Analitika Data Dan Komputasi Awan

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Analitika Data dan Komputasi Awan

Muhammad Ivan Fanani
NIM: 225221001


“Jawaban soal telah disampaikan secara jujur (tidak mencontek dari buku dan atau
lainnya, bagi soal yang dikerjakan dengan buku tertutup), merupakan jawaban / pemikiran
sendiri, dan tidak dibantu oleh orang lain”.
As a Human Resource Manager, you recognize the growing importance of cloud computing and
data analytics in managing HR processes effectively. Your organization is considering migrating its HR
systems to the cloud to leverage its benefits and improve data analytics capabilities. Design and explain a
comprehensive cloud adoption plan, addressing the following aspects:
1) Cloud Platform Selection: Evaluate different cloud platforms, such as Amazon Web Services
(AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), based on their features, scalability,
reliability, and security. Justify your choice of a specific cloud platform and explain how it aligns
with the requirements of HR data management and analytics.
2) Cloud Technology and Services: Identify and describe key cloud technologies and services that can
enhance HR processes and data analytics. Discuss how Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform
as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) can be utilized in the HR context. Provide
examples of specific cloud services, such as virtual machines, databases, and analytics tools, that
can support HR operations.
3) Cloud API Integration: Explain the importance of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) in
cloud computing and how they facilitate integration between cloud services and existing HR
systems. Describe the process of integrating HR applications with cloud services using APIs,
including authentication, data transfer, and error handling. Discuss the benefits and challenges
associated with API integration in the HR domain.
4) Cloud Security and Privacy: Discuss the security and privacy considerations that HR managers
need to address when migrating HR data to the cloud. Explain the concept of shared responsibility
between the cloud service provider and the organization. Identify security measures, such as
encryption, access controls, and regular backups, that should be implemented to protect HR data in
the cloud. Discuss compliance requirements, such as GDPR or HIPAA, and their implications for
HR data stored in the cloud.
5) Data Analytics in the Cloud: Explain how cloud computing enables advanced data analytics for HR
purposes. Discuss the benefits of using cloud-based data analytics tools and techniques, such as
machine learning, predictive modeling, and natural language processing. Provide examples of HR
analytics use cases, such as talent acquisition, employee engagement analysis, and workforce
planning, and explain how cloud-based analytics can provide actionable insights.
Your answer should demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of cloud computing concepts, cloud
services, cloud API integration, security considerations, and data analytics in the context of human resource
management. Support your arguments with relevant examples and considerat
1) Berikut ini merupakan penjelasan terkait evaluasi antara beberapa platform cloud :

Nama Platform Scalability Reliability Security

Amazon Web provides services that help you protect your data,
Service (AWS accounts, and workloads from unauthorized access. AWS
data protection services provide encryption capabilities,
key management, and sensitive data discovery to help you
protect your data and workloads (Data Protection) more
there is a identity acces management, Detection,
AWS Auto Scaling continually monitors your applications In Aws testing reliability means testing at the functional, Compilance, and network and application protection
to make sure that they are operating at your desired performance, and chaos levels, as well as adopting
performance levels. When demand spikes, AWS Auto incident analysis and game day practices to build
Scaling automatically increases the capacity of constrained expertise in resolving issues that are not well understood
resources so you maintain a high quality of service. (AWS, 2023)

Microsoft Azure Reliability is a shared responsibility Design and operate There most complex security in azure such as Microsoft
your mission-critical applications with confidence, sentinel, Microsoft defender for cloud, azure resource
knowing that you can trust your cloud because Azure manager, application insights, azure monitor, azure
prioritizes transparency—always keeping you informed monitor logs, azure advisore this just security in operation
and able to act quickly during service issues (Azure, and ther is security in application like penetration testing,
Autoscaling automatically scales between the minimum and 2023) web application firewall, authentication and authorization
maximum number of instances to run, and automatically azure app service, layered security architecture. Then next
adds or removes VMs based on a set of rules. (Azure,2023) security in storage and networking.
Google Cloud a scalable web app is one that works well with one user or Same with azure that Design and operate resilient and Provide AccessTransparency, Access
Platform many users, and that gracefully handles peaks and dips in highly available workloads in the cloud. But the Approval, Shielded VMs, and Confidential Computing to
traffic. Google Cloud provides products and features to help different google cloud is new product features are enable you to do the following:
you build scalable, efficient apps: Google Kubernetes sometimes your top priority in the short term. However,
Engine (GKE), (Google Cloud, 2023) reliability is your top product feature in the long term, ➢ Review and approve Google access to your
because if the product is too slow or is unavailable over customer data.
a long period of time, your users might leave, making ➢ Create and deploy hardened workloads that are
other product features irrelevant (Google cloud,2023) designed to comply with global privacy
➢ Protect data privacy throughout the data
lifecycle by using strong encryption.
Based on that evaluated (Scalabilty, reliability and security) Amazon web service is the best chance to apply in HR data management and
analytics for scalability, security, and a large ecosystem of third-party integrations and services. Also a mature platform with a wide range of tools
for data storage, analytics, and security.
2) This Identify also describe key that enhance HR processes and data analytics:

a) HRMS (Human Resources Management System)

The HRMS (Human Resources Management System) is designed to process employee data related to the Human Resources department.
After several years of implementing the HRMS, the management of PT MMC Metal Fabrication wants to assess the maturity level of the system
and identify any shortcomings it may have [1]
b) TMS (Talent Management System)
Talent management is one of the promising areas of work with personnel. Popular Talent Management Systems, which are used both as independent
solutions and as subsystems of Enterprise Performance Management. The performance management system used as a basic tool, for example, a balanced scorecard,
makes it possible to form key performance indicators for employees based on the strategic goals of the company [2]

c) Cloud-based Learning Management System (LMS)

Cloud-based LMS platforms give businesses a centralized location to administer and deliver employee development initiatives. HR departments can
conduct online courses, monitor student progress, and evaluate learning results with the help of cloud-based LMS solutions because of its scalability, accessibility,
and cost-effectiveness.

d) Cloud-based Recruitment and Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

By centralizing candidate data, automating job listings, monitoring application progress, and supporting collaborative hiring workflows, platform-based
ATS technologies simplify and streamline the hiring process. These systems increase productivity, shorten the hiring process, and enhance the candidate experience.

e) Cloud-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

HR departments are empowered by cloud-based AI and ML technologies to automate tedious activities, improve candidate sourcing and screening, forecast
workforce trends, and boost employee engagement. Employees can receive individualized HR support and self-service alternatives from chatbots powered by AI.

“Then, How Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) can be utilized in the HR
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): IaaS offers virtualized computing
resources such as virtual machines (VMs), storage, and networking over
the internet. IaaS allows HR departments to host HR apps, databases, and
servers without the requirement for physical infrastructure. It can be, for
example, use IaaS platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic
Compute Cloud (EC2) or Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines to build HR
management systems, talent management systems, or analytics tools.
Platform as a Service (PaaS) PaaS (Platform as a Service): PaaS provides a platform for development and
deployment that includes operating systems, middleware, and runtime
environments. PaaS can be used by HR teams to create and configure HR
applications, integrations, and workflows. The underlying infrastructure is also
handled by PaaS providers, allowing HR experts to focus on application
development rather than infrastructure administration. AWS Elastic
Beanstalk, Microsoft Azure App Service, and Google Cloud App Engine are
examples of PaaS services applicable to HR operations.
Software as a Service (SaaS) Software as a Service (SaaS): SaaS is a subscription-based service that
provides fully working applications through the internet. SaaS solutions are
extensively utilized in the HR environment for HR management systems,
talent management systems, recruiting tools, employee engagement
platforms, and other applications. These cloud-based solutions allow HR
personnel to access and manage HR procedures and data from any location at
any time. Workday, Oracle HCM Cloud, SAP SuccessFactors, and ADP
Workforce Now are examples of well-known HR SaaS services.
Specific cloud services that can support HR operations within the IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS models include:
Virtual Machine (IaaS) Human resources departments can set up and administer virtual
machines to host HR applications, databases, and servers. AWS EC2
instances, Azure Virtual Machines, and Google Compute Engine are
some examples.
Database (IaaS or PaaS) Cloud databases offer scalable and dependable storage for HR data.
AWS Relational Database Service (RDS), Azure SQL Database, and
Google Cloud Spanner are a few examples. NoSQL database
capabilities are also provided by PaaS products such as AWS
DynamoDB and Google Cloud Firestore.
Analytics Tools (IaaS/PaaS/SaaS) HR departments can use cloud-based analytics solutions to undertake
advanced data analysis and gain insights from HR and employee
data. AWS Elastic MapReduce (EMR), Azure HDInsight, Google
BigQuery, and SaaS solutions such as Tableau, Power BI, and Looker
are some examples.
3) This how the importance Api integration in HR system and how they facilitate. This study demonstarate and explain in Microsoft Azure.
An Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of programs that encapsulate commonly used and required functionality in an
application. The API used in building the Secure HRM System is the Java Enterprise Edition Application Programming Interface (JEE API). The
JEE API exposes a host of utilities used in building the Secure HRM application. The JEE APIs are a layer above the core Java Standard Edition
APIs. The JEE API layer allows applications importing them to interface with web servers and database servers. At the heart of the JEE API is a set
of programs that allow for the creation of servlets, which serve as request handlers and response generators. Given the fact that Plain Old Java
Objects (POJOs) are used at the core of the Secure HRM System, the core JEE APIs is also employed [3]
“Next, here that Microsoft azure facilitate integration between cloud API into HR system and Process Integrating”

Fig. Azure,2023
The following key steps are indicated in the diagram:
1. HR team performs the transactions in the cloud HR app tenant.
2. Azure AD provisioning service runs the scheduled cycles from the cloud HR app tenant and identifies changes to process for sync with
Active Directory.
3. Azure AD provisioning service invokes the Azure AD Connect provisioning agent with a request payload that contains Active Directory
account create, update, enable, and disable operations.
4. Azure AD Connect provisioning agent uses a service account to manage Active Directory account data.
5. Azure AD Connect runs delta sync to pull updates in Active Directory.
6. Active Directory updates are synced with Azure AD.
7. Azure AD provisioning service write backs email attribute and username from Azure AD to the cloud HR app tenant.

Then, here benefit and challenges in associated with API integration in the HR domain.
Benefit Challenges
API integration allows for seamless and real-time data exchange HR data contains sensitive personal information, and proper
between different HR systems, such as HRMS, talent management security measures, such as encryption, access controls, and secure
systems, or recruitment tools. authentication mechanisms, must be implemented to protect data
during transit and at rest.
API integration allows for a unified user experience by integrating Encounter compatibility issues due to variations in data formats,
multiple HR systems into a single interface. protocols, or functionality.
APIs allow HR systems to take advantage of additional Integrating HR systems through APIs requires proper governance
functionality provided by cloud services. HR systems can use and compliance considerations. Organizations must adhere to data
sophisticated analytics, machine learning algorithms, or protection regulations, such as GDPR or CCPA, and ensure that
chatbots to improve talent acquisition, employee engagement, data access and usage align with internal policies and legal
or data-driven decision-making by integrating with Azure requirements.
Functions or Azure Machine Learning.
API integration enables HR departments to scale their systems and APIs may undergo updates or version changes over time, which
processes easily. By leveraging cloud services in Azure, HR can impact integration.
systems can accommodate growing data volumes, changing
business needs, and evolving compliance requirements without the
need for significant infrastructure investments or system
4) the security and privacy considerations that HR managers need to address when migrating HR data to the cloud.
As HR manager adoption HRIS System is one of address when migrating HR data to the cloud, this argument supported by [4], Adoption
of conventional HRIS helped some health organizations to launch the performance management process, and to address some of these challenges.
For example, adoption of an electronic performance management HR system in Farer Park private tertiary healthcare institution in Singapore helped
avoid misplacement or loss of paperwork by managers, reduce manual errors and lower total costs.

Fig. Azure, (2023)

“In an on-premises datacenter, you own the whole stack. As you move to the cloud some responsibilities transfer to Microsoft. The following
diagram illustrates the areas of responsibility between you and Microsoft, according to the type of deployment of your stack”

For all cloud deployment types, you own your data and identities. You are responsible for protecting the security of your data and identities, on-
premises resources, and the cloud components you control (which varies by service type).
Regardless of the type of deployment, the following responsibilities are always retained by you:

• Data
• Endpoints
• Account
• Access management
Encryption Level in Azure

Encryption level Description

Encryption of - Using platform-managed keys: By default, all your data is
data in the encrypted using platform-managed keys. You don't need to take
Recovery Services any explicit action from your end to enable this encryption. It
vault applies to all workloads being backed-up to your Recovery
Services vault.

- Using customer-managed keys: When backing up your Azure

Virtual Machines, you can choose to encrypt your data using
encryption keys owned and managed by you. Azure Backup lets
you use your RSA keys stored in the Azure Key Vault for
encrypting your backups. The encryption key used for encrypting
backups may be different from the one used for the source. The
data is protected using an AES 256 based data encryption key
(DEK), which is, in turn, protected using your keys. This gives you
full control over the data and the keys. To allow encryption, it's
required that you grant the Recovery Services vault access to the
encryption key in the Azure Key Vault. You can disable the key or
revoke access whenever needed. However, you must enable
encryption using your keys before you attempt to protect any
items to the vault. Learn more here.
- Infrastructure-level encryption: In addition to encrypting your
data in the Recovery Services vault using customer-managed keys,
you can also choose to have an additional layer of encryption
configured on the storage infrastructure. This infrastructure
encryption is managed by the platform. Together with encryption
at rest using customer-managed keys, it allows two-layer
encryption of your backup data. Infrastructure encryption can only
be configured if you first choose to use your own keys for
encryption at rest. Infrastructure encryption uses platform-
managed keys for encrypting data.
Encryption - Azure virtual machine backup: Azure Backup supports backup
specific to the of VMs with disks encrypted using platform-managed keys, as well
workload being as customer-managed keys owned and managed by you. In
backed-up addition, you can also back up your Azure Virtual machines that
have their OS or data disks encrypted using Azure Disk Encryption.
ADE uses BitLocker for Windows VMs, and DM-Crypt for Linux
VMs, to perform in-guest encryption.

- TDE - enabled database backup is supported. To restore a

TDE-encrypted database to another SQL Server, you need to
first restore the certificate to the destination server. The backup
compression for TDE-enabled databases for SQL Server 2016 and
newer versions is available, but at lower transfer size as
explained here

➢ Access Control Azure

Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) is a system that provides fine-grained access management of Azure resources. Using Azure
RBAC, you can segregate duties within your team and grant only the amount of access to users that they need to perform their jobs
“Discussing about GDPA and HIPAA”
GDPR has provided clear sets of regulations that aim to protect and govern the fundamental privacy rights of people, update privacy laws, and amalgamate
the 28 distinct privacy laws of the EU member states. he GDPR is still an ongoing challenging issue, as some companies struggle to make a series of
adjustments in their operations. Implementing these methods and regulations in information systems’ infrastructures requires extra effort during the design phase,
which will most likely influence the system's performance. GDPR outline seven protection and accountability principles relating to personal data [13]. The seven
principles listed below explain how data must be gathered, processed, and stored; (1) Lawfulness; (2) Fairness and transparency; (3) Purpose limitation; (4) Data
minimization; (5) Accuracy; (6) Storage limitation; (7) Integrity and confidentiality.

HIPAA governs the safeguarding of personally identifiable health information (PHI) in the healthcare business. It specifies PHI privacy and
security standards. Human resources departments that handle employee health data, such as medical records, health insurance information, or
workplace wellness initiatives, must verify HIPAA compliance. To ensure the protection of PHI when storing HR data in the cloud, enterprises must
partner with cloud providers that provide HIPAA-compliant services and sign a Business Associate Agreement (BAA).

5) Data analytics in the cloud

Cloud computing is critical in providing enhanced data analytics for HR applications. HR departments can obtain significant insights from
their HR data by employing cloud-based data analytics tools and processes, leading to informed decision-making and improved HR strategy. The
following are some of the advantages of employing cloud-based data analytics tools and approaches in HR:
a. Scalability and Flexibility: Cloud-based data analytics tools enable HR departments to handle enormous volumes of HR data efficiently
by allowing them to scale resources on-demand. This scalability ensures that analytics operations can keep up with HR departments'
expanding data needs.

b. Cost effectiveness: Cloud-based analytics solutions eliminate the need for businesses to invest in and maintain costly on-premises
equipment. Instead, they can use the cloud computing pay-as-you-go approach to save upfront expenditures and provide more cost-effective
analytical capabilities.

c. Machine Learning and Predictive Modeling: Machine learning algorithms and predictive modeling approaches are frequently integrated
into cloud-based data analytics platforms. HR departments can use these capabilities to evaluate historical data and uncover patterns, trends,
and correlations in order to make accurate forecasts regarding future HR outcomes. Predictive modeling, for example, can be used to forecast
attrition rates, identify high-potential individuals, and predict employee performance.
d. Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP techniques are frequently used in cloud-based analytics applications to evaluate unstructured
HR data, such as employee surveys, performance reviews, or social media sentiments. HR departments can use NLP to obtain insights from
textual data, uncover employee sentiments, spot new trends, and improve employee engagement programs or talent management methods.

e. Improved Data Integration: Cloud-based analytics tools can integrate with a variety of HR systems and data sources, allowing HR
departments to consolidate and analyze data from multiple systems such as HRMS, applicant tracking systems, performance management
systems, or external sources such as job portals or social media. This integration gives a unified view of HR data, allowing for more in-depth
analytics and insights.
Examples of HR Analytics Use Cases in the Cloud:

• Cloud-based analytics may evaluate recruiting data to discover the most effective sourcing channels, assess hiring quality, anticipate
candidate success, and enhance recruitment techniques. Machine learning algorithms, for example, can assist HR departments in identifying
patterns in successful hires and recommending applicants with similar qualities.

• Cloud-based analytics solutions can evaluate employee survey responses, social media data, and sentiment analysis to measure employee
engagement levels, identify variables influencing engagement, and offer focused interventions to boost engagement. NLP approaches can
aid in the analysis of open-ended survey replies and the detection of sentiment trends.

• Employee Planning: Analytics in the cloud can provide insights into employee demographics, skill gaps, and succession planning.
Predictive modeling can be used by human resource departments to forecast future workforce demands, identify essential roles, and design
strategies for talent development, retention, and succession planning.
Daftar Pustaka:
[1] A. R. Zulfa and P. D. A. Pamungkas, “Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Human Resources Management Systems PT MMC Metal Fabrication
Bekasi,” J. Sisfokom (Sistem Inf. dan Komputer), vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 126–133, 2021, doi: 10.32736/sisfokom.v10i1.1055.
[2] M. A. Odintsova, “Talent Management: Assessment and Prediction of The Efficiency of Work of The Personnel,” J. Contemp. Issues Bus.
Gov., vol. 27, no. 02, 2021, doi: 10.47750/cibg.2021.27.02.372.
[3] I. Odun-Ayo, S. Misra, N. Omoregbe, E. Onibere, Y. Bulama, and R. Damasevičius, “Cloud-based security driven Human Resource
Management system,” Front. Artif. Intell. Appl., vol. 295, pp. 96–106, 2017, doi: 10.3233/978-1-61499-773-3-96.
[4] A. Tursunbayeva, “Human resource technology disruptions IN HEALTHCARE.pdf,” vol. 3, pp. 1–8, 2019.

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