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Law orrices: @ CLEMONS RICHTER & REISS 1 Professional Corporation eee. SESS com Pn SENT VIA EMAIL June 14, 2023 Maryanne S. Garber, Esquire Gary Neil Astoak, Esquire [email protected] [email protected] Joseph Bubba, Esquire Michael Cortiere, Esquire [email protected] [email protected] Anthony Giovannini, Esquite Jeremy Clark, Esquire [email protected][email protected] Steven Boell, Esquire ‘[email protected] RE: Lower Saucon Township Bethlehem Landfill Company Conditional Use Hearings Dear Attorneys and Parties: ‘As you know, on May 8, 2023, Judge Kass ofthe Northampton County Court of Common Pleas deciared Lower Saucon Township Ordinance No. 2022-02 to be void ab ino, Following that decision, a stay ofthe conditional use hearings conceming the ‘above listed matter was implemented to ascertain if any action related to Judge Kassis's ruling would ocour. On June 6, 2023, the Bethiehem Landfill Company fled an appeal ‘of Judge Kassis's decision to the Cormmonweaith Court. As a result, | proposed an indefinte stay of the conditional use hearings. Ms. Garber on behalf ofthe Bethichem Land Fill Company supplied correspondence dated June 12, 2023 advising thatthe Bethiehem Landfill Company has no objection to the conditional use hearings being stayed pending the outcome of the appesl to the Commonwealth Court. In addlion, Ms Garber provided an extension ofthe time before which a subsequent hearing must be held. Specifically, Ms. Garber’ extension allows for the next hearing to be helé within 45 days of the issuance of the Commonwealth Court's decision. Therefore, the @ CLEMONS RICHTER & REISS conditional use hearings will be stayed at the present time. A new hearing date will be ‘announced upon receipt of a decision from the Commonwealth Court, The currently ‘scheduled hearing date of Friday, June 16, 2023 is hereby cancelled. ‘Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, of L co Scot. hacNar ce Mark Hudson, Township Manager via email manaserlowersaucontosnshis or) 8. Lincoln Treadwell, Jr, Esquire (via email [email protected]) Paries to the Conditional Use Hearing

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