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Communication Skills Development Programme of

ACC 3347 Skill Development of Intern Accountants


1. General Course Information

1.1 Course Details

Course Title : Communication Skills Development Programme

Academic Organization : Department of Accounting
Degree Programme : B. Sc. Accounting (Special)
Semester : Semester II, 2021
Course Status : Compulsory
Mode of Delivery : In Person; in Campus

1.2 Assumed Background:

Communication Skills Development Programme extends the knowledge of English related skills
which you gathered from BCC1340 Business Communication I, BCC1341 Business Communication
II, and ACC2245 Professional Communication and Academic Writing courses. Therefore, it is
essential to have completed the above courses as prerequisites in order to follow this course. Further,
possessing a thorough understanding about the contents covered in the prerequisite courses will be
needed to assist successful completion of the Communication Skills Development Programme.

1.3 Course Introduction

Communication Skills Development Programme is essentially a skills development course that builds
on knowledge and skills gained at the previous levels of instruction. The course aims at sharpening the
language competencies as well as outlook towards life which will be of immense relevance to
Accounting graduates in their work as well as personal lives.

1.4 Course Staff

Overall Course Coordinator : Snr. Prof. Samanthi Senarathne

Course Coordinator : Ms. Wanshika kapitiarachchige

Lecturer : Ms. Wanshika kapitiarachchige

1.5 Timetable and Venue

Lectures : Tuesday 10.00.a.m. to 12.00 Noon

Skill Development Time Group No:

Center Sessions : Thursday 8.00 a.m. to 9.00 a.m. (SDC 1)
(Compulsory) : Thursday 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. (SDC 2)
: Thursday 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. (SDC 3)
: Thursday 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. (SDC 4)

Venue : Accounting Resource Center (ARC)

2. Course Aims, Outcomes & Graduate Attributes

2.1 Course Aims

The aim of this course is to enhance your communication skills in English. All four skills of language
learning namely; reading, writing, speaking and listening are given equal attention under this
programme. The understanding of the knowledge acquired through this course will enable the
undergraduates to excel in their communication in personal, academic and work-related contexts.

2.2 Learning Outcomes (LO)

After successfully completing this course you should be able to:
LO1: Identify the role of communication in personal and professional success;
LO2: Create meaningful visual media;
LO3: Prepare and present messages with specific intent;
LO4: Deliver formal oral presentations for varous audiences and contexts; and
LO5: Analyze literary pieces.

2.3. Graduate Attributes

Department of Accounting expects its graduates to possess the following attributes to be leaders in
their chosen fields. The contribution of this course towards addressing the graduate attributes is
depicted below.
Learning Outcomes
Graduate Attributes
Knowledgeable and skilled in communication skills √ √ √ √ √

Knowledgeable and skilled in appreciating communication √ √ √
skills in its wider socio-political context
Enterprising and adaptable to change √ √
Critical thinkers with analytical and problem solving skills √ √ √
Reflective knowledge seekers committed for lifelong √ √ √ √ √
Skilled in communicating accounting and management √ √ √
issues in professional and business contexts
Effective leaders with self-awareness, interpersonal skills √ √ √ √ √
and aesthetic sense
Responsible citizens who are ethical and professional in √ √ √ √

3. Learning Resources

3.1 Department of Accounting Learning Resources

Teaching and learning partnerships require clear and open communications. The following
guidelines outline the communication channels and how information is provided to students.

1. Staff Consultation Times -Staff consultation times are posted on the course website on
LMS and outside staff offices. You can communicate in person with your lecturers during
office hours, by making an appointment or as appropriate during class time. It is sometimes
difficult for lecturers to talk with students immediately before and at the end of class due to the
other prior university commitments. Please do not be offended if you are requested to visit
during office hours for assistance, or asked to make an appointment.

2. Course website at LMS -Course notices will be delivered at lectures and/or posted on LMS.
The course web page is an important communication tool for this course. Information related
to lectures, tutorials, assessment items, learning resources, and other relevant course
information will be posted to this site on a regular basis. It is your responsibility to check this
site at least twice a week. Remember any posted material is a learning aid only, and is not a
substitute for attendance. Lecture notes do not replace the need to develop note-taking skills
and to synthesize the information provided during your lectures and/or tutorials.

3.2. Other Learning Resources & Information

1. University library website:

Students are encouraged to visit the university library website for information on the library
help desk and research support available at the university library-

2. Other useful resources and websites:

Students can use the department library during their leisure time. This is highly recommended
as it assists in moulding your communication skills.

British Council Website

Oxford Online English
Cambridge Dictionary Plus
Cambridge English Online

4. Learning &Teaching Activities

4.1. Learning,Teaching and Assessment Methods

Topic Learning Assessment

No. Topic Learning Outcomes &Teaching Methods
01. Introduction to At the end of this topic, the students will be able ▪ Lecture & Class
the Course to: Room Discussion
▪ Recognize the objectives and the scope of
the course;
▪ Identify the mark allocation for the
assignments and the groups the students
belong to, under the course.

02 Introduction to At the end of this topic, the students should be ▪ Lecture & Class
Communication able to: Room Discussion
Skills ▪ Identify the importance of communication
▪ Identify the personal attributes that are
necessary to build good communication
▪ Describe what are the communication skills
in English;
▪ Cultivate an interest to enhance
communication skills within them; and
▪ Demonstrate comprehensive understanding
about the scope and practices of
Communication Skills.
03 Language At the end of this topic, the students should be ▪ Lecture & Class Spelling Test
development able to: Room Discussion
▪ Identify accurate usage of basics of English
▪ Use accurate grammar structures;
▪ Use accurate punctuation;
▪ Use accurate spellings; and
▪ Use appropriate vocabulary.

04 Marketing & At the end of this topic, the students should be ▪ Guest Lecture & Creative
advertising for able to: Class Room presentation and
▪ Identify the current market trends utilized in Discussion
changing world performance
marketing & advertising;
▪ Identify the targeted audience and the
appropriate pattern of language to address
▪ Apply language and other visual objects to
communicate effectively; and
▪ Prepare appropriate and attractive content to
market and advertise a product.

05 Negotiation At the end of this topic, the students should be ▪ Guest Lecture & Final Examination
strategies able to: Class Room
▪ Identify discussion techniques, arguments,
politeness strategies, and
persuasive speaking;
▪ Identify the significance of non-verbal
▪ Identify the effects of cultural differences on
▪ Demonstrate basic knowledge of different
negotiation strategies and the practical
usage of those; and
▪ Utilize negotiation strategies in work life.
06 Telephone At the end of this topic, the students should be ▪ Lecture & Class Final Examination
etiquette and able to: Room Discussion
professional ▪ Identify ethical usage of language during a ▪ In-class activities
behaviour phone conversation;
▪ Inculcate politeness in making telephone
▪ Describe what is meant by professional
conduct in a work environment; and
▪ Demonstrate polite and work environment
friendly conduct and telephone etiquette.

07 Literary At the end of this topic, the students should be ▪ Lecture & Class Final Examination
appreciation able to: Room Discussion
(Please note that
▪ Read and comprehend an unseen text; ▪ In-class activities
▪ Identify the obvious and hidden meanings you have to read
of the text; and the prescribed text
▪ Appreciate literature, while taking in its in- provided to you)
depth meaning and aesthetic value.
08 Interviews At the end of this topic,students should be able ▪ Guest Lecture & Final Examination
to: Class Room
▪ Identify the purpose and the nature of an Discussion
▪ Identify the expectations of the job market;
▪ Identify the procedure of preparing for an
interview; and

▪ Present as employable individuals, by
displaying the skills and confidence in
facing an interview.
09 Public speaking At the end of this topic, the students should be ▪ Guest Lecture & Final
able to: Class Room Examination
▪ Identify the basics of public speaking; Discussion
▪ Retain the interest and the attention of the
audience, when delivering the speech;
▪ Cultivate self-confidence when speaking in
front of an audience; and
▪ Present themselves as excellent

4.2. Learning and Teaching Strategies

Communication Skills Development Programme is presented through a weekly two-hour lecture, and
occasional workshops.The lectures are conducted for the whole group. Lectures will commence in the
first week of semester II. The lecturer is available for consultation for a two-hour period each week,
with additional consultation offered in the period before exam periods. The LMS site is the forum for
communication with students. You are required to refer to this site for lecture and tutorial materials,
online quizes, assessment details and any other information the coordinator deems important.

Skill Development Sessions are conducted along with this program to capitalize on implanting activity-
based learning skills. Peer-learning and self-learning are two dimensions facilitated by these sessions.
The Skill Development Center (SDC) of DA, which was established in 2008, to improve the English
communication skills of the students, facilitates the conduct of this sub-programme. Due to the
pandamic situation, the sessions will be conducted in a virtual platform.

Each lecture and workshop provide you with the opportunity to apply what you have learned in the
preceding lectures. The online exercises that form part of your assessment are linked to material
covered in the lectures and workshops.

5. Assessment Plan
5.1 Assessment Summary
Course assessment comprises of the following components:
Assessment Task Weighting
Short film (Creative presentation and performance) 20%
Spelling test 20%
Final Examination 20%
Total 60%

5.2 Assessment Details

• Short Film (Creative presentation and performance)

The students should make a short film on a given topic. This is a group activity and all the group
members should play a role in this short film. (Group information will be updated to LMS along with
the course specification) The film cannot run beyond 15 minutes and it can be shot in a location that
is decided by the group. Taking the restrictions imposed by current pandemic situation into
consideration, students are also encouraged to produce animated short films. (Please note that you have
to choose between a filmed short movie and an animated short film). 20% marks will be allocated for

The ideas and the plot should be original and if found to be copied from elsewhere no marks
would be awarded.

Time duration: 15 minutes

Date of submission will be announced by the lecturer three weeks prior to the assignment.

• Spelling Test

This will be a surprise test and it will be held during the lecture time. (Hence, if you do not attend a
lecture due to an acceptable reason, you should inform your lecturer in advance). 20% marks will be
allocated for the spelling test.

• Final Examination/ Post Test

This examination is conducted in the last week of Semester II, Year II. The students’ reading, writing
and listening abilities are assessed in the final examination. 20% marks will be allocated for the final

6. Course Policies
This programme is a prerequisite for the two year internship programme and the students are expected
to score a minimum of 50% for this programme, in order to be eligible for internship.

6.1 Attendance
Students are expected to attend lectures, tutorials and workshops regularly and engage in classroom
discussions. Students are expected to maintain at least 80% of attendance. Repetitive absences will
lead to a lower grade.

The absent students should give a letter of excuse along with medicals or other relevant documents
within a week after the day of their absence (or within the following week). The format of the letter of
excuse is uploaded to LMS and when absent students must provide a hard copy of that letter of excuse.

In order to be eligible for an assignment, each student should maintain 80% attendance up to that point.
Students who do not maintain 80% attendance throughout the semester will not be eligible to submit
their assignments. (It is mandatory to have 80% attendance when submitting each and every

6.2 Late work

All assignments should be submitted on or before the due date stipulated. Assignments received after
the due date will be penalized. Assignments more than a week late will NOT be accepted without prior
approval for emergency situation.

6.3 Information and Announcements

Check course website on LMS for announcements and up-coming assignments and quizzes. Also,
grading for continuous assessments is displayed on LMS.

6.4 Academic integrity

Students are expected to be honest and ethical in their academic activities. If a student deliberately
does copying, cheating or plagiarizing, he or she may be penalized on the basis of the University rules
and regulations with regard to such acts of academic misconduct. Please read the policy on Academic
Honesty and Integrity.

6.5 Classroom discipline

Proper self-conduct of students is always expected to ensure the smooth functioning of classroom
activities. Therefore, you are advised to avoid behaving in a disruptive manner when lectures, tutorial
classes, and practical classes are conducted. Disruptive behavior includes interruption caused by cell
phones and other electronic devices, chattering, sleeping, and disengagement. Disciplined behaviour
is expected during online lectures as well.


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