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Hall Ticket Number :

Code: 20DF22T
M.C.A. II Semester Regular & Supplementary Examinations November 2022
Python Programming
Max. Marks: 60 Time: 3 Hours
Answer all five units by choosing one question from each unit ( 5 x 12 = 60 Marks )
Marks CO BL
1. a) Does Python allow you to program in a structured style? Give one example 6M CO1 L2
b) Explain about logical operators with examples. 6M CO1 L2
2. a) With the necessary examples explain various keywords available in Python 6M CO1 L2
b) Explain in detail about operator precedence and associativity with suitable
examples. 6M CO1 L2
3. a) Solve a Python program that prints all the numbers from 0 to 6 except 3 and 6 6M CO2 L6
b) Explain differences between various types if conditions with syntax and examples? 6M CO2 L2
4. a) Explain continue statement with example. 6M CO2 L2
b) Write a Python program using while loop to display first N numbers divisible by 5? 6M CO2 L1
5. Write a Python function i) to test whether a number is even or odd.
ii)to calculate factorial value of numbers from 1 to 10 12M CO3 L2
6. a) Solve a Python program to find gcd of given two numbers. 6M CO3 L6
b) Design a Python function to sum all the numbers in a list.
Sample List : (8, 2, 3, 0, 7) Expected Output : 20 6M CO3 L6
7. a) Explain Exception handling mechanism in python 6M CO4 L2
b) Write a Python program to convert a set into a dictionary. 6M CO4 L2
8. a) Write about the following operations on dictionary
i) len(). Ii)min() 6M CO4 L2
b) Explain the process of how to delete dictionary from multiple dictionaries 6M CO4 L2
9. a) Explain public, private and protected access specifiers and show the ambiguity
in multiple and multilevel inheritance 6M CO5 L2
b) Explain the inheritance. List different types of inheritance. Write differences
between them. 6M CO5 L2
10. a) Justify your answer with suitable example “Class is a template while Object is data” 6M CO5 L6
b) Explain the following OO concepts
i) Encapsulation
ii) Polymorphism. 6M CO5 L1

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Hall Ticket Number :
Code: 20DF22T
M.C.A. II Semester Regular Examinations November 2021
Python Programming
Max. Marks: 60 Time: 3 Hours
Answer all five units by choosing one question from each unit ( 5 x 12 = 60 Marks )
Marks CO
1. a) What is Python? Describe its features and applications. 6M CO1 L2
b) What is IDE? Describe in detail about the functioning of IDLE? 6M CO1 L2
2. a) What are keywords in Python? Explain the rules for writing identifiers? 6M CO1 L2
b) Write in detail about the data types in Python? 6M CO1 L1

3. a) Mention the different types of selection structures allowed in Python. 6M CO1 L2
b) Write a Python program that prints multiplication table of a given number. 6M CO1 L1
4. a) What is the purpose of else clause for a loop? Explain how else works
with while and for loops, with examples 6M CO1 L2
b) What is a list in Python? How to create nested lists? Demonstrate how to
create and print a 3-dimensional matrix with lists. 6M CO1 L3

5. a) Explain about different types of arguments in Python 6M CO1 L2
b) Write a script to draw a pattern using Turtle? 6M CO2 L1
6. a) Outline about function definition and call with example. 6M CO1 L4
b) Describe about default arguments with suitable program. 6M CO1 L2

7. a) Illustrate the internal structure of a typical Python module with the
suitable example? 6M CO1 L2
b) Explain about the file reading and writing operations using format
operator with Python code. 6M CO3 L2
8. a) Explain about how exceptions are handled with example. 6M CO3 L2
b) Summarize the difference between dictionaries and sets. 6M CO1 L2

9. a) Describe the design of recursive functions. 6M CO1 L2
b) Explain the advantages of using polymorphism in program design. 6M CO5 L2
10. a) Explain the appropriate use of iteration Vs. recursion. 6M CO1 L2
b) Write a script illustrating multiple inheritance. 6M CO5 L1
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Hall Ticket Number :
Code: 20DF22T
M.C.A. II Semester Supplementary Examinations April 2022
Python Programming
Max. Marks: 60 Time: 3 Hours
Answer all five units by choosing one question from each unit ( 5 x 12 = 60 Marks )
Marks CO
1. a) Discuss briefly about the process of computational problem solving. 6M CO1 L2
b) What is interactive Python shell? What is the significance of indentation
in writing Python programs? 6M CO1 L2
2. a) List different operators in Python, in the order of their precedence. 6M CO1 L1
b) Write a program illustrating the use of numeric literals and string literals? 6M CO1 L2
3. a) Mention the different types of iterative structures allowed in Python. 6M CO1 L2
b) Differentiate between lists and tuples in Python? 6M CO1 L3
4. a) Explain three intrinsic sequence types of Python language with examples? 6M CO1 L2
b) Demonstrate with code the various operations that can be performed on
tuples. 6M CO4 L3
5. a) Describe about variable length arguments with suitable program 6M CO1 L2
b) Write a Python function that prints all factors of a given number. 6M CO4 L2
6. a) What are the different function prototypes? Explain with suitable examples 6M CO1 L2
b) Write a Python turtle program to draw a blue square of size 200 and the
draw a green circle which touches the square on all sides from inside. 6M CO4 L3
7. a) What is Module in Python? Explain how can you use Modules in your
program explain with an example code. 6M CO2 L2
b) Write a Python code to search a string in the given list. 6M CO2 L3
8. a) What happens if except clause is written without any Exception type?
Explain with an example. 6M CO3 L2
b) Give a comparison between lists, tuples, dictionaries and sets 6M CO1 L3
9. a) Demonstrate a recursive factorial function implementation. 6M CO4 L3
b) Explain the fundamental concepts of object – oriented programming. 6M CO5 L2
10. a) Explain MergeSort Recursive Alogorithm in Python. 6M CO4 L2
b) Explain how to implement inheritance in Python 6M CO5 L2
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