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Mherie Queen Germono


1. For the whole semester, you have been exposed to different topics in Ethics. How do you
feel about the lessons you have learned in this course? Do you find them useful in real
life? Why?

It feels good to know the things that may help me to become a better person. Yes I
find them useful in real life because I learned that before making a decision or do
something you really must have to consider not just yourself but everything that may
be affected. It is not always about our emotions to decide on some things we must do
the right thing so we will not regret it later on. There are times that I am impulsive in
certain dilemmas that made me regrets but upon learning about ethics I became more
careful on my actions. Knowing the different kinds of ethics, moral reasoning and other
related topics, It doesn’t make my actions always right because I still make mistakes but
as long as I can I will act morally. I will always think and apply what I learned in this
course not because I need to but because that is the right thing to do. I will also want
to share the knowledge to other people because I wanted them to know my
realizations when I heard of these different topics and maybe they can also reflect and
realize something about themselves.

2. What questions do you need to ask yourself during unethical situation?

I will ask if is it legal? Is it balanced? And How will it make me feel about myself?
Because I have to look at existing standards, I should activate my sense of fairness and I
have to think of my own emotions, standards and sense of morality. Like for example,
At work, my decision examined not just from civil law perspective but also regards to
company policies or standards. Will my decision be fair or will it heavily favor one party
over another? It should be balanced and I should not harm anyone with my decision.
And if I’m losing sleep over the situation, it’s probably an indication that my conscience
is wrestling with the decision I made. But of course before making a decision, I have to
think of the consequences of my action first. These questions will lead me to act
morally or to act right.

3. What ethical values do you think should be taught to the youth today?

I think ethical values that should be taught to the youth today are honesty and
respect. There is no more fundamental ethical value than honesty. We associate
honesty with people of honour, and we admire and trust those who are honest.
Honesty in communication is about intent to convey the truth as best we know it and
to avoid communicating in a way likely to mislead or deceive. Honesty in conduct
prohibits stealing, cheating, fraud and trickery. Cheating is not only dishonest but takes
advantage of those who are not cheating. It’s a violation of trust and fairness. And that
is why youth should know that honesty is not just about telling the truth. It’s about
being real with yourself and others about who you are, what you want and what you
need to live your most authentic life. Honesty promotes openness, empowers us and
enables us to develop consistency in how we present the facts.

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Respect is about honoring the essential worth and dignity of all people, including
oneself. We are morally obliged to treat everyone with respect, regardless of who they
are and what they have done. We have a responsibility to be the best we can be in all
situations, even when dealing with unpleasant people. And it is important that the
youth today are respectful because respectful person treats others with consideration,
conforming to accepted notions of taste and propriety, and doesn’t resort to
intimidation, coercion or violence except in extraordinary and limited situations to
teach discipline, maintain order or achieve social justice.

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