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Feedback Sorry, you did not pass the quiz for the AIOps
Fundamentals Level 1.

Question 1 You're talking to a client about the potential for

Incorrect AIOps to completely transform the way clients run
their digital business. In your discussion, the client
Points out of
talks about how they currently collect and organize
operational data and come up with a plan to
address any incidents that may arise. This response
indicates what level on the AIOps continuum?

Proactive 

Question 2 Turbonomic can build the complete supply chain of
Incorrect an application with data from:
Back Next
Points out of
Application resource management (ARM) tools
DevSecOps tools 

Site reliability engineering (SRE) tools

Application performance monitoring (APM)

Question 3 You are talking to a client about how infusing AI

Incorrect automation into their IT operations is a major
opportunity for them to advance their digital
Points out of
transformation and outpace competitors with better
service delivery. What do you explain as the top
reason to consider AI as part of their operations?

Personnel consolidation
Hardware consolidation 

Efficiency and cost

Bleeding edge technology
Question 4 You're monitoring a Webex demo while your team is
Incorrect presenting an Instana demo. The client's CIO
walked in late to the meeting and posted this Back Next
Points out of
question: "Can you explain in a sentence what
problems can be addressed and solved by
Instana?"  How do you respond?

Surface anomalies within an existing 

ChatOps environment
Find the root cause of issues that are masked
by large volumes of monitoring data.
Merge structured and unstructured data
Assure application performance by utilizing a
dynamic consumption-based model.
Question 5 In the Q&A session after presenting AIOps
Incorrect fundamentals to your client, the IT Operations
manager tells you: "It sounds interesting, but I Back Next
Points out of
don't think we are ready for Watson AIOps yet. My
main challenge right now is a lack of visibility into
the performance of our hybrid applications." How
should you answer?

"Instana is likely the right first step on your

AIOps journey. When your observability needs
are addressed, you can then enhance the
solutions with additional elements."
"You should start with Application Resource 
Management (ARM). Turbonomic will fix any
application performance issues before they
"All clients initially say that, but when you
implement log anomaly detection with Cloud
Pak for Watson AIOps, you won't need to
worry about your application performance
"I understand. I'll check with you next year if
you are ready for AIOps."
Question 6 One of the three entry points to the AIOps portfolio
Incorrect helps clients operationalize automation with
patented algorithms and analytics. What provides Back Next
Points out of
these capabilities?

None of the entry points

IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps
Instana 


Question 7 One of the three entry points to the AIOps portfolio

Incorrect uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) and
Machine Learning (ML) to assist clients to detect
Points out of
and diagnose application and IT infrastructure
related issues. What provides these capabilities?

Instana 

IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps

None of the entry points
Question 8 Which of the following client profiles would be
Correct considered a good prospect for an AIOps
discussion? Back Next
Points out of
A focus solely on performance management.
Less than 500 workloads.
No desire to move to a cloud-native
architecture. Less than 500 workloads.
Cloud-native architecture with 

microservices, Kubernetes and/or

containers. Over 500 workloads.
Cloud-native architecture with a focus solely
on cost management.
Question 9 A Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) working at your
Incorrect client texts you and says they urgently need to
know: "What types of data can be ingested by Cloud Back Next
Points out of
Pak for Watson AIOps to help with predictive
resolution?" What is the best line to text back to

Any events and metrics that are compatible 

with Netcool Operations Insights.
Structured: like events, metrics, topology data,
and unstractured, like tickets or logs.
Any structure and unstructured data including
images and video streams.
Only text logs formatted as XML or JSON.
Question 10 You are presenting to a client and specifically
Incorrect talking about how to put their applications on
autopilot. What are the 3 main things you tell them Back Next
Points out of
to focus on in order to enhance IT delivery?

Automated deployment
Incident management
Application optimization

Proactive problem management

Network management

Deep observability
Resource optimization
Proactive resolution

Agile integration
Site reliability
Question 11 A client asks you about the term "ChatOps", noting
Incorrect that they are hearing it used more and more these
days, but their team isn't quite clear on what it Back Next
Points out of
actually is. What is the best way to describe the
term "ChatOps"?

This term is the code name of the AI engine 

leveraged by the Cloud Pak for Watson
AIOps solution.
This term is a paradigm or a set of practices
that empowers developers to perform
infrastructure configuration tasks.
This term describes the role in IT operations
organizations responsible for briefing other
team members with the current status of
issues in the "War Room".
This term describes the integration of
operations tools with communication
platforms like Slack so that teams can easily
manage the flow of their work in one place.
Question 12 Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps has the capability to
Correct ingest real time structured and unstructured data
feeds.  Which of the following is a correct set of Back Next
Points out of
structured data?




Question 13 There are many challenges faced by CIOs and IT
Incorrect operations teams, one being critical operations
expertise.  What statement best summarizes this Back Next
Points out of
specific challenge?

Over 90% of full-time employees have 90% 

of critical operations expertise.
Critical operations expertise is not considered
a problem in most businesses.
Only 10% of full-time employees have 90% of
critical operations expertise.
50% of full-time employees have 50% of
critical operations expertise.
Question 14 What problems can be addressed and solved by
Correct Turbonomic?
Back Next
Points out of
Find the root cause of issues that are masked
by large volumes of monitoring data.
Surface anomalies within an existing ChatOps
Merge structured and unstructured data
Assure application performance and 

resource allocation by utilizing a dynamic

consumption-based model.
Question 15 You asked your client how they allocate server and
Incorrect network resources.  The client noted how they rely
on forecasting methods. What scenario leads to a Back Next
Points out of
dynamic business through capacity-based
forecasted data?

Demand for applications is static and thus 

no intervention is required by IT operations.
The infrastructure will always be over
provisioned causing the business to spend
more money than necessary.
Demand for applications is dynamic, but
allocation is static and never requires an IT
operator to change.
At any point in time the infrastructure is either
over provisioned (business spending more
money) or under provisioned (app performs
Question 16 What is the concept of supply-demand driven
Incorrect relationships between layers of the application
stack? Back Next
Points out of
It is a supply chain that starts with the layer
containing virtual machines and ends with the
It is a supply chain that starts with the layer
containing physical servers, disk arrays, and
the network.
It is a supply chain that starts with a layer 

consisting of containers and virtual

It is a supply chain that starts with business
applications that consist of transactions
running across a diverse set of services.
Question 17 You are returning from a meeting with procurement
Incorrect at a client's headquarters, you meet the CIO in front
of the elevator. While riding down, she asks: "I Back Next
Points out of
heard IBM is a market leader in the AI space. Can
you list the top three benefits AI can provide us for
IT Operations?" What three would you pick?

Automated resourcing actions

Better promotion decisions
Faster service provisioning

Automated DevOps
Embedded security controls
Proactive reporting

Incident impact avoidance
Fewer headcounts needed
Automated risk scoring

Faster decision making

Better resource optimization
Proactive problem resolution
Question 18 AIOps is a relatively new concept that is growing
Correct rapidly. What competitors are you most likely to
encounter when positioning Cloud Pak for Watson Back Next
Points out of
AIOps to help a client transform their operational
environment from a reactive to proactive




Back Next

Question 19 A Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps license gives clients

Incorrect the flexibility to install multiple modules that deliver
key functionality to their business. This gives clients
Points out of
a way to start and grow their AIOps eminence. 
What is the role of the Metric Manager?

It is a module providing performance metric

anomaly detection across different sources.
It is a module providing log data anomaly 

detection across different sources.

It is module responsible for the long-term
warehousing of the performance metrics for
It is one of the versions of the AI engine
(Imperial Manager is the other version of that
Question 20 You are responding to a request for proposal (RFP)
Correct where the client requested information on how the
IBM AIOps platform improves mean time to resolve Back Next
Points out of
(MTTR)? How do you respond?

Instana only helps with mean time to detect

MTTR is marginally improved by combining
Instana observability and site reliability
engineering (SRE) best practices.
Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps machine learning
algorithms improve MTTR by 80%.
Instana is capable of real-time detection 

and mapping of all the interdependencies

to reduce risk and decrease MTTR by 50%.
Question 21 A Business Partner wants to enhance their offering
Incorrect with IBM AIOps solutions. They ask, "How can
IBM's AIOps solutions transform ITOps challenges Back Next
Points out of
to ITOps advantages? What is the best answer?

AIOps platforms combine big data and 

Machine Language (ML) functionality to

replace all primary IT operations functions.
AIOps helps with business process
automation, so ITOps challenges become less
AIOps eliminates humans from IT operations
so it removes the risk of human errors.
AIOps shifts focus from infrastructure-centric
IT operations to applications and application
owners. The application-centric approach
focuses on what matters most to IT and
business performance.
Question 22 Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps is comprised of several
Incorrect functional modules. Each module has a specific
capability and they all work together to bring Back Next
Points out of
operational insights to the client.  What module
manages the detection of log anomalies, performs
triage, and correlates data?

Event Manager
AI Manager
Metric Manager 
Question 23 You are preparing to host an AIOps workshop for
Correct your clients. To attract more attendees, you want to
list IT challenges that AIOps can help solve. Which Back Next
Points out of
one will you pick?

IT complexity has stretched the ability of 

Ops teams to understand data and respond
quickly across any environment.
Increasing focus on data privacy and
regulatory compliance forces IT Ops to spend
too much time on security reporting.
Without AI-based machine learning, IT teams
cannot progress with application
he rising number of service tickets opened by
end-users requires robotic process
automation to process them.
Question 24 What is the name of the practice that combines big
Incorrect data and Machine Learning (ML) functionality to
enhance and transform all primary IT operations Back Next
Points out of
functions, including availability and performance
monitoring, event correlation and analysis, and IT
service management and automation?

Site Reliability Engineering

ChatOps 

Question 25 One of the three entry points to the AIOps portfolio
Correct automatically ingests observability metrics, traces,
and events. This entry point then contextualizes Back Next
Points out of
application, service, and infrastructure
interdependencies so clients can take intelligent
action on any issue. What provides these

IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps

Instana 

None of the entry points

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