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Drivers for
The ecosystem of drivers electronic
for electronic procurement procurement
adoption for construction
project procurement 411

A systematic review and future Received 12 March 2019

Revised 1 June 2019
research directions 7 July 2019
Accepted 10 July 2019

Sitsofe Kwame Yevu and Ann Tit Wan Yu

Department of Building and Real Estate,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present a review of research developments on the ecosystem of
driving forces for electronic procurement (e-procurement) on project procurement and to propose directions
for future research for an effective adoption and sustained usage.
Design/methodology/approach – A systematic literature review was conducted in three phases to identify
and examine literature. A total of 68 papers were retrieved and were thoroughly reviewed to identify the
drivers for e-procurement.
Findings – A total of 61 drivers were identified and subsequently developed into a categorization framework
for synthesized understanding which reveals existing interrelationships. Although literature has consensus
on some selected drivers, few studies have identified drivers relating to sustainability. Gaps were identified
from the existing literature and directions for future research were proposed.
Research limitations/implications – Since this is a literature review, future research could conduct
further investigations focusing on the research gaps identified. The framework developed presents a basis for
further research to explore the drivers in various socio-economic environments.
Practical implications – This study provides valuable insights for improving the understanding of
practitioners on the complex network of drivers for e-procurement. These findings stimulate discussions on
benefits required for assessment in e-procurement adoption by practitioners.
Originality/value – This study provides the first comprehensive review of the drivers for e-procurement
adoption in the construction industry, which was lacking in the existing body of knowledge.
Keywords Electronic procurement, Drivers, Construction industry, Organization, Management,
Project management
Paper type Literature review

1. Introduction
Since construction projects provide the facilities for many other industries to thrive in an
economy (Heigermoser et al., 2019), the procurement processes for these projects play a key
role in the effective execution of the projects (De Araújo et al., 2017; Sawan et al., 2018).
The introduction of e-procurement for conducting procurements for projects, to improve the
traditional paper-based procurement, has had a slow uptake towards the process of project
procurement (Isikdag, 2019; Jacobsson et al., 2017). E-procurement is described as
performing project procurement-related activities such as tender submission and evaluation
for a project through the internet or electronic portals (Mehrbod and Grilo, 2018).
Engineering, Construction and
The authors thank the Department of Building and Real Estate of The Hong Kong Polytechnic Architectural Management
Vol. 27 No. 2, 2020
University for funding this research. This study forms part of a PhD research project on the adoption pp. 411-440
of e-procurement for construction project procurement, which might share similar background and © Emerald Publishing Limited
methodology with other papers but with different objectives and scopes. DOI 10.1108/ECAM-03-2019-0135
ECAM Project procurement has many different stakeholders such as architects, cost engineers,
27,2 project managers, clients, etc., contributing information to the procurement process, and
managing these information flows raises complexities (Bienhaus and Haddud, 2018; Xue
et al., 2010). Also, the prevalence of physical interactions continuously for exchanging
documents and information during the project procurement process was considered
inefficient and expensive (Oraee et al., 2017). These circumstances required an innovative
412 approach to address the issues, hence e-procurement was introduced. However,
e-procurement uptake for construction projects has been low (Isikdag, 2019; Grilo and
Jardim-Goncalves, 2011). Previous studies have explored the drivers, benefits and
motivations encouraging the adoption of e-procurement from different construction
professionals and organizations (Wimalasena and Gunatilake, 2018; Eadie et al., 2010a; Ibem
and Laryea, 2015). But, to date, a comprehensive review of the drivers in the existing body of
knowledge to guide of the next stream of effective future research is still lacking.
A thorough understanding of certain research issues has not been well represented in
literature, especially those related to the list of drivers identified in literature,
the classification of these drivers and the interrelationships existing among the drivers.
A comprehensive review of the drivers presents a broader and better understanding of
the drivers across various studies to accelerate the uptake of e-procurement in the
construction industry.
Therefore, to address this gap, the aim of this study is to conduct a critical review of the
ecosystem of drivers for the adoption of e-procurement for projects. The primary objectives
of this study are to identify the drivers, classify the drivers and reveal the interrelationships.
Subsequently, a framework is developed for these classifications indicating the complex
interrelationships of forces driving the adoption of e-procurement. The outcomes of this
study provide in-depth understanding to the diverse driving forces encouraging the
adoption of e-procurement. It also presents vital information for researchers to delve more
into the synthesis and complexities of factors encouraging the uptake of e-procurement for
projects. For organizations, this study supports the development of strategies to enhance e-
procurement adoption and sustain its performance. In this study, drivers are defined as
forces propelling, motivating and encouraging the adoption of e-procurement for project
procurement. These driving forces could be the benefits, incentives, policies or motivations
encouraging the adoption of e-procurement by stakeholders.

2. Background
The purpose of e-procurement is to facilitate the use of internet technology and tools on the
various processes of procurement for projects (Al-Yahya et al., 2018). Technologies such as
e-Tendering, e-Auction, e-Marketplace, e-Catalogue and e-Invoicing have been used to
provide effective solutions that cover all procurement stages or dedicated areas of the
procurement stages (Mehrbod and Grilo, 2018). For instance, e-Tendering uses internet
systems to disseminate information on invitation to tender, receiving tender submissions
and the evaluation of tenders for decision making during the tendering stage of
procurement. The adoption process for technology as defined by Rogers (2003) is the series
of actions during the decision-making process to implement or neglect new technology.
During this process, various drivers influence the decisions to adopt technology by
organizations (Elmustapha et al., 2018). Sepasgozar et al. (2016) indicated that the
construction literature on technology adoption is focussed on two aspects: context
independent which deals with using models from other fields to explore technology
adoption and context specific which deals with exploring the adoption process through
empirically analysis for projects. Further, Sepasgozar et al. (2016) observed in literature that
the technology adoption was discussed from the managerial level of organizations, while
the technology acceptance was viewed from the individual level by previous studies.
The technology acceptance model (TAM) describes the behavioural intention and attitudes Drivers for
of people towards using technology (Gong et al., 2019; Davis, 1989). The TAM draws on the electronic
theory of reasoned action which is used to predict behaviour based on intentions and procurement
attitudes of people (Liu et al., 2018). This suggests that despite the desire to adopt
technology by organizations, the willingness of individuals to use the technology is crucial adoption
for technology uptake. An understanding of the attributes and factors motivating the
adoption and influencing peoples’ behaviour for e-procurement technology would be 413
essential for the wider promotion of the technology in the construction industry.

3. Research methodology
This study employed the systematic review methodology as used by previous studies (Hong
et al., 2012; Le et al., 2014; Chan and Owusu, 2017) to guide the selection of relevant papers
from the journals. The systematic review was chosen because it compares and integrates the
findings from the papers identified (Grant and Booth, 2009). Due to the large range of
research falling within e-procurement applications from other industries, a comprehensive
and in-depth three-phase process was conducted to extract relevant papers (Lu et al., 2015).
Unlike the review process whereby a desktop search is initially conducted and subsequently
narrowed down (Osei-Kyei and Chan, 2015), this study initially targeted the list of journals
in Wing (1997) and subsequently conducted a desktop search followed by another specified
search as described below.

3.1 Phase 1: search target journals

In this phase, relevant papers were selected from the top 12 journals in Wing’s (1997) ranking
of construction management journals since it is widely recognized in construction
management (Lu et al., 2015). The rationale behind this was to increase the scope of the
search (Chan and Owusu, 2017), unlike other studies with limitation to top six journals
(Le et al., 2014). The journals targeted were Construction Management and Economics (CME),
Journal of Construction Management and Engineering ( JCEM), Engineering, Construction and
Architectural Management (ECAM), Journal of Management in Engineering ( JME),
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Civil Engineering (PICE-CE), International
Journal of Project Management (IJPM), International Journal of Construction Information
Technology (CIT ), Transactions of American Association of Cost Engineers (AAC),
Automation in Construction (AIC), Journal of Construction Procurement ( JCP), Cost
Engineering (CEN) and Building Research and Information (BRI). The virtual libraries of
these selected journals were used to access relevant papers using the following keywords:
“Electronic procurement” OR “e-procurement” OR “e-Tendering” OR “e-Commerce” AND
“drivers” AND “construction industry” within the search engines, respectively. It is worth
noting that not all potential keywords were exhausted in the search, as it is may be impractical
to include all potential keywords. Hence, the keywords employed in this study are terms used
to depict e-procurement concept for projects. The search criteria included publications in
English and peer-review journals since the review process is extensively rigorous when
compared to conference papers to ensure the quality of the process (Silva et al., 2019). There
was no limitation on year range, as the study intends to gather as many papers as possible.
Figure 1 summarizes the systematic process for the literature review.
The initial search results led to papers from CME, JCEM, ECAM, JME, PICE-CE, IJPM,
AIC and BRI while no papers from CIT, AAC, JCP and CEN were found. Furthermore, an
intensive examination of the titles or abstract or full text of the initial results from the search
was conducted to select papers relevant to the study. Thus, papers that were more aligned
with the subject matter, i.e., factors motivating e-procurement adoption for project
procurement were considered eligible for this study. Table I shows the number of relevant
papers identified from each journal.
ECAM Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Search target journals Desktop search
Specified search from
Top 12 journals in Wing Scopus, Web of Science
(1997) and Google Scholar
Keyword search
414 in titles/abstract/
Keyword search
in titles/abstract/
search (3,581)
Keyword search
in titles/abstract/
keywords of keywords of filtered to keywords of
journals search engines select journals journals

Initial journals Initial journals Initial journals

search results search results search results
= 104 papers = 149 papers = 108 papers

Extraction Screening of Screening of Screening of
titles/abstract/ titles/abstract/ titles/abstract/
full text full text full text

Selection criteria Selection criteria Selection criteria

Papers discussing Papers discussing Papers discussing
drivers for drivers for drivers for
e-procurement e-procurement e-procurement

Selection of Selection of Selection of

relevant papers relevant papers relevant papers
Selection of for Phase 1 for Phase 2 for Phase 3
relevant Iterative process for consistency and removal of redundant papers

Final output
68 relevant papers selected

Figure 1.
Systematic process for Presentation
literature review of findings Analysis and Findings

Phase Journal Initial search Selected papers

1 Construction Management and Economics 14 4

Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 9 5
Journal of Management in Engineering 9 3
International Journal of Project Management 7 2
Journal of Construction Engineering Management 15 8
Automation in Construction 39 14
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Civil Engineering 4 0
Building Research and Information 7 2
2 International Journal of Procurement Management 72 5
Journal Financial Management Property and Construction 5 2
Journal of Internet Commerce 17 3
Journal Information Technology in Construction 45 7
Construction Innovation 10 3
Table I. 3 Benchmarking: An International Journal 20 2
Summary of initial Advance Engineering Informatics 8 2
search from journals Journal of Organization Computing and Electronic Commerce 20 2
and relevant Journal of Public Procurement 60 4
papers selected Total 361 68
3.2 Phase 2: desktop search Drivers for
As more recent construction journals were not captured in Wing’s (1997) study, the electronic
approach of Xiong et al. (2015) and Chan and Owusu (2017) was adopted to identify other procurement
construction journals relevant to the study. In this regard, Scopus, the Web of Science and
Google Scholar were used to conduct the search. The criteria used to select journals from adoption
these search engines included journals from Google Scholar had to be indexed in either
Scopus or Web of Science for further consideration since Scopus and Web of Science are 415
globally acknowledged by construction professionals and academicians (Lu et al., 2015);
journals that had two or more papers that dealt with the subject matter were considered; and
journals from Wing’s (1997) ranking were exempted. According to the search results,
Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, Journal of Information
Technology in Construction, International Journal of Procurement Management, Journal of
Internet Commerce and Construction Innovation had more than two papers from the initial
search and at least two papers were relevant to the study for further analysis. The virtual
libraries of these journals were searched with the keywords to retrieve papers.

3.3 Phase 3: specified search from journals

Finally, to obtain journals that are in a broad domain but have close relations
with construction projects and information communication technology, specific search
was conducted in selected journals based on them publishing on the subject matter
(Nasirian et al., 2019). Advanced Engineering Informatics, Journal of Public Procurement,
Benchmarking: An International Journal and Journal of Organizational Computing
and Electronic Commerce were selected based on the second criteria in Phase 2. This was
done to allow journals that publish on technological issues to be considered. A total of
68 papers were considered relevant for the study after examining the papers. The 68
papers compare favourably with other similar review studies such as Hasan et al.’s (2017)
review on factors affecting construction productivity with 47 papers and Aarseth et al.’s
(2017) review study on project sustainability strategies. All the journals were searched in
December 2018.

4. Analysis and results

The analysis and summary of findings from the selected papers are presented in two
dimensions using descriptive analysis of papers and examination of drivers identified. The
first dimension adopts descriptive analysis to show the characteristics of selected papers for
the yearly distribution of papers by journals and the country of publication. This was done
by recording the year of publication of the study and the country in a codebook by authors
independently and subsequently compiled for consistency. The second dimension examines
the drivers reported in literature for identification and classification, and a framework is
subsequently developed. Drivers identified by each study were recorded correspondingly
and later cross-referenced to avoid redundancy.

4.1 Publication trend

Figure 2 shows the annual publication trend of the reviewed papers. Although, the time
range was not specified in the search, the papers identified in the first year of the search,
2002, recorded one of the highest numbers with seven papers. This could be because the
internet and the concept of applying e-procurement for project procurement were emerging
(Gunasekaran and Ngai, 2008). Subsequent years had declined publications until 2005 and
2006 that recorder six papers successively. From Figure 2, 2010 also recorded the highest
number of publications with seven papers. The lowest number of publications was recorded
in 2009 with no papers recorded since publications were identified in 2002. The publication
ECAM 8 80

27,2 7 70

Cumulative Number of Papers

6 60
Number of Papers

5 50

416 4 40

3 30

2 20

1 10
Figure 2.
Number of papers 0 0
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
published from
2002 to 2018 Year of publication
Number Cumulative

trend has been generally constant, with an average of four papers per year cumulatively.
This suggests that the research interest in the factors encouraging e-procurement uptake
has to be increased successively by research institutions, to improve the understanding of
the drivers considering the dynamic nature of projects and the information technology
environment for projects.

4.2 Publication by countries

Figure 3 shows countries publishing research works on the drivers for e-procurement
adoption for project procurement. The UK, Australia and the USA are the leading countries.
This could be as result of their governments initiating e-procurement usage for project
procurement. For instance, Egan’s (1998) report in the UK inspired improvements in
the procurement processes for projects towards delivering a better service. Portugal,



Number of Papers


3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Th ia

Sr abia

Po a

S al

Ze n



M ia

Ca y
et wan

Si nds

g e

ud and

ut S A





In Kon




H apo

N wed






So U

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Figure 3.




Number of papers

by countries
South Africa, Taiwan and Singapore have also made valuable contributions towards the Drivers for
drivers for e-procurement. The item “International” represents studies in more than one electronic
country. The number of papers by country on a topic suggests the influence of the topic on procurement
industrial developments (Hong et al., 2012).
4.3 Identification of drivers for e-procurement for project procurement
The 68 selected relevant papers were analyzed to identify the drivers of e-procurement in the 417
project procurement. In total, 61 drivers were consequently identified. Details of these drivers
are presented in Table II, indicating their codes and references retrieved from literature. The
full details on the references can be accessed in Table AI. The driver mostly identified in the
literature is “reduced process, transaction and administrative cost”. All the drivers are further
discussed to provide a better understanding of the forces motivating e-procurement adoption
for project procurement. Also, they were subsequently classified and discussed because some
of the drivers have similar characteristics relating to broader issues.

5. Classification of drivers of e-procurement for project procurement

As illustrated in Table II, the numerous drivers of e-procurement uptake for procuring
projects were identified from the literature. To provide a better understanding of these
drivers, it is necessary to classify the drivers into their respective groupings as
adopted by Lu et al. (2015) and Xiong et al. (2015). Some groupings of drivers/benefits have
been conducted by previous studies (see Karthik and Kumar, 2013; Eadie et al., 2010a).
Karthik and Kumar (2013) summarized the grouping of drivers identified in their study
into five groupings: financial benefit drivers, relative performance benefit drivers,
perceived supplier benefit drivers, technical benefit drivers and other benefits (benefits
that did not fit into the previous benefits identified). They grouped these benefits through
the lens of the process view approach based on the perceived benefits. Their study
focussed only on the benefits from the managers’ viewpoint but did not consider other
driving forces for the adoption. Eadie et al. (2010a) grouped the drivers from their
study into three, from the perspective of achieving project goals: cost drivers, time drivers,
quality drivers and general drivers (drivers that did not fit into any of the three
mentioned above).
A critical examination of previous literature shows that the two groupings from
Karthik and Kumar (2013) and Eadie et al. (2010a) present a foundation that can be
adopted for the classification of drivers for this study but with the introduction of
additional classifications to better describe these dynamic drivers for e-procurement for
project procurement. Thus, this study generally classified drivers of e-procurement for
project procurement into seven classifications: external drivers; project-level drivers;
technological- and process-level drivers; company-level drivers; individual-level drivers;
service satisfaction drivers; and sustainability concept drivers. These driving factors were
classified based on the commonality among the drivers and the levels at which they
operate frequently. The classification process involved grouping the drivers identified in
Table II by the authors based on the areas of influence for these drivers. The results of the
initial groupings were compared and discussed to achieve consistency and reliability in
the classification of the drivers. Further, the classifications were checked with the drivers
in Table II to ensure no drivers were omitted. Comparing the proposed classification to
previous works, this classification incorporates drivers from the project goals and the
benefits motivating the adoption at various levels of the procurement process. The details
of these classifications are elaborated in the following subsections. Due to word and space
limitations, these drivers are briefly discussed subsequently. Figure 4 shows the
framework for the classifications these drivers.
ECAM Code E-procurement drivers References
Dr1 Reduce process, transaction and [2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35,
administrative cost 36, 40, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 54, 60, 64, 66]
Dr2 Reduce cycle times for process and [2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 15, 16, 21, 25, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 42, 43, 45,
transaction 46, 49, 51, 53, 57, 61, 64, 67]
Dr3 Improve efficiency and [5, 13, 17, 18, 21, 24, 26, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 46, 47, 51, 55, 61,
418 effectiveness in the process 66]
Dr4 Fast exchange of information [5, 9, 11, 16, 18, 20, 26, 40, 43, 49, 50, 51, 61, 63, 65, 67, 68]
among stakeholders
Dr5 Ease of access to information (e.g. [3, 7, 9, 26, 28, 38, 40, 46, 48, 51, 54, 57, 59, 60, 64]
Dr6 Improve response, accuracy and [12, 13, 19, 23, 26, 27, 31, 32, 34, 45, 46]
flexibility of process
Dr7 Improved communication with [23, 29, 31, 33, 34, 42, 48, 49, 57, 61, 64]
Dr8 Increase transparency, fairness and [3, 5, 14, 21, 24, 29, 33, 39, 45, 49, 66]
Dr9 Increase competition among [14, 15, 16, 24, 27, 29, 32, 33, 66]
Dr10 Improve quality of process [2, 17, 26, 29, 33, 34, 45, 57, 59]
Dr11 Streamlining and integration of [6, 8, 9, 15, 20, 21, 38, 45, 48]
Dr12 Error minimization by eliminating [15, 29, 33, 34, 48, 49, 57, 64]
manual rekeying
Dr13 Wider coverage and access to [8, 17, 21, 32, 48, 49, 62, 64]
Dr14 Reduce staffing [5, 21, 26, 38, 42, 58, 59, 66]
Dr15 Enhancing competitive advantage [2, 28, 29, 36, 42, 44, 45, 48]
of firm
Dr16 Effective monitoring of process [15, 18, 26, 28, 39, 48, 63]
(real time)
Dr17 Platform for collaboration [8, 9, 10, 23, 26, 38, 59]
Dr18 Promoting paperless environment [24, 28, 48, 49, 64, 66]
Dr19 Improved benchmarking (market [26, 29, 32, 33, 34, 42]
Dr20 Government regulation and policy [7, 37, 39, 47, 51, 55]
Dr21 Improved audit trail and reducing [46, 48, 49, 57, 61]
Dr22 Improve integration management [32, 46, 48, 54, 58]
of project data
Dr23 Client satisfaction [15, 17, 26, 46, 49]
Dr24 Enhance inventory management [21, 29, 32, 33, 34]
and archiving
Dr25 Developing knowledge skill and [1, 29, 33, 34, 38]
ability of employees
Dr26 Ease of addressing queries of [28, 48, 49, 61]
Dr27 Cost savings in document [32, 42, 49, 61]
Dr28 Enhance cost reduction in tender [29, 32, 34, 42]
Dr29 Ease of use of technology [8, 12, 13, 51]
Dr30 Knowledge database and [28, 49, 61]
preserving corporate memory
Table II. Dr31 Enhance new contractor entrance [26, 32, 35]
Drivers of and identification
e-procurement for
project procurement
identified in literature (continued )
Code E-procurement drivers References
Drivers for
Dr32 Technological readiness of firm [13, 14, 15] procurement
Dr33 Enhance regulatory compliance on [26, 48, 54]
contracts adoption
Dr34 Provide support for added value [16, 30, 66]
Dr35 Top management believes and [13, 45, 51] 419
supports technology
Dr36 Pressure from industry and [13, 47, 51]
business partners
Dr37 Pressure from customers and [13, 47, 51]
Dr38 Employee motivation to use [13, 52, 53]
Dr39 Increase trust, confidence and [12, 26, 49]
reliability in process
Dr40 Compatibility of technology to [8, 12, 47]
firm’s goals
Dr41 Effective cost management of [32, 55]
procured projects
Dr42 Employee views technology as [52, 53]
professional credibility
Dr43 Better coordination and integration [35, 48]
of contractors
Dr44 Reduce transportation energy, time [48, 61]
and cost
Dr45 Peer organization’s uptake of [13, 14]
Dr46 Client’s demand for use of [7, 47]
Dr47 Government demand for value [7, 47]
Dr48 Reduce bid collusion and corrupt [3, 66]
Dr49 Better specification clarification [55]
Dr50 Access to internet intelligent tools [59]
for decision making
Dr51 Firm’s policy for technology [44]
Dr52 Sustaining future development of [56]
Dr53 Influence of technology champion [44]
in the firm
Dr54 Increase client involvement in [49]
process easily
Dr55 Improve management of physical [26]
project resources
Dr56 Better work opportunities [46]
Dr57 Available expertise of technology [13]
Dr58 Availability of adequacy of [12]
technology and internet
Dr59 Promoting sustainable goals [13]
through technology by firm
Dr60 Maturity of project members and [1]
Dr61 Degree of dispersion among project [1]
Note: The details of these references are provided in Table AI Table II.
ECAM Classified Drivers Interrelationships

27,2 Technology- and Process-Level Driver

• Reduced process, transaction and administrative cost
Project-Level Drivers
• Reduced cycle times for process and transaction
• Wider coverage and access to contractors/suppliers • Fast exchange of information among stakeholders
• Improve efficiency and effectiveness in the process
External Drivers • Improved Audit trail reducing disputes • Ease of access to information (e.g. tenderers)
• Improve integration management of project data • Improved communication with stakeholders
• Government regulation and policy • Enhance inventory management and archiving • Increase transparency, fairness and accountability
• Pressure from industry and • Cost saving in document management • Improve response accuracy and flexibility of process
business partners • Effective cost management of procured projects • Improve quality of process
• Government demand for value • Streamlining and integration of process
• Better coordination and integration of contractors • Error minimization by eliminating manual rekeying
• Enhance regulatory • Reduce bid collusion and corrupt practices • Effective monitoring of process (real time)
compliance on contracts • Better specification clarification • Platform for collaboration
420 • Peer organization’s uptake of
• Increase competition among contractors/suppliers
• Developing knowledge skill and ability of
• Ease of addressing queries of contractors
• Enhance cost reduction in tender prices
• Ease of use of technology
• Enhance new contractor entrance and identification
• Degree of dispersion among project teams • Provide support for added value services
• Improved benchmarking (market intelligence) • Increase trust, confidence and reliability in process
• Access to internet intelligent tools for decision-making
• Availability of adequacy of technology and internet

Company-Level Drivers

• Top management believes and supports

• Enhancing competitive advantage of firm Individual-Level Drivers Service Satisfaction Drivers
• Improve management of physical project Sustainability Concept Drivers
resources • Employee motivation to use • Client satisfaction
• Sustaining future development of firm technology • Pressure from customers • Promoting sustainable goals
• Technological readiness of firm • Employee views technology as and public through technology by firm
• Compatibility of technology to firm’s goals professional credibility • Client’s demand for use of • Promoting paperless
Figure 4. • Firm’s policy for technology advancement
• Reduce staffing
• Influence of technology
champion in the firm
• Increase client involvement
• Reduce transportation
Framework for • Knowledge database and preserving corporate
• Maturity of project members and team
• Available expertise of technology
in process easily energy, time and cost

e-procurement drivers • Better work opportunities

for construction
project procurement Classified Drivers Interrelationships

Classified driver Interrelationships among classified drivers

5.1 External drivers

External drivers refer to factors which are mainly from external bodies or organizations such
as government bodies, regulatory agencies, other industry organizations, international
organizations to the project organization. Based on the relationships between these factors,
government regulation and policy, pressure from industry and business partners, government
demand for value, enhance regulatory compliance on contracts and peer organization’s uptake
of technology, this classification was labelled external drivers. Government regulation and
policy was the driver mostly identified in this classification. Over the past decades, many
governments initiatives and international bodies have been involved in the promotion of
e-procurement for construction projects ( Jacobsson et al., 2017; Dossick and Sakagami, 2008).
In Europe for instance, the European Union’s (EU) initiative to establish an e-procurement
platform among its member countries began in the second millennium (Strejcek and Theil,
2003). This initiative served as motivation for many governments within the EU to further
strengthen regulations and policies towards using e-procurement for procuring projects.
For instance, the UK Government in 1998 set out policies to facilitate e-procurement among
government agencies, business and users (Foley, 2000).
In the USA, several federal states have initiated e-commerce into their core business
operations in order to deliver government information and projects (Layne and Lee, 2001).
The study conducted by Dossick and Sakagami (2008) realized that the pressure to adopt
electronic platforms for coordinating projects was higher in Japan as compared to the USA.
In Japan, the government has formulated policies to regulate these electronic platforms as a
strategy to recover from long recession (Dossick and Sakagami, 2008). Other countries such
as Australia, Portugal and Malaysia have their governments pushing for the adoption of
e-procurement in construction organizations through policies and regulated frameworks
( Jaafar et al., 2007; Dooley and Purchase, 2006). These policies and regulations by
governments stimulate its organizations to take up e-procurement when procuring projects.
Another factor, government demand for value, encourages organizations to seek optimal
ways of carrying out projects ( Jacobsson et al., 2017). Governments across the globe demand
for value on projects with increased efficiency and effectiveness because of the limited
availability of resources (Sullivan, 2010).
An additional factor in this classification is pressure from industry and business Drivers for
partners. The study by Li et al. (2015) and Pearson and Grandon (2005) showed that electronic
organizations that adopted e-procurement were influenced by industrial dynamics and procurement
pressure from their business partners. The interplay between an organization and its
industry is a complex network ( Jacobsson et al. (2017), since organizations have both direct adoption
and indirect connections with various stakeholders in the industry. Fulfilling the stakes of
these industry players on a project modifies the approaches and the structures of the 421
organization to adopt improved ways of performing procurement. Peer organization’s
uptake of technology is another factor influencing organizations to adopt e-procurement. In
China, the study by Li et al. (2015) provided empirical support of the influence of
competitors/rivals/peer organizations on the adoption on e-procurement for projects. There
is an imitation behaviour among organizations that adopt technology, hence if one
organization adopts the e-procurement technology, it positively influences other
organizations to adopt it (Sun, 2013). Such imitation behaviour reduces regrets associated
with post-adoption because the peer organization’s adoption provides suitable justification
for the other organization to adopt it (Li et al., 2015). Svidronova and Mikus (2015) showed
evidence that organizations and project managers that adopted e-procurement inspired
other project managers to adopt e-procurement for procuring projects.

5.2 Project-level drivers

From the findings of the study, project-level drivers can be described with 13 drivers which
include wider coverage and access to contractors/suppliers, improved audit trail reducing
disputes, enhance inventory management for project data, reduce bid collusion and corrupt
practices, increase competitions among contractors/suppliers, etc. (see Figure 4). These
drivers look at the motivations and benefits that can be gained when e-procurement is
applied for procuring a project. Wider coverage and access to contractors/suppliers is one
benefit that stakeholders anticipate in using e-procurement, in order to achieve better
contract value for projects. This also allows larger access to quality contractors and
suppliers for partnerships, which, in turn, would enhance the quality of project delivery
(Anumba and Ruikar, 2002). The project image and capability are further increased for
cooperation with other parties (Nitithamyong and Skibniewski, 2006). This provides the
opportunity for the project to increase its spectrum of contractors and suppliers enhancing
the decision for a suitable selection of contractor or supplier for the project. Another driver
at the project level is improved audit trail and reducing disputes. Studies by Nitithamyong
and Skibniewski (2006) and Ruikar et al. (2005) have shown that effective audit trail created
by the e-procurement platform has resulted in the reduction of disputes among project
teams. Considering the fragmented nature of the project teams, which is easily prone to
disputes, efforts or measures that prevent or mitigate the occurrence of disputes have
received attention by project managers (Ho, 2015; Hansen, 2018). Hence, project managers
are inspired to adopt e-procurement in order to ensure effective audit information and avoid
disputes, which, in turn, promotes the collaborative environment for project delivery.
Improving the management of project data and portfolio from the beginning of the
procurement process is important for project success. Improve integration management of
project data as a driver provides the opportunity for data to be integrated across project
teams from both design and construction teams (Zou and Seo, 2006). Various team members
participate in the procurement process of projects, which makes it necessary for the
integration of procurement information for the project delivery. Enhance inventory
management and archiving is another benefit project managers desire for the entire
procurement process (Eadie et al., 2010a, b). Studies from Eadie et al. (2010b) indicated that
enhancing inventory management was a significant motivator for construction professional
to adopt e-procurement for projects in the UK. The professionals also indicated that the
ECAM inconvenience of archiving the process and completed work through the traditional way
27,2 motivates them to adopt e-procurement (Eadie et al., 2010b). The volume of documents
exchanged during the procurement process for a project makes it imperative for project
managers to adopt technological methods for archiving such data. The cost associated with
managing documents on projects motivates project managers to adopt e-procurement. Cost
savings in document management is one of the factors driving project managers and
422 organizations to adopt e-procurement (Abu-Elsamen et al., 2010; Ruikar et al., 2005), since it
provides a more efficient approach to managing documents compared to the traditional
paper-based document management. Abu-Elsamen et al. (2010) in their study identified that
effective cost management of procured projects was one factor that motivated organizations
to adopt e-procurement. This factor allows the organization to have a better view of
their financial portfolio with respect to a larger number of projects. Another benefit of
e-procurement better coordination and integration of contractors has also attracted project
managers to adopt e-procurement for projects (Nitithamyong and Skibniewski, 2006).
Integrating the portfolio of numerous contractors or suppliers becomes inefficient when it is
paper based for procurement processes. This has given cause for project managers to adopt
e-procurement for efficient coordination and integration of contractors and suppliers.
The risk of having procurement malpractices on projects during the procurement
process encourages the uptake of e-procurement. Studies by Santoso and Bourpanus (2018)
and Liao et al. (2002), showed that one motivation for organizations to adopt e-procurement
was to reduce bid collusion and corrupt practices. The procurement process in the
construction and engineering sector is highly vulnerable to corrupt practices (Transparency
International, 2005; Owusu and Chan, 2018), hence organizations employ e-procurement to
curb these corrupt practices. Increase competition among contractors/suppliers is an
additional driver that motivates organizations to adopt e-procurement for projects. Project
managers perceive that increasing the number of competitors for the project leads to
achieving better value for that project (Awwad and Ammoury, 2018). Moreover,
e-procurement presents the opportunity of accessing bigger coverage of contractors,
hence increasing the competitiveness of that project (Doloi, 2014; Gardenal, 2013).
This driver received the most attention in this classification with nine studies addressing it
(see Table II). Studies such as Eadie et al. (2011) identified developing knowledge skill and
ability of employees as a driver for e-procurement. Projects that employ e-procurement
equip the team members with technological skills and abilities in conducting procurement
processes. This stimulates stakeholders to implement e-procurement for their projects.
The two other drivers improved benchmarking and degree of dispersion of project teams
describe the level at which the organization is informed about the supply market, based on
the ease of compilation of data and the characteristics of project teams (Kang et al., 2011;
Eadie et al., 2011; Hosseini et al., 2018). These drivers influence the decisions of management
to adopt e-procurement due to the technological benefits it provides enhancing market
search and teamwork across regions.

5.3 Technology- and process-level drivers

The technology- and process-level drivers describe the motivations or benefits
e-procurement brings to the process of procuring projects. A total number of 21 drivers
were identified from literature for this classification, making it the largest classification with
the highest number of drivers compared to the other classifications. From the findings,
reduce process, transaction and administrative cost was the most identified driver for using
e-procurement in procuring projects (see Table II). Sepasgozar and Davis (2018) indicated
that organizations are willing to adopt technology due to the possible solutions it offers for
their needs, hence cost reduction is a major factor promoting e-procurement adoption.
Studies such as Kang et al. (2011), Svidronova and Mikus (2015), Eadie et al. (2010a) and
Doloi (2014) have shown that organizations and project professionals are highly driven to Drivers for
adopt e-procurement due to the need to save cost on project procurement. Similarly, the electronic
adoption of other technologies such as construction equipment technologies depends on the procurement
project’s need for it (Sepasgozar et al. (2018). For instance, in Svidronova and Mikus’ (2015)
study, about 12 per cent of cost savings were achieved on the tendering process for adoption
construction projects by public agencies when e-procurement was used. Another major
driver for the adoption of e-procurement from literature is reduce cycle times for process and 423
transaction. Project delay is one phenomenon influencing the performance of projects
especially project timelines (Mahamid et al., 2011). Any opportunity to quicken the process
of the project draws the attention of project managers, hence the attraction to adopt
e-procurement by reducing the time spent for the procurement process. Previous studies by
Ibem and Laryea (2015) and Doloi (2014) showed how this ability of e-procurement to reduce
time had greatly influenced project managers’ decisions in employing it for projects.
Further motivation for the adoption of e-procurement is the fast exchange of information
among stakeholders, which also describes the swiftness with which information is shared
among project teams (Dossick et al., 2019). Ruikar et al. (2005) indicated that project
organizations that employed e-procurement for procuring projects realized an increase in
the exchange of information which enhanced the delivery of the project. E-procurement
presents a platform whereby information is shared rapidly to update project teams on the
project, which subsequently enhances informed decisions by project managers (Kim et al.,
2015) Since the procurement process contributes to initiating a project, efficiency and
effectiveness in the process of procurement is vital. Improved efficiency and effectiveness in
the process as a benefit has encouraged the e-procurement uptake. The traditional
paper-based process of procurement suffered some inefficiencies and exposed lots of
ineffectiveness in the process, which has made e-procurement attractive for procuring
projects (Li et al., 2015; Tas et al., 2013).
Additional drivers for e-procurement adoption are ease of access to information and
improved communication with stakeholders. The access of contractors/suppliers to
information is crucial in the process and the study by Pearson and Grandon (2005)
substantiated the interest of organizations to adopt e-procurement to ensure easy access to
information by contractors/suppliers. Contractors/Suppliers are a major part of the project
procurement process, hence their access to information relating to the project determines the
success of the project (Sariola, 2018; Khan et al., 2016). The use of e-procurement ensures
that the communication among project teams is stable and effective (Grilo and Jardim-
Goncalves, 2013). Due to the complexity of networks within the project procurement process
(Khan et al., 2016), improving communication has become important to avoid unnecessary
bottlenecks of communication breakdown. Considering the extent to which project cost is
determined at the initial stages for a project, transparency, fairness and accountability
becomes key motivations for using e-procurement to ensure a sound process. The
construction professionals who participated in study by Eadie et al. (2010a) and Ruikar et al.
(2006) indicated that the benefits of increasing transparency, fairness and accountability
encouraged them to use e-procurement when procuring projects. Studies by both Kang et al.
(2011) and Eadie et al. (2010b) realized that drivers such as improve response, accuracy and
flexibility of the process, and improve quality of process were significant benefits that
attracted organizations to adopt e-procurement. Although the procurement process is
usually stepwise, it can also be iterative. This requires the procurement process to be
flexible and responsive with accurate information to project teams on the project. The quest
for organizations to improve the quality of the traditional paper-based procurement
processes has encouraged the adoption of e-procurement, since early adopters of the
technology observed improvement in the quality of the process (Isikdag, 2019; Zhang and
Tiong, 2003).
ECAM The implementation of e-procurement helps simplify the process for easy integration,
27,2 hence streamlining and integration of process as a driver has gained attention in literature
(Mehrbod and Grilo, 2018; Eadie et al., 2010a, Kang et al., 2013). Due to the number of
processes required in project procurement, having a platform that integrates it enhances
effective decision making. One shortfall of the traditional paper-based procurement was the
recurrence of errors due to manual keying of information. One advantage of e-procurement
424 which has encouraged its uptake is error minimization by eliminating manual rekeying
(Alshawi and Ingirige, 2003; Ruikar et al., 2005). The driver, effective monitoring of process
(real time), provides the opportunity for tracking the status of the procurement process in
real time, e.g. from invitation to bidding to award of contract ( Jaafar et al., 2007). This
enhances the progress reporting of the process to project teams. Drivers such as platform for
collaboration, ease of addressing queries of contractors, enhance cost reduction in tender
prices and ease of use of technology have contributed considerably to motivating
construction project managers to adopt e-procurement (Khan et al., 2016; Hong et al., 2016;
Eadie et al., 2011; Ibem and Laryea, 2015). Drivers that had less attention from literature at
the technology and process level were enhance new contractor entrance and identification,
provide support for added value services, increase trust, confidence and reliability in
process, access to internet intelligent tools for decision making and availability of adequacy
of technology (see Table II). Notwithstanding the fact that few studies identified these
drivers, they also provide motivations for organizations to adopt the technology.

5.4 Company-level drivers

The company-level classification relates to drivers that motivate the management or
corporate echelons to adopt e-procurement. From Figure 4, it is shown that ten drivers were
identified as factors motivating the adoption at the company level. One benefit realized with
the use of the technology is the reduction in the number of human personnel (Eadie et al.,
2007). Reduce staffing was identified by Eadie et al. (2007) as a driver among construction
organizations in the UK for the implementation of e-procurement. Considering the number
of people typically involved in the traditional paper-based procurement, e-procurement
takes away major portions of the process executed by human personnel. For example, less
labour is required for tender document preparation (Liao et al., 2002).
The competitive nature of organizations towards projects has encouraged organizations to
seek ways of boosting its prospects in winning projects (Nitithamyong and Skibniewski,
2006). The driver, enhancing the competitive advantage of firm, has given organizations the
desire to implement e-procurement in order to improve the organization’s image. Presently,
construction organizations function as knowledge-based entities, therefore, to support
organizational learning, corporate memory is created to manage the knowledge (Huang et al.,
2013). The advantage of having a knowledge database and preserving corporate memory
when e-procurement is adopted has encouraged organizations to implement it, this is evident
in the study by Ruikar et al. (2005). The support of top management towards the adoption of a
technology is vital to both the initiative and the usage of that technology. Top management
believes and supports technology as a driver is a stimulator for the organization to seek
technological approaches of solving issues (Pearson and Grandon, 2005).
Prior studies by Hassan et al. (2017) showed that organizations are more motivated to
adopt e-procurement based on how well it is tailored to their organizational needs and goals.
Compatibility of technology to firm’s goals as identified from literature exhibits the
organizations attraction to take up e-procurement when procuring projects. Further,
technological readiness of firm indicates the preparedness of the organization for technology
uptake. For instance, in Svidronova and Mikus’ (2015) study, the organizations were
encouraged to adopt e-procurement for construction projects because of the information
technology sophistication and readiness of the organization. The driver firm’s policy for
technology advancement inspires management to easily adopt technological innovations such Drivers for
as e-procurement (Peansupap and Walker, 2006). Sustaining future development of firm is one electronic
incentive for organizations to encouraging e-procurement uptake (Sarshar and Isikdag, 2004). procurement
Since organizations dwell in dynamic technological environments, sustaining the processes of
the organization demands aligning to technological improvements. E-procurement presents adoption
ameliorating opportunities to manage physical resources, hence the driver improve
management of physical project resources was recognized in literature (Kang et al., 2011). The 425
anticipation of e-procurement offering better work opportunities has similarly inspired some
construction organizations to adopt e-procurement (Zou and Seo, 2006).

5.5 Individual-level drivers

The individual level of drivers describes the motivations and efforts by individuals to
promote the adoption of e-procurement. Five drivers were identified at this level of
classification. In human behaviour, there is the urge for people to master their operational
environment to control their lives and attain some level of competence (Murtagh et al., 2016).
The driver employee personal motivation to use technology describes the desire from
individuals or project team members to take up e-procurement for procuring projects. This
desire could stem from personal characteristics of the individual such as embracing
technology, receptive learning skills and good rewards with using technology in the past
(Peansupap and Walker, 2005). Further, the driver employee views technology as
professional credibility shows that construction professionals perceive that some level of
professional credibility is attained when technological innovations are employed in their
work process (Peansupap and Walker, 2005).
Another driver at this level is the influence of technology champion in the firm. A
technology champion is an individual with high enthusiasm for technology and influences
other people to accept such technology (Peansupap and Walker, 2006). The technology
champion which could be the project manager dedicates much effort encouraging project
teams and other individuals to adopt e-procurement. Available expertise of technology among
project members and employees has driven e-procurement to be embraced in organizations (Li
et al., 2015). Individual determination to have expert competence of a technology inspires the
project organization to adopt that technology, since these individuals will ensure that the
technology is applied productively and efficiently. While technology champion advocates for
the use of e-procurement, the technology expertise available looks at how technological
capability can be accessible. The maturity of project members and team motivates them to
employ a more efficient method in conducting projects (Hosseini et al., 2018). The level of
partnership and collaboration existing between the project members increases the interest for
these members to adopt e-procurement for projects.

5.6 Service satisfaction drivers

The service satisfaction drivers’ classification refers to demands from clients or customers
which motivates the adoption of technology on a project. Ruikar et al. (2005) indicated in
their study that technology adoption can be client driven. A total number of four drivers
were identified for this classification. The client satisfaction driver was the most identified
driver in this classification. The desire to perform the procurement process to the
satisfaction of the client is a good indicator for the success of the project. For instance, in the
study by Ruikar et al. (2005), project managers employed e-procurement for projects in order
to respond to client enquiries faster hence improving their service to the client. Further,
Zou and Seo (2006) identified that organizations were willing to adopt e-procurement to
provide better construction services to the satisfaction of the client. The second driver,
pressure from customers and public, indicates how customers or public advocacy on a
matter can motivate technology adoption. The pressure from the public through public
ECAM media towards uptake of e-procurement due to its benefits can influence the organizations to
27,2 consider adopting it (Dooley and Purchase, 2006). This is because currently public advocacy
is been used as a tool to promote changes in various spheres of both government and private
activities (Men and Tsai, 2014). The client’s demand for use of technology driver describes
the request made by clients on a project concerning the use of a specific technology
( Jacobsson et al., 2017). For example, in the study by Ruikar et al. (2005), a company adopted
426 e-procurement because their client insisted its usage on the project. Involving the client in
the procurement process also influences the adoption of e-procurement on construction
projects. The motivation to increase client involvement in the process easily enables the
client to be abreast with the current status of the procurement process (Ruikar et al., 2005).
This enhances the client to make input at any stage of the procurement process.

5.7 Sustainability concept drivers

This classification describes the factors or efforts that stimulate the project’s or organization’s
contribution to sustainability on the procurement process of projects. Three drivers were
identified under this classification. Within this classification, promoting paperless environment
was the driver mostly identified in literature. Studies by Gardenal (2013), Ruikar et al. (2005)
and Nitithamyong and Skibniewski (2006) show that organizations that adopted e-procurement
experienced the benefit of reducing the total volume of papers used for the procurement
process. Reducing the volume of papers used for procurement has an environmental value
considering the number of trees that could be saved (Gardenal, 2013). Although this
contribution to sustainability might be little globally, some organizations view it important and
have made commitments towards promoting paperless environment (Ruikar et al., 2005).
Promoting sustainable goals through technology by firm is another driver encouraging the
adoption of e-procurement (Li et al., 2015). Policies by firms to use technology to promote
sustainability provide exploration opportunities for the organization to contribute towards
sustainability. Reduce transportation energy, time and cost as a driver for e-procurement for
procuring projects (Alshawi and Ingirige, 2003) inspires project managers and organizations to
contribute to environmental sustainability. Although, reducing the transportation energy, time
and cost associated with the procurement process can be allocated to the cost and time benefits
of adopting e-procurement, conserving the amount of energy expended on transportation has
some valuable contribution towards environmental sustainability. Table III provides a
summary of contributions from papers to e-procurement drivers’ literature.

6. Complex relationships among classified drivers

The various factors driving the motivations to adopt e-procurement for project procurement
have been identified and discussed above. From the findings of the study, a framework was
developed as shown in Figure 4. This framework shows the seven classifications of these
drivers: external drivers; project-level drivers; technology- and process-level drivers; company-
level drivers; individual-level drivers; service satisfaction drivers; and sustainability concept
drivers. From Figure 4, some drivers in one classification may influence other drivers in another
classification. For example, increase in transparency, fairness and accountability may influence
the reduction in bid collusion and corrupt practices driver and vice versa. Also, the drivers
within one classification are interrelated, for instance, error minimization by eliminating manual
rekeying may be interrelated to reduced cycle times for process and transaction. As shown in
Table II, the most significant drivers identified from literature were reduce process, transaction
and administrative cost and reduce cycle times for process and transaction. In Figure 4, while
the bold arrow lines lead to the main classifications of e-procurement drivers, the short-dashed
arrow lines infer the influence of a driver from one classification to another driver in other
classifications and vice versa. This framework provides guides that help identify drivers that
motivate the adoption of e-procurement for project procurement for wide implementation.
Classification Description
Drivers for
External drivers Government directives for technology usage ( Jacobsson et al., 2017; Dossick and procurement
Sakagami, 2008; Jaafar et al., 2007)
Direct and indirect influence of business partners (Li et al., 2015; Dooley and Purchase, adoption
Isomorphic influence from other organizations (Svidronova and Mikus, 2015; Li et al., 2015)
Achieving value on government procurement ( Jacobsson et al., 2017; Dooley and 427
Purchase, 2006)
Project-level Reducing malpractices on project procurement (Santoso and Bourpanus, 2018)
drivers Broader access to market and higher competition (Hassan et al., 2017; Svidronova and
Mikus, 2015; Ibem and Laryea, 2014)
Improving inventory, archiving and procurement audit trail (Karthik and Kumar, 2013;
Kang et al., 2011; Eadie et al., 2011)
Improving specification clarifications and information coordination (Quesada et al., 2010;
Nitithamyong and Skibniewski, 2006)
Technology- and Reducing procurement process cost and time cycle (Wimalasena and Gunatilake, 2018;
process-level Hassan et al., 2017; Ibem and Laryea, 2015; Costa and Tavares, 2014; Eadie et al., 2012)
drivers Improving communication and exchange of information for project stakeholders (Santoso
and Bourpanus, 2018; Wimalasena and Gunatilake, 2018; Khan et al., 2016; Kim et al., 2015)
Improving transparency, trust and reliability of procurement process (Mehrbod and Grilo,
2018; Khan et al., 2016; Gardenal, 2013)
Facilitating better supplier management (Gupta et al., 2011; Kang et al., 2011)
Platform for improving collaboration and coordination in the process (Hassan et al., 2017;
Pala et al., 2016; Doloi, 2014)
Using internet intelligent tools for procurement (Hassan et al., 2017; Ibem and Laryea, 2015;
Ajam et al., 2010)
Company-level Improving competitive advantage of firms (Al-Yahya et al., 2018; Gupta et al., 2011)
drivers Optimizing human resource in organizations (Wimalasena and Gunatilake, 2018; Karthik
and Kumar, 2013)
Organizational leadership support and readiness for technology (Li et al., 2015; Svidronova
and Mikus, 2015)
Organizational policies and strategies towards technology (Hasan et al., 2017; Dooley and
Purchase, 2006)
Individual-level Individual motivation to adopt technology in organizations (Li et al., 2015; Peansupap and
drivers Walker, 2006)
Maturity of project teams (Hosseini et al., 2018)
Available expertise and attaining professional credibility in practice (Li et al., 2015;
Peansupap and Walker, 2005) Table III.
Service Satisfying the demands of the project client ( Jacobsson et al., 2017; Doloi, 2014; Zou and Summary of
satisfaction Seo, 2006) contributions of
drivers Pressure from public and customers (Dooley and Purchase, 2006; Pearson and Grandon, 2005) papers to
Sustainability Enhancing environmental sustainability (Gardenal, 2013; Nitithamyong and Skibniewski, 2006) e-procurement drivers’
concept drivers Promoting sustainable development by organizations (Li et al., 2015) literature

To further discuss these classifications, the total frequency and ranking of these
classifications was conducted as shown in Table IV. The arithmetic employed was based on
individual frequencies of papers identified for each classification and their respective mean
scores (Chan and Owusu, 2017). The total frequency of papers for each factor in a
classification was summed up and divided by the respective number of factors within that
classification. The first rank was allotted to the classification with the highest mean score.
For example, external drivers were calculated with the mean score formula below:
ðDr20 þDr36 þ Dr47 þDr33 þDr45Þ=n ¼ ð6 þ3 þ2 þ3 þ2Þ=5 ¼ 3:20; (1)
ECAM Classification Code Frequency Mean Rank
External drivers 3.20 3
Government regulation and policy Dr20 6
Pressure from industry and business partners Dr36 3
Government demand for value Dr47 2
Enhance regulatory compliance on contracts Dr33 3
428 Peer organization’s uptake of technology Dr45 2
Project-level drivers 4.50 2
Wider coverage and access to contractors/suppliers Dr13 8
Improved audit trail and reducing disputes Dr21 5
Improve integration management of project data Dr22 5
Enhance inventory management and archiving Dr24 5
Cost savings in document management Dr27 4
Effective cost management procured projects Dr41 2
Better coordination and integration of contractors Dr43 2
Reduce bid collusion and corrupt practices Dr48 2
Increase competition among contractors/suppliers Dr9 9
Developing knowledge skill and ability of employees Dr25 5
Improved benchmarking Dr26 6
Degree of dispersion of project teams Dr61 1
Technology- and process-level drivers 9.90 1
Reduce process, transaction and administrative cost Dr1 31
Reduce cycle times for process and transaction Dr2 29
Fast exchange of information among stakeholders Dr4 17
Improved efficiency and effectiveness in the process Dr3 20
Ease of access to information and Dr5 15
Improved communication with stakeholders Dr7 11
Transparency, fairness and accountability Dr8 11
Improve response, accuracy and flexibility of the process and Dr6 11
Improve quality of process Dr10 9
Streamlining and integration of process Dr11 9
Error minimization by eliminating manual rekeying Dr12 8
Effective monitoring of process (real time) Dr16 7
Platform for collaboration Dr17 7
Ease of addressing queries of contractors Dr26 4
Enhance cost reduction in tender prices Dr28 4
Ease of use of technology Dr29 4
Enhance new contractor entrance and identification Dr31 3
Provide support for added value services Dr34 3
Increase trust, confidence and reliability in process Dr39 3
Access to internet intelligent tools for decision making Dr50 1
Availability of adequacy of technology and internet Dr58 1
Company-level drivers 3.20 3
Reduce staffing Dr14 8
Enhancing the competitive advantage of firm Dr15 8
Knowledge database and preserving corporate memory Dr30 3
Top management believes and supports technology Dr35 3
Compatibility of technology to firm’s goals Dr40 3
Technological readiness of firm Dr32 3
Firm’s policy for technology advancement Dr51 1
Sustaining future development of firm Dr52 1
Improve management of physical project resources Dr55 1
Better work opportunities Dr56 1
Individual-level drivers 1.60 7
Employee personal motivation to use technology Dr38 3
Table IV.
Ranking of driver
classifications (continued )
Classification Code Frequency Mean Rank
Drivers for
Employee views technology as professional credibility Dr42 2 procurement
Influence of technology champion in the firm Dr53 1
Available expertise of technology Dr57 1 adoption
Maturity of project members and teams Dr60 1
Service satisfaction drivers 2.75 6
Client satisfaction Dr23 5 429
Pressure from customers and public Dr37 3
Client’s demand for use of technology Dr46 2
Increase client involvement in the process easily Dr54 1
Sustainability concept drivers 3.00 5
Promoting paperless environment Dr18 6
Promoting sustainable goals through technology by firm Dr59 1
Reduce transportation energy, time and cost Dr44 2 Table IV.

where Dr denote the corresponding drivers within that classification and n denotes the
number of drivers within that classification.
The mean score of each classification is shown in Table III with the respective ranking.
Figure 4 illustrates the graphical presentation of the mean scores for the classifications of
the drivers (Figure 5).

7. Discussions
The findings from Table II and the classification framework in Figure 4 indicate that there are
more drivers motivating the adoption of e-procurement which could be better classified to
improve the understanding of e-procurement drivers when compared to previous
classifications (Karthik and Kumar, 2013; Eadie et al., 2010a). Whereas previous
classifications in literature were derived through the lens of process view approach and
perspectives of project goals, the classification in this study provides a broader and
comprehensive view of the drivers for e-procurement and the interrelationships among them
for understanding the current and emerging motivations for e-procurement uptake. Due to the
construction industry experiencing intense pressure to adopt new technologies and concepts
in recent years (Loosemore, 2014), the seven classifications in Figure 4 present a broader
spectrum for capturing the drivers for e-procurement. Therefore, new drivers emerging in the
construction industry in the future can be grouped under these classifications with respect to
their commonalities with the proposed classification. The external drivers’ classification



Figure 5.
2 Graphical
representation of
0 classifications mean
External Project Technology Company Individual Service Sustainability score
Drivers Level and Process Level Satisfaction Concept
ECAM (Figure 4) shows the influence government and business partners have on promoting e-
27,2 procurement uptake in organizations. This supports the argument of Loosemore (2014) and
Jacobsson et al. (2017) concerning the pressure in the industry to modernize in recent years. In
effect, this pressure from external sources might not decrease since the quest for improved
productivity is high and more governments are interested in implementing e-procurement.
Therefore, construction organizations need strategic alignment of business processes and
430 objectives in order to adapt to such coercive pressures.
Further the findings reveal that the goals and objectives determined for projects have
motivated the adoption of e-procurement as depicted in the project-level drivers’
classification. For instance, project objectives such as improve project audit trail (Dr21) and
increase competition among tenderers (Dr9) (Hansen, 2018) show that the objectives set on a
project contribute towards e-procurement uptake. This provides effective strategies for
implementers and promoters of e-procurement to ensure that project objectives stimulate
project stakeholders to adopt e-procurement. The drivers identified in the project-level
drivers’ classification could serve as a guide for formulating projects objectives that enhance
e-procurement adoption. From Figure 4, the technology- and process-level drivers show that
organizations are attracted by the benefits e-procurement brings in improving the
procurement process. This supports Sepasgozar et al.’s (2018) argument that active steps are
initiated when there is the quest to improve current conditions. This indicates that focussing
attention on the attributes of e-procurement should be a key activity for convincing
organizations to adopt e-procurement. This study reveals that aside coercive external
pressures (Li et al., 2015; Jacobsson et al., 2017), organizations desiring to improve the
procurement process are intrinsically motivated to adopt e-procurement when information
on the benefits is made available. Specifically, the drivers mostly identified in literature
(Table II) are related to the benefits reducing process cost and time (Dr1 and Dr2). This
finding presents policy makers and project developers with the key benefits encouraging
e-procurement, hence, continuous improvements in these areas would enable a sustained
usage. Other benefits that could be engaged actively to motivate the adoption include
increasing transparency and accountability (Dr8) (Santoso and Bourpanus, 2018) and
support for value added services (Dr34) (Costa and Tavares, 2014). These benefits present
integration opportunities between e-procurement and other emerging technologies to
advance the optimization of technologies in the construction industry in the future.
The company-level drivers’ classification in Figure 4 depicts that the internal
environment of an organization contributes to the decisions for adopting e-procurement.
The drivers in this classification indicate that the relationship between the organizational
goals and its capacity presents fertile grounds for e-procurement adoption. For example, the
goal of an organization to enhance their competitive advantage (Dr15) coupled with the
technological capacity of the organization (Dr32) indicates the organization’s willingness to
adopt e-procurement in order to sustain the future development of the organization (Dr52).
This suggests that the drivers within this category have interdependencies. This supports
current literature which acknowledges that the competitive agenda of organizations for
increased market share and their technological preparedness makes it suitable for adopting
new technology (Santoso and Bourpanus, 2018; Wimalesena and Gunatilake, 2018). This
finding helps in the identification of potential organizations for e-procurement adoption in
the construction industry; hence, the implementation strategy becomes targeted for
optimum results. In Figure 4, this study reveals there are motivations at the individual-level
facilitating e-procurement adoption which were not categorized in previous studies (Karthik
and Kumar, 2013; Eadie et al., 2010a). This individual classification of drivers supports the
findings of previous studies in other fields that individual actors provide key motivations
for building information modelling (BIM) and energy technologies (Su et al., 2019; Singh and
Holmström, 2015). This suggests that key individuals such as technology champion (Dr53)
which could be a manager could be actively used to strategically promote e-procurement on Drivers for
projects and influence top management decisions for e-procurement usage. electronic
The service satisfaction drivers’ classification in Figure 4 emphasizes the influence of procurement
modern construction concepts in the procurement process. This finding supports the
assertions from recent studies that organizations are continuously driven to satisfy their adoption
clients (Aspeteg and Mignon, 2019; Aliakbarlou et al., 2018). Client satisfaction has been
highlighted as major indication of the success of a project in current literature 431
(Haq et al., 2018), hence there is a desire from organizations to achieve this project goal.
However, Jacobsson et al. (2017) identified another type of driver which is based on client’s
demand (Dr46). This suggests that aside using satisfaction as a project objective, the
demand for certain use of technology by the client can be used to drive the adoption of e-
procurement. In the sustainability concept drivers’ classification, this study identified that
the proliferation of sustainable practices and initiatives is influencing e-procurement
uptake. With regard to the impact construction activities have on the environment, the call
for sustainability has increased in recent years (Roman, 2017; Montalbán-Domingo et al.,
2018). In promoting a paperless environment (Dr18), Santoso and Bourpanus (2018)
acknowledged that the use of e-procurement supports the efforts for environmental
preservation. This call for sustainability has encouraged organizations to formulate
sustainability initiatives which subsequently promote their corporate image in the
construction industry (Murtagh et al., 2016). Hence, it is predicted that as sustainability
initiatives increase in the construction industry, organizations will be increasingly
encouraged to adopt e-procurement technology.
In Figure 4, this framework improves on existing literature by showing the
interrelationships among the drivers (see Section 6). These interrelationships show that
the drivers in one classification could stimulate other classification of drivers; hence, there
may be some interdependencies among the classified drivers which may create a certain
cluster of drivers motivating e-procurement in different contexts. Further, the findings from
Table IV and Figure 4 indicate that the technological- and process-level drivers were the
drivers mostly identified in literature. Also, this classification contains the most frequent
drivers identified for e-procurement: reduce process, transaction and administrative cost
(Dr1) and reduce cycle times for process and transaction (Dr2). Although the sustainability
concept drivers were less frequent in the literature, it is anticipated that the current
promotion of sustainability in the construction industry would influence the uptake of e-
procurement. While this study explores the driving factors for e-procurement, other review
studies such as Sepasgozar et al. (2016) indicate that the adoption process for construction
technology innovations moves through a three-phase process of investigation, adoption
decisions and implementation. Also, Ahmed and Kassem (2018) investigated the influence of
BIM drivers on the first three stages of the BIM adoption process. Hence, an investigation
into the drivers influencing the various stages of e-procurement adoption process would be
needful in promoting e-procurement.

8. Conclusions, implications and future research

Drivers for the adoption of e-procurement for project procurement have received
considerable attention from literature within the past decades. However, a comprehensive
review of the drivers to enhance future research is still lacking in existing literature. To
address this gap, the aim of this study was to review existing literature by primarily
identifying the drivers and classifying the drivers to facilitate future studies via the
systematic review process. The study reviewed 68 related journal papers between 2002 and
2018, which revealed 61 drivers for the adoption of e-procurement. From the findings,
drivers such as reduced process, transaction and administrative cost; and reduced cycle
times for process and transaction were the most identified drivers from literature. Other
ECAM drivers not frequently identified but might gain attention in the future are promoting
27,2 paperless environment and promoting sustainable goals by firms.
The classification framework depicted seven categories: external drivers, project-level
drivers, technological- and process-level drivers, company-level drivers, individual-level
drivers, service satisfaction drivers and sustainability concept drivers. The
interrelationships among the categories are further revealed. Despite the dominance of
432 technological drivers in the literature, the sustainability concept drivers and the service
satisfaction driver reveal the penetration of emerging construction concepts to project
procurement. Considering the lack of review studies for e-procurement drivers, this
classification presents the foundation for promoting e-procurement for project procurement.
From this present review, there exist more drivers when compared to some decades ago,
which indicates the need for further empirical investigation.
Although much effort was exerted in reviewing the drivers in literature, it is
acknowledged that this study is not exhaustive and is only focussed on selected
papers. Also, the sample size is relatively small even though an extensive search approach
was used. However, it was considered adequate for the study with reference to similar
review studies.

8.1 Theoretical implications

This study primarily contributes to the body of knowledge by developing a classification
framework for e-procurement drivers to guide future research in exploring the
interrelationships among the drivers. With the seven classified drivers identified in
literature, this study identified that modern construction concepts such as sustainability and
client satisfaction are influencing the adoption of e-procurement. This provides a hint for
researchers to understand the possible influence of modern concepts on encouraging e-
procurement adoption. In addition, the interrelationships revealed among these drivers in
the framework present a more nuanced understanding of the drivers for e-procurement by
expanding the current knowledge beyond the narrow borders of isolated classification of
drivers. Hence, as suggested by Papadonikolaki (2018) that drivers for BIM adoption have
complex interactions, this study indicates that theoretical contributions towards e-
procurement drivers’ literature should explore the interrelationships among these drivers.
Also, this study offers a broader set of drivers when compared to previous individual
empirical studies (see Table II) for researchers to conduct effective future research with
regard to the technological developments in the construction industry.

8.2 Practical implications

The findings in this study carry implications for practitioners in the construction
industry by showing the interrelationships and influence modern construction concepts
have on e-procurement adoption. These interrelationships inform policy makers that, to
promote e-procurement, a structured method should be used to determine the group of
drivers that motivate e-procurement among different kinds of stakeholders in the industry
since the influence of the drivers may vary contextually. Majority of the drivers could be
used to facilitate e-procurement uptake for the traditional contracting approach since it
enhances transparency and accountability, reduces manual errors and increases
competition among tenderers. Also, some benefits at the project level and technology
and process level could be employed to motivate e-procurement uptake for other project
delivery approaches such as public–private partnership, design and build. Drivers such as
platform for collaboration, enhancing inventory management and archiving and
providing support for added value services could be used to improve productivity on
these project delivery approaches.
8.3 Directions for future research Drivers for
The findings from this study indicate the existence of interrelationships among the drivers electronic
which have been lacking in existing literature. In addressing this gap, future research could procurement
investigate how these drivers combine to influence e-procurement uptake regarding
different stakeholders such as client organizations, large contractors, small and medium adoption
enterprises and consultants. For instance, how do external drivers, sustainability drivers
and project-level drivers combine to create a cluster of drivers to influence e-procurement 433
uptake for consultants. This provides insight into which drivers to employ to motivate e-
procurement uptake considering the different stakeholders in the construction industry.
Also, future research could further refine the framework by exploring the influence of other
advanced concepts in the construction industry on e-procurement uptake.

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Weiner, B. (1992), Human Motivation: Metaphors, Theories, and Research, Sage, London.
Appendix Drivers for
Reference Author(s) Year Journal adoption
1 Hosseini, M.R., Martek, I., Chileshe, N., Zavadskas, E.K. and Arashpour, M. 2018 JCEM
2 Al-Yahya, M., Skitmore, M., Bridge, A., Nepal, M.P. and Cattell, D. 2018 IJOPM 439
3 Santoso, D.S. and Bourpanus, N. 2018 JFMPC
4 Al Yahya, M., Skitmore, M., Bridge, A., Nepal, M. and Cattell, D. 2018 CI
5 Wimalasena, N.N. and Gunatilake, S. 2018 CI
6 Mehrbod, A. and Grilo, A. 2018 AEI
7 Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H.C. and Rowlinson, S. 2017 CME
8 Hassan, H., Tretiakov, A. and Whiddett, D. 2017 JOCEC
9 Khan, K.I.A., Flanagan, R. and Lu, S.L. 2016 CME
10 Pala, M., Edum-Fotwe, F., Ruikar, K., Peters, C. and Doughty, N. 2016 CME
11 Kim, A.A., Sadatsafavi, H. and Kim Soucek, M. 2015 JME
12 Ibem, E.O. and Laryea, S. 2015 ITcon
13 Li, X., Pillutla, S., Zhou, H. and Yao, D. Q. 2015 JOCEC
14 Svidronova, M.M. and Mikus, T. 2015 JOPP
15 Doloi, H. 2014 JCEM
16 Costa, A.A. and Tavares, L.V. 2014 AIC
17 Ibem, E.O. and Laryea, S. 2014 AIC
18 Laryea, S. and Ibem, E.O. 2014 ITcon
19 Tas, E., Cakmak, P.I. and Levent, H. 2013 JCEM
20 Kang, Y., O’Brien, W.J. and O’Connor, J.T. 2013 JME
21 Karthik, V. and Kumar, S. 2013 IJOPM
22 Bahri, S., Mahzan, N. and Kong, L.C. 2013 IJOPM
23 Grilo, A. and Jardim-Goncalves, R. 2013 AEI
24 Gardenal, F 2013 JOPP
25 Eadie, R., Millar, P., Perera, S., Heaney, G. and Barton, G. 2012 IJOPM
26 Kang, Y., O’Brien, W.J. and O’Connor, J.T. 2011 JME
27 Grilo, A. and Jardim-Goncalves, R. 2011 AIC
28 Gupta, S.L., Jha, B.K. and Gupta, H. 2011 IJOPM
29 Eadie, R., Perera, S. and Heaney, G. 2011 JFMPC
30 Ajam, M., Alshawi, M. and Mezher, T. 2010 AIC
31 Cheng, J.C., Law, K.H., Bjornsson, H., Jones, A. and Sriram, R. 2010 AIC
32 Abu-ELSamen, A., Chakraborty, G. and Warren, D. 2010 JIC
33 Eadie, R., Perera, S. and Heaney, G. 2010a ITcon
34 Eadie, R., Perera, S. and Heaney, G. 2010b ITcon
35 Quesada, G., González, M.E., Mueller, J. and Mueller, R. 2010 BAIJ
36 Azadegan, A. and Teich, J. 2010 BAIJ
37 Dossick, C.S. and Sakagami, M. 2008 JCEM
38 Rahim, M.M. and Singh, M. 2008 JIC
39 Jaafar, M., Aziz, A.R.A., Ramayah, T. and Saad, B. 2007 IJPM
40 Castro-Lacouture, D., Medaglia, A.L. and Skibniewski, M. 2007 AIC
41 Fox, P. and Skitmore, M. 2007 BRI
42 Eadie, R., Perera, S., Heaney, G. and Carlisle, J. 2007 ITcon
43 El-Diraby, T.E. 2006 JCEM
44 Peansupap, V. and Walker, D.H. 2006 ECAM
45 Ruikar, K., Anumba, C.J. and Carrillo, P.M. 2006 AIC
46 Zou, P.X. and Seo, Y. 2006 ITcon
47 Dooley, K. and Purchase, S. 2006 JOPP
48 Nitithamyong, P. and Skibniewski, M.J. 2006 JCEM
49 Ruikar, K., Anumba, C.J. and Carrillo, P.M. 2005 ECAM
50 Obonyo, E., Anumba, C. and Thorpe, T. 2005 ECAM Table AI.
The details of the
references as indicated
(continued ) in Table II
ECAM Reference Author(s) Year Journal
51 Pearson, J.M. and Grandon, E.E. 2005 JIC
52 Peansupap, V. and Walker, D.H 2005 ITcon
53 Peansupap, V. and Walker, D.H. 2005 CI
54 Croom, S.R. and Brandon-Jones, A. 2005 JOPP
55 Wang, W.C. 2004 JCEM
440 56 Sarshar, M. and Isikdag, U. 2004 JME
57 Nitithamyong, P. and Skibniewski, M.J. 2004 AIC
58 Voordijk, H., Van Leuven, A. and Laan, A. 2003 CME
59 Zhang, N. and Tiong, R. 2003 JCEM
60 Li, H., Cao, J., Castro-Lacouture, D. and Skibniewski, M. 2003 AIC
61 Alshawi, M. and Ingirige, B. 2003 AIC
62 Lockley, S.R., Watson, R. and Shaaban, S. 2002 ECAM
63 Yeo, K.T. and Ning, J.H. 2002 IJPM
64 Anumba, C.J. and Ruikar, K. 2002 AIC
65 Stewart, R.A., Mohamed, S. and Daet, R. 2002 AIC
66 Liao, T.S., Wang, M.T. and Tserng, H.P. 2002 AIC
67 Tserng, H.P. and Lin, P.H. 2002 AIC
68 Dulaimi, M.F., Y. Ling, F.Y., Ofori, G. and Silva, N.D. 2002 BRI
Notes: JCEM, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management; CME, Construction Management and
Economics; JFMPC, Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction; IJOPM, International
Journal of Procurement Management; CI, Construction Innovation; AEI, Advanced Engineering Informatics;
JME, Journal of Management in Engineering, JOCEC, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic
Commerce; ITcon, Journal of Information Technology in Construction; JOPP, Journal of Public Procurement;
AIC, Automation in Construction; JIC, Journal of Internet Commerce; BAIJ, Benchmarking: An International
Journal; IJPM, International Journal of Project Management; BRI, Building Research & Information; ECAM,
Table AI. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management

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Sitsofe Kwame Yevu can be contacted at: [email protected]

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