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Deep Relaxation Technique.

Position : Savasana

Practice :
 Lie down on your back, keep the legs apart.
 Relax the body with normal breathing. 

Step - 1
 Focus your mind to the lower part of the body. Slowly focus on tip of the toes, gently move them
and relax. Feel the relaxation in the soles of the feet and ankle joint. Relax around the calf
muscles and gently pull up the knee caps, release and relax. Shift your awareness to the thigh
region, feel the relaxation around thigh muscles. Loosen the buttock muscles, hip joints and
mentally feel the relaxation in the part.  Focus on your pelvic region and waist, relax totally.
R..e..l..a..x. To enhance the relaxation in the lower part of the body chant A..A..A -  Kara and
feel the vibrations in the lower parts of the body.

Step - 2
 Slowly bring your awareness to the middle part of the body. Focus on the movement of the
abdomen for few seconds and feel the relaxation in the abdominal muscles. Relax the chest
muscles. Shift the awareness to the lower back and relax. Feel relaxation around the muscles of
back bones. Relax the middle back, upper back muscles. Totally relax the shoulder blades. 

 Sensitize the tip of the fingers and relax them one by one mentally. Relax the palms, loosen the
wrist joints and relax them. Feel the relaxation in the forearms region, elbow joints and biceps
and triceps and relax the shoulders. Focus on your neck region, feel the relaxation around the
neck muscles. Slowly move the head to the left and right and bring back to the center. Totally
relax the middle part of the body. R..E..L..A..X. To enhance the relaxation middle part of the
body, Chant U - Kara and feel the vibration in the middle part of the body.  

Step - 3
 Shift your awareness to upper part of the body. Relax the cheek and chin muscles. Feel the
relaxation in lower jaw and upper jaw, lower and upper teeth, lower and upper gums, lower and
upper lips. Feel the relaxation in your soft and hard palate region, throat and vocal chord .
Focus your mind to that particular part of the body and relax it mentally. Relax your throat and
vocal chords, sensitize relaxation in your soft and hard palates. Relax your upper and lower lips.
 Focus your mind on your nostrils and observe breathing effortlessly. Feel the cool air is entering
your through the nostrils while inhaling, feel the warm air is touching the walls of nostrils while
exhaling. Sensitize the breath, feel the breath, observe few seconds and relax the nostrils. Shift
the awareness to your eye region, relax the eyeballs, eyelids  and eyebrows. Sensitize the
temple region and relax forehead, ears, the sides of the head, back of the head and the crown
region. Totally relax the upper portion of the body. R..E..L..A...X and chant M - Kara, feel the
vibrations in your head region.

Step - 4
 Observe the whole body from the tip of the toes to crown region and relax effortlessly. To
enhance the relaxation of the body chant an AUM in a single breath. Feel the soothing and
massaging effect throughout the body. Experience the relaxation of each and every part of the

Step - 5
 Co-ordinate between body, mind and the breath. Expand your awareness as vast as sky.
Visualize the limitless blue sky and experience the blissful state of silence within you and
around you. Enjoy the silence, the bliss and feeling of relaxation through out the body.

Step - 6
 Slowly comeback to body consciousness. While inhaling, Chant an "AUM" Kara. Feel the
resonance through out the body. 

Step - 7
 Bring your awareness to your physical body. Move your body a little. Feel the lightness and
energy through out the body. Gently bring your legs together and the hands by the side of the
body. Turn to your left  or right and come up effortlessly.

Quick Relaxation Technique

Position : Savasana

Lie down flat on your back, legs apart, heels facing each other, hands by the side of the body
slightly away, palms facing upwards, eyes closed gently and relax the facial muscles. Relax the
whole body and be aware of the abdominal movements.

Step I     :    Observation of Abdominal Muscle Movement

 Focus your mind to the abdomen region. Feel the mutual expansion and contraction of
abdomen. Concentrate on the movements of the abdomen muscles moving up and down,
bulging up and sinking down.
 The movements automatically and naturally become slow and regularized as you keep feeling
and observing the same. Practice 5 rounds.
Step II    :    Synchronization with Breathing
 Synchronize the breathing along with the abdomen movements. While inhaling the abdomen 
bulges up, while exhaling abdomen sinks down. 
 Feel the deep breath go down to the lungs as your inhale and full exhalation emptying the lungs,
each time. Practice 5 rounds.

Step III  :    Breathing with Feeling

 Synchronize the breathing and the abdominal movement with feeling. While inhaling, feel the
whole body getting energized with positive energies. While exhaling, feel the toxins and
negative energies going out of the body.
 In every inhalation the body gets energized due to the supply of oxygen and becomes lighter.  In
every exhalation the body relaxes normally and naturally. Feel it.
 Feel the whole body collapsing and sinking down, releasing all the stresses and tensions
completely. Practice 5 rounds.

To enhance the relaxation, slowly bring your awareness to the navel region and chant "A" Kara.
Feel the vibration of the "A" Kara and sensitive the vibration. Eyes should be closed throughout
the practice.

Slowly bring the legs together and move the toes. Bring the hands close to the body and move
the fingers. Move the head to left and to right slowly. Fold the left leg, slide the right hand
upwards, turn to the right, stretch the left leg on the right leg. Rest your head on the biceps for
few seconds,

Keep the left palm on the ground, with the support of the left hand, slowly get up to any
comfortable sitting posture. Rub the palms briskly to generate enough heat, make a cup shape
and transfer the heat generated around the eye balls and massage the whole face gently.
Looking at the ground slowly open your eyes.

Benefits  :

 Creates deep awareness at the mind level.

  Gives the relaxation to the abdominal muscles.
Instant Relaxation Technique ( Duration : 2 minutes )
Position : Savasana

 Join the legs, heels and toes together, hands slightly away from the sides of the body.  
 Relax the facial muscles through out the practice.
 Start tightening from the toes.
 Tighten the ankle joints, calf muscles and pull up the knee caps.
 Tighten the thigh muscles, squeeze the buttock muscles.
 Exhale and contract the abdomen in.
 Make fists, tighten the wrist joints, forearm, elbow joints and biceps and triceps.
 Inhale and expand the chest region.
 Tighten the shoulders, neck muscles and squeeze the facial muscles.
 Tighten the whole body from the tip of the toes to the head region.
 After tightening the whole body, immediately release the whole body by exhaling through the
 Keep the legs and arms apart and open the palms facing upwards.
 Relax the whole body slowly.
Note :
 This practice can be done sitting on a chair.
 Energies the body and helps to release the stress or tension.

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