Individual Perceptions On The Role of TASAF Project in Reducing Rural Poverty in Tanzania. A Case of Tasaf Beneficiaries at Kisarawe District Council.

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APRIL, 2023


1.0 Introduction

This chapter introduces the study on the individual perceptions on the role of TASAF project in
rural poverty reduction through improving social services in Tanzania. This introductory section
covers the Background information about TASAF project whereby details on different measures
of poverty reduction in developed countries as well as in developing countries, statement of the
research problem which entails what has been done and the real situation of poverty in Tanzania,
objectives of the study, research questions, the significance, and the scope of the study.

1.1 Background to the Study

Poverty is understood to be a state of not being able to obtain the goods and services necessary to
meet some minimum standard of living. Rural poverty is, thus, inability of people in rural areas
to access basic life necessities, like food, shelter, education services, and health services
(Mabeyo, 2014). Rural poverty has been central theme to discussions in both developed and
developing countries. The literature shows urban areas are achieving to get rid of poverty while
the rural areas are still at disadvantage (Wahyu, 2019; Sherman, 2016; Saxena, 2007). Wahyu
(2019) gives some evidence from Indonesia where education and health services are less
developed in rural areas of Indonesia compared to the urban areas. Consequently, the people in
rural areas have limited access to basic needs.

This unbalanced development and distribution of services seems to be a common practice in both
developed and developing countries. For example, it is reported in the United States, which is
currently the super power of the World and California is among the states in the US with high
rural poverty, especially the Northern California (Sherman, 2016). Although India is among the
fastest-growing in the economy, still rural poverty increased from 1974 (30%) to 2005 (41%) of
the total population of India. Three fourth (75%) of the poor in India live in rural areas of India
(Saxena, 2007).

Similarly, rural poverty prevails in middle income and developing countries of Africa; for
example, Dercon (2008) revealed that there is high rural poverty in Sub Saharan Africa which
amounts to about 70% making rural poverty a predominantly rural phenomenon.

Furthermore, Bagale (2005) revealed that over 40% of poor people in Ethiopia live in rural areas
of Ethiopia while Golooba (2009) adds that rural poverty has been a serious problem in Uganda.
This has made some countries intervene with programme that seek to reduce poverty at the
family level. For example, in Uganda, there is Northern Uganda Social Action Fund which was
initiated in 2002 to address rural poverty in northern Uganda.

Rural poverty also prevails in Tanzania and is to be taken as a key issue of discussion because
many people in the country live in rural areas. Thus, eradication of rural poverty is helping the
large population in many countries. Mkumbo and Amani (2012) observed that over 80% of all
Tanzanians are in rural areas and most such people are peasants practicing subsistence small
scale agriculture. Rural poverty is to be serious issue of concern in Tanzania because poverty
deprives people of biological, physiological and other important needs like food, shelter, and
clothing which are the most important needs for the survival of human beings.

In Tanzania, efforts to eradicate rural poverty takes a historical picture as it has been being done
since in post-colonial period (10 years after independence) (Mabeyo, 2014). However, there are
different phases with success and failure for each strategy. These include mass education and
Africanization programme and the Arusha declaration (Mabeyo, 2014). During the 1970s
decentralization, Iringa declaration, and Pillarization Policy were among the strategies to end
rural poverty. In the 1980s, there was the reestablishment of local government authority and
introduction of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) and in the current phase from the
1990s to date there are explanations. The introduction of Multiparty Democracy, the National
Agricultural and Livestock Policy of 1997, the National employment Policy of 1997, the
National Development Vision of 2025, the Millennium Development Goals of September 2000,
the Health Policy of 2003, the National Strategies for the Growth and Poverty Reduction
(NSGRP/MKUKUTA I and II), Loan Provision through the so commonly called „Mabilioni ya
Kiwete‟ in Kiswahili, Kilimo Kwanza, Big Result Now (BRN) and Tanzania Social Action Fund
(TASAF)(Mabeyo, 2014).

Tanzania Social Action Fund was introduced in Tanzania in early 2000 as an attempt to reduce
rural poverty in Tanzania, poverty is reported in rural areas of Tanzania despite all the efforts of
initiating different projects as well as TASAF. Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF) is an
instrument instituted by the government to empower communities, facilitate their participation in
planning and implementation of interventions that would improve their livelihood and make
them benefit from macro level achievements. The first phase of the project (TASAF-I) was
implemented for four years from 2000 to mention the year. The coverage was 40 districts on the
Mainland as well as Unguja and Pemba islands in Zanzibar. The second phase of TASAF (which
year) (TASAF-II) is a five year project implemented in all 121 Local Government Authority in
Tanzania Mainland, Unguja and Pemba islands (TASAF II Operational Manual, 2005).

The main objective of TASAF is to empower the community to demand, implement, and monitor
services and access to opportunity that contribute to improve livelihood linked to millennium
development goals (MDG). The target is population with poor service, vulnerable and food
insecure groups. TASAF II is an important intervention at community level within the national
framework for poverty reduction with the aim of achieving the millennium development goals.
The project development objective of TASAF II is to improve access of beneficiary households
to enhance socioeconomic services and income generating opportunities. The focus of the project
is at the lowest level of the LGA. All projects supported by TASAF are implemented at the
community level. Special attention is given to vulnerable groups including: orphans, HIV/AIDS
affected and infected older people, widows, and chronically ill persons (TASAF Service
Guideline, 2005).

While poverty is experienced in rural areas, there has been shortage of the research that informs
of the role played by different development projects to address the poverty situation in the
country. In the attempt to assess the efficacy of different development programme, this study
assessed the individual perceptions on the roles of TASAF in reducing rural poverty through
improving social services, like education, water, electricity, health, and sanitation using Kibuta
Ward, Kiluvya Ward, Kuruhi Ward of Kisarawe District Council as a reference case.

1.2 Statement of the Research Problem

Rural poverty has been dealt with by different measures, including Tanzania Social Action Fund
(TASAF) which is the current intervention programme made by the Government. TASAF I was
officially carried out between 2000-2005 and dealt with different issues of rural poverty and
concentrated on the improvement of the social and economic services in key sectors of
education, health, economic infrastructure, and water with emphasis on rural and peri-urban
areas (TASAF, 2011).

TASAF II which was between 2005 and 2010 came and existed by focusing on the results of
TASAF I of 2000 – 2005. It was linked to targets of MKUKUTA by 2010 and the Millennium
Development Goal (MDG) by 2015. Furthermore, TASAF III came into existence on the results
of TASAF II and come from 2013 to date. TASAF III is the current working programme on
poverty alleviation in rural communities of Tanzania (Sulaiman, 2017).

Despite the implementation of TASAF project in different phases, still social services delivery is
inadequate and rural poverty prevails in Tanzania, including Kisarawe District Council (TASAF
II Operation Manual, 2005). The proportion of Tanzanian households below the basic needs
poverty line was 33.6% and the estimated number of Tanzanians living in poverty increased to
12.9 million in 2007. Poverty remains an overwhelmingly rural and basically an agricultural
phenomenon, and particularly among households whose major source of income is crop
production. In 2012, the household poverty rate in rural areas was 38%, compared to 24% in
other urban areas and 16% in Dar es Salaam (Mkumbo & Amani, 2012). This trend of increasing
in the number of poor people in rural areas in presence of TASAF project makes massive rural
poverty to be a serious issue of discussion to seek intervention.

Kibuta Ward in Kisarawe District Council being one of the TASAF beneficiaries since 2002
when the sensitization meeting commenced. Some groups at Kibuta Ward have limited access to
social services, like education, water, electricity, and health services (TASAF II Operation
Manual, 2005). While the study by Mwidege, (2014) is acknowledged, along with producing
conflicting results, its focus was limited to the role of TASAF on increasing food security. There
was still no research on the role of TASAF project in improving social services and the general

Of the rural communities of Tanzania. This pointed out an opportunity for the current research to
come into existence. The findings of this study, therefore, to not only add knowledge on the role
of TASAF project on poverty reduction but also inform where to start an intervention to address
rural poverty by strengthening social services in Tanzania through TASAF.

1.3 Research Objectives

1.3.1 Main Objective

The main objective of this study was to assess the individual perceptions on the role of TASAF
project in rural poverty reduction through improving social services in Tanzania

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

1. To assess the sufficiency of social service delivery facilities in rural areas after the
implementation of the TASAF project.

2. To assess the accessibility level of basic social services in rural areas after the implementation
of TASAF project.

3. To examine the challenges facing TASAF project in improving social services in rural areas.

4. To suggest different measures to improve the contribution of TASAF project in improving

social services delivery in rural areas

1.4 Research Questions

1. What is the sufficiency of social service delivery facilities in rural areas of Tanzania after the
implementation of TASAF project?

2. What is the accessibility of rural communities of Tanzania to social services after the
implementation of TASAF project?

3. What are the challenges facing TASAF project in improving social services in rural areas?

4. What are the measures to improve TASAF project in improving social services delivery in
rural areas?

1.5 Significance of the study

The study provides new knowledge on what has been the contribution of Tanzania Social Action
Fund (TASAF) in Tanzania. Therefore, learners of poverty can get this new knowledge form the
report of this study. The governmental leaders, especially those at decision making level, will get
profound knowledge on the TASAF project by using the results of this study and will surely
properly direct their efforts. In addition, this study has ended with some suggested areas for
further studies and other scholars who wish to undertake studies on poverty reduction in
Tanzania can use this study as a good reference in achieving one’s study.

1.6 The Area/scope of the Study

This study geographically covered the Kibuta Ward of Kisarawe District Council. The Kibuta
ward was selected as the representative Ward of Kisarawe District Council because it is among
the Ward with TASAF project. This small area was selected to have in depth study in a small
geographical area. In content, the study concentrated on assessing the individual perceptions on
the role of TASAF project in rural poverty reduction among the rural community members

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