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Undergraduate Research Proposal

Submitted to College of Criminal Justice
Cavtie State University
Indang, Cavite

In partial fulfillment
Of the requirements for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Criminology



JUNE 2023



An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the College of Criminal Justice,

Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree Bachelor of Science in Criminology with Contribution No. . Prepared under

the supervision of Marissa Lontoc, PhD.


Despite the fact that the United States makes up only five percent of the

world's population, it is responsible for incarcerating 25 percent of the world's

prisoners (National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, 2017). There is a

critical need for new and additional crime control strategies, other than incarceration.

It is essential to find a suitable way to reduce overcrowding of prisons, lower costs in

the court system and corrections, and reduce recidivism rates by providing help for

offenders in order to avoid future offenses. Many times, inmates with substance

abuse addictions do not have the critical cognitive, emotional, and life skills needed

to successfully reintegrate back into society. Requiring inmates with addictions to

complete a therapeutic community treatment program as part of the prison

sentence may help solve many of these issues. Evaluative research and second

source data were used to identify which of the two different therapeutic

communities have the most positive intervention on individual behavior after


Overall, studies find that therapeutic community (TC) participants show

improvements in substance abuse, criminal behavior, and mental health symptoms;

this is especially true of participants who enter treatment with the most severe

problems.The largest long-term outcome study of addiction treatment

interventions to date was the NIDA-sponsored Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome

Studies (DATOS), which examined the effectiveness of several types of drug abuse

treatment programs in the United States, including TCs, methadone maintenance,

outpatient drug-free treatment, and short-term inpatient programs. DATOS found

TCs to be effective. Participants who showed improved behavior after 1 year

continued do so after 5 years, which was also true of the other modalities studied.

Therapeutic Community (TC) Program, as defined by Bureau of Corrections,

represents an effective, highly structured environment with defined boundaries,

both moral and ethical. The primary goal is to foster personal growth. This is

accomplished by reshaping an individual’s behavior and attitudes through the

inmates’ community working together to help themselves and each other, restoring

self-confidence, and preparing them for the re-integration into their families and

friends as productive members of the community.

In the Philippine prison system, they adopted two approaches for the

treatment of offenders. Which is the institutional-based treatment program and

the community- based treatment programs. These programs are aimed towards the

improvement of offenders’ attitudes and philosophy of life. Reformation and

rehabilitation of inmates as well as preparation for reintegration into the

community are the ultimate goals of the programs. Prison inmates are some of the

most disturbed and unstable people in society. Most inmates have had too little

discipline or too much from broken homes and have no self-esteem. They are very

insecure and are at war with themselves as well as with society. Most inmates did not

learn moral values or learn to follow everyday norms. To rehabilitate criminals, we

must do more than just send them to prison.

For instance, this program might give individuals the opportunity to learn work

skills, increasing the likelihood that prisoners would become useful members of

society after their release. The initiatives must be designed to influence individuals

who desire change. The self-esteem necessary for a typical integrated personality is

likely to be developed in people who are taught to make valuable items and are

active. This kind of training would offer many practical abilities and habits in addition

to eradicating the sense of hopelessness that many prisoners experience.

A prisoner must have the desire to change, and support must be provided so

that he can do so. Many of them lack the knowledge necessary to begin a new life,

making therapeutic Community Programs the best method to brighten their future.

The Therapeutic Community Modality Program, or TCMP, has been accepted by the

Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) as a new strategy for managing

prisoners that calls for the creation of a new lexicon of terms pertaining to offenders

and the introduction of a new way of life while confined.

The therapeutic community model is being used in Batangas City Jail, and it

encompasses all of the initiatives taking place there, including those for education,
recreation, spirituality, and training in job skills. To keep track of the convicts' health,

especially those with health issues, they provide medical services. They also offered

alternate learning systems at elementary and high school levels. And every fourth

Sunday of the month, they have a regular mass. The goal of all those programs is to

alter the convicts' outlook on life.


Generally, this study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Therapeutic

Community Modality Program implemented in Batangas City Jail

Specially, it aimed to answer the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of clients inside the Batangas City Jail ?

1.1 AGE




2. What is the level of effectiveness of Therapeutic Community Modality Program in

Batangas City Jail in terms of :

2.1 Moral,Spiritual, and values formation

2.2 Vocational/livelihood and skills training

2.3 Health , mental and medical services

2.4 Literacy and education

3. What are the factors affecting the effectiveness of Therapeutic Community

Modality Program in Batangas City Jail in terms of

3.1 Moral, Spiritual and Values Formation

3.2 Vocational/ Livelihood and Skills Training

3.3 Health, Mental and Medical Service

3.4 Literacy and Education

4. Is there a significant difference on the respondent’s assessment on the level of

effectiveness of Therapeutic Community Modality Program when they are

grouped according to their profile?


This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the Therapeutic

Community Modality Programs implemented in Batangas City Jail. More specifically it

aims to answer the following:

A. The Demographic Profile of clients inside the Batangas City Jail.

B. The level of effectiveness TCMP in Batangas City Jail in terms of:

 Moral, Spiritual and Values Formation

 Vocational/ Livelihood and Skills Training

 Health, Mental and Medical Services

 Literacy and Education

C. The factors affecting the Effectiveness of TMCP in Batangas City Jail in

terms of;

 Moral, Spiritual and Values Formation

 Vocational/ Livelihood and Skills Training

 Health, Mental and Medical Services

 Literacy and Education


The research is made with the aim to provide information and knowledge

regarding the effectiveness of Therapeutic Community Program implemented in

Batangas City Jail from the respondents, recent studies or thesis and related sites

needed for the expected importance to the individual as follows:


The study will benefits Clients by giving their response based on the

programs they are conducting. This can also help them to give some feedback to the

programs. They can also assess each other if there some changes or if it is effective

on them.


The study will significant and sustained the Jail Management to asses the

effectiveness of Therapeutic Community Modality Program to the PDL. To know what

are the programs they need to improve and which are the programs that gives more

negative impact to the PDL. By this they can be aware on the programs they're being



This study would become a good reference for further research and would

encourage them to continuously monitor the Effectiveness of the Program currently

implemented to determine if still appropriate and responsive for the PDL, to maintain

will updated record of inmates under custody for them to determine the development

and improvement of their condition in jail and provide necessary action and

intervention in arising problems


Ho1: There is no significant difference on the respondent’s assessment on the level

of effectiveness of Therapeutic Community Modality Program when they are grouped

according to their profile.

Time and place of the study

This proposal of the study, Effectiveness of the Therapeutic Community Program will

be conducted approximately in the month of November 2022 to June 2023 in

Batangas City Jail


This study aims to determined the effectiveness of Therapeutic community

programs implemented in Batangas City Jail. The study covers the demographic

profile of the clients. The study will focus only on four programs, including, Moral,

Spiritual and values formation, Vocational/livelihood and skill training, Health, mental

and medical services and lastly, Literacy and education program.

This study will not extend to the factors why they commit crime. However, the

study will show the Significant relation between the profile of the clients and the level

of effectiveness of TMCP in Batangas City Jail. The study will be a Descriptive

quantitative method of research, The study would be done through the utilization of

questionnaire to the Female clients as survey and reference.


Therapeutic community - It is an environment that helps people get help while

helping others. It is a treatment environment: the interactions of its members are

designed to be therapeutic within the context of the norms that require for each to

play the dual role of client-therapist.

Jail - it is a place under the jurisdiction of a local government (such as a county) for

the confinement of persons awaiting trial or those convicted of minor crimes

Treatment - It is the application of medicines, surgery, psychotherapy, etc, to a

patient or to a disease or symptom. the manner of handling or dealing with a person

or thing, as in a literary or artistic work.

Rehabilitation- the action of restoring someone to health or normal life through

training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness.


Positivist theory links criminal behavior with psychological factors in the

offender. In this school of thought , criminologists believe psychiatric or personality

conditions distinct in an individual are at the root of crime. Positivist theory maintains

that crime as any other act is a natural phenomenon and is compatible with disaster

or community. That crime as a social phenomenon and moral phenomenon which

Cannot be treated and checked by the imposition of punishment but rather

rehabilitation or the enforcement of individual measures.


The major concept of this study is to focus on the Effectiveness of

Therapeutic Community Program Implemented in Batangas City Jail, it has to align

every step of attainment to its objectives.

Demographic profileof OUTPUT
the Clients.  Survey

Level of Effectiveness  Data Gathering Assessment of the

of Therapeutic effectiveness of
Community Modality  Data Analysis Therapeutic Community
Program. Program implemened in
 Data Btangas City Jial.
Factors affecting the Interpretation
effectiveness of
Therapeutic Community

Figure No. 1 Conceptual Framework

The researcher used the Input Process Output model. It consists of materials

and the information that are needed in the process, and the details of the process

itself. The concept model will show the Effectiveness of Therapeutic Community

Modality Program in Batangas City, Jail

The input contains leading variables including the demographic profile of the

participants, level of effectiveness of Therapeutic Community Modality Program and

factors affecting the Therapeutic Community Modality Progra

The second frame contains the methods and procedures to be used to

assess those variables by making a questionnaire checklist and the use of statistical

treatment for the interpretation of data.

The output frame contains the assessment of the Effectiveness of

Therapeutic Community Modality Program implemented in Batangas City, Jail.


Foreign Literature

Richardsond and Vini (2020) indicated that the purpose of this paper is to

detail the impact and efficacy of Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service

((HMPPS) Therapeutic Communities (TCs) (both democratic and hierarchical). This

paper outlines recent developments in the TC literature, to provide readers with an

up-to- date overview of the outcomes of prison-based TC treatment, while

highlighting the strengths and challenges of this treatment approach. Trends within

the research are discussed, and the authors draw attention to any gaps in the current

knowledge.There is a body of research which demonstrates that TCs are an effective

form of treatment for people with an offending history and personality difficulties.

Evidence indicates that Democratic TC treatment plays a part in reducing reoffending

rates, as well as improving psychological features. Further research is needed in a

number of areas, specifically with female offenders and individuals who undertake

treatment in hierarchical TCs in the UK. It is also suggested that TC treatment

aftercare may help to further the positive outcomes identified.

As studied by Virtudazo and Dausan (2021) determined the Therapeutic

Community (TC) clients’ satisfaction and assessment of the Therapeutic Community

Modality Program rendered by the Parole and Probation Administration in the

National Capital Region. Researchers-made survey questionnaire was administered

to two (2) groups of respondents which comprise the subject population of the

research. The study revealed that the TC clients were satisfied on the Therapeutic

Community Modality Program in all of the dimensions being assessed; however,

there are indicators on clients’ satisfaction that obtained the lowest weighted mean

that need to be addressed. On behavior management, there is a need for the TC

implementers to reinforce community values and give emphasis on organizational

structure. Moreover, the TC implementers must give preferential attention on the

application of the full program of mandatory daily activities and meetings. On the

intellectual and spiritual aspects, educational activities such as seminars on special

topics and academic training must be intensified with focus on group activities that

counter negative behavior to reinforce community values. On vocational and survival

aspects, the TC program must incorporate vocational and livelihood training.

Furthermore, clients must be taught to control their actions and release them

appropriately. On emotional and psychological aspects, the TC clients must be

encouraged to ‘act as if as a means of developing a more positive attitude. In

addition, self-help techniques must be inculcated throughout the program and

accelerated before re-entry of the clients to the community.

As mentioned by Tabor (2019) the sentencing and use of mandated treatment

policies throughout the country have heightened the number of inmates incarcerated

for drug related offenses. The purpose of this quasi-experimental, archival,

correlational descriptive study was to determine whether motivation changes during

therapeutic community (TC) treatment among a group of incarcerated adult male

offenders, as measured by differences in pre and post levels of motivation. The

hypothesis that was tested was that there would be significant differences between

levels of motivation as measured upon entry and discharge from treatment. The

theoretical framework that guided the study was the stages of change theory. Data

were collected from archived pre and post treatment Texas Christian University,

Treatment Motivation scale (MOT) scores. The target population comprised adult

males, who were incarcerated in the state of New Jersey had completed a TC

program. A paired sample t test was completed, which indicated that there was a

significant difference between levels of motivation from admission to discharge in the

TC program. Discharge MOT scores for motivation were determined to be higher

than admission scores, which answered the research question regarding levels of
motivation change during a TC program. The study findings lend support to the utility

of TC programs in changing offender behavior, thereby making inmates more

productive members of society and strengthening public safety.

Local Literature

The criminal justice in the Philippines recognizes the significance of

rehabilitation and reintegration of convicted felons in the community. Evidently,

Correction, being one of the pillars of Philippine Criminal Justice System (PCJS)

adopted various rehabilitation programs such as the following: (a) Moral and Spiritual

Program; (b) Education and Training Program; (c) Work and Livelihood Program; (d)

Sports and Recreation Program; (e) Health and Welfare Program; and (f) Behavior

Modification Program, to include Therapeutic Community (TC).

A study conducted by Escabel, 2015 aimed to determine the demographic

profile of the inmates, their perception of the effectiveness of the program and the

significant relationship between the profile of the inmates and their responses to the

effectiveness of the program implemented in Batangas City Jail. Descriptive type of

research was utilized in the study. Results showed that the majority of the inmates

are male, 26-33 years old, single, high school undergraduate with a prison sentence

of below 1 year and with involvement in drug related cases. Therapeutic Community

Modality Program was perceived by the inmates as effective, specifically the Work

and Educational Therapy Services, Livelihood Skill Training, Counseling and

Religious Services and Medical Services. There are significant relationships between

the profiles of the inmates in terms of age, civil status and length of prison sentence

and their responses to the effectiveness of the program implemented in Batangas

City jail.
According to IMCC Journal of Science 2021 it assessed the implementation

of therapeutic community modality programs in the Parole and Probation

administration Office in Iligan City, Philippines during the calendar year 2016-2017

through the lens of the 70 parolees and probationers. Survey questionnaires were

used to assess the therapeutic community modality program of the office by

treatment category in terms of relational or behavior management, emotional and

psychological aspects, vocational or survival aspects, and intellectual or spiritual

aspects. Results revealed that the implementation of the therapeutic community

modality program was effective and most of the rehabilitation activities engagements

of the parolees and probationers had a strong influence on their perspectives and

notions in the pursuit of changing their lives for a brighter future with their families.

Therefore, recommendations were focused on hiring additional Parole and Probation

Officers and the provision of ample support from the Department of Justice to the

office in all operational aspects and due recognition and appreciation of the national

and local government officials.

The study sought to assess the implementation of Therapeutic Community

Modality Program (TCMP) by the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)

in the province of Nueva Ecija. It used the Descriptive Survey Method. The study was

conducted in selected municipalities, cities, and district jails situated in the Province

of Nueva Ecija within Academic Year 2018-2019. Jail personnel and inmate

respondents were identified through simple random sampling with the consent of

their respective Jail Wardens. Self Prepared and validated questionnaire-checklist

was the main gathering supported by the interview. Data were statistically treated

through weighted means. The study revealed that Jails in the Province of Nueva

Ecija strictly put into practice TCMP activities for the benefit of the inmates; BJMP

personnel are fully aware on the activities concerning TCMP and inmates are quite

involved in the implementation of TCMP activities; also Jail Personnel-respondents

viewed their problems as Slightly Serious only.Based on the results of the study, it

can be concluded that city or municipal jails in the Province of Nueva Ecija actively

follow the Directives of the BJMP National Office particularly in the realization of

TCMP. However, BJMP Personnel in the Province cannot effectively and efficiently

achieve the very objective of TCMP due to limited participation or involvement of

inmates which is much needed. Hence, the inadequate involvement of inmates to

TCMP activities would certainly lead to half-done or partial rehabilitation of released

inmates which would result in possible re-incarceration. Lastly, the occurrence of

various problems in the implementation of TCMP programs or activities show that

absolute reformation of inmates in the BJMP in the Province of Nueva Ecija is not

viable unless identified problems are properly addressed. Consequently, the purpose

of TC (TCMP) which is to help promote change inmates specifically on relational or

behavior management, affective, emotional or psychological, cognitive, intellectual,

spiritual, and psychomotor or vocational-survival skills would not become


Diones (2020) revealed that the aim of his study is the life experiences of

probationers in the Province of Quirino, Philippines. It determined specifically the life

experiences of probationers under therapeutic community along with the behavioral

management, social and emotional category, intellectual and spiritual category and

vocational and survival category. It utilized a qualitative approach through case study

design to understand the nature of a setting and the experiences others have in this

context. Results showed that the life experiences of probationers focused on

awareness training, improving social skills, improving and maintaining personal

hygiene, promoting healthy relationship, counseling, spiritual awakening, government

agencies collective effort and livelihood training programs. Moreover, their life

experiences revolve on personality development training that upon undergoing the

said program training they display positive behaviors for they have internalized the
program which lead them to have a positive outlook in life. It is recommended that

the parole and probation may consider seeking the assistance of different agencies

to continuously and sustainably facilitate training needed to promote human and

social transformation among its clients and additional research is recommended to

expand the scope of this study, and other researchers may conduct study not

covered by this study.

Review Related Studies

Therapeutic communities (TCs) are traditionally residential facilities in which

the community structure and function are agents of change, and 12-step–based self-

help programs guide individual recovery. Therapeutic communities are one of the

more common treatment methods present in community programs and have been

included in large-scale studies such as the Drug Abuse Reporting Program.

Therapeutic communities are long-term, residential programs that utilize a social

treatment approach. Therapeutic communities view drug abuse as a disorder of the

person and the recovery process as development and integration of both

psychological and social goals. The community as a group aspect of treatment is

seen as the major impetus toward growth and change. The community is made up of

the social environment, peers, and staff, many of whom are successfully recovered

addicts themselves.Both behavioral and social learning principles are utilized in

therapeutic communities, and some techniques include efficacy training, social role

training, and vicarious learning. Physical addiction is seen as a symptom and is

secondary in importance to the behavioral and psychological aspects of the

individual’s drug abuse. Maintaining a drug-free lifestyle is the main goal of

therapeutic communities, which also utilize a present-oriented approach that

emphasizes personal responsibility as well as the development of positive values

such as honesty, good work ethic, and community involvement.80 Although each
individual is responsible for their own recovery process, the role each person plays in

the recovery of others is also emphasized. Some of the daily activities of therapeutic

communities include work, group sessions, and recreation. Individuals in the group

serve as mediators and role models. They also confront misbehavior, rule violations,

and share with one another during group sessions. Attitude and behavior change in

relationships developed in the therapeutic communities serve an important function

by helping maintain recovery after the individual leaves treatment.(Johnson,2020)

Condelli and Hubbard provide a comprehensive chapter that discusses client

outcomes for therapeutic communities from admission to posttreatment. These

outcomes were not derived from scientifically controlled studies using rigorous

randomized control methods. However, they do reflect what happens to clients

admitted to therapeutic communities in community settings. This chapter examines

outcomes from a large-scale series of studies derived from the Drug Abuse

Reporting Program. Clients in these studies showed a decline in drug use, including

opioid use as well as non opioid use, and also showed a decrease in arrest and

incarceration rates. One of the most important and consistent predictors of the

success of individuals was the amount of time they spent in therapeutic communities,

although the length of time necessary to see positive outcomes varied from study to

study. In a Drug Abuse Reporting Program follow-up study, therapeutic communities

showed more favorable outcomes than outpatient detoxification and intake-only; they

did not differ significantly from methadone maintenance or outpatient drug-free


In an article published in the SciFed Nursing & Healthcare Journal,

therapeutic communication is defined as “a process in which the nurse consciously

influences the patient or helps them in better understanding through verbal and

nonverbal communication, while encouraging patients to express their feelings and

ideas, which is an important prerequisite for the realization of relation of mutual

acceptance and respect.” An example of standard nursing communication is when a

nurse providing care to a patient, such as an inoculation or a blood pressure reading,

briefly describes the treatment they are providing and then moves on to the next

person they must treat. In this example, the nurse explains the treatment, but doesn’t

account for the patient’s potential concerns, hesitations or worries. An example of

therapeutic nursing communication is when that same nurse also communicates why

they are performing the tasks and asks the patient if they have any concerns or

questions, speaks in a congenial and welcoming manner, and indicates through body

language that the patient’s viewpoints are respected. The benefits of therapeutic

communication techniques extend beyond making a patient feel welcome and at

ease during their treatment.

All over the world, people held in our jails and prisons experience far greater

levels of mental illness than the general population including PTSD, major

depression, psychotic illness and personality disorder. Moreover, they are far more

likely to die by suicide, to harm themselves and others in prison and to commit

another crime on release. With over 10 million people in our jails and prisons

internationally we require effective psychological therapies for this population, but

they are especially complex, with multiple needs, and they are, after all, in the

restrictive environment of a prison which brings its own challenges.

To place this into a wider context, our review confirmed that the outcomes for

psychological treatment for prisoners are notably similar to both psychological and

pharmacological treatment in the community (Leucht, Helfer, Gartlehner & Davis,

2015), the effect is much the same, although the benefits for prisoners seem more

difficult to sustain over time. The stronger effect for no treatment/waitlist than active

comparisons plus the similarity between individual and group treatment are also

markedly similar to community findings (Gaudino & Miller; Huhn, et al,).

Nevertheless, there is evidence that psychological treatments can run well in

prisons. It is notable that large-scale psychological treatment programmes that are

specifically designed for prisoners have been delivered in many countries for

decades. These programmes are designed to address a range of offending needs

and some of these may hold promise for mental health problems where there is

overlap with offending needs, such as addressing emotional management. However,

few RCTs have been conducted on these offending interventions and there may,

perhaps, be a case for including mental health outcomes in future evaluations. Our

review suggests this may be an encouraging avenue since many of these offending

interventions are based on CBT and include mindfulness-based approaches and

successfully run within prisons – a case for greater collaboration and integration.

Psychological therapies based on CBT or mindfulness approaches can

improve mental health outcomes for prisoners when compared with providing no

intervention. The strength of the improvement is similar to that seen in the community,

although more difficult to sustain and so developments are clearly needed. Greater

joint working between justice, psychologists and health professionals may provide

fruitful avenues for both outcomes and research fidelity.(Slade, 2017).


The research methods that the authors of this study will employ are covered

in this chapter. It also included information on the goals and focus of the study, the

people who would be interview for the survey, the method of sampling, the

information that would be gathered, and finally, the statistical analysis of the



This study will determined the Effectiveness of Therapeutic Community

Program Implemented in Batangas City Jail. The descriptive method was used in this


As a descriptive study, it collected detailed information to describe the

existing phenomena. It systematically described the situation or area of interest

factually and accurately. It allowed the researchers to carefully describe and

understand the behavior. This method is concerned with the process of recording,

analyzing, classifying, and interpreting the data gathered with or without statistical

analysis. Since the current study collects, records, and analyzes responses to the

effectiveness of the Therapeutic Community Program in the Batangas City Jail in

terms of the types of diversion programs they use, The descriptive method will be

used to describe the issues that arise during the diversion to be employed.


The participants of the study will be conducted inside the Batangas City Jail.

The Participants will be the clients who experienced these programs. The total

number of the participants will be 84 people. The researchers will formulate a set of

questions and conduct a survey to gather information about their personal life

experiences and viewpoints on the given programs inside the Batangas City Jail.

Existing data were refined by researchers using primary and secondary

sources. The primary data source for this study is from the survey questionnaire that

was given to the participants, together with their personal life experiences and views

on specific programs in Batangas City Jail. The number of participants are 84 people.

Information was collected from secondary sources such as web articles, journals,

and other relevant research. On the other hand, the research participants' responses

serve as the primary data.


Researchers used a purposive sampling technique, also known as selective

or subjective sampling. This technique relies on the researcher's judgment in

choosing who to invite to participate. Researchers can implicitly select representative

samples that meet their needs or target individuals with specific characteristics. This

approach is often used by the media in opinion gathering.

Purposive sampling has the advantage of being time and cost-effective to

perform whilst resulting in a range of responses. However, in addition to volunteer

bias, it is also prone to errors of judgment by the researcher and the findings, whilst

being potentially broad, will not necessarily be representative.


The questions in this phase of the study will ask participants about the

objectives of the study. The term "data collection" describes the procedures used to

gather data, including surveys, questionnaires, organized interviews, and checklists.

Survey research is the collection of information from a sample of individuals

through their responses to questions (Check & Schutt, 2018,) . This type of research

allows for a variety of methods to recruit participants, collect data, and utilize various
methods of instrumentation. The researchers formulate a set of questions for the

participants to answer. Since this research study aims to know the effectiveness of

the Therapeutic Community Program inside the Batangas City Jail, the researchers

use a survey and formulate a set of questions in order to gather information .


The researchers will send a letter including a survey questionnaire to the

chosen inmates of the Batangas City Jail, after which the questionnaire will be given

to the respondents in order to collect data from their responses. The survey

questionnaire contains questions about the effectiveness of the program

implemented inside the City Jail. It includes conducting short interviews to make sure

that the information gathered in on informants is clear and understandable based on

their views and opinions. This research has collected some information and data

from reading materials such as articles and information research within the internet to

expand the research conducted.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers arranged and classified the collected data in this study to

easily interpret and evaluate the responses. The gathered data were tallied,

tabulated, and analyzed to summarize and interpret the results using descriptive

statistical measures as follows:

1. Frequency Distribution. It provides a tabular representation illustrating the

number of observations in a defined interval. It will identify the respondents

based on the information listed in their profiles. Such as age, gender, job

position level, and length of services. The data assorted will present the

frequency of varying values or sets of values of variables.

2. Percentage Distribution. Also known as relative frequency distribution. The

researchers used it to measure the responses, expressing the percentage of

each class frequency to the total number of participating respondents.

It is calculated as follows:

%= � 100


% = percentage

ƒ = frequency

100 = constant value

N = number of cases or sample

3. Weighted Mean. It refers to determining the average of the sum of the

weighted values to the total number of respondents. It will provide a statistical

mean of responses to the other questions as listed in the survey


It was computed by the formula:



x = weighted mean

∑ƒx = the sum of all the products of ƒ and x, ƒ being the

frequency of each eight and x as the weight of

each operation

n = total number of respondents

4. Kruskal-Wallis H Test

Kruskal-Wallis Test, a nonparametric test to compare outcomes of more than two

independent group, to determine whether there are statistically significant differences

on the independent variable to a dependent variable.



k=the number of comparison groups;

N= the total sample size;

nj is the sample size in the jth group;

Rj is the sum of the ranks in the jth group

5. Mann-Whitney U Test

Mann-Whitney U test is the non-parametric alternative test to the independent

sample t-test. Mann-Whitney U test is used to compare differences between two

independent groups when the dependent variable is either ordinal or continuous.

Calculation of the Mann-Whitney U:


U=Mann-Whitney U test

N1 = sample size one

N2= Sample size two

Ri = Rank of the sample size


The chapter presents the results of the study conducted and on the

Effectiveness of Therapeutic Community program implemented in Batangas city jail.

Demographic Profile of the Respondents

1. Profile of the Respondents

Table 1
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of
Respondents in terms of Age

AGE Frequency Percent

18-25 years old 5 6.0
26- 30 years old 10 11.9
31-45 years old 45 53.6
46-50 years old 6 7.1
51 and above 18 21.4
Total 84 100.0

The table above shows the frequency and percentage distribution of

respondents in terms of their age during the conduct of the study. Based on the table,

out of 84 respondents, the majority are in the age group of 31-45 years old which is

45 or 53.6% of the total sample. 51 years old and above is the 21.4% or 18 out of 84

respondents. 26-30 years old are 10 or 11.9% of the total sample considered in this

study. 6 or 7.1% are the respondents in the age group of 46-50 years old while the

remaining 5 or 6.0% are in the age group of 18-25 years old.

Table 2
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents
in terms of Educational Attainment

Frequency Percent
Elementary Graduate 28 33.3
High school Graduate 30 35.7
College graduate 4 4.8
No Response 22 26.2
Total 84 100.0

Table _ presents the frequency and percentage distribution of respondents in

terms of their educational attainment. Based on the table, out of 84 respondents,

majority are High School graduate which parts the 30 or 35.7% of the sample.

Followed by those who are Elementary graduates which are 28 or 33.3%. There are

22 or 26.2% who haven’t responded. The remaining 4 are college graduates which

are the 4.8% of the total sample.

Table 3
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents
in terms of Year of Confinement

Frequency Percent
1-3 years 58 69.0
4 years and above 26 31.0
Total 84 100.0

The table above shows the frequency and percentage distribution of

respondents in terms of their year of confinement. Based on the table, out of 84

respondents, the majority or 58 (69.0%) have 1-3 years of confinement. The

remaining 26 or 31.0% has 4 years and above of confinement.

Table 4
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents
in terms of Civil Status

CIVIL STATUS Frequency Percent

Single 64 76.2
Married 11 13.1
Widowed/Widower 6 7.1
Legally Separated 3 3.6
Total 84 100.0

The table above shows the frequency and percentage distribution of

respondents in terms of their civil status. Based on the table, 64 out of 84 or 76.2%

of the sample respondents are in single status. Married respondents are 11 or 13.1%

and widowed/widower are 5 or 7.1% of the sample. The remaining 3 or 3.6% are

legally separated.

2. To determine the effectiveness of Therapeutic Community Modality Program

in Batangas City Jail

Table 5

Respondents’ Assessment on the Level of Effectiveness of

Therapeutic Community Modality Program in terms of
Moral,Spiritual, and values formation

Weighted Verbal
Moral, Spiritual, and Values Formation SD
Mean Interpretation
1. Ang mga programang sinasagawa nila ay
nakakatulong sakin para mailabas ko ang
aking problema at masolusyunan ito. (The
4.45 0.87 Highly Effective
programs they conduct help me express my
problems and find
2. Mas madalas na ang pag tulong ko sa
kapwa at pag bibigay ng payo sa kanila. (I
am more frequent in helping others and 4.30 0.83 Highly Effective
3. Natututo akong makisalamuha sa iba
upang mas mapahalagahan ang
komunikasyon at pagkakaisa. (I am learning
4.33 1.25 Highly Effective
how to interact with others to value
communication and unity
4. May mga paguusap at pagpupulong para
sa lahat upang masabi ang mga hinanaing sa
buhay. (There are discussions and 4.30 1.14 Highly Effective
meetings for everyone to express their
concerns in life)
5. Mas napapalapit ang aking loob sa
Panginoon lalo na sa mga araw na ako ay
may pinagdadaanang problema. (My heart 4.61 0.82 Highly Effective
draws closer to God especially on days with
struggles or going through problems. )
Grand Mean 4.40 Highly Effective
Legend: 4.21-5.00 – “Highly Effective”, 3.41-4.20 – “Very Effective”, 2.61-3.40 –
“Effective”, 1.81-2.60 – “Fairly Effective”, 1.00-1.80 – “Not effective”

Table_ above show the respondents' assessment on the effectiveness of

Therapeutic Community Modality Program in Batangas City Jail. Based on the result,

all statements are assessed by the respondents as highly effective under the aspect

of Moral, Spiritual, and Values Formation (MS = 4.21-5.00, SD = .82 - 1.25).

As an overall assessment, with a grand mean of 4.40, it implies that Moral,

Spiritual, and values formation as a Therapeutic Community Modality Program is

Highly Effective in Batangas City Jail.

Table 6

Respondents’ Assessment on the Level of Effectiveness of

Therapeutic Community Modality Program in terms of
Vocational/Livelihood and Skills Training

Vocational/Livelihood and Skills Verbal

Weighted Mean SD
Training Interpretation
1. Binibigyang oportunidad ang bawat
isaupang makapag trabaho. (Everyone is 4.01 1.12 Very Effective
given the opportunity to work)
2. Ang perang kinikita sa mga produktong
aming ginagawa ay amin ring nakukuha
upang ibigay sa aming pamilya. (The 4.02 0.98 Very Effective
money earned from the products we
make is also given to our families.)
3. Nakakapag trabaho kami sa araw na
gusto namin. (We can work on the day 3.54 1.18 Very Effective
we want to.)
4. Ang bawat isa ay puwedeng pumili ng
trabahong kanilang
ninanais sa loob ng pasilidad. (Everyone 3.87 1.15 Very Effective
has the chance to choose the job they
want inside the facility.)
5. Ang bawat isa ay nakakapag bigay ng
pangtustos para sa kanilang pamilya.
3.48 1.34 Very Effective
(Everyone can provide financial support
for their families.)
Grand Mean 3.78 Very Effective
Legend: 4.21-5.00 – “Highly Effective”, 3.41-4.20 – “Very Effective”, 2.61-3.40 –
“Effective”, 1.81-2.60 – “Fairly Effective”, 1.00-1.80 – “Not effective”

Table_ above shows the respondents' assessment on the effectiveness of

Therapeutic Community Modality Program in Batangas City Jail. Based on the result,

all statements are assessed by the respondents as very effective under the aspect of

Vocational/Livelihood and Skills Training (MS = 3.41-4.20, SD = .98 - 1.34).

As an overall assessment, with a grand mean of 3.78, it implies that

Vocational/Livelihood and Skills Training as a Therapeutic Community Modality

Program is Very Effective in Batangas City Jail.

Table 7

Respondents’ Assessment on the Level of Effectiveness of

Therapeutic Community Modality Program in terms of
Health, Mental, and Medical services

Health, Mental, and Medical services Weighted Mean SD
1. Mas naalagaan ang aming kalusugan
at pangangatawan. (Our well-being is 4.38 1.04 Highly Effective
better taken care of)
2. Nagkaroon ako ng kontrol sa aking
sarili at nabawasan ang pagiging
maiinitin ng ulo. (I gained control over 4.51 0.80 Highly Effective
myself and reduced my hot-
3. Natutunan kong pahalagahan ang
kalusugan ko at ng bawat isa. (I
learned to value my own health and 4.23 0.95 Highly Effective
those of
4. Nakararanas kami ng buwanang
pagkonsulta sa mga eksperto upang
maibahagi ang aming mga
3.99 1.31 Very Effective
nararamdaman o naiisip. (We have
monthly consultations with experts to
share our feelings or thoughts)
5. Nagkaroon ako ng lakas ng loob na
makipag-usap tungkol sa aking
nararamdaman ng hindi nahuhusgahan. 4.15 1.10 Very Effective
(I have the courage to talk to someone
about my feelings without being judged)
Grand Mean 4.25 Highly Effective
Legend: 4.21-5.00 – “Highly Effective”, 3.41-4.20 – “Very Effective”, 2.61-3.40 –
“Effective”, 1.81-2.60 – “Fairly Effective”, 1.00-1.80 – “Not effective”

Table_ above shows the respondents' assessment on the effectiveness of

Therapeutic Community Modality Program in Batangas City Jail. Based on the result,

statements 1, 2, and 3 are assessed by the respondents as highly effective under the

aspect of health, mental, and medical services (MS = 4.21-5.00, SD = .80 - 1.04).

While statements 4 and 5 in terms of are of health, mental, and medical services

assessed as very effective by the respondents, (MS = 3.41-4.20, SD = 1.10 - 1.31).

As an overall assessment, with a grand mean of 4.25, it implies that Health,

Mental, and Medical Services as a Therapeutic Community Modality Program is

Highly Effective in Batangas City Jail.

Table 8

Respondents’ Assessment on the Level of Effectiveness of

Therapeutic Community Modality Program in terms of
Health, Mental, and Medical services

Literacy and Education Weighted Mean SD
1. Ang bawat isa ay nabibigyan ng
oportunidad na makapag-aral at
madagdagan ang kaalaman. (Everyone 4.63 0.55 Highly Effective
has been given the opportunity to study
and gain more knowledge.)
2. Mas nagiging madali ang aming mga
gawain dahil mas naipaliliwanag sa
amin ito nang mabuti. (Our tasks 4.04 1.44 Very Effective
become easier because they are clearly
explained to us)
3. Maaari naming magamit ang aming
mga pinag-aralan sakaling makalabas
na kami. (We can use what we have 4.67 0.66 Highly Effective
learned once we will be freed from
4. Nakatutulong ang mga pinag aaralan
namin sa aming pagtatrabaho. (What
4.27 1.15 Highly Effective
we have studied makes our work
5. Ang aming pag-aaral ang
nagsisilbing gabay sa amin upang mas
maintindihan at matutunan ang mga
bagay bagay sa loob at labas ng
4.83 0.38 Highly Effective
pasilidad. (The education given to us
serve as our guide to better understand
and learn things inside and outside the
Grand Mean 4.49 Highly Effective
Legend: 4.21-5.00 – “Highly Effective”, 3.41-4.20 – “Very Effective”, 2.61-3.40 –
“Effective”, 1.81-2.60 – “Fairly Effective”, 1.00-1.80 – “Not effective”
Table_ above shows the respondents' assessment on the effectiveness of

Therapeutic Community Modality Program in Batangas City Jail. Based on the result,

statements 1, 3, 4, and 5 are assessed by the respondents as highly effective under

the aspect of literacy and education (MS = 4.21-5.00, SD = .38 – 1.15). While

statement 2 in terms of are of literacy and education was assessed as very effective

by the respondents, (MS = 3.41-4.20, SD = 1.44).

As an overall assessment, with a grand mean of 4.49, it implies that Literacy

and Education as a Therapeutic Community Modality Program is Highly Effective in

Batangas City Jail.

Table 9
Kruskal-Wallis H test: Difference on the Respondents’ Assessment on the of
Effectiveness of Therapeutic Community Modality Program when they are
Grouped According to their Age

Mean Decisio
COMMUNITY Age H-Test p-value Remarks
rank n
18-25 years old 31.500
26- 30 years old 53.000 Failed to Not
Moral,Spiritual, and
31-45 years old 37.556 7.331 0.119 Reject Significan
values formation
46-50 years old 46.167 Ho t
51 and above 50.861
Vocational/livelihoo 18-25 years old 32.700 7.509 0.111 Failed to Not
d and skills training26- 30 years old 41.050 Reject Significan
31-45 years old 38.644 Ho t
46-50 years old 62.917
51 and above 48.861
18-25 years old 35.600
26- 30 years old 43.750 Failed to Not
Health, Mental and
31-45 years old 40.211 2.237 0.692 Reject Significan
Medical services
46-50 years old 52.083 Ho t
51 and above 46.250
18-25 years old 34.300
26- 30 years old 47.850 Failed to Not
Literacy and
31-45 years old 42.267 2.253 0.689 Reject Significan
46-50 years old 51.583 Ho t
51 and above 39.361
Note: If p-value is less than the level of significance of 0.05, reject the null
hypothesis. Otherwise, fail to reject.

A Kruskal-Wallis test was computed to assess whether Age groups of 18-25

years old, 26-30 years old, 31-45 years old, 46-50 years old, and 51 years old and

above have an effect on the respondents perception on the effectiveness of

therapeutic community modality program in Batangas City Jail in terms of

Moral,Spiritual, and values formation, Vocational/livelihood and skills training, Health,

Mental, and Medical services, and Literacy and Education. At a 5% level of

significance, Kruskal-Walli’s test revealed a non-significant difference in the

assessment of the respondents on the effectiveness of Moral,Spiritual, and values

formation (H = 7.331, P-value = .119); Vocational/livelihood and skills training (H =

7.509, P-value = .111); Health, Mental, and Medical services (H = 2.237, P-value

= .692); and Literacy and Education (H = 2.253, P-value = .689). Thus, with the

available data, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. We can conclude that there is no

significant difference on the respondent’s perception on the effectiveness of

therapeutic community modality program in Batangas City Jail when they are

grouped according to their Age.

Table 10
Kruskal-Wallis H test: Difference on the Respondents’ Assessment on the of
Effectiveness of Therapeutic Community Modality Program when they are
Grouped According to their Educational Attainment

Educational Mean U- Decisio Remark
Attainment rank Test n s
Elementary 45.08
Graduate 9
High school 46.81 Failed
Moral,Spiritual, Not
Graduate 7 0.18 to
and values 4.892 Significa
44.50 0 Reject
formation College graduate nt
0 Ho
No Response
Elementary 48.50
Graduate 0
High school 46.37
Graduate 5 10.04 0.01 Reject Significa
od and skills
48.05 6 8 Ho nt
training College graduate
No Response
Elementary 27.87
Graduate 5
High school 44.73
Health, Mental
Graduate 2 12.99 0.00 Reject Significa
and Medical
46.81 4 5 Ho nt
services College graduate
No Response
Elementary 33.65
Graduate 9
High school 42.26 Failed
Literacy and Graduate 7 0.24 to
4.202 Significa
Education 51.58 0 Reject
College graduate nt
3 Ho
No Response
Note: If p-value is less than the level of significance of 0.05, reject the null
hypothesis. Otherwise, fail to reject.

A Kruskal-Wallis test was computed to assess whether Educational

Attainment of Elementary graduate, High School Graduate, College Graduate, and

Prefer not to say have an effect on the respondents perception on the effectiveness

of therapeutic community modality program in Batangas City Jail in terms of

Moral,Spiritual, and values formation, Vocational/livelihood and skills training, Health,

Mental, and Medical services, and Literacy and Education. At a 5% level of

significance, Kruskal-Walli’s test revealed a non-significant difference in the

assessment of the respondents on the effectiveness of Moral,Spiritual, and values

formation (H = 4.892, P-value = .180); and Literacy and Education (H = 4.202, P-

value = .240). Thus, with the available data, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. We

can conclude that there is no significant difference in the respondent’s perception on

the effectiveness of therapeutic community modality program in Batangas City Jail in

terms of Moral,Spiritual, and values formation and Literacy and Education when they

are grouped according to their Educational Attainment.

In addition, at a 5% significance level, Kruskal-Wallis Test revealed that there

was a statistically significant difference on the respondents perception on the

effectiveness of therapeutic community modality program in Batangas City Jail in

terms of Vocational/livelihood and skills training (H = 10.046, P-value = .018); and

Health, Mental, and Medical services (H = 12.994, P-value = .005); thus, with the

available data, we reject the null hypothesis. Moreover, respondents who prefer not

to tell their educational attainment are more likely to say that Vocational/Livelihood

and skills training are effective as a therapeutic community modality program in

Batangas City Jail. While respondents who are a College Graduate are more likely to

say that Health, Mental, and Medical Services are effective as a therapeutic

community modality program in Batangas City Jail.In conclusion the Inmates Welfare

and Development Program in the Rizal Provincial Jail do not significantly impact the

self-preparedness for re-orientation in society of the inmates. As for the Health &

Well Being of Inmates model, only the Livelihood and Health component of the

Inmates Welfare and Development Program have a significant effect. (Aquino, 2017)
Table 11
Kruskal-Wallis H test: Difference on the Respondents’ Assessment on the of
Effectiveness of Therapeutic Community Modality Program when they are
Grouped According to their Civil Status

Mean H- Decisio
COMMUNITY Civil Status valu Remarks
rank Test n
Moral,Spiritual, Married Failed to Not
2 1.96 0.57
and values Reject Significa
Widowed/Widow 40.08 8 9
formation Ho nt
er 3
Legally 20.00
Separated 0
Vocational/liveliho Married Failed to Not
7 0.33 0.95
od and skills Reject Significa
Widowed/Widow 39.25 9 3
training Ho nt
er 0
Legally 34.00
Separated 0
Married Failed to Not
Health, Mental and 0 1.99 0.57
Reject Significa
Medical services Widowed/Widow 34.66 5 4
Ho nt
er 7
Legally 35.50
Separated 0
Married Failed to Not
Literacy and 4 0.21 0.97
Reject Significa
Education Widowed/Widow 41.50 9 4
Ho nt
er 0
Legally 38.50
Separated 0
Note: If p-value is less than the level of significance of 0.05, reject the null
hypothesis. Otherwise, fail to reject.

A Kruskal-Wallis test was computed to assess whether Civil Status of Single,

Married, Widowed/Widower, and Legally Separated have an effect on the

respondents perception on the effectiveness of therapeutic community modality

program in Batangas City Jail in terms of Moral,Spiritual, and values formation,

Vocational/livelihood and skills training, Health, Mental, and Medical services, and
Literacy and Education. At a 5% level of significance, Kruskal-Walli’s test revealed a

non-significant difference in the assessment of the respondents on the effectiveness

of Moral,Spiritual, and values formation (H = 1.968, P-value = .579);

Vocational/livelihood and skills training (H = 0.339, P-value = .953); Health, Mental,

and Medical services (H = 1.995, P-value = .574); and Literacy and Education (H =

0.219, P-value = .974). Thus, with the available data, we fail to reject the null

hypothesis. We can conclude that there is no significant difference on the

respondent’s perception on the effectiveness of therapeutic community modality

program in Batangas City Jail when they are grouped according to their Civil Status.

Table 12
Mann-Whitney U test: Difference on the Respondents’ Assessment on the of
Effectiveness of Therapeutic Community Modality Program when they are
Grouped According to their Year of Confinement

Year of Mean Decisio Remark
Confinement rank n s
44.06 Failed
Moral,Spiritual, 1-3 years Not
9 663.00 0.36 to
and values Significa
4 years and 39.00 0 7 Reject
formation nt
above 0 Ho
44.80 Failed
Vocational/liveliho 1-3 years Not
2 620.50 0.19 to
od and skills Significa
4 years and 37.36 0 3 Reject
training nt
above 5 Ho
44.43 Failed
Health, Mental 1-3 years Not
1 642.00 0.27 to
and Medical Significa
4 years and 38.19 0 2 Reject
services nt
above 2 Ho
42.45 Failed
1-3 years Not
Literacy and 7 751.50 0.98 to
Education 4 years and 42.59 0 0 Reject
above 6 Ho
Note: If p-value is less than the level of significance of 0.05, reject the null
hypothesis. Otherwise, fail to reject.

A Mann-Whitney test was computed to assess whether Years of Confinement

of 1-3 years and 4 years and above have an effect on the respondents perception on

the effectiveness of therapeutic community modality program in Batangas City Jail in

terms of Moral,Spiritual, and values formation, Vocational/livelihood and skills training,

Health, Mental, and Medical services, and Literacy and Education. At a 5% level of

significance, Mann-Whitney test revealed a non-significant difference in the

assessment of the respondents on the effectiveness of Moral,Spiritual, and values

formation (U = 663.000, P-value = .367); Vocational/livelihood and skills training (U =

620.500, P-value = .193); Health, Mental, and Medical services (U = 642.000, P-

value = .272); and Literacy and Education (U = 751.500, P-value = .980). Thus, with

the available data, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. We can conclude that there is

no significant difference in the respondent’s perception on the effectiveness of

therapeutic community modality program in Batangas City Jail when they are

grouped according to their Years of Confinement.


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