3,270 municipalities, 930 provide 100% smoke-free protection for non-hospitality workplaces, and/or restaurants and/or bars A total of 454 municipalities have ordinances that cover all non-hospitality workplaces, restaurants and bars Twenty-three states along with the District of Columbia, U S Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico have comprehensive smoke-free laws covering all workplaces, restaurants, and bars Sources: no-smoke org/pdf/SummaryUSPopList pdf no-smoke org/pdf/mediaordlist pdf no-smoke org/lists html

To see how Kentucky compares please visit ANRs website: Kentuckys Smoke-free Ordinance Listings and Map Updated, May 2011 Currently, over one-third (33 6%) of Kentuckians are covered by comprehensive smoke-free workplaces ordinances or regulations Thirty-one Kentucky communities have enacted smoke-free ordinances or adopted smoke-free Board of Health regulations; 19 of the 31 are comprehensive policies covering all workplaces, restaurants, and bars Thirty of the laws are in effect Bullitt Countys regulation is scheduled to go into effect on September 15, 2011 To see the updated listing, percent covered, and Kentucky map, go to: www kcsp uky edu

Smoke-free Research Updates

Leonardi-Bee, J , Britton, J , & Venn, A (2011) Secondhand Smoke and Adverse Fetal Outcomes in Nonsmoking Pregnant Women: A Meta-analysis. Pediatrics, 127(4) 1-10 DOI: 10 1542/peds 2010-3041 The authors reviewed 19 studies that assessed the health risks of secondhand smoke on nonsmoking, pregnant women Secondhand smoke exposure during pregnancy significantly increases the risk of stillbirth and congenital malformations (e g heart defects, musculoskeletal defects, defects of the face, eyes, ears and neck) Pregnant women exposed to secondhand smoke are approximately 23% more likely to experience stillbirth and 13% more likely to give birth to a child with congenital malformation Secondhand smoke was not significantly associated with an increased risk of spontaneous abortion The critical developmental fetal periods vary so it is important to prevent secondhand exposure in women before and during all stages of pregnancy Find article abstract here: aappublications org/cgi/content/abstract/127/4/734?maxtoshow=&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&fulltext=Leonardi-Bee&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&sortspec=relevance&resourcetype=HWCIT Sohn, H & Lee, K (2010) Impact of smoking on in-vehicle fine particle exposure during driving Atmospheric Environment 44, 3465-3468 DOI: 10 1016/j atmosenv 2010 06 066 Sohn and Lee measured air contamination in moving vehicles in which the drivers window was open in three different positions: completely open, half open and slightly open while the remaining windows in the car were closed This was repeated for up to 20 experiments in two sport utility vehicles Air contamination was more than 14 times the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for outdoor air, and it remained for approximately 15 minutes after the cigarette was extinguished These results were obtained from just one cigarette smoked inside the car Findings support greater public education on the harms of smoking in cars and advocacy for smoke-free car policies Find article abstract here: sciencedirect com/science? ob=ArticleURL& udi=B6VH3-509FNNF4& user=16764& coverDate=09%2F30%2F2010& rdoc=1& fmt=high& orig=gateway& origin=gateway& sort=d& docanchor=&view=c& acct=C000001898& version=1& urlVersion=0& userid=16764&md5=97fc228541bbccb43c80754b92736cff&searchtype=a Huang, J & Chaloupka, F (2011) The Economic Impact of State Cigarette Taxes and Smoke-free Air Policies on Convenience Stores A Policy Research Partnership for Healthier Youth Behavior. A common tobacco industry and anti-health group claim is that cigarette taxes, as well as smoke-free laws, hurt businesses Huang and Chaloupka examine the economic impact of cigarette taxes and smoke-free policies on U S convenience stores in all 50 states between 1997 and 2009 Smoke-free policies did not negatively impact convenience store revenues and smoke-free policies were not significantly correlated with the total number of convenience stores, despite significant increases in smoke-free policies during this time period Cigarette taxes did not reduce the number of convenience stores per capita In fact, an increase in the rate of cigarette tax by $1 per pack was associated with an additional 11 convenience stores per million people Read complete article by clicking the link below: impacteen org/generalarea_PDFs/ITresearch40_Huang pdf

2011 Smoke-free Indoor Air Excellence Award

On April 19, 2011, Bowling Green City Commission was presented with the 2011 Smoke-free Indoor Air Excellence Award by members of Smoke-Free Bowling Green Mayor Joe Denning, former City Commissioner, and the current City Commissioner, Bruce Wilkerson, accepted the plaque on behalf of the City Bowling Greens comprehensive smoke-free workplace ordinance went into effect on April 28, 2011 The Bluegrass Institute, long-time opponent of smoke-free laws, is located in Bowling Green

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Upcoming Conferences
2011 Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program, Thursday, May 12, Lexington, KY Breathing Clean Air Summit, May 12, Owensboro, KY See attachments for more information on both of these events

Spring Conference 2011 Highlights

The Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy held its annual Spring Conference at the Griffin Gate Marriott Resort in Lexington, Kentucky on March 24 Over 130 advocates spent the day networking and learning about the latest in smoke-free policy Elected officials and advocates from Campbell County, Bowling Green, and Bullitt County received the Smoke-Free Excellence Award for enacting (and advocating for) comprehensive smoke-free workplace ordinances Advocates from Kenton County and Oak Grove received the Smoke-Free Endeavor award for enacting partial smoke-free ordinances Dr Melissa Walton-Shirley was the first recipient of the David B Stevens, M D Smoke-free Advocate of the Year Award Dr Walton-Shirley was recognized for promoting secondhand smoke education and smoke-free policy in Glasgow Highlights of the conference included: A case study featuring advocates and a former elected official from Northern Kentucky who discussed their success and challenges while advocating for smoke-free laws in Kenton, Campbell, and Boone counties A panel discussion with smoke-free advocates and Rep Susan Westrom (D-Lexington) discussing how the state and local campaigns can work together while continuing to advance local smoke-free campaigns A discussion with several health department directors concerning smoke-free laws and the role of the health department Tips and examples for branding local smoke-free campaigns The top ten tips to generate interest and build demand using social networking Thank you to everyone who participated in the panel discussions or breakout sessions A final agenda from the conference is attached If you could not attend and would like information on the sessions, please contact Monica Mundy, monica mundy@uky edu or John Johnson, jdjohnson@uky edu

Opposition Watch
Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) CASAA is a 501C4 group with close ties to the E-Cigarette Association, the manufacturers trade association CASAAs self-defined mission is to aid tobacco users in locating alternatives to smoking traditional cigarettes, with a main focus on electronic cigarettes (or ecigarettes) CASAA is primarily engaged in the defense of electronic cigarettes on the American market and staunchly defends the companies that produce them and the consumers right to use them in public places Their website banner asks for petitioners to sign a document that would prohibit the Federal Drug and Food Administration from regulating electronic cigarettes as a drug Indeed, the FDA recently decided (after an industry lawsuit) to regulate e-cigarettes as a tobacco product, not a drug The e-cigarette industry is profiting significantly by marketing and selling a product that has not been shown to help people quit, likely prolongs nicotine addiction, and perpetuates empty claims of safety that are not based on scientific testing Recent studies report serious labeling and quality control issues as well as design flaws, none of which are reflected in the industrys television ads, powerful internet pitches and testimonials using facebook and other social media CASAAs tactics seem to be less about promoting responsible tobacco cessation, but more about creating controversy and confusion around what constitutes smoking in the context of smoke-free laws CASAA launched an aggressive, albeit unsuccessful, opposition campaign in Madison County to fight the inclusion of e-cigarettes in their revised regulation (see above) Their tactics sound all too familiar CASAA refutes research on the potential dangers of e-cigs and attacks public health professionals who do not promote the product CASAA is attempting to derail effective public health interventions to reduce tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke Until e-cigarettes have been rigorously tested and are shown to be a safe product and effective in cessation, they should be approached with caution Given the recent decision to regulate e-cigarettes as a tobacco product, there is even more reason for smoke-free laws and regulations to cover e-cigarettes To view their website, please click on the link below: casaa org For more information about e-cigarettes, see our fact sheet at: mc uky edu/tobaccopolicy/KCSP/OnePagers/OnePagerECigandSFPolicy pdf

If you have any comments or suggestions regarding the KCSP Community Partners Newsletter, or would like to suggest future content for the newsletter, please let us know! We would love to hear your feedback kcsp00@lsv uky edu or contact John Johnson jdjohnson@uky edu, 859-323-4587

Voluntary Participation
The KCSP Community Partners distribution list is intended to provide pertinent information to local tobacco control community advocates in Kentucky If you have received this newsletter in error or wish to be removed from the list, please reply to this email with REMOVE in the subject headline
John D. Johnson, MA Community Liaison Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy University of Kentucky College of Nursing 751 Rose Street, College of Nursing 509 Lexington, Kentucky 40536-0232 859-323-4587 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected]

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi Kimberly,

Johnson, John D Thursday, December 02, 2010 10:42 AM Hall, Kimberly (LHD - Floyd Co) Hahn, Ellen J; Kercsmar, Sarah RE: KCSP November Community Partner Newsletter

Ive added you to the list welcome! Please let us know if you have any questions. John
From: Hall, Kimberly (LHD - Floyd Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 10:33 AM To: Johnson, John D Subject: FW: KCSP November Community Partner Newsletter

John, I am doing some of the tobacco prevention at Floyd County Health Department. Can you please add me to your email distribution list.Thanks so much. Kimberly Hall
From: Snider, Lyle (LHD-Floyd Co) Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 10:31 AM To: Hall, Kimberly (LHD - Floyd Co) Subject: FW: KCSP November Community Partner Newsletter

Dear Kim, I suggest replying to this e-mail introducing yourself to John and the UK Kentucky Center for Smoke Free Policy. Lyle
From: Johnson, John D [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 10:10 AM To: ([email protected]); ([email protected]); ([email protected]); ([email protected]); ([email protected]); Napier, Allison L (LHD - Three Rivers Dist); Amy Weber ; Brumley-Shelton, Angela (LHD Lexington-Fayette Co.); [email protected]; Arrowood, Karen; Begley, Kathy; Ben Wiederholt ; Betsy Burns Janes; Bobbi Harned ; Butler, Karen M; Riker, Carol A; Kercsmar, Sarah; Sawyers, Charlotte P (LHD-Laurel Co); Cheryl Armes ([email protected]); [email protected]; Donna Bernier ; Thompson, Dyshel D (LHD-Monroe Co); Hahn, Ellen J; Ellen Schroeder; Emily Prabell; Eversole, Sandy; Heise, Georgia F (LHD-Three Rivers Dist); Hamilton, Geraldine B (LHD-Knox Co); Gloria Sams; Bowen, Glynda; James Sharp; Jennifer Redmond; Cobb, Jessica E (LHD-Lexington-Fayette Co.); Dumaurier, Jessica R (LHDLexington-Fayette Co); Joan Buchar; John Bonaguro; Judy Richardson Jett ; Karen Gabbert ; Kathy Combs; Katie Bathje; Kaufman, Erin; Dawes, Kelly R (LHD-Pennyrile Dist); Flora, Kim D (LHD-Warren County Health Dept.); KR Green; [email protected]; Martin, Larry D (LHD - Powell Co); Lee Carter ([email protected]); Lisa Greathouse; Luke Barlowe ; Snider, Lyle (LHD-Floyd Co); Hensley, Mark A (LHD-Laurel Co); Mason, Jennifer L; Rowe, Melinda G (LHD-Lexington-Fayette Co); Alford, Michelle; Michelle Eversole; [email protected]; Milly Diehl ([email protected]); Nafus, Kathy--Erlanger; Natalie True ([email protected]); Dales, Octavia J (LHD-Pike Co); Pat Whelan ; Paul, Erin E; Alexander, Paula (LHD - Franklin Co); Peggy Kinsella; Penny High; Briney, Rachel S (LHD-Lincoln Trail Dist); Cima, Rachel; Rick DuBose ([email protected]); Vanderhoof, Rinda A (LHD-Laurel Co); Miracle, Rita S (LHD-Knox Co.); Robertson, Heather E; Mattingly, Rodney R (LHD-Lincoln Trail Dist); Ruth Davis; Saundra Newton: (ACS) ; Hale, Sherrie (LHD-Powell Co); Sherry Payne ([email protected]); Harris, Stacy M; Steer, Emily (LHD-Mercer Co); Stephanie Vogel; Susan Brown; Susan Clarkson; Suzanne Gude ([email protected]); Tiffany S. Bowman; Tonda Luckett ([email protected]); Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co); Vestal, Brenda L; Wagner, Kristian K; Mundy, Monica E; [email protected] Subject: KCSP November Community Partner Newsletter
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Community Partner Newsletter

November 2010
Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business Find us on Face Book: kysmokefree
Welcome to the Kentucky Center for Smoke-Free Policy (KCSP) Community Partners Newsletter! This Newsletter contains: 1. Smoke-free Policy Updates University of Kentuckys Tobacco-free Campus Anniversary News from the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO Adult education as a vehicle for health communication Norm spreading or behavioral compensating- Do clean indoor air laws increase voluntary home smoke-free rules? Critical appraisal training to expand health literacy and reduce health disparities Messages that motivate rural communities to support smoke-free policy change Justice is what love looks like: Quote from Cornel West 2. Smoke-free Research Update State-specific Prevalence of Cigarette Smoking and Smokeless Tobacco Use Among Adults 2009 3. Opposition Watch The Growing Popularity of E-cigarettes Northern Kentucky Tea Party Please scroll down for more information on each topic! Smoke-free Policy Updates 1. University of Kentuckys Tobacco-free Anniversary
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November marked the first anniversary of the University of Kentuckys tobacco-free campus policy. This was celebrated the week of November 15 with activities including distribution of policy reminder cards (with free drink coupon), display tables around campus with cold turkey sandwiches, s-mores (cold turkey is not the way to goask for smore information about how to quit), and hot chocolate, and a campus-wide cigarette butt clean-up. Check out Kysmokefree on Facebook for tobacco-free anniversary pictures 2. News from the American Public Health Association meeting in Denver, Colorado Several members of the KCSP team attended the 2010 American Public Health Association conference in November. Below are selected highlights from some of the sessions we enjoyed the most! Adult education as a vehicle for health communication Ariela M. Freedman, MPH, MAT Rollins School of Public Healthy, Emory University, Atlanta, GA According to the Institute on Medicine, nearly half of all Americans 90 million people have difficulty understanding and acting upon health information. So much of what we do in tobacco control is based on print media and we may be missing a large audience who possess low literacy and low health literacy skills. During Ms. Freedmans session at APHA, she suggested reaching out to adult education to reach those who are often disproportionately affected by smoking and/or secondhand smoke. Adult educators are experienced in translating information to meet the literacy skills of their participants. Adult education is also a known and safe location where participants often have existing relationships and participants frequently report learning from each other. Questions to consider: Are you aware of the adult education programs in your county? Have you ever talked with the adult education program about your smoke-free activities? Have you reviewed the materials you use in your tobacco control program to make sure they are readable for low literacy audiences?

For more information on clearly communicating health information, visit: For a how to on writing easy-to-read health information:

Norm spreading or behavioral compensating- Do clean indoor air laws increase voluntary home smoke-free rules? Dr. Kai-Wen Cheng, Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, University of California, San Francisco This session examined whether smoke-free laws increase the adoption of voluntary home smoke-free rules among smoking households. The study found that smoke-free laws increase the likelihood that family households
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voluntarily implement smoke-free home rules. For more information on smoke-free homes and multi unit housing, please visit Americans for Non-smokers Rights at Critical appraisal training to expand health literacy and reduce health disparities Donna Odierna, DrPH, University of California, San Francisco The goal of this project was to implement and evaluate health literacy workshops for consumer advocates, journalists, and healthcare providers. The ability to evaluate evidence for credibility and quality, and to analyze risks and benefits is important for healthcare decision-making. It is also crucial for effective communication with others, including policy makers. As a result of taking part in the workshops, participants confidence in critical appraisal skills increased by about 30%. Attendees reported that they were more likely to use critical appraisal skills to identify valid sources of information, recognize financial conflicts of interest, effectively communicate health information, and critique tobacco advertising. Additional information on health literacy training may be found at: Messages that motivate rural communities to support smoke-free policy change Anna Kostygina, PhD, Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Kentucky Focus groups were conducted with 82 residents of three rural communities to study the perceived effectiveness of print advertisements used in rural communities to promote smoke-free policies in regard to message framing and emotional tone. Based on the results, tips are included below for successful media campaigns in rural communities: Use bright colors, such as red or yellow. Include a clear phone number or website where people can take action. Be concise with the wording. Messages with a serious tone tend to be more effective than lighthearted messages (such as jokes or cartoons). Messages stressing the risks of secondhand smoke exposure were more effective than those focusing on the benefits of smoke-free air. Messages that appear to blame smokers (i.e.: Smokers kill non-smokers) were offensive to some participants. Messages appealing to social norms and religious beliefs received strong support from the participants. Visit Americans for Nonsmokers Rights for examples of smoke-free ads used in other communities: Justice is what love looks like, Cornel West, PhD, Professor, Princeton University Quote: allow suffering to speak.have the courage to question things that obstruct justice.unregulated markets dont work to provide justice for all.

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Questions to consider: Is it fair or just that some people have to breathe smoky air at work? Would workers exposed to secondhand smoke at work in your community be willing to get involved in your smoke-free efforts? Could you use their quotes (anonymous) in a worker quote document? How can you frame smoke-free as a justice issue in your community? See Robert Wood Johnsons summary of the APHA meeting: Smoke-free Research Updates State-Specific Prevalence of Cigarette Smoking and Smokeless Tobacco Use Among Adults --- United States, 2009. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, November 5, 2010 / 59(43); 1400-1406 Cigarette smoking and smokeless tobacco use cause or increase the risk for lung, throat, oral, and other types of cancers. In the article, the CDC analyzed data from the 2009 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). Smoking prevalence was highest in Kentucky & West Virginia (25.6%). The prevalence of smokeless tobacco use was higher among men than women in all states and territories. These data suggest that smokeless tobacco use is predominantly a public health problem among men, young adults, and persons with lower education, and in certain states: Smokeless tobacco use among men was significantly higher than among women in all 50 states Among the 50 states and DC, smokeless tobacco use was most common among persons aged 18--24 years Smokeless tobacco use tended to decrease with increasing education Percent of smokeless tobacco use among adults in Kentucky: 6.7% Percent of cigarette smokers who also use smokeless tobacco in Kentucky: 7.7%

As smoke-free laws become more widespread and the tobacco industry continues to market their products for dual use, the percent of cigarette smokers who also use smokeless is expected to rise. Opposition Watch The Growing Popularity of E-cigarettes Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, have continued to become more popular and widely accepted as evidenced by the article in the link below. The e-cigarette industry has launched an organized campaign to convince the public that e-cigarettes help smokers quit. There is no research evidence that this is the case. In fact, there is evidence that e-cigarettes actually help smokers remain addicted to nicotine. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent letters to five tobacco companies in September indicating that they were marketing their products illegally as unapproved drugs and that the products would need to be regulated by the FDA.
file:///C|/...y%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20KCSP%20November%20Community%20Partner%20Newsletter html[8/19/2011 2:31:54 AM] See the attached fact sheet on E-cigarettes and Smoke-free Policies. Several local smoke-free ordinances/regulations in Kentucky prohibit the use of e-cigarettes (Bardstown, Glasgow, Madison County BOH regulation, amended 12/1/10). Northern Kentucky Tea Party The Northern Kentucky Tea Party is doing the bidding of the tobacco industry and other anti-health groups (i.e., Bluegrass Institute, Kentucky Libertarian Party, NKY Choice) to vigorously oppose the proposed smoke-free ordinances in Campbell and Kenton Counties. Check their website: and read Smoking Ban Supporters Hypocritical. The Lexington Herald-Leader called out the Tea Party and urged Campbell and Kenton Fiscal Courts to make the healthy decision in an opinion editorial this week. Feedback If you have any comments or suggestions regarding the KCSP Community Partners Newsletter, or would like to suggest future content for the newsletter, please let us know! We would love to hear your feedback [email protected] or contact John Johnson [email protected], 859-323-4587. Voluntary Participation The KCSP Community Partners distribution list is intended to provide pertinent information to local tobacco control community advocates in Kentucky. If you have received this newsletter in error or wish to be removed from the list, please reply to this email with REMOVE in the subject headline.

John D. Johnson, MA Community Liaison Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy University of Kentucky College of Nursing 751 Rose Street, College of Nursing 509 Lexington, Kentucky 40536-0232 859-323-4587 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected]

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From: Mahoney, Maggie <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 3:32 PM To: Riker, Carol A; Armstrong, Kate; Schaibley, David Cc: Hahn, Ellen J; Robertson, Heather E; Mundy, Monica E; Johnson, John D Subject: RE: Madison County KY BOH regulation proposed amendments Thanks, Carol, for the info and the guidance about the timeframe. We will be in touch. ________________________________________ From: Riker, Carol A [[email protected]] Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 9:40 AM To: Mahoney, Maggie; Armstrong, Kate; Schaibley, David Cc: Hahn, Ellen J; Robertson, Heather E; Mundy, Monica E; Johnson, John D Subject: Madison County KY BOH regulation proposed amendments Hi Maggie, Kate, and David, Madison Countys smoke-free BOH regulation has been in effect since June 2007. Recently they have had 3 or 4 requests for waivers to establish Hookah businesses. On one college campus in Madison County hookah is smoked outside on campus. Apparently entrepreneurs simply set up under a tree and offer this service. The health department also has received several calls asking whether ecigarettes are covered under the smoke-free regulation. Amendments to the smoke-free regulation were proposed at the last BOH meeting (attached). Kelly Owens, Tobacco Coordinator, has asked that we send the proposed amendments to you for your review. Ill also attach the original regulation. Specific questions posed by the BOH include: 1. 2. Could there be any legal repercussions if they remove the Tobacco Retailer exemption? Do e-cigarettes fit within the ordinance? (Are there hazards to the non-smoker?)

We have done a literature review and continue to search other sources, but so far have not found any air quality testing where e-cigarettes are used indoors. Since FDA tests revealed some info about the contents of the e-cigarette cartridge and a vapor is formed, one would imagine that some of these contents get into the air via the device or user exhalations, but we havent found any data on emissions yet. Of course, Kelly Owens would like to clean up both the tobacco retailer exemption and the e-cig loophole while amendments to the regulation is being considered. I know you all are swamped and we do have a little time with this as the health department needs info by late November. Many thanks, Carol Riker Carol Riker, RN, MSN Associate Professor Provost's Distinguished Service Professor Community Advisor, Rural Smoke-free Communities 555 College of Nursing University of Kentucky 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 Phone: 859-323-6615 Fax: 859-323-1057 Cell: 859-619-3776
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Madison County Suggested Amendments

From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Hi Kelly and Ruth,

Riker, Carol A Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:26 AM 'Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co)'; Hahn, Ellen J Hawkins, Ruth (KYTC); Johnson, John D; Mundy, Monica E; Robertson, Heather E RE: Madison County Suggested Amendments

Ellen or I will send the proposed amendments to the Public Health Law Center (formerly Tobacco Control Legal Consortium) for their review. Im including our progress on e-cig research, below. Ellen, please feel free to comment. We have done a lit review on e-cigarettes which hasnt shown much in the way air quality testing. E cigarettes produce a vapor and contain (at the very least) nicotine, one would expect that nicotine is emitted into the air either from the e-cig directly or from the smokers exhalations. FDA research has shown that at least one brand contains diethylene glycol (used in antifreeze). They also found tobacco-specific nitrosamines containing carcinogens in a majority of the samples tested and other substances suspected of being harmful to humans in a majority of the samples tested. It is likely that some of these contents are emitted into the air as well. Ill attach the FDA results. As weve discussed before, e-cig are not likely to be helpful in cessation. The FDA tests found that 3 different e-cig cartridges with the same label emitted markedly different amounts of nicotine, which would not be helpful in cessation. Interestingly, the FDA found that , with the exception of one, e-cig cartridges labeled as containing no nicotine actually contained low levels of nicotine. Were using a few other avenues to look for other info on e-cigarettes. Please let us know of further developments on your end, comments from the county attorney, etc. Thanks for your hard work for the health of workers and citizens in Madison County. Carol Carol Riker, RN, MSN Associate Professor Provost's Distinguished Service Professor Community Advisor, Rural Smoke-free Communities Faculty Associate, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy 555 College of Nursing University of Kentucky 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 Phone: 859-323-6615 Fax: 859-323-1057 Cell: 859-619-3776

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Madison County Suggested Amendments

Good for People, Good for Business

CON 50 yrs logo

From: Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:09 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J; Riker, Carol A Cc: Hawkins, Ruth (KYTC) Subject: Madison County Suggested Amendments Importance: High

Attached is a copy of the suggested amendments to MCHR700.00 (Madison Countys Indoor Air Regulation). The proposed amendments are currently being reviewed by our county attorney. There were a couple of concerns amongst the board members: Would there be any legal repercussions in striking the Retail Tobacco Store Exemption?

What does the science say about e-cigarettes? Do they pose a SECONDHAND hazard? If not, they do not feel that these devices would fall under the realm of MCHR 700.00. Any assistance you can provide will be most appreciated. The next scheduled BOH meeting is on December 1 st at 7pm. Thank you,

Kelly S. Owens, MPH, CHES

Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Specialist/Health Educator II Madison County Health Department 1001 Ace Drive Berea, KY 40403 (859) 228-2043
Web Address:

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Madison County Suggested Amendments

From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Hi Kelly and Ruth,

Riker, Carol A Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:26 AM 'Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co)'; Hahn, Ellen J Hawkins, Ruth (KYTC); Johnson, John D; Mundy, Monica E; Robertson, Heather E RE: Madison County Suggested Amendments

Ellen or I will send the proposed amendments to the Public Health Law Center (formerly Tobacco Control Legal Consortium) for their review. Im including our progress on e-cig research, below. Ellen, please feel free to comment. We have done a lit review on e-cigarettes which hasnt shown much in the way air quality testing. E cigarettes produce a vapor and contain (at the very least) nicotine, one would expect that nicotine is emitted into the air either from the e-cig directly or from the smokers exhalations. FDA research has shown that at least one brand contains diethylene glycol (used in antifreeze). They also found tobacco-specific nitrosamines containing carcinogens in a majority of the samples tested and other substances suspected of being harmful to humans in a majority of the samples tested. It is likely that some of these contents are emitted into the air as well. Ill attach the FDA results. As weve discussed before, e-cig are not likely to be helpful in cessation. The FDA tests found that 3 different e-cig cartridges with the same label emitted markedly different amounts of nicotine, which would not be helpful in cessation. Interestingly, the FDA found that , with the exception of one, e-cig cartridges labeled as containing no nicotine actually contained low levels of nicotine. Were using a few other avenues to look for other info on e-cigarettes. Please let us know of further developments on your end, comments from the county attorney, etc. Thanks for your hard work for the health of workers and citizens in Madison County. Carol Carol Riker, RN, MSN Associate Professor Provost's Distinguished Service Professor Community Advisor, Rural Smoke-free Communities Faculty Associate, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy 555 College of Nursing University of Kentucky 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 Phone: 859-323-6615 Fax: 859-323-1057 Cell: 859-619-3776

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Madison County Suggested Amendments

Good for People, Good for Business

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From: Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:09 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J; Riker, Carol A Cc: Hawkins, Ruth (KYTC) Subject: Madison County Suggested Amendments Importance: High

Attached is a copy of the suggested amendments to MCHR700.00 (Madison Countys Indoor Air Regulation). The proposed amendments are currently being reviewed by our county attorney. There were a couple of concerns amongst the board members: Would there be any legal repercussions in striking the Retail Tobacco Store Exemption?

What does the science say about e-cigarettes? Do they pose a SECONDHAND hazard? If not, they do not feel that these devices would fall under the realm of MCHR 700.00. Any assistance you can provide will be most appreciated. The next scheduled BOH meeting is on December 1 st at 7pm. Thank you,

Kelly S. Owens, MPH, CHES

Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Specialist/Health Educator II Madison County Health Department 1001 Ace Drive Berea, KY 40403 (859) 228-2043
Web Address:

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi Shana,

Riker, Carol A Monday, April 25, 2011 2:04 PM 'Peterson, Shana M (LHD-Jessamine Co)' Hahn, Ellen J; Kercsmar, Sarah; Johnson, John D; Mundy, Monica E RE: MCHD BOH Reg

This is the latest I have. We have to get a signed copy to put up on our website and Kelly is working on that. Are you all going to your BOH? Let us know how we can help! Thanks, Carol
From: Peterson, Shana M (LHD-Jessamine Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, April 25, 2011 1:37 PM To: Riker, Carol A Subject: MCHD BOH Reg

CarolThe MCHD BOH Reg that is on your website is not the most current version (I dont see mention of E-Cigarettes anywhere) do you happen to have a copy? I have emailed Kelly Owens and Nancy Crewe with no response yet! Thanks~shana

Shana M Peterson, MS

Health Educator III Jessamine County Health Department 215 E Maple Street Nicholasville, KY 40356 [email protected] 859-885-4149 or (fax)859-885-1863

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Riker, Carol A Monday, April 25, 2011 5:27 PM 'Peterson, Shana M (LHD-Jessamine Co)' Hahn, Ellen J; Johnson, John D; Kercsmar, Sarah; Mundy, Monica E RE: MCHD BOH Reg

Youre welcome! Glasgow, Bardstown, and Bullitt all included e-cigarettes, too. There is organized, funded opposition to including e-cigarettes, but no safety or efficacy data on them (although the opposition makes it sounds as though there has been systematic testing). The opposition actually took our e-cigarette onepager and revamped it with their information and posted it on our facebook (same format and everything, but with their info and name)! Theyve also been releasing press releases that make it look like a story for the local news to pick up. Ellen is working on an op-ed. Carol
From: Peterson, Shana M (LHD-Jessamine Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, April 25, 2011 2:10 PM To: Riker, Carol A Subject: RE: MCHD BOH Reg

Not right nowjust wanted info on E-Cigarette. THANKS!

From: Riker, Carol A [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, April 25, 2011 2:04 PM To: Peterson, Shana M (LHD-Jessamine Co) Cc: Hahn, Ellen J; Kercsmar, Sarah; Johnson, John D; Mundy, Monica E Subject: RE: MCHD BOH Reg

Hi Shana, This is the latest I have. We have to get a signed copy to put up on our website and Kelly is working on that. Are you all going to your BOH? Let us know how we can help! Thanks, Carol
From: Peterson, Shana M (LHD-Jessamine Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, April 25, 2011 1:37 PM To: Riker, Carol A Subject: MCHD BOH Reg

CarolThe MCHD BOH Reg that is on your website is not the most current version (I dont see mention of E-Cigarettes anywhere) do you happen to have a copy? I have emailed Kelly Owens and Nancy Crewe with no response yet! Thanks~shana

Shana M Peterson, MS

Health Educator III Jessamine County Health Department

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215 E Maple Street Nicholasville, KY 40356 [email protected] 859-885-4149 or (fax)859-885-1863

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Jett, Swannie (LHD - Bullitt Co) <[email protected]> Thursday, November 04, 2010 4:43 PM Riker, Carol A; Brown, Cynthia G (LHD-Bullitt Co) Hahn, Ellen J; Mundy, Monica E; Johnson, John D RE: Model Ordinance

Thank you for the draft. The Elections last night may help. Also, CDCs Tobacco Branch provided a few names Maggie Mahoney (TCLC) and Bronson Frick from American for Nonsmokers Rights Foundation to review our draft. It should be interesting. See you soon.


Swannie Jett, DrPHc, MS Public Health Director Bullitt County Health Department 181 Lees Valley Road Shepherdsville, KY 40165 Phone: (502) 955-6680 Fax: (502) 543-2998 "Dedicate your life to a mission or cause that will outlast you"
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From: Riker, Carol A [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 12:11 PM To: Brown, Cynthia G (LHD-Bullitt Co); Jett, Swannie (LHD - Bullitt Co) Cc: Hahn, Ellen J; Mundy, Monica E; Johnson, John D Subject: Model Ordinance

Hi Cynthia and Dr. Jett, Im looking forward to attending your last forum tonight! From what Cynthia told me youve had some excellent supporters at the last couple of forums! I wanted to send ANRs model ordinance to you so that the BOH would have a good model to start with. It has all the latest language that includes Hookahs and e-cigarettes. The board would just have to fill in blanks like who would enforce the regulation and modify slightly to put in the proper terms for a regulation rather than an ordinance. Im also attaching some information about our legal resources that will be helpful to you. We would like to get any draft regulation to the Tobacco Control Legal Consortium as soon as possible after it is drafted to get their feedback based on their experience helping communities across the country. Our local legal consultant, Judy Owens, may also be helpful and we would be glad to engage her consultation. Let me know if you have any questions about either resource.

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Im curious to know whether you feel the election outcomes in Bullitt will affect your campaign, but maybe well have a minute to talk about that before or after the forum. Hope your recent trips went well! Thanks, Carol Riker Carol Riker, RN, MSN Associate Professor Provost's Distinguished Service Professor Community Advisor, Rural Smoke-free Communities 555 College of Nursing University of Kentucky 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 Phone: 859-323-6615 Fax: 859-323-1057 Cell: 859-619-3776

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From: Sent: To: Subject:

Beauchamp, Jan (CHFS HPB-Health Promotions) <[email protected]> Tuesday, January 18, 2011 10:31 AM Riker, Carol A RE: Monday Memo

Ill get it in on next weeks email. Sorry, I didnt see your email until after the call.

Jan Beauchamp
Quitline Coordinator Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program Department for Public Health 275 E. Main Street, Mail Stop HS1EE Frankfort, KY 40621 (502) 564-9358, ext. 3817 Adobe Systems

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From: Riker, Carol A [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 9:09 AM To: Beauchamp, Jan (CHFS HPB-Health Promotions) Subject: FW: Monday Memo

Jan, Any chance you can announce the School Policy Training 2/10 10-11:30 on TRAIN after the call? If not, maybe it can go out in next weeks Monday Memo? Thanks for considering. Carol
From: tobacco_prevention [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 8:57 AM To: tobacco_prevention Cc: [email protected] Subject: Monday Memo

TODAYS CONFERENCE CALL Our monthly conference call is today at 9:30 EST, 8:30 CST. The subject is Chantix, our presenter is Carolyn Chou
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from Pfizer. The call in information is 866-889-3903, the participant code is 515701#. Go to our web site to download or view the presentation materials . While we are on the conference call, please remember to MUTE YOUR PHONE. After the call, please take a moment to respond to this very short survey. We need these survey results to justify the conference call expenses.
January 13, 2011 News Summary A small Virginia company, Star Scientific, Inc., is seeking approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market one of its smokeless

tobacco products as less harmful than other tobacco products, the Associated Press reported Jan. 4. Star Scientific said its new Stonewall Moist-BDL dissolvable tobacco lozenge has 90 to 99 percent fewer carcinogens than similar products and should qualify for a new "modified-risk" label being developed by the FDA. Two similar applications to the agency from Star are still under consideration . According to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, smokeless tobacco is not safer than cigarettes because it has 28 cancercausing ingredients. The United Kingdom's Royal College of Physicians has taken a different position. In a 2007 report, the College said that some smokeless tobacco products were less harmful than cigarettes. Smokeless tobacco products, such as electronic cigarettes and dissolvable lozenges, have divided public health advocates. Some argue that smokeless tobacco presents a lower risk to the public, while others argue that all tobacco use is harmful . About 3 percent of adults in the United States use smokeless tobacco.

January 14, 2011 News Summary

Possible FDA Ban on Menthol Cigarettes Haunts Brand Leader

cigarettes, The Wall Street Journal reported Jan. 5. Menthol cigarettes make up about 30 percent of industry sales. Lorillard -- not the only tobacco company against a menthol ban -- makes Newport, the leading brand. Newport menthols have driven an increase in the company's market share, from 9 percent in 2001 to 13 percent in the third quarter of 2010, even as overall domestic cigarette sales declined. Since Newport menthols make up the vast majority of Lorillard cigarette sales, the company may fear a "doomsday scenario if menthol gets banned and they can't keep a majority of their customers," according to Philip Gorham, an analyst with Morningstar, Inc. The FDA was given the authority by Congress to regulate tobacco in legislation passed in 2009. Although the law specifically outlawed flavorings such as candy, spice and fruit, which might be especially appealing to youth, it left it to the FDA to assess whether menthol flavoring should remain legal. An FDA advisory committee, the Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee, will make its recommendations on menthol in March. The agency may recommend responses less stringent than a ban, such as restrictions on advertising. The FDA is not bound by the committee's recommendations and has no deadline to act. Some health advocates said that menthol, which is drawn from mint plants and creates a cooling sensation in the mouth and throat, is attractive to youth because it covers up the harsh taste of cigarettes. They also say that it is appealing to African-Americans, "who have long been a target of menthol marketing campaigns," according to The Wall Street Journal. Federal survey data from 2009 showed that 45 percent of smokers between 12 and 17 use menthols, and about 80% of African-American smokers prefer menthols to other brands. A 2010 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that African-Americans suffered disproportionately from smokingrelated disease, compared to other racial and ethnic groups. Further, while only 20.6 percent of all Americans smoke, 21.3 percent of black adults do. Lorillard and other opponents of an FDA ban on menthol argue that jobs are at risk, and that a black market for menthol cigarettes would remain if menthol cigarettes were outlawed. To head off a ban, the company has moved aggressively to dominate public discourse on the topic. According to The Wall Street Journal, it has bought Internet domain names potentially critical of menthols, such as,,, KillerMenthol, BanMenthol and MentholKills. The company set up pro-menthol Twitter and Facebook pages as well as, where, The Wall Street Journal reported,

Lorillard, Inc., the third-largest tobacco maker in the U.S., is fighting to stop the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from banning menthol in

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it "frequently links to articles that include quotes or are written by groups that oppose a menthol ban and present reasoning similar to its own." Lorillard also hired a PR firm to gain media exposure for prominent African-Americans opposing a ban. For example, one of the firm's consultants placed the spokesman for the Congress of Racial Equality, Niger Innis, on radio programs to discuss menthol. He objected to a possible ban because "you are taking away a legal preference and choice for African-Americans," and because a black market could create "another vehicle of criminality in the African-American community." The same consultant submitted a pro-menthol editorial under the byline of Harry C. Alford, the CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce. Lorillard contributes $35,000 in yearly dues to the organization. Alford said the editorial "was not in any way influenced" by that relationship. "African-Americans like their Newport cigarettes, and there is no reason why they should not be allowed to have them," he said. Health advocates in the black community dismissed such public relations efforts. For example, Dr. Louis Sullivan, U.S. health secretary under the first President Bush, was "very disappointed and very distressed" because African-American groups were being "used by tobacco companies." Lorillard would not comment on whether it had contributed financially to organizations that supported its point of view. "Over time, the company has been a member of organizations such as trade groups, chambers of commerce and other organizations," a spokesman for the company said. "Given what is at stake, it's only natural that we support them in their firmly held beliefs."

Jan Beauchamp
Quitline Coordinator Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program Department for Public Health 275 E. Main Street, Mail Stop HS1EE Frankfort, KY 40621 (502) 564-9358, ext. 3817 Adobe Systems

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From: Hahn, Ellen J Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 2:41 PM To: Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co); Hawkins, Ruth R (LHD-Madison Co); Crewe, Nancy M (LHD-Madison Co); Riker, Carol A; Robertson, Heather E Subject: RE: More from the world of VAPORSTIX Hi, I was interviewed for 20 minutes today by Ron Smith at WEKU. They are planning a feature on ecigarettes. Was there any action on the BOH amendment last night? Ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook !

-----Original Message----From: Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 1:51 PM To: Hawkins, Ruth R (LHD-Madison Co); Crewe, Nancy M (LHD-Madison Co); Riker, Carol A; Hahn, Ellen J; Robertson, Heather E Subject: More from the world of VAPORSTIX I found this rather interesting... I thought you would as well... also on this particular site you will find a E-Cigarette factsheet (with NO citations). This is information regarding a "study" that will be performed to determine "secondhand" risk w/ vapor... It is important to note that this site was a link from our Local Vendor...they did refer to some of the "studies" that were listed on this site. If you have time, it is certainly worth a look. Kelly S. Owens, MPH, CHES Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Specialist/Health Educator II Madison County Health Department 1001 Ace Drive Berea, KY 40403
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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Warren, Monica E Tuesday, March 02, 2010 9:52 AM Horn, Rebecca (GRDHD) Hahn, Ellen J; Riker, Carol A; Wagner, Kristian K RE: Name Collection Card

Thanks for the card Becky! Congratulations on receiving the grant! You, Shannon, and other members of the coalition have been working hard to move Ohio County towards smoke-free policy.
From: Horn, Rebecca (GRDHD) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 9:31 AM To: Warren, Monica E Subject: RE: Name Collection Card

Rebecca Horn Tobacco Control Coordinator Green River District Health Department 1501 Breckenridge Street Owensboro, KY 42303 Phone: 270-852-5486 Fax: 270-926-9862

From: Warren, Monica E [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 9:32 AM To: Horn, Rebecca (GRDHD) Subject: Name Collection Card

Hi Becky, Could you email me an electronic version of the name collection cards you guys are using in Ohio County? Another community was interested. Thanks,

Monica E. Mundy, BA Community Advisor Clean Indoor Air Partnership University of Kentucky

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College of Nursing 509 CON Building Lexington, KY 40536-1057 Phone: 859-323-2353 Fax: 859-323-1057 [email protected]
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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Hahn, Ellen J Wednesday, January 27, 2010 2:20 PM Adkins, Joyce N (LHD-Barren River Dist) Bossick, Michael J; Riker, Carol A RE: News about Glasgow

Hi, Joyce, I would encourage them to use the newest ANR model vs. the Campbellsville one. ANR updated their language in October 2009. There are always changes based on litigation around the country, and the ANR keeps everything up to date. Perhaps, the most important thing that I would advise is to be sure the drafted ordinance gets a good legal review (in addition to the other issues below). TCLC is the best place for that. Depending on who you are working with at ACS, they may or may not have a relationship with TCLC, or they may have other legal resources. We are happy to shepherd it through for legal review to TCLC. The sooner the better. Thanks for keeping us in the loop and let us know how we can help. Ellen

Ellen J. Hahn, DNS, RN Professor, University of Kentucky College of Nursing Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program and Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management 751 Rose Street, College of Nursing 519 Lexington, Kentucky 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Follow us on Twitter! Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business

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From: Adkins, Joyce N (LHD-Barren River Dist) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 2:13 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J Subject: RE: News about Glasgow

Thanks, Ellen. I forwarded your email to Dr. Shirley in Glasgow. I know they are using the Campbellsville ordinance as a guide, and I already told them not to exclude tobacco retail stores, cigar bars, and hookah bars, though I doubt Glasgow has any of the latter two. They dont even have regular bars. J Anyway, I told her today about the E Cigarettes, clearly the next thorn in our side. Do you have any other problems with the Campbellsville ordinance that we should be aware of? We have ACS working with us on this. I will keep you informed! Joyce

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Joyce N. Adkins, BS, BA Health Educator II Barren River District Health Dept. 1109 State St. Bowling Green, Ky. 42101 FAX: (270)796-8946 Phone: (270)781-8039, X 138 Email: [email protected] Website:
From: Hahn, Ellen J [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 4:27 PM To: Adkins, Joyce N (LHD-Barren River Dist); Centers, Irene (CHFS HPB-Health Promotions) Cc: Bossick, Michael J Subject: RE: News about Glasgow

Joyce, This is great news indeed. I would encourage them to be sure that the definition of smoking includes e-cigarettes (an emerging trend) and that it also includes hookah (if you say heated in the definition, that should cover hookahsif you have the latest ANR model ordinance from late 2009, it should have this). Bottom line at this phase, I would strongly encourage you to get a copy of the ordinance asap so we can get TCLC to review it (we are happy to get it up there for you). Can you rely on the city attorney to do a good job? Is the attorney in support? We do have legal resources at KCSP (Judy Owens) and she has been a big help to the city attorneys (i.e., most recently Prestonsburg and London). If you think this would help, we could put the attorney there in touch with Judy. I am cc: Mike Bossick, the KCSP Manager. We are happy to provide whatever support you need. I know you have our Phases document, but I thought I would attach it so you could review the activities that we always suggest when community nears the legislative phase. You could use it simply as a checklist as you think about preparing for the push (Phases III and IV). Also, we have a new edition of the SHS and SF Policy booklet (2009) that we would be glad to provide to give to the council folks. We have hard copies and it is also on our website. We have updated our website with fact sheets/one-pagers that you might find helpful (same link as above under Fact Sheets). Preparing your elected official supporters for all possible opposition scenarios is key (I know you are aware of thatJ). We are working an active campaign in Bardstown right now and ACS/ALA/AHA has been good about sending out action alerts. As you know, they also can sometimes help with active lobbying. Let us know if you need help leveraging their support. Keep us posted and let us know how we can help. Good luck! Ellen

Ellen J. Hahn, DNS, RN Professor, University of Kentucky College of Nursing Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program and Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management 751 Rose Street, College of Nursing 519 Lexington, Kentucky 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected]
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From: Adkins, Joyce N (LHD-Barren River Dist) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 2:11 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J; Centers, Irene (CHFS HPB-Health Promotions) Subject: News about Glasgow

Ellen: This is not being made public yet, so dont let this information go anywhere, but I did want you to be aware of what is happening in Glasgow. Yesterday, Dr. Melissa Walton Shirley, Dr. Travis, and I met with four city council persons and the mayor. Two of the council persons and the mayor were in support of an ordinance, and our mission was to get a commitment from at least one more, which would give us a majority vote for an ordinance. And we got it! Now the plan is to write an ordinance pretty similar to Campbellsvilles. When I got back to the office, I read that ordinance, then sent a copy of ANRs model ordinance to Dr. Shirley and encouraged them not to exempt tobacco retail shops. Once the ordinance is written, they will bring it before the city council for a vote. In the meantime, we hope to get more than a room full of supporters ready to be there for each and all of the relevant city council meetings. We have a large base of supporters, so this should not be a problem. Cross your fingers! Joyce N. Adkins, BS, BA Health Educator II Barren River District Health Dept. 1109 State St. Bowling Green, Ky. 42101 FAX: (270)796-8946 Phone: (270)781-8039, X 138 Email: [email protected] Website:

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From: Sent: To:

Cc: Subject:

Hahn, Ellen J Monday, January 17, 2011 8:36 PM Amy Barkley; Betsy Janes; Brandi Gilley; Bronson Frick; Cathy Callaway; Dyshel Thompson; Eric Evans; Irene Centers; James Sharp; Jennifer Redmond; Wagner, Kristian K; Mark Sizemore; Kercsmar, Sarah; Scott Lockard; Tonya Chang Riker, Carol A RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!!

If the you can send an action alert, that would be terrific! I am sure they would appreciate that. So it is looking as if Robin Baldwin may be the likely replacement as commissioner when the Mayor leaves for Secretary of State. Robin is an advocate (and she received the next highest number of votes at the last election). Carol Douglas sent my email to Slim related to the risks and special meeting procedures. Maybe we will luck out. ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Amy Barkley [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, January 17, 2011 4:43 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J; Betsy Janes; Brandi Gilley; Bronson Frick; Cathy Callaway; Dyshel Thompson; Eric Evans; Irene Centers; James Sharp; Jennifer Redmond; Wagner, Kristian K; Mark Sizemore; Kercsmar, Sarah; Scott Lockard; Tonya Chang Cc: Riker, Carol A Subject: RE: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!!

Thanks for keeping us posted, Ellen. This is pretty scary, but I think you are right there is probably not much we can do from outside, other than provide advice as you have been doing. That said, Ill check our list to see how many people we have in Bowling Green. We can make sure they are connected to the locals. Who should we direct them to Carol Douglas, or Carol Riker? Just let me know. Thanks. Amy

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From: Hahn, Ellen J [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 3:17 PM To: Amy Barkley; Betsy Janes; Brandi Gilley; Bronson Frick; Cathy Callaway; Dyshel Thompson; Hahn, Ellen J; Eric Evans; Irene Centers; James Sharp; Jennifer Redmond; Wagner, Kristian K; Mark Sizemore; Kercsmar, Sarah; Scott Lockard; Tonya Chang Cc: Riker, Carol A Subject: FW: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!!

Wanted you all to see this from Eric Gregory in Bowling Green. Given that our relationship with the group there has been sporadic, I am really not sure what any of us can do at this point. It seems they dont really have an inside game if they dont know how the new commissioner feels about smoke-free. Slim is the key, it seems. Carol Douglas has been our main point of contact and she is with the health department. I may call John Bonaguro at WKU since I have the best relationship with him. ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Eric Gregory [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 3:01 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J Cc: Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist); LHD Barren River BRDHD All; Absher Mark; Adkins Joyce; Advani, Shailesh; Alloway Michelle; Applebee's; Baldwin Robin; Barnhouse Lara; Bedard Robert; Bedard, Robert; Bell Jessica; Berger Jim; Billingsley Margaret; Bohannon Carla; Bonaguro John; Booth, Nancy; Broady Susan; Brown Susan; Bryant Beth; Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator; Cash, Allison; Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator; Chaney, Brenda; Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District); Chang Tonya; Cherry Jeanine; Clark Paula; Compton Judy; Copas Jackie; Cunningham Terri; Daniels Karen; Drexler Angie; Duncan Martha "Sue"; Emerson Jeanann; Flora Kim; Ford Joy White; Forrest Marilee; Forte Bernice; Fugate, Jennifer S (LHDAllen Co); Gardner Marilyn; Gibson Nancy; Greaney Libby; Greene, Janet; Halbig Hillary; Hartz Sharon; Houchens Marla; Houchin, Lisa J (LHD-Barren River Dist); Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health Dept.); Isenhower, Jataun; Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel; Janes Betsy; Jennings Katy; LaManna Frank; Lawrence, Brenda; Lovely Teresa; Miller Al; Monroe Lori; Nagy Chris; Napier Melanie; Owens Paula; Palmer Alan; Parnell Heather; Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service Center; Petrovic Danijela; Pollard Venica; Prunty Melody; Richardson Jama; Richey Brent; Rowland, Crissy G (CHFS-LHD Barren River Dist); Rush Linda; Ryan Lorie; Shindhelm Karen; Shirley Melissa Walton; Simmons, Jeri; Smith Beth; Spears Bonnie; Stein Margaret; Steward Kathryn; Sweetman Maryellen; Taylor Brad; Thweatt Kathy; Tinsley Tammy; Troyer Mike; Tuck Missy; Voakes Rick; Walston Rachel; Walton Ed; Walton Lori; Watkins Cecilia; Webb Alonzo; Westbrook Elizabeth; Wheat Marilyn; Wininger, Amy; Wollin Andrew; Woods Monica; Johnson, John D; Kercsmar, Sarah; Riker, Carol A; Jujulew; Hahn, Ellen J

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Subject: Re: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!!

Ellen, Thanks for the "heads up" on the KRS. If the commission decides to fill the vacant seat with the next highest vote, it appears to be Robin Baldwin: I'm not sure where she stands on the issue. She should receive this email, maybe she'll let us know ; ). As far as having anyone outside the county contact the commissioners, I would be very cautious. ACS had their people review the ordinance last time and was very out of line (not our local ACS, but levels above) in the way they attempted to get Slim to change the wording. I think there are slight variations to the new ordinance (possibly to address electronic cigarettes), but Carol should be more up to date on that. I do think we need to ask Slim first if he wants it reviewed...he is the champion of this effort. I have begun contacting people who are supportive of the effort to show on Tuesday and will continue to do so. Eric SOK ----- Original Message ----From: "Hahn, Ellen J" <[email protected]> Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011 7:48 Subject: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!! To: "Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, LHD Barren River BRDHD All <[email protected]>, Absher Mark <[email protected]>, Adkins Joyce <[email protected]>, "Advani, Shailesh" <[email protected]>, Alloway Michelle <[email protected]>, Applebee's <[email protected]>, Baldwin Robin <[email protected]>, Barnhouse Lara <[email protected]>, Bedard Robert <[email protected]>, "Bedard, Robert" <[email protected]>, Bell Jessica <[email protected]>, Berger Jim <[email protected]>, Billingsley Margaret <[email protected]>, Bohannon Carla <[email protected]>, Bonaguro John <[email protected]>, "Booth, Nancy" <[email protected]>, Broady Susan <[email protected]>, Brown Susan <[email protected]>, Bryant Beth <[email protected]>, "Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator" <[email protected]>, "Cash, Allison" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Brenda" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District)" <[email protected]>, Chang Tonya <[email protected]>, Cherry Jeanine <[email protected]>, Clark Paula <[email protected]>, Compton Judy <[email protected]>, Copas Jackie <[email protected]>, Cunningham Terri <[email protected]>, Daniels Karen <[email protected]>, Drexler Angie <[email protected]>, "Duncan Martha \"Sue\"" <[email protected]>, Emerson Jeanann <[email protected]>, Flora Kim <[email protected]>, Ford Joy White <[email protected]>, Forrest Marilee <[email protected]>, Forte Bernice <[email protected]>, "Fugate, Jennifer S (LHD-Allen Co)" <[email protected]>, Gardner Marilyn <[email protected]>, Gibson Nancy <[email protected]>, Greaney Libby <[email protected]>, "Greene, Janet" <[email protected]>, Gregory Eric <[email protected]>, Halbig Hillary <[email protected]>, Hartz Sharon <[email protected]>, Houchens Marla <[email protected]>, "Houchin, Lisa J (LHD-Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, "Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health Dept.)" <[email protected]>, "Isenhower, Jataun" <[email protected]>, Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel <[email protected]>, Janes Betsy <[email protected]>, Jennings Katy <[email protected]>, LaManna Frank <[email protected]>, "Lawrence, Brenda" <[email protected]>, Lovely Teresa <[email protected]>, Miller Al <[email protected]>, Monroe Lori <[email protected]>, Nagy Chris <[email protected]>, Napier Melanie <[email protected]>, Owens Paula <[email protected]>, Palmer Alan
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<[email protected]>, Parnell Heather <[email protected]>, "Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service Center" <[email protected]>, Petrovic Danijela <[email protected]>, Pollard Venica <[email protected]>, Prunty Melody <[email protected]>, Richardson Jama <[email protected]>, Richey Brent <[email protected]>, "Rowland, Crissy G (CHFSLHD Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, Rush Linda <[email protected]>, Ryan Lorie <[email protected]>, Shindhelm Karen <[email protected]>, Shirley Melissa Walton <[email protected]>, "Simmons, Jeri" <[email protected]>, Smith Beth <[email protected]>, Spears Bonnie <[email protected]>, Stein Margaret <[email protected]>, Steward Kathryn <[email protected]>, Sweetman Maryellen <[email protected]>, Taylor Brad <[email protected]>, Thweatt Kathy <[email protected]>, Tinsley Tammy <[email protected]>, Troyer Mike <[email protected]>, Tuck Missy <[email protected]>, Voakes Rick <[email protected]>, Walston Rachel <[email protected]>, Walton Ed <[email protected]>, Walton Lori <[email protected]>, Watkins Cecilia <[email protected]>, Webb Alonzo <[email protected]>, Westbrook Elizabeth <[email protected]>, Wheat Marilyn <[email protected]>, "Wininger, Amy" <[email protected]>, Wollin Andrew <[email protected]>, Woods Monica <[email protected]> Cc: "Johnson, John D" <[email protected]>, "Kercsmar, Sarah" <[email protected]>, "Riker, Carol A" <[email protected]>, Jujulew <[email protected]>, "Hahn, Ellen J" <[email protected]> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Good morning, Bowling Green Smoke-free Advocates, I know how committed you are to seeing Bowling Green go smokefree and how difficult it was in 2007 when the first attempt failed. And I am sure Slim and the Mayor want to do the right thing by taking an ordinance to first reading now given the Mayor's departure. Even if they have the votes to pass it this time, though, the risk is that the ordinance could be repealed or weakened by the new Commission. Does anyone know who is likely to replace the mayor or fill the vacancy for commissioner? It looks like Joe Denning will be the new mayor and he wasn't favorable last time. Where does he stand this time? Also, did an attorney draft the ordinance and is he/she favorable? I have asked the state smoke-free core team if anyone is available to assist by reaching out to the elected officials. If any of you can get a copy of the ordinance, we may be able to get it reviewed by our legal team. I do have a copy of what was considered last time, and the legal review. Keep in mind that once the ordinance goes past first reading, it cannot be substantially changed in any way. Also, please keep in mind that there are specific procedures outlined by KRS about special meetings (Slim was quoted as saying the second reading will be done at a special called meeting). We are experiencing a very difficult situation in Northern KY right now that might be helpful to you. First, Kenton County enacted a weak smoke-free ordinance by special meeting. It was delayed because they didn't follow the KRS procedures for special meetings (attached). Also, in the final hour, they amended the ordinance to exempt drinking establishments (and

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

enclosed areas in places that allow alcohol) which will make the law very confusing and difficult to enforce (and it won't protect those most vulnerable). Second, Campbell County enacted a comprehensive ordinance (3-1) right before the holiday, and they are going to first reading to repeal it on Jan. 19. Jan. 1 they had a new group of commissioners who are not favorable. Third, we have seen our strongest, most organized opposition to date in NKY. The Northern Kentucky Tea Party, along with NKY Choice, the KY Libertarian Party, and others have turned out the opposition in large numbers. A few lessons learned from NKY: plan for special meetings (the opposition will try to derail in every way and they are good at it); be sure the new commissioners are in your favor and that there is a plan in place to kill a bad ordinance; and turn out advocates who stick to the health message (and keep tabs on the opposition). Unfortunately, with the holiday weekend upon us, I am unsure exactly what assistance we can provide but I am on email and available by cell phone (859-421-6948) and willing to help in any way. Good luck!! Ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in SelfManagement of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter<> and Facebook<!/pages/kysmokefree/121589417877279?ref=ts> ! [cid:[email protected]][cid:[email protected]] From: Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist) [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 3:21 PM To: LHD Barren River BRDHD All; Absher Mark; Adkins Joyce; Advani, Shailesh; Alloway Michelle; Applebee's; Baldwin Robin; Barnhouse Lara; Bedard Robert; Bedard, Robert; Bell Jessica; Berger Jim; Billingsley Margaret; Bohannon Carla; Bonaguro John; Booth, Nancy; Broady Susan; Brown Susan; Bryant Beth; Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator; Cash, Allison;

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator; Chaney, Brenda; Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District); Chang Tonya; Cherry Jeanine; Clark Paula; Compton Judy; Copas Jackie ; Cunningham Terri; Daniels Karen; Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist); Drexler Angie; Duncan Martha "Sue"; Emerson Jeanann; Flora Kim; Ford Joy White; Forrest Marilee; Forte Bernice; Fugate, Jennifer S (LHD-Allen Co); Gardner Marilyn; Gibson Nancy; Greaney Libby; Greene, Janet; Gregory Eric; Halbig Hillary; Hartz Sharon; Houchens Marla; Houchin, Lisa J (LHDBarren River Dist); Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health Dept.); Isenhower, Jataun; Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel; Janes Betsy; Jennings Katy; LaManna Frank; Lawrence, Brenda; Lovely Teresa; Miller Al; Monroe Lori; Nagy Chris; Napier Melanie; Owens Paula; Palmer Alan; Parnell Heather; Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service Center; Petrovic Danijela; Pollard Venica; Prunty Melody; Richardson Jama; Richey Brent; Rowland, Crissy G (CHFSLHD Barren River Dist); Rush Linda; Ryan Lorie; Shindhelm Karen; Shirley Melissa Walton; Simmons, Jeri; Smith Beth; Spears Bonnie; Stein Margaret; Steward Kathryn; Sweetman Maryellen; Taylor Brad; Thweatt Kathy; Tinsley Tammy; Troyer Mike; Tuck Missy; Voakes Rick; Walston Rachel; Walton Ed; Walton Lori; Watkins Cecilia ; Webb Alonzo; Westbrook Elizabeth; Wheat Marilyn; Wininger, Amy; Wollin Andrew; Woods Monica Cc: Hahn, Ellen J Subject: NEWS ALERT!!!!! Importance: High I need your help! I just found out that the Bowling Green City Commission will introduce a Smokefree Indoor Air Ordinance this coming Tuesday, January 18th, 2011. The meeting begins at 7 pm and the ordinance is the last item out of 13 listed on the agenda. It's time to encourage everyone to come out to the city commission meeting and speak up in favor of the ordinance. It doesn't matter if you are a BG voter. If you work, visit or play in Bowling Green, they need to hear from you. You can be sure that the opposition will be there in full force! I will be contacting those of you specifically on the SF BG Ordinance workgroup to help me with potential business owner's/workers to speak at the meeting. The full agenda is listed on the BG City Commission website @ If you or someone you know is interested in speaking, please have them get in touch with me..... Hang on..... This is going to be a bumpy ride!!!! Carol Douglas, BS Health Educator III Barren River District Health Department 1109 State Street P.O. Box 1157 Bowling Green, Ky. 42102 Ph: 270-781-8039, ext. 144 Fax: 270-796-8946 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > >

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Eric Gregory, MA, CPS Certified Prevention Specialist Executive Director The Save Our Kids Coalition 1818 Campbell Lane Bowling Green, KY 42104 (270) 282-4251

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From: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co) <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 5:29 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J; Fallin, Amanda T Subject: RE: Ordinance
The ordinance passed its first reading unopposed!!

Michael Shoemaker
Director of Administrative Services Martin County Health Department Address: 136 Rockcastle Road P.O. Box 346 Inez, KY 41224 Phone: (606) 298-7752 Fax: (606) 298-0413
Notice of Confidentiality: This email, including any attachment, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Hahn, Ellen J [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thu 12/16/2010 3:06 PM To: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co); Fallin, Amanda T Subject: RE: Ordinance

Wow. That was quick!! Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook !

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From: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 3:03 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J; Fallin, Amanda T Subject: RE: Ordinance

They are going to incorporate the e-cigarette language in the ordinance! Michael Shoemaker
Director of Administrative Services Martin County Health Department
Address: 136 Rockcastle Road P.O. Box 346 Inez, KY 41224 Phone: (606) 298-7752 Fax: (606) 298-0413 Notice of Confidentiality: This email, including any attachment, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Hahn, Ellen J [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:57 PM To: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co); Fallin, Amanda T Subject: Ordinance

Mike, Thanks for sending the ordinance, and congratulations that secondhand smoke and the health of those who visit government buildings is being discussed in your county government!!!! Good work!

If possible, I would suggest a slight wording change to the ordinance as written (see highlighting for suggested additions): Smoking means inhaling, exhaling, burning, holding, or carrying any lighted or heated pipe, cigar, cigarette, or other lighted or heated tobacco product in any manner or form. "Smoking" also includes the use of an e-cigarette which creates a vapor, in any manner or in any form, or the use of any oral smoking device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of smoking in this Article. We are finding that the e-cigarette manufacturers are creating a loophole in smoke-free policy by trying to get around these policies. If you make the changes in the definition above, the fiscal court will clarify that the ordinance applies to all tobacco products including electronic cigarettes. I know Amanda sent you our materials on e-cigarettes. Good luck and keep us posted. Ellen
Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN

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Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:47 PM To: Fallin, Amanda T; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: FW:

Dr Hahn and Amanda, Please find attached a copy of the ordinance banning smoking in the County Courthouse and Annex being presented at tonights Fiscal Court meeting. There seems to be widespread support from the County Judge Executive, Magistrates and even the County Attorney, who was thought to be in opposition. Christi Brown told me that they used the Boyle Co sample that Amanda had forwarded us as their template. The timeline for the ordinance is: First Reading will be tonight 12/16. It will be published in our local newspaper on 12/22 and 12/29. The second reading would happen in January (I do not have the date for that meeting). We are excited about the progress being made in our county. I will give you an update tomorrow. Mike Michael Shoemaker
Director of Administrative Services Martin County Health Department
Address: 136 Rockcastle Road P.O. Box 346 Inez, KY 41224 Phone: (606) 298-7752 Fax: (606) 298-0413 Notice of Confidentiality: This email, including any attachment, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

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From: Christi Brown [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:23 PM To: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co) Subject:

See attached.
Christi Brown Martin County Judge Executives Office Director, Martin County Economic Development Authority P. O. Box 1735 Inez, KY 41224 Phone: 606-298-2086 Fax: 606-298-2119 Cell: 606-626-5381 Confidentiality Notice: This message, including any attachment, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Fallin, Amanda T Thursday, December 16, 2010 3:14 PM Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co) Hahn, Ellen J; Wagner, Kristian K Re: Ordinance

That is great, Mike. We are looking forward to hearing how it goes. Good luck! Sent from my iPhone On Dec 16, 2010, at 3:02 PM, "Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co)" <[email protected]> wrote:
They are going to incorporate the e-cigarette language in the ordinance! Michael Shoemaker
Director of Administrative Services Martin County Health Department
Address: 136 Rockcastle Road P.O. Box 346 Inez, KY 41224 Phone: (606) 298-7752 Fax: (606) 298-0413 Notice of Confidentiality: This email, including any attachment, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Hahn, Ellen J [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:57 PM To: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co); Fallin, Amanda T Subject: Ordinance

Mike, Thanks for sending the ordinance, and congratulations that secondhand smoke and the health of those who visit government buildings is being discussed in your county government!!!! Good work!

If possible, I would suggest a slight wording change to the ordinance as written (see highlighting for suggested additions): Smoking means inhaling, exhaling, burning, holding, or carrying any lighted or heated pipe, cigar, cigarette, or other lighted or heated tobacco product in any manner or form. "Smoking" also includes the use of an e-cigarette which creates a vapor, in any manner or in any form, or the use of any oral smoking device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of smoking in this Article. We are finding that the e-cigarette manufacturers are creating a loophole in smoke-free policy by trying to get around these policies. If you make the changes in the definition above, the fiscal court will clarify that the ordinance applies to all tobacco products including electronic cigarettes. I know Amanda sent you our
file:///C|/...ey/Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/Re%20Ordinance%203.html[8/19/2011 2:32:12 AM]

materials on e-cigarettes. Good luck and keep us posted. Ellen

Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! <image001.gif>
From: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:47 PM To: Fallin, Amanda T; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: FW:

Dr Hahn and Amanda, Please find attached a copy of the ordinance banning smoking in the County Courthouse and Annex being presented at tonights Fiscal Court meeting. There seems to be widespread support from the County Judge Executive, Magistrates and even the County Attorney, who was thought to be in opposition. Christi Brown told me that they used the Boyle Co sample that Amanda had forwarded us as their template. The timeline for the ordinance is: First Reading will be tonight 12/16. It will be published in our local newspaper on 12/22 and 12/29. The second reading would happen in January (I do not have the date for that meeting). We are excited about the progress being made in our county. I will give you an update tomorrow. Mike Michael Shoemaker
Director of Administrative Services Martin County Health Department
Address: 136 Rockcastle Road P.O. Box 346 Inez, KY 41224 Phone: (606) 298-7752 Fax: (606) 298-0413

file:///C|/...ey/Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/Re%20Ordinance%203.html[8/19/2011 2:32:12 AM]

Notice of Confidentiality: This email, including any attachment, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Christi Brown [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:23 PM To: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co) Subject:

See attached.
Christi Brown Martin County Judge Executives Office Director, Martin County Economic Development Authority P. O. Box 1735 Inez, KY 41224 Phone: 606-298-2086 Fax: 606-298-2119 Cell: 606-626-5381 Confidentiality Notice: This message, including any attachment, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

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From: Sent: To: Subject:

Wow. That was quick!!

Hahn, Ellen J Thursday, December 16, 2010 3:07 PM 'Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co)'; Fallin, Amanda T RE: Ordinance

Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 3:03 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J; Fallin, Amanda T Subject: RE: Ordinance

They are going to incorporate the e-cigarette language in the ordinance! Michael Shoemaker
Director of Administrative Services Martin County Health Department
Address: 136 Rockcastle Road P.O. Box 346 Inez, KY 41224 Phone: (606) 298-7752 Fax: (606) 298-0413 Notice of Confidentiality: This email, including any attachment, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

file:///C|/...ory%20Conley/Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Ordinance%205.html[8/19/2011 2:32:13 AM]

From: Hahn, Ellen J [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:57 PM To: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co); Fallin, Amanda T Subject: Ordinance

Mike, Thanks for sending the ordinance, and congratulations that secondhand smoke and the health of those who visit government buildings is being discussed in your county government!!!! Good work!

If possible, I would suggest a slight wording change to the ordinance as written (see highlighting for suggested additions): Smoking means inhaling, exhaling, burning, holding, or carrying any lighted or heated pipe, cigar, cigarette, or other lighted or heated tobacco product in any manner or form. "Smoking" also includes the use of an e-cigarette which creates a vapor, in any manner or in any form, or the use of any oral smoking device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of smoking in this Article. We are finding that the e-cigarette manufacturers are creating a loophole in smoke-free policy by trying to get around these policies. If you make the changes in the definition above, the fiscal court will clarify that the ordinance applies to all tobacco products including electronic cigarettes. I know Amanda sent you our materials on e-cigarettes. Good luck and keep us posted. Ellen
Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:47 PM To: Fallin, Amanda T; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: FW:

Dr Hahn and Amanda,

file:///C|/...ory%20Conley/Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Ordinance%205.html[8/19/2011 2:32:13 AM]

Please find attached a copy of the ordinance banning smoking in the County Courthouse and Annex being presented at tonights Fiscal Court meeting. There seems to be widespread support from the County Judge Executive, Magistrates and even the County Attorney, who was thought to be in opposition. Christi Brown told me that they used the Boyle Co sample that Amanda had forwarded us as their template. The timeline for the ordinance is: First Reading will be tonight 12/16. It will be published in our local newspaper on 12/22 and 12/29. The second reading would happen in January (I do not have the date for that meeting). We are excited about the progress being made in our county. I will give you an update tomorrow. Mike Michael Shoemaker
Director of Administrative Services Martin County Health Department
Address: 136 Rockcastle Road P.O. Box 346 Inez, KY 41224 Phone: (606) 298-7752 Fax: (606) 298-0413 Notice of Confidentiality: This email, including any attachment, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Christi Brown [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:23 PM To: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co) Subject:

See attached.
Christi Brown Martin County Judge Executives Office Director, Martin County Economic Development Authority P. O. Box 1735 Inez, KY 41224 Phone: 606-298-2086 Fax: 606-298-2119 Cell: 606-626-5381 Confidentiality Notice: This message, including any attachment, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

file:///C|/...ory%20Conley/Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Ordinance%205 html[8/19/2011 2:32:13 AM]

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co) <[email protected]> Thursday, December 16, 2010 3:03 PM Hahn, Ellen J; Fallin, Amanda T RE: Ordinance

They are going to incorporate the e-cigarette language in the ordinance! Michael Shoemaker
Director of Administrative Services Martin County Health Department
Address: 136 Rockcastle Road P.O. Box 346 Inez, KY 41224 Phone: (606) 298-7752 Fax: (606) 298-0413 Notice of Confidentiality: This email, including any attachment, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Hahn, Ellen J [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:57 PM To: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co); Fallin, Amanda T Subject: Ordinance

Mike, Thanks for sending the ordinance, and congratulations that secondhand smoke and the health of those who visit government buildings is being discussed in your county government!!!! Good work!

If possible, I would suggest a slight wording change to the ordinance as written (see highlighting for suggested additions): Smoking means inhaling, exhaling, burning, holding, or carrying any lighted or heated pipe, cigar, cigarette, or other lighted or heated tobacco product in any manner or form. "Smoking" also includes the use of an e-cigarette which creates a vapor, in any manner or in any form, or the use of any oral smoking device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of smoking in this Article. We are finding that the e-cigarette manufacturers are creating a loophole in smoke-free policy by trying to get around these policies. If you make the changes in the definition above, the fiscal court will clarify that the ordinance applies to all tobacco products including electronic cigarettes. I know Amanda sent you our materials on e-cigarettes. Good luck and keep us posted. Ellen
Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy

file:///C|/...ory%20Conley/Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Ordinance%206 html[8/19/2011 2:32:14 AM]

Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:47 PM To: Fallin, Amanda T; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: FW:

Dr Hahn and Amanda, Please find attached a copy of the ordinance banning smoking in the County Courthouse and Annex being presented at tonights Fiscal Court meeting. There seems to be widespread support from the County Judge Executive, Magistrates and even the County Attorney, who was thought to be in opposition. Christi Brown told me that they used the Boyle Co sample that Amanda had forwarded us as their template. The timeline for the ordinance is: First Reading will be tonight 12/16. It will be published in our local newspaper on 12/22 and 12/29. The second reading would happen in January (I do not have the date for that meeting). We are excited about the progress being made in our county. I will give you an update tomorrow. Mike Michael Shoemaker
Director of Administrative Services Martin County Health Department
Address: 136 Rockcastle Road P.O. Box 346 Inez, KY 41224 Phone: (606) 298-7752 Fax: (606) 298-0413 Notice of Confidentiality: This email, including any attachment, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

file:///C|/...ory%20Conley/Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Ordinance%206.html[8/19/2011 2:32:14 AM]

From: Christi Brown [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:23 PM To: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co) Subject:

See attached.
Christi Brown Martin County Judge Executives Office Director, Martin County Economic Development Authority P. O. Box 1735 Inez, KY 41224 Phone: 606-298-2086 Fax: 606-298-2119 Cell: 606-626-5381 Confidentiality Notice: This message, including any attachment, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

file:///C|/...ory%20Conley/Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Ordinance%206 html[8/19/2011 2:32:14 AM]

From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Fallin, Amanda T Thursday, December 16, 2010 5:46 PM Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co) Hahn, Ellen J Re: Ordinance

That's great news, Mike! This ordinance gives you a good opportunity for earned media. If it passes on the second reading, you should take a picture of the judge and the council and submit a story to the paper. This would also be a good time to recruit more coalition members. Was there time for public comment on the ordinance? If so, was anyone there that you might consider recruiting? Thanks, Amanda Sent from my iPhone On Dec 16, 2010, at 4:30 PM, "Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co)" <[email protected]> wrote:
The ordinance passed its first reading unopposed!!

Michael Shoemaker
Director of Administrative Services Martin County Health Department Address: 136 Rockcastle Road P.O. Box 346 Inez, KY 41224 Phone: (606) 298-7752 Fax: (606) 298-0413
Notice of Confidentiality: This email, including any attachment, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Hahn, Ellen J [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thu 12/16/2010 3:06 PM To: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co); Fallin, Amanda T Subject: RE: Ordinance

Wow. That was quick!! Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health

file:///C|/...0Conley/Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/Re%20Ordinance.html[8/19/2011 2:32:15 AM]

751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 3:03 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J; Fallin, Amanda T Subject: RE: Ordinance

They are going to incorporate the e-cigarette language in the ordinance! Michael Shoemaker
Director of Administrative Services Martin County Health Department
Address: 136 Rockcastle Road P.O. Box 346 Inez, KY 41224 Phone: (606) 298-7752 Fax: (606) 298-0413 Notice of Confidentiality: This email, including any attachment, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Hahn, Ellen J [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:57 PM To: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co); Fallin, Amanda T Subject: Ordinance

Mike, Thanks for sending the ordinance, and congratulations that secondhand smoke and the health of those who visit government buildings is being discussed in your county government!!!! Good work!

If possible, I would suggest a slight wording change to the ordinance as written (see highlighting for suggested additions): Smoking means inhaling, exhaling, burning, holding, or carrying any lighted or heated pipe, cigar, cigarette, or other lighted or heated tobacco product in any manner or form. "Smoking" also includes the
file:///C|/...0Conley/Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/Re%20Ordinance.html[8/19/2011 2:32:15 AM]

use of an e-cigarette which creates a vapor, in any manner or in any form, or the use of any oral smoking device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of smoking in this Article. We are finding that the e-cigarette manufacturers are creating a loophole in smoke-free policy by trying to get around these policies. If you make the changes in the definition above, the fiscal court will clarify that the ordinance applies to all tobacco products including electronic cigarettes. I know Amanda sent you our materials on e-cigarettes. Good luck and keep us posted. Ellen
Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:47 PM To: Fallin, Amanda T; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: FW:

Dr Hahn and Amanda, Please find attached a copy of the ordinance banning smoking in the County Courthouse and Annex being presented at tonights Fiscal Court meeting. There seems to be widespread support from the County Judge Executive, Magistrates and even the County Attorney, who was thought to be in opposition. Christi Brown told me that they used the Boyle Co sample that Amanda had forwarded us as their template. The timeline for the ordinance is: First Reading will be tonight 12/16. It will be published in our local newspaper on 12/22 and 12/29. The second reading would happen in January (I do not have the date for that meeting). We are excited about the progress being made in our county. I will give you an update tomorrow. Mike Michael Shoemaker
Director of Administrative Services Martin County Health Department

file:///C|/...0Conley/Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/Re%20Ordinance.html[8/19/2011 2:32:15 AM]
Address: 136 Rockcastle Road P.O. Box 346 Inez, KY 41224 Phone: (606) 298-7752 Fax: (606) 298-0413 Notice of Confidentiality: This email, including any attachment, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Christi Brown [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:23 PM To: Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co) Subject:

See attached.
Christi Brown Martin County Judge Executives Office Director, Martin County Economic Development Authority P. O. Box 1735 Inez, KY 41224 Phone: 606-298-2086 Fax: 606-298-2119 Cell: 606-626-5381 Confidentiality Notice: This message, including any attachment, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

file:///C|/...0Conley/Desktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/Re%20Ordinance.html[8/19/2011 2:32:15 AM]

From: Sent: To: Cc:


Hahn, Ellen J Tuesday, October 05, 2010 4:03 PM Amy Barkley; [email protected] '[email protected]'; Wagner, Kristian K; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Kercsmar, Sarah; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; [email protected]; Kitty Jerome ([email protected]); Hahn, Ellen J RE: Partnership 1-Pager and next meeting - Tuesday, Oct 12

Try this on for size as our elevator speech: All Kentuckians deserve to breathe clean air. A comprehensive statewide, anti-preemptive smoke-free law is what we want and it is worth waiting for. In the meantime, we support keeping the momentum going at the local level for comprehensive smoke-free ordinances and regulations. Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Amy Barkley [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 9:31 AM To: Hahn, Ellen J; [email protected] Cc: '[email protected]'; Wagner, Kristian K; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Kercsmar, Sarah; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; [email protected]; Kitty Jerome ([email protected]) Subject: Partnership 1-Pager and next meeting - Tuesday, Oct 12 Hi, all: Ellen is right that we need a unified message. While there will be different materials developed for different audiences, we need to articulate our message to anyone and everyone about the combined local and state policy approaches without undermining either of them. We need to be careful about talking about timing or anything "strategic" in a public document. While rushing into a state law is the
file:///C|/...201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Partnership%201-Pager%20and%20next%20meeting%20-%20Tuesday%20Oct%2012 html[8/19/2011 2:32:17 AM]

wrong message, we also don't want it to sound like a statewide law is impossible. Legislators will not want to expend any political capital on something they think isn't going to happen. The "willing to wait" verbiage is for supportive legislators and partners. We do need to conduct a co-sponsorship drive along with our resolution drive and other coalition buliding efforts this session, so we need to find some kind of middle ground. The public message should be more focused on a 100% comprehensive law that covers everyone - no matter which level of government enacts it. The only thing we need to stress about the state law that's different than what we say about local laws is the importance of anti-preemptive language. It's a nuanced message and I know we are all struggling with it, but I will try to take another stab at this. We can finalize it at our meeting on October 12. As a reminder - we'll meet from 11:30 - 3 p.m. and we have a location now. We are meeting at KPHA, 140 Consumer Lane, Frankfort, KY 40601. I'll send another draft of this document and an agenda ASAP. Thanks to all for your commitment to this effort! Amy

From: Hahn, Ellen J [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 6:25 AM To: [email protected] Cc: '[email protected]'; Amy Barkley; Wagner, Kristian K; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Kercsmar, Sarah; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' Subject: RE: Partnership 1-Pager

Thanks, Jennifer. This is the only feedback I have received except that there are general concerns. I suggest that another organization draft a document that is more suitable and we are happy to react/edit. I do feel strongly that we need a one pager that is appropriate for use with all audiences. One document that does the state and local messaging in one if possible. If we have one document targeted at state lawmakers and another targeted at local communities, we run the risk of creating confusion. Dont we want one unified message? In looking at the change that Jennifer made, it looks like we are in a rush for a state law. The waiting is not an option could be construed as we want all Kentuckians protected and we cant wait. We need a clear message that we want laws, local and state, that cover all workers no matter where they work or live. And we are willing to wait for a state law that does that while the local momentum continues. I will bring my laptop to the meeting next week and am happy to make edits to this document if that is the pleasure of the group. But if someone else wants to take a stab at starting from scratch, have at it. Ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected]

file:///C|/...201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Partnership%201-Pager%20and%20next%20meeting%20-%20Tuesday%20Oct%2012 html[8/19/2011 2:32:17 AM]

Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Jennifer Redmond [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 5:58 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J Cc: '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Wagner, Kristian K; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Kercsmar, Sarah; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' Subject: Re: Partnership 1-Pager

In light of the mix of audiences, as I look through it, I think that the starting statement should be something like "All Kentuckians should be protected from secondhand smoke-waiting is not an option. And then we can put the bold statement in the text underneath...see attached with track changes. Also, I do think that we don't want to suggest that we aren't trying to introduce a state law soon...we just think it will take time for the support....not sure how to word it, but think we need to be up front about the fact that we do hope one is introduced.... Other thoughts? Jennifer
Both Ellen J. Hahn, PhD Professor, UK CON 859-257-2358

On 9/30/2010 11:23 PM, Hahn, Ellen J wrote:

From: [email protected] <[email protected]> To: Hahn, Ellen J; Amy Barkley <[email protected]>; Wagner, Kristian K Cc: Sizemore, Mark (CHFS HPB-Health Promotions) <[email protected]>; Betsy Berns Janes <[email protected]>; Centers, Irene (CHFS HPB-HealthPromotions) <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; Tonya Chang <[email protected]>; Kercsmar, Sarah; Gilley,Brandi N (LHD- Laurel Co) <[email protected]>; Thompson, Dyshel D(LHDMonroe Co) <[email protected]>; Lockard, Anthony S (LHD -Clark Co) <[email protected]> Sent: Thu Sep 30 13:01:21 2010 Subject: Re: Partnership 1-Pager Ellen, When you say policymakers and advocates, are you referring to local, state, or both? Please clarify--thanks!! James

From: "Hahn, Ellen J" [[email protected]] Sent: 09/30/2010 12:45 PM AST To: Amy Barkley <[email protected]>; "Wagner, Kristian K" <[email protected]> Cc: "Sizemore, Mark (CHFS HPB-Health Promotions)" <[email protected]>; "[email protected]" <[email protected]>; "Centers, Irene (CHFS HPB-HealthPromotions)" <[email protected]>; James Sharp; "[email protected]" <[email protected]>; "[email protected]" <[email protected]>; "Kercsmar, Sarah" <[email protected]>; "Gilley,Brandi N (LHD- Laurel Co)" <[email protected]>; "Thompson, Dyshel D(LHD-Monroe Co)" <[email protected]>; "Lockard, Anthony S (LHD -Clark Co)" <[email protected]>

file:///C|/...201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Partnership%201-Pager%20and%20next%20meeting%20-%20Tuesday%20Oct%2012 html[8/19/2011 2:32:17 AM]

Subject: RE: Partnership 1-Pager

Amy et al., Kristian is preparing to leave on vacation. My thought is that this document would be used with key organizations, advocates, and policymakers. It should be our rationale for our position. Thanks, Ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Amy Barkley [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 12:34 PM To: Wagner, Kristian K Cc: Sizemore, Mark (CHFS HPB-Health Promotions); [email protected]; Centers, Irene (CHFS HPB-HealthPromotions); Hahn, Ellen J; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Kercsmar, Sarah; Gilley,Brandi N (LHD- Laurel Co); Thompson, Dyshel D(LHD-Monroe Co); Lockard, Anthony S (LHD -Clark Co) Subject: Re: Partnership 1-Pager

Thanks, Kristian. For the benefit of the whole group, can you explain again the audience for this and how/when it will be distributed? It's important that we all understand that before giving input. I encourage everyone to take a close look at this and share your thoughts on this critical messaging document. Sent from my iPhone On Sep 30, 2010, at 8:51 AM, "Wagner, Kristian K" <[email protected]> wrote: Good Morning Everyone, Please see the revised, draft 1-Pager on the Partnership. Please contact Ellen if you have questions or comments. It would be great to reply to all with any changes or suggestions. Have a wonderful day!
file:///C|/...201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Partnership%201-Pager%20and%20next%20meeting%20-%20Tuesday%20Oct%2012 html[8/19/2011 2:32:17 AM]

Thank You, Kristian Kristian Wagner, MS, RD, LD Technical Assistance Coordinator Clean Indoor Air Partnership University of Kentucky College of Nursing 509 CON Building Lexington, KY 40536-1057 859.323.4572 [email protected]
Follow us on Twitter!

<image001.gif> Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business

<One Pager Partnership for Local and State Smoke-free Laws draft 9 3010.doc>

-Jennifer Redmond, DrPH Program Director Kentucky Cancer Consortium 2365 Harrodsburg Rd. Suite B100 Lexington, KY 40504 (859) 219-0772 x252 [email protected] (Please note my e-mail address...any old version of my e-mail will no longer work)

file:///C|/...201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Partnership%201-Pager%20and%20next%20meeting%20-%20Tuesday%20Oct%2012 html[8/19/2011 2:32:17 AM]

From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Carol,

Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) <[email protected]> Wednesday, April 20, 2011 3:35 PM Riker, Carol A Hahn, Ellen J; Wagner, Kristian K; Mundy, Monica E RE: Potential Public Opinion Poll for TRDHD

Im just now getting an opportunity to check emails and messages. Its been a very busy weekThank you so much for sending sample policies. This is very helpful.

Vanessa Brewer Health Educator II Franklin County Health Department Community Health Education 851 East West Connector Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 564-5559, ext. 277 * Fax: (502) 564-5672 [email protected]
Laughter is like jogging on the inside. Exercise your 'innards' every day. "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)

NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This email, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is stictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Riker, Carol A [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 9:51 AM To: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) Cc: Hahn, Ellen J; Wagner, Kristian K; Mundy, Monica E Subject: FW: Potential Public Opinion Poll for TRDHD

Hi Vanessa, John found the Falmouth city buildings ordinance. Its very short and sweet in terms of the whereas/rationale! I would suggest changing to the ANR Model Ordinance definition of smoking so that e-cigarettes and hookah are covered if you use it. Also, they made a compromise about city buildings leased to non-city people that could come out of the ordinance. Thanks, Carol
From: Johnson, John D Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 9:15 AM

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To: Riker, Carol A Subject: FW: Potential Public Opinion Poll for TRDHD

Here you go!

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From: Sent: To: Subject:

Carol Douglas Ellen J. Hahn, PhD Professor, UK CON 859-257-2358

Hahn, Ellen J Monday, January 17, 2011 6:57 PM '[email protected]' Re: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!!

From: Amy Barkley <[email protected]> To: Hahn, Ellen J; Betsy Janes <[email protected]>; Brandi Gilley <[email protected]>; Bronson Frick <[email protected]>; Cathy Callaway <[email protected]>; Dyshel Thompson <[email protected]>; Eric Evans <[email protected]>; Irene Centers <[email protected]>; James Sharp <[email protected]>; Jennifer Redmond <[email protected]>; Wagner, Kristian K; Mark Sizemore <[email protected]>; Kercsmar, Sarah; Scott Lockard <[email protected]>; Tonya Chang <[email protected]> Cc: Riker, Carol A Sent: Mon Jan 17 16:42:38 2011 Subject: RE: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!!

Thanks for keeping us posted, Ellen. This is pretty scary, but I think you are right there is probably not much we can do from outside, other than provide advice as you have been doing. That said, Ill check our list to see how many people we have in Bowling Green. We can make sure they are connected to the locals. Who should we direct them to Carol Douglas, or Carol Riker? Just let me know. Thanks. Amy
From: Hahn, Ellen J [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 3:17 PM To: Amy Barkley; Betsy Janes; Brandi Gilley; Bronson Frick; Cathy Callaway; Dyshel Thompson; Hahn, Ellen J; Eric Evans; Irene Centers; James Sharp; Jennifer Redmond; Wagner, Kristian K; Mark Sizemore; Kercsmar, Sarah; Scott Lockard; Tonya Chang Cc: Riker, Carol A Subject: FW: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!!

Wanted you all to see this from Eric Gregory in Bowling Green. Given that our relationship with the group there has been sporadic, I am really not sure what any of us can do at this point. It seems they dont really have an inside game if they dont know how the new commissioner feels about smoke-free. Slim is the key, it seems. Carol Douglas has been our main point of contact and she is with the health department. I may call John Bonaguro at WKU since I have the best relationship with him. ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX)

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[email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Eric Gregory [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 3:01 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J Cc: Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist); LHD Barren River BRDHD All; Absher Mark; Adkins Joyce; Advani, Shailesh; Alloway Michelle; Applebee's; Baldwin Robin; Barnhouse Lara; Bedard Robert; Bedard, Robert; Bell Jessica; Berger Jim; Billingsley Margaret; Bohannon Carla; Bonaguro John; Booth, Nancy; Broady Susan; Brown Susan; Bryant Beth; Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator; Cash, Allison; Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator; Chaney, Brenda; Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District); Chang Tonya; Cherry Jeanine; Clark Paula; Compton Judy; Copas Jackie; Cunningham Terri; Daniels Karen; Drexler Angie; Duncan Martha "Sue"; Emerson Jeanann; Flora Kim; Ford Joy White; Forrest Marilee; Forte Bernice; Fugate, Jennifer S (LHDAllen Co); Gardner Marilyn; Gibson Nancy; Greaney Libby; Greene, Janet; Halbig Hillary; Hartz Sharon; Houchens Marla; Houchin, Lisa J (LHD-Barren River Dist); Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health Dept.); Isenhower, Jataun; Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel; Janes Betsy; Jennings Katy; LaManna Frank; Lawrence, Brenda; Lovely Teresa; Miller Al; Monroe Lori; Nagy Chris; Napier Melanie; Owens Paula; Palmer Alan; Parnell Heather; Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service Center; Petrovic Danijela; Pollard Venica; Prunty Melody; Richardson Jama; Richey Brent; Rowland, Crissy G (CHFS-LHD Barren River Dist); Rush Linda; Ryan Lorie; Shindhelm Karen; Shirley Melissa Walton; Simmons, Jeri; Smith Beth; Spears Bonnie; Stein Margaret; Steward Kathryn; Sweetman Maryellen; Taylor Brad; Thweatt Kathy; Tinsley Tammy; Troyer Mike; Tuck Missy; Voakes Rick; Walston Rachel; Walton Ed; Walton Lori; Watkins Cecilia; Webb Alonzo; Westbrook Elizabeth; Wheat Marilyn; Wininger, Amy; Wollin Andrew; Woods Monica; Johnson, John D; Kercsmar, Sarah; Riker, Carol A; Jujulew; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: Re: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!!

Ellen, Thanks for the "heads up" on the KRS. If the commission decides to fill the vacant seat with the next highest vote, it appears to be Robin Baldwin: I'm not sure where she stands on the issue. She should receive this email, maybe she'll let us know ; ). As far as having anyone outside the county contact the commissioners, I would be very cautious. ACS had their people review the ordinance last time and was very out of line (not our local ACS, but levels above) in the way they attempted to get Slim to change the wording. I think there are slight variations to the new ordinance (possibly to address electronic cigarettes), but Carol should be more up to date on that. I do think we need to ask Slim first if he wants it reviewed...he is the champion of this effort. I have begun contacting people who are supportive of the effort to show on Tuesday and will continue to do so. Eric SOK ----- Original Message ----From: "Hahn, Ellen J" <[email protected]> Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011 7:48 Subject: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!! To: "Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, LHD Barren River BRDHD All <[email protected]>, Absher Mark <[email protected]>, Adkins Joyce <[email protected]>,
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"Advani, Shailesh" <[email protected]>, Alloway Michelle <[email protected]>, Applebee's <[email protected]>, Baldwin Robin <[email protected]>, Barnhouse Lara <[email protected]>, Bedard Robert <[email protected]>, "Bedard, Robert" <[email protected]>, Bell Jessica <[email protected]>, Berger Jim <[email protected]>, Billingsley Margaret <[email protected]>, Bohannon Carla <[email protected]>, Bonaguro John <[email protected]>, "Booth, Nancy" <[email protected]>, Broady Susan <[email protected]>, Brown Susan <[email protected]>, Bryant Beth <[email protected]>, "Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator" <[email protected]>, "Cash, Allison" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Brenda" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District)" <[email protected]>, Chang Tonya <[email protected]>, Cherry Jeanine <[email protected]>, Clark Paula <[email protected]>, Compton Judy <[email protected]>, Copas Jackie <[email protected]>, Cunningham Terri <[email protected]>, Daniels Karen <[email protected]>, Drexler Angie <[email protected]>, "Duncan Martha \"Sue\"" <[email protected]>, Emerson Jeanann <[email protected]>, Flora Kim <[email protected]>, Ford Joy White <[email protected]>, Forrest Marilee <[email protected]>, Forte Bernice <[email protected]>, "Fugate, Jennifer S (LHD-Allen Co)" <[email protected]>, Gardner Marilyn <[email protected]>, Gibson Nancy <[email protected]>, Greaney Libby <[email protected]>, "Greene, Janet" <[email protected]>, Gregory Eric <[email protected]>, Halbig Hillary <[email protected]>, Hartz Sharon <[email protected]>, Houchens Marla <[email protected]>, "Houchin, Lisa J (LHD-Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, "Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health Dept.)" <[email protected]>, "Isenhower, Jataun" <[email protected]>, Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel <[email protected]>, Janes Betsy <[email protected]>, Jennings Katy <[email protected]>, LaManna Frank <[email protected]>, "Lawrence, Brenda" <[email protected]>, Lovely Teresa <[email protected]>, Miller Al <[email protected]>, Monroe Lori <[email protected]>, Nagy Chris <[email protected]>, Napier Melanie <[email protected]>, Owens Paula <[email protected]>, Palmer Alan <[email protected]>, Parnell Heather <[email protected]>, "Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service Center" <[email protected]>, Petrovic Danijela <[email protected]>, Pollard Venica <[email protected]>, Prunty Melody <[email protected]>, Richardson Jama <[email protected]>, Richey Brent <[email protected]>, "Rowland, Crissy G (CHFSLHD Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, Rush Linda <[email protected]>, Ryan Lorie <[email protected]>, Shindhelm Karen <[email protected]>, Shirley Melissa Walton <[email protected]>, "Simmons, Jeri" <[email protected]>, Smith Beth <[email protected]>, Spears Bonnie <[email protected]>, Stein Margaret <[email protected]>, Steward Kathryn <[email protected]>, Sweetman Maryellen <[email protected]>, Taylor Brad <[email protected]>, Thweatt Kathy <[email protected]>, Tinsley Tammy <[email protected]>, Troyer Mike <[email protected]>, Tuck Missy <[email protected]>, Voakes Rick <[email protected]>, Walston Rachel <[email protected]>, Walton Ed <[email protected]>, Walton Lori <[email protected]>, Watkins Cecilia <[email protected]>, Webb Alonzo <[email protected]>, Westbrook Elizabeth <[email protected]>, Wheat Marilyn <[email protected]>, "Wininger, Amy" <[email protected]>, Wollin Andrew <[email protected]>, Woods Monica <[email protected]> Cc: "Johnson, John D" <[email protected]>, "Kercsmar, Sarah" <[email protected]>, "Riker, Carol A" <[email protected]>, Jujulew <[email protected]>, "Hahn, Ellen J" <[email protected]> > > > > > > > > Good morning, Bowling Green Smoke-free Advocates, I know how committed you are to seeing Bowling Green go smokefree and how difficult it was in 2007 when the first attempt failed. And I am sure Slim and the Mayor want to do the right thing by taking an ordinance to first reading now given the Mayor's departure. Even if they have the votes to pass it this

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

time, though, the risk is that the ordinance could be repealed or weakened by the new Commission. Does anyone know who is likely to replace the mayor or fill the vacancy for commissioner? It looks like Joe Denning will be the new mayor and he wasn't favorable last time. Where does he stand this time? Also, did an attorney draft the ordinance and is he/she favorable? I have asked the state smoke-free core team if anyone is available to assist by reaching out to the elected officials. If any of you can get a copy of the ordinance, we may be able to get it reviewed by our legal team. I do have a copy of what was considered last time, and the legal review. Keep in mind that once the ordinance goes past first reading, it cannot be substantially changed in any way. Also, please keep in mind that there are specific procedures outlined by KRS about special meetings (Slim was quoted as saying the second reading will be done at a special called meeting). We are experiencing a very difficult situation in Northern KY right now that might be helpful to you. First, Kenton County enacted a weak smoke-free ordinance by special meeting. It was delayed because they didn't follow the KRS procedures for special meetings (attached). Also, in the final hour, they amended the ordinance to exempt drinking establishments (and enclosed areas in places that allow alcohol) which will make the law very confusing and difficult to enforce (and it won't protect those most vulnerable). Second, Campbell County enacted a comprehensive ordinance (3-1) right before the holiday, and they are going to first reading to repeal it on Jan. 19. Jan. 1 they had a new group of commissioners who are not favorable. Third, we have seen our strongest, most organized opposition to date in NKY. The Northern Kentucky Tea Party, along with NKY Choice, the KY Libertarian Party, and others have turned out the opposition in large numbers. A few lessons learned from NKY: plan for special meetings (the opposition will try to derail in every way and they are good at it); be sure the new commissioners are in your favor and that there is a plan in place to kill a bad ordinance; and turn out advocates who stick to the health message (and keep tabs on the opposition). Unfortunately, with the holiday weekend upon us, I am unsure exactly what assistance we can provide but I am on email and available by cell phone (859-421-6948) and willing to help in any way. Good luck!! Ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in SelfManagement of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter<> and Facebook<!/pages/kysmokefree/121589417877279?ref=ts> ! [cid:[email protected]][cid:[email protected]] From: Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist) [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 3:21 PM To: LHD Barren River BRDHD All; Absher Mark; Adkins Joyce; Advani, Shailesh; Alloway Michelle; Applebee's; Baldwin Robin; Barnhouse Lara; Bedard Robert; Bedard, Robert; Bell Jessica; Berger Jim; Billingsley Margaret; Bohannon Carla; Bonaguro John; Booth, Nancy; Broady Susan; Brown Susan; Bryant Beth; Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator; Cash, Allison; Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator; Chaney, Brenda; Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District); Chang Tonya; Cherry Jeanine; Clark Paula; Compton Judy; Copas Jackie ; Cunningham Terri; Daniels Karen; Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist); Drexler Angie; Duncan Martha "Sue"; Emerson Jeanann; Flora Kim; Ford Joy White; Forrest Marilee; Forte Bernice; Fugate, Jennifer S (LHD-Allen Co); Gardner Marilyn; Gibson Nancy; Greaney Libby; Greene, Janet; Gregory Eric; Halbig Hillary; Hartz Sharon; Houchens Marla; Houchin, Lisa J (LHDBarren River Dist); Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health Dept.); Isenhower, Jataun; Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel; Janes Betsy; Jennings Katy; LaManna Frank; Lawrence, Brenda; Lovely Teresa; Miller Al; Monroe Lori; Nagy Chris; Napier Melanie; Owens Paula; Palmer Alan; Parnell Heather; Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service Center; Petrovic Danijela; Pollard Venica; Prunty Melody; Richardson Jama; Richey Brent; Rowland, Crissy G (CHFSLHD Barren River Dist); Rush Linda; Ryan Lorie; Shindhelm Karen; Shirley Melissa Walton; Simmons, Jeri; Smith Beth; Spears Bonnie; Stein Margaret; Steward Kathryn; Sweetman Maryellen; Taylor Brad; Thweatt Kathy; Tinsley Tammy; Troyer Mike; Tuck Missy; Voakes Rick; Walston Rachel; Walton Ed; Walton Lori; Watkins Cecilia ; Webb Alonzo; Westbrook Elizabeth; Wheat Marilyn; Wininger, Amy; Wollin Andrew; Woods Monica Cc: Hahn, Ellen J Subject: NEWS ALERT!!!!! Importance: High

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

I need your help! I just found out that the Bowling Green City Commission will introduce a Smokefree Indoor Air Ordinance this coming Tuesday, January 18th, 2011. The meeting begins at 7 pm and the ordinance is the last item out of 13 listed on the agenda. It's time to encourage everyone to come out to the city commission meeting and speak up in favor of the ordinance. It doesn't matter if you are a BG voter. If you work, visit or play in Bowling Green, they need to hear from you. You can be sure that the opposition will be there in full force! I will be contacting those of you specifically on the SF BG Ordinance workgroup to help me with potential business owner's/workers to speak at the meeting. The full agenda is listed on the BG City Commission website @ If you or someone you know is interested in speaking, please have them get in touch with me..... Hang on..... This is going to be a bumpy ride!!!! Carol Douglas, BS Health Educator III Barren River District Health Department 1109 State Street P.O. Box 1157 Bowling Green, Ky. 42102 Ph: 270-781-8039, ext. 144 Fax: 270-796-8946 E-mail: [email protected] Website: NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This e-mail, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

Eric Gregory, MA, CPS Certified Prevention Specialist Executive Director The Save Our Kids Coalition 1818 Campbell Lane Bowling Green, KY 42104 (270) 282-4251

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From: Sent: To: Subject:

Hahn, Ellen J Saturday, January 15, 2011 3:11 PM Eric Gregory RE: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!!

Thanks, Eric. I shared this with James Sharp at ACS. Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Eric Gregory [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 3:01 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J Cc: Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist); LHD Barren River BRDHD All; Absher Mark; Adkins Joyce; Advani, Shailesh; Alloway Michelle; Applebee's; Baldwin Robin; Barnhouse Lara; Bedard Robert; Bedard, Robert; Bell Jessica; Berger Jim; Billingsley Margaret; Bohannon Carla; Bonaguro John; Booth, Nancy; Broady Susan; Brown Susan; Bryant Beth; Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator; Cash, Allison; Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator; Chaney, Brenda; Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District); Chang Tonya; Cherry Jeanine; Clark Paula; Compton Judy; Copas Jackie; Cunningham Terri; Daniels Karen; Drexler Angie; Duncan Martha "Sue"; Emerson Jeanann; Flora Kim; Ford Joy White; Forrest Marilee; Forte Bernice; Fugate, Jennifer S (LHDAllen Co); Gardner Marilyn; Gibson Nancy; Greaney Libby; Greene, Janet; Halbig Hillary; Hartz Sharon; Houchens Marla; Houchin, Lisa J (LHD-Barren River Dist); Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health Dept.); Isenhower, Jataun; Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel; Janes Betsy; Jennings Katy; LaManna Frank; Lawrence, Brenda; Lovely Teresa; Miller Al; Monroe Lori; Nagy Chris; Napier Melanie; Owens Paula; Palmer Alan; Parnell Heather; Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service Center; Petrovic Danijela; Pollard Venica; Prunty Melody; Richardson Jama; Richey Brent; Rowland, Crissy G (CHFS-LHD Barren River Dist); Rush Linda; Ryan Lorie; Shindhelm Karen; Shirley Melissa Walton; Simmons, Jeri; Smith Beth; Spears Bonnie; Stein Margaret; Steward Kathryn; Sweetman Maryellen; Taylor Brad; Thweatt Kathy; Tinsley Tammy; Troyer Mike; Tuck Missy; Voakes Rick; Walston Rachel; Walton Ed; Walton Lori; Watkins Cecilia; Webb Alonzo; Westbrook Elizabeth; Wheat Marilyn; Wininger, Amy; Wollin Andrew; Woods Monica; Johnson, John D; Kercsmar, Sarah; Riker, Carol A; Jujulew; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: Re: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!!

Ellen, Thanks for the "heads up" on the KRS. If the commission decides to fill the vacant seat with the next highest vote, it appears to be Robin Baldwin:
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I'm not sure where she stands on the issue. She should receive this email, maybe she'll let us know ; ). As far as having anyone outside the county contact the commissioners, I would be very cautious. ACS had their people review the ordinance last time and was very out of line (not our local ACS, but levels above) in the way they attempted to get Slim to change the wording. I think there are slight variations to the new ordinance (possibly to address electronic cigarettes), but Carol should be more up to date on that. I do think we need to ask Slim first if he wants it reviewed...he is the champion of this effort. I have begun contacting people who are supportive of the effort to show on Tuesday and will continue to do so. Eric SOK ----- Original Message ----From: "Hahn, Ellen J" <[email protected]> Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011 7:48 Subject: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!! To: "Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, LHD Barren River BRDHD All <[email protected]>, Absher Mark <[email protected]>, Adkins Joyce <[email protected]>, "Advani, Shailesh" <[email protected]>, Alloway Michelle <[email protected]>, Applebee's <[email protected]>, Baldwin Robin <[email protected]>, Barnhouse Lara <[email protected]>, Bedard Robert <[email protected]>, "Bedard, Robert" <[email protected]>, Bell Jessica <[email protected]>, Berger Jim <[email protected]>, Billingsley Margaret <[email protected]>, Bohannon Carla <[email protected]>, Bonaguro John <[email protected]>, "Booth, Nancy" <[email protected]>, Broady Susan <[email protected]>, Brown Susan <[email protected]>, Bryant Beth <[email protected]>, "Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator" <[email protected]>, "Cash, Allison" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Brenda" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District)" <[email protected]>, Chang Tonya <[email protected]>, Cherry Jeanine <[email protected]>, Clark Paula <[email protected]>, Compton Judy <[email protected]>, Copas Jackie <[email protected]>, Cunningham Terri <[email protected]>, Daniels Karen <[email protected]>, Drexler Angie <[email protected]>, "Duncan Martha \"Sue\"" <[email protected]>, Emerson Jeanann <[email protected]>, Flora Kim <[email protected]>, Ford Joy White <[email protected]>, Forrest Marilee <[email protected]>, Forte Bernice <[email protected]>, "Fugate, Jennifer S (LHD-Allen Co)" <[email protected]>, Gardner Marilyn <[email protected]>, Gibson Nancy <[email protected]>, Greaney Libby <[email protected]>, "Greene, Janet" <[email protected]>, Gregory Eric <[email protected]>, Halbig Hillary <[email protected]>, Hartz Sharon <[email protected]>, Houchens Marla <[email protected]>, "Houchin, Lisa J (LHD-Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, "Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health Dept.)" <[email protected]>, "Isenhower, Jataun" <[email protected]>, Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel <[email protected]>, Janes Betsy <[email protected]>, Jennings Katy <[email protected]>, LaManna Frank <[email protected]>, "Lawrence, Brenda" <[email protected]>, Lovely Teresa <[email protected]>, Miller Al <[email protected]>, Monroe Lori <[email protected]>, Nagy Chris <[email protected]>, Napier Melanie <[email protected]>, Owens Paula <[email protected]>, Palmer Alan <[email protected]>, Parnell Heather <[email protected]>, "Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service Center" <[email protected]>, Petrovic Danijela <[email protected]>, Pollard Venica <[email protected]>, Prunty Melody <[email protected]>, Richardson Jama <[email protected]>, Richey Brent <[email protected]>, "Rowland, Crissy G (CHFSLHD Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, Rush Linda <[email protected]>, Ryan Lorie <[email protected]>, Shindhelm Karen <[email protected]>, Shirley Melissa Walton <[email protected]>, "Simmons, Jeri" <[email protected]>, Smith Beth <[email protected]>, Spears
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Bonnie <[email protected]>, Stein Margaret <[email protected]>, Steward Kathryn <[email protected]>, Sweetman Maryellen <[email protected]>, Taylor Brad <[email protected]>, Thweatt Kathy <[email protected]>, Tinsley Tammy <[email protected]>, Troyer Mike <[email protected]>, Tuck Missy <[email protected]>, Voakes Rick <[email protected]>, Walston Rachel <[email protected]>, Walton Ed <[email protected]>, Walton Lori <[email protected]>, Watkins Cecilia <[email protected]>, Webb Alonzo <[email protected]>, Westbrook Elizabeth <[email protected]>, Wheat Marilyn <[email protected]>, "Wininger, Amy" <[email protected]>, Wollin Andrew <[email protected]>, Woods Monica <[email protected]> Cc: "Johnson, John D" <[email protected]>, "Kercsmar, Sarah" <[email protected]>, "Riker, Carol A" <[email protected]>, Jujulew <[email protected]>, "Hahn, Ellen J" <[email protected]> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Good morning, Bowling Green Smoke-free Advocates, I know how committed you are to seeing Bowling Green go smokefree and how difficult it was in 2007 when the first attempt failed. And I am sure Slim and the Mayor want to do the right thing by taking an ordinance to first reading now given the Mayor's departure. Even if they have the votes to pass it this time, though, the risk is that the ordinance could be repealed or weakened by the new Commission. Does anyone know who is likely to replace the mayor or fill the vacancy for commissioner? It looks like Joe Denning will be the new mayor and he wasn't favorable last time. Where does he stand this time? Also, did an attorney draft the ordinance and is he/she favorable? I have asked the state smoke-free core team if anyone is available to assist by reaching out to the elected officials. If any of you can get a copy of the ordinance, we may be able to get it reviewed by our legal team. I do have a copy of what was considered last time, and the legal review. Keep in mind that once the ordinance goes past first reading, it cannot be substantially changed in any way. Also, please keep in mind that there are specific procedures outlined by KRS about special meetings (Slim was quoted as saying the second reading will be done at a special called meeting). We are experiencing a very difficult situation in Northern KY right now that might be helpful to you. First, Kenton County enacted a weak smoke-free ordinance by special meeting. It was delayed because they didn't follow the KRS procedures for special meetings (attached). Also, in the final hour, they amended the ordinance to exempt drinking establishments (and enclosed areas in places that allow alcohol) which will make the law very confusing and difficult to enforce (and it won't protect those most vulnerable). Second, Campbell County enacted a comprehensive ordinance (3-1) right before the holiday, and they are going to first reading to repeal it on Jan. 19. Jan. 1 they had a new group of commissioners who are not favorable. Third, we have seen our strongest, most organized opposition to

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date in NKY. The Northern Kentucky Tea Party, along with NKY Choice, the KY Libertarian Party, and others have turned out the opposition in large numbers. A few lessons learned from NKY: plan for special meetings (the opposition will try to derail in every way and they are good at it); be sure the new commissioners are in your favor and that there is a plan in place to kill a bad ordinance; and turn out advocates who stick to the health message (and keep tabs on the opposition). Unfortunately, with the holiday weekend upon us, I am unsure exactly what assistance we can provide but I am on email and available by cell phone (859-421-6948) and willing to help in any way. Good luck!! Ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in SelfManagement of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter<> and Facebook<!/pages/kysmokefree/121589417877279?ref=ts> ! [cid:[email protected]][cid:[email protected]] From: Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist) [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 3:21 PM To: LHD Barren River BRDHD All; Absher Mark; Adkins Joyce; Advani, Shailesh; Alloway Michelle; Applebee's; Baldwin Robin; Barnhouse Lara; Bedard Robert; Bedard, Robert; Bell Jessica; Berger Jim; Billingsley Margaret; Bohannon Carla; Bonaguro John; Booth, Nancy; Broady Susan; Brown Susan; Bryant Beth; Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator; Cash, Allison; Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator; Chaney, Brenda; Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District); Chang Tonya; Cherry Jeanine; Clark Paula; Compton Judy; Copas Jackie ; Cunningham Terri; Daniels Karen; Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist); Drexler Angie; Duncan Martha "Sue"; Emerson Jeanann; Flora Kim; Ford Joy White; Forrest Marilee; Forte Bernice; Fugate, Jennifer S (LHD-Allen Co); Gardner Marilyn;

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Gibson Nancy; Greaney Libby; Greene, Janet; Gregory Eric; Halbig Hillary; Hartz Sharon; Houchens Marla; Houchin, Lisa J (LHDBarren River Dist); Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health Dept.); Isenhower, Jataun; Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel; Janes Betsy; Jennings Katy; LaManna Frank; Lawrence, Brenda; Lovely Teresa; Miller Al; Monroe Lori; Nagy Chris; Napier Melanie; Owens Paula; Palmer Alan; Parnell Heather; Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service Center; Petrovic Danijela; Pollard Venica; Prunty Melody; Richardson Jama; Richey Brent; Rowland, Crissy G (CHFSLHD Barren River Dist); Rush Linda; Ryan Lorie; Shindhelm Karen; Shirley Melissa Walton; Simmons, Jeri; Smith Beth; Spears Bonnie; Stein Margaret; Steward Kathryn; Sweetman Maryellen; Taylor Brad; Thweatt Kathy; Tinsley Tammy; Troyer Mike; Tuck Missy; Voakes Rick; Walston Rachel; Walton Ed; Walton Lori; Watkins Cecilia ; Webb Alonzo; Westbrook Elizabeth; Wheat Marilyn; Wininger, Amy; Wollin Andrew; Woods Monica Cc: Hahn, Ellen J Subject: NEWS ALERT!!!!! Importance: High I need your help! I just found out that the Bowling Green City Commission will introduce a Smokefree Indoor Air Ordinance this coming Tuesday, January 18th, 2011. The meeting begins at 7 pm and the ordinance is the last item out of 13 listed on the agenda. It's time to encourage everyone to come out to the city commission meeting and speak up in favor of the ordinance. It doesn't matter if you are a BG voter. If you work, visit or play in Bowling Green, they need to hear from you. You can be sure that the opposition will be there in full force! I will be contacting those of you specifically on the SF BG Ordinance workgroup to help me with potential business owner's/workers to speak at the meeting. The full agenda is listed on the BG City Commission website @ If you or someone you know is interested in speaking, please have them get in touch with me..... Hang on..... This is going to be a bumpy ride!!!! Carol Douglas, BS Health Educator III Barren River District Health Department 1109 State Street P.O. Box 1157 Bowling Green, Ky. 42102 Ph: 270-781-8039, ext. 144 Fax: 270-796-8946 E-mail: [email protected] Website: NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This e-mail, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any

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review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

Eric Gregory, MA, CPS Certified Prevention Specialist Executive Director The Save Our Kids Coalition 1818 Campbell Lane Bowling Green, KY 42104 (270) 282-4251

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From: Eric Gregory <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 3:01 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J Cc: Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist); LHD Barren River BRDHD All; Absher Mark; Adkins Joyce; Advani, Shailesh; Alloway Michelle; Applebee's; Baldwin Robin; Barnhouse Lara; Bedard Robert; Bedard, Robert; Bell Jessica; Berger Jim; Billingsley Margaret; Bohannon Carla; Bonaguro John; Booth, Nancy; Broady Susan; Brown Susan; Bryant Beth; Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator; Cash, Allison; Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator; Chaney, Brenda; Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District); Chang Tonya; Cherry Jeanine; Clark Paula; Compton Judy; Copas Jackie; Cunningham Terri; Daniels Karen; Drexler Angie; Duncan Martha "Sue"; Emerson Jeanann; Flora Kim; Ford Joy White; Forrest Marilee; Forte Bernice; Fugate, Jennifer S (LHD-Allen Co); Gardner Marilyn; Gibson Nancy; Greaney Libby; Greene, Janet; Halbig Hillary; Hartz Sharon; Houchens Marla; Houchin, Lisa J (LHD-Barren River Dist); Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health Dept.); Isenhower, Jataun; Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel; Janes Betsy; Jennings Katy; LaManna Frank; Lawrence, Brenda; Lovely Teresa; Miller Al; Monroe Lori; Nagy Chris; Napier Melanie; Owens Paula; Palmer Alan; Parnell Heather; Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service Center; Petrovic Danijela; Pollard Venica; Prunty Melody; Richardson Jama; Richey Brent; Rowland, Crissy G (CHFS-LHD Barren River Dist); Rush Linda; Ryan Lorie; Shindhelm Karen; Shirley Melissa Walton; Simmons, Jeri; Smith Beth; Spears Bonnie; Stein Margaret; Steward Kathryn; Sweetman Maryellen; Taylor Brad; Thweatt Kathy; Tinsley Tammy; Troyer Mike; Tuck Missy; Voakes Rick; Walston Rachel; Walton Ed; Walton Lori; Watkins Cecilia; Webb Alonzo; Westbrook Elizabeth; Wheat Marilyn; Wininger, Amy; Wollin Andrew; Woods Monica; Johnson, John D; Kercsmar, Sarah; Riker, Carol A; Jujulew; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: Re: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!! Ellen, Thanks for the "heads up" on the KRS. If the commission decides to fill the vacant seat with the next highest vote, it appears to be Robin Baldwin: I'm not sure where she stands on the issue. She should receive this email, maybe she'll let us know ; ). As far as having anyone outside the county contact the commissioners, I would be very cautious. ACS had their people review the ordinance last time and was very out of line (not our local ACS, but levels above) in the way they attempted to get Slim to change the wording. I think there are slight variations to the new ordinance (possibly to address electronic cigarettes), but Carol should be more up to date on that. I do think we need to ask Slim first if he wants it reviewed...he is the champion of this effort. I have begun contacting people who are supportive of the effort to show on Tuesday and will continue to do so. Eric SOK ----- Original Message -----

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From: "Hahn, Ellen J" <[email protected]> Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011 7:48 Subject: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!! To: "Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, LHD Barren River BRDHD All <[email protected]>, Absher Mark <[email protected]>, Adkins Joyce <[email protected]>, "Advani, Shailesh" <[email protected]>, Alloway Michelle <[email protected]>, Applebee's <[email protected]>, Baldwin Robin <[email protected]>, Barnhouse Lara <[email protected]>, Bedard Robert <[email protected]>, "Bedard, Robert" <[email protected]>, Bell Jessica <[email protected]>, Berger Jim <[email protected]>, Billingsley Margaret <[email protected]>, Bohannon Carla <[email protected]>, Bonaguro John <[email protected]>, "Booth, Nancy" <[email protected]>, Broady Susan <[email protected]>, Brown Susan <[email protected]>, Bryant Beth <[email protected]>, "Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator" <[email protected]>, "Cash, Allison" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Brenda" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District)" <[email protected]>, Chang Tonya <[email protected]>, Cherry Jeanine <[email protected]>, Clark Paula <[email protected]>, Compton Judy <[email protected]>, Copas Jackie <[email protected]>, Cunningham Terri <[email protected]>, Daniels Karen <[email protected]>, Drexler Angie <[email protected]>, "Duncan Martha \"Sue\"" <[email protected]>, Emerson Jeanann <[email protected]>, Flora Kim <[email protected]>, Ford Joy White <[email protected]>, Forrest Marilee <[email protected]>, Forte Bernice <[email protected]>, "Fugate, Jennifer S (LHD-Allen Co)" <[email protected]>, Gardner Marilyn <[email protected]>, Gibson Nancy <[email protected]>, Greaney Libby <[email protected]>, "Greene, Janet" <[email protected]>, Gregory Eric <[email protected]>, Halbig Hillary <[email protected]>, Hartz Sharon <[email protected]>, Houchens Marla <[email protected]>, "Houchin, Lisa J (LHD-Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, "Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health Dept.)" <[email protected]>, "Isenhower, Jataun" <[email protected]>, Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel <[email protected]>, Janes Betsy <[email protected]>, Jennings Katy <[email protected]>, LaManna Frank <[email protected]>, "Lawrence, Brenda" <[email protected]>, Lovely Teresa <[email protected]>, Miller Al <[email protected]>, Monroe Lori <[email protected]>, Nagy Chris <[email protected]>, Napier Melanie <[email protected]>, Owens Paula <[email protected]>, Palmer Alan <[email protected]>, Parnell Heather <[email protected]>, "Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service Center" <[email protected]>, Petrovic Danijela <[email protected]>, Pollard Venica <[email protected]>, Prunty Melody <[email protected]>, Richardson Jama <[email protected]>, Richey Brent <[email protected]>, "Rowland, Crissy G (CHFSLHD Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, Rush Linda <[email protected]>, Ryan Lorie <[email protected]>, Shindhelm Karen <[email protected]>, Shirley Melissa Walton <[email protected]>, "Simmons, Jeri" <[email protected]>, Smith Beth <[email protected]>, Spears Bonnie <[email protected]>, Stein Margaret <[email protected]>, Steward Kathryn <[email protected]>, Sweetman Maryellen <[email protected]>, Taylor Brad <[email protected]>, Thweatt Kathy <[email protected]>, Tinsley Tammy <[email protected]>, Troyer Mike <[email protected]>, Tuck Missy <[email protected]>, Voakes Rick <[email protected]>, Walston Rachel <[email protected]>, Walton Ed <[email protected]>, Walton Lori <[email protected]>, Watkins Cecilia <[email protected]>, Webb Alonzo <[email protected]>, Westbrook Elizabeth <[email protected]>, Wheat Marilyn <[email protected]>, "Wininger, Amy" <[email protected]>, Wollin Andrew <[email protected]>, Woods Monica <[email protected]> Cc: "Johnson, John D" <[email protected]>, "Kercsmar, Sarah" <[email protected]>, "Riker, Carol A" <[email protected]>, Jujulew <[email protected]>, "Hahn, Ellen J" <[email protected]> > > Good morning, Bowling Green Smoke-free Advocates, >
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I know how committed you are to seeing Bowling Green go smokefree and how difficult it was in 2007 when the first attempt failed. And I am sure Slim and the Mayor want to do the right thing by taking an ordinance to first reading now given the Mayor's departure. Even if they have the votes to pass it this time, though, the risk is that the ordinance could be repealed or weakened by the new Commission. Does anyone know who is likely to replace the mayor or fill the vacancy for commissioner? It looks like Joe Denning will be the new mayor and he wasn't favorable last time. Where does he stand this time? Also, did an attorney draft the ordinance and is he/she favorable? I have asked the state smoke-free core team if anyone is available to assist by reaching out to the elected officials. If any of you can get a copy of the ordinance, we may be able to get it reviewed by our legal team. I do have a copy of what was considered last time, and the legal review. Keep in mind that once the ordinance goes past first reading, it cannot be substantially changed in any way. Also, please keep in mind that there are specific procedures outlined by KRS about special meetings (Slim was quoted as saying the second reading will be done at a special called meeting). We are experiencing a very difficult situation in Northern KY right now that might be helpful to you. First, Kenton County enacted a weak smoke-free ordinance by special meeting. It was delayed because they didn't follow the KRS procedures for special meetings (attached). Also, in the final hour, they amended the ordinance to exempt drinking establishments (and enclosed areas in places that allow alcohol) which will make the law very confusing and difficult to enforce (and it won't protect those most vulnerable). Second, Campbell County enacted a comprehensive ordinance (3-1) right before the holiday, and they are going to first reading to repeal it on Jan. 19. Jan. 1 they had a new group of commissioners who are not favorable. Third, we have seen our strongest, most organized opposition to date in NKY. The Northern Kentucky Tea Party, along with NKY Choice, the KY Libertarian Party, and others have turned out the opposition in large numbers. A few lessons learned from NKY: plan for special meetings (the opposition will try to derail in every way and they are good at it); be sure the new commissioners are in your favor and that there is a plan in place to kill a bad ordinance; and turn out advocates who stick to the health message (and keep tabs on the opposition). Unfortunately, with the holiday weekend upon us, I am unsure exactly what assistance we can provide but I am on email and available by cell phone (859-421-6948) and willing to help in any way. Good luck!!

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Ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in SelfManagement of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter<> and Facebook<!/pages/kysmokefree/121589417877279?ref=ts> ! [cid:[email protected]][cid:[email protected]] From: Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist) [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 3:21 PM To: LHD Barren River BRDHD All; Absher Mark; Adkins Joyce; Advani, Shailesh; Alloway Michelle; Applebee's; Baldwin Robin; Barnhouse Lara; Bedard Robert; Bedard, Robert; Bell Jessica; Berger Jim; Billingsley Margaret; Bohannon Carla; Bonaguro John; Booth, Nancy; Broady Susan; Brown Susan; Bryant Beth; Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator; Cash, Allison; Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator; Chaney, Brenda; Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District); Chang Tonya; Cherry Jeanine; Clark Paula; Compton Judy; Copas Jackie ; Cunningham Terri; Daniels Karen; Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist); Drexler Angie; Duncan Martha "Sue"; Emerson Jeanann; Flora Kim; Ford Joy White; Forrest Marilee; Forte Bernice; Fugate, Jennifer S (LHD-Allen Co); Gardner Marilyn; Gibson Nancy; Greaney Libby; Greene, Janet; Gregory Eric; Halbig Hillary; Hartz Sharon; Houchens Marla; Houchin, Lisa J (LHDBarren River Dist); Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health Dept.); Isenhower, Jataun; Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel; Janes Betsy; Jennings Katy; LaManna Frank; Lawrence, Brenda; Lovely Teresa; Miller Al; Monroe Lori; Nagy Chris; Napier Melanie; Owens Paula; Palmer Alan; Parnell Heather; Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service Center; Petrovic Danijela; Pollard Venica; Prunty Melody; Richardson Jama; Richey Brent; Rowland, Crissy G (CHFSLHD Barren River Dist); Rush Linda; Ryan Lorie; Shindhelm Karen; Shirley Melissa Walton; Simmons, Jeri; Smith Beth; Spears Bonnie; Stein Margaret; Steward Kathryn; Sweetman Maryellen; Taylor Brad; Thweatt Kathy; Tinsley Tammy; Troyer Mike; Tuck Missy; Voakes Rick; Walston Rachel; Walton Ed; Walton Lori; Watkins Cecilia ; Webb Alonzo; Westbrook Elizabeth; Wheat

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Marilyn; Wininger, Amy; Wollin Andrew; Woods Monica Cc: Hahn, Ellen J Subject: NEWS ALERT!!!!! Importance: High I need your help! I just found out that the Bowling Green City Commission will introduce a Smokefree Indoor Air Ordinance this coming Tuesday, January 18th, 2011. The meeting begins at 7 pm and the ordinance is the last item out of 13 listed on the agenda. It's time to encourage everyone to come out to the city commission meeting and speak up in favor of the ordinance. It doesn't matter if you are a BG voter. If you work, visit or play in Bowling Green, they need to hear from you. You can be sure that the opposition will be there in full force! I will be contacting those of you specifically on the SF BG Ordinance workgroup to help me with potential business owner's/workers to speak at the meeting. The full agenda is listed on the BG City Commission website @ If you or someone you know is interested in speaking, please have them get in touch with me..... Hang on..... This is going to be a bumpy ride!!!! Carol Douglas, BS Health Educator III Barren River District Health Department 1109 State Street P.O. Box 1157 Bowling Green, Ky. 42102 Ph: 270-781-8039, ext. 144 Fax: 270-796-8946 E-mail: [email protected] Website: NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This e-mail, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

Eric Gregory, MA, CPS Certified Prevention Specialist Executive Director The Save Our Kids Coalition 1818 Campbell Lane
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Bowling Green, KY 42104 (270) 282-4251

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From: Sent: To:

Cc: Subject:

Tonya Chang <[email protected]> Tuesday, January 18, 2011 9:14 AM Hahn, Ellen J; Amy Barkley; Betsy Janes; Brandi Gilley; Bronson Frick; Cathy Callaway; Dyshel Thompson; Eric Evans; Irene Centers; James Sharp; Jennifer Redmond; Wagner, Kristian K; Mark Sizemore; Kercsmar, Sarah; Scott Lockard Riker, Carol A RE: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!!

This makes sense. I have asked our grassroots director to send out an alert encouraging folks to contact their commissioners and attend tonights meeting.
From: Hahn, Ellen J [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 3:17 PM To: Amy Barkley; Betsy Janes; Brandi Gilley; Bronson Frick; Cathy Callaway; Dyshel Thompson; Hahn, Ellen J; Eric Evans; Irene Centers; James Sharp; Jennifer Redmond; Wagner, Kristian K; Mark Sizemore; Kercsmar, Sarah; Scott Lockard; Tonya Chang Cc: Riker, Carol A Subject: FW: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!!

Wanted you all to see this from Eric Gregory in Bowling Green. Given that our relationship with the group there has been sporadic, I am really not sure what any of us can do at this point. It seems they dont really have an inside game if they dont know how the new commissioner feels about smoke-free. Slim is the key, it seems. Carol Douglas has been our main point of contact and she is with the health department. I may call John Bonaguro at WKU since I have the best relationship with him. ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Eric Gregory [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 3:01 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J Cc: Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist); LHD Barren River BRDHD All; Absher Mark; Adkins Joyce; Advani, Shailesh; Alloway
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Michelle; Applebee's; Baldwin Robin; Barnhouse Lara; Bedard Robert; Bedard, Robert; Bell Jessica; Berger Jim; Billingsley Margaret; Bohannon Carla; Bonaguro John; Booth, Nancy; Broady Susan; Brown Susan; Bryant Beth; Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator; Cash, Allison; Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator; Chaney, Brenda; Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District); Chang Tonya; Cherry Jeanine; Clark Paula; Compton Judy; Copas Jackie; Cunningham Terri; Daniels Karen; Drexler Angie; Duncan Martha "Sue"; Emerson Jeanann; Flora Kim; Ford Joy White; Forrest Marilee; Forte Bernice; Fugate, Jennifer S (LHDAllen Co); Gardner Marilyn; Gibson Nancy; Greaney Libby; Greene, Janet; Halbig Hillary; Hartz Sharon; Houchens Marla; Houchin, Lisa J (LHD-Barren River Dist); Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health Dept.); Isenhower, Jataun; Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel; Janes Betsy; Jennings Katy; LaManna Frank; Lawrence, Brenda; Lovely Teresa; Miller Al; Monroe Lori; Nagy Chris; Napier Melanie; Owens Paula; Palmer Alan; Parnell Heather; Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service Center; Petrovic Danijela; Pollard Venica; Prunty Melody; Richardson Jama; Richey Brent; Rowland, Crissy G (CHFS-LHD Barren River Dist); Rush Linda; Ryan Lorie; Shindhelm Karen; Shirley Melissa Walton; Simmons, Jeri; Smith Beth; Spears Bonnie; Stein Margaret; Steward Kathryn; Sweetman Maryellen; Taylor Brad; Thweatt Kathy; Tinsley Tammy; Troyer Mike; Tuck Missy; Voakes Rick; Walston Rachel; Walton Ed; Walton Lori; Watkins Cecilia; Webb Alonzo; Westbrook Elizabeth; Wheat Marilyn; Wininger, Amy; Wollin Andrew; Woods Monica; Johnson, John D; Kercsmar, Sarah; Riker, Carol A; Jujulew; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: Re: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!!

Ellen, Thanks for the "heads up" on the KRS. If the commission decides to fill the vacant seat with the next highest vote, it appears to be Robin Baldwin: I'm not sure where she stands on the issue. She should receive this email, maybe she'll let us know ; ). As far as having anyone outside the county contact the commissioners, I would be very cautious. ACS had their people review the ordinance last time and was very out of line (not our local ACS, but levels above) in the way they attempted to get Slim to change the wording. I think there are slight variations to the new ordinance (possibly to address electronic cigarettes), but Carol should be more up to date on that. I do think we need to ask Slim first if he wants it reviewed...he is the champion of this effort. I have begun contacting people who are supportive of the effort to show on Tuesday and will continue to do so. Eric SOK ----- Original Message ----From: "Hahn, Ellen J" <[email protected]> Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011 7:48 Subject: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!! To: "Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, LHD Barren River BRDHD All <[email protected]>, Absher Mark <[email protected]>, Adkins Joyce <[email protected]>, "Advani, Shailesh" <[email protected]>, Alloway Michelle <[email protected]>, Applebee's <[email protected]>, Baldwin Robin <[email protected]>, Barnhouse Lara <[email protected]>, Bedard Robert <[email protected]>, "Bedard, Robert" <[email protected]>, Bell Jessica <[email protected]>, Berger Jim <[email protected]>, Billingsley Margaret <[email protected]>, Bohannon Carla <[email protected]>, Bonaguro John <[email protected]>, "Booth, Nancy" <[email protected]>, Broady Susan <[email protected]>, Brown Susan <[email protected]>, Bryant Beth <[email protected]>, "Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator" <[email protected]>, "Cash, Allison" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Brenda" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District)" <[email protected]>, Chang Tonya <[email protected]>, Cherry Jeanine <[email protected]>, Clark Paula <[email protected]>, Compton Judy <[email protected]>, Copas Jackie <[email protected]>, Cunningham Terri <[email protected]>, Daniels Karen <[email protected]>, Drexler Angie <[email protected]>, "Duncan Martha \"Sue\"" <[email protected]>, Emerson Jeanann <[email protected]>, Flora Kim
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<[email protected]>, Ford Joy White <[email protected]>, Forrest Marilee <[email protected]>, Forte Bernice <[email protected]>, "Fugate, Jennifer S (LHD-Allen Co)" <[email protected]>, Gardner Marilyn <[email protected]>, Gibson Nancy <[email protected]>, Greaney Libby <[email protected]>, "Greene, Janet" <[email protected]>, Gregory Eric <[email protected]>, Halbig Hillary <[email protected]>, Hartz Sharon <[email protected]>, Houchens Marla <[email protected]>, "Houchin, Lisa J (LHD-Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, "Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health Dept.)" <[email protected]>, "Isenhower, Jataun" <[email protected]>, Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel <[email protected]>, Janes Betsy <[email protected]>, Jennings Katy <[email protected]>, LaManna Frank <[email protected]>, "Lawrence, Brenda" <[email protected]>, Lovely Teresa <[email protected]>, Miller Al <[email protected]>, Monroe Lori <[email protected]>, Nagy Chris <[email protected]>, Napier Melanie <[email protected]>, Owens Paula <[email protected]>, Palmer Alan <[email protected]>, Parnell Heather <[email protected]>, "Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service Center" <[email protected]>, Petrovic Danijela <[email protected]>, Pollard Venica <[email protected]>, Prunty Melody <[email protected]>, Richardson Jama <[email protected]>, Richey Brent <[email protected]>, "Rowland, Crissy G (CHFSLHD Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, Rush Linda <[email protected]>, Ryan Lorie <[email protected]>, Shindhelm Karen <[email protected]>, Shirley Melissa Walton <[email protected]>, "Simmons, Jeri" <[email protected]>, Smith Beth <[email protected]>, Spears Bonnie <[email protected]>, Stein Margaret <[email protected]>, Steward Kathryn <[email protected]>, Sweetman Maryellen <[email protected]>, Taylor Brad <[email protected]>, Thweatt Kathy <[email protected]>, Tinsley Tammy <[email protected]>, Troyer Mike <[email protected]>, Tuck Missy <[email protected]>, Voakes Rick <[email protected]>, Walston Rachel <[email protected]>, Walton Ed <[email protected]>, Walton Lori <[email protected]>, Watkins Cecilia <[email protected]>, Webb Alonzo <[email protected]>, Westbrook Elizabeth <[email protected]>, Wheat Marilyn <[email protected]>, "Wininger, Amy" <[email protected]>, Wollin Andrew <[email protected]>, Woods Monica <[email protected]> Cc: "Johnson, John D" <[email protected]>, "Kercsmar, Sarah" <[email protected]>, "Riker, Carol A" <[email protected]>, Jujulew <[email protected]>, "Hahn, Ellen J" <[email protected]> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Good morning, Bowling Green Smoke-free Advocates, I know how committed you are to seeing Bowling Green go smokefree and how difficult it was in 2007 when the first attempt failed. And I am sure Slim and the Mayor want to do the right thing by taking an ordinance to first reading now given the Mayor's departure. Even if they have the votes to pass it this time, though, the risk is that the ordinance could be repealed or weakened by the new Commission. Does anyone know who is likely to replace the mayor or fill the vacancy for commissioner? It looks like Joe Denning will be the new mayor and he wasn't favorable last time. Where does he stand this time? Also, did an attorney draft the ordinance and is he/she favorable? I have asked the state smoke-free core team if anyone is available to assist by reaching out to the elected officials. If any of you can get a copy of the ordinance, we may be able to get it reviewed by our legal team. I do have a copy of what was considered last time, and the legal review. Keep in mind that

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

once the ordinance goes past first reading, it cannot be substantially changed in any way. Also, please keep in mind that there are specific procedures outlined by KRS about special meetings (Slim was quoted as saying the second reading will be done at a special called meeting). We are experiencing a very difficult situation in Northern KY right now that might be helpful to you. First, Kenton County enacted a weak smoke-free ordinance by special meeting. It was delayed because they didn't follow the KRS procedures for special meetings (attached). Also, in the final hour, they amended the ordinance to exempt drinking establishments (and enclosed areas in places that allow alcohol) which will make the law very confusing and difficult to enforce (and it won't protect those most vulnerable). Second, Campbell County enacted a comprehensive ordinance (3-1) right before the holiday, and they are going to first reading to repeal it on Jan. 19. Jan. 1 they had a new group of commissioners who are not favorable. Third, we have seen our strongest, most organized opposition to date in NKY. The Northern Kentucky Tea Party, along with NKY Choice, the KY Libertarian Party, and others have turned out the opposition in large numbers. A few lessons learned from NKY: plan for special meetings (the opposition will try to derail in every way and they are good at it); be sure the new commissioners are in your favor and that there is a plan in place to kill a bad ordinance; and turn out advocates who stick to the health message (and keep tabs on the opposition). Unfortunately, with the holiday weekend upon us, I am unsure exactly what assistance we can provide but I am on email and available by cell phone (859-421-6948) and willing to help in any way. Good luck!! Ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in SelfManagement of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter<> and Facebook<!/pages/kysmokefree/121589417877279?ref=ts> !

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

[cid:[email protected]][cid:[email protected]] From: Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist) [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 3:21 PM To: LHD Barren River BRDHD All; Absher Mark; Adkins Joyce; Advani, Shailesh; Alloway Michelle; Applebee's; Baldwin Robin; Barnhouse Lara; Bedard Robert; Bedard, Robert; Bell Jessica; Berger Jim; Billingsley Margaret; Bohannon Carla; Bonaguro John; Booth, Nancy; Broady Susan; Brown Susan; Bryant Beth; Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator; Cash, Allison; Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator; Chaney, Brenda; Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District); Chang Tonya; Cherry Jeanine; Clark Paula; Compton Judy; Copas Jackie ; Cunningham Terri; Daniels Karen; Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist); Drexler Angie; Duncan Martha "Sue"; Emerson Jeanann; Flora Kim; Ford Joy White; Forrest Marilee; Forte Bernice; Fugate, Jennifer S (LHD-Allen Co); Gardner Marilyn; Gibson Nancy; Greaney Libby; Greene, Janet; Gregory Eric; Halbig Hillary; Hartz Sharon; Houchens Marla; Houchin, Lisa J (LHDBarren River Dist); Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health Dept.); Isenhower, Jataun; Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel; Janes Betsy; Jennings Katy; LaManna Frank; Lawrence, Brenda; Lovely Teresa; Miller Al; Monroe Lori; Nagy Chris; Napier Melanie; Owens Paula; Palmer Alan; Parnell Heather; Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service Center; Petrovic Danijela; Pollard Venica; Prunty Melody; Richardson Jama; Richey Brent; Rowland, Crissy G (CHFSLHD Barren River Dist); Rush Linda; Ryan Lorie; Shindhelm Karen; Shirley Melissa Walton; Simmons, Jeri; Smith Beth; Spears Bonnie; Stein Margaret; Steward Kathryn; Sweetman Maryellen; Taylor Brad; Thweatt Kathy; Tinsley Tammy; Troyer Mike; Tuck Missy; Voakes Rick; Walston Rachel; Walton Ed; Walton Lori; Watkins Cecilia ; Webb Alonzo; Westbrook Elizabeth; Wheat Marilyn; Wininger, Amy; Wollin Andrew; Woods Monica Cc: Hahn, Ellen J Subject: NEWS ALERT!!!!! Importance: High I need your help! I just found out that the Bowling Green City Commission will introduce a Smokefree Indoor Air Ordinance this coming Tuesday, January 18th, 2011. The meeting begins at 7 pm and the ordinance is the last item out of 13 listed on the agenda. It's time to encourage everyone to come out to the city commission meeting and speak up in favor of the ordinance. It doesn't matter if you are a BG voter. If you work, visit or play in Bowling Green, they need to hear from you. You can be sure that the opposition will be there in full force! I will be contacting those of you specifically on the SF BG Ordinance workgroup to help me with potential business owner's/workers to speak at the meeting. The full agenda is listed on the BG City Commission website @ If you or someone you know is interested in speaking, please have them get in touch with me..... Hang on..... This is going

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

to be a bumpy ride!!!! Carol Douglas, BS Health Educator III Barren River District Health Department 1109 State Street P.O. Box 1157 Bowling Green, Ky. 42102 Ph: 270-781-8039, ext. 144 Fax: 270-796-8946 E-mail: [email protected] Website: NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This e-mail, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

Eric Gregory, MA, CPS Certified Prevention Specialist Executive Director The Save Our Kids Coalition 1818 Campbell Lane Bowling Green, KY 42104 (270) 282-4251

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From: Sent: To: Subject:

Hahn, Ellen J Saturday, January 15, 2011 4:21 PM Eric Gregory RE: RE: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!!

Was is Shannon Pratt or someone else? She is no longer with them. Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Eric Gregory [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 4:12 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J Subject: Re: RE: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!!

That's fine. It took place on a conference call. The young lady threatened Slim to make the changes they wanted based on the "size of their constituency." Slim and I both walked out of the meeting. They almost cost us the first reading single handedly. You can share that too... Eric SOK ----- Original Message ----From: "Hahn, Ellen J" <[email protected]> Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011 14:11 Subject: RE: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!! To: Eric Gregory <[email protected]> > > > > > Thanks, Eric. I shared this with James Sharp at ACS. Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in SelfManagement of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter<> and Facebook<!/pages/kysmokefree/121589417877279?ref=ts> ! [cid:[email protected]][cid:[email protected]] From: Eric Gregory [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 3:01 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J Cc: Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist); LHD Barren River BRDHD All; Absher Mark; Adkins Joyce; Advani, Shailesh; Alloway Michelle; Applebee's; Baldwin Robin; Barnhouse Lara; Bedard Robert; Bedard, Robert; Bell Jessica; Berger Jim; Billingsley Margaret; Bohannon Carla; Bonaguro John; Booth, Nancy; Broady Susan; Brown Susan; Bryant Beth; Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator; Cash, Allison; Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator; Chaney, Brenda; Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District); Chang Tonya; Cherry Jeanine; Clark Paula; Compton Judy; Copas Jackie; Cunningham Terri; Daniels Karen; Drexler Angie; Duncan Martha "Sue"; Emerson Jeanann; Flora Kim; Ford Joy White; Forrest Marilee; Forte Bernice; Fugate, Jennifer S (LHD-Allen Co); Gardner Marilyn; Gibson Nancy; Greaney Libby; Greene, Janet; Halbig Hillary; Hartz Sharon; Houchens Marla; Houchin, Lisa J (LHD-Barren River Dist); Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health Dept.); Isenhower, Jataun; Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel; Janes Betsy; Jennings Katy; LaManna Frank; Lawrence, Brenda; Lovely Teresa; Miller Al; Monroe Lori; Nagy Chris; Napier Melanie; Owens Paula; Palmer Alan; Parnell Heather; Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service Center; Petrovic Danijela; Pollard Venica; Prunty Melody; Richardson Jama; Richey Brent; Rowland, Crissy G (CHFS-LHD Barren River Dist); Rush Linda; Ryan Lorie; Shindhelm Karen; Shirley Melissa Walton; Simmons, Jeri; Smith Beth; Spears Bonnie; Stein Margaret; Steward Kathryn; Sweetman Maryellen; Taylor Brad; Thweatt Kathy; Tinsley Tammy; Troyer Mike; Tuck Missy; Voakes Rick; Walston Rachel; Walton Ed; Walton Lori; Watkins Cecilia; Webb Alonzo; Westbrook Elizabeth; Wheat Marilyn; Wininger, Amy; Wollin Andrew; Woods Monica; Johnson, John D; Kercsmar, Sarah; Riker, Carol A; Jujulew; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: Re: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!! Ellen,

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Thanks for the "heads up" on the KRS. If the commission decides to fill the vacant seat with the next highest vote, it appears to be Robin Baldwin: I'm not sure where she stands on the issue. She should receive this email, maybe she'll let us know ; ). As far as having anyone outside the county contact the commissioners, I would be very cautious. ACS had their people review the ordinance last time and was very out of line (not our local ACS, but levels above) in the way they attempted to get Slim to change the wording. I think there are slight variations to the new ordinance (possibly to address electronic cigarettes), but Carol should be more up to date on that. I do think we need to ask Slim first if he wants it reviewed...he is the champion of this effort. I have begun contacting people who are supportive of the effort to show on Tuesday and will continue to do so. Eric SOK ----- Original Message ----From: "Hahn, Ellen J" <[email protected]> Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011 7:48 Subject: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!! To: "Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, LHD Barren River BRDHD All <[email protected]>, Absher Mark <[email protected]>, Adkins Joyce <[email protected]>, "Advani, Shailesh" <[email protected]>, Alloway Michelle <[email protected]>, Applebee's <[email protected]>, Baldwin Robin <[email protected]>, Barnhouse Lara <[email protected]>, Bedard Robert <[email protected]>, "Bedard, Robert" <[email protected]>, Bell Jessica <[email protected]>, Berger Jim <[email protected]>, Billingsley Margaret <[email protected]>, Bohannon Carla <[email protected]>, Bonaguro John <[email protected]>, "Booth, Nancy" <[email protected]>, Broady Susan <[email protected]>, Brown Susan <[email protected]>, Bryant Beth <[email protected]>, "Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator" <[email protected]>, "Cash, Allison" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Brenda" <[email protected]>,

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

"Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District)" <[email protected]>, Chang Tonya <[email protected]>, Cherry Jeanine <[email protected]>, Clark Paula <[email protected]>, Compton Judy <[email protected]>, Copas Jackie <[email protected]>, Cunningham Terri <[email protected]>, Daniels Karen <[email protected]>, Drexler Angie <[email protected]>, "Duncan Martha \"Sue\"" <[email protected]>, Emerson Jeanann <[email protected]>, Flora Kim <[email protected]>, Ford Joy White <[email protected]>, Forrest Marilee <[email protected]>, Forte Bernice <[email protected]>, "Fugate, Jennifer S (LHD-Allen Co)" <[email protected]>, Gardner Marilyn <[email protected]>, Gibson Nancy <[email protected]>, Greaney Libby <[email protected]>, "Greene, Janet" <[email protected]>, Gregory Eric <[email protected]>, Halbig Hillary <[email protected]>, Hartz Sharon <[email protected]>, Houchens Marla <[email protected]>, "Houchin, Lisa J (LHD-Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, "Houchins, Denise (LHDWarren County Health Dept.)" <[email protected]>, "Isenhower, Jataun" <[email protected]>, Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel <[email protected]>, Janes Betsy <[email protected]>, Jennings Katy <[email protected]>, LaManna Frank <[email protected]>, "Lawrence, Brenda" <[email protected]>, Lovely Teresa <[email protected]>, Miller Al <[email protected]>, Monroe Lori <[email protected]>, Nagy Chris <[email protected]>, Napier Melanie <[email protected]>, Owens Paula <[email protected]>, Palmer Alan <[email protected]>, Parnell Heather <[email protected]>, "Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service Center" <[email protected]>, Petrovic Danijela <[email protected]>, Pollard Venica <[email protected]>, Prunty Melody <[email protected]>, Richardson Jama <[email protected]>, Richey Brent <[email protected]>, "Rowland, Crissy G (CHFS-LHD Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, Rush Linda <[email protected]>, Ryan Lorie <[email protected]>, Shindhelm Karen <[email protected]>, Shirley Melissa Walton <[email protected]>, "Simmons, Jeri" <[email protected]>, Smith Beth <[email protected]>, Spears Bonnie <[email protected]>, Stein Margaret <[email protected]>, Steward Kathryn

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

<[email protected]>, Sweetman Maryellen <[email protected]>, Taylor Brad <[email protected]>, Thweatt Kathy <[email protected]>, Tinsley Tammy <[email protected]>, Troyer Mike <[email protected]>, Tuck Missy <[email protected]>, Voakes Rick <[email protected]>, Walston Rachel <[email protected]>, Walton Ed <[email protected]>, Walton Lori <[email protected]>, Watkins Cecilia <[email protected]>, Webb Alonzo <[email protected]>, Westbrook Elizabeth <[email protected]>, Wheat Marilyn <[email protected]>, "Wininger, Amy" <[email protected]>, Wollin Andrew <[email protected]>, Woods Monica <[email protected]>Cc: "Johnson, John D" <[email protected]>, "Kercsmar, Sarah" <[email protected]>, "Riker, Carol A" <[email protected]>, Jujulew <[email protected]>, "Hahn, Ellen J" <[email protected]> > > Good morning, Bowling Green Smoke-free Advocates, > > I know how committed you are to seeing Bowling Green go smoke> free and how difficult it was in 2007 when the first attempt > failed. And I am sure Slim and the Mayor want to do the right > thing by taking an ordinance to first reading now given the > Mayor's departure. Even if they have the votes to pass it this > time, though, the risk is that the ordinance could be repealed > or weakened by the new Commission. > > Does anyone know who is likely to replace the mayor or fill the > vacancy for commissioner? It looks like Joe Denning will be the > new mayor and he wasn't favorable last time. Where does he stand > this time? Also, did an attorney draft the ordinance and is > he/she favorable? > > > I have asked the state smoke-free core team if anyone is > available to assist by reaching out to the elected officials. If > any of you can get a copy of the ordinance, we may be able to > get it reviewed by our legal team. I do have a copy of what was > considered last time, and the legal review. Keep in mind that > once the ordinance goes past first reading, it cannot be > substantially changed in any way. Also, please keep in mind that > there are specific procedures outlined by KRS about special > meetings (Slim was quoted as saying the second reading will be > done at a special called meeting). > > We are experiencing a very difficult situation in Northern KY > right now that might be helpful to you. First, Kenton County > enacted a weak smoke-free ordinance by special meeting. It was > delayed because they didn't follow the KRS procedures for > special meetings (attached). Also, in the final hour, they

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> amended the ordinance to exempt drinking establishments (and > enclosed areas in places that allow alcohol) which will make the > law very confusing and difficult to enforce (and it won't > protect those most vulnerable). Second, Campbell County enacted > a comprehensive ordinance (3-1) right before the holiday, and > they are going to first reading to repeal it on Jan. 19. Jan. 1 > they had a new group of commissioners who are not favorable. > Third, we have seen our strongest, most organized opposition to > date in NKY. The Northern Kentucky Tea Party, along with NKY > Choice, the KY Libertarian Party, and others have turned out the > opposition in large numbers. A few lessons learned from NKY: > plan for special meetings (the opposition will try to derail in > every way and they are good at it); be sure the new > commissioners are in your favor and that there is a plan in > place to kill a bad ordinance; and turn out advocates who stick > to the health message (and keep tabs on the opposition). > > Unfortunately, with the holiday weekend upon us, I am unsure > exactly what assistance we can provide but I am on email and > available by cell phone (859-421-6948) and willing to help in > any way. > > Good luck!! > Ellen > > Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN > Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program > Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy > Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self> Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease > University of Kentucky > College of Nursing and College of Public Health > 751 Rose Street > Lexington, KY 40536-0232 > 859-257-2358 > 859-323-1057 (FAX) > [email protected] > > > > Find kysmokefree on > Twitter<> and > Facebook<!/pages/kysmokefree/121589417877279?ref=ts> ! > > [cid:[email protected]][cid:[email protected]]> > From: Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist) > [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 > 3:21 PM > To: LHD Barren River BRDHD All; Absher Mark; Adkins Joyce; > Advani, Shailesh; Alloway Michelle; Applebee's; Baldwin Robin; > Barnhouse Lara; Bedard Robert; Bedard, Robert; Bell Jessica; > Berger Jim; Billingsley Margaret; Bohannon Carla; Bonaguro John;

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> Booth, Nancy; Broady Susan; Brown Susan; Bryant Beth; Carrigan, > Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator; Cash, Allison; > Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator; Chaney, Brenda; > Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District); Chang Tonya; > Cherry Jeanine; Clark Paula; Compton Judy; Copas Jackie ; > Cunningham Terri; Daniels Karen; Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren > River Dist); Drexler Angie; Duncan Martha "Sue"; Emerson > Jeanann; Flora Kim; Ford Joy White; Forrest Marilee; Forte > Bernice; Fugate, Jennifer S (LHD-Allen Co); Gardner Marilyn; > Gibson Nancy; Greaney Libby; Greene, Janet; Gregory Eric; Halbig > Hillary; Hartz Sharon; Houchens Marla; Houchin, Lisa J (LHD> Barren River Dist); Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health > Dept.); Isenhower, Jataun; Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel; Janes Betsy; > Jennings Katy; LaManna Frank; Lawrence, Brenda; Lovely Teresa; > Miller Al; Monroe Lori; Nagy Chris; Napier Melanie; Owens Paula; > Palmer Alan; Parnell Heather; Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth > Service Center; Petrovic Danijela; Pollard Venica; Prunty > Melody; Richardson Jama; Richey Brent; Rowland, Crissy G (CHFS> LHD Barren River Dist); Rush Linda; Ryan Lorie; Shindhelm Karen; > Shirley Melissa Walton; Simmons, Jeri; Smith Beth; Spears > Bonnie; Stein Margaret; Steward Kathryn; Sweetman Maryellen; > Taylor Brad; Thweatt Kathy; Tinsley Tammy; Troyer Mike; Tuck > Missy; Voakes Rick; Walston Rachel; Walton Ed; Walton Lori; > Watkins Cecilia ; Webb Alonzo; Westbrook Elizabeth; Wheat > Marilyn; Wininger, Amy; Wollin Andrew; Woods Monica > Cc: Hahn, Ellen J > Subject: NEWS ALERT!!!!! > Importance: High > > I need your help! I just found out that the Bowling Green > City Commission will introduce a Smokefree Indoor Air Ordinance > this coming Tuesday, January 18th, 2011. The meeting begins at 7 > pm and the ordinance is the last item out of 13 listed on the > agenda. It's time to encourage everyone to come out to the city > commission meeting and speak up in favor of the ordinance. It > doesn't matter if you are a BG voter. If you work, visit > or play in Bowling Green, they need to hear from you. You can be > sure that the opposition will be there in full force! I > will be contacting those of you specifically on the SF BG > Ordinance workgroup to help me with potential business > owner's/workers to speak at the meeting. The full agenda is > listed on the BG City Commission website @ > If you or someone you know is interested in speaking, please > have them get in touch with me..... Hang on..... This is going > to be a bumpy ride!!!! > > Carol Douglas, BS > Health Educator III > Barren River District Health Department > 1109 State Street > P.O. Box 1157 > Bowling Green, Ky. 42102 > Ph: 270-781-8039, ext. 144 > Fax: 270-796-8946

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> E-mail: [email protected] > Website: > > NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This e-mail, including any > attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or > entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential > information that is legally privileged and exempt from > disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this > message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any > review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this > communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received > this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply > e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. > > > Eric Gregory, MA, CPS Certified Prevention Specialist Executive Director The Save Our Kids Coalition 1818 Campbell Lane Bowling Green, KY 42104 (270) 282-4251

Eric Gregory, MA, CPS Certified Prevention Specialist Executive Director The Save Our Kids Coalition 1818 Campbell Lane Bowling Green, KY 42104 (270) 282-4251

file:///C|/...A/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20RE%20RE%20NEWS%20ALERT!!!!!%205 html[8/19/2011 2:32:27 AM]

From: Eric Gregory <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 4:12 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J Subject: Re: RE: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!! That's fine. It took place on a conference call. The young lady threatened Slim to make the changes they wanted based on the "size of their constituency." Slim and I both walked out of the meeting. They almost cost us the first reading single handedly. You can share that too... Eric SOK ----- Original Message ----From: "Hahn, Ellen J" <[email protected]> Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011 14:11 Subject: RE: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!! To: Eric Gregory <[email protected]> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks, Eric. I shared this with James Sharp at ACS. Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in SelfManagement of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter<> and Facebook<!/pages/kysmokefree/121589417877279?ref=ts> ! [cid:[email protected]][cid:[email protected]] From: Eric Gregory [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 3:01 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J Cc: Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist); LHD Barren River BRDHD All; Absher Mark; Adkins Joyce; Advani, Shailesh; Alloway Michelle; Applebee's; Baldwin Robin; Barnhouse Lara; Bedard Robert; Bedard, Robert; Bell Jessica; Berger Jim; Billingsley Margaret; Bohannon Carla; Bonaguro John; Booth, Nancy; Broady Susan; Brown Susan; Bryant Beth; Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator; Cash, Allison; Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator; Chaney, Brenda; Chaney, Dennis R

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

(LHD-Barren River District); Chang Tonya; Cherry Jeanine; Clark Paula; Compton Judy; Copas Jackie; Cunningham Terri; Daniels Karen; Drexler Angie; Duncan Martha "Sue"; Emerson Jeanann; Flora Kim; Ford Joy White; Forrest Marilee; Forte Bernice; Fugate, Jennifer S (LHD-Allen Co); Gardner Marilyn; Gibson Nancy; Greaney Libby; Greene, Janet; Halbig Hillary; Hartz Sharon; Houchens Marla; Houchin, Lisa J (LHD-Barren River Dist); Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health Dept.); Isenhower, Jataun; Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel; Janes Betsy; Jennings Katy; LaManna Frank; Lawrence, Brenda; Lovely Teresa; Miller Al; Monroe Lori; Nagy Chris; Napier Melanie; Owens Paula; Palmer Alan; Parnell Heather; Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service Center; Petrovic Danijela; Pollard Venica; Prunty Melody; Richardson Jama; Richey Brent; Rowland, Crissy G (CHFS-LHD Barren River Dist); Rush Linda; Ryan Lorie; Shindhelm Karen; Shirley Melissa Walton; Simmons, Jeri; Smith Beth; Spears Bonnie; Stein Margaret; Steward Kathryn; Sweetman Maryellen; Taylor Brad; Thweatt Kathy; Tinsley Tammy; Troyer Mike; Tuck Missy; Voakes Rick; Walston Rachel; Walton Ed; Walton Lori; Watkins Cecilia; Webb Alonzo; Westbrook Elizabeth; Wheat Marilyn; Wininger, Amy; Wollin Andrew; Woods Monica; Johnson, John D; Kercsmar, Sarah; Riker, Carol A; Jujulew; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: Re: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!! Ellen, Thanks for the "heads up" on the KRS. If the commission decides to fill the vacant seat with the next highest vote, it appears to be Robin Baldwin: I'm not sure where she stands on the issue. She should receive this email, maybe she'll let us know ; ). As far as having anyone outside the county contact the commissioners, I would be very cautious. ACS had their people review the ordinance last time and was very out of line (not our local ACS, but levels above) in the way they attempted to get Slim to change the wording. I think there are slight variations to the new ordinance (possibly to address electronic cigarettes), but Carol should be more up to date on that. I do think we need to ask Slim first if he wants it reviewed...he is the champion of this effort. I have begun contacting people who are supportive of the effort to show on Tuesday and will continue to do so. Eric SOK ----- Original Message ----From: "Hahn, Ellen J" <[email protected]> Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011 7:48 Subject: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!!

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

To: "Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, LHD Barren River BRDHD All <[email protected]>, Absher Mark <[email protected]>, Adkins Joyce <[email protected]>, "Advani, Shailesh" <[email protected]>, Alloway Michelle <[email protected]>, Applebee's <[email protected]>, Baldwin Robin <[email protected]>, Barnhouse Lara <[email protected]>, Bedard Robert <[email protected]>, "Bedard, Robert" <[email protected]>, Bell Jessica <[email protected]>, Berger Jim <[email protected]>, Billingsley Margaret <[email protected]>, Bohannon Carla <[email protected]>, Bonaguro John <[email protected]>, "Booth, Nancy" <[email protected]>, Broady Susan <[email protected]>, Brown Susan <[email protected]>, Bryant Beth <[email protected]>, "Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator" <[email protected]>, "Cash, Allison" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Brenda" <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District)" <[email protected]>, Chang Tonya <[email protected]>, Cherry Jeanine <[email protected]>, Clark Paula <[email protected]>, Compton Judy <[email protected]>, Copas Jackie <[email protected]>, Cunningham Terri <[email protected]>, Daniels Karen <[email protected]>, Drexler Angie <[email protected]>, "Duncan Martha \"Sue\"" <[email protected]>, Emerson Jeanann <[email protected]>, Flora Kim <[email protected]>, Ford Joy White <[email protected]>, Forrest Marilee <[email protected]>, Forte Bernice <[email protected]>, "Fugate, Jennifer S (LHD-Allen Co)" <[email protected]>, Gardner Marilyn <[email protected]>, Gibson Nancy <[email protected]>, Greaney Libby <[email protected]>, "Greene, Janet" <[email protected]>, Gregory Eric <[email protected]>, Halbig Hillary <[email protected]>, Hartz Sharon <[email protected]>, Houchens Marla <[email protected]>, "Houchin, Lisa J (LHD-Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, "Houchins, Denise (LHDWarren County Health Dept.)" <[email protected]>, "Isenhower, Jataun" <[email protected]>, Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel <[email protected]>, Janes Betsy

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

<[email protected]>, Jennings Katy <[email protected]>, LaManna Frank <[email protected]>, "Lawrence, Brenda" <[email protected]>, Lovely Teresa <[email protected]>, Miller Al <[email protected]>, Monroe Lori <[email protected]>, Nagy Chris <[email protected]>, Napier Melanie <[email protected]>, Owens Paula <[email protected]>, Palmer Alan <[email protected]>, Parnell Heather <[email protected]>, "Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service Center" <[email protected]>, Petrovic Danijela <[email protected]>, Pollard Venica <[email protected]>, Prunty Melody <[email protected]>, Richardson Jama <[email protected]>, Richey Brent <[email protected]>, "Rowland, Crissy G (CHFS-LHD Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, Rush Linda <[email protected]>, Ryan Lorie <[email protected]>, Shindhelm Karen <[email protected]>, Shirley Melissa Walton <[email protected]>, "Simmons, Jeri" <[email protected]>, Smith Beth <[email protected]>, Spears Bonnie <[email protected]>, Stein Margaret <[email protected]>, Steward Kathryn <[email protected]>, Sweetman Maryellen <[email protected]>, Taylor Brad <[email protected]>, Thweatt Kathy <[email protected]>, Tinsley Tammy <[email protected]>, Troyer Mike <[email protected]>, Tuck Missy <[email protected]>, Voakes Rick <[email protected]>, Walston Rachel <[email protected]>, Walton Ed <[email protected]>, Walton Lori <[email protected]>, Watkins Cecilia <[email protected]>, Webb Alonzo <[email protected]>, Westbrook Elizabeth <[email protected]>, Wheat Marilyn <[email protected]>, "Wininger, Amy" <[email protected]>, Wollin Andrew <[email protected]>, Woods Monica <[email protected]>Cc: "Johnson, John D" <[email protected]>, "Kercsmar, Sarah" <[email protected]>, "Riker, Carol A" <[email protected]>, Jujulew <[email protected]>, "Hahn, Ellen J" <[email protected]> > > Good morning, Bowling Green Smoke-free Advocates, > > I know how committed you are to seeing Bowling Green go smoke> free and how difficult it was in 2007 when the first attempt > failed. And I am sure Slim and the Mayor want to do the right > thing by taking an ordinance to first reading now given the > Mayor's departure. Even if they have the votes to pass it this > time, though, the risk is that the ordinance could be repealed

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> or weakened by the new Commission. > > Does anyone know who is likely to replace the mayor or fill the > vacancy for commissioner? It looks like Joe Denning will be the > new mayor and he wasn't favorable last time. Where does he stand > this time? Also, did an attorney draft the ordinance and is > he/she favorable? > > > I have asked the state smoke-free core team if anyone is > available to assist by reaching out to the elected officials. If > any of you can get a copy of the ordinance, we may be able to > get it reviewed by our legal team. I do have a copy of what was > considered last time, and the legal review. Keep in mind that > once the ordinance goes past first reading, it cannot be > substantially changed in any way. Also, please keep in mind that > there are specific procedures outlined by KRS about special > meetings (Slim was quoted as saying the second reading will be > done at a special called meeting). > > We are experiencing a very difficult situation in Northern KY > right now that might be helpful to you. First, Kenton County > enacted a weak smoke-free ordinance by special meeting. It was > delayed because they didn't follow the KRS procedures for > special meetings (attached). Also, in the final hour, they > amended the ordinance to exempt drinking establishments (and > enclosed areas in places that allow alcohol) which will make the > law very confusing and difficult to enforce (and it won't > protect those most vulnerable). Second, Campbell County enacted > a comprehensive ordinance (3-1) right before the holiday, and > they are going to first reading to repeal it on Jan. 19. Jan. 1 > they had a new group of commissioners who are not favorable. > Third, we have seen our strongest, most organized opposition to > date in NKY. The Northern Kentucky Tea Party, along with NKY > Choice, the KY Libertarian Party, and others have turned out the > opposition in large numbers. A few lessons learned from NKY: > plan for special meetings (the opposition will try to derail in > every way and they are good at it); be sure the new > commissioners are in your favor and that there is a plan in > place to kill a bad ordinance; and turn out advocates who stick > to the health message (and keep tabs on the opposition). > > Unfortunately, with the holiday weekend upon us, I am unsure > exactly what assistance we can provide but I am on email and > available by cell phone (859-421-6948) and willing to help in > any way. > > Good luck!! > Ellen > > Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN > Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program > Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy > Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease > University of Kentucky > College of Nursing and College of Public Health > 751 Rose Street > Lexington, KY 40536-0232 > 859-257-2358 > 859-323-1057 (FAX) > [email protected] > > > > Find kysmokefree on > Twitter<> and > Facebook<!/pages/kysmokefree/121589417877279?ref=ts> ! > > [cid:[email protected]][cid:[email protected]]> > From: Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist) > [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 > 3:21 PM > To: LHD Barren River BRDHD All; Absher Mark; Adkins Joyce; > Advani, Shailesh; Alloway Michelle; Applebee's; Baldwin Robin; > Barnhouse Lara; Bedard Robert; Bedard, Robert; Bell Jessica; > Berger Jim; Billingsley Margaret; Bohannon Carla; Bonaguro John; > Booth, Nancy; Broady Susan; Brown Susan; Bryant Beth; Carrigan, > Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator; Cash, Allison; > Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator; Chaney, Brenda; > Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District); Chang Tonya; > Cherry Jeanine; Clark Paula; Compton Judy; Copas Jackie ; > Cunningham Terri; Daniels Karen; Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren > River Dist); Drexler Angie; Duncan Martha "Sue"; Emerson > Jeanann; Flora Kim; Ford Joy White; Forrest Marilee; Forte > Bernice; Fugate, Jennifer S (LHD-Allen Co); Gardner Marilyn; > Gibson Nancy; Greaney Libby; Greene, Janet; Gregory Eric; Halbig > Hillary; Hartz Sharon; Houchens Marla; Houchin, Lisa J (LHD> Barren River Dist); Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health > Dept.); Isenhower, Jataun; Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel; Janes Betsy; > Jennings Katy; LaManna Frank; Lawrence, Brenda; Lovely Teresa; > Miller Al; Monroe Lori; Nagy Chris; Napier Melanie; Owens Paula; > Palmer Alan; Parnell Heather; Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth > Service Center; Petrovic Danijela; Pollard Venica; Prunty > Melody; Richardson Jama; Richey Brent; Rowland, Crissy G (CHFS> LHD Barren River Dist); Rush Linda; Ryan Lorie; Shindhelm Karen; > Shirley Melissa Walton; Simmons, Jeri; Smith Beth; Spears > Bonnie; Stein Margaret; Steward Kathryn; Sweetman Maryellen; > Taylor Brad; Thweatt Kathy; Tinsley Tammy; Troyer Mike; Tuck > Missy; Voakes Rick; Walston Rachel; Walton Ed; Walton Lori; > Watkins Cecilia ; Webb Alonzo; Westbrook Elizabeth; Wheat > Marilyn; Wininger, Amy; Wollin Andrew; Woods Monica > Cc: Hahn, Ellen J > Subject: NEWS ALERT!!!!! > Importance: High >

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> I need your help! I just found out that the Bowling Green > City Commission will introduce a Smokefree Indoor Air Ordinance > this coming Tuesday, January 18th, 2011. The meeting begins at 7 > pm and the ordinance is the last item out of 13 listed on the > agenda. It's time to encourage everyone to come out to the city > commission meeting and speak up in favor of the ordinance. It > doesn't matter if you are a BG voter. If you work, visit > or play in Bowling Green, they need to hear from you. You can be > sure that the opposition will be there in full force! I > will be contacting those of you specifically on the SF BG > Ordinance workgroup to help me with potential business > owner's/workers to speak at the meeting. The full agenda is > listed on the BG City Commission website @ > If you or someone you know is interested in speaking, please > have them get in touch with me..... Hang on..... This is going > to be a bumpy ride!!!! > > Carol Douglas, BS > Health Educator III > Barren River District Health Department > 1109 State Street > P.O. Box 1157 > Bowling Green, Ky. 42102 > Ph: 270-781-8039, ext. 144 > Fax: 270-796-8946 > E-mail: [email protected] > Website: > > NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This e-mail, including any > attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or > entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential > information that is legally privileged and exempt from > disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this > message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any > review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this > communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received > this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply > e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. > > > Eric Gregory, MA, CPS Certified Prevention Specialist Executive Director The Save Our Kids Coalition 1818 Campbell Lane Bowling Green, KY 42104 (270) 282-4251

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Eric Gregory, MA, CPS Certified Prevention Specialist Executive Director The Save Our Kids Coalition 1818 Campbell Lane Bowling Green, KY 42104 (270) 282-4251

file:///C|/...IA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/Re%20RE%20RE%20NEWS%20ALERT!!!!!%206.html[8/19/2011 2:32:29 AM]

From: Eric Gregory <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 5:18 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J Subject: Re: RE: RE: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!! I'm not sure, sounded like a young lady. That was in 2007 and I've slept since then ; ). I just know that Slim will be sensitive to outside "influence." Just trying to play it smart. Obviously, there are a few exceptions. EG

----- Original Message ----From: "Hahn, Ellen J" <[email protected]> Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011 15:21 Subject: RE: RE: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!! To: Eric Gregory <[email protected]> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Was is Shannon Pratt or someone else? She is no longer with them. Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in SelfManagement of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter<> and Facebook<!/pages/kysmokefree/121589417877279?ref=ts> ! [cid:[email protected]][cid:[email protected]] From: Eric Gregory [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 4:12 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J Subject: Re: RE: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!! That's fine. It took place on a conference call. The young lady threatened Slim to make the changes they wanted based on the "size of their constituency." Slim and I both walked out of the meeting. They almost cost us the first reading single handedly. You can share that too...

file:///C|/...lts/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/Re%20RE%20RE%20RE%20NEWS%20ALERT!!!!!%202.html[8/19/2011 2:32:30 AM]

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Eric SOK ----- Original Message ----From: "Hahn, Ellen J" <[email protected]> Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011 14:11 Subject: RE: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!! To: Eric Gregory <[email protected]> > Thanks, Eric. I shared this with James Sharp at ACS. > > Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN > Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program > Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy > Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self> Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease > University of Kentucky > College of Nursing and College of Public Health > 751 Rose Street > Lexington, KY 40536-0232 > 859-257-2358 > 859-323-1057 (FAX) > [email protected] > > > > Find kysmokefree on > Twitter<> and > Facebook<!/pages/kysmokefree/121589417877279?ref=ts> ! > > [cid:[email protected]][cid:[email protected]]> > From: Eric Gregory [mailto:[email protected]] > Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 3:01 PM > To: Hahn, Ellen J > Cc: Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist); LHD Barren River > BRDHD All; Absher Mark; Adkins Joyce; Advani, Shailesh; Alloway > Michelle; Applebee's; Baldwin Robin; Barnhouse Lara; Bedard > Robert; Bedard, Robert; Bell Jessica; Berger Jim; Billingsley > Margaret; Bohannon Carla; Bonaguro John; Booth, Nancy; Broady > Susan; Brown Susan; Bryant Beth; Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth > Services Center Coordinator; Cash, Allison; Chaney, Amie; Youth > Service Center Coordinator; Chaney, Brenda; Chaney, Dennis R > (LHD-Barren River District); Chang Tonya; Cherry Jeanine; Clark > Paula; Compton Judy; Copas Jackie; Cunningham Terri; Daniels > Karen; Drexler Angie; Duncan Martha "Sue"; Emerson Jeanann; > Flora Kim; Ford Joy White; Forrest Marilee; Forte Bernice; > Fugate, Jennifer S (LHD-Allen Co); Gardner Marilyn; Gibson > Nancy; Greaney Libby; Greene, Janet; Halbig Hillary; Hartz > Sharon; Houchens Marla; Houchin, Lisa J (LHD-Barren River Dist); > Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health Dept.); Isenhower, > Jataun; Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel; Janes Betsy; Jennings Katy; > LaManna Frank; Lawrence, Brenda; Lovely Teresa; Miller Al;

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> Monroe Lori; Nagy Chris; Napier Melanie; Owens Paula; Palmer > Alan; Parnell Heather; Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth Service > Center; Petrovic Danijela; Pollard Venica; Prunty Melody; > Richardson Jama; Richey Brent; Rowland, Crissy G (CHFS-LHD > Barren River Dist); Rush Linda; Ryan Lorie; Shindhelm Karen; > Shirley Melissa Walton; Simmons, Jeri; Smith Beth; Spears > Bonnie; Stein Margaret; Steward Kathryn; Sweetman Maryellen; > Taylor Brad; Thweatt Kathy; Tinsley Tammy; Troyer Mike; Tuck > Missy; Voakes Rick; Walston Rachel; Walton Ed; Walton Lori; > Watkins Cecilia; Webb Alonzo; Westbrook Elizabeth; Wheat > Marilyn; Wininger, Amy; Wollin Andrew; Woods Monica; Johnson, > John D; Kercsmar, Sarah; Riker, Carol A; Jujulew; Hahn, Ellen J > Subject: Re: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!! > > Ellen, > Thanks for the "heads up" > on the KRS. If the commission decides to fill the vacant > seat with the next highest vote, it appears to be Robin Baldwin: > >> > I'm not sure where she stands on the issue. She should > receive this email, maybe she'll let us know ; ). > > As far as having anyone outside the county contact the > commissioners, I would be very cautious. ACS had their > people review the ordinance last time and was very out of line > (not our local ACS, but levels above) in the way they attempted > to get Slim to change the wording. I think there are > slight variations to the new ordinance (possibly to address > electronic cigarettes), but Carol should be more up to date on > that. I do think we need to ask Slim first if he wants it > reviewed...he is the champion of this effort. > > I have begun contacting people who are supportive of the effort > to show on Tuesday and will continue to do so. > > Eric > SOK > > ----- Original Message ----> From: "Hahn, Ellen J" <[email protected]> > Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011 7:48 > Subject: RE: NEWS ALERT!!!!! > To: "Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist)" > <[email protected]>, LHD Barren River BRDHD All > <[email protected]>, Absher Mark <[email protected]>, > Adkins Joyce <[email protected]>, "Advani, Shailesh" > <[email protected]>, Alloway Michelle > <[email protected]>, Applebee's > <[email protected]>, Baldwin Robin > <[email protected]>, Barnhouse Lara > <[email protected]>, Bedard Robert

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> <[email protected]>, "Bedard, Robert" > <[email protected]>, Bell Jessica > <[email protected]>, Berger Jim > <[email protected]>, Billingsley Margaret > <[email protected]>, Bohannon Carla > <[email protected]>, Bonaguro John > <[email protected]>, "Booth, Nancy" > <[email protected]>, Broady Susan > <[email protected]>, Brown Susan > <[email protected]>, Bryant Beth > <[email protected]>, "Carrigan, Misti - BGHS - Youth > Services Center Coordinator" > <[email protected]>, "Cash, Allison" > <[email protected]>, "Chaney, Amie; Youth Service > Center Coordinator" <[email protected]>, > "Chaney, Brenda" <[email protected]>, > "Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District)" > <[email protected]>, Chang Tonya > <[email protected]>, Cherry Jeanine > <[email protected]>, Clark Paula > <[email protected]>, Compton Judy > <[email protected]>, Copas Jackie > <[email protected]>, Cunningham Terri > <[email protected]>, Daniels Karen > <[email protected]>, Drexler Angie > <[email protected]>, "Duncan Martha \"Sue\"" > <[email protected]>, Emerson Jeanann > <[email protected]>, Flora Kim > <[email protected]>, Ford Joy White > <[email protected]>, Forrest Marilee > <[email protected]>, Forte Bernice > <[email protected]>, "Fugate, Jennifer S > (LHD-Allen Co)" <[email protected]>, Gardner Marilyn > <[email protected]>, Gibson Nancy > <[email protected]>, Greaney Libby > <[email protected]>, "Greene, Janet" > <[email protected]>, Gregory Eric > <[email protected]>, Halbig Hillary > <[email protected]>, Hartz Sharon > <[email protected]>, Houchens Marla > <[email protected]>, "Houchin, Lisa J (LHD-Barren > River Dist)" <[email protected]>, "Houchins, Denise (LHD> Warren County Health Dept.)" <[email protected]>, > "Isenhower, Jataun" <[email protected]>, Iyiegbuniwe > Emmanuel <[email protected]>, Janes Betsy > <[email protected]>, Jennings Katy > <[email protected]>, LaManna Frank > <[email protected]>, "Lawrence, Brenda" > <[email protected]>, Lovely Teresa > <[email protected]>, Miller Al > <[email protected]>, Monroe Lori > <[email protected]>, Nagy Chris <[email protected]>, > Napier Melanie <[email protected]>, Owens Paula > <[email protected]>, Palmer Alan

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> <[email protected]>, Parnell Heather > <[email protected]>, "Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth > Service Center" <[email protected]>, Petrovic > Danijela <[email protected]>, Pollard Venica > <[email protected]>, Prunty Melody > <[email protected]>, Richardson Jama > <[email protected]>, Richey Brent > <[email protected]>, "Rowland, Crissy G (CHFS-LHD > Barren River Dist)" <[email protected]>, Rush Linda > <[email protected]>, Ryan Lorie > <[email protected]>, Shindhelm Karen > <[email protected]>, Shirley Melissa Walton > <[email protected]>, "Simmons, Jeri" > <[email protected]>, Smith Beth <[email protected]>, > Spears Bonnie <[email protected]>, Stein > Margaret <[email protected]>, Steward Kathryn > <[email protected]>, Sweetman Maryellen > <[email protected]>, Taylor Brad > <[email protected]>, Thweatt Kathy > <[email protected]>, Tinsley Tammy > <[email protected]>, Troyer Mike > <[email protected]>, Tuck Missy <[email protected]>, > Voakes Rick <[email protected]>, Walston Rachel > <[email protected]>, Walton Ed > <[email protected]>, Walton Lori <[email protected]>, > Watkins Cecilia <[email protected]>, Webb Alonzo > <[email protected]>, Westbrook Elizabeth > <[email protected]>, Wheat Marilyn > <[email protected]>, "Wininger, Amy" <[email protected]>, > Wollin Andrew <[email protected]>, Woods Monica > <[email protected]>Cc: "Johnson, John D" > <[email protected]>, "Kercsmar, Sarah" > <[email protected]>, "Riker, Carol A" > <[email protected]>, Jujulew <[email protected]>, "Hahn, > Ellen J" <[email protected]> > >> > > Good morning, Bowling Green Smoke-free Advocates, >> > > I know how committed you are to seeing Bowling Green go smoke> > free and how difficult it was in 2007 when the first attempt > > failed. And I am sure Slim and the Mayor want to do the right > > thing by taking an ordinance to first reading now given the > > Mayor's departure. Even if they have the votes to pass it this > > time, though, the risk is that the ordinance could be repealed > > or weakened by the new Commission. >> > > Does anyone know who is likely to replace the mayor or fill the > > vacancy for commissioner? It looks like Joe Denning will be the > > new mayor and he wasn't favorable last time. Where does he stand > > this time? Also, did an attorney draft the ordinance and is > > he/she favorable? >>

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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

>> > > I have asked the state smoke-free core team if anyone is > > available to assist by reaching out to the elected officials. If > > any of you can get a copy of the ordinance, we may be able to > > get it reviewed by our legal team. I do have a copy of what was > > considered last time, and the legal review. Keep in mind that > > once the ordinance goes past first reading, it cannot be > > substantially changed in any way. Also, please keep in mind that > > there are specific procedures outlined by KRS about special > > meetings (Slim was quoted as saying the second reading will be > > done at a special called meeting). >> > > We are experiencing a very difficult situation in Northern KY > > right now that might be helpful to you. First, Kenton County > > enacted a weak smoke-free ordinance by special meeting. It was > > delayed because they didn't follow the KRS procedures for > > special meetings (attached). Also, in the final hour, they > > amended the ordinance to exempt drinking establishments (and > > enclosed areas in places that allow alcohol) which will make the > > law very confusing and difficult to enforce (and it won't > > protect those most vulnerable). Second, Campbell County enacted > > a comprehensive ordinance (3-1) right before the holiday, and > > they are going to first reading to repeal it on Jan. 19. Jan. 1 > > they had a new group of commissioners who are not favorable. > > Third, we have seen our strongest, most organized opposition to > > date in NKY. The Northern Kentucky Tea Party, along with NKY > > Choice, the KY Libertarian Party, and others have turned out the > > opposition in large numbers. A few lessons learned from NKY: > > plan for special meetings (the opposition will try to derail in > > every way and they are good at it); be sure the new > > commissioners are in your favor and that there is a plan in > > place to kill a bad ordinance; and turn out advocates who stick > > to the health message (and keep tabs on the opposition). >> > > Unfortunately, with the holiday weekend upon us, I am unsure > > exactly what assistance we can provide but I am on email and > > available by cell phone (859-421-6948) and willing to help in > > any way. >> > > Good luck!! > > Ellen >> > > Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN > > Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program > > Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy > > Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self> > Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease > > University of Kentucky > > College of Nursing and College of Public Health > > 751 Rose Street > > Lexington, KY 40536-0232

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> > > 859-257-2358 > > > 859-323-1057 (FAX) > > > [email protected] > > > > > > >>> > > > Find kysmokefree on > > > Twitter<> and >>> >> > Facebook<!/pages/kysmokefree/121589417877279?ref=ts> ! >>> >>> >> > [cid:[email protected]][cid:[email protected]]>> > From: Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren River Dist) > > > [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 > > > 3:21 PM > > > To: LHD Barren River BRDHD All; Absher Mark; Adkins Joyce; > > > Advani, Shailesh; Alloway Michelle; Applebee's; Baldwin Robin; > > > Barnhouse Lara; Bedard Robert; Bedard, Robert; Bell Jessica; > > > Berger Jim; Billingsley Margaret; Bohannon Carla; Bonaguro John; > > > Booth, Nancy; Broady Susan; Brown Susan; Bryant Beth; Carrigan, > > > Misti - BGHS - Youth Services Center Coordinator; Cash, Allison; > > > Chaney, Amie; Youth Service Center Coordinator; Chaney, Brenda; > > > Chaney, Dennis R (LHD-Barren River District); Chang Tonya; > > > Cherry Jeanine; Clark Paula; Compton Judy; Copas Jackie ; > > > Cunningham Terri; Daniels Karen; Douglas, Carol F (LHD-Barren > > > River Dist); Drexler Angie; Duncan Martha "Sue"; Emerson > > > Jeanann; Flora Kim; Ford Joy White; Forrest Marilee; Forte > > > Bernice; Fugate, Jennifer S (LHD-Allen Co); Gardner Marilyn; > > > Gibson Nancy; Greaney Libby; Greene, Janet; Gregory Eric; Halbig > > > Hillary; Hartz Sharon; Houchens Marla; Houchin, Lisa J (LHD> > > Barren River Dist); Houchins, Denise (LHD-Warren County Health > > > Dept.); Isenhower, Jataun; Iyiegbuniwe Emmanuel; Janes Betsy; > > > Jennings Katy; LaManna Frank; Lawrence, Brenda; Lovely Teresa; > > > Miller Al; Monroe Lori; Nagy Chris; Napier Melanie; Owens Paula; > > > Palmer Alan; Parnell Heather; Perdue, Olivia - BGHS - Youth > > > Service Center; Petrovic Danijela; Pollard Venica; Prunty > > > Melody; Richardson Jama; Richey Brent; Rowland, Crissy G > (CHFS> > > LHD Barren River Dist); Rush Linda; Ryan Lorie; Shindhelm Karen; > > > Shirley Melissa Walton; Simmons, Jeri; Smith Beth; Spears > > > Bonnie; Stein Margaret; Steward Kathryn; Sweetman Maryellen; > > > Taylor Brad; Thweatt Kathy; Tinsley Tammy; Troyer Mike; Tuck > > > Missy; Voakes Rick; Walston Rachel; Walton Ed; Walton Lori; > > > Watkins Cecilia ; Webb Alonzo; Westbrook Elizabeth; Wheat > > > Marilyn; Wininger, Amy; Wollin Andrew; Woods Monica > > > Cc: Hahn, Ellen J > > > Subject: NEWS ALERT!!!!! > > > Importance: High >>> > > > I need your help! I just found out that the Bowling Green > > > City Commission will introduce a Smokefree Indoor Air Ordinance
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> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > this coming Tuesday, January 18th, 2011. The meeting begins at 7 > > pm and the ordinance is the last item out of 13 listed on the > > agenda. It's time to encourage everyone to come out to the city > > commission meeting and speak up in favor of the ordinance. It > > doesn't matter if you are a BG voter. If you work, visit > > or play in Bowling Green, they need to hear from you. You can be > > sure that the opposition will be there in full force! I > > will be contacting those of you specifically on the SF BG > > Ordinance workgroup to help me with potential business > > owner's/workers to speak at the meeting. The full agenda is > > listed on the BG City Commission website @> > If you or someone you know is interested in speaking, please > > have them get in touch with me..... Hang on..... This is going > > to be a bumpy ride!!!! >> > > Carol Douglas, BS > > Health Educator III > > Barren River District Health Department > > 1109 State Street > > P.O. Box 1157 > > Bowling Green, Ky. 42102 > > Ph: 270-781-8039, ext. 144 > > Fax: 270-796-8946 > > E-mail: [email protected] > > Website: >> > > NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This e-mail, including any > > attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or > > entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential > > information that is legally privileged and exempt from > > disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this > > message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any > > review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this > > communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received > > this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply > > e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. >> >> >> > > > Eric Gregory, MA, CPS > Certified Prevention Specialist > Executive Director > The Save Our Kids Coalition > > 1818 Campbell Lane > Bowling Green, KY 42104 > (270) 282-4251 > >

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> > > > > > > > > > > >

Eric Gregory, MA, CPS Certified Prevention Specialist Executive Director The Save Our Kids Coalition 1818 Campbell Lane Bowling Green, KY 42104 (270) 282-4251

Eric Gregory, MA, CPS Certified Prevention Specialist Executive Director The Save Our Kids Coalition 1818 Campbell Lane Bowling Green, KY 42104 (270) 282-4251

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Riker, Carol A Wednesday, November 10, 2010 11:37 AM 'Shana Peterson'; [email protected]; Forbes, Ryan N. Hahn, Ellen J; Mundy, Monica E; Johnson, John D RE: smoke free jessamine

Good point, Shana. What kinds of things might make him feel undermined? (Not sure if you were referring to releasing AQ or to the conversation about Mayor Rainwater). Probably a conversation about this is best as email is just not as helpful as dialogue. I could call you tomorrow or Friday at work if you think thats Ok for you. Otherwise you could call me (619-3776) when you have a good place/time to talk. (Im tied up all today and tonite, but Thurs and Fri are better.) Or you and Susanna can talk to make sure we understand what is needed. Thanks for your input as you hold the history! Carol

From: Shana Peterson [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 5:28 PM To: Riker, Carol A; [email protected]; Forbes, Ryan N. Subject: Re: smoke free jessamine

Not to stick my nose all have done an awesome job! Take this for what it is worth (whichis probably not much) - Judge Cassity is the one who specifically asked SFJ not to release results and if he is who the others are waiting on, it may not be such a good idea to undermine him when he may be the deciding factor. Just a thought! Good luck, you all are doing great! On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 1:16 PM, Riker, Carol A <[email protected]> wrote: Hmmm; yes I saw that email from Rainwater about moving with the city and county: " we would like to have a county and united effort--makes ours meaningful, because in the big picture not sure how many places will change with this ordinance in Wilmore-very few places have smoking Thank you for your effort to do a good thing!" Not sure what he meant by "makes ours meaningful"... maybe he's happy to be sort of an informal leader in this? And picking at words, Russ said he is "ready to meet" and "the sooner the better". Hope that means he's ready to work for SF. I can see where it might be a worry to have it go back to the Tri-Council. Are the ones who opposed it there still in office after January 1st? I do think Mayor Rainwater is right that, no matter when it starts, it will not be overnight. And we will need to have citizens call/write to policymakers and to the paper, to give the policymakers political cover. Do we have the start of an action alert list? I'm wondering about when to schedule the AQ press release if it's going back to Tri-Council, but guess we'll get a better idea after we meet with the judge and mayors. Should we tentatively set a date early in December or early in January to indicate our seriousness? (I know we had thought of connecting with the school system going T-F at the first of the year.) Also I remember that November is crazy for you, Susanna, and that we don't want to get the AQ results lost in the Christmas Holidays. We can conf call if you all want to before the Judge returns :) Thanks, Carol

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-----Original Message----From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 9:35 PM To: Riker, Carol A; Ryan Forbes; Shana Peterson Cc: Mundy, Monica E; Johnson, John D; Hahn, Ellen J Subject: RE: smoke free jessamine sounds to me like all in all they are trying to pin it back on the tri-council determination and relying on the Judge to approve and push forward...even Wilmore now with that response! -Susanna Moberly, RN, BSN, SANE Grassroots Coordinator Smoke-free Jessamine Coalition ---- "Riker wrote: ============= Wow, Susanna, I'm holding my breath! This is all so exciting!! Both cities want to move forward and Nville mayor wants all to meet with Judge Cassity (who previously said December or January, if I remember right)!! Thanks for taking the lead and addressing all 3 together, Susanna! Great job! I'll be anxious to hear what Mayor Rainwater wants to do. This makes it even more important for Wilmore to adopt a good ordinance (or throw in with the others for a good county ordinance). If he wants the model ordinance electronically they would need Adobe Pro to be able to use it, unless they use the HTML version I've copied and pasted into Word (attached). Please note that it may need tweaking (refers to "this article" instead of calling it an ordinance, the fines in the non-retaliation clause may need adjustment for KY law, and we recommend 60 days before implementation so that businesses and the public may be informed of their responsibilities. Our legal consultant, Judy Owens, would be happy to help the attorneys (see one-pager, attached). I'm sure I'll process this over the next day or so and write you all again. Times I'm absolutely NOT AVAILABLE the week of the 16th and the next: 11/17: afternoon 11/18: afternoon Other times I can probably negotiate. Thanks, Carol

Thanks so much, Carol -----Original Message----From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2010 2:23 PM To: Riker, Carol A; Ryan Forbes; Shana Peterson Subject: Fwd: smoke free jessamine I sent this to Mr Collier, Blackford, and Williams with knowing they support the adoption...I know Mr Williams is a
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smoker, but he expects an adoption and will support it. Thank you for your time, -Susanna Moberly, RN, BSN, SANE Grassroots Coordinator Smoke-free Jessamine Coalition ============= Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2010 13:18:51 -0500 From: <[email protected]> To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]> Subject: smoke free jessamine Mr Collier, With the recent news from Lu Young about the school system's adoption of smoke free policy in January, we as Smoke free Jessamine's coalition are contacting the Mayors and Judge Cassity to ask for them to move forward on the issue of adopting an ordinance during the same time frame. With knowing we have your support on this issue we would appreciate your help in discussing this with Mayor Meyer at this time. We have asked for a meeting after Judge Cassity's return on November 16th and would appreciate your mention of support. Thank you for your time, -Susanna Moberly, RN, BSN, SANE Grassroots Coordinator Smoke-free Jessamine Coalition =============

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From: Sent: To: Subject:

Hahn, Ellen J Tuesday, April 27, 2010 7:58 AM 'Laura K Jones' RE: Smoke-free College Campuses - Compliance Initiatives

We are at 27 communities now (31% covered by comprehensive laws). It is very exciting indeed. All of the ones that have gone smoke free recently are very strong laws. The two most recent (Glasgow, in the heart of BPPI country) even cover e cigarettes! Bardstown and Glasgow. We are working hard but having a whole lot of fun seeing the progress. KDPH got a federal grant to hire a smoke free coordinator for a state law and we are all sweating thathoping they hire the right person and that we develop a good working relationship with that person. We got the group to agree to building capacity through local laws before we go to the state but it will be interesting to see how it all plays out. I wish you well and hope you have enjoyed your position there with Adam. I know he is sad to see you go. But I am happy for you! Stay in touch please. Ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Follow us on Twitter! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Laura K Jones [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 11:56 AM To: Hahn, Ellen J Cc: Adam Goldstein; Leah Ranney; Joseph Lee Subject: Smoke-free College Campuses - Compliance Initiatives

Hi Ellen, Thank you so much for letting me know about the NTR publication. That is very exciting news, and it is great to get that out there for others to consider and use in their smoke-free efforts! How is everything else going? How many more communities have gone sf? I am eager to hear the latest on the KY front! As I mentioned earlier, Ellen, I will be leaving my position in early June and wanted to put you in contact with the
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individuals here who will be evaluating college compliance. I know you and Adam have met numerous times, but I also wanted to introduce you to Leah Ranney, PhD, who is the Associate Director of TPEP (Tobacco Prevention and Evaluation Program), and Joseph Lee, MPH, CPH, who is another of the Research Specialists here and manages the evaluation for the NC Tobacco-free Colleges initiative. They will likely begin planning for the college compliance evaluation soon after the start of the next fiscal year, but I was eager to put you in touch in hopes that future collaborations were still feasible. I hope you are doing well, Ellen! Please give everyone there my best and tell them I said, "Hello!" Send updates when you get a chance! All my best as always, Laura ---Laura K. Jones, MS, MA Social Research Specialist Tobacco Prevention and Evaluation Program Dept. of Family Medicine, UNC School of Medicine Phone: 919.843.1525 Fax: 919.966.9435 Email: [email protected] Website:

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Riker, Carol A Friday, November 19, 2010 8:21 AM Beckett, Andrew (LHD-Lexington-Fayette Co.); Lynsey Sugarman Wiesenhahn, Donna; Marianne Blodgett; Smith, Andrew M; Chris Townsend RE: Statewide smoke-free proposal

Yes, please. Could you please contact Jennifer Redmond? Thanks! Carol

From: Beckett, Andrew (LHD-Lexington-Fayette Co.) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 2:16 PM To: Lynsey Sugarman; Riker, Carol A Cc: Wiesenhahn, Donna; Marianne Blodgett; Smith, Andrew M; Chris Townsend Subject: RE: Statewide smoke-free proposal Carol if you would like me or Angela to contact a representative to come and speak to the group we would be more than happy to do so. Drew Andrew Beckett, MPH Community Education Team Leader Lexington-Fayette County Health Department Phone: (859) 288-2350 Fax: (859) 252-0292 [email protected] From: Lynsey Sugarman [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 2:13 PM To: Carol Riker Cc: 'Wiesenhahn, Donna'; 'Marianne Blodgett'; Beckett, Andrew (LHD-Lexington-Fayette Co.); 'Smith, Andrew M'; 'Chris Townsend' Subject: Statewide smoke-free proposal

Hi Carol, Can you please send me electronic copies of the documents on the statewide smoke-free proposal you distributed at the Board meeting last Thursday so I can attach them to the minutes? Also, the group voted to invite representatives from the sponsoring group to attend our January meeting. Can you make that happen? The meeting will be on Thursday, January 13. As you know, the meeting is from 11:45- 1:30 and they would be welcome to come for lunch and stay for the entire meeting. However, if time is an issue, we can put them on the agenda when it is most convenient. Thanks so much! Lynsey
Lynsey Sugarman, Administrator Mayor's Alliance on Substance Abuse Fayette County ASAP 859-361-1402

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Thanks Carol!

Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) <[email protected]> Monday, January 24, 2011 8:50 AM Riker, Carol A Fleming, Deborah H (LHD-Franklin Co); Alexander, Paula (LHD - Franklin Co); Hahn, Ellen J; Wagner, Kristian K; Mundy, Monica E RE: TF Schools phone call

Vanessa Brewer Health Educator II Franklin County Health Department Community Health Education 851 East West Connector Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 564-5559, ext. 277 * Fax: (502) 564-5672 [email protected]
Laughter is like jogging on the inside. Exercise your 'innards' every day. "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)

NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This email, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is stictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Riker, Carol A [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2011 9:46 PM To: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) Cc: Fleming, Deborah H (LHD-Franklin Co); Alexander, Paula (LHD - Franklin Co); Hahn, Ellen J; Wagner, Kristian K; Mundy, Monica E Subject: TF Schools phone call

Vanessa, Thanks so much for talking with me by phone last Friday (1/21). Its good to hear your voice and know that you and family are well since Lily was born! I know that you wanted some more info on e-cigarettes, given that someone was using one in the Franklin Co Schools! Im sending you the one-pager (which youve probably already received), and an article and FDA report Ive received since we did the one-pager. If you need any of the references on the one-pager, please let me know. Opponents fighting the inclusion of ecigarettes in S-F laws are claiming they only emit water vapor (like a vaporizer), but they have no science showing what they emit. Some junk science has been put out there by the companies making the e-cigarettes, but those claims have not undergone peer review. Until we have science proving them safe, well be concerned that all of the many harmful elements in the e-cigarettes may be emitted into the air through the vapor or by exhalation from e-cigarette users. Let me know if you need more information and what we should plan for Franklins Year 5 Scope of Work.

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Thanks, Carol
From: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 12:08 PM To: Riker, Carol A Subject: FW: TFS meeting with Deborah Wigginton Importance: High

FYI I feel like Im dreaming!! So excited!!

Vanessa Brewer Health Educator II Franklin County Health Department Community Health Education 851 East West Connector Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 564-5559, ext. 277 * Fax: (502) 564-5672 [email protected]
Laughter is like jogging on the inside. Exercise your 'innards' every day. "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)

NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This email, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is stictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

From: Brewer, Vanessa C (LHD - Franklin Co) Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 12:05 PM To: Fleming, Deborah H (LHD-Franklin Co) Cc: Alexander, Paula (LHD - Franklin Co); Bell, Debbie Y (LHD-Franklin Co); Mattingly, Judy A (CHFS LHD - Franklin Co) Subject: TFS meeting with Deborah Wigginton Importance: High

Debbie, My meeting today with Deborah Wigginton regarding Tobacco Free School Policy was very positive. I have provided a recap below for your records. March 2011: BOE to approve policy. o Banners will go up at this time at the BOE advertising the policy implementation date. o Information will be placed on the BOE website and will provide a link to our website to advertise resources. Policy Implementation Date: July 1, 2011 The BOE has received $5000 from ASAP to purchase yard signs, building signs, vehicle stickers, banners, etc. Deborah is working on bids from various companies. However additional funds will be needed. Have you had an opportunity to check with Jennye Grider regarding whether or not we can use the 736 funds to assist with the implementation

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of TFS policy? I have $600 left in this years subaward from UK. Im checking with Carol to see if those funds can be used for this project. Deborah is in the process of putting together an Implementation Committee that would include the following: Deborah, me, 1 bus driver, 1 food service employee, maintenance employee, Superintendent (or appointee), community member and Carroll Young. She also mentioned the possibility of another health dept. employee. This group will meet here on the following dates: o March 17: 6:00 pm o May 17: 6:00 pm o June 21: 6:00 pm June 2011: o Cable 10 WOW. Would it be possible to schedule TFS policy for Junes Cable 10 segment? We were thinking that the Superintendent and one or two people from the Implementation Committee could speak. If so, do you want to set this up or would you like for me to contact Libby? o Would you be interested in doing one of your June articles on this event? o Policy implementation date will be included on student report cards as well as employee payroll stubs. I will get in touch with Irene at DPH to request Quit Line Credit cards. They are currently providing them from free. These cards will be available to visitors at the school. The Cooper Clayton program will be provided to school personnel. The Implementation Committee will decide the dates. Health department will provide a pamphlet to school personnel advertising TFS policy and the health effects of smoking, SHS and 3rd hand smoke. Vanessa will see what is currently available. May have to be created or purchased. Deborah may be able to pay for this. Deborah is looking into the possibility of offering a cessation group for students during the lunch hour 1 X a week for several weeks. She mentioned that Michelle Searcy, RN may be able to work with this group?

I am very impressed and encouraged with the Boards follow through. Deborah is very excited and stated this isnt something that we need to get anyones by-in on. This is a definite. J Yeah!

Vanessa Brewer Health Educator II Franklin County Health Department Community Health Education 851 East West Connector Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 564-5559, ext. 277 * Fax: (502) 564-5672 [email protected]
Laughter is like jogging on the inside. Exercise your 'innards' every day. "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)

NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This email, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are notified that any review, use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is stictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

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From: [email protected] on behalf of repace <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 9:50 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Re: The vapor in E-Cigarettes

Actually, there's no control over what manufacturers of ECigs decide to put in their products. FDA reported that one brand actually had ethylene glycol in it, while apparently others used propylene glycol. And as far as nicotine goes, remember that it's a poison, and will be exhaled on the breath of smokers, along with whatever "flavoring agents" are put in these devices. Jim
Cowan, Stanley R. wrote:
It is not ethylene glycol, but propylene glycol that is used in the e-cigarettes. >From my days as a sanitarian and inspecting dairy and food plants, propylene glycol was a food grade anti-freeze used in heat exchangers for quickly heating or cooling liquid food products. The FDA has listed propylene glycol as "generally recognized as safe." Take a look at the label on imitation vanilla flavoring in your cupboard and you will see that propylene glycol is a primary ingredient. Propylene glycol is safe to ingest. But, it is not known if it is safe to heat into a vapor and inhale. Heating a substance can drastically change its characteristics. This is what FDA is worried about and thus cannot currently determine if the vapor from an e-cigarette is safe. ________________________________ From: [email protected] [[email protected]] On Behalf Of Smoke-Free Gaming [[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2010 6:17 PM To: [email protected] Subject: RE: The vapor in E-Cigarettes RE: Electronic Cigarettes I met a former sales person for e-cigarettes in Las Vegas and he told me that anti-freeze and two other chemicals (he couldn't remember the names) are in the vapor in the e-cigarettes but that he was told by the company to tell the public it was just water vapor. According to Wikipedia: Ethylene glycol (IUPAC name<>: ethane-1,2-diol) is an organic compound<> widely used as an automotive<> antifreeze<> and a precursor to polymers. In its pure form, it is an odorless, colorless, syrupy, sweet-tasting liquid. Ethylene glycol is toxic, and ingestion can result in death. Stephanie SMOKE-FREE GAMING Stephanie Steinberg 730 W. Hampden Ave., #301 Englewood, CO 80110 303-781-5588 Business 303-781-5597 Fax 303-819-3131 CELL<> "Breathing is not a choice." --- On Fri, 5/7/10, repace <[email protected]> wrote: From: repace <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Louisiana update

file:///C|/...OIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/Re%20The%20vapor%20in%20E-Cigarettes%202 html[8/19/2011 2:32:35 AM]

To: [email protected] Date: Friday, May 7, 2010, 6:19 PM thanks, Bronson. We're going to test the E-cigs that Foxwoods is selling... Jim

Bronson Frick wrote: Casino smoking ban rejected by House committee New Orleans (LA) Times Picayune, 2010-05-06 Jan Moller, The Times-Picayune The effort to broaden Louisiana's indoor smoking ban appears to be dead for the session after a House committee this morning shelved legislation to require non-smoking areas on riverboat casinos. The action by the House Health and Welfare Committee on House Bill 1323 sends a clear signal that committee members are in no mood to follow their counterparts in the Senate, where the health committee voted unanimously last week to ban smoking in bars and casinos. The House bill by Rep. Rick Nowlin, R-Natchitoches, was far less comprehensive than the Senate measure, but still drew strong opposition from casinos and a lobbyist for the tavern industry, who said he feared it would be amended on the House floor to ban smoking in bars. also in the news..... Electronic cigarettes for sale at Foxwoods Battery-powered devices have raised safety questions The Day (New London, CT), 2010-05-07 Brian Hallenbeck Retail stores at Foxwoods Resort Casino and MGM Grand at Foxwoods may be among the first in the state to sell electronic cigarettes, devices that have been making inroads with the public despite questions about whether they're safe. Cigotine, the Providence-based company that began offering its products at Foxwoods last month, also plans to start selling them next week from a kiosk inside Crystal Mall, the company's chief executive officer said Thursday. A spokesman for mall management confirmed the kiosk will open May 15. . . . Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, who vowed last year to fight retail sales of ecigarettes, said Thursday their safety remains questionable. "We've warned consumers to be very wary of these products," he said. "We're continuing our investigation to determine what steps can and should be taken to protect the public." Blumenthal, who said his office has received no complaints about e-cigarettes, has also advocated for an eventual outright ban on smoking at the state's tribally owned casinos, which currently limit smoking to certain gaming areas under agreements worked out with Gov. M. Jodi Rell. ************************************************ Bronson Frick Associate Director Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights 2530 San Pablo Ave., Ste. J Berkeley, CA 94702 510.841.3032 office 510.932.1109 mobile [email protected]<[email protected]> <>[] <> Are you a member of ANR? If not, please join us today<>. Our work depends on members like you! -You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "smokefreecasinos-talk" group. To post to this group, send email to [email protected]<[email protected]>. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [email protected]<[email protected]>.
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For more options, visit this group at -You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "smokefreecasinos-talk" group. To post to this group, send email to [email protected]. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [email protected]. For more options, visit this group at

-You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "smokefreecasinos-talk" group. To post to this group, send email to [email protected]. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [email protected]. For more options, visit this group at

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From: [email protected] on behalf of Stan Cowan <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 12:23 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Re: The vapor in E-Cigarettes Jim is absolutely right. There is no regulation of what goes into these e-cigarettes. The FDA attempted to exert regulatory authority over them as a new product very overtly designed and marketed as a "nicotine delivery device" but was shot down by a federal court that ruled this to be a "tobacco product" despite there being no actual tobacco in it. I've heard radio ads that come extremely close to promoting these as effective ways to quit smoking. Yet, the nicotine replacement products must meet FDA standards while e-cigarettes are not regulated at all. With most, if not all, of the e-cigarettes being manufactured in China, keep in mind the intentional addition of melamine into food products, the recalls of children's toys and costume jewelry due to high levels of lead or cadmium, etc. The temptation of maximizing profits with little regard to consumer safety could very well carry over in the manufacture of e-cigs. Who really does know if cheaper ethylene glycol may be used in place of propylene glycol? ----- Original Message ----From: "repace" <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 8:49:54 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central Subject: Re: The vapor in E-Cigarettes

Actually, there's no control over what manufacturers of ECigs decide to put in their products. FDA reported that one brand actually had ethylene glycol in it, while apparently others used propylene glycol. And as far as nicotine goes, remember that it's a poison, and will be exhaled on the breath of smokers, along with whatever "flavoring agents" are put in these devices. Jim
Cowan, Stanley R. wrote:
It is not ethylene glycol, but propylene glycol that is used in the e-cigarettes. >From my days as a sanitarian and inspecting dairy and food plants, propylene glycol was a food grade anti-freeze used in heat exchangers for quickly heating or cooling liquid food products. The FDA has listed propylene glycol as "generally recognized as safe." Take a look at the label on imitation vanilla flavoring in your cupboard and you will see that propylene glycol is a primary ingredient. Propylene glycol is safe to ingest. But, it is not known if it is safe to heat into a vapor and inhale. Heating a substance can drastically change its characteristics. This is what FDA is worried about and thus cannot currently determine if the vapor from an e-cigarette is safe. ________________________________ From: [email protected] [[email protected]] On Behalf Of Smoke-Free Gaming [[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2010 6:17 PM To: [email protected] Subject: RE: The vapor in E-Cigarettes RE: Electronic Cigarettes I met a former sales person for e-cigarettes in Las Vegas and he told me that antifreeze and two other chemicals (he couldn't remember the names) are in the vapor in the ecigarettes but that he was told by the company to tell the public it was just water vapor. According to Wikipedia: Ethylene glycol (IUPAC name<>: ethane-

file:///C|/ html[8/19/2011 2:32:35 AM]

1,2-diol) is an organic compound<> widely used as an automotive<> antifreeze<> and a precursor to polymers. In its pure form, it is an odorless, colorless, syrupy, sweet-tasting liquid. Ethylene glycol is toxic, and ingestion can result in death. Stephanie SMOKE-FREE GAMING Stephanie Steinberg 730 W. Hampden Ave., #301 Englewood, CO 80110 303-781-5588 Business 303-781-5597 Fax 303-819-3131 CELL<> "Breathing is not a choice." --- On Fri, 5/7/10, repace <[email protected]> wrote: From: repace <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Louisiana update To: [email protected] Date: Friday, May 7, 2010, 6:19 PM thanks, Bronson. We're going to test the E-cigs that Foxwoods is selling... Jim

Bronson Frick wrote: Casino smoking ban rejected by House committee New Orleans (LA) Times Picayune, 2010-05-06 Jan Moller, The Times-Picayune The effort to broaden Louisiana's indoor smoking ban appears to be dead for the session after a House committee this morning shelved legislation to require non-smoking areas on riverboat casinos. The action by the House Health and Welfare Committee on House Bill 1323 sends a clear signal that committee members are in no mood to follow their counterparts in the Senate, where the health committee voted unanimously last week to ban smoking in bars and casinos. The House bill by Rep. Rick Nowlin, R-Natchitoches, was far less comprehensive than the Senate measure, but still drew strong opposition from casinos and a lobbyist for the tavern industry, who said he feared it would be amended on the House floor to ban smoking in bars. also in the news..... Electronic cigarettes for sale at Foxwoods Battery-powered devices have raised safety questions The Day (New London, CT), 2010-05-07 Brian Hallenbeck Retail stores at Foxwoods Resort Casino and MGM Grand at Foxwoods may be among the first in the state to sell electronic cigarettes, devices that have been making inroads with the public despite questions about whether they're safe. Cigotine, the Providence-based company that began offering its products at Foxwoods last month, also plans to start selling them next week from a kiosk inside Crystal Mall, the company's chief executive officer said Thursday. A spokesman for mall management confirmed the kiosk will open May 15. . . . Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, who vowed last year to fight retail sales of e-cigarettes, said Thursday their safety remains questionable. "We've warned consumers to be very wary of these products," he said. "We're continuing our investigation to determine what steps can and should be taken to protect the public." Blumenthal, who said his office has received no complaints about e-cigarettes, has also advocated for an eventual outright ban on smoking at the state's tribally owned casinos, which currently limit smoking to certain gaming areas under agreements worked
file:///C|/ html[8/19/2011 2:32:35 AM]

out with Gov. M. Jodi Rell. ************************************************ Bronson Frick Associate Director Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights 2530 San Pablo Ave., Ste. J Berkeley, CA 94702 510.841.3032 office 510.932.1109 mobile [email protected]< [email protected]> <>[] <> Are you a member of ANR? If not, please join us today<>. Our work depends on members like you! -You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "smokefreecasinos-talk" group. To post to this group, send email to [email protected]<[email protected]>. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [email protected]< [email protected]>. For more options, visit this group at -You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "smokefreecasinos-talk" group. To post to this group, send email to [email protected]. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [email protected]. For more options, visit this group at

-You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "smokefreecasinos-talk" group. To post to this group, send email to [email protected]. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [email protected]. For more options, visit this group at

-You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "smokefreecasinos-talk" group. To post to this group, send email to [email protected]. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [email protected]. For more options, visit this group at -You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "smokefreecasinos-talk" group. To post to this group, send email to [email protected]. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [email protected]. For more options, visit this group at

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Hahn, Ellen J Thursday, May 20, 2010 2:45 PM Vezie, Jeanine D; Williams, Lynn M; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' Beatty, Anthany RE: Tobacco Free Collaboration

Good afternoon, I am happy to share our experiences with our tobacco-free campus initiatives both at our medical center and the entire university campus. We have a comprehensive tobacco-free policy on our campus, meaning that tobacco products (including electronic cigarettes, smokeless, spitless, etc) are not allowed anywhere on our campus. This does apply to all cars while on our campus (including parking garages). For more information about our policy, implementation guidelines, etc, go to Let me know if we can be of further assistance. Ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Follow us on Twitter! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Vezie, Jeanine D Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 9:47 AM To: Williams, Lynn M; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' Cc: Hahn, Ellen J Subject: RE: Tobacco Free Collaboration

Dear Lynn, I am forwarding this to Dr. Ellen Hahn who is the one who would know everything current regarding our tobacco free policy. To the best of my knowledge no one is allowed to smoke in their cars while on our facilities including parking garages.
file:///C|/...FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Tobacco%20Free%20Collaboration%202 html[8/19/2011 2:32:36 AM]

Jeanine Vezie Editorial Manager, The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing Research Associate, RICH Heart Group University of Kentucky CON 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-323-8907 1-800-896-8066 "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right." -- HENRY FORD 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Williams, Lynn M [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 2:10 PM To: Vezie, Jeanine D; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' Subject: Tobacco Free Collaboration Hello, My name is Lynn Williams and I am Vice President, Human Resources for Commonwealth Health Corporation, a healthcare system located in Bowling Green, KY. Our hospitals include The Medical Center (Bowling Green), The Medical Center (Scottsville), The Medical Center at Franklin and the Commonwealth Regional Speciality Hospital. All of our facilities adopted a Tobacco Free Campus policy in January 2004. I know that you participated in the Kentucky Tobacco-Free Health Care Collaborative led by Elizabeth Cobb with KHA in 2008. I am interested in knowing whether your organization adopted a tobacco-free campus policy and if so whether you allow employees to smoke in their cars (while the cars are parked in your parking lots/garages). When CHC when tobacco-free, we decided to allow employees to smoke inside their personal cars. I would very much appreciate your response to this email. Thank you and please feel free to email or call me if you have questions.

Our mission is to care for people and improve the quality of life in the communities we serve.
Lynn Williams, CCP Vice President, Human Resources Commonwealth Health Corporation Bowling Green, KY 42102 270-745-1484

"Important Warning: This message is intended for the use of the entity or person to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient and received this email in error, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, or distribution of this information is strictly prohibited. This disclosure is governed by applicable law. Please notify the sender by email at the address shown.Thank you for your compliance."

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Hahn, Ellen J Friday, May 21, 2010 7:06 AM Williams, Lynn M Beatty, Anthany; Hahn, Ellen J RE: Tobacco Free Collaboration

Yes, it applies to patients. They are not permitted to smoke on the property and asked to sign a document upon admission to that effect. If they are found off property, the hospital reserves the right to discharge them AMA (I dont think we have taken that measure). See our implementation guideline document for the steps we take with patients who are violating. Please note that we have standing orders for nicotine replacement while hospitalized and we do have a certified tobacco treatment specialist (a ARNP) on staff who provides assistance and counseling. It is essential to treat them for their dependence while in patient. We also are careful to follow up on discharge. Let me know if you need more information. Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Follow us on Twitter! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Williams, Lynn M [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 3:03 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J Subject: RE: Tobacco Free Collaboration Thank you for responding and sending the accompanying documents. I found them thorough and comprehensive. I do have an additional question, does your policy apply to patients of the UK Hospital and if so, what is the approach with patients who want to smoke while inpatient? Thanks again.

Our mission is to care for people and improve the quality of life in the communities we serve.
Lynn Williams, CCP Vice President, Human Resources Commonwealth Health Corporation Bowling Green, KY 42102 270-745-1484

file:///C|/.. ktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Tobacco%20Free%20Collaboration html[8/19/2011 2:32:37 AM]

From: Hahn, Ellen J [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 1:45 PM To: Vezie, Jeanine D; Williams, Lynn M; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' Cc: Beatty, Anthany Subject: RE: Tobacco Free Collaboration

Good afternoon, I am happy to share our experiences with our tobacco-free campus initiatives both at our medical center and the entire university campus. We have a comprehensive tobacco-free policy on our campus, meaning that tobacco products (including electronic cigarettes, smokeless, spitless, etc) are not allowed anywhere on our campus. This does apply to all cars while on our campus (including parking garages). For more information about our policy, implementation guidelines, etc, go to Let me know if we can be of further assistance. Ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Follow us on Twitter! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Vezie, Jeanine D Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 9:47 AM To: Williams, Lynn M; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' Cc: Hahn, Ellen J Subject: RE: Tobacco Free Collaboration

Dear Lynn, I am forwarding this to Dr. Ellen Hahn who is the one who would know everything current regarding our tobacco free policy. To the best of my knowledge no one is allowed to smoke in their cars while on our facilities including parking garages.
Jeanine Vezie
file:///C|/.. ktop/FOIA/Results/University%20of%20KY/disc%201/Conley%20request%201/RE%20Tobacco%20Free%20Collaboration html[8/19/2011 2:32:37 AM]

Editorial Manager, The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing Research Associate, RICH Heart Group University of Kentucky CON 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-323-8907 1-800-896-8066 "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right." -- HENRY FORD 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Williams, Lynn M [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 2:10 PM To: Vezie, Jeanine D; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' Subject: Tobacco Free Collaboration Hello, My name is Lynn Williams and I am Vice President, Human Resources for Commonwealth Health Corporation, a healthcare system located in Bowling Green, KY. Our hospitals include The Medical Center (Bowling Green), The Medical Center (Scottsville), The Medical Center at Franklin and the Commonwealth Regional Speciality Hospital. All of our facilities adopted a Tobacco Free Campus policy in January 2004. I know that you participated in the Kentucky Tobacco-Free Health Care Collaborative led by Elizabeth Cobb with KHA in 2008. I am interested in knowing whether your organization adopted a tobacco-free campus policy and if so whether you allow employees to smoke in their cars (while the cars are parked in your parking lots/garages). When CHC when tobacco-free, we decided to allow employees to smoke inside their personal cars. I would very much appreciate your response to this email. Thank you and please feel free to email or call me if you have questions.

Our mission is to care for people and improve the quality of life in the communities we serve.
Lynn Williams, CCP Vice President, Human Resources Commonwealth Health Corporation Bowling Green, KY 42102 270-745-1484

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"Important Warning: This message is intended for the use of the entity or person to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient and received this email in error, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, or distribution of this information is strictly prohibited. This disclosure is governed by applicable law. Please notify the sender by email at the address shown.Thank you for your compliance."

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From: Sent: To: Subject:

Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co) <[email protected]> Tuesday, January 11, 2011 10:41 AM Riker, Carol A RE: Vapor from E Cigarettes

Thanks, Carol. I obtained a Free trial and viewed the article just moments ago. I will be putting together the information requested by the BOH and submitting for their packets by Noon today. We ALL appreciate your assistance!!

Kelly S. Owens, MPH, CHES

Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Specialist/Health Educator II Madison County Health Department 1001 Ace Drive Berea, KY 40403 (859) 228-2043
Web Address:

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From: Riker, Carol A [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 10:37 AM To: Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co) Cc: Hahn, Ellen J; Johnson, John D; Mundy, Monica E Subject: FW: Vapor from E Cigarettes

Hi Kelly, Kiyoung sent us a link to a much more extensive FDA report than weve found in the literature. I havent read it yet, but see that it talks some about formaldehyde. I got your phone message and have asked our informatics person for the article you mentioned. Thanks and keep me posted, please! Carol
From: Hahn, Ellen J Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 6:06 AM

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To: Riker, Carol A; Johnson, John D Subject: FW: Vapor from E Cigarettes

Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

From: Kiyoung Lee [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:56 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J; James Repace; 'Kiyoung Lee' Subject: Re: Vapor from E Cigarettes

Here is the report by FDA

One of my Korean colleagues measured formaldehyde from 8 products. Formaldehyde concentration was 5.2 - 13 ppm. I think this is close to the range measured in US (I am not sure reference) This level exceeds occupational exposure standard - Permissible exposure limit (PEL) by OSHA, short term exposure limit (STEL) - The employer shall assure that no employee is exposed to an airborne concentration of formaldehyde which exceeds two parts formaldehyde per million parts of air (2 ppm) as a 15-minute STEL. At 0.1 ppm of formaldehyde, sensitive people can react to the chemical. Formaldehyde is also a known human carcinogen (IARC) and a probable human carcinogen by US EPA. . --- Original Message ---

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From : "Hahn, Ellen J"<[email protected]> To : "James Repace"<[email protected]>, "'Kiyoung Lee'"<[email protected]> Date : 2011/01/11 11:48:08 Subject : Vapor from E Cigarettes Hi, Jim and Kiyoung, I hope all is well with you. I am writing to see if either of you know if anyone has tested the vapor from e-cigarettes as to the harms from secondhand vapor. Have you or do you know anyone who has done it? Our proposed state law prohibits ecigarettes and several of our local laws do also; however, we are getting a lot of questions about the science. Given that the most recent Judges ruling is that e-cigs are tobacco products, we are encouraging that policies include e-cigs as they would other tobacco products. Thanks for sending me anything that might help. Ellen Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN Professor and Director, Tobacco Policy Research Program Director, Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy Assistant Director, Center for Biobehavioral Research in Self-Management of Cardiopulmonary Disease University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 859-257-2358 859-323-1057 (FAX) [email protected] Find kysmokefree on Twitter and Facebook ! 50_CoN_celebrate_date_oop-email

Kiyoung Lee Associate Professor School of Public Health Seoul National University Tel: 02-880-2735

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:


Riker, Carol A Monday, December 06, 2010 6:26 PM 'Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co)' 'Hawkins, Ruth R (LHD-Madison Co)' RE: video of Dr. David Baron, MD, Chief of Staff, UCLA Santa Monica Hospital

Thanks so much for sending all this so we can check it out! Obviously this is a well-organized, well funded campaign. When we talked today I was walking in from the parking garage and did not have my notes with me. Ellen and I had talked right after we initially heard that there was some e-cig opposition at your meeting and she had a few suggestions. One was to offer to ghost-write an Op-ed piece for one of the docs so that the correct info about the dangers of e-cig can get out there. (Even if they were a safe and reliable way to quit smoking, there still would be nicotine released into the air from the smokers exhalations and that would stick to things in the environment and convert to carcinogens from exposure to an element in the ambient air. Nevermind antifreeze and other impurities.) It would be good to get some scientific info out to the public and perhaps we could get the Herald-Leader to pick up the op-ed from the Richmond paper. Of course letters-to-the editor would be helpful as well, since many of the opposition info got sent to the paper as well. It could be noted that state of the art laws such as Glasgow and Bardstown include e-cigarettes. Let us know what you think!! Carol
From: Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, December 06, 2010 2:01 PM To: Hahn, Ellen J; Riker, Carol A; Johnson, John D Subject: FW: video of Dr. David Baron, MD, Chief of Staff, UCLA Santa Monica Hospital

The first in a series of emails (comments )sent to our director (and the Richmond Register) over the weekend. HAPPY READING!! J

Kelly S. Owens, MPH, CHES

Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Specialist/Health Educator II Madison County Health Department 1001 Ace Drive Berea, KY 40403 (859) 228-2043
Web Address:

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From: Crewe, Nancy M (LHD-Madison Co) Sent: Monday, December 06, 2010 12:34 PM To: Hawkins, Ruth R (LHD-Madison Co); Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co) Cc: Green, Christie L (LHD-Madison Co) Subject: FW: video of Dr. David Baron, MD, Chief of Staff, UCLA Santa Monica Hospital

FYI, ladies. See previous correspondence. I think this may be the last one. Nancy

Nancy M. Crewe Public Health Director Madison County Health Department 214-216 Boggs Lane P.O. Box 1208 Richmond, KY 40476-1208 859-626-4241/cell 859-200-4657 email [email protected]
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From: Information @ [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 9:02 PM To: Crewe, Nancy M (LHD-Madison Co); [email protected] Cc: Jerry Hacker; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: video of Dr. David Baron, MD, Chief of Staff, UCLA Santa Monica Hospital

Please watch the video interviews with Dr. David Baron, MD, Chief of Staff, UCLA Santa Monica Hospital

Google a search for: Dr. David Baron, Chief of Staff, UCLA Santa Monica Hospital

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From: Deborah Katz <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, September 03, 2010 12:15 PM To: [email protected]; maryyork; Lacey McNary; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Sheila Schuster; [email protected]; Jodi Mitchell; Hahn, Ellen J; [email protected] Cc: Joan Buchar; [email protected]; [email protected]; Dara Antrum; Jacquie Anderson; [email protected] Subject: Reminders and Transition
Hello Advocacy Grantees I hope you have all had a good summer. I know the work continues all times of year to promote better health for Kentuckians. Below is a reminder/update on current TA plans and news of change in staffing at Community Catalyst. TRAINING AND TA I want to remind you that we have a training and networking day set aside on Monday, October 25 in Louisville. Diane Pickles, Vice President of M+R Strategic Services, will discuss diversifying fundraising to include individual and corporate donors. You will be provided a toolkit and there will be planning time to identify the steps that make sense for your organization. Dianes experience comes from the non-profit and advocacy sector; she worked for the American Cancer Society for five years and led successful efforts to reduce smoking and second hand smoke exposure. Recently she has been working with health advocates around the country on development issues. Again, we strongly encourage you to identify staff, board members, or volunteers who would benefit from this program and could be involved in your organizations development efforts. In addition to the training segment, there will be a significant block of time for networking. Detailed information to follow. Several of you have not yet arranged to participate in or obtain an Idealware ecommunications webinar. We have extended the timeline for these through December 2010. Please take a look at their newly revamped website: Besides a list of upcoming and archived webinars, there is a lot of useful information on the website on a variety of topics. Please email [email protected] to make your request and tell her you are part of the Kentucky advocacy initiative. If you have any questions or dont remember the details of this TA offering, please contact me. TRANSITION Id also like to let you know that we will be transitioning our staffing for this project and Dara Antrum, Health Advocacy Regional Manager, will begin to provide technical assistance to support your advocacy efforts. I am assuming responsibility for some new projects here at Community Catalyst. A number of you know Dara who has been leading up our Southern Health Partners project for the last several years. She already has familiarity with some of the health priorities and political-economic environment in Kentucky through this work, and is very familiar with parallel advocacy efforts in the region. I will be working with her through this transition, and as part of it wed like to schedule a call with each of you in the upcoming weeks to discuss advocacy and technical assistance priorities. In the meantime, should you want to contact her, Dara's email is [email protected]. I will miss working more closely with you. I have enjoyed getting to know you all, learned a lot, and valued our work together. I am deeply impressed with your efforts which have been, and continue to be, so important to the welfare of your fellow Kentuckians.

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Deborah Katz Lead Field Coordinator State Consumer Advocacy Program Community Catalyst 617-275-2811

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From: Sent: To: Subject:

RWJF News Digests <[email protected]> Tuesday, April 26, 2011 1:02 PM Hahn, Ellen J RWJF News Digest: Public Health
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RWJF News Digest: Public Health

This frequently updated news digest on the subject of Public Health highlights key articles from major news publications. The digest is a free service of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. FDA to Regulate E-Cigarettes As Tobacco Products Associated Press, 04/25/2011 The Food and Drug Administration said Monday it plans to regulate smokeless electronic cigarettes as tobacco products and won't try to regulate them under stricter rules for drug-delivery devices. 1 in 4 Report Bullying at Mass. Schools The Boston Globe, Kay Lazar, 04/22/2011 For the first time, Massachusetts health authorities included questions about bullying in a survey regularly given to gauge the health and behaviors of the states students, and the findings not only define the scope of the problem, but also suggest the cause. Most notable was the link between violence at home and bullying at school. Pushing Healthy Lifestyle Cuts Risk of Chronic Disease for Blacks: Study HealthDay, 04/25/2011 A program promoting exercise and other healthy lifestyle habits that can help prevent chronic disease proved effective for black American couples in which one partner has HIV and the other does not, a new study finds. So Much for That Ounce of Prevention [OPINION] The New York Times, 04/25/2011 House Republicans are so bent on blocking any and all aspects of health care reform that they have passed a bill that would eliminate a farsighted program the Prevention and Public Health Fund intended to help states and communities prevent diseases. To Get Americans Healthier, US Targets the Heart HealthDay, Dennis Thompson, 04/22/2011 The American Heart Association takes this approach even further with what the organization calls its 2020 Impact Goal: to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent while reducing deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20 percent. 2011 All rights reserved. See other recent Public Health news digest stories on You have received this e-mail alert because you have elected to receive information from the Robert

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:

tobacco_prevention <[email protected]> Monday, October 25, 2010 1:52 PM tobacco_prevention [email protected] School Policy Follow up Flagged

Ive had several phone calls and emails about the MEDICARE tobacco cessation benefit. So far, this is all I have been able to find out. . As soon as I get any more information, I will pass it on. November conference call The November Conference Call will discuss the latest MEDICAID tobacco cessation benefit. The call will be Tuesday, November 9 at 9:30 AM EST or 8:30 AM CST. The call in number is 1-866-889-3903. The participant code is: 515701#. Making the Case for a Comprehensive Tobacco-Free Schools Policy. Presentation video and slides from a webinar by the Indiana Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Foundation, the Indiana School Boards Association and the National School Boards Association. U.S. Adults Support Restrictions on E-cigarettes Based on Potential Risks. The Medical News (September 14, 2010). The University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health shows public concern about e-cigarettes is quite high. Smokeless Tobacco Products Not a Safe Option, Wont Help Smokers Quit. American Heart Association Policy Statement (September 13, 2010). Smokeless tobacco products should not be used as an alternative to cigarettes or for smoking cessation due to the risk of addiction and return to smoking, according to an American Heart Association statement.

Jan Beauchamp
Quitline Coordinator Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program Department for Public Health 275 E. Main Street, Mail Stop HS1EE Frankfort, KY 40621 (502) 564-9358, ext. 3817

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

Fallin, Amanda T Tuesday, February 16, 2010 11:08 AM Shoemaker, Michael E (LHD - Martin Co) Wagner, Kristian K; Hahn, Ellen J secondhand smoke resources

Hi, Mike, Hope you are staying warm in Martin County! Here are a few informational links we have sent out to other community members who have recently taken on more tobaccorelated responsibilities. I hope you find these helpful:

Below you will find several resources concerning secondhand smoke. You may have already seen some of these resources but I just wanted to share. Here is the link to our public presentation regarding secondhand smoke. The Presentation is titled Secondhand Smoke, Smoke-free Laws, and Your Community. The presentation is in PowerPoint form so you can tailor the presentation for the organization or group you would be presenting to. Password: smoke-free I have also attached the link to the second edition of Secondhand Smoke and Smoke-Free Policy. The booklet is designed for policymakers and community advocates and it provides the most current research and information on the health effects of secondhand smoke and the effects of smoke-free laws on communities. In July a copy was sent to policy makers in Martin County.

Below you will find the CDC Secondhand Smoke consumer guide based on the 2006 Surgeon Generals Report.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need any type of guidance. Please feel free to call me any time!

Thanks, Amanda

Amanda Fallin, MSN, RN Community Adviser Clean Indoor Air Partnership

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University of Kentucky College of Nursing 509 CON Building Lexington, KY 40536-1057 859.323.3550 [email protected]

cid:[email protected]

Smoke-free Communities: Good for People, Good for Business Follow us on Twitter!

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi Sandy, I hope you are well!

Wagner, Kristian K Tuesday, February 16, 2010 11:41 AM Glover, Sandra L (LHD- Gateway Dist) Ramey, Darinda; Fallin, Amanda T; Hahn, Ellen J secondhand smoke resources

I wanted to send you some resources that will hopefully be helpful as you start working in your new position. I am looking forward to our meeting next week. Please let me know if you need anything!

Below you will find several resources concerning secondhand smoke. You may have already seen some of these resources but I just wanted to share. Here is the link to our public presentation regarding secondhand smoke. The Presentation is titled Secondhand Smoke, Smoke-free Laws, and Your Community. The presentation is in PowerPoint form so you can tailor the presentation for the organization or group you would be presenting to. Password: smoke-free I have also attached the link to the second edition of Secondhand Smoke and Smoke-Free Policy. The booklet is designed for policymakers and community advocates and it provides the most current research and information on the health effects of secondhand smoke and the effects of smoke-free laws on communities. In July a copy was sent to policy makers in Martin County.

Below you will find the CDC Secondhand Smoke consumer guide based on the 2006 Surgeon Generals Report.

Take Care, Kristian Kristian Wagner, MS, RD, LD Technical Assistance Coordinator Clean Indoor Air Partnership University of Kentucky College of Nursing 509 CON Building Lexington, KY 40536-1057 859.323.4572 [email protected]

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From: tobacco_prevention <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 9:14 AM To: tobacco_prevention Subject: Smoke Versus Vapor Our BOH has decided to strengthen our Indoor Air Regulation. The regulation will now include hookahs and E-CIGARETTES and strikes the current exemption for Retail Tobacco Stores. I thought that we would have a backlash on withdrawing the Tobacco Store Exemption, however, a local business and some of its patrons have argued against e-cigarettes. Please see the attached news story/video. Never a dull moment. Kelly S. Owens, MPH, CHES Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Specialist/Health Educator II Madison County Health Department 1001 Ace Drive Berea, KY 40403 (859) 228-2043 Web Address: Need Help Quitting?

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From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi Kimberly and Ruth,

Riker, Carol A Monday, November 22, 2010 2:33 PM [email protected]; Hawkins, Ruth R (LHD-Madison Co) Owens, Kelly S (LHD - Madison Co); Hahn, Ellen J; Johnson, John D; Mundy, Monica E Smoke-free Materials for Dec BOH meeting

Attached are the materials promised for the December 1 Board of Health meeting. I have attached KCSPs letter summarizing the Tobacco Control Legal Consortium (TCLC) review of the proposed amendments to Madisons smoke-free regulation. Additionally we prepared a fact sheet about e-cigarettes that should help the BOH discuss the inclusion of e-cigarettes in the regulation. Also attached are the TCLC review and two articles about e-cigarettes that TCLC sent along with their review. Thanks for all your hard work for health! Carol Carol Riker, RN, MSN Associate Professor Provost's Distinguished Service Professor Community Advisor, Rural Smoke-free Communities 555 College of Nursing University of Kentucky 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0232 Phone: 859-323-6615 Fax: 859-323-1057 Cell: 859-619-3776

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From: [email protected] on behalf of Bronson Frick <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 1:01 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [Smokefree-Talk] Friday smokefree weird news Charlie Sheen Threatened With $100,000 Fine for Smoking on Stage
Instead the actor -- who was booed and cheered in Canada -- lit up an electronic cigarette.
TMZ also reported that Sheen -- who has been smoking nearly nonstop on all of his tour performances -- found a way to circumvent Toronto's anti-smoking law during the show: by lighting up an electronic cigarette. Massey Hall management told TMZ they would have to consider shutting down the show if Sheen smoked a real cigarette onstage, saying they could be fined up to $100,000 by the city.... ************************************************ Bronson Frick Associate Director Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights 2530 San Pablo Ave., Ste. J Berkeley, CA 94702 510.841.3032 office 510.932.1109 mobile [email protected] Follow us on Twitter: Are you a member of ANR? If not, please join us today. Our work depends on members like you! -You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Smokefree-talk" group. To post to this group, send email to [email protected]. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [email protected]. For more options, visit this group at

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From: [email protected] on behalf of Liz Williams <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 9:03 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [Smokefree-Talk] Preemption Watch Bill Tracking Summary: 1/12/10 Attachments: ATT00001.htm Preemption Watch Weekly Bill Tracking Summary of U.S. State Bills January 12, 2009 Welcome to the first Bill Tracking Summary of 2010. Most legislative sessions start up in January, so now is the time to keep our eyes open for new smokefree bills and bills that may remove or chip away at local control. Twenty-four states permit bills to carry over to the 2010 legislative session from 2009. Additionally, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, and Texas do not have 2010 legislative sessions and Arkansas only has a fiscal session. This year, consider setting up a Preemption Strike Force in your state to help combat tobacco industry legislative tricks by allowing for quick and easy communication among proponents of local control. Learn how at ANR tracks pending legislation relating to states' smokefree air policies as part of the continued fight to prevent preemptive legislation before it can be passed and to overturn preemption in states where it is already in place. Since even a strong bill can become preemptive at any point in the legislative process, it is very important to track even the best bills throughout the entire legislative session and keep a watchful eye out for all attempts to remove local control. Below is a listing of state bills that have been introduced in state legislatures. Please visit the and click on the state of your choice to view the summary, text, and status of pending bills. Please email ANR with any new information regarding pending legislation and preemption attempts in your state and we will analyze and summarize the legislation. The new and pending legislative bills are classified below into seven categories to clearly delineate which bills will protect public health and should be supported from those that should be opposed because they do not effectively protect public health, weaken a strong law, or intend to preempt local control. New bills and changes in bill status since the last update appear in bold. Strong: Bill includes 100% smokefree non-hospitality workplaces and/or restaurants and/or bars; strengthens existing smokefree laws; or repeals preemption. Weak: Bill includes ventilation, smoking rooms, or other key exemptions. Weakens: Bill weakens a current strong 100% smokefree law. Preemptive: Bill contains preemptive language that removes the right to local control. Vehicles: Bill addresses smoking in vehicles with children present. Outdoor: Bill primarily addresses smoking in outdoor locations. Other: Bills contain other provisions and should be watched. The following states have strong bills that include 100% smokefree non-hospitality workplaces and/or restaurants and/or bars; OR repeals preemption:

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Indiana: SB95 (workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming); SB233 (workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming); HB1131 (workplaces, restaurants, bars) Iowa: HF6 (casinos)-Carried over to 2010; HF174 (casinos and patios)-Carried over to 2010 Kansas : SB25 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010; HB2221 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)Carried over to 2010 Michigan : HB4099 (workplaces and restaurants)-Carried over to 2010; SB79 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)Carried over to 2010; SB114 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars; preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB4196 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars; preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB4341 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars; preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB5077 (preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB5283 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010 Mississippi: HB54 (workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming) New Hampshire: HB1475 (workplaces and public places) New York: S03388 (tribal gaming)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Investigations and Government Operations Committee Oklahoma : HB1040 (preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB1728 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010; SB925 (preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB2343 (workplaces, restaurants and bars) Pennsylvania: HB58 (preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; SB113 (restaurants and bars; preemption repeal)Carried over to 2010; HB1245 (bars; preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; SB898 (partial preemption repeal)Carried over to 2010 Tennessee: HB0017/SB1799 (restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010 Vermont : H0118 (workplaces)-Carried over to 2010 Wisconsin: AB253 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars)-Carried over to 2010 The following states have weak bills that include ventilation, smoking rooms, size exemptions, or other major faults or exemptions: Michigan: HB4752 (trigger with tribal gaming)-Carried over to 2010; SB469 (ballot requirement)-Carried over to 2010; HB5535 (tax credit)-Carried over to 2010; HB5637 (smoking areas)-Carried over to 2010 Oklahoma : HB1311 (age restriction)-Carried over to 2010; SB1036 (task force)-Carried over to 2010 South Carolina: H3091 (restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010; H3113 (restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010; H3523 (workplaces)-Carried over to 2010; S38 (restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010 Tennessee: HB537/SB431 (signage)-Carried over to 2010 The following states have bills that create exemptions that weaken a current strong law: D.C.: B18-0084 (exemption)-Carried over to 2010 Hawaii: SB1347 (smoking license exemption)-Carried over to 2010 Illinois : HB1145 (smoking licenses)-Carried over to 2010; SB1836 (theatrical exemption)-Carried over to 2010 Iowa: HF44 (bar patios)-Carried over to 2010; HF210 (age exemption)-Carried over to 2010; HF358 (bar exemption)-Carried over to 2010; HF544 (elimination of signage requirement)-Carried over to 2010; HF731 (residential treatment exemption)-Carried over to 2010 Minnesota: HF257/SF270 (bar and bar area of restaurant exemption)-Carried over to 2010; HF2046-(hookah exemption)-Carried over to 2010; SF898-(smoking break rooms)-Carried over to 2010 Nebraska : LB861 (cigar bar language) New York: A08982 (retail tobacco shop exemption)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Economic Development Committee; S06179 (retail tobacco store exemption)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Commerce, Economic Development and Small Business Committee Ohio: SB120 (cigar bar and family bar exemption)-Carried over to 2010 Pennsylvania: HB1146 (fire company exemption)-Carried over to 2010; HB1147 (church exemption)-Carried over to 2010 Tennessee: HB0163/SB0863 (age restriction)-Carried over to 2010; HB441/SB412 (age restriction)-Carried over to 2010 Wisconsin: SB225 (hotel exemption)-Carried over to 2010; AB295 (hotel exemption)-Carried over to 2010
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The following states have preemptive bills: Iowa : HF362 (preemption; repeals smokefree law)-Carried over to 2010 Kansas: SB81 (preemption; minors only and smoking areas)-Carried over to 2010 Massachusetts: HB2176 (preemptive exemptions)-Carried over to 2010 Mississippi: SB2143 (preemptive; restricts smoking in some public places); SB2196 (preemption; gaming) Nebraska: LB600 (preemptive pool hall exemption)-Carried over to 2010 Pennsylvania: SB711 (gaming exemption; preemption)-Signed by the Governor 1/7/2010 West Virginia: HB2855 (preemption)-Carried over to 2010; HB2932 (preemptive)-Carried over to 2010 The following states have bills that address smoking in vehicles when children are present: Arizona: HB2076 (vehicles with minors) Illinois : HB889 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 Massachusetts: HB3233 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; HB3475 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; SB1902 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 Minnesota: HF379/SF359 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 Mississippi: HB387 (vehicles with minors); SB2216 (vehicles with minors) New York: A06288 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; A06714 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; S03191 (vehicles with minors)Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee Ohio: SB135 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 Pennsylvania: HB359 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 South Carolina: H3023 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; H3082 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; H3317 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; H3445 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; S23 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 Tennessee: SB0495 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; HB727/SB1550 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 Washington: HB1151 (vehicles with minors)-Re-introduced for 2010 The following states have bills primarily addressing smoking in outdoor locations: California: SB4 (parks/beaches)-Carried over to 2010; Moved from inactive file to third reading file District of Columbia: B18-042-(reasonable distance)-Carried over to 2010; Approved on First Reading and Amendment proposed Hawaii: HB68 (sidewalks)-Carried over to 2010; HB171 (parks and beaches)-Carried over to 2010; HB1509 (beaches)-Carried over to 2010; SB1040 (beaches)-Carried over to 2010 Massachusetts: HB2162 (reasonable distance)-Carried over to 2010 Michigan: SB906 (state capitol grounds)-Carried over to 2010 Missouri : HB1277 (school property) New Hampshire: HB1186 (parks); HB1194 (beaches) New York: A00577 (reasonable distance)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; A01137 (playgrounds)-Carried over to 2010; Died in Senate and Returned to Assembly; A01837-(parks and beaches)Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; A07362 (reasonable distance)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; S05005 (playgrounds)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee Vermont : H0046 (reasonable distance)-Carried over to 2010 The following states have other provisions and should be watched: Hawaii: HB66 (public housing)-Carried over to 2010; HB67 (housing)-Carried over to 2010; HB886 (compliance)-Carried over to 2010; HB1486 (prisons)-Carried over to 2010; HB1579 (prisons)-Carried over to 2010; SB56 (compliance)-Carried over to 2010; SB455 (public housing)-Carried over to 2010; SB596 (housing)-Carried over to 2010; SB1050 (beaches)-Carried over to 2010
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Illinois : HB3176 (technical amendment)-Carried over to 2010; SB851 (technical amendment)-Carried over to 2010; SB2314 (technical amendment)-Carried over to 2010 Massachusetts: HB1875 (workplace smoking)-Carried over to 2010; HB1181 (elderly housing)-Carried over to 2010; HB1243 (elderly housing)-Carried over to 2010; HB2054 (tobacco free pharmacies)-Carried over to 2010; S813 (tobacco free pharmacies)-Carried over to 2010 Michigan : HB4100 (compliance)-Carried over to 2010; HB4419 (compliance)-Carried over to 2010; HB5284 (workplace liability)-Carried over to 2010 Minnesota: HF1142 (psychiatric hospitals)-Carried over to 2010 Mississippi: HB351 (prisons); SB2233 (youth) New Hampshire: HB1541 (e-cigarettes at educational facilities) New Jersey: A4227/A4228 (e-cigarettes in public places)-Enacted as Public Law 2009, Chapter 182 New York: S1234 (tobacco free pharmacies)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; A05890 (tobacco free pharmacies)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; A06542 (public housing)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; S03242 (playgrounds)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; A08700 (housing)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Judiciary Committee Rhode Island: HB7012 (tobacco-free health care facilities) South Carolina: S31 (schools)-Carried over to 2010 Utah: HB71 (e-cigarette restrictions)

Summaries of all NEW bills are listed below: (All other pending bill summaries are on individual state pages on Arizona HB2076-(vehicles with minors)-An Act relating to smoking in motor vehicles This bill prohibits smoking in a motor vehicle while a person 16 years of age or younger is in the vehicle. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Indiana SB95-(workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming)-An Act Concerning Health year=2010&session=1&request=getBill&docno=0095&doctype=SB This bill prohibits smoking in enclosed public places and places of employment, including restaurants, bars, and gaming facilities. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No EXEMPTIONS: Smoking is permitted in private residences except when used as a child care/adult day care/health care facility or as a place of employment; retail tobacco stores; 20% of contiguous hotel/motel rooms; outdoor places of employment; and school buses not during the school week. SB233-(workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming)-An Act Concerning Health year=2010&session=1&request=getBill&docno=0233&doctype=SB This bill prohibits smoking in enclosed public places and places of employment, including restaurants, bars, and gaming facilities.
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Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: YES EXEMPTIONS: Smoking is permitted in private residences except when used as a child care/adult day care facility or as a place of employment with outside employees; family owned and operated places of employment; retail tobacco stores; 20% of contiguous hotel/motel rooms; physically separate outdoor patios; private clubs not open to the public; school buses not during the school week. HB1131-(workplaces, restaurants, bars)-An Act Concerning Health year=2010&session=1&request=getBill&docno=1131&doctype=HB This bill prohibits smoking in enclosed public places and places of employment, including restaurants and bars. Gaming facilities are exempt. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: YES EXEMPTIONS: Smoking is permitted in gaming facilities and school buses not during the school week. Mississippi HB54-(workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming)-An Act to Create the Mississippi Smoke-Free Air Act of 2010 This bill prohibits smoking in enclosed workplaces and public places, including restaurants, bars, and gaming facilities. Smoking is also prohibited within 20 feet of building entrances and windows; and on and within 20 feet of restaurant patio dining areas. The bill also includes an anti-preemption clause. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: YES EXEMPTIONS: Private residences except when used as a child care/adult day care/r health care facility; 20% of hotel/motel rooms; private clubs when not open to the public; certain outdoor areas of places of employment. HB351-(prisons)-An Act to Require the Department of Corrections to Conduct Pilot Programs Banning Smoking at State Correctional Facilities This bill requires the Department of Corrections to conduct at least one pilot programs that prohibits smoking at State Correctional Facilities both indoors and outdoors, as well as cessation programs. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No HB387-(vehicles with minors)-An Act to prohibit smoking in a motor vehicle [with] a person under the age of 21 years This bill prohibits smoking in the enclosed passenger compartment of a motor vehicle in which a person under the age of 21 years is a passenger or the driver. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No SB2143-(preemptive; restricts smoking in some public places)-An Act Entitled the "Mississippi Uniform Smoke-Free Public Place Act of 2010" This bill is preemptive. It will make some workplaces smokefree, but it exempts bars, bar areas of restaurants, cigar bars, private clubs, gaming facilities, private functions, as well as numerous other public places.
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Preemptive: YES Anti-Preemption Clause: No EXEMPTIONS: Smoking is allowed in bars; private residences except when used as child care facilities; hotel/motel rooms; tobacco retail stores and convenience stores; restaurants or hotel/motel rooms during private functions; gaming facilities; public schools; cigar bars; private clubs; bar areas of restaurants; outdoor places of employment; and tobacco manufacturers/distributors. SB2196-(preemption; gaming)-An Act to Provide That Gaming Establishments May Allow Smoking This bill states that any establishment licensed under the Mississippi Gaming Control Act or the Charitable Bingo Law may allow smoking and that this bill supersedes any existing or future local laws that restrict smoking. Preemptive: YES Anti-Preemption Clause: No SB2216-(vehicles with minors)-An Act to Prohibit Any Operator of a Motor Vehicle Which Is Transporting a Child from Allowing Smoking This bill prohibits smoking in a motor vehicle when a child required to be in child safety restraints (age 7) is present. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No SB2233-(youth)-An Act To Prohibit Smoking In Any Public Facility When Persons Under 18 Are Engaged In Athletic Event This bill prohibits smoking in any indoor or outdoor public facility in Mississippi during any time that people under 18 years old are participating in an organized athletic event in the facility, except in designated smoking areas. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Missouri HB1277-(school property)-An Act relating to tobacco use on public school property The bill prohibits smoking and the use of tobacco products on all public elementary or secondary school property and school buses. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Nebraska LB861-(cigar bar language)-An Act relating to the Nebraska Liquor Control Act This bill amends the Nebraska Liquor Control Act to exempt cigar bars from the 2009 Nebraska Clean Indoor Air Act, which was already accomplished by LB355 in 2009. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No New Hampshire

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HB1186-(parks)-An Act prohibiting smoking within certain areas of New Hampshire state parks and historic sites. lsr=2116&sy=2010&sortoption=&txtsessionyear=2010&txttitle=smoking This bill prohibit smoking within indoor and outdoor areas of New Hampshire state parks and historic sites where people gather for events including tours, playgrounds, picnic areas, pavilions, and stage areas. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No HB1194-(beaches)-An Act prohibiting smoking on beaches at state parks lsr=2228&sy=2010&sortoption=&txtsessionyear=2010&txttitle=smoking This bill prohibits smoking on beaches of state parks. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No HB1475-(workplaces and public places)-An Act relative to indoor smoking lsr=2292&sy=2010&sortoption=&txtsessionyear=2010&txttitle=smoking This bill strengthens the existing smokefree law (all restaurants and bars) to eliminate smoking areas in non-hospitality workplaces and public places. The bill also prohibits smoking in public housing facilities, health care facilities, public educational facilities, and in public transportation. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No HB1541-(e-cigarettes at educational facilities)-An Act prohibiting the sale of e-cigarettes to minors This bill amends the current law addressing tobacco sales, possession and use by minors to include e-cigarettes, including that the use of e-cigarettes and liquid nicotine is prohibited in any public educational facility or on the grounds of any public educational facility. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Oklahoma HB2343-(workplaces, restaurants and bars)-An Act relating to smoking This bill amends the current state law to remove numerous workplace exemptions, which would make enclosed public places and workplaces smokefree, including restaurants and bars. The bill would not remove Oklahoma's strong preemption. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No EXEMPTIONS: Smoking is allowed in workplaces in private homes except for day care during the hours of operation; medical research or treatment facilities; outdoor dining areas of restaurants; designated rooms in nursing home rooms; schools during non-school hours. Pennsylvania SB711-(gaming exemption; preemption)-An Act making extensive revisions to provisions on gaming-Signed by the Governor 1/7/2010
file:///C|/...201/Conley%20request%201/Smokefree-Talk%20Preemption%20Watch%20Bill%20Tracking%20Summary%2011210%202 html[8/19/2011 2:32:50 AM] txtType=PDF&sessYr=2009&sessInd=0&billBody=S&billTyp=B&billNbr=0711&pn=1586 This bill addresses an overhaul of statewide gaming provisions, including permits smoking in 25% of gaming floors in all Pennsylvania casinos and removed Philadelphia's control over its gaming facilities. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Rhode Island HB7012-(tobacco-free health care facilities)-An Act relating to cigarette taxation & This bill prohibits tobacco sales licenses for health care facilities and in pharmacies at the same location as a health care facility. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Utah HB71-(e-cigarette restrictions)-Nicotine Product Restrictions This bill places restrictions on the provision, obtaining, and possession of electronic cigarettes, which the bill defines as a "nicotine product." The bill prohibits the sale or provision of nicotine products to a minor; amends other existing laws about tobacco sales to minors and minors tobacco possession to also apply to nicotine products; provides advertising restrictions; and prohibits people from providing nicotine products to anyone in a correctional and mental health facility. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No

Liz Williams Project Manager Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation 2530 San Pablo Ave, Suite J Berkeley, CA 94702 Phone: 510-841-3032 x314 Fax: 510-841-3071 [email protected] ********************** Are you a member of ANR? Our work depends on the support of our members. Please click here to view our membership options. We would love to have you join us! Show your support for smokefree air by putting a static-cling decal in your window at work, home, or the car. To purchase, visit:

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Liz Williams Project Manager Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation 2530 San Pablo Ave, Suite J Berkeley, CA 94702 Phone: 510-841-3032 x314 Fax: 510-841-3071 [email protected] ********************** Are you a member of ANR? Our work depends on the support of our members. Please click here to view our membership options. We would love to have you join us! Show your support for smokefree air by putting a static-cling decal in your window at work, home, or the car. To purchase, visit: </

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From: [email protected] on behalf of Liz Williams <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 4:48 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [Smokefree-Talk] Preemption Watch Bill Tracking Summary: 12/13/2010 Preemption Watch Weekly Bill Tracking Summary of U.S. State Bills December 13, 2010 ANR tracks pending legislation relating to states' smokefree air policies as part of the continued fight to prevent preemptive legislation before it can be passed and to overturn preemption in states where it is already in place. Some legislative sessions are now pre-filing bills for the 2011 session, which are included in this posting. Since even a strong bill can become preemptive at any point in the legislative process, it is very important to track even the best bills throughout the entire legislative session and keep a watchful eye out for all attempts to remove local control. Looking forward to 2011, consider setting up a Preemption Strike Force to help combat tobacco industry legislative tricks by allowing for quick and easy communication among proponents of local control. Learn how at Legislative sessions have ended in: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming. Also, 2010 sessions are not held in Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, and Texas. Below is a listing of state bills that have been introduced in state legislatures. Please visit the and click on the state of your choice to view the summary, text, and status of pending bills. Please email ANR with any new information regarding pending legislation and preemption attempts in your state and we will analyze and summarize the legislation. The new and pending legislative bills are classified below into seven categories to clearly delineate which bills will protect public health and should be supported from those that should be opposed because they do not effectively protect public health, weaken a strong law, or intend to preempt local control. New bills and changes in bill status since the last update appear in bold. Strong: Bill includes 100% smokefree non-hospitality workplaces and/or restaurants and/or bars; strengthens existing smokefree laws; or repeals preemption. Weak: Bill includes ventilation, smoking rooms, or other key exemptions. Weakens: Bill weakens a current strong 100% smokefree law. Preemptive: Bill contains preemptive language that removes the right to local control. Vehicles: Bill addresses smoking in vehicles with children present. Outdoor: Bill primarily addresses smoking in outdoor locations. Other: Bills contain other provisions and should be watched. The following states have strong bills that include 100% smokefree non-hospitality workplaces and/or restaurants
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and/or bars; OR repeals preemption: Massachusetts: SB2495 (smokefree casinos amendment)-Amendment upheld Michigan: HB4099 (workplaces and restaurants)-Carried over to 2010; SB79 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)Carried over to 2010; SB114 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars; preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB4196 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars; preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB4341 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars; preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB5077 (preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB5283 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010; SB1406 (casinos) New Jersey: A1062 (casinos); S423 (casinos) New York: S03388 (tribal gaming)-Referred to Investigations and Government Operations Committee Pennsylvania: HB58 (preemption repeal)-Re-committed to House Appropriations Committee; SB113 (restaurants and bars; preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB1245 (bars; preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; SB898 (partial preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010 The following states have weak bills that include ventilation, smoking rooms, size exemptions, or other major faults or exemptions: Michigan: HB4752 (trigger with tribal gaming)-Carried over to 2010; SB469 (ballot requirement)-Carried over to 2010; HB5535 (tax credit)-Carried over to 2010; HB5637 (smoking areas)-Carried over to 2010 South Carolina: H3015 (restaurants and bars)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary; H3022 (restaurants and bars)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary; H3033 (restaurants and bars)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary; H3109 (public indoor areas)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary The following states have bills that create exemptions that weaken a current strong law: D.C.: B18-0084 (exemption) Illinois: HB1145 (smoking licenses)-Carried over to 2010; SB1836 (theatrical exemption)-Carried over to 2010; HB6158 (religious exemption)-Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee; HB1846 (casino exemption)-Amendment adopted by House Executive Committee, sent to House floor for vote; HB1850 (casino exemption)-Placed on House Calendar for 3rd Reading Michigan : HB5803 (smoking room exemption); HB6280 (veterans' organizations exemption); HB6424 (veterans' organizations exemption) New Jersey: A461 (tobacco business exemption); S2001/A2897 (gaming exemption) Ohio : SB120 (cigar bar and family bar exemption)-Carried over to 2010 Pennsylvania: HB1146 (fire company exemption)-Carried over to 2010; HB1147 (church exemption)-Carried over to 2010 The following states have preemptive bills: Massachusetts: HB2176 (preemptive exemptions)-Included in HB4755 to allow the Committee on Public Health to study this and other related bills; SB905 (preempts regulation of smoking bars)-Included in S2544 to have the Committee on Public Health to study this and other related bills New York: A08982 (retail tobacco shop exemption and preemption)-Referred to Economic Development Committee; S06179 (retail tobacco store exemption and preemption)-Advanced to 3rd Reading The following states have bills that address smoking in vehicles when children are present: Illinois: HB889 (vehicles with minors)-Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee Massachusetts: HB3233 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; HB3475 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; SB1902 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 New Jersey: A1591/S475 (vehicles with minors)-Fiscal note filed; A2814 (vehicles with minors) New York: A06288 (vehicles with minors)-Referred to Health Committee; A06714 (vehicles with minors)-Passed Assembly, Sent to Senate and amended as A6714B; S03191 (vehicles with minors)-Substituted by A6714B; S08386
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(vehicles with minors) Ohio : SB135 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 Pennsylvania: HB359 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 South Carolina: S215 (vehicle with minors)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Transportation The following states have bills primarily addressing smoking in outdoor locations: Massachusetts: HB2162 (reasonable distance)-Included in HB4755 to allow the Committee on Public Health to study this and other related bills Michigan: SB906 (state capitol grounds)-Carried over to 2010 New Jersey: S443 (outdoor public places)-On Hold; S684 (youth; outdoors); A2172/S669 (parks and beaches)-S669 on Hold; A1853 (state parks and beaches); S889 (state-owned beaches)-On Hold New York: A00577 (reasonable distance)-Referred to Health Committee; A01137 (playgrounds)-Passed Assembly and sent to Senate; A01837-(parks and beaches)-Referred to Health Committee; A07362 (reasonable distance)-Held for consideration in Health Committee; S05005 (playgrounds)-Referred to Health Committee; S07098 (transportation platforms)-Amended and Recommitted to Health; A10500 (transportation platforms)-Amended and recommitted to codes The following states have other provisions and should be watched: Illinois: HB3176 (technical amendment)-Carried over to 2010; SB2314 (technical amendment)-Carried over to 2010; HB5524 (enforcement change)-Referred to Rules Committee; SB3591 (enforcement change)-Rule 2-10 Third Reading Deadline Established as May 7; SB3174 (electronic cigarettes)-Passed Senate, in House Rules Committee Massachusetts: HB1875 (workplace smoking)-Included in HB4746 to allow the Com. on Labor and Workforce Development to study this and other related bills; recommitted to the Committee on Labor and Workforce Development; HB1181 (elderly housing)-Ordered to a third reading in House Committee On Steering, Policy and Scheduling; HB1243 (elderly housing)-Ordered to a third reading in House Committee On Steering, Policy and Scheduling; HB2054 (tobacco free pharmacies)-Carried over to 2010; S662 (public housing); S813 (tobacco free pharmacies)-Bill reported favorably from the Joint Committee on Public Health Michigan: HB4100 (compliance)-Carried over to 2010; HB4419 (compliance)-Carried over to 2010; HB5284 (workplace liability)-Carried over to 2010 Montana: HB19 (adding marijuana to smokefree law)-Prefiled for 2011 New Jersey: A512 (state vehicles); S446 (housing) New York: S1234 (tobacco free pharmacies)-Referred to Health Committee; A05890 (tobacco free pharmacies)Referred to Health Committee; A06542 (public housing)-Held for consideration in Housing Committee; S03242 (playgrounds)-Reported and Committed to Codes; A08700 (housing)-Referred to Judiciary Committee; A10837 (prisons) South Carolina: S219 (schools)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Education Legislation Enacted this Year D.C.: B18-0670 (special event exemption) -Signed by Mayor; B18-042-(reasonable distance)-Enacted Illinois: SB851 (removes nursing home exemption)-Signed by Governor Kansas: HB2221 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)-Signed by Governor Mississippi: SB2644 (youth recreation)-Signed by Governor Nebraska: LB861 (technical amendment)-Signed by Governor New Hampshire: HB1541 (e-cigarettes at educational facilities)-Signed by Governor New Jersey: A4227/A4228 (e-cigarettes in public places)-Signed by Governor Oklahoma: HB2748 (educational facilities)-Signed by Governor; HB2774 (financial incentives)-Signed by Governor Pennsylvania: SB711 (gaming exemption; preemption)-Signed by the Governor U.S. Virgin Islands: Bill 28-0191 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)-Signed by Governor Utah : HB88 (e-cigarette restrictions)-Signed by Governor Wisconsin: AB720-SA1 (definition change)-Signed by Governor

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Summaries of all NEW bills are listed below: (All other pending bill summaries are on individual state pages on Illinois HB1850-(casino exemption)-An Act concerning health-Placed on House Calendar for 3rd Reading DocName=&SessionId=76&GA=96&DocTypeId=HB&DocNum=1850&GAID=10&LegID=43637&SpecSess=&Session = DocNum=1850&GAID=10&GA=96&DocTypeID=HB&LegID=43637&SessionID=76 This bill would amend the Smoke-Free Illinois Act to permit ventilated smoking rooms in casinos. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No South Carolina H3015-(restaurants and bars)-A bill relating to the "Clean Indoor Air Act Of 1990"-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary This bill requires restaurants and bars to be smokefree, but still permits smoking during private functions; in cigar bars, tobacco shops, private offices and teacher lounges of schools, private offices and designated smoking areas of government buildings, smoking areas of theaters and recreational facilities, home-based businesses, and other public places and workplaces not specifically covered by the law. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: Yes EXEMPTIONS: Private homes, vehicles & home-based businesses unless used as a child care or health care facility; private functions in public venues; hotel/motel rooms; specialty tobacco stores, tobacco manufacturers; cigar bars; tobacco shops; private offices and teacher lounges of schools; private offices and designated smoking areas of government buildings, smoking areas of theaters and recreational facilities; home-based businesses; and other public places and workplaces not specifically covered by the law. H3022-(restaurants and bars)-A bill relating to the "Clean Indoor Air Act Of 1990"-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary This bill requires restaurants and bars to be smokefree, but still permits smoking during private functions; in cigar bars, tobacco shops, private offices and teacher lounges of schools, private offices and designated smoking areas of government buildings, smoking areas of theaters and recreational facilities, home-based businesses, and other public places and workplaces not specifically covered by the law. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: EXEMPTIONS: Private homes, vehicles & home-based businesses unless used as a child care or health care facility; private functions in public venues; hotel/motel rooms; specialty tobacco stores, tobacco manufacturers; cigar bars; tobacco shops; private offices and teacher lounges of schools; private offices and designated smoking areas of government buildings, smoking areas of theaters and recreational facilities; home-based businesses; and other public places and workplaces not specifically covered by the law. H3033-(restaurants and bars)-A bill relating to the "Clean Indoor Air Act Of 1990"-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary

file:///C|/...c%201/Conley%20request%201/Smokefree-Talk%20Preemption%20Watch%20Bill%20Tracking%20Summary%2012132010 html[8/19/2011 2:32:52 AM] This bill requires restaurants and bars to be smokefree, but still permits smoking during private functions; in cigar bars, tobacco shops, private offices and teacher lounges of schools, private offices and designated smoking areas of government buildings, smoking areas of theaters and recreational facilities, home-based businesses, and other public places and workplaces not specifically covered by the law. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: Yes EXEMPTIONS: Private homes, vehicles & home-based businesses unless used as a child care or health care facility; private functions in public venues; hotel/motel rooms; specialty tobacco stores, tobacco manufacturers; cigar bars; tobacco shops; private offices and teacher lounges of schools; private offices and designated smoking areas of government buildings, smoking areas of theaters and recreational facilities; home-based businesses; and other public places and workplaces not specifically covered by the law. H3109-(public indoor areas)-A bill relating to places where smoking is prohibited-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary This bill would prohibit smoking or the use of electronic cigarettes in public indoor areas, although no definition is provided for "public indoor area." The scope of the bill's coverage is vague since "public indoor area" is not defined; it is possible it would include restaurants, bars, and public workplaces, but its applicability to workplaces like offices and factories that are not typically open to the public is uncertain. The only exemption provided is that the bill would not apply to a private club or other establishments not open to the general public. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No S215-(vehicle with minors)-A bill relating to child passenger restraint systems-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Transportation This bill prohibits smoking in a public or private motor vehicle while a person 10 years of age or younger is in the vehicle. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No S219-(schools)-A bill relating to the Clean Indoor Air Act-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Education This bill amends the current smokefree law to state that smoking is not permitted in public schools, including private offices and teacher lounges which are currently exempt. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No

Liz Williams Project Manager Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation 2530 San Pablo Ave, Suite J Berkeley, CA 94702 Phone: 510-841-3032 x314 Fax: 510-841-3071 [email protected]
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Liz Williams Project Manager Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation 2530 San Pablo Ave, Suite J Berkeley, CA 94702 Phone: 510-841-3032 x314 Fax: 510-841-3071 [email protected] ********************** Are you a member of ANR? Our work depends on the support of our members. Please click here to view our membership options. We would love to have you join us! Show your support for smokefree air by putting a static-cling decal in your window at work, home, or the car. To purchase, visit: </ -You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Smokefree-talk" group. To post to this group, send email to [email protected]. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [email protected]. For more options, visit this group at

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From: [email protected] on behalf of Liz Williams <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 8:20 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [Smokefree-Talk] Preemption Watch Bill Tracking Summary: 1/22/10 Preemption Watch Weekly Bill Tracking Summary of U.S. State Bills January 22, 2009 ANR tracks pending legislation relating to states' smokefree air policies as part of the continued fight to prevent preemptive legislation before it can be passed and to overturn preemption in states where it is already in place. Since even a strong bill can become preemptive at any point in the legislative process, it is very important to track even the best bills throughout the entire legislative session and keep a watchful eye out for all attempts to remove local control. In 2010, consider setting up a Preemption Strike Force to help combat tobacco industry legislative tricks by allowing for quick and easy communication among proponents of local control. Learn how at Below is a listing of state bills that have been introduced in state legislatures. Please visit the and click on the state of your choice to view the summary, text, and status of pending bills. Please email ANR with any new information regarding pending legislation and preemption attempts in your state and we will analyze and summarize the legislation. The new and pending legislative bills are classified below into seven categories to clearly delineate which bills will protect public health and should be supported from those that should be opposed because they do not effectively protect public health, weaken a strong law, or intend to preempt local control. New bills and changes in bill status since the last update appear in bold. Strong: Bill includes 100% smokefree non-hospitality workplaces and/or restaurants and/or bars; strengthens existing smokefree laws; or repeals preemption. Weak: Bill includes ventilation, smoking rooms, or other key exemptions. Weakens: Bill weakens a current strong 100% smokefree law. Preemptive: Bill contains preemptive language that removes the right to local control. Vehicles: Bill addresses smoking in vehicles with children present. Outdoor: Bill primarily addresses smoking in outdoor locations. Other: Bills contain other provisions and should be watched. The following states have strong bills that include 100% smokefree non-hospitality workplaces and/or restaurants and/or bars; OR repeals preemption: Alaska : HB304 (workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming) Indiana : SB95 (workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming); SB233 (workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming); HB1131 (workplaces, restaurants, bars)-Adopted by Committee on Public Policy Iowa: HF6 (casinos)-Carried over to 2010; HF174 (casinos and patios)-Carried over to 2010 Kansas: SB25 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010; HB2221 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)Carried over to 2010 Michigan: HB4099 (workplaces and restaurants)-Carried over to 2010; SB79 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)file:///C|/...isc%201/Conley%20request%201/Smokefree-Talk%20Preemption%20Watch%20Bill%20Tracking%20Summary%2012210.html[8/19/2011 2:32:53 AM]

Carried over to 2010; SB114 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars; preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB4196 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars; preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB4341 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars; preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB5077 (preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB5283 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010 Mississippi: HB54 (workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming) New Hampshire: HB1475 (workplaces and public places)-Hearing scheduled for 1/25 New Jersey: A1062 (casinos); S423 (casinos) New York: S03388 (tribal gaming)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Investigations and Government Operations Committee Oklahoma: HB1040 (preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB1728 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010; SB925 (preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB2343 (workplaces, restaurants and bars); SB1809 (workplaces, restaurants and bars) Pennsylvania: HB58 (preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; SB113 (restaurants and bars; preemption repeal)Carried over to 2010; HB1245 (bars; preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; SB898 (partial preemption repeal)Carried over to 2010 Tennessee: HB0017/SB1799 (restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010 Vermont: H0118 (workplaces)-Carried over to 2010 Wisconsin: AB253 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars)-Carried over to 2010 The following states have weak bills that include ventilation, smoking rooms, size exemptions, or other major faults or exemptions: Michigan: HB4752 (trigger with tribal gaming)-Carried over to 2010; SB469 (ballot requirement)-Carried over to 2010; HB5535 (tax credit)-Carried over to 2010; HB5637 (smoking areas)-Carried over to 2010 Oklahoma: HB1311 (age restriction)-Carried over to 2010; SB1036 (task force)-Carried over to 2010 South Carolina: H3091 (restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010; H3113 (restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010; H3523 (workplaces)-Carried over to 2010; S38 (restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010 Tennessee: HB537/SB431 (signage)-Carried over to 2010 The following states have bills that create exemptions that weaken a current strong law: D.C.: B18-0084 (exemption)-Carried over to 2010 Hawaii: SB1347 (smoking license exemption)-Carried over to 2010 Illinois: HB1145 (smoking licenses)-Carried over to 2010; SB1836 (theatrical exemption)-Carried over to 2010 Iowa : HF44 (bar patios)-Carried over to 2010; HF210 (age exemption)-Carried over to 2010; HF358 (bar exemption)Carried over to 2010; HF544 (elimination of signage requirement)-Carried over to 2010; HF731 (residential treatment exemption)-Carried over to 2010 Minnesota: HF257/SF270 (bar and bar area of restaurant exemption)-Carried over to 2010; HF2046-(hookah exemption)-Carried over to 2010; SF898-(smoking break rooms)-Carried over to 2010 New Jersey: A461 (tobacco business exemption) New York: A08982 (retail tobacco shop exemption)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Economic Development Committee; S06179 (retail tobacco store exemption)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Commerce, Economic Development and Small Business Committee Ohio : SB120 (cigar bar and family bar exemption)-Carried over to 2010 Pennsylvania: HB1146 (fire company exemption)-Carried over to 2010; HB1147 (church exemption)-Carried over to 2010 Tennessee: HB0163/SB0863 (age restriction)-Carried over to 2010; HB441/SB412 (age restriction)-Carried over to 2010 Wisconsin: SB225 (hotel exemption)-Carried over to 2010; AB295 (hotel exemption)-Carried over to 2010 The following states have preemptive bills: Iowa : HF362 (preemption; repeals smokefree law)-Carried over to 2010 Kansas: SB81 (preemption; minors only and smoking areas)-Carried over to 2010
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Massachusetts: HB2176 (preemptive exemptions)-Carried over to 2010 Mississippi: SB2143 (preemptive; restricts smoking in some public places); SB2196 (preemption; gaming); SB2548 (preemptive; restricts smoking in some public places) Nebraska : LB600 (preemptive pool hall exemption)-Carried over to 2010 West Virginia: HB2855 (preemption)-Carried over to 2010; HB2932 (preemptive)-Carried over to 2010 The following states have bills that address smoking in vehicles when children are present: Arizona: HB2076 (vehicles with minors) Hawaii: HB1952 (vehicles with minors) Illinois : HB889 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 Massachusetts: HB3233 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; HB3475 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; SB1902 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 Minnesota: HF379/SF359 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 Mississippi: HB387 (vehicles with minors); SB2216 (vehicles with minors); SB2690 (vehicles with minors) New Jersey: A1591 (vehicles with minors); S475 (vehicles with minors) New York: A06288 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; A06714 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; S03191 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee Ohio : SB135 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 Pennsylvania: HB359 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 South Carolina: H3023 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; H3082 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; H3317 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; H3445 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; S23 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 Tennessee: SB0495 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; HB727/SB1550 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 Virginia: HB186 (vehicles with minors)-House Subcommittee recommends laying on the table Washington: HB1151 (vehicles with minors)-Re-introduced for 2010 The following states have bills primarily addressing smoking in outdoor locations: California: SB4 (parks/beaches)-Carried over to 2010; Moved from inactive file to third reading file District of Columbia: B18-042-(reasonable distance)-Approved on First Reading and Amendment proposed Hawaii: HB68 (sidewalks)-Carried over to 2010; HB171 (parks and beaches)-Carried over to 2010; HB1509 (beaches)-Carried over to 2010; SB1040 (beaches)-Carried over to 2010; SB2071 (beaches, parks and bus stops) Massachusetts: HB2162 (reasonable distance)-Carried over to 2010 Michigan: SB906 (state capitol grounds)-Carried over to 2010 Missouri: HB1277 (school property) New Hampshire: HB1186 (parks); HB1194 (beaches) New Jersey: S443 (outdoor public places); S684 (youth; outdoors); S669 (parks and beaches) New York: A00577 (reasonable distance)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; A01137 (playgrounds)-Ordered to 3rd reading; A01837-(parks and beaches)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; A07362 (reasonable distance)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; S05005 (playgrounds)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee Vermont: H0046 (reasonable distance)-Carried over to 2010; H501 (government building grounds) The following states have other provisions and should be watched: Hawaii: HB66 (public housing)-Carried over to 2010; HB67 (housing)-Carried over to 2010; HB886 (compliance)Carried over to 2010; HB1486 (prisons)-Carried over to 2010; HB1579 (prisons)-Carried over to 2010; SB56 (compliance)-Carried over to 2010; SB455 (public housing)-Carried over to 2010; SB596 (housing)-Carried over to 2010; SB1050 (beaches)-Carried over to 2010 Iowa : HF2015 (gaming exemption referenda) Illinois : HB3176 (technical amendment)-Carried over to 2010; SB851 (technical amendment)-Carried over to 2010;
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SB2314 (technical amendment)-Carried over to 2010 Massachusetts: HB1875 (workplace smoking)-Carried over to 2010; HB1181 (elderly housing)-Carried over to 2010; HB1243 (elderly housing)-Carried over to 2010; HB2054 (tobacco free pharmacies)-Carried over to 2010; S813 (tobacco free pharmacies)-Carried over to 2010 Michigan: HB4100 (compliance)-Carried over to 2010; HB4419 (compliance)-Carried over to 2010; HB5284 (workplace liability)-Carried over to 2010 Minnesota: HF1142 (psychiatric hospitals)-Carried over to 2010 Mississippi: HB351 (prisons); SB2233 (youth recreation); HB964 (youth recreation); SB2644 (youth recreation) Nebraska : LB861 (technical amendment)-Hearing set for January 25 New Hampshire: HB1541 (e-cigarettes at educational facilities) New Jersey: A512 (state vehicles); S446 (housing) New York: S1234 (tobacco free pharmacies)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; A05890 (tobacco free pharmacies)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; A06542 (public housing)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; S03242 (playgrounds)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; A08700 (housing)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Judiciary Committee Oklahoma: HB2748 (educational facilities); SB1674 (educational facilities); SB1826 (name change) Rhode Island: HB7012 (tobacco-free health care facilities); HB7153 (smoking bar restriction) South Carolina: S31 (schools)-Carried over to 2010 Utah : HB71 (e-cigarette restrictions); HB88 (e-cigarette restrictions) Washington: HB2257 (tobacco-free health care) West Virginia: SB24 (tobacco free pharmacies) Legislation Enacted this Year New Jersey: A4227/A4228 (e-cigarettes in public places)-Signed by Governor Pennsylvania: SB711 (gaming exemption; preemption)-Signed by the Governor

Summaries of all NEW bills are listed below: (All other pending bill summaries are on individual state pages on Alaska HB304-(workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming)-An Act relating to smoking This bill amends the state law to prohibit smoking in enclosed public places and places of employment, including restaurants, bars, arcades, bingo halls, pull-tab parlors, and other places of entertainment. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No EXCEPTIONS: Smoking is allowed in private residences except if used as a place of employment or adult day care/health care facility; private clubs not open to the public; and designated guest rooms of hotels/motels. Hawaii HB1952-(vehicles with minors)-An Act relating to motor vehicles This bill prohibits smoking in a motor vehicle while a person 18 years of age or younger is in the vehicle. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No

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SB2071-(beaches, parks and bus stops)-A Bill relating to smoking This bill prohibits smoking at public parks, beaches, and bus stops. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Iowa HF2015-(gaming exemption referenda)-An Act to include a separate proposition relating to smoking prohibitions as part of any referendum to approve or disapprove a gambling game license applicant Category=BillInfo&Service=DspHistory&var=HF&key=1024C&GA=83 This bill amends the Smokefree Air Act to say that the current exemption for gaming floors of casinos may be voted down by a community when it holds a referendum on whether to grant a facility a gaming license. This is accomplished by also amending the gaming license code to require that any county referendum to approve a gaming license for an applicant with a gaming floor must include a separate proposition in the referendum about whether or not to permit the current exemption allowing smoking on gaming floors. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Mississippi HB964-(youth recreation)-An Act To Prohibit Smoking In Any Public Facility When Persons Under 18 Are Engaged In Athletic Event This bill prohibits smoking in any indoor or outdoor public facility in Mississippi during any time that people under 18 years old are participating in an organized athletic event in the facility, except in designated smoking areas. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No SB2548-(preemptive; restricts smoking in some public places)-An Act Entitled the "Mississippi Uniform Smoke-Free Public Place Act of 2010" This bill is preemptive. It will make some workplaces smokefree, but it exempts bars, bar areas of restaurants, cigar bars, private clubs, gaming facilities, private functions, as well as numerous other public places. There is a separate section that prohibits smoking in government buildings and university classroom buildings, which also includes explicit preemption. Preemptive: YES Anti-Preemption Clause: No EXEMPTIONS: Smoking is allowed in bars; private residences except when used as child care facilities; hotel/motel rooms; tobacco retail stores and convenience stores; restaurants or hotel/motel rooms during private functions; gaming facilities; public schools; cigar bars; private clubs; bar areas of restaurants; outdoor places of employment; and tobacco manufacturers/distributors. SB2644-(youth recreation)-An Act to Prohibit Smoking in Any Public Facility When Persons under 18 Are Engaged in Athletic Event This bill prohibits smoking in any indoor or outdoor public facility in Mississippi during any time that people under 18
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years old are participating in an organized athletic event in the facility, except in designated smoking areas. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No SB2690-(vehicles with minors)-An Act to Prohibit Any Operator of a Motor Vehicle Which Is Transporting a Child from Allowing Smoking This bill prohibits smoking in a motor vehicle when a child under age 4 is present. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Rhode Island HB7153-(smoking bar restriction)-An Act Relating To the Public Health and Workplace Safety Act & This bill would amend the law to prohibit smoking bars from being located in any building where people live. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Utah HB88-(e-cigarette restrictions)-Electronic Cigarette Restrictions This bill places restrictions on the provision, obtaining, and possession of electronic cigarettes. The bill prohibits the sale or provision of electronic cigarettes to a minor; amends other existing laws about tobacco sales to minors and minors tobacco possession to also apply to electronic cigarettes; provides advertising restrictions; and prohibits people from providing electronic cigarettes to anyone in a correctional and mental health facility. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No

Liz Williams Project Manager Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation 2530 San Pablo Ave, Suite J Berkeley, CA 94702 Phone: 510-841-3032 x314 Fax: 510-841-3071 [email protected] ********************** Are you a member of ANR? Our work depends on the support of our members. Please click here to view our membership options. We would love to have you join us! Show your support for smokefree air by putting a static-cling decal in your window at work, home, or the car. To purchase, visit:

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Liz Williams Project Manager Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation 2530 San Pablo Ave, Suite J Berkeley, CA 94702 Phone: 510-841-3032 x314 Fax: 510-841-3071 [email protected] ********************** Are you a member of ANR? Our work depends on the support of our members. Please click here to view our membership options. We would love to have you join us! Show your support for smokefree air by putting a static-cling decal in your window at work, home, or the car. To purchase, visit: </ -You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Smokefree-talk" group. To post to this group, send email to [email protected]. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [email protected]. For more options, visit this group at

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From: [email protected] on behalf of Liz Williams <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 9:12 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [Smokefree-Talk] Preemption Watch Bill Tracking Summary: 2/11/11 Preemption Watch Weekly Bill Tracking Summary of U.S. State Bills February 11, 2011 ANR tracks pending legislation relating to states' smokefree air policies as part of the continued fight to prevent preemptive legislation before it can be passed and to overturn preemption in states where it is already in place. Since even a strong bill can become preemptive at any point in the legislative process, it is very important to track even the best bills throughout the entire legislative session and keep a watchful eye out for all attempts to remove local control. Now is a great time to consider setting up a Preemption Strike Force to help combat tobacco industry legislative tricks by allowing for quick and easy communication among proponents of local control. Learn how at Below is a listing of state bills that have been introduced in state legislatures thus far. Please visit the and click on the state of your choice to view the summary, text, and status of pending bills. Please email ANR with any new information regarding pending legislation and preemption attempts in your state and we will analyze and summarize the legislation.

The new and pending legislative bills are classified below into seven categories to clearly delineate which bills will protect public health and should be supported from those that should be opposed because they do not effectively protect public health, weaken a strong law, or intend to preempt local control. New bills and changes in bill status since the last update appear in bold. Strong: Bill includes 100% smokefree non-hospitality workplaces and/or restaurants and/or bars; strengthens existing smokefree laws; or repeals preemption. Weak: Bill includes ventilation, smoking rooms, or other key exemptions. Weakens: Bill weakens a current strong 100% smokefree law. Preemptive: Bill contains preemptive language that removes the right to local control. Vehicles: Bill addresses smoking in vehicles with children present. Outdoor: Bill primarily addresses smoking in outdoor locations. Other: Bills contain other provisions and should be watched. The following states have strong bills that include 100% smokefree non-hospitality workplaces and/or restaurants and/or bars; OR repeals preemption: Connecticut: HB5286 (private clubs) Florida: HB211 (partial preemption repeal) Indiana: SB355 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars) Iowa : HF21 (casinos) Kansas: HB2039 (removes casino exemption) Kentucky: HB193 (workplaces, restaurants, bars, and gaming)-Posted in committee

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Missouri: HB438 (workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming) New Jersey: A1062 (casinos)-Carried over from 2010; S423 (casinos)-Carried over from 2010 Oklahoma: SB111 (workplaces, restaurants and bars); HB2010 (preemption repeal); HB2135 (preemption repeal) Pennsylvania: SB35 (restaurants, bars & preemption repeal); HB412 (remove gaming exemption) Texas : HB670 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars); SB355 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars) Virginia: HB1814 (public workplaces)-Left in General Laws West Virginia: SB25 (workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming) Wyoming: SF0012 (expand local control)-Failed in Corporations Committee The following states have weak bills that include ventilation, smoking rooms, size exemptions, or other major faults or exemptions: Indiana: HB1018 (workplaces and restaurants)-Passed the House and sent to Senate Mississippi: SB2726 (government workplaces)-Amended in Committee and Passed Senate North Dakota: SB2216 (tax break)-Committee reported do not pass and failed Senate vote South Carolina: H3015 (restaurants and bars)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary; H3022 (restaurants and bars)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary; H3033 (restaurants and bars)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary; H3109 (public indoor areas)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary The following states have bills that create exemptions that weaken a current strong law: Illinois: HB171 (casino exemption); HB1310 (smoking license exemption) Iowa: SF81 (bar and restaurant exemptions) Maryland: HB605 (cigar bar exemption)-Hearing on 2/22 Michigan : HB4127 (broad exemptions) Minnesota: HF0188 (bar exemption); SF0168 (bar exemption) New Jersey: A461 (tobacco business exemption)-Carried over from 2010; S2001/A2897 (gaming exemption)-Carried over from 2010 Oregon: HB2350 (smoke shop exemption expansion); HB2599 (cigar bar exemption expansion); HB2601 (private club & smoke shop exemption) Virginia: HB1567 (private smoking lounge exemption)-Left in General Laws Washington: HB1683 (cigar lounge exemption)-Scheduled for executive session in the House Committee on Business & Financial Services on 2/15; SB5542 (cigar lounge exemption)-Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Labor and Commerce & Consumer Protection on 2/17 The following states have preemptive bills: Hawaii: HB1370 (exempt and preempt smoking permits); HB1441 (exempt and preempt smoking permits); SB585 (exempt and preempt smoking permits); SB708 (exempt and preempt smoking permits)-Committees on Health and Public Safety, Military and Intergovernmental Affairs deferred the measure Virginia : SB1080 (prevent smokefree condominiums)-Stricken at request of Patron in General Laws and Technology West Virginia: HB2386 (preemptive) The following states have bills that address smoking in vehicles when children are present: Arizona: SB1551 (vehicles with minors) Hawaii: HB29 (vehicles with minors); SB970 (vehicles with minors) Kentucky: HB216 (vehicles with minors)-Posted in committee Maryland: HB737 (vehicles with minors)-Hearing on 3/8 SB415 (vehicles with minors)-Hearing on 2/15 New Hampshire: HB285 (vehicles with minors) New Jersey: A1591/S475 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over from 2010; A2814 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over from 2010 New Mexico: SB212 (vehicles with minors) New York: A04902 (vehicles with minors); S03082 (vehicles with minors)
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Ohio: SB27 (vehicle with minors) Oregon: HB2261 (vehicles with minors) Rhode Island: SB240 (vehicle with minors) South Carolina: S215 (vehicle with minors)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Transportation; H3202 (vehicle with minors); S292 (vehicle with minors); H3427 (vehicle with minors) Tennessee: HB0606 (vehicle with minors) Utah: HB89 (vehicles with minors) Vermont: H68 (vehicles with minors); H116 (vehicles with minors) Virginia: HB2239 (vehicles with minors)-Left in Militia, Police and Public Safety Washington: SB5016 (vehicle with minors)-Senate Committee on Transportation's Majority Report referred without recommendation The following states have bills primarily addressing smoking in outdoor locations: Hawaii: HB89 (outdoor areas of housing and hotels); HB1318 (outdoor areas); SB1435 (outdoor areas) Maryland: HB131 (transit shelters)-Hearing on 2/8 New Hampshire: HB568 (parks)-Hearing on 2/10 New Jersey: S443 (outdoor public places)-Carried over from 2010; S684 (youth; outdoors)-Carried over from 2010; A2172/S669 (parks and beaches)-Carried over from 2010; A1853 (state parks and beaches)-Carried over from 2010; S889 (state-owned beaches)-Carried over from 2010 New York: A00184 (reasonable distance); A00597 (transportation platforms); A01532 (parks and beaches); S02997 (transportation platforms) Vermont: H191 (ski areas) The following states have other provisions and should be watched: California: AB217 (long term health care facilities)-May be heard in committee March 3 Colorado: HB11-1016 (e-cigarettes on school property)-Passed House and sent to Senate Hawaii: HB46 (public housing)-Committee recommended passage with amendments; HB1494 (condos); SB908 (public housing)-Committee on HMS deferred the measure Illinois: HB802 (technical amendment); HB803 (technical amendment); SB860 (technical amendment); SB861 (technical amendment) Indiana : SB55 (municipal ballot); HB1120 (municipal ballot) Iowa : HF86 (school property) Missouri: HB314 (school property); HB445 (correctional facilities) Montana : HB19 (adding marijuana to smokefree law)-Hearing held on 2/11 in Public Health, Welfare and Safety Nebraska : LB313 (school property)-Notice of hearing for 2/8 Nevada: AB128 (college campuses) New Jersey: A512 (state vehicles)-Carried over from 2010; S446 (housing)-Carried over from 2010 New York: A03430 (correctional facilities) North Dakota: HB1307 (minors in smokefree bars)-Passed House and sent to Senate Oklahoma : SB485 (technical amendment); HB1258 (hospitals) Oregon: HB2726 (smoke shop registry); SB293 (housing); HB3014 (electronic cigarettes); HB3191 (technical change) South Carolina: S219 (schools)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Education South Dakota: SB163 (penalties) Virginia: HB1545 (schools)-Left in General Laws; HB1933 (playgrounds)-Left in General Laws; HB2178 (emergency response vehicles)-Left in General Laws West Virginia: SB9 (tobacco-free pharmacies) Summaries of all NEW bills are listed below: (All other pending bill summaries are on individual state pages on
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Arizona SB1551-(vehicles with minors)-A bill relating to motor vehicles background: This bill prohibits smoking in a vehicle when a person under age 18 is present. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Illinois HB1310-(smoking license exemption)-An Act concerning liquor DocNum=1310&GAID=11&DocTypeID=HB&LegID=57595&SessionID=84&GA=97&SpecSess=0 This bill gives each local liquor control commissioner the right to grant smoking licenses to bars, gaming facilities, adult entertainment venues open to people over age 18, and conventions holding tobacco related events, and amends the Smokefree Air Act to reflect these exemptions. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No SB860-(technical amendment)-An Act concerning health DocNum=0860&GAID=11&DocTypeID=SB&LegID=55692&SessionID=84&GA=97&SpecSess=0 This bill makes a technical change to the Illinois Clean Indoor Air Act, and is likely a placeholder for amending the law. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No SB861-(technical amendment)-An Act concerning health DocNum=0861&GAID=11&DocTypeID=SB&LegID=55693&SessionID=84&GA=97&SpecSess=0 This bill makes a technical change to the Illinois Clean Indoor Air Act, and is likely a placeholder for amending the law. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Maryland HB605-(cigar bar exemption)-An Act concerning indoor smoking prohibition-Hearing on 2/22 This bill creates an exemption to permit smoking in establishments qualifying as cigar bars in the city of Baltimore. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No HB737-(vehicles with minors)-An Act concerning vehicle laws-Hearing on 3/8 This bill prohibits smoking in a vehicle when a child under the age of 8 is present in the vehicle.
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Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No SB415-(vehicles with minors)-An Act concerning vehicle laws-Hearing on 2/15 This bill prohibits smoking in a vehicle when a child under the age of 8 is present in the vehicle. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Missouri HB314-(school property)-An Act relating to tobacco use on public school property This bill prohibits smoking and use of tobacco products on all school property and school buses. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No HB438-(workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming)-An Act relating to the Missouri indoor clean air act This bill prohibits smoking in places of employment and public places, including restaurants, bars, and gaming facilities. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: YES EXEMPTIONS: Smoking is allowed in private residences except when used as child/adult/health care facilities; 20% of hotel/motel rooms; retail tobacco shops; and outdoor places of employment. HB445-(correctional facilities)-An Act relating to use of tobacco products in state correctional facilities This bill prohibits smoking and the use of any tobacco products in and on the grounds of state correctional facilities. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Nevada AB128-(college campuses)-An Act relating to smoking This bill prohibits smoking in buildings and on the grounds of the facilities of the Nevada System of Higher Education. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No New York A04902-(vehicles with minors)-An Act in relation to restricting areas where smoking is permitted This bill prohibits smoking in private passenger cars, vans and trucks where a minor less than 14 years of age is a passenger. Preemptive: No
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Anti-Preemption Clause: No S03082-(vehicles with minors)-An Act in relation to restricting areas where smoking is permitted This bill prohibits smoking in private passenger cars, vans and trucks where a minor less than 14 years of age is a passenger. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Oregon HB3014-(electronic cigarettes)-An Act relating to electronic cigarettes This bill prohibits the use of electronic cigarettes in public places and places of employment, as provided in the smokefree air act. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No HB3191-(technical change)-An Act relating to tobacco This bill Increases minimum age for tobacco possession from 18 years of age to 21 years of age, and as part of this process, amends the smokefree air act to state that cigar bars must prohibit people under age 21, not age 18 as is currently written. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Rhode Island SB240-(vehicle with minors)-A bill relating to motor and other vehicles & This bill prohibits smoking in motor vehicle when a child fastened in a child safety restraint is in the vehicle, which is under age 8. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Tennessee HB0606-(vehicle with minors)-An Act relative to the "Tennessee Protection from Secondhand Smoke for Children Act" This bill prohibits smoking in motor vehicle when a child fastened in a child safety restraint is in the vehicle, which is 8 years old. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Vermont H191-(ski areas)-An Act relating to use of tobacco products at ski areas
file:///C|/...isc%201/Conley%20request%201/Smokefree-Talk%20Preemption%20Watch%20Bill%20Tracking%20Summary%2021111.html[8/19/2011 2:32:55 AM] This bill would allow ski areas operating on land owned, leased, or rented by the state to prohibit the outdoor use of tobacco products on all or any of the state land. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No

Liz Williams Project Manager Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation 2530 San Pablo Ave, Suite J Berkeley, CA 94702 Phone: 510-841-3032 x314 Fax: 510-841-3071 [email protected] ********************** Are you a member of ANR? Our work depends on the support of our members. Please click here to view our membership options. We would love to have you join us! Show your support for smokefree air by putting a static-cling decal in your window at work, home, or the car. To purchase, visit:

Liz Williams Project Manager Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation 2530 San Pablo Ave, Suite J Berkeley, CA 94702 Phone: 510-841-3032 x314 Fax: 510-841-3071 [email protected] ********************** Are you a member of ANR? Our work depends on the support of our members. Please click here to view our membership options. We would love to have you join us! Show your support for smokefree air by putting a static-cling decal in your window at work, home, or the car. To purchase, visit: </ -You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Smokefree-talk" group.
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To post to this group, send email to [email protected]. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [email protected]. For more options, visit this group at

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From: [email protected] on behalf of Liz Williams <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 10:52 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [Smokefree-Talk] Preemption Watch Bill Tracking Summary: 2/18/11 Preemption Watch Weekly Bill Tracking Summary of U.S. State Bills February 18, 2011 ANR tracks pending legislation relating to states' smokefree air policies as part of the continued fight to prevent preemptive legislation before it can be passed and to overturn preemption in states where it is already in place. Since even a strong bill can become preemptive at any point in the legislative process, it is very important to track even the best bills throughout the entire legislative session and keep a watchful eye out for all attempts to remove local control. Now is a great time to consider setting up a Preemption Strike Force to help combat tobacco industry legislative tricks by allowing for quick and easy communication among proponents of local control. Learn how at Below is a listing of state bills that have been introduced in state legislatures thus far. Please visit the and click on the state of your choice to view the summary, text, and status of pending bills. Please email ANR with any new information regarding pending legislation and preemption attempts in your state and we will analyze and summarize the legislation.

The new and pending legislative bills are classified below into seven categories to clearly delineate which bills will protect public health and should be supported from those that should be opposed because they do not effectively protect public health, weaken a strong law, or intend to preempt local control. New bills and changes in bill status since the last update appear in bold. Strong: Bill includes 100% smokefree non-hospitality workplaces and/or restaurants and/or bars; strengthens existing smokefree laws; or repeals preemption. Weak: Bill includes ventilation, smoking rooms, or other key exemptions. Weakens: Bill weakens a current strong 100% smokefree law. Preemptive: Bill contains preemptive language that removes the right to local control. Vehicles: Bill addresses smoking in vehicles with children present. Outdoor: Bill primarily addresses smoking in outdoor locations. Other: Bills contain other provisions and should be watched. The following states have strong bills that include 100% smokefree non-hospitality workplaces and/or restaurants and/or bars; OR repeals preemption: California: SB575 (workplaces) Connecticut: HB5286 (private clubs) Florida: HB211 (partial preemption repeal); SB1070 (partial preemption repeal) Indiana : SB355 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars) Iowa : HF21 (casinos) Kansas: HB2039 (removes casino exemption) Kentucky: HB193 (workplaces, restaurants, bars, and gaming)-Posted in committee Missouri: HB438 (workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming) New Jersey: A1062 (casinos)-Carried over from 2010; S423 (casinos)-Carried over from 2010 Oklahoma: SB111 (workplaces, restaurants and bars); HB2010 (preemption repeal); HB2135 (preemption repeal)-Passed Committee and sent to full House Pennsylvania: SB35 (restaurants, bars & preemption repeal); HB412 (remove gaming exemption) Texas : HB670 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars); SB355 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars) West Virginia: SB25 (workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming) Wyoming: SF0012 (expand local control)-Failed in Corporations Committee The following states have weak bills that include ventilation, smoking rooms, size exemptions, or other major faults or exemptions:
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Indiana: HB1018 (workplaces and restaurants)-First reading in Senate: referred to Committee on Public Policy Mississippi: SB2726 (government workplaces)-Sent to House North Dakota: SB2216 (tax break)-Committee reported do not pass and failed Senate vote South Carolina: H3015 (restaurants and bars)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary; H3022 (restaurants and bars)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary; H3033 (restaurants and bars)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary; H3109 (public indoor areas)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary The following states have bills that create exemptions that weaken a current strong law: Illinois: HB171 (casino exemption); HB1310 (smoking license exemption); HB1965 (gaming exemption) Iowa: SF81 (bar and restaurant exemptions) Kansas: HB2340-(bar exemption) Maryland : HB605 (cigar bar exemption)-Hearing on 2/22 Michigan: HB4127 (broad exemptions); HB4255 (veterans' club exemption) Minnesota: HF0188 (bar exemption); SF0168 (bar exemption); SF0362 (smoking rooms) New Jersey: A461 (tobacco business exemption)-Carried over from 2010; S2001/A2897 (gaming exemption)-Carried over from 2010 Oregon: HB2350 (smoke shop exemption expansion); HB2599 (cigar bar exemption expansion); HB2601 (private club & smoke shop exemption) Tennessee: HB1415 / SB0956 (age restriction change) Washington: HB1683 (cigar lounge exemption)-Substitute bill adopted by House Committee on Business & Financial Services; SB5542 (cigar lounge exemption)-Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Labor and Commerce & Consumer Protection on 2/17 The following states have preemptive bills: Hawaii: HB1370 (exempt and preempt smoking permits); HB1441 (exempt and preempt smoking permits); SB585 (exempt and preempt smoking permits); SB708 (exempt and preempt smoking permits)-Committees on Health and Public Safety, Military and Intergovernmental Affairs deferred the measure Massachusetts: H01541 (preemptive smoking bar exemption) West Virginia: HB2386 (preemptive) The following states have bills that address smoking in vehicles when children are present: Arizona: SB1551 (vehicles with minors) Connecticut: HB05502 (vehicles with minors) Florida : SB1212 (vehicles with minors) Hawaii: HB29 (vehicles with minors); SB970 (vehicles with minors) Kentucky: HB216 (vehicles with minors)-Posted in committee Maryland: HB737 (vehicles with minors)-Hearing on 3/8 SB415 (vehicles with minors)-Hearing on 2/15 Minnesota: HF0541 (vehicles with minors) New Hampshire: HB285 (vehicles with minors) New Jersey: A1591/S475 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over from 2010; A2814 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over from 2010 New Mexico: SB212 (vehicles with minors)-Passed Public Affairs Committee and sent to Judiciary Committee New York: A04902 (vehicles with minors); S03082 (vehicles with minors) Ohio : SB27 (vehicle with minors) Oregon: HB2261 (vehicles with minors) Rhode Island: SB240 (vehicle with minors) South Carolina: S215 (vehicle with minors)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Transportation; H3202 (vehicle with minors); S292 (vehicle with minors); H3427 (vehicle with minors) Tennessee: HB0606 (vehicle with minors) Utah : HB89 (vehicles with minors) Vermont: H68 (vehicles with minors); H116 (vehicles with minors) Washington: SB5016 (vehicle with minors)-Senate Committee on Transportation's Majority Report referred without recommendation The following states have bills primarily addressing smoking in outdoor locations: Hawaii: HB89 (outdoor areas of housing and hotels); HB1318 (outdoor areas); SB1435 (outdoor areas) Iowa : HF274 (health care entrances) Maryland : HB131 (transit shelters)-Hearing on 2/8
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Massachusetts: H00627 (reasonable distance) New Hampshire: HB568 (parks)-Hearing on 2/10 New Jersey: S443 (outdoor public places)-Carried over from 2010; S684 (youth; outdoors)-Carried over from 2010; A2172/S669 (parks and beaches)-Carried over from 2010; A1853 (state parks and beaches)-Carried over from 2010; S889 (state-owned beaches)-Carried over from 2010 New York: A00184 (reasonable distance); A00597 (transportation platforms); A01532 (parks and beaches); S02997 (transportation platforms) Vermont: H191 (ski areas) The following states have other provisions and should be watched: California: AB217 (long term health care facilities)-May be heard in committee March 3; SB332 (housing) Colorado : HB11-1016 (e-cigarettes on school property)-Passed House and sent to Senate Connecticut: SB00415 (hookah lounges) Hawaii: HB46 (public housing)-Amended, Passed HSG Committee, and referred to Judiciary Committee; HB1494 (condos)-Amended, passed Health Committee, and sent to CPC Committee; SB908 (public housing)-Committee on HMS deferred the measure Illinois: HB802 (technical amendment); HB803 (technical amendment); SB860 (technical amendment); SB861 (technical amendment); HB2216 (technical amendment) Indiana : SB55 (municipal ballot); HB1120 (municipal ballot) Iowa : HF86 (school property) Missouri: HB314 (school property); HB445 (correctional facilities); SB289 (correctional facilities) Montana : HB19 (adding marijuana to smokefree law)-Bill concurred on in Public Health, Welfare and Safety Committee Nebraska : LB313 (school property)-Notice of hearing for 2/8 Nevada: AB128 (college campuses) New Jersey: A512 (state vehicles)-Carried over from 2010; S446 (housing)-Carried over from 2010 New York: A03430 (correctional facilities) North Dakota: HB1307 (minors in smokefree bars)-Passed House and sent to Senate Oklahoma: SB485 (technical amendment); HB1258 (hospitals) Oregon: HB2726 (smoke shop registry)-Public Hearing on 2/25; SB293 (housing)-Public Hearing and Possible Work Session scheduled for 2/21; HB3014 (electronic cigarettes); HB3191 (technical change) South Carolina: S219 (schools)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Education South Dakota: SB163 (penalties)-Scheduled for hearing on 2/22 Tennessee: HB1123 / SB0853 (fire stations); HB1470 / SB1936 (local control for hospital grounds) West Virginia: SB9 (tobacco-free pharmacies)

Summaries of all NEW bills are listed below: (All other pending bill summaries are on individual state pages on California SB332-(housing)-An Act relating to smoking This bill gives landlords of residential dwellings to prohibit smoking on the property, which is something that all landlords already have the right to do. It also specifies that all leases shall include a provision that specifies where smoking is prohibited on the property. The bill also requires that landlords give notice of a change in a rental agreement to prohibit smoking at an unspecified date prior to the change. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No SB575-(workplaces)-An Act relating to employment This bill eliminates loopholes in the current smokefree air law so that enclosed workplaces will be 100% smokefree. Smoking would no longer be permitted in workplaces with five or fewer employees, break rooms, warehouses, hotel/motel lobbies and banquet rooms, owner-operated businesses, and it requires that 80% of hotel/motel rooms be smokefree and eliminates ventilation standards.
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Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Connecticut HB05502-(vehicles with minors)-An Act Prohibiting Smoking In Motor Vehicles with Minor Children This bill would prohibit smoking in motor vehicles when children under age 6 are present. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No SB00415-(hookah lounges)-An Act Concerning State Oversight Over Hookah Lounges This draft bill would give the Department of Public Health authority over the operation of hookah lounges and to require the Commissioner of Public Health to promulgate regulations that protect the public health and well-being of persons who visit, or are employed by, such lounges. At this time, only a summary is provided of the bill, and specific bill language is not available. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Florida SB1070-(partial preemption repeal)-An act relating to the Florida Clean Indoor Air Act This bill would amend the current preemption of local control of smokefree air issues. Currently, Florida's preemption is interpreted as prohibiting local governments from adopting smokefree policies in both indoor and outdoor locations. This bill amends the law so that preemption would apply only to policies addressing indoor smoking, which would permit local governments to adopt smokefree policies for outdoor areas. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No SB1212-(vehicles with minors)-An act relating to motor vehicle operation This bill prohibits smoking in a vehicle when a person under age 7 is present. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Illinois HB1965-(gaming exemption)-An Act concerning public health This bill creates an exemption in the Smoke Free Illinois Act to allow smoking in gaming facilities if smoking is not prohibited in gaming facilities located in the nearest neighboring state. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No HB2216-(technical amendment)-An Act concerning health
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This bill makes a technical change to the Illinois Clean Indoor Air Act, and is likely a placeholder for amending the law. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Iowa HF274-(health care entrances)-An Act relating to smoking prohibitions for certain locations providing health-related services This bill prohibits smoking within 100 feet of any entrance to an organized outpatient health facility or outpatient surgical facility, a hospital, or a long-term care facility. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Kansas HB2340-(bar exemption)-An Act concerning smoking % This bill amends the current smokefree law to allow smoking in bars that sell lottery tickets. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Massachusetts H00627-(reasonable distance)-A bill to further regulate smoking in areas adjacent to public buildings and workplaces This bill prohibits smoking within 25' of an enclosed area where smoking is prohibited. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No H01541-(preemptive smoking bar exemption)-A bill to exempt preexisting retail tobacco stores and smoking bars from certain laws This bill exempts preexisting retail tobacco stores and smoking bars from any further limitation of smoking by state or local law, and also deletes the existing anti-preemption clause from the state statute. Preemptive: YES Anti-Preemption Clause: No Michigan HB4255-(veterans' club exemption)-A bill to amend the public health code This bill weakens the new smokefree law to create exemptions for veterans' clubs. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Minnesota HF0541-(vehicles with minors)-A bill relating to health revisor revisor This bill prohibits smoking in motor vehicles when passengers under age 16 are present.
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Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No SF0362-(smoking rooms)-A bill creating an exception to the Clean Indoor Air Act revisor html&session=ls87 revisor This bill creates an exemption in the smokefree law to permit smoking by employees in a designated smoking room. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Missouri SB289-(correctional facilities)-An Act relating to use of tobacco products in state correctional facilities This bill prohibits smoking and the use of tobacco products in and on the grounds of state correctional centers. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Tennessee HB1123 / SB0853-(fire stations)-An Act relative to smoking in certain buildings This bill amends the smokefree law to extend the provisions to fire stations and volunteer fire departments. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No HB1415 / SB0956-(age restriction change)-An Act to amend Tennessee code This bill amends the current state smokefree law by changing the definition of "age-restricted venue." The law currently states that only people over age 21 can enter "age-restricted venues" and this bill changes the definition to state that it applies only to guests and does not apply to employees or performers in these venues. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No HB1470 / SB1936-(local control for hospital grounds)-An Act relative to regulation of smoking by local governments with respect to hospitals This bill grants local control to cities and counties to prohibit smoking on the grounds of a hospital or in the public areas immediately outside of a hospital building and its entrances, including public sidewalks. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: Yes

Liz Williams Project Manager Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation 2530 San Pablo Ave, Suite J Berkeley, CA 94702 Phone: 510-841-3032 x314 Fax: 510-841-3071
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[email protected] www ********************** Are you a member of ANR? Our work depends on the support of our members. Please click here to view our membership options. We would love to have you join us! Show your support for smokefree air by putting a static-cling decal in your window at work, home, or the car. To purchase, visit:

Liz Williams Project Manager Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation 2530 San Pablo Ave, Suite J Berkeley, CA 94702 Phone: 510-841-3032 x314 Fax: 510-841-3071 [email protected] www ********************** Are you a member of ANR? Our work depends on the support of our members. Please click here to view our membership options. We would love to have you join us! Show your support for smokefree air by putting a static-cling decal in your window at work, home, or the car. To purchase, visit: </ -You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Smokefree-talk" group. To post to this group, send email to [email protected]. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [email protected]. For more options, visit this group at

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From: [email protected] on behalf of Liz Williams <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 9:22 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [Smokefree-Talk] Preemption Watch Bill Tracking Summary: 2/25/11 Preemption Watch Weekly Bill Tracking Summary of U.S. State Bills February 25, 2011 ANR tracks pending legislation relating to states' smokefree air policies as part of the continued fight to prevent preemptive legislation before it can be passed and to overturn preemption in states where it is already in place. Since even a strong bill can become preemptive at any point in the legislative process, it is very important to track even the best bills throughout the entire legislative session and keep a watchful eye out for all attempts to remove local control. Now is a great time to consider setting up a Preemption Strike Force to help combat tobacco industry legislative tricks by allowing for quick and easy communication among proponents of local control. Learn how at Below is a listing of state bills that have been introduced in state legislatures thus far. Please visit the and click on the state of your choice to view the summary, text, and status of pending bills. Please email ANR with any new information regarding pending legislation and preemption attempts in your state and we will analyze and summarize the legislation.

The new and pending legislative bills are classified below into seven categories to clearly delineate which bills will protect public health and should be supported from those that should be opposed because they do not effectively protect public health, weaken a strong law, or intend to preempt local control. New bills and changes in bill status since the last update appear in bold. Strong: Bill includes 100% smokefree non-hospitality workplaces and/or restaurants and/or bars; strengthens existing smokefree laws; or repeals preemption. Weak: Bill includes ventilation, smoking rooms, or other key exemptions. Weakens: Bill weakens a current strong 100% smokefree law. Preemptive: Bill contains preemptive language that removes the right to local control. Vehicles: Bill addresses smoking in vehicles with children present. Outdoor: Bill primarily addresses smoking in outdoor locations. Other: Bills contain other provisions and should be watched. The following states have strong bills that include 100% smokefree non-hospitality workplaces and/or restaurants and/or bars; OR repeals preemption: California: SB575 (workplaces) Connecticut: HB5286 (private clubs); HB5614 (private clubs) Florida : HB211 (partial preemption repeal); SB1070 (partial preemption repeal) Indiana: SB355 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars) Iowa : HF21 (casinos) Kansas: HB2039 (removes casino exemption) Kentucky: HB193 (workplaces, restaurants, bars, and gaming)-Amendments to weaken bill introduced Missouri : HB438 (workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming) New Jersey: A1062 (casinos)-Carried over from 2010; S423 (casinos)-Carried over from 2010 Oklahoma: SB111 (workplaces, restaurants and bars); HB2010 (preemption repeal); HB2135 (preemption repeal)-Passed Committee and sent to full House Pennsylvania: SB35 (restaurants, bars & preemption repeal); HB412 (remove gaming exemption) Texas : HB670 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars)-Scheduled for public hearing on 3/2; SB355 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars)-Scheduled for public hearing on 3/1 West Virginia: SB25 (workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming) Wyoming: SF0012 (expand local control)-Failed in Corporations Committee The following states have weak bills that include ventilation, smoking rooms, size exemptions, or other major faults or exemptions:
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Indiana: HB1018 (workplaces and restaurants)-First reading in Senate: referred to Committee on Public Policy Mississippi: SB2726 (government workplaces)-Sent to House South Carolina: H3015 (restaurants and bars)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary; H3022 (restaurants and bars)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary; H3033 (restaurants and bars)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary; H3109 (public indoor areas)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Judiciary The following states have bills that create exemptions that weaken a current strong law: Illinois: HB171 (casino exemption); HB1310 (smoking license exemption); HB1965 (gaming exemption) Iowa : SF81 (bar and restaurant exemptions) Kansas: HB2340-(bar exemption) Maryland : HB605 (cigar bar exemption)-Hearing on 2/22 Michigan: HB4127 (broad exemptions); HB4255 (veterans' club exemption) Minnesota: HF0188 (bar exemption); SF0168 (bar exemption); SF0362 (smoking rooms) New Jersey: A461 (tobacco business exemption)-Carried over from 2010; S2001/A2897 (gaming exemption)-Carried over from 2010 Oregon: HB2350 (smoke shop exemption expansion); HB2599 (cigar bar exemption expansion); HB2601 (private club & smoke shop exemption); HB3457 (theatrical exemption) Tennessee: HB1415 / SB0956 (age restriction change) Washington: HB1683 (cigar lounge exemption)-Substitute bill adopted by House Committee on Business & Financial Services; SB5542 (cigar lounge exemption)-Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Labor and Commerce & Consumer Protection on 2/17 The following states have preemptive bills: Hawaii: HB1370 (exempt and preempt smoking permits); HB1441 (exempt and preempt smoking permits); SB585 (exempt and preempt smoking permits); SB708 (exempt and preempt smoking permits)-Committees on Health and Public Safety, Military and Intergovernmental Affairs deferred the measure Massachusetts: H01541 (preemptive smoking bar exemption) West Virginia: HB2386 (preemptive) The following states have bills that address smoking in vehicles when children are present: Arizona: SB1551 (vehicles with minors) Connecticut: HB05502 (vehicles with minors) Florida: SB1212 (vehicles with minors); HB971 (vehicles with minors) Hawaii: HB29 (vehicles with minors); SB970 (vehicles with minors) Kentucky: HB216 (vehicles with minors)-Posted in committee Maryland: HB737 (vehicles with minors)-Hearing on 3/8 SB415 (vehicles with minors)-Hearing on 2/15 Minnesota: HF0541 (vehicles with minors) New Hampshire: HB285 (vehicles with minors) New Jersey: A1591/S475 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over from 2010; A2814 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over from 2010 New Mexico: SB212 (vehicles with minors)-Passed Public Affairs Committee and sent to Judiciary Committee New York: A04902 (vehicles with minors); S03082 (vehicles with minors) Ohio : SB27 (vehicle with minors) Oregon: HB2261 (vehicles with minors) Rhode Island: SB240 (vehicle with minors) South Carolina: S215 (vehicle with minors)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Transportation; H3202 (vehicle with minors); S292 (vehicle with minors); H3427 (vehicle with minors) Tennessee: HB0606 (vehicle with minors) Utah : HB89 (vehicles with minors)-Motion to recommend failed in Transportation Committee Vermont : H68 (vehicles with minors); H116 (vehicles with minors) Washington: SB5016 (vehicle with minors)-Senate Committee on Transportation's Majority Report referred without recommendation The following states have bills primarily addressing smoking in outdoor locations: Hawaii: HB89 (outdoor areas of housing and hotels); HB1318 (outdoor areas); SB1435 (outdoor areas) Iowa : HF274 (health care entrances) Maryland: HB131 (transit shelters)-Unfavorable Report by Economic Matters Committee Massachusetts: H00627 (reasonable distance)
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New Hampshire: HB568 (parks)-Hearing on 2/10 New Jersey: S443 (outdoor public places)-Carried over from 2010; S684 (youth; outdoors)-Carried over from 2010; A2172/S669 (parks and beaches)-Carried over from 2010; A1853 (state parks and beaches)-Carried over from 2010; S889 (state-owned beaches)-Carried over from 2010 New York: A00184 (reasonable distance); A00597 (transportation platforms); A01532 (parks and beaches); S02997 (transportation platforms); A05516 (transportation platforms); S03461 (transportation platforms) Vermont : H191 (ski areas); H0379 (state parks) The following states have other provisions and should be watched: California: AB217 (long term health care facilities)-May be heard in committee March 3; SB332 (housing) Colorado: HB11-1016 (e-cigarettes on school property)-Senate Committee on Health and Human Services referred bill to Appropriations Committee Connecticut: SB00415 (hookah lounges)-Public hearing scheduled for 3/2 Florida : HB891 (schools); SB1430 (schools) Hawaii: HB46 (public housing)-Amended, Passed HSG Committee, and referred to Judiciary Committee; HB1494 (condos)-Amended, passed Health Committee, and sent to CPC Committee; SB908 (public housing)-Committee on HMS deferred the measure Illinois: HB802 (technical amendment); HB803 (technical amendment); SB860 (technical amendment); SB861 (technical amendment); HB2216 (technical amendment) Indiana: SB55 (municipal ballot); HB1120 (municipal ballot) Iowa : HF86 (school property) Massachusetts: H02110 (elderly public housing) Missouri : HB314 (school property); HB445 (correctional facilities)-Public hearing completed; SB289 (correctional facilities) Montana: HB19 (adding marijuana to smokefree law)-Bill concurred on in Public Health, Welfare and Safety Committee Nebraska: LB313 (school property)-Notice of hearing for 2/8 Nevada: AB128 (college campuses)-Judiciary Committee Hearing 2/25 New Jersey: A512 (state vehicles)-Carried over from 2010; S446 (housing)-Carried over from 2010 New York: A03430 (correctional facilities) North Dakota: HB1307 (minors in smokefree bars)-Passed House and sent to Senate Oklahoma: SB485 (technical amendment); HB1258 (hospitals) Oregon: HB2726 (smoke shop registry)-Public Hearing on 2/25; SB293 (housing)-Public Hearing and Possible Work Session scheduled for 2/21; HB3014 (electronic cigarettes); HB3191 (technical change); HB3329 (amend smoke shop exemption) South Carolina: S219 (schools)-Prefiled and Referred to Committee on Education South Dakota: SB163 (penalties)-Judiciary Committee Deferred to the 41st legislative day Tennessee: HB1123 / SB0853 (fire stations); HB1470 / SB1936 (local control for hospital grounds) West Virginia: SB9 (tobacco-free pharmacies)

Summaries of all NEW bills are listed below: (All other pending bill summaries are on individual state pages on Connecticut HB5614-(private clubs)-An Act Extending the Prohibition on Smoking to Private Clubs This draft bill would amend the current smokefree law to prohibit smoking in private clubs. At this time, only a summary is provided of the bill, and specific bill language is not available. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Florida HB891-(schools)-An act relating to the regulation of smoking
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This bill would authorize district school boards to adopt rules to prohibit any person from smoking tobacco on or in any other facility or property owned or leased by the district between the hours of 6 a m. and midnight. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No HB971-(vehicles with minors)-An act relating to motor vehicle operation This bill prohibits smoking in a vehicle when a person under age 7 is present. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No SB1430-(schools)-An act relating to the regulation of smoking This bill would authorize district school boards to adopt rules to prohibit any person from smoking tobacco on or in any other facility or property owned or leased by the district between the hours of 6 a m. and midnight. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Massachusetts H02110-(elderly public housing)-A bill relative to non-smoking units in housing for elderly persons This bill requires that a housing authority shall provide for nonsmoking buildings, or in a single building facility, nonsmoking floors in housing for elderly persons. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No New York A05516-(transportation platforms)-An Act in relation to prohibiting smoking on waiting and platform areas of transportation terminals This bill prohibits smoking in outdoor areas of ticketing, boarding, waiting or platform areas of public transportation terminals. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No S03461-(transportation platforms)-An Act in relation to prohibiting smoking on waiting and platform areas of transportation terminals This bill prohibits smoking in outdoor areas of ticketing, boarding, waiting or platform areas of public transportation terminals. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Oregon HB3329-(amend smoke shop exemption)-A bill relating to smoke shops
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This bill amends the definition of stand-alone business, which is used in the exemption for smoke shops. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No HB3457-(theatrical exemption)-An Act relating to the use of smoking instruments in scripted productions html This bill creates an exemption in the state smokefree law to allow performers in scripted stage, motion picture or television productions to smoke in public places or places of employment in certain circumstances. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Vermont H0379-(state parks)-An act relating to prohibiting smoking in state parks and forests This bill would prohibit smoking within state parks and state forestlands. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No

Liz Williams Project Manager Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation 2530 San Pablo Ave, Suite J Berkeley, CA 94702 Phone: 510-841-3032 x314 Fax: 510-841-3071 [email protected] www ********************** Are you a member of ANR? Our work depends on the support of our members. Please click here to view our membership options. We would love to have you join us! Show your support for smokefree air by putting a static-cling decal in your window at work, home, or the car. To purchase, visit:

Liz Williams Project Manager Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation 2530 San Pablo Ave, Suite J Berkeley, CA 94702 Phone: 510-841-3032 x314 Fax: 510-841-3071 [email protected] www
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********************** Are you a member of ANR? Our work depends on the support of our members. Please click here to view our membership options. We would love to have you join us! Show your support for smokefree air by putting a static-cling decal in your window at work, home, or the car. To purchase, visit: </ -You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Smokefree-talk" group. To post to this group, send email to [email protected]. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [email protected]. For more options, visit this group at

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From: [email protected] on behalf of Liz Williams <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, February 26, 2010 8:16 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [Smokefree-Talk] Preemption Watch Bill Tracking Summary: 2/26/10 Preemption Watch Weekly Bill Tracking Summary of U.S. State Bills February 26, 2009 ANR tracks pending legislation relating to states' smokefree air policies as part of the continued fight to prevent preemptive legislation before it can be passed and to overturn preemption in states where it is already in place. Since even a strong bill can become preemptive at any point in the legislative process, it is very important to track even the best bills throughout the entire legislative session and keep a watchful eye out for all attempts to remove local control. In 2010, consider setting up a Preemption Strike Force to help combat tobacco industry legislative tricks by allowing for quick and easy communication among proponents of local control. Learn how at Below is a listing of state bills that have been introduced in state legislatures. Please visit the and click on the state of your choice to view the summary, text, and status of pending bills. Please email ANR with any new information regarding pending legislation and preemption attempts in your state and we will analyze and summarize the legislation. The new and pending legislative bills are classified below into seven categories to clearly delineate which bills will protect public health and should be supported from those that should be opposed because they do not effectively protect public health, weaken a strong law, or intend to preempt local control. New bills and changes in bill status since the last update appear in bold. Strong: Bill includes 100% smokefree non-hospitality workplaces and/or restaurants and/or bars; strengthens existing smokefree laws; or repeals preemption. Weak: Bill includes ventilation, smoking rooms, or other key exemptions. Weakens: Bill weakens a current strong 100% smokefree law. Preemptive: Bill contains preemptive language that removes the right to local control. Vehicles: Bill addresses smoking in vehicles with children present. Outdoor: Bill primarily addresses smoking in outdoor locations. Other: Bills contain other provisions and should be watched. The following states have strong bills that include 100% smokefree non-hospitality workplaces and/or restaurants and/or bars; OR repeals preemption: Alaska : HB304 (workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming) Connecticut: SB245 (workplaces)-Public Hearing scheduled for March 1 Indiana : SB175 (workplaces, restaurants, bars)-Amendment adopted in House to create smokefree air language; Passed House and returned to Senate Iowa: HF6 (casinos)-Carried over to 2010; HF174 (casinos and patios)-Carried over to 2010 Kansas: SB25 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010; HB2221 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)Passed and Sent to Governor
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Michigan : HB4099 (workplaces and restaurants)-Carried over to 2010; SB79 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)Carried over to 2010; SB114 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars; preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB4196 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars; preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB4341 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars; preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB5077 (preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB5283 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010 Missouri: HB1766 (workplaces, restaurants and bars); SB904 (workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming)-Committee hearing held on 2/22 New Hampshire: HB1475 (workplaces and public places)-Majority Report: Inexpedient to Legislate New Jersey: A1062 (casinos); S423 (casinos) New York: S03388 (tribal gaming)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Investigations and Government Operations Committee Oklahoma: HB1040 (preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; HB1728 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010; SB925 (preemption repeal)-Second Reading referred to Rules; HB2343 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)-Second Reading referred to Public Health; SB1809 (workplaces, restaurants and bars)-Second Reading referred to Appropriations Pennsylvania: HB58 (preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; SB113 (restaurants and bars; preemption repeal)Carried over to 2010; HB1245 (bars; preemption repeal)-Carried over to 2010; SB898 (partial preemption repeal)Carried over to 2010 Tennessee: HB0017/SB1799 (restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010 Vermont: H0118 (workplaces)-Carried over to 2010 Virginia: HB1351 (publicly owned buildings)-Left in General Laws Committee West Virginia: SB360 (workplaces, restaurants, bars and gaming) Wisconsin: AB253 (workplaces, restaurants, and bars)-Carried over to 2010 The following states have weak bills that include ventilation, smoking rooms, size exemptions, or other major faults or exemptions: Michigan: HB4752 (trigger with tribal gaming)-Carried over to 2010; SB469 (ballot requirement)-Carried over to 2010; HB5535 (tax credit)-Carried over to 2010; HB5637 (smoking areas)-Carried over to 2010 Oklahoma: HB1311 (age restriction)-Carried over to 2010; SB1036 (task force)-Carried over to 2010 South Carolina: H3091 (restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010; H3113 (restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010; H3523 (workplaces)-Carried over to 2010; S38 (restaurants and bars)-Carried over to 2010 Tennessee: SB431 (signage) West Virginia: HB4507 (appeals of smokefree laws) The following states have bills that create exemptions that weaken a current strong law: D.C.: B18-0084 (exemption)-Carried over to 2010 Hawaii: SB1347 (smoking license exemption)-Carried over to 2010 Illinois: HB1145 (smoking licenses)-Carried over to 2010; SB1836 (theatrical exemption)-Carried over to 2010; HB6158 (religious exemption)-Environmental Health Committee hearing scheduled for March 4 Iowa: HF44 (bar patios)-Carried over to 2010; HF210 (age exemption)-Carried over to 2010; HF358 (bar exemption)Carried over to 2010; HF544 (elimination of signage requirement)-Carried over to 2010; HF731 (residential treatment exemption)-Carried over to 2010; HF2227 (veteran's club exemption) Michigan: HB5803 (smoking room exemption) Minnesota: HF257/SF270 (bar and bar area of restaurant exemption)-Carried over to 2010; HF2046-(hookah exemption)-Carried over to 2010; SF898-(smoking break rooms)-Carried over to 2010 New Jersey: A461 (tobacco business exemption) Ohio : SB120 (cigar bar and family bar exemption)-Carried over to 2010 Pennsylvania: HB1146 (fire company exemption)-Carried over to 2010; HB1147 (church exemption)-Carried over to 2010 Tennessee: HB0163/SB0863 (age restriction)-Carried over to 2010; HB441/SB412 (age restriction)-Carried over to 2010 Wisconsin: SB225 (hotel exemption)-Carried over to 2010; AB295 (hotel exemption)-Carried over to 2010
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The following states have preemptive bills: Hawaii: HB2691 (preemptive bar exemption)-Committees recommend measure be deferred; HB2742 (preemptive bar and attached bar exemption); SB2794 (preemptive bar exemption); SB2801 (preemptive bar exemption) Illinois: HB5997 (preemptive)-Environmental Health Committee hearing scheduled for March 4 Indiana : HB1131 (workplaces, restaurant)-Referred to Senate Committee on Commerce and Public Policy & Interstate Cooperation Iowa : HF362 (preemption; repeals smokefree law)-Carried over to 2010 Kansas: SB81 (preemption; minors only and smoking areas)-Carried over to 2010; HB2642 (preemption)-Withdrawn from Appropriations and Referred to Health and Human Services Massachusetts: HB2176 (preemptive exemptions)-Carried over to 2010 New York: A08982 (retail tobacco shop exemption and preemption)-Referred to Economic Development Committee; S06179 (retail tobacco store exemption and preemption)-Advanced to 3rd Reading West Virginia: HB2855 (preemption)-Carried over to 2010; HB2932 (preemptive)-Carried over to 2010 The following states have bills that address smoking in vehicles when children are present: Arizona: HB2076 (vehicles with minors) Hawaii: HB1952 (vehicles with minors)-Passed First Reading and Sent to Health and Judicial Committees Illinois: HB889 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 Maryland: HB438 (vehicles with minors)-Unfavorable Report by Environmental Matters Committee Massachusetts: HB3233 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; HB3475 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; SB1902 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 Minnesota: HF379/SF359 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 New Jersey: A1591 (vehicles with minors); S475 (vehicles with minors) New York: A06288 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; A06714 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; S03191 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee Ohio : SB135 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 Pennsylvania: HB359 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 South Carolina: H3023 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; H3082 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; H3317 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; H3445 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; S23 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 Tennessee: SB0495 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010; HB727/SB1550 (vehicles with minors)-Carried over to 2010 Virginia: HB186 (vehicles with minors)-Left in Militia, Police and Public Safety Committee Washington: HB1151 (vehicles with minors)-Re-introduced for 2010 The following states have bills primarily addressing smoking in outdoor locations: California: SB4 (parks/beaches)-Carried over to 2010; Moved from inactive file to third reading file District of Columbia: B18-042-(reasonable distance)-Passed Final Reading Hawaii: HB68 (sidewalks)-Carried over to 2010; HB171 (parks and beaches)-Carried over to 2010; HB1509 (beaches)-Carried over to 2010; SB1040 (beaches)-Carried over to 2010; SB2071 (beaches, parks and bus stops)-Deferred by the Health Committee Massachusetts: HB2162 (reasonable distance)-Carried over to 2010 Michigan: SB906 (state capitol grounds)-Carried over to 2010 Missouri: HB1277 (school property) New Hampshire: HB1186 (parks)-Majority Committee Report: Refer to Interim Study; HB1194 (beaches)Committee Report: Refer to Interim Study New Jersey: S443 (outdoor public places)-On Hold; S684 (youth; outdoors); A2172/S669 (parks and beaches)-S669 on Hold; A1853 (state parks and beaches); S889 (state-owned beaches)-On Hold New York: A00577 (reasonable distance)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; A01137
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(playgrounds)-Passed Assembly and sent to Senate; A01837-(parks and beaches)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; A07362 (reasonable distance)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; S05005 (playgrounds)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee Tennessee: SB3719/HB3748 (library grounds) Vermont: H0046 (reasonable distance)-Carried over to 2010; H501 (government building grounds); H568 (reasonable distance) The following states have other provisions and should be watched: Connecticut: SB264 (day care facilities) Hawaii: HB66 (public housing)-Carried over to 2010; HB67 (housing)-Carried over to 2010; HB886 (compliance)Carried over to 2010; HB1486 (prisons)-Carried over to 2010; HB1579 (prisons)-Carried over to 2010; SB56 (compliance)-Carried over to 2010; SB455 (public housing)-Carried over to 2010; SB596 (housing)-Carried over to 2010; SB1050 (beaches)-Carried over to 2010 Iowa : HF2015 (gaming exemption referenda) Illinois: HB3176 (technical amendment)-Carried over to 2010; SB851 (technical amendment)-Carried over to 2010; SB2314 (technical amendment)-Carried over to 2010; HB5524 (enforcement change); SB3591 (enforcement change) Maryland: SB989 (e-cigarettes in public places) Massachusetts: HB1875 (workplace smoking)-Carried over to 2010; HB1181 (elderly housing)-Ordered to a third reading in House Committee On Steering, Policy and Scheduling; HB1243 (elderly housing)Bill reported favorably from the Joint Committee on Housing; HB2054 (tobacco free pharmacies)-Carried over to 2010; S813 (tobacco free pharmacies)-Bill reported favorably from the Joint Committee on Public Health Michigan: HB4100 (compliance)-Carried over to 2010; HB4419 (compliance)-Carried over to 2010; HB5284 (workplace liability)-Carried over to 2010 Minnesota: HF1142 (psychiatric hospitals)-Carried over to 2010 Mississippi: SB2644 (youth recreation)-Amended and Passed House Education Committee Nebraska : LB861 (technical amendment)-Declared General Affairs Priority Bill New Hampshire: HB1541 (e-cigarettes at educational facilities) New Jersey: A512 (state vehicles); S446 (housing) New York: S1234 (tobacco free pharmacies)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; A05890 (tobacco free pharmacies)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; A06542 (public housing)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; S03242 (playgrounds)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Health Committee; A08700 (housing)-Carried over to 2010; Referred to Judiciary Committee Oklahoma: HB2748 (educational facilities)-Amended by committee substitute Higher Education and Career Tech Committee; SB1674 (educational facilities)-Reported Do Pass, amended by Appropriations committee substitute; SB1826 (name change)-Second Reading referred to Rules Rhode Island: HB7012 (tobacco-free health care facilities); HB7153 (smoking bar restriction)-Committee recommended measure be held for further study; SB2204 (smoking bar restriction) South Carolina: S31 (schools)-Carried over to 2010 Utah : HB71 (e-cigarette restrictions)-Bill Substituted by House Committee; HB88 (e-cigarette restrictions)-Bill Enrolled Washington: HB2257 (tobacco-free health care) West Virginia: SB24 (tobacco free pharmacies); HB4498 (state capitol) Legislation Enacted this Year New Jersey: A4227/A4228 (e-cigarettes in public places)-Signed by Governor Pennsylvania: SB711 (gaming exemption; preemption)-Signed by the Governor

Summaries of all NEW bills are listed below: (All other pending bill summaries are on individual state pages on
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Connecticut SB245-(workplaces)-An Act Concerning Smoking In Public Places-Public Hearing scheduled for March 1 This bill amends the current smokefree law to extend it to workplaces with one or more employees. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No SB264-(day care facilities)-An Act Prohibiting Smoking In Licensed Child Care Facilities This bill prohibits smoking in licensed child care facilities during the hours of operation. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: No Indiana SB175-(workplaces, restaurants, bars)-An Act Concerning Health-Amendment adopted in House to create smokefree air language; Passed House and returned to Senate This bill addressing various health matters was amended to insert language prohibiting smoking in enclosed public places and places of employment, including restaurants and bars. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: YES Maryland SB989-(e-cigarettes)-An Act concerning electronic smoking devices This bill prohibits people from smoking an electronic smoking device in any location covered by the statewide smokefree air law. Preemptive: No Anti-Preemption Clause: Yes

Liz Williams Project Manager Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation 2530 San Pablo Ave, Suite J Berkeley, CA 94702 Phone: 510-841-3032 x314 Fax: 510-841-3071 [email protected] **********************
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Liz Williams Project Manager Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation 2530 San Pablo Ave, Suite J Berkeley, CA 94702 Phone: 510-841-3032 x314 Fax: 510-841-3071 [email protected] ********************** Are you a member of ANR? Our work depends on the support of our members. Please click here to view our membership options. We would love to have you join us! Show your support for smokefree air by putting a static-cling decal in your window at work, home, or the car. To purchase, visit: </ -You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Smokefree-talk" group. To post to this group, send email to [email protected]. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [email protected]. For more options, visit this group at

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