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Descendent of Eron
Chapter of
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Descendent of
W R ITTEN BY Wil Brown

World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Dark Ages, Victorian Age: Vampire, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Werewolf: The
Wild West, Mage: The Ascension, Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade, Wraith: The Oblivion, Wraith: The Great War, Changeling: The Dreaming,
Hunter: The Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, Mummy: The Resurrection, Orpheus, Exalted, Chronicles of Darkness, Vampire: The Requiem,
Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil, Geist: The Sin Eaters, Demon: The Descent, Mummy:
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enemy hunters who asked for
Who is Eron mercy, or even members of his
herd and embrace them. These
Physical Description childer are not bound to the
No one can say for certain city by any means. Eron is a
what Eron looks like. Some say nomad, and he does not feel he
Eron is a master of Obfuscate has the right to bind anyone to
and no one has seen his real a single place. But he also
face, others say he is using doesn’t order them to be nomadic
mundane disguises to mask like him.
himself. Others insist that he He rarely ever truly accounts
is a master of Dominate and for his childer, instead he
wipes the memories of those who looked into their future and
see his face. Others still left clues to point them in the
believe that the description of right direction, be it graffiti
“The most generic white guy you on a wall, a text message
can think of, wearing a hat” is delayed for several years, or
actually the correct description via uses of Submerged Directive
and he simply doesn’t have an to deliver them a message when
distinguishing mark that would they need it most.
make him stand out. It is rare for him to ever
Because of this, many of his reveal himself to his
descendants have likely met him Descendants, as he prefers to
without realizing it. help them without them realizing

Modus Operandi
Eron travels from city to
Why All the Embracing
city, using his powers of Eron believed the Salubri are
Premonition and Auspex to detect the last best hope for Kindred
horrible events before they kind. And while he was content
happen and befriending people to not share his curse with
who can help him solve the issue others, he also noticed
before the worst can happen. something. The Tremere are too
In each city Eron goes to he busy fighting themselves to
is able to establish a small notice him.
herd of people that each have And so Eron embraces as a form
some issue in their life, and so or rebellion. For he is a
he offers guidance in exchange healer, and cannot take up the
for blood. sword, but he can embrace more
Once the disaster has been of his kind. In this way, every
subverted, Eron will often take Descendent of Eron is a little
those who are in need of rebellion against the Tremere.
guidance, those ghouls who he He alone seeks to slowly rebuild
feels deserves to be a Salubri, his clan, and he’s managing to
leave a mark.



E ron is not
Salubri who
vampires to act the right way at
the right time.
Eron regrets none of his
embraces, even his wayward son,
survived the Geoffrey. When he had found
initial purges Groffrey he was bleeding out in
of the Tremere, no Eron is a young front of him. This hunter who had
salubri, one who is just over a been trying to kill him, asked to
century old. He origonally was be saved and Eron offered him a
like his clanmates, hiding away chance at salvation. However,
and protecting himself. However, Geoffrey was not willing to stand
this changed when his visions by as a healer and took up the
started. He would see great and sword.
terrable things and couldn’t bring Eron believes that while the
himself to not try to stop them. Tremere are weak this is a time
Some think this was the moment he for his clan to begin to grow
failed himself. again. And so, he embraces new 10th
He saved so many, providing generation Salubri into the world,
healing in secret when he could, meaning any 10th generation Salubri
or warning people of his visions who takes this loresheet is his
via dominating the ghouls of childer.
Friends not Food: Eron was able to Healer of the Mind, Body, or a rich executive, though often these
mortals need help in the same vein as
make friend wherever he went. And Soul: Eron was a healer before anything
you do. Eron speaks through them and
he’s been a lot of places. You’ve else. When you take this Background
the past to give you guidance, this is a
inherited this disposition of his, gain 2 pick Panacea or Valeren. Dice pools
whole conversation, and he will rarely
dots in Herd. The members have either made to use the chosen power or
just give you right answer, preferring to
been members of Eron’s herd or are powers that have the chosen power as
point you in the right direction.
simply enjoy your friendly disposition. a Prerequisite gain +2 dice.
We Saved Lives: Eron is a
Descendent of Geoffrey: Eron’s What am I to do?: Eron is
master at predicting the future and
wayward son was a hunter in life and in said to have seen every one of his
preventing the worst to come. Once
unlife he still hunts. As his descendants descendants and all of their struggles.
per story, if a group of mortals is
are trained to hunt monsters, you add Once per story you can call out to Eron
endangered, due to some kind of
+1 dice on all pool meant to harm and he will answer. Not in some vision
disaster, they all find themselves in the
Monster. Not exclusively supernaturals, quest or other esoterica. Rather he had
safest place they can be in. Such as being
this includes humans with humanity 3 or answered your question years ago and
in a well-supported space in a collapsing
less. You do not need to take this merit used his mastery of dominate to answer
building. You can extend this effect to
to consider this loresheet maxed out. it. A mortal will walk up to you, they
STC kindred and other supernaturals, by
You must be 11th generation or higher could be anyone from another person
spending 4 points of Willpower.
to take this merit. at the bar, a homeless person, and even

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