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RESOLUTION ON PAXTON IMPEACHMENT TRIAL Whereas the Texas House of Representatives voted to impeach Ken Paxton when the General committee submitted a resolution recommending impeachment after conducting a process that was non-transparent, void of precedence in impeachment procedure, due process and due diligence as well as outside the knowledge of the rank and file members of the Texas House, and Whereas the General Investigations committee hired a group of partisan investigators and used second and third hand testimony gathered by this hired group, and Whereas the committee nor any other member of the Texas had an opportunity to question a single 1" hand witness, and Whereas there is no evidence any witnesses were under oath, and Whereas Ken Paxton was given no opportunity to speak to the committee or the House nor an opportunity to present evidence, and Whereas the Texas Supreme court has ruled in Reeves vs State of Texas code 665.081 means offenses used for impeachment must be after reelection not just after original election; therefore, many of the accusations in the resolution must be removed from impeachment consideration, and Whereas the OFFICIAL OATH OF OFFICE each legislator swears to Sec. 1. ("I, (name) do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of (elected office) of the State of Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States and of this State, so help me God.” and; Be It Resolved that guilt or innocence cannot be determined until all due process/diligence is conducted and therefore the Atascosa County Republican Party - Condemns those members of the Texas House who voted to impeach when there was no due process /diligence as part of the investigation - Calls for through lawful due diligence process be conducted at this time in full view of the Senate and House with at least 15% of the House members NOT voting YES included in the questioning of all relevant witnesses - Calls for the Senate to vote NO on impeachment UNTIL all the above issues are corrected and full due process has been accomplished. Robert Duncan fe FREE | aplee Bryan Ben, Caroline George Bara Pacrink Dey Sales [Reece Beck iemnoe Renae Manivt Peden ‘CONDEMNING IMPEACHMENT PROCESS ‘Wheres Texas Atorney Gene Keneth Paton was impeached by the Texas Howse of Resets on ‘May 27,2023, aera report was sul by he Hone General tvetgatng Commitee (IC) cotangent ‘ice of impeachment The GIC sisson, which consisted solely of a anc of te GI heen. ae ensiered by the Howse for approxi) 48 hours before the ineachne re was called and tke mo ‘Ese we lle tn he Hse, ad heal Prt rs ct lore wo peak to Howe o fe ny ‘abut evidence or testimony abou he fete od and was reise md ‘Whereas the impeachment of Genel Paso filed 6 comply With apps aw and historical precedes 19 1. The General nvesigating Comite admit tht none of the tens who provided infomation the cmmiter ete placed une oth ele gti the statements regu by Teas Govemment Coe sor; ‘The Genel Inotigating Commies included i thir comieration, unlined in the aces of Impeachment aleged onduct tat tok place before the date When Genel Paxton was let and tok ‘ce inhi caret em. ansuch oadat may ao ser 1 supp enol fast cet accordance ‘rh Texas Goverment Cone § 65081, aed the sl at ave ben pt the epee ree St ‘Seordance with Texas Supreme Cot pecoen foun in Revie Su, 267 SW, 666 (Tex. 1928 3. The General votive Commits athe Howe of Repoenatne fale give General Paton tice ofthe GIC hing dal ot allow General Peston hi fice o apes, da ot alo Genera Panton the ‘ppt o esa evince i his delemencladng the night to oscar ibe ais inthe spintofthe US. Constitution Amendnens Vand Vand th precedent estblsbedy the Teas Huse Representa in th 1975-76 Calo impeachment proceeding: ad ‘wheres Due Process andthe Ral f Law te th very foundation fot repuli and eceary othe proper (esc of ae oct with dca to Ach re Boos tty ts as bt epi ‘Wheres otc nd an oper toe heard an defend esl ae the alas of ae Proce ais the sincere dese othe Ropbican Party of Texs th he Sa of Texan and lege sar the ale of Law and not cote a nana epublie, [NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED tate Colin Coy Repblcan Pary CONDEMNS the prosess by which the Tuas House of Repesenatives impeached General Paton a apecedented nd hese to ‘Dac Post at the Ril of La an hreby IMPLORES Texas Lt Gvemor Dan Patrik al ember the ‘Texas Seat wpeld Due Process fates, pecdent, ad the Rule of Law by nme rea the speach cles the Hoe of Representatives an eomduct ofthe proceeding in the Tenat Sete tins and ut the House of Repesctatives fal sais doe proces, camps wih applicable Texas aw teste a omen el ay mpi ce tet Pen % cosa. couvty wervaticay PARTY SSCS Com pony

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