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Activity 1


Hello! My name is Francis. I live in

Seychelles. It is a small island in the
middle of the Indian Ocean. I live in a
small house near the beach. I can see
the ocean, the beach and tropical
forests from my window. There are a lot
of animals living here. There are lots of
fish in the ocean. They are amazing. I go
diving to see them. In some months of
the year, I can see some whale sharks.
They are very dangerous. I don’t swim
with them. There are tortoises in a park
near my home. They are very old.
Tortoises are very big, so they are not
fast. There are black parrots in the
tropical forest. Black parrots are not
pets. They are wild.

A. Look at the pictures and write their names.




B. Are these sentences True or False? Circle (T) for true and (F) for false.

1. Seychelles is a kind of animal. T F

2. There is a desert near Franci’s home. T F

3. Francis can see the fish in the ocean. T F

4. Tortoises are big and slow. T F

5. Francis has got a black parrot. T F

C. Answer the questions according to the text.

1. Where is Seychelles?


2. When can you see the whale sharks?


3. Where can you see the tortoises on the island?


4. Where do black parrots live?


D. What do you think? Write one animal in each blank.

1. .................................... are amazing.

2. .................................... are beautiful.

3. .................................... are clever.

4. .................................... are strong.

Activity 2

Sport and Leisure

My friends and I like making origami. We fold a

square piece of paper into different shapes. We
make animals or flowers.
The samurai hat is my favorite. We learn it from
our parents. It is very easy. Everybody can do it.
Just follow the instructions.
Akiko, Japan

I like playing Five Stones. You put five stones on

the ground. Then you toss one of the stones
with one hand and try to pick up the other
stones before you catch the stone in the air
again with the same hand.
First you pick up the stones one by one, and
then in
groups of two, and three and four. You must be
Cem, Turkey

Children in my city love hopscotch. We draw

rectangular shapes on the ground and number
them. We toss a small stone into the numbered
spaces. We jump and hop from one end of the
shape to the other end. It is good when you get
the stone back.
Anne, England
A. Read and circle (T) for true and (F) for false.

1. Flowers are Akiko’s favorite origami. T F

2. Origami making is not difficult. T F

3. To play hopscotch, you need to throw the stone out of the rectangular shapes. T F

4. When you play hopscotch, try to get the stone back to win. T F

5. You always pick up the stones in groups when you play Five Stones. T F

B. Read and write ‘origami’, ‘Five Stones’ or ‘hopscotch’

1. Your mother or father teaches this game to you.


2. You play this game with only one hand.


3. This game can be very tiring.


4. You need a piece of paper for it.


5. When you are slow, you cannot win this game.

Activity 3

Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy

books by J.K Rowling. She published the
seventh book, Harry Potter and Deathly
Hallows, in the summer of 2007. J.K Rowling
wrote the first book, Harry Potter and the
Philosopher’s Stone, in a café in Edinburgh.
The book was not successful at first but
suddenly it became famous all over the
world. J.K Rowling is one of the richest
writers in history. More than 325 million
copies have sold in 63 languages. We can
read the Harry Potter books and we can also
see the film.

A. Are these sentences True or False? Circle (T) for true and (F) for false.

1. There are seven Harry Potter books. T F

2. J.K Rowling published the sixth Harry Potter book in 2007. T F

3. J.K Rowling wrote the first book in Scotland. T F

4. You can read Harry Potter in more than 50 languages. T F

5. You can see Harry Potter films in the cinema. T F

B. Put the following words into the omitted places.

nice clever friends nasty aunt magic pet teacher scar

Harry Potter is an English boy who lives with his aunt and uncle. Harry has got special
powers; he can do 1)__________. He has got a 2) _____________ on his forehead. He goes
to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Petunia Dursley is Harry’s 3) _____________. She is his mother’s sister. Hermione Granger
and Ron Weasley are Harry’s 4) ____________. Hermione talks very fast and she’s very
5)__________. Ron has got a wand.

Draco Malfoy is a student at Hogwarts. He is 6)_____________ and bullies Harry. Hedwig is

Harry’s 7) ___________ owl.

Professor Severus Snape is a nasty 8)_____________ of potions. He is not very nice to Harry.
Professor Albus Dumbledore is an old and powerful wizard. He is the headmaster of
Hogwarts. He is 9) ____________ to Harry.

C. Write the Story.

Lord Voldemort kills Harry Potter’s pasrent 1) ____________ when Harry is a small oby 2)
__________. Harry goes to live with his nuecl 3) _____________ Vernon and his aunt
Petunia. Harry has got special powers. He can do mgaic 4) ___________. On his eleventh
btiradhy 5) _______________ Harry finds out that he is a waizrd 6)______________ and
goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hogwarts is not a normal soochl
7)______________ , it is a school of magic and 8) pootins ____________. Each book is about
one year in Harry’s life at Hogwarts.
Activity 4


A. Reed Boat

There is a very big lake in Peru. Its name is Titicana. There are many floating villages on the
lake. Uro people live on these islands. They make boats to travel between the islands. Most
of them are made of reed. Reed is a kind of tall plant. It grows in wet places. They look like


DUKW is a kind of truck. It is different because it can run on land and water. People call it
duck. Most of them are yellow. Tourists use it in London to see London by land and river. 50
people can get on it. It is

very comfortable.

C. Zip Lines

There are a lot of mountains in the northern part of Turkey. The villages are very far away
from each other. They are on different hills. They have zip lines between the hills or from the
top of the hill to the foot. People use them to carry tea leaves. Sometimes they ride them to
cross the rivers. Most of them are not safe. They are very fast and scary.

D. Rickshaws

One popular way of transport in some parts of Japan is rickshaw. It is a vehicle with two
wheels. One man pulls the rickshaw. There are also cycle rickshaws. They are called bike taxi.
Most of them are for one or two passengers. The driver sits in front of the passengers to
pedal the rickshaw.

They are cheap but they are very slow.

A. Match the photos below with the texts. Write A-D in the boxes.



B. Read Texts A-D again and circle (T) for true and (F) for false.

1. Titicana is the group of people living on the floating villages. T F

2. The shape of a reed boat is like a dragon. T F

3. Zip lines carry tea leaves and people. T F

4. Zip lines are very comfortable. T F

5. A rickshaw has one or two wheels. T F

6. You don’t need a lot of money to get on a rickshaw. T F

C. Answer the questions according to the texts.

1. What do people in Peru use to make their boats?


2. Why do people need boats?


3. Why is a DUKW different from other trucks?


4. What colour is a DUKW?


5. How many people can get on a DUKW?


6. Where does the driver of the rickshaw sit?

Activity 5


During the Olympic Games, people from all over the world gather to take
part in different sporting events. The original Olympics were held in
Greece around 776 BC. They occurred every four years. Young men ran
races of different lengths. Those who won got wreaths of olive branches.
The first modern Olympic Games were in 1896 in Greece. In 1994 The
International Olympic Committee decided to organise winter and
summer Olympic Games separately. Now the games occur every two
years. People from more than 200 countries come together to compete
in either winter or summer sports. Today winners get bronze, silver or
gold medals. The Olympic Games are good for the host countries, too.
They have a chance to show their culture both to the people who come
there and to the people who watch on TV. The sports may differ from
the original Olympics, but the spirit is the same.

A. Answer the questions according to the text.

1. When were the first Olympic Games organised?


2. How often did the first Olympic Games occur?


3. Who could take part in the first games?


4. What was the prize for the athletes in the first games?
5. What is the prize for the winners today?

6. How many countries take part in the games?


7. Why are the games good for the hosting country?

8. Are the games played today, the same with the original Olympics?


Activity 6

The Food Pyramid

We eat different kinds of food every day. But are we eating the
right food?
The Food Pyramid can help us eat healthy by showing how much
we need from each group. There are six kinds of food in the
Pyramid. Grains are at the bottom of the Pyramid. Grains include
pasta, bread, rice and cereal. According to the Pyramid a normal
adult needs 6-11 servings of grains every day. The next two
important groups are fruit and vegetables. An Adult needs at least
3-5 servings of vegetables and 2-4 servings of fruit. There are two
more groups near the top of the Pyramid. Everyone needs 2-3
servings of dairy and 2-3 servings of meat, fish, beans or nuts.
Finally, at the very top of the Pyramid, there are fats, oils and
sweets. This might be a delicious group. However, an adult
shouldn’t eat a lot of this food group.
What’s serving? For grains, one serving equals one slice of bread,
or half a cup of cereal, rice or pasta. For fruit and vegetables, there
is one serving in one cup of vegetables or one piece of fruit. One
cup of milk equals a serving of dairy and 2-3 ounces of meat is a
serving for that group.
The Food Pyramid is a guide to help you learn how to eat well.
A. Fill in the Pyramid with the groups of food according to the text.

B. Read the sentences and circle (T) for true and (F) for false.

1. The article describes the kinds of food people should eat and how much they should
eat of each group. T / F

2. According to the Pyramid, an adult needs to eat a lot of grains. T / F

3. An adult needs to eat a lot of the food group that is at the top of the Pyramid. T / F

4. The article explains the servings of each food group that an adult needs. T / F

5. The article explains how to cook healthy food. T / F

Activity 7

Helping the Community

A lot of people do different things to make the world a better place. They usually start with
their community. When you do good things for your community, you help the world, too.
Masa, Andres and Maria know this and they do something about it. You can get some ideas
from them to help your own community.
Masa lives in Kyoto, Japan. He knows that many families in his city haven’t got enough money
to buy new clothes. Masa and his friends ask people to donate used clothes. They collect the
clothes that people don’t need or wear anymore. They give them to people in need. Thanks
to Masa and his friends, many children and their families have new clothes.
Andres lives in Rio, Brazil. Every morning he goes swimming with his friends. He sees a lot of
rubbish on the beach. He picks up the rubbish and cleans up the beach. He tries to motivate
his friends to care about the beach, too.
Eleni lives in Athens, Greece. There is an old couple living next to her house. This old couple
needs help with the housework and work in the garden. Eleni helps them at the weekend.
She also takes them some meals.
Masa, Andres and Maria do something to help their communities. What can you do?

A. Read the text and complete the sentences by writing the correct subjects.

1. . …………………………. do different things to help the world.

2. …………………………. can get some ideas from Masa, Andres and Maria to help our

3. People in ………………………….'s city haven’t got new dresses.

4. …………………………. collects clothes for people in need.

5. …………………………. picks up the rubbish on the beach.

6. ……………………..................................……. cannot work in the garden.

7. …………………………. gives some meals to other people.

Activity 8

Read the text about Pablo Picasso and decide if the sentences are True or False.

Pablo Picasso was a famous Spanish artist. He was born on October 25th 1881,
and died on April 8, 1973. Pablo’s father was a drawing teacher, and he encouraged his son’s
artistic ability. When Pablo was ten year’s old, the family moved to Barcelona, Spain. Pablo took an
exam to enter a famous and prestigious art school there. The name of the school was La Llonga.
The exam normally took one month, but Pablo finished it in one day! He later moved to Paris. He
worked as an artist and exhibited his drawings there. During this time, he created his famous “Blue
Period” works. In 1907, Picasso painted “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon”. It is the first painting in the
‘modern art’ movement. Artists from all over the world travelled to see this painting. Picasso
created cubism. In the 1920s, Picasso continued his work by creating theatre sets. His work during
this period was considered neo-classical, modern, surreal, and cubist. In 1937, there was a terrible
bombing in a small Spanish town called Guernica. Picasso reacted by creating a masterpiece named
after the town of Guernica. Picasso then moved on to print making and lithography. He came up
with many new ways to create art. One of the most interesting things about Picasso is that he was
the first artist to be famous during his own lifetime. He was quite a celebrity. He became of the
most important artists of the twentieth century.

1. Picasso was 73 years old when he died. T F

2. Picasso’s father was good at painting pictures, too. T F

3. It took Picasso one month to finish the exam to enter a famous art school. T F

4. Picasso’s art became popular with other artists, too. T F

5. Picasso’s painting became famous after he died. T F

Activity 9


There are a lot of mythical animals. One of them is Pegasus. Pegasus was a flying
horse. Pegasus was the son of Poseidon, the Lord of the Sea. His mother was
Medusa, the horrible monster with snakes for hair.
Pegasus did not mind being a flying horse. In fact, he rather liked it. His only
problem was that he was very lonely. He had no friends and no family. He couldn’t
live with his father because Pegasus could not breathe under the sea. He did not
want to live with his mother. His mother was a monster. She had snakes for hair
and he was not fond of snakes. Also his mother hated everyone, including her son,
The other horses stayed away from him. They knew he was different. He belonged
nowhere. Pegasus kept himself busy by saving others. There are many stories of
Pegasus carrying wounded soldiers safely from battles. But it was not the same as
having a family or a friend to do things with. One day, Zeus noticed that Pegasus
was very depressed. Zeus decided to adopt Pegasus as his horse. He took him to
live with him on Mount Olympus. Pegasus became the famous horse that Zeus
rode through the stars. They soon became best friends. Finally, Pegasus had a
home! And Zeus had a friend he could count on. Artists used the image of Pegasus
for centuries. He inspired countless paintings and sculptures. He is sometimes
white, sometimes white with gold wings and sometimes gold all over in famous
Read the text about ‘Pegasus’ and answer the following questions.

1. Pegasus thought it was not a problem to be a flying horse. T F

2. Pegasus' mother didn’t want to leave him. T F

3. Why couldn’t Pegasus live with his father?


4. Why did other horses stay away from Pegasus?


5. Who did Pegasus help?


6. Where did Pegasus start to live when he became friends with Zeus?


7. How do the artists draw Pegasus in their paintings?

Activity 10

Natural Remedies

It is not necessary to go to the doctor whenever we get ill. We can find a cure for some
of our illnesses at home, too. We can use home remedies. Of course we should get
professional help if our illness looks serious.
When winter comes, many kids start coughing. A spoonful of honey eases kids’ coughs
even better than cough medicine. Mix honey with lemon and microwave for 20 seconds
until the mixture gets warm (not hot). Kids should swallow the mixture one teaspoon at
a time. They can get it three times a day. Be careful! Honey is not safe for babies under
age 1.
Do you have a headache? Wrap several ice cubes in a towel. It will help reduce your
headache. Never place ice directly on the skin because it will burn. It is hard to hold ice
in place for long. To keep the towel-wrapped ice from slipping, use a bandana tied at
the back of the neck.
Earaches in children can be very uncomfortable. Most often, children have earaches
because there is water in the middle ear. They can also be due to common cold, air
pressure or blockage in the nasal passage. The best treatment for earaches is olive oil. It
helps get rid of ear infections. Put 3 or 4 drops of warm olive oil into your ear canal.
Warm a piece of cloth and put it around the affected ear. It also helps relieve pain. You
can use a hair drier, too.

1. For minor illnesses you don’t need to go to the doctor. T F

2. To stop cold you should put honey and lemon juice in your tea. T F

3. How many times should you get the mixture of honey and lemon for a better effect?


4. Honey is dangerous for __________________________________________________

5. Why is it dangerous to put ice directly onto your skin?

6. You wrap the ice with a towel / bandana. You tie the towel / bandana at the back of the

neck to keep the ice in place.

7. Putting warm olive oil in your ear is a good treatment for earaches. T F

8. Children have earaches because they don’t dry their hair. T F

Answer Key

Activity 1: Animals


1. black parrot; 2. Whale; 3. Tortoise; 4. fish


1. F; 2. F; 3. T; 4. T; 5. F


1. In the middle of the Indian Ocean; 2. In some months of the year; 3. In the park; 4. In the
tropical forest


students’ own answers

Activity 2: Sport and Leisure


1. F; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. F


1. origami; 2. five stones; 3. hopscotch; 4. origami; 5. five stones

Activity 3: Harry Potter


1.True; 2.False; 3.True; 4.True; 5.True


1. magic; 2. scar; 3. aunt; 4. friends; 5. clever; 6. nasty; 7. pet; 8. teacher; 9. nice


1. parents; 2. boy; 3. uncle; 4. magic; 5. birthday; 6. wizard; 7. school; 8. potions

Activity 4: Transport


1. C; 2. A; 3. B; 4. D


1. F; 2. T; 3. T; 4. F; 5. F; 6. T


1. (They use) reed.; 2. Because they live on floating villages / they travel between the islands.

3. It can run on water (and land).; 4. (It is) yellow.; 5. 50 (people get on a DUKW).; 6. The
driver sits in front of the passengers.

Activity 5: Olympic games

1. Around 776 BC; 2.Every four years; 3. Young men; 4. Wreaths of olive branches; 5. Bronze,
silver or gold medals; 6. More than 200 countries; 7. They have a chance to show their
culture both to the people who come there and to the people who watch on TV.; 8. No. The
sports now differ from the original games.

Activity 6: The food Pyramid



1. T; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. F
Activity 7: Helping the Community

1. People; 2. We; 3. Masa; 4. Masa; 5. Andres; 6. The old couple; 7. Eleni

Activity 8: Pablo Picasso

1. F; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. F

Activity 9: Pegasus

1. T

2. F

3. His father lived under the sea and Pegasus cannot breathe there.

4. He was different. / He could fly.

5. Soldiers (wounded in the battles)

6. Mount Olympus

7. He is sometimes white, sometimes white with gold wings and sometimes gold all over in
famous paintings.

Activity 10: Natural Remedies

1. T

2. F

3. 3 times a day

4. babies under 1 year old

5. Because ice could burn your skin.

6. towel ... bandana

7. T

8. F

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