Music-G8 4th Quarter

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SY 2017-2018

Directions: Read and analyze each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer and
write it on your answer sheet.

1. One of the key features in Japanese Theater is the continuous pattern used in speeches
building up to an explosive climax that requires an extra ordinary breath control which only few
experts succeed in achieving.
A. Aragoto
B. Ipponchoshi
C. Nori
D. Yakuharai
2. The major dramatic function of Shamisen to Indonesian Theater is to accompany stage
actions, entrances, exits, and fight scenes are execute in time to its music.
A. True
B. False
C. Often
D. Sometimes
3. This is one of the oldest continuous traditions of storytelling in the world which includes the use
of puppet materials and background musical accompaniment to make it interesting to the
A. Dalang
B. Gamelan Ensemble
C. Suluk
D. Wayang Kulit
4. Why does Kabuki Theater relevant to the social, cultural, and spiritual background of the
A. The rich blend of music, mime, dance costumes, and props has been in existence for
almost four centuries.
B. It performed in a stylized manner which combines acting, singing, and dancing.
C. It was founded in 1603 by Okuni, a Shinto Priestess.
D. All of the above.
5. The traditional Chinese art which is still follows in Peking Opera stressing the meaning rather
than précising the actions.
A. True
B. False
C. Often
D. Sometimes
6. Which theater art form is described? – The performers are never considered part of the stage
A. Kabuki
B. Noh
C. Peking Opera
D. Wayang Kulit
7. In Asian Theater arts the actor’s delivery of lines is rigidly controlled by conventions, and each
role has its prescribed vocal timbre and pitch, and syllables are often drawn out with regards to
conversational usage in order to maintain the appropriate rhythm.
A. True
B. False
C. Often
D. Sometimes
8. In Peking Opera, the performers’ vocal techniques as well as rhythm and melodies are the
same even though their thoughts and feelings differ.
A. True
B. False
C. Often
D. Sometimes
9. How does Wayang Kulit communicate tales of everyday social and cultural relevance and
A. The Dalang told a story to the accompaniment of several instruments while manipulating
the puppets.
B. The major dramatic functions of music vary from area to area and from theater form to
theater form.
C. It was performed in royal court and widely performed in public on religious occasions.
D. All of the above.
10. This musical accompaniment in Peking Opera is used for the entrance of each character
according to rank and personality.
A. Percussion Pattern
B. Qupai
C. Wawadiao
D. All of the above
11. Commonly used technique style in music for sorrowful songs and is only sung by bearded
A. Erh-huang
B. Fan-pan
C. His-p’l
D. Joruri
12. Which Chinese Theater has this objective? - To put beauty in every motion of the performers.
A. Beijing Opera
B. Mini Opera
C. Peking Opera
D. A and C
13. The main characteristic of Dalang in Wayang Kulit is to be able to use her voice
interchangeably by giving more colors to life of different characters.
A. True
B. False
C. Often
D. Sometimes
14. A unique theater which has a genuine expression of the Japanese spirit and culture.
A. Ikebana
B. Kabuki
C. Nagauta
D. Noh
15. The melodies played by the accompaniment in Peking Opera are categorized as the following
A. Aria
B. Qupai
C. Percussion Pattern
D. Suluk
16. These are the characteristics of Chinese Musicians: 1. Provide an atmospheric background; 2.
Accompany song passages; 3. Control the timing of movements; 4. Weld the performance into
a rhythmical whole.
A. True
B. False
C. Often
D. Sometimes
17. Lines are rendered in an extremely stylized manner, and even spoken passages are governed
by strict rhythms and tempos are evident in Peking Opera.
A. True
B. False
C. Often
D. Sometimes
18. The Gamelan Ensemble is comprises of the following instruments EXCEPT:
A. Bonang
B. Rebab
C. Saron
D. Sona
19. In Peking Opera the Chou has many singing parts.
A. True
B. False
C. Often
D. Sometimes
20. The puppets in Wayang Kulit signify the good character on the right side, and bad on the left
A. True
B. False
C. Often
D. Sometimes
21. The string instrument accompanying dances and movements in Japanese Theater.
A. Kotsuzumi
B. Otsuzumi
C. Shamisen
D. Taiko
22. The Dalang is accompanied by full Gamelan Ensemble while singing the mood song (Suluk).
A. True
B. False
C. Often
D. Sometimes
23. Indonesia’s Shadow Puppet Theater means “theater/puppet” and “skin”.
A. Dalang
B. Gamelan Ensemble
C. Suluk
D. Wayang Kulit
24. The most popular Shamisen music which includes dance music and long song.
A. Bunraku
B. Gagaku
C. Kagura
D. Nagauta
25. The detailed choreographed patterns of movements practiced either solo or in pairs.
A. Aria
B. Ka
C. Kata
D. Ki

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