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Power BI Basic Exercise

Business Context/Summary:

The objective of the exercise is working and managing multiple tables. As part of this exercise, we
are loading the data from multiple sources and defining and managing relationships between them.
We will be using the DAX syntax to enhance our dataset.


You have been provided with retail data; the data are in 4 disparate files. Your eventual goal is to
make a high level dashboard with different cuts, and some insights. As a first step, you need to get
all 4 tables in your data model and ensure the relationships between the tables are well defined for
further use. You are also required to add some fields in the data - to enable the different views - Net
Units, Weekday vs Weekend performance, etc.

1: Load all the files, one by one into the data model

- Make sure the header contains the field names in all the files

2: Drop records from table ‘PinCode-Geo’ where ‘Zone’ is missing. Drop records from
‘Mod3_Raw_CityTier_v0 1’ where ‘CityTier’ is missing.

3: For the common columns between tables, make sure the relationship is present. For the table
‘Mod3_Raw_CityTier_v0 1’, make sure the ‘City’ field has a relationship with ‘City’ from ‘PinCode-
Geo’ table

4: Using DAX formulas, create a new column ‘Net_Units’ as difference of ‘Units’ and
‘Cancelled_Units’ in the sale table

5: Rename ‘City’ to ‘City_Old’, create new column ‘City’ with only the city name i.e. removing the
country part; from the two files ‘‘Mod3_Raw_CityTier_v0 1‘ and ‘PinCode-Geo’.
6: Create a field called ‘OrderDayOfWeek’ which should contain the day of week, e.g. ‘Monday’

7: To be able to look at weekly trends, using DAX formulas, create a field called ‘OrderWeekStart’
which contains the date for the start of the week of sale.

- Note that your week should be starting from Monday - Format this field to display ‘Nov 06’ for
November 6th

8: Update the relationships to ensure all tables are connected as expected

9. Create different analysis/reports like

- Total revenue, Total quantity, Total cancelations, number of customers, number of

transactions, by Month, week, weekday, product group, city, zone, city tier etc.. 10. Create
Dashboard with above analysis

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