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(81) 10. Control Unit manage and coordinate the operation of all other component of the computer system. (True/False) 11. ALU performs Arithmeti¢ and logic operation: (True/False) 12. Buffers are used to store data. (True/False) - 13. Ina flow chart parallelogram is used as processing box.(True/False) ‘14. The term algorithm refer to the logic of program. (True/False) 15. A flow chart is a pictorial representation of algorithm. (True/False)~ 16. Daisy wheel printer in a type of non impact printer. (True/False) 17. Printer is uses for hard copy. (True/False) 18. 8086 is a 32 bit microprocessor. (True/False) 19. 2’s complement of 1011 is 0101 (True/False) 20. 1’s complement of 10101 is 11010. (True/False) 21. ASCII code is three type. (True/False) 22. EBCDIC is a 8 bit code. (True/False) 23. Base of Hexadecimal no is 15. (True/False) 24. Binary 1011 is equal to the Decimal no. 12. (True/False) 25. Octal no. 20 is equal to the binary no. 010 000. (True/False) 26. The Flip-flop is a mechanical device. (True/False) 27. NOT is a inverter Gate. (True/False) 28. NAND and NOR is a universal gate. (True/False) 29. Isx + 0 =x Absorption law is apply. (True/False) 30. Boolean Algebra is used to analyse and simplified the digital circuit. (True/False) 31. Magnetic tape is a storage medium of sequential file.(True/False) Answers, ~’’ret 1. False 2. False 3. True 4. False eyacd helt 6. True 7. True 8. True~ 9. False 10. True ll. True 12. False (13. False 14. True 15. True 16, False

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