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ENABL Digital solutions to

power your productivity

Top service
TSUV Gyratory Crushers
Safer, smarter and
more powerful crushing

The lowest cost per tonne It’s a hard rock life
of product processed With mining companies increasingly turning to
low-grade deposits to meet market demand, the pressure
on crushing operations is greater than ever.

Crushing just got harder. With low grade ore deposits requiring higher Are you doing more work for the same yield? ■ More power without a significant increase in crusher footprint
power and higher throughputs than ever before, you need a crusher Your energy bill is higher. Your maintenance costs are higher. Your ■ Greater capacity without compromising on performance
that can take the impact – without compromising on efficiency. health and safety risks are higher. That’s the reality of crushing ■ Optimised speed to balance throughput and wear rates
With more power and greater capacity, the digitally-enabled TSUV low-grade ore. ■ Enlarged feed opening for greater flexibility
is the world’s most OPEX and CAPEX-efficient gyratory crusher. ■ Service through the top, significantly reducing safety risks
At the same time there is pressure to reduce the environmental ■ Integrated, smart controls, including wear compensation and
impact of your operation. Bring down energy consumption. Increase automatic mantle adjustment to maximise crushing efficiency
efficiency. And of course, always, protect your personnel from harm. ■ Potential to connect to your mobile device for real time status
and alerts, wherever you are
It’s time for next-generation crushing ■ Liner optimisation for the lowest wear cost per tonne
We can’t change the nature of your deposit. But we can change
the way you crush it. Our Mark V Top Service Gyratory Crusher It’s the most efficient gyratory crusher on the market, designed
– the TSUV – brings you: to help your mining operation reach its full potential.

World copper demand increases as copper deposit grades fall


Cu Concentrator throughput (kTPD)



% Copper



80 0.4

Key benefits 40 0.2

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 0 0
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025
Ultra-heavy duty Lowest cost per tonne Lowest total cost Safer, simpler Digitally enabled for
design in operation of ownership (TCO) maintenance optimal productivity

TSUV Gyratory Crushers 3

A chip off the old rock The evolution
of a master crusher
Mining has a long history – and so do we. Our commitment to optimising the comminution
process with quality crushers dates back to the Traylor and Fuller-Traylor gyratory crushers of
the early 1900s. Since then, our crushers have continuously withstood the harshest demands of
the world’s mines and rock quarries. Through constant improvements in engineering, we have
earned our place as a proven and preferred crusher supplier throughout the industry.

Safety, reliability and performance Harder, better, faster, stronger

The TSUV is our latest generation gyratory crusher, following the The Mark V design builds on these strengths and adds even
successful rollout of our Top Service (TS) and Top Service Ultra more power, capacity and flexibility. We have re-engineered the
Duty (TSU) models. The unique design emphasises safety, easy entire crusher to deliver advanced crushing efficiency with only
maintenance and efficient crushing performance. a nominal increase in footprint.

Unlike other gyratory crushers, which require workers to get in It’s also safer than ever before. The all-new self-aligning main-shaft 1905 1950 1990 2006 2020
underneath the crusher to perform maintenance tasks – a high-risk negates the need for service personnel to be working underneath Bulldog MK I TC MK II NT MK III TS MK IV TSUV MK V
operation – the TS range allows service and maintenance to be a heavy suspended load. Previously the 100+ tonne fully-dressed
carried out from above. The eccentric assembly, bushings and main-shaft had to be guided into the eccentric assembly by hand.
hydraulic piston are easily accessible and removed through the top With this new development the shaft aligns automatically,
of the crusher, hence the name ‘Top Service’. Not only is this much dramatically reducing risk. Strip
Feed Power Down
safer than the bottom service crusher design, it also increases the
Crusher First Desig­ Opening Capacity Power to Weight Reduction Time
speed and simplicity of maintenance work, reducing costs and To offer even greater potential to optimise performance, the model built nation (in) (mtph) (kW) Ratio Ratio (hrs) Notes
boosting availability. TSUV is digitally enabled – giving you more control over operations
and availability. This is a game-changer. The ability to make fine Bulldog 1905 Mk I 18 200 150 1:1 2.5 : 1 48 Side discharge - belt driven (flat, later V-type)
In addition to safety and the reduced maintenance burden, the adjustments to wear compensation, track equipment trends and
1910 Mk I 48 1.200 225 1:1 2.5 : 1 48 Maintenance intense (multi-daily)
TS gyratory crushers are built for strength, durability and the ability instantly detect crusher obstructions will enable increased uptime,
to adapt to the various requirements of mine operators. optimum equipment life and a significantly reduced risk of un- Grew over 50 years.
1919 Mk I 60 2.000 330 1:1 2.5 : 1 48
planned downtime. Additionally, our integrated control system Became basis for all other designs
incorporates all the required safety and interlock features to 1950 Superseded Eventually, over 2,400 sold
keep your operators safe.
TC Circular discharge
1950 Mk II 60 3.000 375 1 : 1.5 3.5 : 1 30
- belt driven (flat, later V-type)
1969 Mk II 72 3.400 525 1 : 1.5 3.5 : 1 30 Hydraulic adjustment introduced in early 60's

1990 Superseded
Capacity increase (mtph) Power increase (kW)
NT 1990 Mk III 60 x 113 4.500 750 1 : 1.7 4.0 : 1 17 Circular discharge - shaft driven
15000 1500
1500 2005 Mk III 60 x 113 6.000 1.000 1 : 2.0 4.0 : 1 17 Incorporation of FEA and modern controls
12000 1200 2013 Still current Modularised and simplified components

9000 900 TSU 2006 Mk IV 63 x 114 8.000 750 1 : 1.7 4.5 : 1 5 Circular discharge - shaft driven

6000 600 2009 Mk IV 63 x 118 10.000 1.200 1 : 2.3 4.5 : 1 5 Incorporation of FEA and modern controls
2013 Still current Eccentric serviced from top
3000 300
TSUV As TSU but more enhancements.
2020 Mk V 72 x 130 15.000 1.500 1 : 2.7 4.5 : 1 4
0 Rotable shells, self-aligning main-shaft
Low High Low High
Low High Our next generation model 1,500 kW and capacities up to 15,000 mtph

4 TSUV Gyratory Crushers TSUV Gyratory Crushers 5

With great power
comes greater throughput
As ore grade decreases and the industry seeks to crush ever harder material, crushers have
to rise to the challenge. You need more power to handle greater capacities. You need the
kind of hard-wearing, durable system that can manage ore with a BCWi into the 50s. But more
power typically means more wear and you can’t afford more outages – you need less.

We understand that to cope with new challenges, you need new Enlarged feed opening – For those customers with ‘slabby’ or
technology. It’s why we re-engineered the entire TSUV, rather than ‘blocky’ materials, we have introduced extended topshells to give
adding features to the previous model. Every part of the Mark V has you larger feed openings. These are optional for all machines in the
been strengthened and improved to give you greater crushing TSUV range.
efficiency and a low total cost of ownership (TCO). We’ve instilled all
our knowhow and process experience into the design to bring you: Liner optimisation service – This service ensures wear maintains
the desired nip angle, which keeps power at a constant range and
Higher power – Improved power handling capabilities allow you to thus optimises throughput.
process more material as ore yields decline, enabling you to remain
competitive. The crusher footprint has only nominally increased but Easier maintenance – Up to 74% reduction in planned
maximum power handling is now up to 1500 kW. maintenance time means more time in production, increasing
productivity and boosting your bottom line.
Higher capacity – Improved capacity throughputs make use of the
additional power available without compromising on setting or Integrated controls – Our advanced control system includes KPI
product size. You get the same product – but more of it. dashboards, built-in trending, power and PSD wear compensation,
automatic lowering of the mantle and camera/laser detection of
Optimised speed – We’ve optimised eccentric speeds to ensure oversize boulders and bridging. These are significant developments
maximum throughput without incurring excessive wear rates. This is that will enable you to increase reliability and reduce the risk of an
a finely balanced equation, based on extensive R&D work, which unscheduled stop.
together with the new service and operational features, gives you
the lowest possible cost per tonne of material processed.

Raising the bar

Are you crushing large lump ore or “blocky” material?
Our optional High-Flow Spider features a raised design
that increases the feed height under the spider arms by
as much as 200 mm, allowing plenty of room for larger
material to enter the crushing chamber. +7% +10% 72" x 130" 15,000 1,500 kW 1:2.7 4.5:1
Greater Increased Feed mtph Power Power to Reduction
While bridging can never be fully eliminated, this option, speed capacity opening Throughput weight ratio ratio
together with our oversize feed particle size detection
system, ensures it is minimised and your crusher maintains
maximum availability.

6 TSUV Gyratory Crushers TSUV Gyratory Crushers 7

9 7

– the Mark V gyratory crusher


In this latest generation, speed is increased by a further 7%. ■ Higher power handling – maximum power now up to 1500 kW
This, in conjunction with the larger mantle diameter, equates to ■ Rotable top and middle shells as standard
approximately a 10% capacity increase – and not at the expense ■ Self-aligning main-shaft as standard on all TSUV models 10
of setting. (a significant advantage to health, safety and availability)
■ Digitally enabled controls and condition monitoring
■ Designed to crush even the hardest ore

Features 4

The bar-type spider’s four-bolt design reduces 7. Integral main-shaft lifting eye ensures that 11
the amount of time required for removal. Further, it is stronger and never misplaced.
its rectangular design reduces the overall amount
of space necessary during maintenance. 8. 
Grease spider lubrication is simpler than
oil lubrication and easier to maintain.
Spiral bevel gearing allows for larger installed
power on the crushers. 9. 
Bronze spider bushing provides improved life
and better impact resistance than a cast iron spider
The countershaft assembly is designed to allow bushing.
for fine adjustment of gear mesh during installation.
It includes self-adjusting bearings that require no 10. Top shell wear plates are designed to be easily
maintenance or pre-load. replaceable, better fitting and leading to faster
dump pocket clean-out.
Eccentric and hydraulic piston now accessed from
the top, are serviced faster, more efficiently, and safer 11. 
Pressurised dust seal minimises particle ingress
than a traditional bottom service gyratory crusher. and ensures that oil stays clean of contaminants.

Threadless main-shaft design improves strength 12. Bottom shell view ports allow maintenance personnel
by minimising peak stresses during demanding to view crusher shell liners and check for wear. 1. 
Bar-type spider 5. Threadless main-shaft design 10. Top shell wear plates
Spiral bevel gearing 6. One-piece integral main-shaft 11. Dust seal pressurised chamber
crushing operations.
Countershaft assembly 7. Integral main-shaft lifting eye 12. Bottom shell view ports
13. We utilise identical oil in both the hydraulic and 4. 
Top serviceable eccentric 8. Grease spider lubrication 13. Identical lube and hydraulic oil
One-piece integral main-shaft standard on all sizes lubrication systems, ensuring that if cross-contamination and hydraulic piston 9. Bronze spider bushing
eliminates core shrink fit and reduces any loose occurs there is no need to flush out the system.
core downtime.

8 TSUV Gyratory Crushers TSUV Gyratory Crushers 9

Safer maintenance
saves lives
Get out from under the crusher
Standard gyratory crushers require personnel to get beneath Safer operating as standard
the crusher, a confined and hazardous workspace where The latest integrated control system includes multiple OEM design
they are at risk of: interlocks to ensure the safety of both people and machinery.
■ Falling debris from above The system allows you to set user access levels to operating
■ Higher exposure to pinch points parameters and keeps a log of user events. The easy-to-use

Increased exposure to electrical hazards configuration and local language options simplify operations and

Inhaling harmful dust help avoid mis­communications. In fact, the TSUV’s control system

Exposure to noxious gases operates at the highest industrial safety standard for E-Stop and
When risk becomes reality, the consequences are devastating.
Why take the chance when there is a better, safer option?
All of these things combine to give you simpler
maintenance that reduces planned downtime
When we introduced the 'Top Service' model by up to 74% compared to previous generation
in 2006, we became the first supplier models. That’s a significant reduction in your
on the market to prioritise safety in this way. risk factor.
Still, no other vendors offer a fully top service
■ ' Top Service' concept eliminates the dangers associated
with working beneath a crusher
The TSUV takes that commitment to safety a step further with ■ New rotable shell arrangement enables quick relining
the creation of the self-aligning main-shaft. No more flawed installs in a workshop
and damaged seals and, most importantly, no need for service ■ Self-aligning main-shaft negates the need for service
personnel to work under dangerous suspended loads. personnel to work underneath a heavy suspended load
■ Higher reliability = fewer maintenance events
Reducing risk ■ Updated manuals to give guidance on safe working procedures
Even in the best conditions, maintenance is still a hazardous job. ■ Full set of OEM design interlocks for personnel and machine
So we’ve worked hard to streamline performance and optimise protection
operating conditions to minimise the need for maintenance.

■ dvanced controls monitor the crusher and track trends to

help you develop a more proactive maintenance strategy, putting
an end to those stressful, dangerous unplanned shutdowns.
■ Fine adjustments for wear compensation ensure you get
the most from your wear liners, extending the time between
maintenance stops. 4 hours 74% 'Top Service'
■ Automatic detection of oversize boulders and bridging reduces Stripdown Reduction in Unique
the need for manual inspection. time planned downtime to FLSmidth

10 TSUV Gyratory Crushers TSUV Gyratory Crushers 11

Smart control systems
reduce maintenance costs
and extend equipment life
Get operational and asset health insights 24/7 Maximum reliability
with the digitally-enabled TSUV. The TSUV’s advanced control system gives you a 24/7 view
Minerals processes are faced with a number of challenges. of performance metrics, enabling you to increase reliability.
Securing the safety of your personnel. Reducing your environmental Also, with further condition monitoring feedback and controls,
impact. Increasing productivity, in spite of lower grade ores. you can get proactive about maintenance, minimising the risk
And creating quality products that are able to compete in a difficult of unplanned downtime.
landscape. Digital technologies give you greater control in all areas,
enabling you to maximise your returns in a safer, more sustainable ■ The TSUV comes with multiple sensors as standard
manner. to monitor oil, lubrication, vibration and more.
■ A life tracker enables you to analyse oil, mantle and concave
But what does ‘digitally enabled’ mean for your crusher? conditions, plotting trends and helping you make the best
It means you have the option to connect your TSUV to our digital decisions for greater productivity.
eco­­system, giving you the benefits of both our technologies ■ As a connected machine, you also have the option for remote
and our experience. We offer a range of services geared towards support and troubleshooting with FLSmidth 24/7 Global Remote
maintaining asset health and optimising performance, many of Service Center.
which can be carried out remotely, saving both time and money.
Tracking and trending operating parameters enables you to
continually adjust and optimise performance for the maximum
return with minimum waste. The control system has built-in trending,
historical data, alarms and events, stored locally for 6 months.
The KPIs dashboard is clear and easy to interpret, enabling you
to visualise performance levels at any given time at the touch of
a button – and with our mobile app, SiteConnect, you don’t even
have to be onsite to check on your crusher.

Want to know what’s going on when you’re not on site?
Stay connected with our mobile SiteConnect app for
iOS and Android. View your asset performance and
health data, no matter where you are, so that you can
make the best decisions for your plant and equipment,
promptly and with confidence.

■ I mproved visibility of plant and equipment performance

■ Optimised asset management
■ Quicker response to unplanned events

12 TSUV Gyratory Crushers TSUV Gyratory Crushers 13

Range and Capacities
major dimensions and gradations

Capacity (mtph)
OSS 4 in 5 in 6 in 7 in 8 in 9 in 10 in 11 in
Model 102 mm 127 mm 152 mm 178 mm 203 mm 229 mm 254 mm 279 mm

900 x 1500
680-1,058 1,199-1,823 1,536-2,259 1,915-2,749 – – – –
1100 x 1500
1100 x 1900
F D T – 1,474-2,272 2,254-3,383 2,800-4,058 3,396-4,766 – – –
1300 x 1900
H 1400 x 2200
– – 2,351-3,791 2,886-4,519 3,472-5,300 – – –
1600 x 2200
1600 x 2600
– – 2,926-4,842 4,142-6,733 4,913-7,821 5,436-8,494 – –
1800 x 2600
1600 x 3000
E – – – 4,800-6,050 5,550-7,450 6,700-8,750 7,500-9,650 8,250-10,750
1800 x 3000
Clearance B 1600 x 3300
to remove – – – 5,000-6,100 7,250-8,750 8,600-10,100 10,500-12,550 12,400-14,400
main-shaft 1800 x 3300
Notes: All capacities based on material with 1.65 t/m3 bulk density and Bond Crushing Work Index of 13 kWhr/mt.
Minimum and maximum numbers based on Fine and Coarse feed gradations. Fine: F80 = 450 mm. Coarse: F80 = 700 mm.
Discharge L C Centres
to remove Product gradation
countershaft Percent passing

Motor (kW) Weight
Model (Low – Standard) (mt) B C D E F H L M S T U W X 80
900 x 1500 375 - 450 90 2,507 2,186 4,245 150 3,923 2,687 2,770 3,451 2,300 805 3,259 820 1,334 4.0 in
1100 x 1500 375 - 450 108 2,507 2,186 4,453 150 4,136 2,898 2,770 3,650 2,300 805 3,457 705 1,334 5.0 in
1100 x 1900 450 - 600 147 3,343 2,843 5,717 150 5,136 3,376 3,645 4,470 3,080 1,139 3,966 1,228 2,068 60 6.0 in
1300 x 1900 450 - 600 175 3,343 2,843 5,998 150 5,414 3,641 3,645 4,728 3,080 1,139 4,207 1,056 2,068
50 7.0 in
1400 x 2200 600 - 750 250 3,900 3,400 6,716 150 6,102 4,177 3,850 5,568 3,599 1,250 4,836 1,275 1,973
1600 x 2200 600 - 750 298 3,900 3,400 7,046 150 6,433 4,505 3,850 5,889 3,599 1,250 5,130 1,096 1,973 8.0 in
1600 x 2600 750 - 1,000 391 4,850 4,250 8,029 150 7,139 4,877 4,975 6,770 4,171 1,500 6,325 2,635 2,981 9.0 in
1800 x 2600 750 - 1,000 474 4,850 4,250 8,423 150 7,526 5,260 4,975 7,160 4,171 1,500 6,710 2,266 2,981 30
10.0 in
1600 x 3000 1,000 - 1,200 522 5,450 4,850 8,770 150 7,929 5,408 5,215 6,574 4,775 1,670 6,320 2,468 2,780
1800 x 3000 1,000 - 1,200 608 5,450 4,850 9,200 150 8,318 5,833 5,215 6,953 4,775 1,670 6,705 2,122 2,780
1600 x 3300 1,200 - 1,500 554 5,450 4,850 8,631 150 7,539 5,001 5,350 6,900 4,780 1,670 6,416 2,538 3,060 10

1800 x 3300 1,200 - 1,500 654 5,450 4,850 9,055 150 7,948 5,394 5,350 7,297 4,780 1,670 6,807 2,183 3,060
10 mm 100 mm Product size [@ OSS setting]

14 TSUV Gyratory Crushers TSUV Gyratory Crushers 15

the crushing circuit
To increase productivity in your mine, we provide a strong portfolio of digital solutions and CONNECTIVITY CRUSHER HEALTH PERFORMANCE OPTIMISATION
services that connect, monitor and optimise performance of your assets. This is the smart
way to increase your output, reduce operational costs and reduce energy usage. Monitor, control Maximise the availability Boost your productivity
and optimise remotely of your crusher Our digital solutions uses data intelligence
Connecting your crusher to the internet via Online condition monitoring of equipment to optimise your crusher performance,
our secure infrastructure is the prerequisite and wear parts protects your crusher and boost your productivity and reduce your
for harvesting the benefits of digitalisation. mitigates risks to ensure optimal crusher energy usage.

ECS/Product Control Crusher Sensors Wear Compensation

Integrated product control enables faster Multiple sensors to monitor oil, lubrication, vibration Maintain product consistency and quality even as
CENTRAL commissioning, fewer programming errors and and more. your liners wear. Your operators never again have
better overall performance. We have embedded to guess when to adjust your OSS setting. The wear
our extensive knowledge of how best to operate Life Tracker compensation option enables the crusher to
Monitor and control your
and control the crusher into our state-of-the-art Enables you to analyse oil, mantle and concave automatically adjust the OSS as the liners wear.
single crusher or entire plant
control system. The integrated controls also provide conditions, plotting trends and helping you make
from one central control room
you with the “ecosystem” for plug and play future the best decisions for greater productivity. Auto Lower
– onsite or remotely.
upgrades and services. Protect your crusher and your throughput with our
Augmented Field Engineer quick-reacting auto lower feature. When you run into
REMOTE OPERATIONS SiteConnect™ Allows our engineers to remotely assist with your harder ore or changing ore bodies your crusher will
AND SERVICES Real-time data on your mobile device. Instant operational issues. A hands-free remote collaboration adjust automatically based on your configured power
Protect your assets by monitoring or notifications in case of unexpected events and live tool enables you to share vision of your equipment and pressure settings.
controlling your entire plant or single access to performance data. with our field service technicians. Results in faster
crusher. The FLSmidth 24/7 Global resolution of incidents, reduced cost of service delivery Particle Size Direct Measurement
Remote Service Center makes our 24/7 Global Remote Service Center and increased availability. Use direct measurement of your crusher output to
expertise and know-how available Reduce unplanned downtime through insightful further optimise your crusher performance.
INTERNET AND to maximise your performance. analytics and 24/7 monitoring by crushing experts. Online Condition Monitoring Services
CLOUD SOLUTIONS We use secure and advanced cloud analytics, coupled Oversize Feed
Connect your single crusher or entire plant Cyber Security with our local and global experts, to provide you with Analyse the crusher feed to detect oversize material.
to our secure cloud infrastructure. It seamlessly Keep your connected IT updated, safe and actionable insights to avoid losses associated with Reduce the chance of damaging your crusher as well
integrates data and signals, enabling greater unbreachable. Cyber security is an integrated and unexpected downtime and breakdowns. as the potential loss of production do to oversize
visibility to identify operational improvements fundamental capability of our digital portfolio. material being jammed in the crusher.
or potential bottlenecks that may impact ECS/UptimeGo
CYBER productivity. Access your data anytime and Get insights to identify causes of equipment failure Bridging
SECURITY anywhere – even on your mobile device. and eliminate downtime root causes. Increase the efficiency of your crusher operations by
automatically identifying bridging in the crusher feed,
alerting the operator to hold further feed until the
bridging event has worked through the crusher.

ECS/Plant Data Management

Transform process and quality data into real-time
GYRATORY operations and get the most out of your plant and
CRUSHER equipment.

MONITORING Key benefits of a connected crusher
Get easy and direct access
to information on your crusher ■ On demand information in the ■ Real-time insights available ■ Maximise productivity and reliability
health and performance with control room or on your mobile to top management ■ Reduce environmental impact
our intuitive HMIs or on your
mobile device.
■ Expedite remote support ■ Increase uptime and availability ■ Cut operating costs
■ Enable faster decisions and actions by decreasing unplanned breakdowns ■ Control and optimise operations

16 TSUV Gyratory Crushers TSUV Gyratory Crushers 17

Taking asset health
to the next level with online
condition monitoring services
Our online condition monitoring services combine digital Downtime analysis software
technologies with process expertise. It’s like having a team of When stoppages happen, it’s vital to know what went wrong.
specialists onsite whose sole focus is optimising your crusher’s Finding out what caused your plant and equipment to fail is the first
performance. Condition monitoring sensors automatically send
data to our experts who then analyse it and propose action plans
step to preventing the same thing happening again in the future.
Our downtime analysis software, ECS/UptimeGo, gives you the
– this could be anything from reacting to an alarm within the system, insight you need to identify what causes the equipment to fail downtime costs
to identifying energy saving opportunities. and improve your processes for the future.
the mining
Service packages can be tailored to your needs in line with your 3D liner scanning and optimisation industry billions
process goals, such as reducing downtime or improving efficiency. Maximise your crusher liner performance with our 3D liner
scanning and optimisation service. Our chamber scanner uses
of dollars each
Remote troubleshooting laser technology that is capable of recording up to 50 million year"
With experts on hand via video, telephone, email and even our data points of the liner profile at accuracy levels physical
Augmented Field Engineer (a hands-free tablet class wearable measurements cannot achieve. It can easily be performed Predictive maintenance
computer for service personnel) remote troubleshooting can be within planned maintenance and inspection schedules. can result in up to 75% reduction
carried out as a one-off service or as a package covering one Our experts compile, analyse and interpret the raw scanned in breakdowns.
or multiple assets. data, then discuss wear life estimations, shutdown planning,
and opportunities for improved operating procedures
with you.

Expert review

ECS/UptimeGo includes 360°

You don’t need more data Level I package Level II package
the capability to: – you need insights EXSISTING SIGNALS ADDED SENSORS
■ Document what occurred in the lead up to stoppages Our condition monitoring service
■ Perform Pareto analysis Implementation 3D scanning combines data, technology and Key benefits Key benefits
■ Track maintenance KPIs expertise to deliver you reduced
■ Plug and play – no need for ■ ‘Level I package’
■ Provide automatic downtime reports downtime, greater reliability, better additional sensors +
■ Quantify the cost of the stoppage on a plant and margins and more sustainable
■ Proactive notifications on critical ■ Significant, additional coverage
department level operations. We offer you two failures to predict failures on critical
levels of online condition monitor-
■ Severity assessment and monitoring components such as bearings,
This enhanced visibility of downtime metrics enables ing services:
■ Reduced probability of unplanned gears and more.
you to eliminate root causes of downtime and increase Recommendations Data analysis breakdowns
equipment availability. ■ Priority in quotation for add-on Results in further reduced
services risk of downtime

18 TSUV Gyratory Crushers TSUV Gyratory Crushers 19

The TSUV gyratory crusher
condition monitoring system
Condition monitoring moves you from reactive to proactive maintenance.

14 15
Service package level
General category Monitoring point Benefit Level I Level II 20
Overload General overload warning Yes Yes
monitoring High specific power Yes Yes

Liner wear All these features are monitored by the Yes Yes
smart control system. The aim is to avoid long-term
Excessive tramp cumulative overload damage to bearings, frame, Yes Yes
eccentric main-shaft , gears and drive 18 4
Excessive reduction No Yes
Excessive fines No Yes
High ore work index No Yes
Crusher Overall bearing condition Yes Yes
bearings 1 Countershaft bearings Yes Yes
Ensures component replacement
2 Outer eccentric bushing at next planned  shutdown before Yes Yes
unexpected catastrophic failure
3 Inner eccentric bushing No Yes
4 Main-shaft wear rings No Yes

Vibration 5 Countershaft bearings No Yes

Proactive component replacement
6 Wavespring No Yes
at next planned shutdown before
Gear condition unexpected catastrophic failure No Yes
Tramp monitoring No Yes

Oil lube 7 Pump wear Yes Yes

system 8 Filter condition Yes Yes 17
Proactive lube system adjustments to avoid 1
9 Reservoir level monitoring nuisance crusher auto shut down Yes Yes
10 Flow split monitoring Yes Yes 5
11 Cooling system optimisation Yes Yes
12 Oil contamination monitoring Increase lube system component and bearing life as a result of No Yes
13 Dust seal system
improved oil cleanliness quality and dust seal system monitoring
No Yes

Grease lube 14 Grease level monitoring Avoids nuisance trips from low grease level. Yes Yes
system 15 Grease flow rate monitoring Ensures adequte grease flow to spider bushing Yes Yes 8
Hydraulic 7 Pump wear Yes Yes
Proactive lube system maintenance to avoid
system 16 Filter condiiton Yes Yes
interrupted OSS crusher adjustment 16
17 Reservoir level monitoring Yes Yes

Leakage monitoring Prevent main-shaft drift and oversize product Yes Yes
18 Piston seal damage Allows proactive oil replacement thereby extending Yes Yes
hydraulic system component life 19 19
19 Oil contamination monitoring No Yes

Liners 20 Wear monitoring Optimises liner procurement and changeout planning Yes Yes

20 TSUV Gyratory Crushers TSUV Gyratory Crushers 21

Digitalisation enables Plant performance
performance optimisation review
From wear compensation to particle size distribution, digital Monitoring input and output Beyond providing high quality equipment and parts, we partner Our team will evaluate the following typical concerns
technologies are driving performance improvements. It’s not only the machinery that needs monitoring – the rocks are with you in all aspects of your plant process, including equipment and help deliver the best solution:
important too. The TSUV can also include three systems to analyse loading, screening efficiency, product size needs and material ■ Liner profile wear
Built in tools extend liner life crusher input and output, which help to avoid blockages, bridging handling. Our process experts assist in designing, installing, ■ Crusher load sharing
Innovative new tools enable you to get the maximum return and reduced throughput. commissioning, and auditing your plant to ensure it keeps ■ Oversize and waste material
on your liners: operating at peak performance. ■ Recirculating load

Power Wear Compensation: Fine adjustments for wear ■ The Gyratory Crusher Oversize Feed Particle Size system ■ Wear rates

compensation calculated with power targets and tonnage. uses cameras to analyse the particle size of each truck load prior ■ Power draw

PSD Wear Compensation: Fine adjustments for wear to it entering the crusher. The system interlocks with the tipping
compensation calculated with PSD targets with feedback signal light to prevent tipping of oversize rock into the crusher. The end result? A productivity and profitability boost thanks
from camera/laser scanner. ■ The Gyratory Crusher Bridging Particle Size System to improvements in product quality, wear part utilisation and

Feed Camera/Laser Option: Detection of oversize boulders monitors the crusher feed opening using camera equipment equipment availability. 
and bridging will alert you to take early/fast decisions. and a particle size analyser to detect bridging/blocking.
If a blockage is detected, an alert is sent to the operator and
Plus, intelligent controls automatically adjust the mantle position the tipping signal is triggered to prevent further feed entering
setpoint, raising it to compensate for liner wear and lowering it in the crusher.
response to over-pressure or over-power events. ■ The Gyratory Crusher Particle Size – Product Belt Camera
System analyses the output of the crusher to check the reduction Imbalanced
ratio is as expected. If output is oversized, the crusher gap is crusher loading
automatically adjusted. resulting in
poor production 100%

balanced crusher
loading resulting
in maximum 90% 90%

22 TSUV Gyratory Crushers TSUV Gyratory Crushers 23

Dedicated design
Our materials handling engineering team now brings seamless The TSUV range greatly decreases the maintenance cycle and
capability to design stations dedicated to the 'Top Service' TSUV negates the need and additional height required for a costly
crushers. eccentric maintenance cart.

From fixed stations to traditional truck-fed semi-mobile stations to Our complete range of TSUV Gyratory Crushers can be mounted
low profile semi-mobile stations, we have the solution you need. on fixed and semi-mobile steel plants, giving you the freedom and
flexibility to design your plant the way you want to.
The TSUV crushers offer benefits that no other crushers can offer
when you consider the following: Not enough height to go direct dump? Opt for the “Low-Profile”
configuration, which can accommodate your civil constraints.
Despite their higher power handling capabilities, TSUV crushers
offer the lowest dynamic loadings in their class. This leads to less
steelwork, less civils and therefore no need to compromise on the
crusher you really need for the job at hand.

BY CLIENT Gyratory Crusher
Dump Hopper Apron Feeder AFD9 1300 x 1800 TSU

Control Cabin

BY FLSmidth

EL.+9.400 Transfer Tower


lley c
0 (Pu
Belt Conveyor

Hood EL.+2.500


37400 24350 6500

24 TSUV Gyratory Crushers TSUV Gyratory Crushers 25

TLC for primary crushers
Charlie Madsen, Manager of Life Cycle Services, FLSmidth spoke to
Engineering & Mining Journal about our approach to preventive maintenance.

The team at FLSmidth has been working with a number of “Hydroset replacements are planned/recommended anywhere
customers recently to eliminate unexpected crusher shutdowns between one and five years, again depending on site-related
and to optimise equipment reliability. Manager of Life Cycle variations. General maintenance is hard to time, but an educated
Services Charlie Madsen was happy to share this knowledge. estimate would be something along the lines of three to four days
“Planned major maintenance predominantly means liner every half year. Maintenance schedules are planned through
changeouts,” he said. “But generally, the crusher will be shut information, data, and trending of wear and components.” Rate
down for two mantle changes and one concave change per year. of wear and wear characteristics are typically determined by
Mantle changes can be done in approximately 24 hours and the orebody type, work index, abrasiveness and fracture rate,
a concave with a mantle change in four to seven days as well as throughput.
depending on factors such as mine location and site specifics.

“These are characteristics that can change over the lifespan of Maintaining the open side setting (OSS) is typically done by
a pit or orebody, requiring constant attention to liner material choice operators with a control system that shows the main shaft position
and profiles. This ensures wear patterns and wear loss are kept at all times. FLSmidth’s automation team has designed new software
at the optimum level and secures lowest cost per metric ton in that can carry out optimisation of the main shaft position based
operation,” Madsen said. “FLSmidth mitigates wear rates by using upon a number of instruments that maximise throughput, power/
different types of manganese in its liners, upgrading to chrome- wear and final product. “Calibration of the main shaft is an infield
moly where necessary. White iron can also be advantageous.” exercise, as manual verification and measurements have to be
conducted in order to calibrate and scale the electronic equipment,”
Combining this with the optimisation of liner profiles, throat/chamber said Madsen. “By optimising the main shaft position, we create
design and operations on-site for feed characteristics tends to give a more effective and constant wear profile, which allows the end
the most successful result, and changes in the above can extend user to get full wear out of liners.”
liner profiles and throughput over a lifetime by up to 500,000 mt
in some cases. This is obviously welcomed by the customer FLSmidth is developing a comprehensive maintenance
as downtime is cut and maintenance costs reduced. Madsen management system for its Excel-Raptor cone and gyratory
explained: “There are an abundance of checks that should be crusher lines. “We also we have a self-aligning main shaft, which
carried out fully and thoroughly in preventative maintenance improves on installation times, and more importantly, safety and
inspections and with a computerised maintenance management suspended loads,” Madsen added. “We are also the only OEM
system (CMMS). These, in combination with customer training, with a fully top service gyratory, which improves on maintenance
can reduce maintenance times and cut unplanned failures. downtime and saves on building and construction designs and
It also enables more consistent scheduling of work activities, sizes.” The team has designed rotable shell segments to reduce
planned shutdowns and parts supply.” concave liner changeout times, and the spider removal jacks are
threaded into the shell rather than being free standing to reduce
manual handling requirements and improve ergonomic positioning
for staff.

26 TSUV Gyratory Crushers TSUV Gyratory Crushers 27


Zero water Zero Zero energy

waste emissions waste
M 10-20 0000-11-ENG

FLSmidth A/S
Vigerslev Allé 77 Tel. +45 36 18 10 00
2500 Valby Fax +45 36 30 18 20 Copyright © 2020 FLSmidth. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FLSmidth is a (registered) trademark of FLSmidth.
This brochure makes no offers, representations or warranties (express or implied), and information and
Denmark [email protected] data contained in this brochure are for general reference only and may change at any time.

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