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Medium Voltage & Systems

Vacuum generator
circuit-breaker Type HB3-C
Without enclosure, optional with integrated line
and earth disconnecting switches

HB3-Compact is the most versatile solution

for your retrofit application and new projects
With its HB3-Compact Siemens provides an unique generator circuit breaker
solution to the most challenging constraints. It offers one of the highest level
of customization: The HB3-C can be mounted either vertically or horizontally,
its phase-to phase spacing and phase height axis can be adjusted to match
perfectly the existing busbar connection points. Optionally, the circuit-breaker
can be fitted with integrated line disconnecting switch and earth disconnecting
switch on generator side and/or on transformer side.

Features: Benefits:
• Up to 110 kA breaking capabilities • Up to 75% OPEX savings due to One pole of type HB3-C vacuum generator
• Up to 15,000 A rated nominal vacuum technology performance circuit-breaker
current • Maintenance free vacuum technolo-
• Up to 24 kV rated nominal voltage gy with up to 10,000 CO operating
• Vertical and horizontal installation cycles at full nominal rated current
• Common and individual supporting • Features full-spring operating
frame design mechanism stated to be the most
• Can be delivered with integrated reliable* way to operate a GCB with
line disconnecting switch, earth lifespan up to 20,000 CO operation
disconnecting switch on generator • Equipped with sealed-for-lifetime**
side and/or transformer side vacuum interrupter
• Simplified footprint without dynamic
forces during switching operations,
facilitating desing and sizing HB3-C in vertical and individual frame
of GBS’s supporting structure configuration
• Effortless on-site erection thanks
to forklift-ready design or retractable
wheels * Most reliable operating mechanism as per final
report number A3-206 from the CIGRE 2012
General Report SC A3.
** R. Renz, D. Gentsch, P. Slade, H. Fink, M. Schlaug,
“Vacuum Interrupters – Sealed for Life”,
19th Int. Conf. on Electr. Distr. (CIRED),
Paper 0156, 21-24 May 2007
Technical data

Rated values and related capabilities IEEE C37.013 Units Circuit-breaker type
standard (up to)

Rated maximum voltage 5.1 kV 24

Power frequency 5.2 Hz 50/60
Rated continuous current with natural cooling 5.3 A 15,000
Rated dielectric strength (withstand voltage) 5.4.2 C37.013a,
1. Power frequency (dry) Table 4 kV 60, 70
2. Full-wave impulse (1.2 x 50) kV peak 125, 145
Rated short-circuit duty cycle 5.5 CO-30 min-CO
Rated short-circuit current (up to)
1. System source (100%) (I) 5.8.1 kA sym 110
• dc component % 60
• Asymmetrical (total) kA rms 144
2. Generator source kA sym 75
• dc component % 130
• Asymmetrical (total) kA rms 157
Close and latch capability (274% I) kA peak 302
Short-time current carrying capability (100% I) kA sym 110
Short-time current duration s 3
Transient recovery voltage (TRV) rating 5.9
System source C37.013a, Table 5
1. E2 peak voltage kV 32.2
2. RRRV (TRV rate) kV/µs 5

Generator source C37.013a, Table 6

1. E2 crest voltage kV 32.2
2. RRRV (TRV rate) kV/µs 2

Out-of-phase C37.013a, Table 9

1. E2 crest voltage kV 45.5
2. RRRV (TRV rate) kV/µs 3.1

Rated load-current switching capability 5.10 A 15,000

Out-of-phase current switching capability 5.12 kA 55
Mechanical endurance operations 20,000
Continuous current switching endurance operations 10,000
Published by
Siemens AG

Smart Infrastructure
Distribution Systems
Mozartstrasse 31c
91052 Erlangen

For the U.S. published by

Siemens Industry Inc.

100 Technology Drive

Alpharetta, GA 30005
United States

Article No. SIDS-B10018-00-7600

TH 260-190974 DA 1019
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only when they are expressly agreed upon
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