Business Plan - Pancake Business Idea

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“Tigañita Appetite”

Presented to the Faculty and Staff of

Zamboanga del Sur national High School
Senior High School
Sta. Maria District, Pagadian City
Zamboanga del Sur

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For Business Enterprise Simulation


Zafra, Wiljun S.
Turao, Agamel
Gallano, Mark Virgil
Alzonado, Leramae
De Acamus, Cherry
Abad, Cessariany
Omondang, Gydel lee
Villaganas, Juvie Jean
Rejab, Esmail

May 2023

Tigañita Appetite is a start-up business stall established to sell such chocolate

pancake. The location of the business is in the Sta. Maria District, Pagadian City, Zamboanga

del Sur. The business focuses on distribution of pancakes, and we ensure that it’s affordable

of anyone and with good quality. Tigañita appetite expects to catch the interest of people

through the product it offers by different marketing strategies. The business plans to build a

strong market position in which to survive competitive market through offering much more

affordable product to our customers.

The tigañita appetite are owned by 9 partners and to finance the business they

contributed 425 pesos each, every part of the organization is ensured to do the best they can

offer. The owners of the business love pancakes to which they gained the idea of creating

business that offer pancakes, pancakes are readily available by the help of different suppliers

in the province.

Tigañita appetite despite of having different competitors such Pancake House,

pancakes will differ to them. The organization ensure to do their best because we value our

customer, we ensure that we are also able to provide superior customer service, this able to

help insuring healthy and consistent sales or revenue. The business partners that contributed

425 pesos each to finance the business expect that this provides current financing

requirement. 3,825 pesos capital and are expecting to generate more than 14,000 sales in the

first month and making moves to increase 40% of sales for the following month, the profit is

expected to be approximately 5,000 pesos, this increases up to 40% as the business grow for

the following months. The Tigañita appetite will serve customers’ delicious and affordable

pancake, and offer sales promotion, and market product to social media so they can engage

with us online also, the business is ensuring to survive competitive market, generate healthy

sales for improvement and expansion, to serve superior customer service experience, and to

become largest distributer of pancakes and develop many more items.


1. Name(s) and Address of the Business

The name of the business is Tigañita Appetite, “tigañita” from the Greek word of

pancakes where it originated, in addition to the word “appetite” to mean the whole

name as a “desire for pancakes.” The location will be situated at Sta. Maria District,

Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur.

Logo of the Business

The design is meant to catch the attention of customers through its attractiveness and

simple design. This also our simple way to create brand awareness or recognition.

2. Name(s) and Address of Partners

Zafra, Wiljun S. (Brgy. Dao, Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur)

De Acamus, Cherry B. (Brgy. Dao, Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur)

Abad, Cessariany Joy P. (Brgy. Tuburan, Pagadian City, Zamboanga del) Sur

Rejab, Esmail A. (Brgy. San Pedro Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur)

Turao, Agamel A. (Brgy. Tiguma, Pagadian City)

Villaganas, Juvie Jean P. (Brgy. Bogo, Pagadian City, Zamboanga del sur)

Alzonado, Leramae L. (Brgy. Timulan, Tigbao, Zamboanga del Sur)

Gallano, Mark Virgil N. (Brgy. Bulatok, Pagadian City Zamboanga del Sur)

Omondang, Glydel Lee (Brgy. San Pedro, Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur

3. Nature of the Business

Tigañita Appetite sells delicious varieties of pancake namely Chocolate Pancake that

surely love by many, because of its flexible and fun, and consumable any time of the

day it’s widely good for everyone. We also want to be accessible through social

media by placing order of our customer we can deliver them the delicious pancake we

got. We provide good packaging of our product so that it’s in good structure.


Chocolate Pancake

Iced Tea


Product Strategy

A.) Brand Name and Description

The name of the business Tigañita Appetite, “Tigañita” from the Greek word for

pancakes, in addition, the word "Appetite" means “desire for pancakes, why do we

use the Greek word for pancakes is that Pancakes originated from Greece, so it could

give recognition on them and it is also recognizable. We are also fun of Greece

because of its popularity for its ancient philosophers.

B.) Market-Based Mission Statement

Tigañita Appetite mission is to deliver the most satisfying service to our customers in

the food industry, to offer good and fast distribution, affordable and good quality

food, and create value and make difference.

C.) Product Positioning/ Unique Selling Promotion

For individuals looking for a stall with a socially responsible and value the customer

experience, the chocolate pancake has syrup on its toppings and cheese inside in

which differ to other pancakes over the street. Tigañita Appetite is the one that you

can choose, we provide you good quality, quick-service, and affordable product in an

attractive and friendly way as we want to build good relationships to customer.

D.) Target Market

We offer a product that can be good for everyone, from kids to adults, our product is

much also affordable. Religion, and level of education do not necessarily affect to

customer as they purchase our product. As the year goes by trends are changing and

everything is improving, we want to be with the trends, and as people’s lifestyle

change we also adjust for it, people now prioritize their health and our product also

has the attributes of becoming everyone healthy or for at least will not cause peoples

to harm with their health, as we want to strengthen our relationship with our customer

we also have to manage them like collecting data and engage with them with their

preference of proper dealing or communicating to create bond our target is the

customer who can be loyal to our business so we deliver a satisfying service on them

and outstanding service and experience to a new customer that can potentially become

loyal on the business.

Pricing Strategy

Our general pricing strategy is cost-based pricing in which the cost of manufacturing,

distribution, promoting, and selling products is based on deciding the price of the product

but since we are new to the market, we want to penetrate the market ways growing a new

business because it attracts a lot of buyers and an opportunity for as to engage and

showcase our performance in the market. We also use a bundle pricing strategy such

pancakes are offered bundled with drinks.

Distribution Strategy

Our way to distribute products can be in our stall. The distribution of our product is direct

to our customers as they go and purchase it in our stall. We also manage our suppliers and

our inventory to make sure that the product we offer is available in the market and is

distributed well. The customers are also able to order online and pick-up their orders in

our stall.

Tigañita Appitite


Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy

A.) Advertising

In advertising, if the company is able to have ads in different media channels, we sure

have used different message execution and created a message strategy that may

encourage customers to try our product, especially a new customer.

B.) Public Relations

To engage in public, we think the best way is via social media. Encouraging them to

share their comments and post their experiences in our product and encourage them to

like our posts on social media.

C.) Consumer Promotion

To give excitement and encourage our customers to purchase our product we offer

consumer promotions such as Bundling or Price Packs such combination of pancakes

and Iced tea together with reduced prices to save customer in purchasing each of the

item different.

D.) Digital Marketing

Engaging with customers digitally, we have our social media, websites, and mobile

application soon that is owned by the business, engaging social media such as creating

post and different strategies for communicating with customers online, with the

websites we will be releasing updates, or information and press releases, the mobile

application in the future for delivering, and communicating inquiries of our customer.

We will also launch ads via different media channels such social media and mobile


Facebook Page:
Tigañita Appetite
Website: 7


Strength Weaknesses
 Offer affordable price  No reputation yet
 Consistence quality of product  Inexperience staff
 Cooperation and good management  Inefficient system and tools
of partners in the business  Limited seating and small area
Opportunity Threats
 Growing population  Rising price of raw materials
 Customer support  Substitute products (Waffle)
 Business expansion  Changing trends

2. PESTLE Analysis

Political  As the government improves its regulation regarding the health and
safety of the people, they become strict about it, this is a threat as we
might be having issues regarding our product being unhealthy.
 Increase of tax being issued to business establishments.
Economic  The increase of inflation every year in the Philippines that causes
higher cost expenses might trigger improvements in our business.
 Having many competitors in the market affects the growth of the
business but as we have a competitive advantage, we might be able to
survive in the industry.
Sociocultural  Religious beliefs do not affect the business such as the preference of
the Muslim community for halal food gives the opportunity because
the business is free for “haram” or not allowed food for the Muslim
Technological  The technological advancement of other competitors gives a threat as
we are a new business and do not have enough funding to have a
technological advantage over other competitors.

Legal  The legal law is given to our business to protect and give safety of
our business. We are giving in priority on the health and safety to our
customer in which to follow the giving guidelines by the legal
authorities. Such providing sanitizer and ensuring cleanliness.
Environmenta  Climate change is the most likely that affect the business in relate to
l Environmental factors; such the available of raw materials and etc.

3. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

Threat of new

Bargaining Rivalry among

power of existing
power of buyers
suppliers competitors

Threat of substitute
products or services

1. Rivalry among existing competitors

When looking at the fast-food industry in the Philippines, we see that the industry is

extremely competitive because of the numbers in the industry, this causes slow

growth of the business.

2. Threat of substitute products

There are plenty that can be a threat to the industry such waffle, burger and etc., they

might not similar to our product but because of their similar purpose they can be

affecting the growth of our products.

3. Threat of new entrants

New entrants have ease to start-up similar businesses as if they have to penetrate the

market and this causes high costs because a lot of marketing strategies should be up in

order to survive in the market.

4. Bargaining power of buyers

The bargaining power of buyers is not that high because of the unique selling

proposition we have, and the only big distribution of pancakes at the locality.

Comparing prices online they see lower prices than the business, the business is not

able to lower the prices because of the price floor we monitoring.

4. Competitors (Direct and Indirect)

Direct Indirect
 Pancake House  Burger King
 Gram Café  Shawarma Shack
 Kodiak Cakes  Taco Bell
 Eva’s Pancake  Angel’s Burger
 Granny’s Pancake  Friendzone Snack House
 Street Vendors Selling Pancakes  Paper Moon


 Tigañita Appetite wants to increase brand awareness;

 to be well known pancake business in the local;

 attract new customers by using social media to engage online, this also saves because it’s

cost-efficient, aside from online;

 we also want to enhance customer experience by creating emotional connections with

them such as communicating in a human or personal way such providing them a discount

or a post in social media that show “behind-the-scenes” idea while doing things in the

kitchen or having fun with the customer such having conversations because we want to

develop and maintain customers loyalty;

 we also want to increase sales, offer another variety of pancake, increase market share,

and profits by analyzing more ways to be cost-efficient, so that sales are higher than the

cost of the business and;

 also, to ensure customer satisfaction by serving them tastiest pancake at affordable price.


A. Product Design

a. Product

Chocolate pancake is our main product to which is made as usually to be round

shape, fluffy, and tasty to gives a craving on every bite of our customer. The

toppings are syrups with chocolate flavors in which gives the sweet of the

pancake. Made it classy and yummy. Together with the refreshment, the product

much more appealing for the customer is being satisfied.

b. Services

It has been observed that "Pancakes" wants to present its product in the best

possible way can. Different types of pancakes have been developed to introduce

an undeniably appealing product. Of course, the staff will include ourselves, the

business owners, and also offer more accommodation to our customers.

c. Packaging

As the business is new and with only limited of fund to give a much more

attractive packaging, we choose to use a packaging technique that makes the

product safe and easy to remove so that the product is still its beautiful and

yummy form. This is by the form of a paper bag or roll plastic bag and customized

kraft we can make.

B. Production Plan

A. Equipment

Equipment Price Quantity Total Estimated Monthly

(Php) Life Depreciation
Frying pan 150.00 1 150.00 3years 4.167

Measuring cups 68.00 1 68.00 1year 5.667
Mixing bowl 99.00 1 99.00 2years 4.125
Whisk and 65.00 1 65.00 1year 5.417
Measuring Spoon 79.00 1 79.00 1year 6.583
Colander 169.00 1 169.00 2years 7.041
Butane Gas Stove 334.00 1 334.00 3years 9.278
Juice Jar 219.00 1 219.00 3years 6.083
Container with
Total P1,183 P48.36

B. Production Supplies

Price (Php) Quantity Total Total

(Weekly) (Weekly) Monthly
Butane Gas 60.00 2 120.00 480.00
Disposable Plastic 22.00 2 44.00 176.00
Cups (6oz)
Paper Plate 20.00 5 100.00 400.00
Disposable Gloves 39.00 3 117.00 468.00
Toothpick 20.00 3 60.00 240.00
Plastic Roll Bag 40.00 1 40.00 160.00
Total 481.00 1,924.00

B. Ingredients & Merchandise Supplies

Ingredients Price (Php) Quantity Total Total

(Weekly) (Weekly) Monthly
Flour 45/kg 5 225 900
White sugar 96/kg 1 96 384
Baking powder 18/sachet 3 54 216

Egg (large) 9/each 30 270 1,080
Evaporated Milk 41/370ml 5 205 820
Iodized salt 12 per 1/4kg 1 12 48
Oil 30/ml 1 56 224
Cocoa powder 25/sachet 10 250 1,000
Cheese 56/165g 5 280 1,120
Mineral Water 25/5gal 3 75 300
Nestea 20/sachet 30 600 2,400
Ice 3/pcs 60 180 720
Total P2,123 9,212

C. Procedures

Chocolate Pancake

Step 1 Prepare all ingredients like milk, large eggs, flour, cocoa powder, white
sugar, salt and cheese.
Step 2 Whisk milk, and eggs together in a bowl. Stir in melted butter.
Step 3 Whisk flour, cocoa powder, sugar, and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour in wet ingredients and mix until just combined.
Step 4 Spray a large skillet with cooking spray and heat over medium-high heat.
Working in batches, pour 1/4 cup batter into the hot skillet for each
pancake. Cook until bubbles form and pop in the center of each pancake, 2
to 3 minutes. Flip and cook until golden brown on the other side, about 1
Step 5 Serve what you deserve by our made classy and yummy chocolate pancake.


1. Managing Quality

In this area, "Pancake" aims to maintain high quality standards in match output and

consumer expectations. The industry ensures this to prove ourselves as such operations

managers that we are ready to apply these standards to a greater extent as the future

expansions can begin.

2. Process and Capacity Design

Pancakes operations management strategy includes production lines. Many of those

ingredients are prepared at the stall where a customer interaction takes place. In addition,

since the business is a start, the production of its goods is quite practical for this way, the

customers can actually see how we prepare the products we deliver.

3. Location Strategy

We would like to establish stalls in front or near academic schools for more consumers

are believed to be there. After a long day from stressful academic works, most studies

want to cool off, and pan cakes could be one of the best options they could have,

especially if are to establish a stall near them. Thus, we are aiming to set up a start-up

near certain schools within the vicinity of Pagadian City.

4. Scheduling

We will be doing the "dessert" business, so, it is most needed in sunny or cold weather

afternoon, because we don't serve just any dessert, but a warm and soft one. We must

open the stall from 7:00am to 4:00pm because we don't just sell our pancakes to students

only, but to everyone who can actually buy and adore the products we sell. So, we should

start it in the morning so that we can sell a lot and get its capital right away.

5. Maintenance

Pancake's operational management strategy in this decision area is to use localized

maintenance procedures. We create our products with ingredients that we can say are

"affordable", so having to keep the desserts we're making shouldn't be a hindrance. The

profit and budget of the business will be carefully inspected to ensure the overall good of

the industry.

6. Organizational Plan

Store manager

Cook Cashier Waiter/Waitress Purchase Clerk

Dishwasher Assistant Cook

Personnel Job Description

Store manager Responsible for overseeing the daily operations of a store making sure it
runs smoothly and effectively.
Cook A cook plan, prepare, and cook food items to ensure the highest quality
service and experience for customer. They help keep the kitchen organize
and running efficiently. They ensure proper food handling, sanitation and
following and following storage procedure.
Assistant cook Ensure the kitchen is orderly and assist cooks to prepare and arrange food.
Their duties include cleaning the kitchen area, washing dishes and utensils

and ensuring that the cook has everything required to run the kitchen
Dishwasher Ensure that the kitchen stay clean and organize. They set up dish stations
and turn on dish cleaning machines. They spend their time loading and
unloading dishes from dish machine, washing all pans or utensils that come
into contact with food, and scraping identifiers off everything.
Cashier They responsible for processing and receiving payments and issuing receipt
to customer as they leave with their purchases. Cashier also handles
additional items necessary such as coupons, while providing an excellent
customer service experience.
Waiter / Include welcoming and seating guests, taking guest order, communicating
Waitress them effectively to the kitchen and in addition, memorizing the menu and
offering recommendations upsell appetizer, dessert, or drinks.
Purchasing Compile request for material, prepare purchase and supplies, and handle
clerk inquiries about orders for procurement of materials and services.


A. Cost of Production per Unit

1. Chocolate Pancake

Merchandise Quantity Cost Selling price = Cost of Production + Mark-up Rate

Flour 20g 0.90
Cost of Production = P7
Baking Powder 0.6g 0.216
Sugar 4g 0.384 Mark-up Rate = 70%

Salt 1g 0.048 Selling Price = P12.00

Milk 7.4ml 0.82
Egg 7.56g 1.08
Cocoa 6g 1.00
Cheese 3.3g 1.12
Oil 4ml 0.224
Paper Plate 1pc 0.40
Toothpick 1pc 0.24
Butane Gas 10g 0.48
Total P7

2. Iced Tea

Merchandise Quantity Cost Selling Price = Cost of Production + Mark-up Rate

Nestea 5g 4.00
Cost of Production = P6
Mineral Water 177.5ml 0.5
Cups 1pc 0.29 Mark-up Rate = 65%

Ice 190ml 1.2 Selling Price = P10.00

Total P6

3. Bundle (Chocolate Pancake and Iced Tea)

Unit Cost per Unit Bundle Cost Mark-Up Rate Bundle Selling Price
Chocolate Pancake P7 P13 60% P21
Iced Tea P6

B. Projected Sales

Regular Daily Weekly Monthly

Items Price (Php) Quantity Sales Sales Sales
Chocolate Pancake 12 50 pcs 600 3,000 12,000
Iced Tea 10 30 cups 300 1,500 6,000
Total 900 4,500 18,000
If purchased in bundled:
Bundle 21 30 630 3,150 12,600
(Choco pancake pcs &
and Iced tea) cups
Remaining item
Chocolate Pancake 12 20 240 1,200 4,800
Total 870 4,350 17,400

C. Assumption

Tigañita Appetite financial statements are based on the forecasted sales and expenses

for four weeks from May 15, 2023 until June 9, 2023, The Tigañita Appetite came up

with the projected total sales amounting to P18,000 if they purchased at regular items of

each product and P17,400 if bundled. The following projected financial statements shows

the data if they purchased at regular items of each product. In a month the projected

expense of operation is amounting to P11,584, and generate profit of P6,416 that been

divided by partners as the agreement to divide profit o losses base on Capital Ratio.

Projected cash balance amounting to P7,182 and the total assets of the period amounting

to P10,241.

A. The following pages are the projected financial statements if purchased at regular

price of each item:

Tigañita Appetite
Projected Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the month ended June 9, 2023

Sales 18,000

Cost of Goods Sold 11,136

Gross Profit 6,864

Operating Expenses:

Transportation expense 200

Communication expense 200

Depreciation expense 48 (448)

Profit 6,416

Tigañita Appetite
Projected Statement of Changes in Partners' Equity
For the month ended June 9, 2023
Zafra De Acamus Turao Alzonado Abad Gallano Rejab Omondang Villaganas Total
Beginning Capital, May 15 425 425 425 425 425 425 425 425 425 3,825
Additional Investment - - - - - - - - - -
Profit 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 6,416
Total 1,138 1,138 1,138 1,138 1,138 1,138 1,138 1,138 1,138 10,241
Partners' Withdrawal - - - - - - - - - -
Ending Capital, June 2, 2023 1,138 1,138 1,138 1,138 1,138 1,138 1,138 1,138 1,138 10,241
Tigañita Appetite
Projected Statement of Cash Flows
For the month ended June 9, 2023

Cash Flows from Operating Activities:

Cash collection from customers 18,000

Payment of supplies
Payment of transportation
Payment of load
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 4,540

Cash Flows from Investing activities:

Purchase of equipment
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (1,183)

Cash Flows from Financing Activities:

Cash received as investment 3,825

Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 3,825

Net Increase 7,182

Add: Cash balance at the beginning of the period -

Cash balance at the end of the period 7,182

Tigañita Appetite
Projected Statement of Financial Position
As of June 9, 2023

Current Assets:
Cash on Hand 7,182 Liabilities
Unused Supplies 1,924
Total Current Assets 9,106
Non-Current Assets: Partners' Equity
Equipment 1,183
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 48 1,135 Partners' Capital 10,241
Total Non-Current Assets 1,135
Total Assets 10,241 Total Liabilities and Partners' Equity 10,241

B. Financial Statement Analysis

Ratio Analysis – Compares line-item data from the business financial

statements to reveal insights how a business performing over time.

Ratios Compute Analysis

Gross Profit Ratio Gross Profit/Net Sales 38.13% gross profit earned for
P6,864/18,000=38.13% every peso of sales.
Net Profit Net Income/Net Sales 0.36 centavo of net income
P6,416/18,000=35.64% earned goes to partners for
every peso of sales.
Return on Asset Net Income/ Average 63% peso value of income
Assets generated by employing
P6,416/10,241=63% partners’ assets.
Return on Equity Net Income/Average 91.23% value return in net
Equity income generated by the
P6,416/7,033=91.23% partners’ capital invested in
the business.
Equity Ratio Total Equity/Total 100% of the business assets
Assets are financed by capital.


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